Call for Papers / Invitation
Call for Papers / Invitation
I N F O R M AT I O N EUCHEMS DCC IN SHORT ACCOMMODATION EuCheMS DCC is the division of Computational Chemistry of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). EuCheMS is the umbrella organization of all chemistry-related organizations and societies throughout Europe. Its object is to promote co-operation in Europe between non-profit-making scientific and technical societies in the field of chemistry and molecular sciences to provide a single voice on key science and policy issues. EuCheMS has 42 member societies which together represent more than 150,000 chemists in academia, industry, government and professional organizations in 32 countries across Europe. EuCheMS has several Divisions and Working Groups which cover all areas of chemistry and bring together world-class expertise in the underpinning science and development needed for innovation. The division of Computational Chemistry is covering all research areas in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry and is devoted to promote education and research (both in academia and industry) in these fields. The EuCheMS DCC council consists of appointed delegates representing their national chemical societies and organizations and the corresponding divisions on theoretical and computational chemistry. The main activities of the EuCheMS DCC are the biannual European Conference on Computational Chemistry (EuCO-CC) promotion of other conferences in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry organization and promotion of summer schools in the field of computational chemistry active support and development of the European Master of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (EMTCCM) and the Joint Doctorate TCMM promotion of computational and theoretical chemistry and all related research fields as part of the curriculum at European universities and higher teaching institutions promoting cooperation and knowledge exchange between universities, societies, and industry fostering the relationship between international institutions working in this field e.g. IUPAC More information can be found at the DCC webpage: Fulda is located at the heart of Germany and famous for its baroque old town. The conference hotel “MARITIM Hotel am Schlossgarten” is within 10 minutes walking distance from Fulda main station. The hotel provides accommodation for participants in single or double bed rooms. Alternatively low-priced accommodation is available in the IBIS hotel or in the Holiday Inn Fulda. For more information see our conference webpage: Arrangements should be made directly with the hotel under the keyword “EuCO-CC 2015” not later than July 15, 2015. The customers will be held accountable for non-occupancy of reserved rooms. INFORMATION ABOUT SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME E Conference Chairman and EuCheMS DCC Secretary: Dr. Frank Oellien AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co KG Neuroscience Discovery / Medicinal Chemistry Knollstr. 67061 Ludwigshafen, Germany Phone: E-Mail: +49 621 589 4683 INFORMATION ABOUT CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION EuCO-CC 2015 Conference Office: Ms Hildegard Feldmann Permoserstr. 15 04318 Leipzig, Germany Phone: Fax: E-Mail: +49 341 235 2264 +49 341 235 2782 I N V I TAT I O N ∙ C A L L F O R PA P E R S I N F O R M AT I O N EuCO-CC 2015 10th European Conference on Computational Chemistry August 31 – September 3, 2015 FULDA ∙ Germany I N V I TAT I O N The joint local organizing committee by the ChemistryInformation-Computers division (CIC) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and the Working Group of Theoretical Chemistry (AGTC) cordially invites you on behalf of the division of Computational Chemistry (DCC) of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) to participate at the 10th European Conference on Computational Chemistry August 31 – September 3, 2015, FULDA I N V I TAT I O N CONFIRMED INVITED SPEAKERS Margareta Blomberg Ria Broer Holger Gohlke Benedetta Mennucci Maria Joao Ramos Gabor Terstyanszky Walter Thiel AIM OF THE CONFERENCE The conference will reflect and highlight recent developments and trends in computational and theoretical chemistry and their impact on applied sciences. It will span a wide range of subjects related to computational chemistry, theoretical chemistry, material sciences, biology and drug design and from fundamental academic research to industrial applications. The scientific program will include plenary, invited and contributed lectures and posters. The language of the conference is English. THEMES & TOPICS Drug Design meets Theoretical Chemistry Computational Chemistry of Biomolecules and Biological Systems Computational Material Sciences Electronic Structure and Complex Properties of Molecular Systems Molecular Dynamics and Kinetics Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics Condensed Phase Catalysis and Inorganic Systems Virtual Environments in Computational Sciences EXHIBITION AND SPONSORING Companies interested in exhibiting at or sponsoring the conference, please contact the conference chairman Dr. Frank Oellien ( for more information. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Stockholm/SE Groningen/NL Dusseldorf/DE Pisa/IT Porto/PT London/UK Mulheim an der Ruhr/DE For scientific contributions we offer four different formats: talk (20 min.), research telegram (10 min.), poster (total limit: 60), and application demos (total limit: 8). Research telegrams give Ph.D. students the opportunity to present initial highlights of their research to a wider audience. Application demos will be a complementary presentation style within the poster session to present computer programs and methods in an interactive way. The current speakers’ list is available at Please submit your abstract following the instructions and format guidelines on our conference webpage. Sample abstracts will be provided at: VENUE MARITIM Hotel am Schlossgarten Fulda Pauluspromenade 2, 36037 Fulda, Germany I N V I TAT I O N COMMITTEES Local Organizing Committee: Tim Clark Thomas Engel Bernd Engels Stefan Grimme Stefan Kast Frank Oellien Erlangen/DE (GDCh CIC, AGTC) Munich/DE (GDCh CIC Chair) Wurzburg/DE (AGTC) Bonn/DE (AGTC) Dortmund/DE (AGTC) Ludwigshafen/DE (Conference Chairman) Scientific Committee / EuCheMS DCC Council: A detailed list of all scientific committee members can be found on our conference webpage. SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships will be offered to a limited number of candidates for doctor‘s, diploma‘s, bachelor‘s or degree presenting a scientific contribution (main author contribution or poster). Please send your application until June 30, 2015 latest. students, master‘s of an oral to GDCh Please follow the instructions on our conference webpage. TRAVEL INFORMATION Travel information and useful links about Fulda can be found here: No editing is done by the scientific committee. You will receive a reference code for each submission. The scientific committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers or assign them to a different format. POSTER AWARD The three best poster contributions will be awarded. REGISTRATION Please register online not later than July 31, 2015 (early bird registration until June 20, 2015) by using our online form on our webpage. For details (e.g. registration fees) please visit: DEADLINES Submission of Oral Contributions May 31, 2015 Submission of Posters & Application Demos June 30, 2015 Submission of Research Telegrams June 30, 2015 Scholarships June 30, 2015 Room Reservation July 15, 2015 Early Bird Registration June 20, 2015 Online Registration August 27, 2015 (No guarantee for last-minute-posters to be published in the book of abstracts. Deadlines may be updated in the future. Please visit the conference webpage for updates!)