View Bulletin - St. Paul`s The Ocean Grove Church


View Bulletin - St. Paul`s The Ocean Grove Church
Vol. 91
The Beacon
No. 6
St. Paul’s
United Methodist Church
80 Embury Avenue, Ocean Grove, NJ
Sunday, February 8, 2015 – 10:45 AM
5th Sunday after Epiphany
The Rev. John DiGiamberardino, Senior Pastor
CCLI License #478813
Know - Worship – Grow - Serve – Connect
Organ Meditation to turn our thoughts to God.
Mr. Alyn Heim, Organist
Pastor John DiGiamberardino
*HYMN 158
Chancel Choir
“Come, Christians, Join To Sing”
Mrs. Althea Deuchar, Lay Reader
O magnify the Lord with me, & let us exalt
His name together!
For with Thee is the fountain of life; in
Thy light do we see light.
Light dawns for the righteous,
and joy for the upright in heart
From the rising of the sun to its setting
the name of the Lord is to be praise!
Lay Reader
O God, who hast made man in thine own likeness,
& who dost love all whom thou hast made; teach
us the unity of Thy family & the breadth of Thy
love. By the example of Thy Son Jesus Christ our
Savior enable us to enter into the fellowship of the
whole human family; & forbid that, from pride of
race or hardness of heart, we should despise any
for whom He died, or injure any in whom He lives;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Psalm 147
Lay Reader
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World with out end. Amen. Amen.
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, dead, and buried;
The third day He rose from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and sitteth at the right hand of
God the Father Almighty;
From thence He shall come to judge
the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
The holy catholic church,
The communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
And the life everlasting. Amen.
Lay Reader
Chancel Choir
Pastor John
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
forever. Amen.
Lay Reader
Pastor John
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*HYMN 534
“Be Still, My Soul”
Exodus 5 – 6:1-8
Pastor John
*HYMN 529
“How Firm A Foundation”
Pastor John
Mr. Heim
*Congregation, please stand as you are able.
St. Paul’s Notes
Let My People Go
February 8, 2015
Exodus 5 - 12
“Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go?
I don’t know the Lord and I will not let Israel go.” Exodus 5:2
“So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the
LORD commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of
Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake.
Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the
Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret
arts: Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake.
But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs. Yet Pharaoh’s
heart became hard and he would not listen to them,
just as the LORD had said.” Exodus 7:10-13
“I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.” Exodus 12:12
10 Miracles (plagues)
Miracle #1
Exodus 7:20
Miracle #2
Exodus 8:1-3
Miracle #3
Exodus 8:16-19
Miracle #4
Exodus 8:20-32
Miracle #5
Exodus 9:1-7
Miracle #6
Exodus 9:8-12
Miracle #7
Exodus 9:13-35
Miracle # 8
Exodus 10:1-20
Miracle #9
Exodus 10:21-29
Miracle #10
Exodus 11:1-10
So who were the miracles for?
Exodus 7:17; Exodus 9:15
What was the desire of the people?
What was God’s goal?
“Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”
Exodus 5:1; 7:16; 8:1; 8:20; 9:1; 9:13; 10:3
What difference do these miracles of God
make for us today?
What lesson do these miracles of God teach us today?
Isaiah 45:5-7; Job 42:2-3
How do you worship God today?
God was trying to reshape a culture to be His very own
people. That these people would be a witness to the rest of
the world that God is God.
READ Exodus 5:1 - 6:8
If you were a Hebrew and heard that you had to make bricks
without straw how would you react?
Why did Moses react the way he did in 5:22-23?
Moses was impatient that God did not immediately rescue
the people. In fact things had become worse. When God
renewed His promise of deliverance, the people did not
When the people disbelieved, Moses lost
confidence that he, with his limited speaking abilities, could
get Pharaoh to believe. Everyone was underestimating the
power of God.
How did God encourage Moses?
How did Moses end up feeling?
What works best for you:
Listening to God first, to be encouraged
Get yourself encouraged first,
so you can then listen to God?
What is the difference?
What helps you most in your walk with God and why?
a. Past acts of God
b. Present circumstances
c. Future promises
What can we learn about living the Christian life by
observing the lives and examples of our ancestors?
St. Paul’s Week At A Glance
Key:Chapel-C, FellowshipHall-FH, Jr.Room-JR, Kitchen-K,, MusicRoom-MR,
Parlor-P,Sanctuary-S,ThornleyChapelEast-TCE, ThornleyChapelWestTCW, YouthRoom-YR,FrancisAsburyManor–FAM,GreatAuditorium–AUD,
9 AM Praise Worship Service – S
9:30 AM Children’s Sunday School
10 AM Choir - M
10:30 AM Fellowship/Coffee - FH
Not meeting Confirmation Meeting - P
10:45 AM Worship Service – St. Paul’s Sanctuary
5-6:30 PM Middle School CrossRoots
5-6:30PM High School Worship Team
6:45 – 8:15 PM Middle School Worship Team
6:45 – 8:15 PM High School CrossRoots
7 PM HS Girls Book Club – Megan’s
7 PM Beth Moore Bible Study - CR
12:30 PM Staff Meeting
12:30 UMW Executive Board - P
2 PM UMW Visiting Shut-ins & Nursing
Homes – meet at church to car pool
4-7 PM Knit Together - JR
6-8PM Bible Study –Gospel of Mark - P
7-8 PM MS Bible Study – YR
7 PM Women’s Bible Study – Trusting God 76 Heck
7 PM Trustees - MR
Not meeting Girl Scouts – JR
5-6 PM Choir – MR
Not meeting Sanctuary - TCE
6:30-8 PM Men’s Basketball – YT
7 PM Men’s Disciple Study – JR
7 PM Bible Study –The 13 Apostles – 12
Ordinary Men - P
3-5 PM Food Pantry
6:30-8:30 PM “Pickle-Ball” -FH
6:45 PM G.R.O.W. – P
3-5 PM Knit Together - P
9 AM Praise Worship Service – S
9:30 AM Children’s Sunday School
10 AM Choir - M
10:30 AM Fellowship/Coffee - FH
10:45 AM Confirmation Meeting - P
10:45 AM Worship Service – St. Paul’s Sanctuary
5-6:30 PM Middle School CrossRoots
5-6:30PM High School Worship Team
6:45 – 8:15 PM Middle School Worship Team
6:45 – 8:15 PM High School CrossRoots
Church Office Hours
Monday – Friday 9AM – Noon, 1-3 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Ash Wednesday Worship
7 PM – St. Paul’s Sanctuary
A Time Of Reflection & Communion
When leaving the sanctuary following worship,
please use the exits on the south side. The north stair well
is needed for those who need to use the lift. Thank you
for your cooperation.
On behalf of the Missions Committee, we want to say a
big "THANK YOU" to Judith Hoffman's Bible study
group for making a donation to the Heifer Foundation for
$250.00 towards a Water Buffalo in order to help those
in need.
May the Lord bless you for not only just studying God's
Word, but for putting it into action!
Borja del Campo, Missions Chair
Monthly Communion Sunday Offering
October 2014 - September 2015
Mission Ministry
Future With Hope
St. Paul's Thanksgiving Dinner
Jesus' Birthday Offering
Angel Fund
Asbury Soup Kitchen
UMC Aviation Ministry(Steve
& Gail Quigg)
Habitat “A Brush with
Food Pantry
Total Donated
The Thirteen Apostles –
Twelve Ordinary Men
Wednesday, February 11
7 PM in the Parlor
Pastor Jill Magnuson is offering this study
Open to everyone.
Please join us on Wednesdays.
Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God's
work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many
weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New
Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men - fisherman, tax collectors,
political zealots - and turned their weakness into strength, producing
greatness from utter uselessness. Join John MacArthur as he draws
principles from Christ's careful, hands-on training of the original twelve
disciples for today's modern disciple - you!
A Fragile Stone:
Peter, Jesus’ Friend
Beginning: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
6 PM in the church parlor
Everyone is invited.
As much as we enjoy our relationship with Jesus
Christ, imagine what it would have been like to take
that a step further and be His friend when He was
here on earth! The apostle Peter had that special
Michael Card traveled to Israel to walk us through the
friendship between our Savior and the man Jesus renamed The Rock.
In this special video presentation based study, you’ll travel with Michael
as he visits the places where Jesus and Peter interacted. You’ll listen as
Card reveals the intricacies of their friendship. And then you’ll have the
opportunity to discuss what you observed in order to make the teaching
of Michael’s lessons applicable to your own life.
Trusting God
Even When It Hurts
By Jerry Bridges
At 76 Heck Avenue
Call Kathy for information 732 -988-4711
Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday – 7 PM
W it h Co f f e e an d C ak e
Disciple Study
For information contact
Chuck Hendron 732 -614-1113
Women's Bible Study
Monday nights: January 19 - February 23, 7pm
Ocean Grove Community Room
(Pilgrim Pathway - next to Pathway Market)
Beth Moore DVD Series Study
(lessons from the book of Proverbs)
(60-90 minute DVD teachings. No homework)
Come to one, come to them all.
This is continuation of the first half of the series of teachings.
For questions: Judy B. Soltis,, 732-869-9292
Too many cookies?
Join some Tender Care moms for
exercise in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday morning at 9:10 AM.
Bring a yoga mat and a freewill offering for the Angel Fund.
The class will be approximately 45 minutes.
Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:30 PM, in Fellowship Hall
Everyone is invited.
Classes will consist of serve, volley, scoring, & tactics.
The classes will begin with & end with prayer
this is part of St Paul's Sports Ministry.
For information contact Ed Esposito
Me n’ s Ba s k et ba l l
All men 16 years old and up
Are invited to the Youth Temple
On Wednesday Nights from 6:30-8 PM
Sanctuary is the First, Third, & Last Wednesday of every month,
6:30-7:30 PM, in Thornley Chapel East.
Within the framework of contemplative worship music and
moments of silence, this service is offered to those seeking a safe
place to come before the Lord, resting in His presence while
developing a deeper intimacy with Him.
Health Insurance Event
Learn how the Affordable Care Act can help you and your family.
Get information and help enrolling at the event.
Open enrollment for Affordable Health Insurance Ends
February 15, 2015
When: Tuesday, February 10, 2015
5 PM – 8:30 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2015
11 AM – 3 PM
Where: Allen Chapel AME Church
214 Dewitt Avenue, Asbury Park
What You Need:
1. Income information – a recent W-2 or pay stub
2. Social Security numbers (or document numbers for
legal immigrants) for everyone who will be on the
3. Information about any health insurance you currently
have, including health policy number.
If you have any questions please contact
Asbury Park C.A.N.’s Health Committee or call (732) 361-0952
United Methodist Women
Tue. Feb 10, 12:30 PM Executive Board – Parlor
Tue, Feb 10, 2 PM
Visitation of Shut-Ins – meet at St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Website & Online Newsletter
If you would like to receive St. Paul’s notices & newsletters
go to our website
& fill out the form on the “contact us” page
Paul’s Ministries
80 Embury Avenue, OG
Fall, Winter & Spring Schedule for
Worship Services Sundays 9 AM & 10:45
Interpreter for the Deaf - Cindy Williams
Ushers Don Noll @ 9, Al Dawson 10:45
Visitation Pastor ,Mr. Brian Schulte
Director of Christian Education
Paula DiGiamberardino,
732-775-1125 ext. 127
Sunday School
9:30 AM Sundays, Bev Burns,
Tender Care Nursery School
(6mos-pre-K) Lisa Noll, Director
9AM – 2 PM M-F, 732-775-2265
CrossRoots Student Ministries –
Megan Faulkner, 732-775-1125 ext.123
College Angel Program –
Holly Heim,
Women’s Bible Studies
2 PM Mon – Mary Winkler 732-673-2422
7-9 PM Mon – Judy Beth Soltis,
7-9 PM Tue – Kathleen Glickman,
Men’s Groups
Men’s Bible Study
7 PM Wednesday, Chuck Hendron
Bible Studies (men & women)
6 PM Tues – Judith Hoffman,
Community Outreach
Food Pantry – 3-5 PM Thursday
Caring Friends (volunteers for neighborly
assistance) 732-775-1125 ext. 3
Hands & Feet Ministry in Motion –
Contemporary Worship Musicians –
George Robson, 732-775-1125x115
Organist / Choir Director –
Alyn Heim 732-775-1125 X116
Women’s Groups (UMW meet Sept.-May)
United Methodist Women –
2nd Tuesday, 2 PM, Fellowship Hall
Phyllis Truran, 732-801-0098
Edith Frederick’s Circle
3rd Monday 1:30 PM – Mona Everson,
Isabella Thoburn Circle
3rd Tuesday10 AM,
Elizabeth Brubaker Circle
3rd Tuesday 2 PM, Helen Stocum,
Anne Forrester Study Group
4th Tuesday 1 PM, Marie Carter,
Edna Bradley Circle
4th Tuesday 2 PM – Isobel McCutcheon,
H.E.A.R.T. Circle 2nd Sunday, 10:30 AM, Barbara
Trouwborst 732-775-6098, Eileen Sokol
St. Paul’s Auxiliary
Last Monday 2 PM ,
Marilyn Foote, 732-775-4979
Self-Help Groups
G.R.O.W. 6:45-8:45 PM Thursday
Church Committees
Altar Flowers – Barbara Meakin Whitworth
Church Council - Bob McEwan
Lay Leader- Phyllis Truran 732-801-0098
Staff Parish Relations –Norman Harris
Stewardship – Victor Kuo
Trustees – Ron Carlucci
Missions – Borja Del Campo
Kitchen Committee – Damaris Adamo
Weddig Coordinator – Sharon McEwan
Prayer Requests
Please update your prayer requests. Prayer
requests not updated will be removed
Names may be used only with permission
of themselves or their immediate family.
Prayers for:.
Jim & Kathleen Keating, overcoming
health challenges
Arnie Petrosino, healing & strength, lung
& brain cancer
Chris Bedrosian, cervical spine surgery
Heather Fields, heart disease
Alice Hoffmann
Ginny Sharp, heart & lung problems
Peter Sassone (Greg Sassone’s brother)
shoulder surgery & rehab
Greg Sassone, work, employment
Joyce Dawson
Bob Fielder, for improving health
Linda Morton, fractured thumb
Ken Orr
Paul Braneky, Shore Rehab, Brick
Kitty Mantell
Mark, laid off
Bill Steele,Optic neurophy, (Freddie
Castle’s brother)
Betty Newman (Phyllis Downing’s sister)
Sal Badalamenti
Julia Rinaolo, complications from Lyme
disease (Joan Brown’s niece)
Analiese Grissman, for healing
Lizz, missionary in SE Asia
Jean Kelshaw, Nancy Doremus’ mother
Heather Bray
Sean DenBraven
Emy’s hip, healing
Peace in Jerusalem, Israel, Mexico
Cheryl Benfer
Gloria Corbo
In Care Facilities:
Al Aanensen, FAM
Alba Brunetto, FAM
Rev. Gene Foote, MBTS
Marilyn Foote, FAM
Dorothy Glenn, MediCenter
Tom Nevas, Sloan Kettering
Helen Reaser, MBTS
Charles Robinson, FAM
Emy Lou Snyder, home
College Students:
Jessica Campbell
Daniel Badger
Mary Badger
Stephen Badger
Lilian Bedrosian
Julia Cooper
Rick Cuttrell
Samantha Cuttrell
Amber Czesnolowicz
Christian DiLiberto
Gabriella DiLiberto
Sarah Ferrell
Katie Gannon
Matthew Gannon
Bailey Herr
Ryan Juliano
Emily Maier
Lauren McEwan
Alexandra McKeon
Maxwell McKeon
Nick Morrows
Victoria O'Brien
Elisabeth O'Brien
Alexandra O'Brien
Samantha Plewa
David Robson
Scott Shadle
Tori Timoney
Our Military:
Tyler Neff in Navy, home from the
Middle East (Glenn Neff’s son)
Rebekah Spedaliere in Air Force, home
from the Middle East
The Food Pantry at St. Paul's
Thank you to H.E.A.R.T. for their generous gift.
Ginny Radford has made a donation
in memory of Peggy Dufresne
Lois and Gloria Corbo have made donations
in memory of:
Norman Ellison
Lynn Mariette
Parents, Marie & Charles Corbo
Dear friend, Audrey Greenfeig
Thank you to our faithful donors who write checks
and bring food items every month.
This regular support allows us to distribute quality and
healthy food items to those who need assistance.
During the months of January and February,
we are asking for donations of Instant Oatmeal and Soup.
Donations can be left in the baskets at either entrance
to the Sanctuary.
Also, Toilet Paper is always needed.
Support St. Paul's Go Green!
St. Paul's is doing a unique fundraiser that doesn't cost you any
money! Just five minutes of your time. Did you know that you
choose what kind of energy you use? Go online
to and watch the two minute video. With
your electric and gas bills in hand, click on "Become a customer
now". Over time, you will SAVE money, SUPPORT St. Paul's, and
HELP the environment. All you have to do is pay your gas & electric
bills as you normally would.
If you have any questions, please talk to Jimmy McEwan or
Matt Gannon. Jimmy can help you sign up.
St. Paul’s is sending a missionary team to
Bon Repos & Saut d’Eau, Haiti in March
to visit our sister church!
The following Items are needed
for Collection:
Flip Flops (children’s & adult sizes)
Hard Candy ( not chocolate)
Journals (not composition notebooks)
Boxes of Pens
Construction Paper
No. 2 Pencils
Washable Markers
Colored Pencils
Items will be collected through the month of February.
Please place any donated items in the bins in the foyers
labeled for HAITI.
Please begin praying for the team now
as they prepare for their journey!
Team Members Include:
Mary Baird, Megan Faulkner, Debbi Marini, Deanna Frederick
George Robson V, Michael Prud’Homme, & Lee Wanaselja
Thank You!
Church - SPUMC" for updates and information!
Telephone Volunteers and Drivers Needed
for Caring Friends
If you enjoy meeting new people and helping them with getting
transportation for shopping, medical appointments or other
needs that are neighborly opportunities, please contact Helen
McCahill at 732-988-1151 or We
treat people as if they are Jesus in our midst. Dates, times and
distances are yours to choose. If a volunteer can be found to
meet a need, Caring Friends offers liability insurance that is for
costs after your own insurance is used. In the history of Caring
Friends & its predecessor FISH, no claims have ever been made!
Caring Friends is a place where those at home can participate on
the phone.
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Staff
Church: 732-775-1125 Fax: 732-775-4540 Parsonage I: 732-361-5564
St. Paul’s church office hours: M-F 9-noon, 1-3
The Rev. John DiGiamberardino, Senior Pastor –ext. 112 –
The Rev. Walter A. Quigg, Pastor Emeritus –
Mr. George Robson – Worship Director – ext. 115
Mr. Brian Schulte, Visitation Pastor,
Mr. Alyn Heim Jr., Organist/Choir Director – ext. 116
Miss Megan Faulkner, Director of CrossRoots Student Ministries ext. 123
Mrs. Paula DiGiamberardino, Director of Christian Education, ext.127
Mrs. Lisa Noll, Director of Tender Care Nursery 732-775-2265
Ms. Judith Hoffman, Church Office Administrator – ext. 110
Mr. Ben Benfer, Church Sexton – ext.125
Mr. Neil DenBraven- Evening & Weekend Host
Mr. Arnold Newman - Evening & Weekend Host
Ms. MJ Shaughnessy - Evening & Weekend Host
Mr. Michael Mindnich - Evening & Weekend Host, Weekend Sexton
Miss. Phyllis Truran, Lay Leader – 732-801-0098 –
(Note: P. Truran number is incorrect in church directory. This is the correct number)