PEWS NEWS - Winterborne & Milton Benefice


PEWS NEWS - Winterborne & Milton Benefice
Welcome to
Please add an extra tin of meat, fish, green
vegetables or tomatoes to your shopping bag
and donate it to the food bank.
There are collection baskets in the back of
our churches and in local supermarkets.
RememberCoffee Pot – Monday –St Mary’s, W.Stickland Coffee Stop -Tuesday –St James, Milton Abbas
Cup & Cake – Wednesday -St Mary’s, W.Whitechurch
10.30 am until noon
Do you know of someone in your village
who could do with a friendly visitor?
Our Benefice has several Lay Pastoral
Assistants who may be able to help.
Please contact:
Rev’d Sue Litchfield 01258 880054
A little bit of fun…..
small boy to father: I know what the BIBLE stands for.
dad to small boy: tell me then son.
"Basic Information Before Leaving Earth!"
(Thanks to Sue L. for this week’s joke)
Have you joined our Facebook group – Winterborne valley and
Milton Abbas? It is full of news and photos of events in our
parishes and the wider world.
Not a member of Facebook? Contact Jenny G, who can help
you sign up safely - with all the necessary security settings.
Mrs Jenny Galuschka (01258 456305)
Who will be our 100th Member?
And finally - the Rector’s highlight of the week…
A visit from Matt, the RAC man, instead of an
expensive trip to the garage…phew!! Thank you
The Ministry Team:
The Rev’d Alan Ryan
(01258 880482)
The Rev’d Marion Miles
(01258 452010)
The Rev’d Jimmy Hamilton Brown
(01258 880627)
Mrs Jenny Galuschka
(01258 456305)
The Rev’d Sue Litchfield (URC)
(01258 880054)
PS. Friday is Alan’s rest day - please respect his time off
and try to avoid telephoning or emailing on that day,
unless it is a real emergency.
Information about The Winterborne Valley
& Milton Abbas Benefice
Making Christ Visible
8th February 2015
 Collect of the Day 
Almighty God,
give us reverence for all creation
and respect for every person,
that we may mirror your likeness
in Jesus Christ our Lord
Dear Readers,
When things don't happen, or go the way we want,
at the speed we want, we can get frustrated and
think about moving on to a church that is going
places. That is ok, you can do that. This week I have
been reading about a church of 50 adults that had
a shortage of children and young people. Two
members of the congregation began to pray and
the vision began to spread. When they looked back
they reckoned that their vision took 10 years to
reach maturity and produce fruit. The church
changed from 50 adults to 60 adults and 50
children and young people. As they reflected on
this development, they realised that this growth
had taken place over a 12 year period. Now that is
faithfulness! It began with prayer and was
sustained by prayer. Last week Bishop Nick posed
the question, "What do you pray for?" It is a good
Blessings, Alan
Coming up soon: Lent course, "All In Ministry"
To be held on 25th Feb, 11th and 25th March at
Whatcombe House, 7 for 7:30. Registration forms
will be in the churches soon. Please sign up! It
would be great to see you there!
Thank you, Piers and Charlotte!
Lent Lunches: St Mary's W. Stickland. Fridays
during Lent. Donations will be going to the
Ebola crisis.
If you are visiting one of our churches – you are very welcome
and we would be very pleased to meet you. Do make yourself
known to one of our team members.
Please take this Pews News with you and, when you have read it,
pass it on to a neighbour.
If you would like to receive the Pew News by email, please
forward your email address to
Harriet Ryan (Benefice Secretary) 01258 880482
Mark 1:29-39 New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
Jesus heals many
As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s
mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her
hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.
That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all who were ill and demon-possessed. 33 The whole town
gathered at the door, 34 and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he
would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where
he prayed. 36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed:
‘Everyone is looking for you!’
Jesus replied, ‘Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so that I can preach there also. That is why I
have come.’ 39 So he travelled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
THE MONTH AHEAD NEW service times
8th February
2nd before Lent
15th February
1 before Lent
22nd February
1st 0f Lent
Alan away
1st March
Lent 2
1800 HC
1800 Choral Evensong
Milton Abbas
0830 HC (BCP)
1800 (BCP) EP
1000 HC
1000 HC
1000 MW
1800 HC
0830 (BCP) sHC
1000 HC
1000 MW
1000 MW
0830 (BCP) sHC
1700 Blaze
1000 MW
1000 HC
The Healer
Glimpsing the divine
Out of the wilderness
1800 Mary's@6 - with The
Cross and discipleship
Old Testament
Isaiah 40: 21-31
1Cor 9: 16-23
Mark 1: 29-39
2 Kings 2: 1-12
2Cor 4: 3-6
Mark 9: 2-9
Genesis 9: 8-17
1Peter 3: 18-22
Mark 1: 9-15
Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16
Romans 4: 13-25
Mark 8: 31-38
1000 MW
Rev’d Alan Ryan AR Rev’d Marion Miles MM Rev’d Sue Litchfield SL Mrs. Jenny Galuschka JG Rev’d Jimmy Hamilton-Brown JHB
1662 Book of Common Prayer - Traditional
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion (Eucharist) / x Communion by extension
Mary’s at 6 - An informal café style service with conversation, prayers and
modern songs in WW Parish room
Morning Worship - An informal service for all, with old and
BLAZE A group for teenagers
new hymns & songs – without Holy Communion
Service without hymns or music
Mid-week Holy Communion will be offered on Wednesdays at 9.30am, St James, Milton Abbas
Morning Prayer will be said at St Mary’s Church, Winterborne Stickland on Tuesday mornings at 8.35am.
St. Mary's Church, Stickland PCC is now in urgent
need of a Secretary. This is a voluntary position and
it involves the taking of PCC Minutes at 4/5
Meetings a year, correspondence associated with
the Meetings and dealing with the Diocese on
various matters.
Please contact Andrew or Kay on 01258-880230 if
you are interested.
Quote for the week…..
Don’t bother giving God instructions; just turn
up for duty.
Corrie Ten Boom
‘Partnership through Prayer’: the Sudan Link Deanery
Partnership Day
Diocesan Education Centre Wilton
April 18th 2015 10 am – 12:45 pm
Partnership through Prayer
There will be presentations from linked deanery group members followed
by an open forum.
Tea and coffee are available on arrival, mid-morning and lunchtime.
There is no admission fee but a donation on the day towards the running
costs would be welcome.
If you would like to attend please contact Graham Melling by telephone or
email. The staff at the DEC need to know the approximate number of
attendees so that the room and refreshment catering can be organised.
If attendees bring a packed lunch then extra time can be spent sharing
information with other Deaneries until 1:30pm.
For more information please contact:
Graham Melling on 01935 83463 or email