PEWS NEWS - Winterborne & Milton Benefice


PEWS NEWS - Winterborne & Milton Benefice
Welcome to
Thank you for all your donations
in 2014
Please continue to give generously
in 2015
There are collection baskets in the back of
our churches and in local supermarkets
RememberCoffee Pot – Monday –St Mary’s, W.Stickland Coffee Stop -Tuesday –St James, Milton Abbas
Cup & Cake – Wednesday -St Mary’s, W.Whitechurch
10.30 am until noon
Do you know of someone in your village
who could do with a friendly visitor?
Our Benefice has several Lay Pastoral Assistants
who may be able to help.
Please contact:
Rev’d Sue Litchfield 01258 880054
St. Mary's Church, Stickland PCC is now in urgent
need of a Secretary. This is a voluntary position
and it involves the taking of PCC Minutes at 4/5
Meetings a year, correspondence associated with
the Meetings and dealing with the Diocese on
various matters.
Please contact Andrew or Kay on 01258-880230 if
you are interested.
And finally - the Rector’s highlights of the week…
The safe return of youngest son and daughter in
law, from their ‘trip of a lifetime’ to the Kingdom of
Bhutan and hearing about a country where Gross
National Happiness is measured and is noticeable.
Information about The Winterborne Valley
& Milton Abbas Benefice
Making Christ Visible
11th January 2015
 Collect of the Day 
Heavenly Father
at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your
may we recognize him as our Lord
and know ourselves to be your beloved
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Dear Readers,
We will soon be coming up to the second
anniversary of my arrival as rector to this benefice.
I think we are beginning to know each other! We
have also experienced some change together.
Those that know about these things, say that a
new rector/vicar is about as much change as a
parish/benefice can manage. I think you have
managed very well!
During this time we have experienced more change
than just a new rector. For example, after my first
year, the mission statement changed from being a
very long sentence to three words: Making Christ
Visible. This is the mission, task, or vision that God
has given for this benefice. The way it came about
could only be from God - it is God given.
If this is God's purpose for his church in this part of
Dorset, how do we engage with it and ensure that
we are heading in the right direction? We must
gather together, take stock of where we are and
then work out with God, where we will be in the
future. Please do come to the benefice day on
Saturday 7th Feb (details on next page) – we are in
this together!
The Ministry Team:
The Rev’d Alan Ryan
(01258 880482)
The Rev’d Marion Miles
(01258 452010)
The Rev’d Jimmy Hamilton Brown
(01258 880627)
Mrs Jenny Galuschka
(01258 456305)
The Rev’d Sue Litchfield (URC)
(01258 880054)
If you are visiting one of our churches – you are very welcome
and we would be very pleased to meet you. Do make yourself
known to one of our team members.
Please take this Pews News with you and, when you have read it,
pass it on to a neighbour.
PS. Friday is Alan’s rest day - please respect his time off
and try to avoid telephoning or emailing on that day,
unless it is a real emergency.
If you would like to receive the Pew News by email, please
forward your email address to
Harriet Ryan (Benefice Secretary) 01258 880482
Mark 1:4-11
New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were
baptised by him in the River Jordan. 6 John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt round his waist,
and he ate locusts and wild honey. 7 And this was his message: ‘After me comes the one more powerful than I, the
straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8 I baptise you with water, but he will baptise you
with the Holy Spirit.’
The baptism and testing of Jesus
At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised by John in the Jordan. 10 Just as Jesus was
coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. 11 And a
voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’
11th January
of Epiphany
The Baptism of Christ
Milton Abbas
1800 (BCP) EP
0900 HC BCP
1700 – 1800
18th January
of Epiphany
25th January
of Epiphany
1st February
of Epiphany
1800 (BCP) EP
1030 HC
1000 HC
1000 MW
1000 MW
1030 HC
1030 MW
0830 (BCP) HC
1800 (BCP) EP
0900 (BCP) HC
1030 HC
1030 HC
A voice from heaven
A conversation
A quiet beginning
1800 M@6 - with The
Band (Parish room)
Authority and Power
Old Testament
Genesis 1: 1-5
Acts: 19: 1-7
Mark 1:4-11
1 Samuel 3: 1-10
1 Corr 6: 12-20
John 1: 43-51
Jonah 3: 1-5,10
1 Corr 7: 29-31
Mark 1: 14-20
Deut 18: 15-20
1 Corr 8: 1-13
Mark: 1: 21-28
1030 MW
Rev’d Alan Ryan AR Rev’d Marion Miles MM Rev’d Sue Litchfield SL Mrs. Jenny Galuschka JG Rev’d Jimmy Hamilton-Brown JHB
1662 Book of Common Prayer - Traditional
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion (Eucharist) x Communion by extension M@6
Mary’s at 6 - An informal café style service with conversation, prayers and
modern songs in WW Parish room
Morning Worship - An informal service for all, with old
BLAZE A group for teenagers
and new hymns & songs – without Holy Communion
Service without hymns or music
Mid-week Holy Communion will be offered on Wednesdays at 9.30am, St James, Milton Abbas
Morning Prayer will be said at St Mary’s Church, Winterborne Stickland on Tuesday mornings at 8.35am.
The Waterborne Valley and Milton Abbas Benefice Day.
Saturday 7th February.
9.30 – 1.30 (lunch provided)
St James Church, Milton Abbas
The Benefice Day is fast approaching - 7th Feb. This should be an exciting day exploring where it is that
God wants these six churches to be in three and five years time and how we will get there. We have two
choices: one is to drift into the future with vague ideas that God might want a church in this village or that.
The second choice is to take stock of where our churches are, and then to engage with what God wants of
his church for the future. Then begin to work out how we get there! Each and every one of us have a part to
contribute to this.
It would be great to see you there! Please sign up on the forms in our churches (This is important so we can
arrange the catering)
Have you joined our Facebook group –
Winterborne valley and Milton Abbas?
It is full of news and photos of events
in our parishes and the wider world.
Not a member of Facebook? Contact Jenny G,
who can help you sign up safely - with all the necessary security settings.
Mrs Jenny Galuschka (01258 456305)
Who will be our 100th Member?
Please continue to pray for all those working in
Africa and for all those affected by the ebola crisis.
Read more on our Blogspot