10:00 AM - St Paul`s Episcopal Church
10:00 AM - St Paul`s Episcopal Church
“THE EPISTLE” THE REV. THOMAS M. RICKENBAKER ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH PO Box 548 EDENTON, NC 27932 www.stpauls-edenton.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A REMINDER ABOUT OUR Father Tom & Cindy Rickenbaker Farewell and Godspeed LUNCH ON SUNDAY AFTER THE 10 am SERVICE WE WILL START SERVING at 11:30 am CONTACT MAUREEN McCARTHY WITH QUESTIONS: 331-3890 or mccarthybarnett@net-change.com REMINDER SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 SERVICES RETURN TO REGULAR HOURS: 8:00 a.m. Rite I 9:45 A.M. Christian Education 11:00 A.M. Rite II August 25, 2013 8:00 A.M. - Rite I 10:00 A.M. - Rite II Lector: Pam Cabana Isaiah 58:9b-14 Lay Readers: 8:00 …………..…….…......….. Warner Perry 10:00 …………....…..…..... Karen Segerstrom Hebrews 12:18-29 Bob Adams Acolytes: 8:00 Server ……...…..…....….. Mary Glenn Ryan 10:00 Server ……….….….....…..... Ellie Whichard Crucifer ..…….….…....…. Harrison Powell Torch Bearer ....….….......... Tayloe Powell Torch Bearer.………….. William Whichard NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U S POSTAGE PAID EDENTON NORTH CAROLINA 27932 PERMIT NO 71 PLEASE DON’T FORGET, IF YOU’VE SIGNED UP TO HELP. NEWSLETTER OF ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ushers: Charles Creighton, Chris Powell, Ollin Sykes We seek to know Christ and to reach out to others in His name. If you wish to speak or make a comment, you will have an opportunity during the program after lunch “THE EPISTLE” Vestry Person of the Day ………….….....…... Ginny Waff Next Week ……………..………...…… Earl Willis Greeters: 8:00 A.M. …………….….……...... Kaye Barker 10:00 A.M. ………………........... Virginia Fringer COLLECT OF THE DAY GRANT, O MERCIFUL GOD, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all people, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. The flowers on the Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Carolista Fletcher Baum by Lyn Castellani and her family. September 1st The MacKenzie Family September 8th OPEN September 15th OPEN September 22nd The Elliott Family September 29th OPEN PLEASE PRAY FOR: John Adams, Leta Bateman, Fr. Ted Bishop, Max Busby, Larry Cook, Michael Corwin, Hester Costen, Sharon Courounis, Robin Collins Crane, Jess French, Stacey Gavakis, Lisa Gibson, Dean Heal, Ann Hines, Nell Hollowell, Allen Hornthal, Tom Meiklejohn, Lee Miller, Guy Piche, Cheryl Ray, Dustin Savitsky, Gerald D. Shea, Gerald W. Shea, Beverly Shephard, Nicole Sorey, Sallie Tarkington, George Watson, Paul Williams, Ed Woolwine. During this week please pray for: Holy Trinity, Fayetteville, The Rev. Ray Brown, Rector St. Andrew’s, Columbia Santa Cruz, Santa Fe Also during the weeks of September please pray for: 1st-Grace Church, Trenton, The Rev. Deacon Joy Dosher Albemarle Deanery, The Very Rev. John Bonner, Dean 8th-St. Paul’s, Clinton, The Rev. Joseph Running, Priest in Charge Trinity Deanery, The Very Rev. Canon Dr. Peter Stube, Dean Cristo Salvador, Santiago, Dominican Republic Our deepest sympathy goes out to Kaye Barker and family in the death of her father, William Hollowell, who died on Tuesday, August 13th. A funeral service was held for Mr. Hollowell on Friday, August 16, 2013. Reflections From Your Rector For August 25th, 2013 “THANK YOU” Dear Parish Family, In my last letter to you I have to thank several people for their ministry to me. First I want to thank the people who made up my Rector’s Prayer Group for 2013. These three men (Earl Willis Sr. Warden, Owen Maxwell Jr. Warden and Bill Whichard former Sr. Warden) have met with me each Wednesday morning at 7:00 am, not just during 2013 but for the past ten years. They have served as prayer warriors for both me and the parish and I am grateful for their wise counsel and partnership in the Gospel. Secondly I need to thank members of our staff who have served this parish so well. Carolyn Jackson our parish administrator has faithfully served St. Paul’s for over 25 years. Carolyn’s hard work, dedication and willingness to serve have been an inspiration to me. Carolyn Jackson is a blessing to St. Paul’s. Linda Thornton our parish organist and choir director for the past 9 years has done a wonderful job growing our choir and keeping the music program moving forward at St. Paul’s. I am often reminded of how great our music program is when I visit other churches. I am grateful for Linda and her service to us all. Finally I want to thank Beth Taylor altar guild chair for her diligent service to St. Paul’s. Multiple times each week Beth is at church to make sure that the altar is properly prepared, the flowers are out and the brass and silver have been polished, and the wedding and baptismal preparations have been made. Last I want to thank each of you for your prayers, support and love for me and my family over these 15 + years of ministering together. I have seen our family grow up here (Cal is now in his second year of law school, Molly got married last weekend, Thomas is moving to Raleigh, James is in his first year of seminary). It has been a great pleasure and blessing to serve as your Rector. Being the first Rector to retire from St. Paul’s in more than 50 years I have been blessed by so many of you. Please know that you, your wardens, vestry and new interim (whomever that may be) are in our thoughts and prayers. The Rickenbaker’s will miss you. I am, Sincerely, Tom + The Rev. Thomas M. Rickenbaker, Rector EYC It is exciting to be back at work, planning and praying for the many wonderful events and activities for EYC!! As you receive this newsletter Friday our youth will be tailgating at the church, going to the JA Holmes football game and then onto midnight bowling as part of their kickoff for this year! Please pray for us as we welcome our rising 6th graders into the group and that we would have an evening of fun and fellowship. Please also say an extra special prayer for our teenagers who are returning to school this week and some last week. If you have a love and passion for teenagers please let me know! We would love to have you join our EYC team in ministering to the precious youth of St. Paul's! UPCOMING EVENTS September 8 9:45am—Glory Ridge Presentation 2:00pm—WeeYC Kickoff 5:00pm—EYC Parent Dinner at Cranford’s Call Kim at 312-3691 or email-stpaulsyouth@embarqmail.com Christian Education Corner SUNDAY SCHOOL KICK OFF SEPTEMBER 8 AT 9:45 AM Nursery care is available Everyone is invited to a Special Presentation The 2013 Glory Ridge Mission Trip in the parish hall 3 & 4 Year Olds, Children's Chapel, Grades 3-4-5 will meet at 9:45 am Middle and High School class, and adult classes begin on September 15. Attention young women, we have a Sunday morning group for you: Adrian Wood will lead a study of the book, "Stuck" by Jennie Allen. We also offer three more adult classes: The Adult Class (The Rector's Class) welcomes all adults, The Mary and Martha Class for women of all ages, and The Men's Class for men of all ages. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, September 8! EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN NOTES EVERY WOMAN OF ST. PAUL’S IS A MEMBER OF ECW REMINDERS The meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2013, at 12:00 noon in the Parish Hall will be an important start to this year. During this meeting we finalize our schedule and programs for the coming year, and we vote on our proposed budget. We hope everyone will try to attend this important business meeting, which will follow our delicious lunch. We plan to have a speaker at our October 8th meeting, the details to be announced. A Bible verse learn and believe: “And He (the LORD) said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life to him who thirst. Revelation 21:6 LET US TELL THE WORLD ABOUT THIS! Then He (the LORD) who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write for these words are true and faithful.” And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirst.” Revelation 21:5-6 The Bible had many references to water. Jesus spoke of it often. Here are several. Jesus answered him (Nicodemus), “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” John 3:5 To the woman at the well Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who said to you ‘Give Me a drink’, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.” “Whoever drinks this water (from the well) will thirst again, but who ever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, in him will become a fountain of living water springing up into eternal life.” John 4:10, 13-14 In this season we drink a lot of water only to thirst again. Let us drink of living water, God’s word. By being filled with belief in God’s Word, we will be filled with Holy Spirit and have the living water of life to share in this thirty world. Let us tell the world about This! Virginia Wood Evangelism Committee Do you remember the Bible Verse? Write it here ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Aug. 25th: Marie Steinburg Janet Mackenzie Aug. 26th: Natalie Foreman Aug. 27th: Roland Vaughan Kel Elmore Aug. 28th: Cindy Rickenbaker Aug. 30th: Fran Browne Michael Cavanagh Aug. 31st: Anne Cutter Wood Farless Sept. 3rd: Carol Sieck Lucy Edmondson Heather Mackenzie Sept. 6th: Bruce Barnett Sept. 7th: Peggy Kenealy The Tuesday Night Ladies Bible Study will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 10th in the parish hall at 7 pm. We will begin the year with a study on JOY from the book of Philippians. This is a study that looks at keys to having an inner well of strength in any and all circumstances........wow !!!! We are sure that there will be lots of good discussions in this study !! Remember that you don't have to be a Bible scholar to come.....and it is open to anyone at any time during the year.....and we usually are finished by 8 pm !!! Feel free to call one of us if you have any questions ! peace Kathy Busby 482-3604 Debbie Boyle 482-8286 ps.....Patsy Clairmont, one of the Women of Faith speakers, is going to be in Williamson on Sept. 14th, Saturday night at 7 pm. She is a very funny and motivating speaker. One of my favorite quotes of hers is...... 'what is normal....only the button on my washing machine! " If anyone is interested, call Debbie right now to see if there are any tickets left. TO ST. PAUL’S PARISHIONERS: Thank you so much for all the prayers, good wishes, cards, food, flowers and more prayers sent on my behalf during my recent 3 surgeries. It all really helped to speed me along on the road to recovery! God bless you all! Phyllis Pepper Ladies! The Mary and Martha class, a group of women of all ages seeking to learn of our LORD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, will be studying the book of Hebrews. By studying this writing, we will learn a lot about the worship of God, Christ’s person and work, and about a Christian’s walk of faith. Please, if you have not ever or seldom been in a study of God’s word, do not use it as an excuse for “staying away”. His living word is always new no matter how many times it is heard and study. Please join other Marys and Marthas on Sunday, September 8, right after the Glory Ridge presentation in the room at the foot of the steps in the “new wing”. …”He (Jesus) opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:32 Studying Scripture is wonderful! Virginia Wood Pam and Dave Cabana are happy to announce the birth of their sixth grandchild, a boy, Dylan Carl Cabana born July 30th at 12:24 am. He weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 20 inches long. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Balltzglier and Big Brother, Brycen, proudly announce the birth of Avery-Grace Marie Balltzglier on August 2, 2013 at 8:31 am weighing 7lb. 15 oz. REMINDER Acolyte Training (for grades 3 and up) This Sunday ( August 25th) In the Church 4:00 P.M. Tickets available in the St. Paul’s office. Make checks payable to Edenton United Methodist Church.