St. Timothy Catholic Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church
Parish Mission Statement Welcome to the Parish Family of St. Timothy. We invite you to join with us on our journey of faith. Our Mission is to challenge our people to grow, to encourage discipleship, to build community, and to inspire service to all by doing the following: ♦ Nurturing spiritual growth/faith forma on of all ♦ Celebra ng our diversity while focusing on unity ♦ Discovering our gi s in order to mo vate service ♦ Embracing our talents which enables us to bring Christ to others ♦ Developing our liturgy to be meaningful and representa ve of our en re parish family St. Timothy Catholic Church IGLESIA de SAN TIMOTEO 1515 Dolan Avenue (near 3rd & Norfolk) San Mateo, CA 94401 Parish Office: (650) 342-2468 X Fax: (650) 342-8156 X Web: www.s EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: 650-787-6510 Care for God’s Crea on by recycling the CONTACT US PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Alner Uy Nambatac, Pastor Rev. Erick E. Arauz E., Associate Pastor Rev. Deacon Angel Aguilar, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Fred Totah, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Abel Mejia, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Benny Koloamatangi, Parish Deacon R PARISH OFFICE (Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Jeanne Da San Mar no, Parish Manager, (650-342-2468) Trudy Marie Guella, Secretary/Bulle n Editor PAROCHIAL SCHOOL Grades K-8 Michelle J. Basile, School Principal (650-342-6567) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/FAITH FORMATION Grades 1-8 Anamaria Park, R.E. Coordinator (650-579-0901) bulle n a er you have read it! MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday/Sábado 8 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. (12:00 p.m. en Español) Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. (in the Church) Lunes a sábado 8:00 a.m. (en la Iglesia) PENANCE/CONFESIONES Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:30 or by appointment Los sábados de 3:30 - 4:30 ó previa cita SACRAMENTS BAPTISM/BAUTISOS Parents should call the Parish Office 2 months in advance. Los padres deveran de informar a la oficina, con dos meses de an cipación. RCIA (Christian Initiation of Adults) Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi, (650-867-4049) CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACION Confirma on is now being offered to students entering the 8th grade and up if they have a ended 7th grade religious educa on classes. Adults over 18 please contact Deacon Faiva, 650-867-4049. Estamos recibiendo estudiantes para confirmacion del octavo grado en adelante con previa educacion religiosa en el sep mo. Adultos mayores de 18 años comuniquense con Deacon Faiva Po’oi. SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you or someone you know would like to receive the Eucharist at home, please call the Parish Office at 342-2468. MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIOS Couples should call at least 6 months ahead of me. Por favor avisenos con seis meses de an cipación. TONGAN USA CHAPLAIN Rev. Kapiolani Kakala, (650-342-2470) Rev. Saimone T. Moala ANOINTING OF THE SICK /UNCION A LOS ENFERMOS For anyone experiencing chronic illness or preparing for medical treatment, or long term care, please call the parish office to arrange an appointment with a priest. Toda persona experimentando una enfermedad cronica, tratamiento medico o atencion de largo plazo, por favor llame a la oficina para obtener una cita con el sacerdote. OFFICE OF MUSIC Mr. Peter Mafi, Jr., Music Director GRIEF AND BEREAVEMENT Rev. Deacon Fred Totah, (650-342-2468, Ext. 20) MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Rev. Erick (342-2468 Ext 23) & Rev. Deacon Abel (Ext. 11) 27TH Sunday in ordinary time: October 2, 2016 Page Two ST. TIMOTHY CHURCH Luke 17:5-10/Lucas 17:5-10 Lord, increase our faith! Señor, auméntanos la fe! At St. Timothy Monday, Oct. 3 All day 3:30—8pm 7-9pm 7-9pm 7-10pm Milagros Potluck School Sports Prac ce Hispanic Leaders KOC Officers Mee ng Spanish Alanon Tuesday, Oct. 4 MASS INTENTIONS October 1 THROUGH October 8 Saturday, October 1 5:00 pm Sunday, October 2 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Birthday of Rosario Alipio +Alex Figueroa & + Fred Na vidad +Michael Shaffer Thanksgiving for St. Mother Teresa of Kalkuta + Erlinda Pascual + Tina & + Falakiko Paasi + Pa y Tholan + Gregoria Aragon Lozano, 39th Anniversary Monday, October 3 8:00 am Birthday of Edison Nening + Aloisio & + Kalisi Vivi Tuesday, October 4 St. Francis-Blessing of the Animals 8:00 am + Honesto Gile Sr. + Rinaldo Viri, 16th Anniversary Birthday of Aurelia Navarro Wednesday, October 5 8:00 am + Esperanza Belandres Arcos Thursday, October 6 8:00 am + Leonardo Arcos + Jose & + Maria Placido Friday, October 7 8: 00 am + Maria Arcos Labampa Saturday, October 8 8:00 am + Dante Belandres Arcos All day Milagros Potluck 8am Blessing of Pets outside School 10-noon Grupo Oracion 3:30-8pm School Sports Prac ce 7-8pm YES Monthly Mee ng 7-8:30pm English Bap sm Class 7-9pm Spanish AA 8-10:30pm Lataki Youth Sports Wednesday, Oct. 5 All day Milagros Potluck 9:30-10:30am Legion of Mary 3:30-8pm School Sports Prac ce 6-8pm Mid School & Confirma on Class 7-9pm Young Adult Core Team 8-10pm Parish Basketball Thursday, Oct. 6 All day Milagros Potluck 3:30-8pm School Sports Prac ce 7-9pm Talleres de Oracion 7-9pm Spanish AA 7-9pm Liturgy Mee ng Friday, Oct. 7 All day Bingo 7-9pm 7-9pm 8-10pm Spanish AA Tongan St. Joseph Group Mee ng Encuentro Matrimonial Saturday, Oct. 8 8-10:30am 8am-3pm 6-10pm 6pm-12am 7-9:30pm . Faith Forma on Class Confirma on Retreat Tau Family Fundraiser Tongan Leader Fundraiser Milagros Potluck Sunday, Oct. 9 1-4m 6:30-8:30pm Encuentro Matrimonial Coach Ma Basketball First Friday, October 7th PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND DECEASED For our Sick: Jose Huerta, Cletus Valila, Gaylyn Bolinger, Debora Sams For our Deceased: Fr. Francis Murray, Italian Catholic Federa on Moderator; RoseMarie Sickle, Aus n Ovaa Come and spend an hour with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Exposi on of the BLESSED SACRAMENT in the Chapel, will begin at 5:00PM, Benedic on at 6:45PM. The celebra on of the HOLY EUCHARIST follows at 7pm in honor of the SACRED HEART OF JESUS, in the chapel. SAN MATEO, CA Page Three RoseMarie Sickles’ Celebra on of Life will be on Monday, October 17th at 11 am. ST. TIMOTHY CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRADES K-8 650-342-6567 The St. Timothy School community welcomes our new students and families! Spaces are s ll available in select classes for this school year. Enrollment tours for the 2017-2018 school year will begin in October. Please contact the principal, Michelle Basile, at (650) 342-6567 or visit the school website, www.s, for more informa on. FAITH FORMATION (CCD) OFFICE 650-579-0901 Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 AM – 2:00 PM Wednesday Evening 6PM – 8:30 PM Saturdays 8AM – 12PM Eighth grade students and upper grades may register for Confirma on. Confirmation Retreat- Parish Rectory, Sat. Oct. 8, 8:00 am—For Confirmation Candidates receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on November 5, 2016. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Faith forma on is in need of catechists and aides for First Communion prepara on for grades 3 & 4 and grades 5 & 6 on Saturday mornings from 9-10 :30 AM. Training is available. ST. TIMOTHY COUNCIL #16371 First Monday, October 3rd at 7:00 pm. Fitzpatrick Hall Call: Lou Palileo: 703-0723 or Paul Sirwet: 678-6138 FORMACION DE FE (CCD) 650-579-0901 Horas de oficina: Martes, Miercoles y Jueves 8AM – 2:00 PM Miercoles en la noche 6PM – 8:30 PM Sabados 8 AM – 12PM Estudiantes en Octavo grado y grados adelante pueden registrarse para Confirmacion. Retiro de Confirmaction - En la Rectoria de la Parroquia, sabado,8 de octobre - Paras los alumnos que recibiran el Sacramento de Confirmacion el 5 de nov. Los Manuales de lectores ya estan aqui. Comuniquese con Lesbya el domingo 2 o el domingo 16 de Octubre. Gracias. ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS Ofrece esperanza y ayuda para personas que enen problema con el alcohol. Telefono: (650) 577-1310 Reunions: Martes, Jueves y Viernes a las 7:30 p.m. AL-ANON Es para familiares y amigos de aquellas personas que enen problema con el alcohol. Telefono: (650) 592-7935 X 2 Reunion: Lunes a las 7:30 pm ********************************** Lector Manuals are here. Lesbya Reyes will distribute them at the store the weekend of 10/1-2 and 10/15-16. Thank you. Calling all high school students! Pro-Life Oratory (speech) Contest Thursday, March 10th @7:30pm, St.Greg’s Wornen Center, 138 28th Ave.,San Mateo. Give a 5-7 min. original speech on a pro-life topic of your choice Cash prizes: $100/1st place, $75/2nd $50/3rd place. Bring your family and friends with you. All are welcome. For more info: email 650-572-1468 YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY 18 + email us: StTimsYAM@s Facebook: St. Timothy’s Young Adult Ministry Twi er: @StTimsYAMSM, Instragram: @StTimsYAM Page Four ST. TIMOTHY CHURCH SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: October is the Month of the Holy Rosary Respect Life Sunday Rosh Hashanah Tuesday: St. Francis of Assisi: Blessing of the Animals Thursday: St. Bruno Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher Friday: Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary YES - Youth Expressing Spirit Youth Grades 6 to 12 and Adult volunteers Contact Cecille Toy at 650-245-2297 or email: st_ ms_yes@s YES and YAM-Young Adult Ministry will be hos ng this Sunday’s Coffee Social. YES Mee ng: Tuesday, October 4th at 7pm in Fitzpatrick hall. Surprise Guest Speaker! 9 am Youth Mass-Blessing of YES, Bake Sale: Sunday, Oct. 9 a er all the Masses. Come support our Youth. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Doors Open: 5:00 PM Games Start: 7:00 PM Regular games pay $250 Admission: $20 per person Call: 650-464-0119 NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME-BIENVENIDOS Web Site: __________________________________ NAME/NOMBRE _____________________________________ ADDRESS/DIRECCION ______________________________ ___ CITY/CIUDAD ZIP/AREA POSTAL —————————– PHONE/TELEFONO _New Parishioner _ Address _ Sun. Envelopes SAN MATEO, CA Page Five Rosary Procession All are invited to a end the rosary procession to honor the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. You may bring any statue or image of Our Blessed Mother for the procession and blessing on October 9th aŌer the 10:30 am Mass at St. Timothy Church. For more informa on, please contact Marina at 290-0041 or Jeanne at 342-2468. Rosary Rally at San Francisco U.N. Plaza Saturday, October 8th 10 am Mass-Archbishop Cordileone 11:15 Rosary Procession -St. Mary’s Cathedral to UN Plaza 12 Rally at UN Plaza, 12:50 Benedic on Info: or 415-272-5837 MITIGATING GRIEF THROUGH PLANNING St. Timothy’s Grief, Bereavement and Consola on Ministry will be hos ng three Monday evening presenta ons in October. Each of the talks will address a different aspect of the needs that will be faced by our families and loved ones when they are coping with death. 7:00 PM in the Gymnasium October 10 “Prior planning in legal and financial areas” - Mr. Kendall Coffman, Esq. October 17 “Prior planning for a funeral and burial in the Catholic tradi on” -Ms. Monica Williams, Director, Holy Cross Cemetery—Archdiocese of SF -Mr. Rick Riffel, Funeral Director of Schneider, Sullivan and O’Connell October 24 “Walking and surviving the path of Grief” -Sr. Toni Lynn Gallagher/RSM Please share this informa on with friends and family and clear your calendar for these very important and informa ve talks. Contact Jeanne at the parish office for ques ons.