St. Timothy Catholic Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church IGLESIA de SAN TIMOTEO 1515 Dolan Avenue (near 3rd & Norfolk), San Mateo, CA 94401 Parish Office: (650) 342-2468 Fax: (650) 342-8156 Web: PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Francis Mark P. Garbo, Pastor Rev. Deacon Angel Aguilar, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Nicolas Rodriguez, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Fred Totah, Parish Deacon Rev. Deacon Abel Mejia, Parish Deacon TONGAN USA CHAPLAIN: Rev. Sione Malakai Katoa (650) 342-2470 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Robin Dewar-O’Leary MINISTERIOS HISPANA: Rev. Deacon Nicolas & Rev. Deacon Abel (650) 342-2468 Ext. 23 BAPTISM/BAUTISOS Parents should call the Parish Office 2 months in advance. Los padres deveran de informar a la oficina, con dos meses de anticipación. SECRETARY/BULLETIN EDITOR Trudy Marie Guella PAROCHIAL SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Ms. Michelle J. Timmons (650) 342-6567 FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM Anamaria Park (650) 579-0901 MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIOS Couples should call at least 6 months ahead of time. Por favor avisarnos con seis meses de anticipación. MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Peter Mafi, Jr. PENANCE/CONFESIONES Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:30 or by appointment Los sábados de 3:30 - 4:30 ó previa cita. RCIA Rev. Deacon Faiva Po’oi (650) 867-4049 MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday/Sábado 8 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 & (12:00 en Español) Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. (in the Church) Lunes a sábado 8:00 a.m. (en la Iglesia) NEW MEMBERS: We welcome all new parishioners and invite you to register in the parish by filling out the information on the inside flap. Either mail it to the office or put it in the collection basket. Thank You. SACRAMENTS-SICK CALLS / ATENCION A ENFERMOS Contact the Parish Office if you know of a parishioner who is not able to come to Mass or is in the hospital./Si conocen a una persona que esta en hospital o no puede llegar a Misa, por favor informar a la oficina. PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORARIOS DE LA OFICINA Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunes a Viernes - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PARISH OF ST. TIMOTHY Mission Statement Welcome to the Parish Family of St. Timothy. We invite you to join with us on our journey of faith. Our Mission is to challenge our people to grow, to encourage discipleship, to build community, and to inspire service to all by doing the following: Nurturing spiritual growth/faith formation of all Celebrating our diversity while focusing on unity Discovering our gifts in order to motivate service Embracing our talents which enables us to bring Christ to others Developing our liturgy to be meaningful and representative of our entire parish family Page Two Two Page Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary The Holy Family of Jesus MaryTime & Joseph Oct. 28, 24, 2014 2010 December TODAY’S READING Gospel — The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. DEC 27 THROUGH JAN 3 SAT 5:00 SUN 7:30 + Pablo Alcala + 10 year anniversary of Rosina Sabanal Ponce In Thanksgiving for Tevita & Ofa Hafoka Family 9:00 Birthday of Kristine Palileo Birthday of Tom Green + Max Foster 10:30 Special Intentions of Erlinda and Rona Figueroa Healing for Tahereh Ramin 12:00 + Margarita Valle + Robert Young Waldsmith MON 8:00 + Teresita De O Vellegas + Lofi Pita TUES 8:00 + Maximo Altamirano Jr. + Lofi Pita WED 8:00 + Teresita De O Vellegas 7:00-10 pm 11:00 pm THUR New Year’s Eve Adoration Tongan Mass Mary, Mother of God and Holy Day of Obligation 9:00 10:30 New Year’s Day Mass for Parishioners Bilingual Mass for Parishioners FRI 8:00 + Maria De Ocampo SAT 8:00 + Maria De Ocampo Next weekend JAN 3— JAN 4 SAT 5:00 SUN 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 + Alex Figueroa & + Fred Natividad Luke 2:22-40 We still have photos of your beloved deceased. Please pick them up at the Parish Office. REFLECTION ON: TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In the last century, a few new feasts were blended into the Church year, including today’s. After World War I, the chaos of daily life in Europe made its impact felt on the family structure. Partly to offer Christians an image of hope and holiness in married family life, and also to promote the welfare of children, today’s feast was “invented” in 1921. In 1969, it became a feast of Christmas. The prayers today remind us not only of family life, but of life in the community of faith. We ponder the mystery of a God who loves us dearly enough to embrace the struggles, joys, and daily sorrows of family life. The message of Christmas shines through: God-with-us is available to us in the ordinary patterns of our lives and commitments. The lives of people who raise their children in difficult circumstances, and of people who remain faithful to life in the Church in spite of some of their own family struggles, occupy a special place in our hearts today in prayer. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. How will You Honor Your Holy Family this week? Let us Pray for all our sick Parishioners especially for Donald Dornan, Rose Marie Sickle, Tahereh Ramin, Joe Guella, Fe Astrero, Norman Trewick, Cecille Toy, Kenny Halldorson and nephew Blaine Halldorson preparing for kidney transplant, and for all who care for them. AVAILABLE + Jose & Carmen De Ocampo + Teresita De O Vellegas + Lofi Pita AVAILABLE Let us pray for all of our faithful departed, especially Agnes Reyes, Sister of Hermie Munoa, Sandy Hemingway, and for family and friends left behind. Check our website: San Mateo, California Church of St. Timothy Fr. Francis Garbo and St. Timothy Parish and School Staff Wish You and Your Family a Happy and Blessed New Year and Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Page Three LECTURA DE HOY Evangelio-— María y José llevan a Jesús al templo para consagrarlo al Señor. Lucas 2:22-40 The Parish Office Will be Closed for New Year: Wednesday, December 31st: starting at 12 noon Thursday, January 1st: all day The Office will be open Friday, January 2nd. We Thank All who have contributed to decorating our Church for Christmas. Thank You! La Escuela de Formacion de Fe (CCD) les desea una un Prospero Ano Nuevo. Por favor, recuerde nuestro horario para las fiestas Navidenas y poder celebrar en nuestra parroquia las fiesta de Navidad. Regrasaremos a clases el Sabado, 3 de Enero de 2015 y las clases Intermedia y Confirmacion regresaremos el Miercoles, 7 de Enero de 2015. ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS Para quienes desean liberarse de las cadenas del alcoholism, las reunions son los Martes, Jueves y Viernes a las 7:30 pm. WED 8:00 am New Year’s Eve Mass 7:00-10:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration and Benediction in the Chapel AL-ANON Esperanza y Ayuda para Familiares y Amigos De personas que tienen problemas con su forma de beber. 7:00-9:30 pm Lunes. 11:00 pm Tongan Mass THUR Mary Mother of God and New Year’s Day Mass Holy Day of Obligation 9:00 am New Year’s Day Mass for Parishioners 10:30 am Bilingual Mass for Parishioners SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday: St. Thomas Becket Wednesday: St. Sylvester I New Year’s Eve Thursday: Mary, the Holy Mother of God World Day of Prayer for Peace New Year’s Day Friday: Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen First Friday Saturday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus First Saturday **************** AL-ANON The hope line for Family and Friends of people having a problem with alcohol. The information line is 650-592-7935 or Tuesday night meeting-SM ALCOHOLICS-ANONOMOUS Offers hope and help for those who have a problem with alcohol. Info line is (650) 577-1310. Website: PAPERBACK BOOKS FOR VETERANS You may bring paperback books to Church or the Parish Office for Veterans in Hospitals. SEMINARY DISCERNMENT RETREAT: Jan. 16-18th St. Patrick’s Seminary For men 18 + years who are interested in the priesthood– an opportunity where You can explore the call. Contact Fr. David A. Schunk at 415-614-5683 or vocaƟ Or talk with Fr. Francis Garbo at 650-342- St. Timothy Faith Formation wishes you all a Happy New Year. Classes for primary grades and First Communion resume on Saturday, January 3, 2015 and classes for Middle School and Confirmation classes resume on Wednesday, January 7, 2015. B I N G O Every Friday Night Doors Open: 5:00 pm Games Start: 7:15 pm Regular games pay: $250 Admission: $15 per person NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME-BIENVENIDOS Web Site: __________________________________ NAME/NOMBRE _____________________________________ ADDRESS/DIRECCION _________________________________ ___ CITY/CIUDAD ZIP/AREA POSTAL —————————– PHONE/TELEFONO __ New Parishioner __ Address change __ Wish to receive Sunday Envelopes Gifts for God - Colección Last weekend’s collection: $ 7,609. 2nd collection: YES: $ 1,288. Immaculate Conception: $ Bazaar Total Update: $15,662.40. 602. Contributions must be in an envelope labeled with your name, address and envelope number for your tax statement. This week’s and next week’s 2nd collection is for The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. WE THANK YES, Youth Expressing Spirit, St. Vincent de Paul Society, School and Parishioners for providing a nice Christmas with Food and Toys for our children. YES - Youth Expressing Spirit Grade 6 - 12 Youth Ministry Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month www: - 408-464-6512 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Wednesdays, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. in the Parish Office. Bible Study is on Mondays in the Parish Office from 7 to 8 pm. Call Deacon Faiva Po’oi at 867-4049 St. Timothy School Mark your calendars! Kindergarten Information Night Wednesday, January 14, 2015 – 7 PM Open House – Kindergarten through 8th Grade Sunday, January 25, 2015, 10 AM (immediately following the 9 AM Mass) • • • • Meet our Principal and teachers. Tour our school and classrooms. Learn about our excellent academic program in a faith-based environment. Discuss our differentiated learning approach that assures attention to the needs of each child. • Hear about our on-campus before and after school care. Tuition assistance is available. For additional information, or to schedule a tour, please call 650-342-6567 or