daily notices – thursday – 5 february 2015 – day 5


daily notices – thursday – 5 february 2015 – day 5
2014 YEAR BOOKS: There is still a limited number of Year Books available – please see Ms Pike in Administration if you would
like a copy.
LOCKERS: Please DO NOT put padlocks on lockers that you have not purchased. ALL padlocks will be cut off from those lockers
that are being used without payment.
SCHOOL DIARIES: If you have paid for your diary ($12) please print off your receipt and bring this to the Main Office to collect
your diary. If you have not paid for the diary please pay at the Payments Office.
TEXTBOOKS – Remember to return all last year’s textbooks! You have to return everything from 2014 before you will be allowed
a textbook for 2015. Or you can pay for the textbook if you have lost it.
OVERDUE TEXTBOOKS: Please return any overdue English textbooks from last year. They are needed for this year’s classes.
You can return these books to the library or to the red “Returns” box in the bottom corridor of H Block.
CLASSICAL STUDIES SCHOLARSHIP: Students interested in learning about Classical Studies Scholarship meet in A20 from
3.30 until 4.00 this Thursday 5th February.
13 SCHOLARSHIP CHEMISTRY: Meeting on Monday to discuss tutorials for non 13CHEMX students in A3 at lunchtime
Y10 ART STUDENTS: Who wish to pick up their Y9 mythical creature sculptures and book sculptures outside A11 and Art foyer,
please do this by Friday 13th of February.
DUKE OF ED / TRAMPING CLUB WAITAKERE WEEKEND: 14/15th February. See Mr Scoones in S6 at interval. Booking must
be done by Thursday.
YR11 ART STUDENTS FROM 2014 - IMPORTANT: Your folios (1.4) will be ready for collection from downstairs A block foyer
(Art department end) on Wednesday morning tea to Thursday (all day). Uncollected folios will be discarded next week.
UN YOUTH NZ: Girls interested in finding out more about UN Youth or want to participate in Model UN events please come to a
meeting in A21 on Monday 9th. See Sarah Yap or Lina Kim for any queries.
BOLLYWOOD: If you are interested in being in the dance crew please come to a meeting in D13 Monday 9th February at
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Meeting for everyone interested in joining Amnesty this year on TUES 10th of Feb at lunchtime.
Year 9 and 10 in A20, Year 11 in H6, Year 12 in A29 and Year 13 in A25.
CAREERS: Air Force Base Visit Yrs 12/13. If you are interested in having an insight into the everyday lifestyle of the
‘Services’(Navy, Army, Airforce), you will have an opportunity on 24 February, 8.30-3.30pm. Register at:
INTERESTED IN MEDICINE? We have an ex-student coming on Thursday lunchtime to talk about her experiences at university
studying Biomedical Science and applying to be a Doctor. Bring your lunch to B1 on Thursday to hear her story.
SCHOOL SWIMMING SPORTS: Date: Wed 11 Feb Place: Takapuna Pools Pay $5.00 to Payments office.
BRING your ENTERY form to the Sports Dept on Monday
WINDSURFING & PADDLEBOARDING: All students: there is a meeting today (Thursday) and Monday at lunchtime in a6 for
anyone interested in Windsurfing or Paddleboarding on Lake Pupuke. You will learn a new skill and have heaps of fun. Come
along and find out all about it.
CYCLING: Have a Go Day – on Friday 13th February 1 – 4pm on Turf 1. Sign up in the Sports Dept.
BEACH VOLLEYBALL: Beach Volleyball will commence on Monday 9th Februrary at Mairangi Bay Beach Volleyball
centre. Teams consist of two players and you must make up your own team. The competition runs for the term and ranges from
those that haven’t played before to those with lots of skills. Girls must make their own way to the venue (there are buses that go
from the school out that way). Cost is $40 and this must be paid prior to the 9th Feb. For more information please pick up a
newsletter from the sports department.
3 on 3 BASKETBALL: If you are interested in representing Westlake in the 3 on 3 Basketball competition during tournament
week in March, please sign up in the Sports Department. This is open to the whole school however we will only be taking the top
few teams. A trial will be held for those invited to attend on Sunday 8th February from 12pm – 1.30 at school in Gym 3.
ARCHERY: Meeting in A3 today at lunchtime for those interested in the AKSS Interschool Matchplay Champs and the Interschool
postal league. Must already be shooting and belong to a club (for the postal league)
SAILING: Secondary Schools Fleet Racing Regatta is on Thursday 5th & 6th March at Narrowneck Beach, Devonport. Come to
the Sports Dept to collect a newsletter..
ORIENTEERING: Starts Thursday 19th February. Come to the Sports Department at Interval to collect a newsletter.
JUNIOR WATER POLO TRAINING: Junior Water Polo training will be held at the AUT Millennium Pools, on Tuesday 10th
February at 7.00pm. Please bring togs, towel, swimming cap and goggles.
BADMINTON – WHOLE SCHOOL. Trials for all Senior players will be in term 1. Competition starts in Term 2. Trials for all Junior
players, will be in Term 2. Competition starts in Term 3.
TENNIS: If you would like to play Tennis or have some coaching - Please go on to www.kiwitennis.co.nz
EQUESTRIAN: ASS Region Horse Trials is on Monday 2 March at Papatoetoe Pony Club. Please come to the Sports
Department to collect a newsletter.
EQUESTRIAN: Meeting outside the Sports Department today at lunchtime.
AQUATHON: Are you a runner or a swimmer? Or both? Collect a notice and sign up for the Auckland Schools Aquathon at the
Sports Department- various distances depending on your age. You can enter as an individual or as a team (we can make up
teams if you do not have someone you know J). February 19th. See Ms Meyer if you have any questions.

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