Tribune Press Reporter 1 $ 00 www.DeWittMedia.com Volume 126, Number 22 Glenwood City, Wisconsin 54013 Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Investigation into Town of Glenwood cockfighting operation continues TOWN OF GLENWOOD — Although the 19 individuals arrested for being spectators at a January 24 cockfight have posted bail and have been released, St. Croix County Sheriff John Shilts said that the investigation is still active. In a January 27 news release, Sheriff Shilts stated that the investigation is active and as such information will be limited but that updates may be released as more information is gathered and individuals involved are identified. According to the news release, the St. Croix County Sheriff ’s Office received information of a possible “cockfighting” event being held at a farm located at 1721 315th Street in the Town of Glenwood around 1:13 pm on Saturday, January 24. When Sheriff ’s deputies arrived at the location, they found several people on site of a working dairy farm but could hear sounds of what they described as “loud chicken noises” in an area away from the main dairy barn. As they approached that area, deputies observed several individuals gathered around a makeshift shelter. A large number of these individuals ran from the area of the shelter and into a wooded area when they observed deputies approaching. Upon closer inspection, deputies noted a “cockfighting ring” as well as other items that indicated that a cockfight had taken place or was taking place. Deputies from St. Croix and Polk County with assistance from Wisconsin State Patrol Troopers and officers from the Woodville and Baldwin Police Departments took 19 people into custody and booked them into the St. Croix County jail for being spectators at a cockfight which is illegal in Wisconsin. The 19 people arrested on charges of instigation of animal fights as a spectator were: Jose D. Quechulpa-Tequil, 28, Glenwood City. Ramon Serrano, 55, Lakeville, Minn. Ernesto B. Benitez, 48, Amery. Manuel D. Galvez, West St. Paul, Minn. Ricardo Llamas-Silva, 38, Clear Lake. Elpidio Gorostieta-Flores, 39, New Brighton, Minn. Agustin A. Benitez, 56, Turtle Lake. Idelio J. Benitez, 57, Amery. Luis M. Benitez, 25, Amery. Michael A. Sanchez, 33, St. Paul. Benito M. Benitez, 54, Amery. Juan C. Sanchez-Ortiz, 29, St. Paul. Iliberto Ayala-Vazquez, 55, St. Paul. Martin M. Rios, 44, Bloomington, Minn. Sabino A. Sanchez, 23, St. Paul. Juan M. Enciso-Rojas, 31, Almena. Dario H. Melendez, 28, St. Paul. Ignacio Ochoa, 19, Faribault, Minn. Ignacio Ochoa-Garcia, 53, Faribault, Minn. Ten of the men were also charged with resisting or obstructing an officer. All 19 suspects had posted bail and had been released by Tuesday, January 27. Dr. Marvin Johnson, a veterinarian from Roberts, is the owner of the farm which is located about six miles north of Glenwood City. “(Dr. Johnson) has been extremely helpful from the onset of this investigation and continues to assist my office even today,” said Sheriff Shilts in the dated release. “We have concluded that Dr. Johnson had no knowledge of the event. Dr. Johnson assisted deputies on the scene with helping to ensure the safety of the roosters on site,” stated Shilts, adding “He has definitely established that he does not condone this activity and has cooperated at every level with my office.” Shilts also stated that Dr. Johnson had made it clear to his employees that they are expected to cooperate with the investigation to the extent that they can. Shilts did confirm that the farm is a working dairy and that Dr. Johnson does tend to his dairy herd. Dr. Johnson was also aware that there were some chickens on the property that belonged to his employees and believed that they were being used for accepted farming practices only. UW system and local control of sand mines topics for Harsdorf listening session By LeAnn R. Ralph MENOMONIE — Funding for the University of Wisconsin system and maintaining local control of frac sand mines were two prominent topics constituents discussed with state Senator Sheila Harsdorf at a listening session January 29. About 20 people attended Senator Harsdorf ’s listening session at the Dunn County Judicial Center. Senator Harsdorf (R-River Falls) represents the state’s 10th Senate District, which covers the 28th, 29th and 30th Assembly Districts — all of St. Croix County and portions of Burnett, Dunn, Pierce and Polk Counties. G o v e r n o r S c o t t Wa l k e r ’s proposed decrease in state funding to the University of Wisconsin System of $300 million over the next two years is a “second Act 10” aimed at UW employees, said Terry Nichols, a Town of Colfax resident and a retired employee of UW-Stout. Nichols said he takes offense at the governor’s characterization of public employees as the “haves” and pitting the “haves” against the “have nots.” “The wound has not healed, and the governor broke it open again,” Nichols said. Details of the governor ’s proposal are expected to be included in the state budget. The 13 percent reduction in state aid, which amounts to $300 million over two years, is reported to be the largest cut in funding in the history of the UW system. The governor’s proposal also includes moving the UW system from being under the control of state Legislature to being under the control of a public authority, giving the UW system more autonomy. Senator Harsdorf said that giving the UW system more autonomy would provide the flexibility and “the tools” to deal with the $300 million reduction in state aid. Senator Harsdorf said she advocates for greater flexibility to allow the campuses to manage their operations. “I believe it has merit longterm,” Harsdorf said. At this point, it is not clear what increased flexibility to manage operations means, but news reports have suggested it could include delaying maintenance and decreasing faculty and staff. Governor Walker has gone on record saying that university professors should work harder and teach more classes. Kathy Stahl, a Town of Colfax resident and the former host of Spectrum West on Wisconsin Public Radio, said the $300 million reduction in state aid is only one decrease for the UW system. “It has been cuts time after time,” she said. Morale on University of Wisconsin campuses “has been hugely hurt,” Stahl said. “We have already cut out the excess. I fear we will now be losing quality (faculty and staff),” she said. “I am aware we will be losing good faculty,” Senator Harsdorf said, adding that the Legislature must hold the UW system accountable. The increased autonomy will give the UW system long-term flexibility to manage the payroll, she said. Local control Stahl also said she was concerned that the issue of removing local control of the frac sand mines would be a provision tacked onto the budget. 766750 1-29-15 Local control is a policy issue and not a budget issue, Stahl said, and asked Senator Harsdorf not to vote in favor of removing local control. Stahl said she respects landowners’ rights to use their property but that sand mines “go beyond their boundaries.” All counties in the state have different environments and different needs, so a central set of regulations from the state would not take those differences into account, she said. Jerry Lausted, a farmer in the Town of Red Cedar and the Town of Tainter, said he, too, was deeply concerned about the loss of local control. Two bills were introduced by Senator Tom Tiffany last year undermining local control of the sand mines, he said. The extraction industry wants to be able to move from section to section and expand the acreage of the sand mine with no new regulations, Lausted said. Being able to expand with no new regulations is known as the diminishing assets rule. According to an analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau of one of Senator Tiffany’s bills regarding diminishing assets, a zoning ordinance that is adopted after a nonmetallic mining operation has started cannot apply to land that is contiguous to a nonmetallic mining operation that is under the control or common ownership of the person who owns or controls the land where the mining is occurring, even if nonmetallic mining is not taking place on the contiguous property at the time the new ordinance is adopted. Under diminishing assets, “if Harsdorf Please see pg 2 A CONFERENCE OF VOICES — The Dunn-St. Croix Honors Choir, under the direction of Frank Watkins, conductor of UW-Eau Claire’s Women’s Concert Chorale, Women’s Chorus and University Symphonic Choir, performed one of its vocal selections during the 2015 Dunn-St. Croix Honors Music Program held Saturday afternoon, Janaury 31 at Glenwood City High School. This was the 37th year for the program that features students from Boyceville, Colfax, Durand, Elmwood, Glenwood City, Mondovi, Pepin and Spring Valley. The Honors Band also performed. —photo by Shawn DeWitt Gov. support of wind energy gone, spells end of expansion? By Robert Romano, senior editor of Americans for Limited Government It may be time for the wind energy industry to finally stand on its own two feet. On January 28, the U.S. Senate defeated an amendment by Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) in favor of the now-expired wind production tax credit. It failed by a vote of 47 to 51. And that was merely a “sense of Congress” non-binding resolution in favor of the policy, which funds an inflation-adjusted 2.3 cents per-kilowatt-hour (kWh) tax credit for electricity generated that were constructed before January 1, 2015. In 2014, it cost taxpayers $6.4 billion paid out to owners and operators of wind turbines. That credit lasts for 10 years, and so taxpayers are still on the hook until at least January 1, 2025, but as most projects were constructed before 2014, the amount of the credit should gradually be winding down on an annual basis. Any new wind projects will not be eligible to receive the tax credit, leading American Wind Energy Association head Tom Kiernan to complain, “We worry about the industry going off the cliff again if we don’t get the Production Tax Credit extended as soon as possible.” Industry experts warn that the tax credit expiration will halt production of new turbines, since current market participants would have a built-in cost advantage versus new entrants into the industry unable to take advantage of the tax incentive. Such are the perverse incentives Congress creates when it doles out tax subsidies to any industry. In this case, in 2012 wind only generated $5 billion of revenue, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Compare that to the $6 billion tax subsidy from that year, estimated by the Joint Committee on Taxation. By that count, new entrants into the marketplace will be seeing as much as a 55 percent markdown, on average, compared to subsidized competitors. Which is why the subsidy should be eliminated altogether. It’s the only way to have a truly level playing field with real competition. Proponents will argue that, actually, this is why the tax credit should be made permanent, a position we’re certain the American Wind Energy Association would support. But what industry wouldn’t want a permanent, annual subsidy totaling billions of dollars? Ultimately, it is for Congress to decide whether the cost is worth it to subsidize an industry that only produces 4.5 percent of U.S electricity, according to the Energy Information Agency. As it is now, the remaining subsidies appear to create a barrier for new wind turbines to be built and thus will impact the growth of the industry by its own admission. And Congress has shown no interest in renewing the tax credit. Therefore, the only fair way to proceed is to eliminate the remaining subsidies, too. Right? WI Natural Resources Board approves strategic study of frac sand mining By LeAnn R. Ralph MADISON — The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board has given the go-ahead for the state Department of Natural Resources to conduct a strategic analysis of industrial frac sand mining. The NRB approved the recommendation from the DNR at the board’s January 28 meeting on a unanimous vote. The DNR made the recommendation to the Natural Resources Board on January 12 as the result of a petition signed by more than 1,000 West Central Wisconsin residents submitted to the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board last fall. Midwest Environmental Advocates drafted the 29-page document, “Petition for a Strategic Analysis of Frac Sand Mining,” which contains a number of technical references and citations and argues that the state Department of Natural Resources must gather and use scientific information to adequately regulate the frac sand industry to protect the health, safety and welfare of Wisconsin residents. Representatives of MEA presented the petition in September to a group of about 60 people who gathered at the Howard Town Hall. The Natural Resources Board asked DNR staff to respond to the petition in October. The DNR will seek public comment and will update a 2012 report as part of a broader strategic analysis on industrial sand mining, according to a news release from the DNR dated January 28. The DNR will seek public input on the topics that should be addressed in the report, and the analysis process includes a public comment period and a review of a draft of the report before it is presented to the Natural Resources Board. DNR staff members reported to the Natural Resources Board at the January 28 meeting that they plan to ask for public comment on the scope of the analysis in February and March. Once the scope of the strategic analysis has been determined, the DNR will establish a timeline for completing the analysis, according to the news release. Preston D. Cole, director of operations for the City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works, serves as the chair of the NRB. Terry Hilgenberg, president of the Coldwell Bankers Hilgenberg Realtors, serves as the vice-chair of the board. Gregory Kazmierski, president and owner of Buckrub Outfitters Ltd., serves as secretary of the NRB. The following directors also serve on the Natural Resources Board: William Bruins, owner and operator of Homeland Dairy; Christine L. Thomas, dean and professor of resource management at the U.W. Steven’s Point College of Natural Resources; Jane Wiley, Sand Study Please see pg 2 NOT JUST A BETTER DEAL . . . M I W , e i n o enom A BETTER DEALERSHIP! Check us out at www.northtownford.com Harsdorf Page 2 - Tribune Press Reporter - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Continued from page 1 the sand mine is five miles away now, it could be in your backyard three years from now,” Lausted said. “The extraction industry is not your best buddy,” he said. Senator Harsdorf said this area of the state needs the jobs from sand mining and that sand mining can be done “in a smart way and an environmentally smart way.” Lausted said that the Fairmount Minerals (Wisconsin Industrial Sand) mine across the road from the judicial center employs 14 people. Senator Harsdorf said that regulations for sand mining could hurt aggregate mining. Aggregate refers to the sand and gravel pits that are used for road construction and other local construction projects. Dunn County’s nonmetallic mining ordinance exempts sand and gravel operations used for local road construction or other construction. Lausted also said he was concerned about the ponds at the BRIGHTLY LIT — One of the four household kitchens in the new Glenhaven building is nearing completion. The walls and ceiling have been painted, the wood ceiling beams have been installed and the lighting fixtures are functional. The new structure should be opening later this spring. —photo by Shawn DeWitt Glenwood City Fire Department receives Firehouse Sub Grant The Glenwood City Fire Department has received a grant from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for the purchase of a thermal imaging camera. The fire department was notified early this month that the board of directors of the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation awarded the fire department, a grant valued at $7,035.50 According to their web site, Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation is dedicated to improving the life-saving capabilities of first responders and public safety organizations in communities served by Firehouse Subs by providing funding, resources and support. The nearest Firehouse Sub location is at 5413 Prill Road in Eau Claire or at 2303 White Bear Avenue in Maplewood, MN. About Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation In 2005, Firehouse Subs created the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation with the mission of providing funding, life-saving equipment, and educational opportunities to first-responders and public safety organizations. Through the non-profit 501(c)(3), Firehouse Subs has given more than $12 million to hometown heroes in 42 states and Puerto Rico. Here is an addition to the previous article that listed the candidates for the upcoming spring election in the surrounding municipalities: In the Town of New Haven, Marv Prestrud is the current Chairperson and he will be seeking reelection. He will be running again Carol Breslin. There are two positions for Supervisor up for election and incumbents Jill Huber and Don Cormican are seeking re-election and then C. Douglas Enloe is a new name on the ballot. Town Treasurer, Laura Ulrich is seeking reelection and so is Town Clerk, Diane Duerst. Both are running unopposed. In the Town of Emerald, their caucus results had each incumbent as the only nominee. The ballot has Henry Hurtgen running for Chairperson, Francis Klatt and Tom Wink running for Supervisors, Barbara Prinsen running for Clerk and Donald Prinsen running for Treasurer. April election candidates named for New Haven and Emerald SCC offering free radon test kits to homes that haven’t been tested School Lunches BOYCEVILLE FEBRUARY 9-13 Mon., Feb. 9: Hot dog on bun or California burger on bun, sweet potato fries, fresh green beans, chilled peach slices, apple slices Tues., Feb. 10: Spaghetti with meat sauce with garlic breadstick or Italian flatbread, strawberry spinach salad, celery sticks/lite dip, chilled pear slices, orange wedges Wed., Feb. 11: BBQ chicken patty/bun or savory ham/cheese wrap, sour cream/chive potato, baby carrots/lite dip, mandarin oranges, red grapes Thurs., Feb. 12: Chicken THE TRIBUNE PRESS REPORTER U.S.P.S. 220-160 Carlton R. DeWitt Editor and Publisher The Tribune Press Reporter is published every Wednesday with periodical postage paid at Glenwood City, WI 54013. Office located at: 105 Misty Court Glenwood City Postmasters please send address changes to P.O. Box 38 Glenwood City, WI 54013-0038 phone 715-265-4646 fax 715-265-7496 email: tribune@dewittmedia.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1Yr. Dunn, St. Croix, Polk & Pierce Counties $3000, $1700 for 6 months. 1 Yr. Elsewhere in WI & MN - $3500, $ 1900 for 6 months. 1 Yr. Elsewhere in continental U.S.-$4000, $ 2300 for 6 months. At Newsstand ......................................$100 identifying the home that has not been tested. If you are retesting your St. Croix County home, a short term radon test kit can be purchased for $5.00. Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odorless gas that is harmlessly dispersed in outdoor air, but when trapped in buildings, can be harmful at elevated levels. The National Academy of Sciences chow mein/noodles or sweet/sour meatballs, brown rice, steamed broccoli, cherry tomatoes/lite dip, strawberries, apricot halves Fri., Feb. 13: French cheese bread or deli submarine, chicken vegetable soup, carrot sticks/lite dip, red radishes, petite banana, granny smith apple GLENWOOD CITY FEBRUARY 9-13 Mon., Feb. 9: Fiesta chicken wrap/fixings or BBQ pork rib on bun, baked seasoned potatoes, cherry tomatoes/lite dip, fresh red apple, strawberry cup Tues., Feb. 10: Baked popcorn chicken or shaped fish nuggets, brown wild rice pilaf, sweet potato soufflé, celery sticks/lite dip, chilled fruit cocktail, orange wedges Wed., Feb. 11: Ham/cheese stromboli or beef & bean burrito, roasted squash, veggie tray/lite dip, pineapple chunks, red grapes Thurs., Feb. 12: Soft shelled taco or cheese ravioli/spaghetti sauce, garlic broccoli, baby carrots/ lite dip, chilled pear slices Fri., Feb. 13: Ham/turkey club wrap or tuna submarine sandwich, baked sweet potato fries, baked beans, fruited sorbet, orange wedges Creamed Chicken Dinner Thurs., Feb. 5, 2015 3:30 to 7 p.m. (NAS) reported that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. and that it is a serious public health problem. The NAS concluded that radon causes between 15,000 and 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year, about one third of them preventable. Testing homes for elevated levels of radon is simple and inexpensive. If discovered, radon problems can be fixed for costs similar to many common home repairs. There are now many local contractors who are state certified to perform radon mitigation activities. The office locations are: Community Development Department, 1101 Carmichael Rd, Hudson WI 54016 (715-3864680); Public Health Department 1752 Dorset Ln New Richmond, WI 54017 (715-246-8367); or Community Development Department, 1960 8th Ave, Baldwin WI 54002 (715-531-1930) By LeAnn R. Ralph COLFAX — A Colfax woman whose house was the target of an arson last May has pleaded guilty to three felony drug and bail jumping charges in Dunn County while eight other felonies and three misdemeanors were dismissed. Katie E. Bundy, 36, appeared in Dunn County Circuit Court for a plea hearing January 26. A l l t o g e t h e r, B u n d y h a s been charged with 43 drug or bail jumping felonies in Dunn, Chippewa and Eau Claire counties. Judge Rod Smeltzer accepted Bundy’s guilty pleas for the felony charges of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud, bail jumping and possession of methamphetamine. Judge Smeltzer dismissed charges of one felony count of misappropriating an identification to obtain money, six felony charges of bail jumping, and one felony count of possessing narcotics. In addition, Judge Smeltzer dismissed five misdemeanor charges: two counts of retail theft, two counts of possessing marijuana and one count of possessing drug paraphernalia. Bundy also is charged with ten other felonies in Dunn County: possession of methamphetamine; Sand Study Continued from page 1 community conservation activist retired from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; and Gary Zimmer, coordinating biologist for the Ruffed Grouse Society. Five years ago, a handful of frac sand mines were operating in this area of the state, but the number has now increased to over one hundred sand mines. Although initial reports indicated that a proposed frac sand mine in the Town of Howard would be 2,000 acres, Vernon Schindler, chair of the Town of Howard, now reports that the proposed sand mine would be between 500 and 600 acres. Post #330 Downtown Wilson, WI 715-772-4266 Meat Raffles held every Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Corner of Hwy 64 & County Rd D • Forest, WI 8tfc* Hours Mon-Thurs. 3 p.m. to Close Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. to Close Sunday 9:30 a.m. to Close 715-265-7277 Valentine’s Day Specials! Saturday, Feb. 14th Steak & Shrimp Specials for 2! Free Will Offering Call for more information or to make a reservation. Creamed Chicken, Biscuits, Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Cranberries, Pie and Beverages. possession of drug paraphernalia to manufacture methamphetamine; and eight felony bail jumping charges. A 30- mi n u te p r e l i mi n ar y hearing is scheduled in Dunn County Circuit Court on March 3 for the ten latest felony charges. Bail in Dunn County for the ten felonies was set at $3,000 cash on January 14. Bundy was in custody at the time of the January 26 hearing, and her attorney, T. Gregory Amann, requested that the bail be reduced because Bundy said she wanted to get into treatment, to do testing and to visit her children. Dunn County District Attorney Andrea Nodolf argued against reducing the bail amount. Amann said he believes Bundy is motivated. Judge Smeltzer denied the request to reduce the $3,000 cash bail. A sentencing hearing is scheduled in Dunn County Circuit Court April 6 on the three felonies for which Bundy pleaded guilty. During the January 26 court hearing, Judge Smeltzer ordered a pre-sentence investigation. F o r t y - f o u r y e a r- o l d B e t h Mittelstadt is accused of setting fire to Bundy’s house at 511 East Third Avenue in Colfax last May. According to Dunn County Sheriff ’s Department investigators, Mittelstadt said she was at Bundy’s house on Third Avenue that evening in May of 2014 to buy methamphetamine from Bundy but denied having anything to do with setting the fire. Eau Claire In Eau Claire County, Bundy is charged with 16 felonies: delivery of methamphetamine, possession of narcotic drugs, identity theft for financial gain, and 13 felony counts of bail jumping. Misdemeanor charges in Eau Claire County against Bundy include retail theft, obstructing an officer, possession of a controlled substance, possessing drug paraphernalia and obtaining prescription drugs with a false order. A court hearing on the Eau Claire County cases is scheduled for February 4. Chippewa In Chippewa County, Bundy is charged with five felonies: obtaining a controlled substance by fraud; misappropriating ID information to obtain money; forgery; cashing a forged check; and bail jumping. A February 24 court hearing has been set in Chippewa County. The Town of Howard’s mine licensing ordinance requires any companies proposing to operate a frac sand mine in the township to obtain all state and local permits before approaching the Howard Town Board for a mining license. To date, no application for the proposed sand mine has been submitted to the Town of Howard. The Chippewa County Board of Supervisors and the Dunn County Board of Supervisors both approved resolutions at their January meetings in support of the strategic analysis of industrial frac sand mining. Daily specials from 4-9 Call ahead with to go orders 715-565-3480 visit our website at kuehlsbar.com and find us on facebook 115 E. Oak Street Glenwood City 715-565-3480 kuehlsbar.com 4th Annual Valentine’s Beer & Wine Tasting Progressive Dinner Thursdays at 7 p.m. Bar & Grill they need, Senator Harsdorf said. Tax relief The Legislature prioritized tax relief for state residents and reduced the income tax rates from five to four, Senator Harsdorf said. The Legislature also moved part of the technical school tax levy off local property taxes to the state level and pledged $400 million per year, which will reduce the local property tax levy for technical schools by 50 percent, she said. The Legislative Fiscal Bureau is projecting a revenue growth of 3.7 percent, but the state is facing a budget shortfall, Senator Harsdorf said. Medical assistance will require an additional $760 million over the next two years, she said. The increase in medical assistance spending and the tax relief have contributed to the state’s budget deficit, she said. The state is reported to have a current-year budget shortfall of more than $280 million, and the projected budget deficit for 20152017 is $2.2 billion. Colfax woman pleads guilty to 3 felonies — 8 felonies and 3 misdemeanors dismissed Grace United Methodist Church Wheeler C5c,22* In an effort to get more homes tested, St. Croix County Public Health Department is offering a free short term radon test kit to owners of St. Croix County homes that have never been tested before. The free test kit is available to the homeowner who comes to a St. Croix County office to pick up the kit. There will be an informational form to fill out Wisconsin Industrial Sand mining site that from aerial photos look like they are filled with antifreeze and wondered what is in those ponds to turn the water that color. Another woman at the listening session who did not identify herself said the state Department of Natural Resources does not have the staffing or the funding to handle central control of the sand mines. The DNR would have to get up to speed with staffing and equipment, she said, noting that the DNR is currently understaffed for the responsibilities they have now, never mind giving the agency additional responsibilities. Reforms At the beginning of the hourlong listening session, Senator Harsdorf noted that the state Legislature is working on reforms to make a positive, businessfriendly climate to encourage job growth. The state has a need for a more skilled workforce to fill jobs that currently are not filled, she said. A program called Fast Forward will help regional and local employers find the skilled people served 4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 22c23T* Saturday, February 14 4 to 8:30 p.m. in Glenwood City Cost is $25 per person Appetizers at Aaron & Lisa’s Boondocks 4-6 p.m. Pay here and pick-up glass. Main Course at Kuehl’s Bar & Grill 5-8 p.m. Dinner catered by Peg’s Pleasant View Dessert at Leaker’s Place 7:00-8:30 p.m. Live Band “The Weekenders” at 8:30 Pre-register and Pre-pay at All That & More call 715-565-3265 or email gcchambercoordinator@gmail.com for more info. Tickets available at the door too. Sponsored by Glenwood City Area Chamber of Commerce . 21c22T* Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - Tribune Press Reporter - Page 3 GLENHAVEN HAPPENINGS Last week the activities included Catholic communion, church with Grace Baptist, exercises, manicures, bingo with St. John’s, church with United Methodist, the monthly birthday party and sing-a-long with Jane and Friends and accordion music by Diane Petranovich. This week on Monday the residents start making guesses for the Groundhog’s Day shadow contest. On Wednesday there will be bingo at 2:00 p.m. On Saturday there will be entertainment by Steven Syzdel at 2:00 p.m. Next week on Sunday, February 8th there will be Catholic communion at 9:45 a.m. and at 3:30 p.m. there will be church with Christ the King Lutheran. On Tuesday, February 10th there will be church with Holy Cross at 10:30 a.m. On Wednesday, February 11th the residents will be having their Sweetheart’s Dinner during lunch and at 2:00 p.m. there will be bingo. On Friday, February 13th there will be music by Diane Petranovich at 2:00 p.m. and the Valentine’s Royalty crowning will be afterwards. On Saturday, February 14th there will be entertainment by Rudy Rudesill at 2:00 p.m. Recent visitors: Delores Standaert was visited by Loran and Barb Standaert, Karen Taylor and Kate Koosmann. Chuck DeSmith was visited by Doris Werner, Dale Krig and Rex DeSmith. Louise Ullom was visited by Ian, Evie and Elliott Radintz, Tammy and Brian and Diane Bartelt. Etta Wiseman was visited by Mark and Jody Welke. Jim Schmidt was visited by Lynn and Diane Gale. Mary and Ernie Kiekhoefer were visited by Peggy Raymond. Annella Frank was visited by Diane Klatt, Marilyn Olson and Char Gregor. Carolyn Tuttle and Missy Flick were visited by Marlene Kerr and Pat DeLong. Eleanor Heutmaker was visited by Marlene Kerr, Pat DeLong, Melinda Cossin and Pam Steies. Other visitors: Ruth Schutz, Dee Brezina and Kathy Hanson. Hannah Jerrie selected as Rotary Club of Menomonie Youth Volunteer Service Award winner Boyceville High School senior class member, Hannah Jerrie, was selected as the Menomonie Rotary Club Youth Volunteer Service Award winner. Hannah is the daughter of Scott and Heather Jerrie, of Wheeler. Hannah was recognized by the Rotary Club for her extensive volunteer service and commitment to her community. Ms. Mia Van der Paardt, Art teacher at Boyceville High School, introduced Hannah to the Rotary Club during an awards banquet held in Menomonie. Ms. Van der Paardt spoke about Hannah’s volunteerism and her strong commitment to academics. Hannah recently helped create and complete art murals at the Tiffany Creek Elementary school as a volunteer project. She has also maintained an outstanding grade point average and is a member of the National Honor Society. In addition, Hannah is involved in numerous activities Boyceville High School including Science Olympiad, Drama Productions, Quiz Bowl, Band and Art Club. Congratulations to Hannah for being recognized as the Youth Volunteer Service Award winner. Glenwood City MS/HS Academic Achievement Top 10 List January 19-30, 2015 (11 total for the two weeks!) 1. Nick Schone scored the highest on the Human Anatomy final. 2. Natalie Gabbert for doing a great job on her independent reading project. 3. Nyah Anderson and Tom Rosenow for getting perfect scores on their Science 7 semester exam. 4 . J e o n g S e o a n d Ta y l o r Drinkman for creating a cinematic masterpiece in fusing together their Civics and World Studies projects into one compelling short film. 5. Zack Abt and Tony Melstrom for their unique and ambitious approach to the World Studies semester project, “The Italian Stallion Board Game.” 6. Becca Peterson for an excellent grade on the final in Math 8 and for great study skills. 7. Yasmin Leando-Mendez for great participation and awesome grades in Math 6 and for always being helpful. 8. Isabel Draxler for writing an incredible essay during middle school Writing Lab. 9. Jordana Shervington for considerably raising her math grade from 1st to 2nd quarter. 10. Allen Croes for the highest score on the General Biology final. 11. Jordan Frederick for having his his Linocut print titled “Dairy Cow” entered in the Regional Youth Art Month art exhibit in New Richmond. Glenwood City MS/HS Top 10 list LuAnn Johnson Hall Feb. 6, 1953 – Dec. 23, 2013. As we look back over time We find ourselves wondering ..... Did we remember to thank you enough For all you have done for us? For all the times you were by our sides To help and support us ..... To celebrate our successes To understand our problems And accept our defeats? Or for teaching us by your example, The value of hard work, good judgment, Courage and integrity? We wonder if we ever thanked you For the sacrifices you made. To let us have the very best? And for the simple things Like laughter, smiles and times we shared? If we have forgotten to show our Gratitude enough for all the things you did, We’re thanking you now. And we are hoping you knew all along, How much you meant to us. DAD, LINDA & ELMER, KAREN, GALEN & KATHI, TERRI & MARK, JAMES & JENNIFER & SKYLER, CHARLIE With Love Healthy screen use for families with toddlers In most American households, screens now outnumber family members. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and televisions are part of everyday life for many families and children. With screen media playing a bigger role in our lives, how can parents know how much, and what kind of screen time, is healthy for their young children? Recently, a team of University of Wisconsin-Extension Family Living educators worked with Dr. Heather Kirkorian of the UWMadison Human Development and Family Studies department to learn more about the ways that screen media affect toddlers. Kirkorian notes that while limiting screen time for toddlers is important, families can have positive interactions around screens, too. “Young children need interactions with real people and 3D objects to learn language and meet other developmental milestones,” says Kirkorian, “However, parents do not need to completely avoid screen time. There are positive, intentional ways to interact with your toddler around screens.” Kirkorian shared the following suggestions from the national group Zero to Three (http://www. zerotothree.org) on ways parents can positively incorporate screen time into their toddler’s life. • Watch and play together. Toddlers learn from interacting with adults. Rather than handing your toddler the tablet or your smartphone, sit down with your child and talk about the game, ask questions about what you see on the screen, dance to a song together, and take turns. • Connect to the real world. “Screens are just one piece of your child’s education,” explained Kirkorian, “Extend concepts that were introduced on a screen to everyday life. For instance, if you saw a short video about the zoo, take your child to the zoo or play zoo with her stuffed animals. Maybe your child traced the alphabet using a tablet; now point out letters on street signs or in books as well. This helps kids connect what they see on screens to their real life.” • U s e i n t e n t i o n a l l y . Background television (TV that is on all day) is the most harmful type of screen time for children and should be avoided because it distracts kids from learning through play, observation, and conversation. “Turn off screens when not in use, keep them out of bedrooms, and consider watching adult television shows when kids are asleep,” says Kirkorian. • Content matters. Not all media content is created equally. Young children don’t benefit from fast or flashy shows or apps. “Toddlers learn best from video or app content that reflects their own experiences, strong story lines that they can easily understand, and slow-paced interactions so they have time to process what is happening,” explains Kirkorian. Don’t forget to consider adults’ screen use, too. “Kids are more likely to act out when parents are distracted,” says Kirkorian, “Model healthy behavior with your phone or other screens. Have some screen-free zones or times, like mealtime, when you focus on each other rather than a screen.” For more tips on parenting toddlers, visit UW-Extension’s Parenting the Preschooler website. Parenting the Preschooler offers tips related to all aspects of caring for toddlers, from nutrition to literacy to sleep. For more information on Parenting the Preschooler , visit http://fyi.uwex.edu/ parentingthepreschooler/ HIGHER EDUCATION IN MEMORIAM In Memory of Gustave Leroy Platson who passed one year ago on February 8th, 2014. Your memory is our keepsake, with which we’ll never part. God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. MISSING YOU “BUDDY” RETHIA PLATSON AND FAMILY 22c* In memory of: Bert Stoner 1913-1994 and Selma Stoner 1914-1997. Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us - they live on in the kindnesses they shared and the love they brought into our lives. Remembering you today and every day, Mom and Dad. SANDRA, DAVE & KAREN, GRANDCHILDREN, GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN, and GREAT-GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN 22p* Mayo Clinic-Red Cedar lists births Menomonie The following babies were born at Mayo Clinic Health System in Menomonie: January 18: Henry Michael Clark, son of Heather Madigan Clark and Justin Clark of Boyceville January 20: Lily-Mae Patience Smith, daughter of Tiffany and Shawn Smith of Menomonie Sauer named to Kuhn named to UW-Whitewater Deans List at announces Dean’s List La Roche College WHITEWATER — Amanda said Beverly Kopper, provost President Introcaso and the faculty of La Roche College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania would like to congratulate Jodie Sauer of Boyceville for being named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2014 semester. This accomplishment reflects her personal hard work and dedication to academic excellence, as a grad point average of 3.75 ir higher must be achieved. Kuhn from Emerald, Wis. was among the students were named to the University of WisconsinWhitewater Dean’s List for the 2014 fall semester. These students have demonstrated their academic abilities by receiving a grade point average of 3.4 or above in a single semester. “Making the Deans List is an affirmation of our students’ hard work and dedication in pursing their academic goals,” and vice chancellor for academic affairs. “I congratulate all the UW-Whitewater students who achieved this honor and hope it inspires them to continue striving for excellence as we begin a new semester.” The Registrar’s Office reports 3,149 students were selected for the Dean’s List for the fall semester. About 12,000 students are currently enrolled at UWWhitewater. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire has named 2234 undergraduate students to its Deans’ Lists for the 2014 fall semester. The Deans’ list and eligibility criteria, as well as other listings of UW-Eau Claire student honors and awards, can be found online at www.uwec.edu/news/people/ Area students who were selected for the Deans’ Lists are: Miranda Retz, Arts and Sciences, from Boyceville; Shanon Carufel, Nursing and Health Sciences and Mary Graese, Business, both from Glenwood City; and Ashley Mckay, Nursing and Health Sciences, from Knapp. STEVENS POINT — Deanna R. Nelson of Wheeler was one of more than 2,740 undergraduate students honored for attaining high grade point averages during the 2014-15 fall semester at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Nelson was awarded highest honors for her academic achievements last semester. The honored Full-time undergraduates who earned grade points of 3.90 to 4.0 (4.0 equals straight A) are given the highest honors designation. High honor citations go to those with grade point averages from 3.75 to 3.89 and honor recognition is accorded to those with grade point averages from 3.50 to 3.74. Area students Area students named to receive degrees Deans’ Lists at UW-Eau Claire from UW-RF EAU CLAIRE — The University honors.htm. RIVER FALLS - Stacy Retz of Boyceville and Ranae Ohman of Glenwood City were among 399 students to receive degrees during fall commencement at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls in December. Retz received a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science. Ohman received a Master of Science in Education degree in Counseling. B a c h e l o r ’s d e g r e e s w e r e awarded to 356 undergraduates while 43 students received master’s degrees. Founded in 1874, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls is located in a scenic community just 30 miles from downtown St. Paul. Spaghetti Dinner Thurs., Feb. 12th, 2015 • 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Emerald United Methodist Church Free Will Offering Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, bars & beverages Come and enjoy. Take-out available • Handicap accessible UW-SP lists honors students Eggert’s Nut Feed Sat., Feb. 7th Free Nuts starting at 9 p.m. served until they are gone! Music by the “Hooligans” 21c22* 504 Main Street • Downing, WI 715-265-7855 Treat Your Sweetheart to a Meal on Valentine’s Day Flowers by Nicole This Valentine’s Day, CHARM HER... with Teleflora’s ‘Sweet Embrace Bouquet’ ❤ Crab-stuffed Salmon for 2 .......$11.95 Starting at $29.00 Personalize with engraving ANSHUS JEWELERS SURPRISE HER... ❤ Jumbo Shrimp w/6oz. Chuck Fillet ..$12.95 with an early delivery on, Friday, Feb. 13th! ❤ 6 Jumbo Butterfly Shrimp ........$12.95 (starting at $59.95) 50% off local deliveries* FREE to local Schools* *will not apply to orders placed same day Lg Inventory of Fresh Flowers, including Premium Roses-Blooming Plants-Balloons, including 29” singing Mylars-Plush-Chocolates A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1915 Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Main • •Downtown Menomonie • 715-235-2220 Mainatat3rd 3rd Downtown Menomonie • 235-2220 vase is adorned with an adjustable metal keepsake bracelet ❤ New York Strip Steak ...............$18.50 All meals include dessert, choice of potato and soup, salad or Angel Hair Pasta. 504 Main Street • Downing, WI 715-265-7855 22c* 22c* extend Valentined e Hour ’s Fri. & S s at 9a-6p . 715-265-7666 • flowersbynicole.net 820 Rowley Road • Downing 22c* Page 4 - Tribune Press Reporter - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 OFF THE EDITOR'S DESK MORE DEBT! DAYS OF OLD Articles taken from the files of the Glenwood City Tribune 10 years ago Tribune of January 19, 2005 Keith Badour, of rural Glenwood City, placed first in his class for the third straight year at the Eagle River Snowmobile Races held recently. At their meeting Monday night, The Boyceville School Board approved the resignation of Middle School Principal and Curriculum Coordinator Susan Halseth and Head Football Coach Chris Bowman. The Glenwood City and Boyceville Fire Departments worked together on two fire calls this past week - one at a home at County Road W owned by Virginia Work, and another at a garage in Connorsville owned by Tim Ring. 25 years ago Tribune of December 27, 1989 A car driven by Pat Forrest struck a power pole on First Street in Glenwood City just before midnight Saturday. NSP crews had to shut off the power in Glenwood City for just over half an hour to make repairs. The cold weather broke a power line near the Wheeler substation and on Wed. evening the power was off in Glenwood City, Downing, Boyceville and Wheeler areas. The Glenwood City School Board will take its first step in seeking a successor for Superintendent Wally Lindholm during a special board meeting on Thursday, December 28. An inconclusive survey, along with the district’s preoccupation with getting settled into a new school, led the Boyceville School Board into tabling discussion of initiating a school breakfast program. 50 years ago Tribune of February 25, 1965 The St. Croix County board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted unanimously to finance the additional $42,000 necessary for the county’s share of the construction of the new proposed lake and recreational area in the Glen Hills watershed. The L.V. Ward Hardware Store in Downing was burglarized over the weekend and about $8.00 in change and more than $100.00 worth of merchandise was missing. 60 years ago Tribune of February 3, 1955 Selvin Lee and Orrie Brettigen are the new proprietors of the former Bullis Hardware store here. The two purchased the business on Monday as partners and took over on February 1. The new firm will be known as the B. & L. Hardware. Fire, believed to have started by an exploding oil stove, totally destroyed the farm home of Russell Thorsen Wednesday afternoon. An important milestone was reached in the 42-year history of the Wisconsin Hydro Electric Co., Monday, January 24, when it issued its first pension check to retired employee Ole Geving, 25-year veteran operator of the Hydro’s Trego Plant. Approximately 150 members and patrons attended the annual meeting of the Glenwood City Coop Services on Saturday afternoon, January 22, at the High School Auditorium. Leo Lyons won the grand door prize of a Dormeyer deep fryer at the meeting. 95 years ago The Glenwood Tribune January 1, 1920 At the beginning of the year, St. John’s Catholic Church, of this city, had a debt outstanding of over $23,000 from the church building and its contents. Now in the final wind-up campaign of the year $3,870 had been received in cash and $6,000 in pledges. The goal aimed at is the reduction of the debt to an even $11,000. Rev. R. W. Petersen and wife were the recipients of a happy surprise reception at Wheeler Dec. 26th, a large number of parishioners assembling and presenting them with a substantial purse of money. Glenwood Lodge No. 254, F. & A. M., and Glenwood Chapter No. 33, O. E. S., held joint installation Monday evening. WORK CONTINUES to progress on Glenhaven’s new nursing facility located on East Oak Street. Above, a worker applied a faux brick facing last week to the fireplace located in the main floor atrium. Administration is planning to move into the new facility sometime in mid- to late April. —photo by Shawn DeWitt New Mayo Clinic Health System grant program available to nonprofits in northwest Wisconsin EAU CLAIRE — The Mayo Clinic Health System – Eau Claire Foundation is pleased to offer a new Hometown Health Grant Program to help improve the health of communities in northwest Wisconsin. This grant process is open to nonprofit organizations in Barron, Buffalo, Dunn, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Pierce, St. Croix and Trempealeau counties. Annually, total grant funding will be offered up to $25,000. Mayo Clinic Health System believes health is more than the absence of illness. Health is supported by an environment that sustains people’s physical, emotional and social well-being. The Hometown Health Grant Program will support innovative efforts to improve nutrition, increase physical activity and reduce chronic disease. Grant funding must be used to launch new projects or improve Construction on Wisconsin Approach work resumes EAU CLAIRE, Wis. – The 2015 construction season is underway with work on the Wisconsin approach to the new St. Croix Crossing starting on Monday, Feb. 2. The $12.5 million project will include the following work: • Grading from just north of County E to WIS 64 • Grading, pavement and incidentals on the relocated County E. • Constructing the interchange structure at County E and the roundabouts at the new WIS 35/ County E intersection and at the interchange location Because of the nature of the work, motorists can expect road closures and detours this year: • Beginning in late April: Anderson Scout Camp Road will close until October. Detour will be in place. • L a t e J u l y - S e p t e m b e r : Schones Tax Service, LLC 2152 Hwy 63 • Deer Park, WI Over 35 years experience Reasonable Rates Mon. - Sat. • 8a.m. - 8p.m. Call 715-263-243520c29 County E will be detoured. • S e p t e m b e r - N o v e m b e r : Traffic will be using the new WIS35/WIS 64 westbound lanes, the old highway will be open as a frontage road and the roundabouts will be open to through movements. More information about the traffic impacts this summer can be found here: http://www.dot. wisconsin.gov/projects/nwregion/ stcroixcrossing/index.htm H. James & Sons, Inc. based in Fennimore, Wis., who performed the first portion of the approach work was awarded this contract in December and will serve as the prime contractor again in 2015. Additional Project Information The overall three-mile project completes the WIS 64 majors project that was built in the early 2000’s. The four lane expressway from New Richmond to Houlton will tie-in to the new St. Croix Crossing structure over the St. Croix River in 2016. You can stay connected, ask questions or provide comments to the St. Croix Crossing project team by visit the project website (http://www.mndot.gov/stcroix crossing); signing-up for weekly email updates at http://visitor. constantcontact.com/manage/ optin/ea?v=001uV3jnccU8bZE UkxIHqi5xA%3D%3D; Call the hotline at 1-855-GO-CROIX (4627649); Like the St. Croix Crossing on Facebook at http://www.facebook. com/saintcroixcrossingmndot); Follow the St. Croix Crossing on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ stcroixcrossing; download the new 511 mobile app or visit www. 511mn.org; or stop by the project office at 1862 Greeley St. S., Stillwater, MN. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Hydraulic Excavator • Land Clearing Discing • Ditching • Lagoons • Roads Waterways • Dump Truck Crushed Rock GARY CORMICAN 715-265-4384 EXCAVATING E1032 1110th Ave Downing, WI 52tfc* Four & Five-Year-Old Kindergarten Americans for Limited Government is a non- partisan, nationwide network committed to advancing free market reforms,private property rights and core American liberties. For more information on ALG please call us at 703-3830880 or visit our website at www.GetLiberty.org. Sesquicentennial and Century Farm & Home programs applications If your farm or home (in whole or part) has been in continuous family ownership for 100 years or 150 years, you are eligible to apply for the 2015 Century Farm or Home Award or the 2015 Sesquicentennial Farm or Home Award. These awards will be presented a special program during the Wisconsin State Fair August 6 – 16, 2015. The tentative date for the breakfast program is August 11, 2015. Details of the event will be mailed to accepted applicants by mid June. The farm or home (in whole or part) must have been in continuous family ownership. Title of the Century property or Title of the Sesquicentennial property today must reside in a blood relative of the original owner, or a legally adopted child of a descendant. Continuous residence in the state or on the property is not required, but the title to the property must be continuous. An abstract of title or copies of the deeds from the county land records are the best evidence of continuous family ownership. Beth Pabst, St. Croix County Register of Deeds, has the application forms available at the Register of Deeds Office at the St. Croix County Government Center at 1101 Carmichael Road in Hudson. For more information write or call the office, 386-4652. Applications must be received no later than March 1, 2015. Send to Attn: Jill Albanese, Century Farm Program, Wisconsin State Fair, 640 S 84 St, West Allis, WI 53214. Notice of 4th Annual Meeting of the Cedar Country Cooperative Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 11:00 a.m. Bill’s Distributing 5900 Packer Drive • Menomonie, WI 54751 Agenda: Registration & Open House on March 25, 2015 ❒ Financial results for fiscal year ending September 30, 2014. ❒ Board member elections. ❒ Management Reports ❒ New Business ❒ Old Business ❒ Patronage Check Distribution Boyceville Community School District If your child will be four (4) years old on or before September 1, 2015 he/she is eligible to enter the Early Learning Center. OR If your child will be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2015 he/she is eligible to enter Kindergarten. Lunch Will Be Served Following The Meeting Information packets have been sent to all families accounted for on our census. If you or someone you know do not receive a packet by February 11, 2015, please contact the Tiffany Creek Elementary School Office (715-643-3647). On March 25th, you will need to bring your child’s birth certificate and his/her immunization record. All enrolling children are required to attend this Registration/Open House scheduled for March 25, 2015. If you have any questions or concerns, call 715-643-3647. existing projects. For a complete list of application requirements, visit the Hometown Health Grant page at mayoclinichealthsystem. org. “We are thrilled to invest foundation funds into community health improvement efforts through this grant process,” says Sara Carstens, Community E n g a g e m e n t a n d We l l n e s s director. “We know local partners who are working to make a difference in the health of the community can leverage the work Mayo Clinic Health System is doing. Investing in these partners can help us get further ahead in creating healthier communities in northwestern Wisconsin.” To apply, submit a letter of intent along with two letters of support by 4 p.m. March 9, 2015. Mayo Clinic Health System will review and chose those selected to complete a formal application. For more information on the Hometown Health Grant Program, visit www.mayoclinichealth system.org. I was reading the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper Monday morning, the front-page story was about President Obama’s new budget proposal. It calls for up to six trillion dollars of new debt, new taxes. I could only wonder who is going to pay off that enormous debt and what the annual cost of interest will be on a debt that is near $25 trillion. Not only will your grandchildren, but your great-grandchildren and so on will have to find some way to face that challenge. I only hope that the Republican-controlled Congress will bounce that budget idea right down into the sewer. I would like to touch on a couple of other items that crossed my desk this past week. First is that 2014 was not so hot of a year, satellites confirm. Climate scientist Roy Spencer, PhD who is a climate scientist with impeccable credentials, says that 2014 was not close to being the warmest year since 1979 when satellites first started collecting data. Instead, satellites show 1998 and perhaps 2010 as having that distinction. Spencer concluded, “Abundant evidence that it was just as warm 1,000 and 2,000 years ago as it is today.” In a news release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it was indicated that as the February 15 deadline to sign up approaches, HHS is encouraging Wisconsin consumers to check out their options for quality affordable coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. As of January 16, 177,157 Wisconsin consumers selected or were reenrolled in Marketplace coverage, according to the news release. Of those that selected a plan, 90 percent got financial assistance; 30 percent were under 35 years of age with 66 percent reenrolled. Of those 177,157 Wisconsinites that enrolled, 125 had Glenwood City Zip Code addresses of 54013, 124 with Boyceville Zip Code of 54725. Colfax had 192, Elk Mound 195 and Wilson with 88. Amery had 354. Communities with less than 50 enrollees were not listed on the HHS web site. Wisconsin, with a population of over 5.4 million, has just over three percent enrolled in health marketplace. I watched the Super Bowl game, which I figured would be won by Seattle, but again I was mistaken. But the gang style street fighting was one of the highlights of the game. It’s like going to a car race just to see an accident. Thanks for reading!— Carlton 22c*, 26c* Non-producer members are welcome to attend the meeting, but only agricultural producer/members are eligible to vote at the meeting. There will be two Board of Director elections, one from the North region (North and East of I94 from Eau Claire to Menomonie, then North on State Rd. 25 to Wheeler, then West on State Rd 170), and one for the South Region (South and West of the above line). Brian Johnson is up for re-election in the North Region and Jeff Quilling in the South Region. Both are re-running as incumbents. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, or would like to nominate someone, please call Justin Albricht (North Region) at 715-308-4627, or Tim Jackson (South Region) at 715-308-6295. 22c, C5c Free Caregiving Information Session offered February 26 L e a r n a b o u t Wi s c o n s i n ’s redesign for the increasing population experiencing dementia at a free caregiving information session on Thursday, February 26, 2015, from 5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. The session will be at the Community Commons – Senior Center, 421 Green Ave., New Richmond, WI 54017. Parking is available. The topic will be on Redesigning Dementia Care in St. Croix County, and will presented by Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - Tribune Press Reporter - Page 5 St. Croix Electric Cooperative to award $16,500 to local seniors Nancy Abrahamson, Dementia Care Specialist of the ADRC of St. Croix County. Discussion will include creating dementia friendly communities, and supporting those with the diagnosis through Memory Cafes, volunteer support in the home and other initiatives. The session is free and open to the public, but reservations are needed. CallCall 1-800-372-2333, ext. 4366 to register. NITCHEY'S MUFFLER AND TIRE THE GLENWOOD CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY has concluded its Food For Fines Program to benefit local food shelves and appreciates everyone who participated. Another Food For Fines event will be held in the near future and library-users and non-users will have an opportunity to participate. The library is looking forward to finding more ways to give back to our wonderful community. The Glenwood City Public Library is located at 127 Pine Street. For more information on the services the library offers, call the library at 715-265-7443 or visit glenwoodcitylibrary.org. We Accept: Oil & Filter Changes Brakes & Brakeline Repair • Batteries Wheel Bearings • Shocks & Struts Welding & Metal Fabricating Buy & Sell Used Vehicles Fred Nitchey, 3009 180th Ave., GleNwood city, wi 54013 19*tfn 715-265-4606 Looking for a New Vehicle? See Ricky Ohman Ricky@RiverValleyFord.com Cell 715-977-0958 www.RiverValleyFord.com 888-684-4520 6eowc* CVTC hosts financial aid application assistance session EAU CLAIRE – Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) will be hosting a College Goal Wisconsin event Sunday, Feb. 28, to assist students with financial aid for enrollment in any two-or fouryear college in the next academic year. The event will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Casper Conference Center in the Business Education Center, 620 W. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire. Students who attend have a chance to win scholarships. College Goal Wisconsin is a national event that provides free information and assistance to families who are filling out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), the federally required form for students seeking financial aid, such as grants and loans. Completing the FAFSA is the first and most important step in qualifying for aid. Volunteers from area colleges and universities will help students complete the application process. In addition to staff from CVTC, volunteers from UW-Eau Claire, UW-Stout, Globe University, and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will assist. Students should attend with a parent or guardian, if possible. A list of materials, including tax returns and financial records, that families should bring can be found at www.collegegoalwi. org. Independent students need only bring their own financial information. The CVTC College Goal Wisconsin event is one of 34 to be held throughout the state Feb. 7-28. Students who submit or save a FAFSA and complete a survey at the event will be entered into a statewide drawing for scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,000. ‘Give Kids a Smile Day” back at CVTC February 6 Free dental care offered to children ages 2-13 Injury claims from work related auto accidents require special attention. If you are injured in a work related auto accident, there will be worker’s comp claims and claims against the responsible driver’s insurer, or even an uninsured motorist claim. Be aware you have 12 years to pursue worker’s comp but as little as 3 years to file negligence claims against an auto insurer. Get an experienced lawyer. Get results. Call us and we’ll develop a plan to help you. Mike’s Auto Body Of Glenwood City, LLC • 715-265-4645 111 Misty Court • Glenwood City, WI Complete Collision Repair Headquarters: 24-Hour Towing • Frame Straightening EAU CLAIRE – Families that struggle to afford dental care have an opportunity for free dental care for their children Friday, Feb. 6. “Give Kids a Smile Day” is back for the ninth year at Chippewa Valley Technical College’s (CVTC) dental clinic. The event will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Health Education Center, 615 W. Clairemont Ave., on the south side across from the CVTC Business Education Center. Children ages 2 to 13 will be able to obtain, upon approval, teeth cleaning, X-rays, exams, fluoride treatments, sealants, fillings and extractions. The services are free of charge. Care will be provided by local dentists and hygienists, as well as CVTC dental hygienist and dental assistant students and faculty volunteering their time. To schedule an appointment, call 715-833-6271. Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis. Staffing allows for providing care to about 130 children during ASE & I-Car Trained and Certified Technicians Downdraft Paint Booth Ensures Dirt Free Finish Quality Work is our Mission! 24-Hou rT 715-26 owing 5-4645 GLENWOOD CITY, WI Cat & Back Hoe Work Rock & Fill • Lime Rock Black Dirt • Bobcat Work Tom Jeske 265-7167 CONTACT: CLIP & SAVE with STEAM TEAM Have your carpets cleaned in February or March to Receive a New Customer Discount the day, though staff may not be able to complete all of the work a child may need during the event. The kids treated leave with more than healthier teeth. They also take home information and advice. The day is also about education. “Childhood dental decay is a communicable, infectious disease,” said Pam Entorf, director of CVTC’s Dental Hygienist and Dental Assistant programs. “It’s important to teach children as young as possible about how to take care of their teeth so they don’t have problems as they get older.” The event is sponsored nationally by the American Dental Association and locally by the Chippewa Valley Dental Society and the Wisconsin Dental Association. The event is a partnership between area dentists and the CVTC Dental Clinic. “A lot of the students who were graduates of the CVTC program come back to volunteer. It’s like a class reunion,” Entorf said. Walter Turner, of Turner Pediatric Dentisty in Eau Claire has been giving back through participation in Give Kids a Smile for 25 years. “The technical college does a very good service for people and kids, and this facility is large enough to handle it,” he said. “I love doing it, and they like my service for the kids. I want to get them off to a right start.” Chippewa Valley Technical C o l l e g e d e l i v e r s s u p e r i o r, progressive technical education which improves the lives of students, meets the workforce needs of the region, and strengthens the larger community. HAMMOND – The St. Croix Electric Cooperative (SCEC) Board of Directors approved $16,500 to be awarded via scholarships to local students this spring. Any high school or home schooled senior who is a dependent of an SCEC member and will be continuing their education in Fall 2015 is encouraged to apply. Applications are available at the SCEC office, online at www.scecnet.net and with local guidance counselors. Completed applications are judged in two categories: one- and two-year programs ($500 scholarship) and four-year college or university ($1,000 scholarship). “Our scholarship program is one more example of the way SCEC carries out the seventh Cooperative Principle of Concern for Community. We are proud to be able to support local students in their educational pursuits with 2015 marking more than $150,000 awarded since 1981,” said Dana Bolwerk, SCEC communications and events coordinator. “In true cooperative fashion, it was members who decided to start a scholarship program in the College Goal Wisconsin providing fee FAFSA assistance at events College Goal Wisconsin provides free assistance to Wisconsin’s college-bound students who need help completing the financial aid form. 35 events at 30 different locations statewide are taking part in Wisconsin’s tenth annual College Goal Wisconsin. Events coming to local areas include: • Wednesday, February 25, at 6 p.m. at UW-Barron County, Ritzinger Hall, 1800 College Drive, Rice Lake. • Saturday, February 28, at 2 p.m. at Chippewa Valley Technical College, 620 W Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire. Entrance by Parking Lot P1 at the front of the building or P9 on the west side. • Saturday, February 28, at 2 p.m. at WITC New Richmond Campus, 1019 South Knowles Avenue, New Richmond. Other locations and days can be found at http://collegegoalwi. org/locations/ Events are held on Saturday, February 7, 14, 21, 28; or Wednesday evening February 25, 2015, to offer financial aid application assistance to students planning to attend college the fall of 2015. Saturday events begin at 2:00 p.m. The Wednesday evening events starts at 6:00 p.m. These events are sponsored by the Wisconsin Association The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation plans to award more than $10,000 in scholarships to outstanding Wisconsin students pursuing undergraduate degrees in 2015. To be considered for financial support, applications must be received by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation by March 15, 2015. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation scholarships are awarded to students based on demonstrated personal growth, development and leadership, academic performance, financial need and future educational goals. Changes have been made to the application process to make it easier and more efficient for students to apply. To apply, interested 4-H youth need to submit an application consisting of a resume, cover letter, list of 4-H projects in which participated and recent photo, preferably at a 4-H event or working on a 4-H project. Applications should be limited to three pages and, along with the photo, submitted to and received by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation • Tile • Vinyl • Wood • Carpet • Professional Installation • Residential & Commercial Repeat Customer Discount Your Flooring Headquarters 715-235-7722 ~ www.nevinsflooring.com 15% Off 1501 TAINTER STREET, MENOMONIE Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. - 8:30-5:30 • Thurs. til 7 p.m., Sat. 9-4 STEAM TEAM • JOHN A. HUMPAL 800-553-3677 • STEAMTEAMCLEANING.COM C5c,22cT* for Student Financial Aid A d m i n i s t r a t o r s ( WA S FA A ) . Its purpose is to address the needs of low-income and firstgeneration college students who are completing and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Federal Government requires a FAFSA from all students seeking financial aid, including grants and loans, to attend and pay for college. Completing the FAFSA is the first step for students to overcome their financial burdens and pursue their goals of higher education. Dependent students, those born after January 1, 1992, should bring a parent along with completed federal income tax returns for 2014 (if filing) and W2 statements. If a parent isn’t available or the federal income tax is not completed, students should still attend. C o l l e g e G o a l Wi s c o n s i n volunteers who have expertise in completing the FAFSA assisted 1,201 college-bound students/ families with their FAFSAs and financial aid questions at the 2014 event. $30,000 in scholarships will be given away. For more information regarding this event and a list of items needed to complete the FAFSA, visit www.collegegoalwi.org. Scholarship opportunities available through the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation • Laminate 10% Off early 1980s. Members judge the applications and select the scholarship recipients. And, funds for the scholarship program come from unclaimed capital credits.” Because SCEC is not-for-profit, the Co-op annually allocates margins to each member who paid for power, based on the amount they paid for electricity. As financial conditions allow (usually on a 20-year cycle), these margins are paid out to members as capital credits. A list of “missing members” is published annually but, capital credits not claimed after four years are deposited into an account with Federated Youth Foundation. This account is where the scholarship funds come from. All completed applications must be postmarked or dropped off at the SCEC office (1925 Ridgeway St., Hammond) by Friday, March 6, 2015. Questions may be directed to Bolwerk at 715-796-7000. About St. Croix Electric Cooperative St. Croix Electric Cooperative (SCEC) was formed on Nov. 5, 1937, as a result of five farmers determined to bring electricity to rural St. Croix County, Wis. Quality Floor Coverings At The Best Prices Largest Supply of In-Stock Carpet & Vinyl • Full Service • FREE Estimates on or before March 15, 2015. To b e e l i g i b l e f o r t h e s e scholarships, students must: have been a 4-H member for at least one year; have a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; be enrolled or planning to enroll in a university, college or technical school during the 20152016 academic school year. “The generous support of our donors allows us to recognize and provide financial assistance to numerous students throughout the state,” says Jim Reid, president of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. “Awarding these scholarships is one way the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation continues its mission to invest in positive development of 4-H youth by helping them obtain their long-term goals of higher education.” Two teams of youth development professionals will review the applications and select finalists. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation then will assign available scholarships to the top-ranking applications based on individual scholarship criteria. Applicants awarded scholarships will be notified by mail in May. For additional information on the 2015 Wisconsin 4-H Foundation s c h o l a r s h i p s , v i s i t w w w. Wis4HFoundation.org or contact the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation at (608) 262-1597 or info@Wis4H Foundation.org. COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL NEW & USED Starting at 15¢ Lb. Angles, Plates, I-Beams, Flats, Rounds, C Channel, etc. Saw Cutting also available STEEL TOWNE 7102 State Rd. 40, Elk Mound, WI (715) 879-5559 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-5 pm; Sat. 8-Noon Page 6 - Tribune Press Reporter - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Lady Bulldogs finish 1-1 against Elk Mound and Bloomer ballers By Kelsie Hoitomt Last week, the Boyceville girls’ basketball team had to face off against the number two team in the Dunn-St.Croix, Elk Mound. They played on Tuesday night and lost 49-31, which dropped their record to 5-5. They were then at home on Monday night for a non-conference contest against the Bloomer Blackhawks, which ended in a 33-30 win. Elk Mound wins again The Mounders bumped up their record to 10-1 with their only loss to Colfax, which is the number one team in the D-SC. The game started with the Bulldogs ahead by two points with the score at 8-6 with sophomore Brooklyn Hellmann leading the way by her one double and one triple. Shyanne Marlett knocked a shot in as well and Lexi Peterson had a free throw. The Mounders woke up from their slumber in the second quarter and went off the grid with 20 points scored against the Bulldog’s nine for a 26-17 lead at the half. The Bulldogs made four free throws between Cassie Malean and Madysn Riek and then had a triple by Hellmann and a double from Morgan Kuhn before the buzzer rang. McKenna McVay was on fire for the Mounders with two doubles in the second quarter to start and then she went off with four in the third quarter. The Bulldogs were unable to stop her and score points of their own, which led to a 37-24 deficit after the third quarter. They scored seven points out of the half with a three by Bird, a double from Marlett and two free throws from Kuhn. The game ended with Malean leading the team in the fourth quarter. She scored a double, then made a free throw before ending with another two-point basket for five of their seven total points. Marlett made the other double for the team. Hellmann led in points with eight from her two triples and one double. Malean followed with seven from two doubles and three free throws. Marlett had three doubles for six. Kuhn had one double and two free throws for four. Bird had her one triple. Riek had the two free throws and Peterson had her one free throw. Close call at home The match up against the Bloomer Blackhawks was a good one Monday night with the game a close race until the very last seconds. The Blackhawks came to Boyceville from the Heart O’ North Conference where they are currently 9-2 and 11-5 overall. They were aggressive the majority of the game with a lot of pressure applied that caused the Bulldogs to turnover the ball countless times in the first half. There were many fundamental errors that could have cost the Bulldogs the game with poor passes and travels, but they persevered in the end. The contest started with the Bulldogs ahead 10-6 with seven of the points coming by free throws. Kuhn made four out of four baskets, Riek had three herself and then Peterson knocked a triple in. The second quarter was a wash with both teams posting seven points. Kuhn hit a three pointer and then turned around and knocked down another from the same spot, which put the score at 17-8. Tu r n o v e r s a l l o w e d t h e Blackhawks to score five unanswered points for the 17-13 score at the half. Out of the break the Blackhawks took their first lead, before the score tied at 21s and then again at 23s. The quarter ended with both teams sitting at 25 points. To open the fourth quarter, Bloomer made the first basket for a 27-25 lead, but that ended quickly after Peterson drained a three. Malean then followed that up with a three of her own from the side of the court. From there on out the Bulldogs controlled the clock and led the game. Peterson and Riek each made one free throw in the final minute of play. The Blackhawks had the ball with ten seconds left, but their shot bounced off the glass and Marlett secured the win with the rebound. As a team, the Bulldogs made only three two-point baskets and then they had five triples and a total of 12 free throws out of 18. The Blackhawks had eight doubles, one triple and they finished 11 for 14 from the line. On the court, Kuhn led for the team with ten points from her two triples and four free throws. Then it was Peterson and Riek with eight points each; Lexi had two triples and two free throws and Madysn had two doubles and four free throw. Marlett finished with one double and two free throws for four and Malean had her one triple. Next on the schedule for the Bulldogs is their Coaches vs Cancer game that will be this Thursday, February 5 against Glenwood City. They will then be on the road next Tuesday, February 10 against Mondovi. Madysn Riek flies up to the hoop for this two point shot, which was her first of two in the third quarter of the Bulldog’s game against Bloomer. — photo by Kelsie Hoitomt Bulldogs boast highest scoring game of season with 63-30 win over Cornell By Kelsie Hoitomt BOYCEVILLE — The Bulldogs had one game this past week, which was on Thursday night at home against the Cornell Chiefs. The Chiefs are in the Lakeland- East Conference with a five game losing streak on their record after the Bulldogs beat them 63-30. This was the Bulldogs’ highest scoring game of the year thus far. They looked sharp on the court JAKE MCINTYRE scores his seventh double of the night, which put him at 16 points for the Bulldog’s game against the Chiefs. — photo by Kelsie Hoitomt from the get go. The boys were following the ball movement with precision that accounted for numerous turnovers by the Chiefs, which led the Bulldogs to score. The game started with the Bulldogs up 19-8 with 12 points alone scored between Brady Schutts and Jake McIntyre. Mitch Leach scored two doubles, Justin Schulz had one and Hunter Anderson drained their first free throw. By the half the Bulldogs had a commanding lead of 35-15 after they scored 16 points to the Chiefs’ seven. They were spinning their way past the defenders and taking jump shot after jump shot for points in the second. Tyler Draeger scored two doubles and so did Leach. Schutts, Brett Boda and McIntyre each had one and Schulz dropped in two free throws. The Bulldogs picked up right where they left in the second half of the game, which made for a blow out in the third quarter. They started with the ball in their possession first in the third quarter. McIntyre fouled and scored both his shots. Anderson then stole the ball and made a lay up. Boda answered back with a double of his own and McIntyre followed that up with a steal and a layup; all of this happened in the first minute of play. The Bulldogs led 41-15 by this time. Five minutes was off the clock before the Chiefs scored their first basket in the second half. They finished with just four points to the Bulldogs’ 16. In the fourth quarter, Draeger was all over the court with an unleashed amount of energy. He drove the ball to the hoop time after time and made two shots for the team. McIntyre also put two in for eight of the team’s 12 points in the final minutes. Blackhawk hockey team finishes 1-2 this past week By Brian Nadeau The Blackhawk skaters hosted the Regis/McDonnell Saints last Tuesday at United Civic Center in a Middle Border Conference contest and came away on the short end of a 7-2 score. Regis/McDonnell netted the first seven goals of the game, including five in the first period, to put the Blackhawks in a huge hole early. The Blackhawks were not without chances, however, as they outshot the Saints 34-26 on the game. The Saints goalie, a highly regarded player in Wisconsin, turned aside all but two attempts by the Hawks. The Saints added two second period goals to extend the lead and go to running time. With the Blackhawks trailing 7-0 going into the third period, Mitchell Larson was able to break the shutout at 12:42 with assists to Luke Meyer and Gavin Hessler. Eli Stoehr added a second goal at 16:45 for the final tally of 7-2. On Friday, the Blackhawks began a weekend road trip at Barron as they took on the Northwest Icemen. At 4:48 of the first period, Landon Albrightson scored on the power play to make it 1-0. He was assisted by Brandon Connett and Gavin Hessler. The Icemen tied it at 1-1 later in the period, but as has been the case often this season, the Blackhawks wasted little time answering. Thirty-three seconds later, at 10:54 of the first, Larson made it 2-1 with an unassisted goal. In the second period the Hawks continued solid play and at 6:39 Albrightson scored again making it 3-1, assisted by Connett. Noah Lindus scored to make it 4-1 at 11:33 of the second assisted by Meyer. The Icemen were able to capitalize on a turnover as the Hawks were coming out of their defensive zone, and made it 4-2 at 16:48. The Blackhawks began the third on the power play, and Albrightson netted a hat trick at 0:18 of the third. Connett and Hessler assisted on the power play goal. The Icemen would score three goals over the next ten minutes to tie the game at 5-5 with 6:21 left to play in the game. Gavin Hessler delivered the game-winner at 15:35 and was assisted by Leo Rasmussen and Connett. The Hawks would add an insurance goal at 15:58 when Albrightson scored again, assisted by Connett, and the game would end with a 7-5 victory. On Saturday the Blackhawks continued north to Ashland to take on the Oredockers. The first period saw plenty of shots, but only one goal, which came late in the first by Ashland. Entering the second period, and the Blackhawks trailing 1-0, Connett scored on the power play at 6:40 to tie the game 1-1. Rasmussen and Meyer assisted on the goal. Mitchell Hurtgen then scored the next two goals to make it 3-1, with Albrightson assisting on both goals. The Blackhawks would take that lead into the second intermission. The third period belonged to Ashland, as they scored three goals over the first twelve minutes of the period to reclaim the lead 4-3. The Oredockers would add an empty-net goal with 1 second left for a final score of 5-3. The Blackhawks are 14-8 on the season and 5-4 in MBC play. They return to action on Thursday February 5th at home when they host the New Richmond Tigers on Parent’s Night at United Civic Center, and then travel to Hobbs Ice Arena in Eau Claire on Saturday February 7th to take on the Eau Claire North Huskies. Hellmann started the quarter off strong with a double. Then after a foul, the ball was inbounded to Buddy Hanestad and he caught the pass, brought the ball up and in to the hoop for two points of his own. As a team the Bulldogs finished with 28 two point shots compared to the Chiefs’ nine. They had no three pointers, but they earned the rest of their points by seven free throws. McIntyre led in points with 16 from his seven doubles and two free throws. Schutts followed with six doubles for 12. Draeger had four doubles and one free throw for nine. Leach had four doubles for eight. Hellmann had two doubles and one free throw for five. Boda had two doubles and Schulz had one double and two free throws for four each. Anderson had his one double and one free throw and then Hanestad made his one basket. The Bulldogs were back on the court Tuesday (Feb. 3) for a game in Colfax. They will then be home Friday (Feb. 6) to host Elk Mound and Monday to host Luck. (AT RIGHT) CORNELL’S NOAH NOHR tries to block the shot, but Buddy Hanestad executes the play without a problem for this two point basket in the fourth quarter. —photo by Kelsie Hoitomt Boyceville Dance Team competes at Regional The Boyceville High School Dance Team competed at the Wisconsin Association of Cheer/ Pom Coaches Western Regional Competition at New Richmond High School on Saturday, January 31, 2015. All teams must qualify at the Eastern, Southern or Western Regional to compete at the WACPC State High School Dance Championships. The team earned an outstanding third place finish in the Division 5 Pom category, allowing them to advance to the State Dance Championships. You can see their award-winning performance at half time of the Boyceville “Coaches vs. Cancer” girls’ basketball game on Thursday, February 5 and support the team at the WACPC State High School Dance Championships on February 7, 2015, at the La Crosse Center. Please check www.wacpc. com for more information. Members of the team include Alexis Meixner, Abby Litomsky, Megan Bird, Katie Swenson, Hayley Bird, Abby Lorenz, Ireland McAbee-Thomas, Erica Sempf, Samantha Merkel, Tori Kostman, Peyton Hellmann. They are coached by Wendy Schultz Bird. THE BOYCEVILLE DANCE TEAM will be advancing to the State Dance Competition on February 7. Front row (L to R): Alexis Meixner, Abby Litomsky, Megan Bird, and Katie Swenson. Back row (L to R): Hayley Bird, Abby Lorenz, Ireland McAbee-Thomas, Erica Sempf, Samantha Merkel, Tori Kostman, and Peyton Hellmann. The squad is coached by Wendy Schultz Bird. —photo submitted Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - Tribune Press Reporter - Page 7 Lady Toppers surging ahead in D-SC conference, defeat Panthers and Cardinals By Kelsie Hoitomt The Glenwood City girls basketball team surged ahead in the Dunn-St. Croix Conference standings after two wins this past week over St. Croix Central and Spring Valley. As of this week they were sitting at third with an 8-3 record behind Colfax (11-0) and Elk Mound (10-2). Road win at SCC The Toppers started off playing on the road at Central on Tuesday. They lost to them earlier in the season, but redeemed themselves with a mere five point victory of 50-45. The game started with the Toppers down by one with the score at 10-9 after Jen Kopacz got the ball rolling with two threes and then Gabby Peterson sunk a free throw and had one double. The Toppers turned things around in the second and outscored the Panthers by two points, which in turn had them leading overall with the score at 22-21 by the half. They posted 13 points with Petersen leading the way with two doubles and then Moriah Kuehndorf had a triple, Kopacz made a double and Maya Petersen made one free throw. Making her debut and scoring for the team with a free throw and then a double in the second quarter was Rachel Klatt. This was her first appearance in a game this season after suffering a knee injury last year that was re-aggravated over the summer. She was a missed presence under the net with her rebounding skills coming into effect immediately for the team. Out of the halftime break, the Toppers played their best offensive game, which led them to victory when they outscored the Panthers 20-15. They shared the ball throughout the line up with a three from Kuehndorf and Jenesa Klinger and then a double from Mikaela Voeltz and Kopacz. Petersen drove in two doubles herself and then it was Morgan Kadinger that led in points with two doubles and then she made two free throws. By this time the Toppers were up 42-36, which carried throughout the fourth quarter and turned to the five points margin after they scored eight points to the Panthers’ nine. The Toppers made just one shot from under the net in the final eight minutes, otherwise it was all free throw shooting. They had ten attempts with six making it through the net. As a team, they Toppers finished 11 for 18 on free throws made. The Panthers had 13 of 23 made. Kopacz led in points with 12 from her three doubles and two triples. Kuehndorf followed with nine from two three’s and she was three for four from the line. Kadinger finished with her two doubles and she went four for four from the line for a total of eight. Peterson had seven from three Cardinals’ wings clipped The Cardinals were blown out of the water on Friday night with the Toppers beating them 70-35, which put Spring Valley’s record at 0-11 in the D-SC. The Toppers looked great on the court with a full 32 minutes of impressive ball played. All four quarters had over ten points scored with 11 in the first, 24 in the second, 12 in the third and 23 in the fourth. The Toppers trailed by two to start the game with the score at 13-11 after the first quarter. They tied the game at 15s with a layup from Peterson and then a three by Kuehndorf put them ahead 18-15. Those two baskets were the game changer as the Toppers took the lead and never looked back. Kuehndorf drained that three and then hit one double and had two free throws. Petersen went four for four from the line and Peterson also scored four points from two doubles. Kadinger had a free throw and one triple, Voeltz scored a double and a free throw and Samens made one shot. Out of the half, Kopacz took a shot to the net and then hit a three. Petersen, Klatt and Klinger also scored a basket and then TAKING A HOLD OF THE BALL and swinging off the Spring Valley Kuehndorf was fouled and made players as she grabs the rebound is Glenwood City;s Rachel Klatt. She the sole free throw. found an open Moriah Kuehndorf who ran the ball down for a layup. Going into the fourth quarter, —photo by Kelsie Hoitomt the Toppers led 47-30 and they throw. And then Klatt, Voeltz and quickly took a 20 point lead when doubles and one free throw. Then it was Petersen with five Klinger each finished with three Klinger drained a three from the side of the court. from her two doubles and one free points. The Toppers were ahead 6030 with five minutes still left to play. Peterson was fouled twice and made all four of her shots. Petersen scored a double and had two free throws made. Kopacz had two doubles and one free throw. Kadinger made a double and one free throw and then Klatt and Kuehndorf each made one shot from under the net. The Toppers made 20 doubles, four triples and they finished with 18 free throws made out of 23. The Cardinals had eight doubles, four triples and seven free throws. Kopacz scored 12 points again with four doubles, one triple and one free throw. Kadinger followed with 11 from three doubles, one triple and two free throws. Petersen and Kuehndorf each had ten points; Maya made two doubles and was six for six from the line and Moriah had two doubles, one triple and three free throws. Peterson and Klinger both had eight points with two doubles, one triple and one free throw from Jenesa and then two doubles and four free throws from Gabby. Samens and Klatt each had two doubles for four and then Voeltz had her one double and one free throw. The Toppers played in Clear Lake on Tuesday and then they will be in Boyceville on Thursday, February 5. Their next home game is next Tuesday, February 10 against Colfax. Bulldogs wrestlers throttle Toppers 73-3 on home mat BOYCEVILLE — As a general rule, the annual wrestling dual between rivals Boyceville and Glenwood City is very competitive with the outcome often determined in the final matches. When the squads renewed that rivalry in Boyceville last Thursday, January 29 it proved to be the exception. The Bulldogs, like their previous conference dual against Mondovi a week earlier, won 13 of the 14 matches to blitz the visiting Hilltoppers, 73 to 3, in front of a large Parents' Night crowd at the Boyceville Gymnatorium. Glenwood City's grapplers wrestled hard but were continually overwhelmed by their Boyceville counterparts throughout the dual. The Bulldogs won seven matches by pins, secured another four wins with forfeits and had a technical fall among its baker's dozen victories. “The kids wrestled tough tonight,” said Jamie Olson, Boyceville's head coach. “I was really happy and I know Glenwood is down a little bit but they have some tough kids.” TAKING A SINGLE — Boyceville’s Brock Swenson shot in for this “Our kids were hungry for this single-leg takedown against Glenwood City’s Bradley Kessler in a match even though they knew match at 120 pounds on January 29. —photo by Shawn DeWitt that going in we should beat them handily and we did and built a 3-0 lead in the second pe- said Olson of Johnson's injury. “It we should have,” Olson added. riod against Bulldog Jake Lake still hurts him a bit.” “(Glenwood) has come in and and then held on and escaped The dual opened at 138 pounds wrestled us strong in the past with a tight 3-2 decision. with a great battle between Glenand they wrestled tough tonight. The Bulldogs, who have had wood City's Marcus Ullom and They were in some battles that to deal with injuries to several of former Hilltopper now Bulldog could have went either way.” their starters over the past two freshman Cody Frederick. For Glenwood City and their months, received a boost when Frederick scored first on a coach, it is never easy losing to defending state champion Micah takedown just a minute in to the your rival no matter the circum- Johnson returned to the line- match. Ullom took a point back stances. up last Thursday. It was John- with an early second-period es“I am disappointed obviously son's first action in nearly two cape only to have Frederick score with the loss because we don't months after suffering a back a second takedown for a 4-1 lead like losing to Boyceville in any- injury in early December. John- late in the middle frame. thing,” said Glenwood City head son held just a slim 2-1 lead over Frederick took the down pocoach Shane Strong. promising Glenwood City sopho- sition for the third and final pe“But I thought our kids came more Jake O'Meara heading riod and was unable to work free out and wrestled as hard as they into the third period of the pair's as Ullom tried again and again could. All the kids in our lower 152-pound match. But Johnson to score some back points to no weights are ten pounds lighter came through with the pin at avail. Although Frederick was than the weight class they were 4:45. twice whistled for stalling which wrestling in if not more. They “Good to have Micah back awarded a penalty point to Ulcompeted and they worked and on the mat,” Olson said. “It has lom, he was able to hold on for they did not give up,” stated been eight weeks or so since he the 4-2 win and give Boyceville a Strong has been out there. O'Meara is lead (3-0) it would never surrenGlenwood City's lone vic- a tough kid so that was a good der. tory came at 220 pounds. After match for him to come back The Bulldogs' advantage a scoreless opening period, the against.” would quickly grow with pins in Hilltoppers' Hogan Chouinard “Hard when your back is bad,” the next three matches. SCRAMBLE — Glenwoood City heavyweight Anthony Melstrom tried to get off his back during the 285-pound match January 29. But to no avail, as Boyceville’s Brandon Windsor scored the first-period pin in the Bulldogs 73-3 win over the Hilltoppers. —photo by Shawn DeWitt Justin Malean, leading 4-0 in the third period, used a Granby roll for a reversal and the eventual pin of the Toppers Cody Bonte at 145 pounds. The fall came at 4:46. Micah Johnson would add another six to the Boyceville tally with a third-period pin of GC's Jake O'Meara. O'Meara wrestled hard and trailed by just a point leading up to the pin. “Not disappointed at all, we wanted the match up with Micah and O'Meara,” noted Strong. “I think it just makes O'Meara better. You can't be afraid of anybody.” You have to go out and compete and I thought that he did,” added Strong. “He was in a position there, 2-1, going into the third but you could tell the strength difference was there and O'Meara WINNING MOVE — Hilltoppers’ wrestler Hogan Chouinard (on top) weighed in at 144 pounds. Obvi- took Boyceville’s Jake Lake to the mat for a takedown. It proved to be ously, Micah Johnson is a state the decisive move as it helped Chouinard win the Toppers only match champion for a reason.” against the Bulldogs on January 29. —photo by Shawn DeWitt Boyceville’s third pin in as many matches came at 160 with six straight wins. feit at 132 pounds to cap the evepounds. Brandon Windsor gave Boy- ning's dual and a 73-3 Boyceville Jordan Morse built a 4-0 lead ceville a 45-3 push with his 1:06 victory. against Glenwood City sopho- pin of the Toppers' Anthony MelThe win bumped the seventhmore Jake Logghe on takedowns strom at 285 pounds. ranked Bulldogs' Dunn-St. Croix in the first and second periods. Boyceville freshman Dyl- dual record to 2-1 and 14-6 overLooking to get on the scoreboard, lon Johnson dominated his all. Logghe chose the down position 106-pound match against GC's Boyceville concluded their conin the third and instead ended on Austin Curvello. Johnson racked ference and regular season dual his back as Morse registered the up the points for a 16-1 technical finale last evening (Tuesday, Feb. pin with just 31 ticks left in the fall win. 3) at St. Croix Central. The Panmatch. Austin Wolfe followed at 113 thers were also 2-1 in conference Boyceville's 21-0 advantage af- pounds and needed just 48 sec- action . ter just four bouts would quickly onds to stick Glenwood City's “We have been peaking here at balloon to 39-0 after it received Jacob Nadeau to up the Bulldogs the right time,” said Olson. “Hope three straight forfeits from Glen- lead to 56-3. to get (Tyler) Stroo and (Alex) wood City. The Toppers’ Bradley Kessler Lovett back in the lineup. This Garrett Joles (170), Logan wrestled a solid match at 120 was a fun night for the parents to McAbee-Thomas (182) and Noah pounds but fell to the Bulldogs’ come out an watch their kids in Novotney (195) received the for- Brock Swenson by a count of 7-4. a packed house like usually with feits. Swenson scored on a pair of take- Glenwood.” The Hilltoppers would finally downs, a reversal and an escape Glenwood City, meanwhile, erase their scoreboard goose egg while Kessler finished with a pair finished winless (0-4) in the in the next match. of reversals. Dunn-St. Croix with the loss and The Toppers' Hogan ChouiThe Bulldogs final fall of the 7-12 overall after a 45-23 win nard and the Bulldogs' Jake Lake dual was registered by Jason over Cameron on Tuesday, Januwould tangle at 220 pounds. Af- Swanepoel at 126 pounds. Enter- ary 28. ter a scoreless first period, Ch- ing the second period with a 3-0 Both teams will be particiouinard was finally able to score lead, Swanepoel, who had started pating in the annual Big Rivers/ a point when he escaped Lake's the period in the down position, Dunn-St. Croix Conference Chalgrasp about 40 seconds into the reversed to the top and stuck the lenge this Saturday, February 7 second period. Less than 30 sec- Toppers’ Trevor Larson at 2:44. at River Falls High School. Wresonds later, Chouinard scored the James Palmer received a for- tling will begin at 10 a.m. takedown for a 3-0 advantage. But Chouinard had to hold on in the final frame to eke out a 3-2 win. Lake kept on the attack but could not find an opening as Chouinard continually rebuffed his takedown attempts which drew Aside from the forfeit points, By Kelsie Hoitomt a series of stall calls that gave The Hilltopper wrestling team the Toppers won three matches by Lake both his points. had two final matches this past live action. “I think Hogan wrestled a good week. They had a home tune-up Marcus Ullom wrestled Ty second period, he gets up 3-0,” against Cameron last Tuesday Reinke and beat him in three said his coach, Shane Strong. before facing the Bulldogs in rounds by a decision of 6-2 at the “You have to try and stretch that Boyceville on Thursday for its 138 pound weight. lead you can't sit on it. I think he conference and regular season Then Cody Bonte followed at knows that. Hogan has won some finale. 145 with a pin at 3:46 over Andrew nice matches for us this year and The Toppers will have a week Widiker. Jake O’Meara received is having a good season. But if off from competition prior to the second and final pin for the you want to go anywhere, you the Big Rivers/Dunn-St. Croix Toppers with a fall in 1:05 against have to stretch the gap. If you To u r n a m e n t t h i s S a t u r d a y, Ty Bernard. have a three-point lead, make it February 7. Austin Curvello wrestled at five, make it seven. He did not do The match against Cameron 106 and lost by a fall to Michael that but I think he knows.” was quick with the Toppers Marseca. Spencer Peterson lost “Jake Lake lost a tight match winning 45-23 after there were by a pin to Jeremy Reed at 152 against Chouinard who is a good seven weights forfeited. pounds. kid,” stated Olson. “I was happy Kyle Heinsohn got a tech fall Jake Nadeau (113), Brad how he wrestled but we just did Kessler (120), Trevor Larson win over Hogan Chouinard at not capitalize.” (126), Austin Wannemacher (170) 220 and then Will Warner pinned That would be the Toppers' and Jake Logghe (182) all received Quinton Rogers in the second only win and points of the dual forfeit points. There was then a period of the heavy weight match as the Bulldogs finished the dual double forfeit at 132 and 195. up. Hilltopper wrestlers take win over Cameron Comets Page 8 - Tribune Press Reporter - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Toppers drop to 2-6 in D-SC after loss to Mondovi THE CHAMPIONS — Glenwood City and Boyceville Middle School girls’ dance team, “Step Into Dance”, took first place at the Prairie Farm Dance Competition and were named the Middle School Conference Champions in Pom and Hip Hop at the Barron Dance Competition. Back row (L to R): Coach Alex Litomsky, Taylor Mortel, Abby Litomsky, Tiana Dryden, Alex Holldorf, Michaela Nyhus, and Allexis Rassbach. Front row (L to R): Carissa Kersten, Matiya Klinger, Bethany Ullom, and Alexa Holden. Missing from the picture: Anna Brigham, Abby Kremer, Jatelyn Johnson, Tressa Peskar, Megan Olson, and Olivia Janson. —photo submitted PRAIRIE FARM DARTBALL RESULTS January 26 Badgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Packer Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 3 Wildcats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Hay River . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 4 1 10 Yanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sheridan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 16 1 3 2 6 Connorsville . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 6 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 10 Top Hitters: Bud Matton 643, Terry Ford 600, Wilber Oberli 563, Russ Kullenbach 533, Rodger Hanson 533, Nate Keilholtz 529, Dave Rassbach 500, Logan Holten 500. Top RBIs: Randy Hoff 9. Standings St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wildcats . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hay River . . . . . . . . . . . . Packer Inn . . . . . . . . . . . Connorsville . . . . . . . . . . Sheridan . . . . . . . . . . . . Badgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . WINS 19 18 18 18 17 16 15 14 LOSES 14 18 15 15 16 17 21 19 ***** The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime. ~Babe Ruth ***** You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. ~Michael Phelps By Kelsie Hoitomt The Toppers faced off against the Mondovi Buffaloes on Thursday night and lost to the number three team in the conference 55-46. The loss put the Toppers at 2-6 overall and Mondovi jumped to 6-2, which is a tie along side the Plum City/Elmwood co-op. The Toppers trailed in the first quarter 13-8 with two baskets from Todd Petersen, one from Bill Norenberg and then two free throws from Kip Wallace to put them on the board. They made six shots in the second quarter for a total of 14 points against Mondovi’s 15 for a 28-22 score going into the half. Kadinger drove in two shots and then drained a three for seven of their 14 points. Wallace hit a three as well and Petersen and Jake Hierlmeier each had a double. Out of the half the Toppers came out swinging as they were not going down without a fight. They put the score within in three points when the third quarter ended at 40-37. They posted 15 points to Mondovi’s 12 with two doubles and four out of four free throws made by Kadinger. Petersen pushed in two doubles as well and Hierlmeier dropped in his first three of the night. The fourth quarter was a near shut out around the hoop for the Toppers however. They scored two, two-point baskets and then had one triple and two free throws for nine points compared to the Buffaloes’ 15. They were heavy with fouls, which put Mondovi on the line 17 times with nine of their shots made along with three doubles for ***** I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match. ~Mia Hamm THE ROCKPILE by Leaker We'll launch our 9-pin Tap Tournament this Friday Nite as we have a group of 20 keglers from Colfax coming in to get the tournament rolling. There are only a few spots a pin, so if you want to get a crew signed up, call or stop in to check on dates and times. If you watched the Big Game on Sunday, you probably wondered what Russell Wilson was doing, throwing the ball on the 1 yard line with only 20 seconds to go!! I sure thought it was a dumb move. Although I didn't feel too bad about the "Sea-chickens" losing. They had one coming!!! (Remember the Seattle-Green Bay game a couple of years ago???) Oh well! Only 62 more days until the Brewers kickoff the baseball season!! Back When •1961 Song of the Day: "North to Alaska" - Johnny Horton •1974 Song of the Day: "Jolene" - Dolly Parton •1981 Song of the Day: "I Feel Like Loving You Again" - T.G. Sheppard •1790 - The Supreme Court convened for the first time. •1876 - Baseball's National League was founded. • 1897 - Alfred Cralle patented the ice cream scoop. His basic design is still used today. •1959 - Buddy Holly performed for the last time in a ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa. Admission was $1.25. •1964 - The First U.S. Spacecraft Ranger 6 crashed landed on the moon. Unfortunately the cameras failed to work. Quote of the Week "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." - Albert BOWLING NEWS Hometown League January 26, 2015 M&M Bar and Grill........................ 68 28 Barn Board................................... 55.5 40.5 Aflac............................................. 51.5 44.5 Leaker’s Place.............................. 51 45 Obermueller Trucking................... 44 52 Leaker’s II..................................... 44 52 Pumphouse.................................. 42 54 Hager Construction...................... 28 68 HIGH IND. GAMES: Ben Krosnoski 212, Matthew McGee 244, Wado Standaert 234, Dave Brandt 224, Dan DeLong 224. HIGH IND. SERIES: Ben Krosnoski 705, Wado Standaert 654, Matthew McGee 648, Dan DeLong 615. AVERAGES: Dave Brandt 212, Ben Krosnoski 204.5, Brian Cassellius 203, Bert Standaert 203, Wado Standaert 202.5, Mike Wink 199.5, Jon Standaert 198, Bill Standaert 197, Matthew McGee 194.5, Bernie Obermueller 194.5. Town and Country League January 26, 2015 Hager Construction...................... 54 18 Pumphouse.................................. 46.5 25.5 Leaf Construction......................... 46 26 Melby’s......................................... 43.5 28.5 Wilson Legion Gunners................ 29 43 Anderson Funeral Home.............. 24 48 KC’s.............................................. 24 48 Leaker’s Old Timers..................... 21 51 HIGH IND. GAMES: Brian Casey 225, John Hager 214, Bob Schug 206, Dick Schug 204, Peg Obermueller 202. HIGH IND. SERIES: Brian Casey 638, John Hager 613, Dick Schug 602, Peg Obermueller 548, Bob Schug 543. AVERAGES: Brian Casey 192.5, John Hager 185.5, Dean Anderson 180, Bob Schug 180, Bob Obermueller 175.5. Wednesday Afternoon League January 28, 2015 Fun Gals....................................... 34 8 Leaker’s........................................ 21 21 Hair Depot.................................... 18 24 M&M Bar....................................... 11 31 HIGH IND. GAMES: Joe Goebel 186, Sandy Drinkman 185, Rosie Kohler 177. HIGH IND. SERIES: Joe Goebel 449, Sandy Drinkman 507, Audrey Maes 462. AVERAGES: Joe Goebel 162.5, Rosie Kohler 153.5, Mickie Kuehl 147.5, Audrey Maes 146. Wednesday Night Ladies League January 28, 2015 M&M Bar....................................... 63 57 Melby’s......................................... 61 59 Family ChiroCare......................... 60 60 Anderson Funeral Home.............. 56 64 HIGH IND. GAMES: Kathy Alleman 215, Lori Klinger 207. HIGH IND. SERIES: Kathy Alleman 547, Shari Wink 528. AVERAGES: Cindy Rassbach 171.5, Kathy Alleman 171, Lori Klinger 169.5, Shari Wink 155.5, Mary Anderson 154.5. Seniors January 29, 2015 Global Genetics............................ 59.5 36.5 Al’s Boondocks............................. 52.5 43.5 Leaker’s........................................ 48.5 47.5 Thrivent........................................ 31.5 64.5 HIGH IND. GAMES: Dennis Ohman 235, Doug Standaert 225, Roger Ludtke 203, Rick Holmen 203, Joe Walz 194. HIGH IND. SERIES: Doug Standaert 650, Dennis Ohman 568, Roger Ludtke 559, Bernie Severin 541, Rick Holmen 537. AVERAGES: Doug Standaert 201, Rick Holmen 184.5, Roger Ludtke 178.5, Chuck Frieburg 173, Joe Grant 170. Thursday Night Ladies League January 29, 2015 Landscape Professionals............. 64.5 40.5 Connie’s Catering......................... 64 29 Melby’s Bags................................ 58 47 Hager Construction...................... 49.5 43.5 Obermueller Trucking-2................ 44.5 60.5 Amazing Portraits by Angie.......... 34 59 Papa’s Bar and Grill...................... 33 72 Clear Lake Self-Storage............... 30.5 62.5. HIGH IND. GAMES: Jessica Hager 246, Heather Thompson 211, Raechel Pritchard 210. HIGH IND. SERIES: Cari Cassellius 564, Kathy Samens 549, Jessica Hager 544. AVERAGES: Cari Cassellius 172, Peg Heutmaker 162.5, Jolene Hurtgen 162, Linda Schouten 160.5, Karla Obermueller 158.5, Kathy Samens 157.5, Jolene Wolff 156.5, Cindy Drury 155.5, Angela McGee 155, Jessica Hager 155. Saturday Night Live January 31, 2015 The Three-C’s............................... 30 12 The Standaerts............................. 29 13 Family Affairs................................ 26 16 Wink-Mrdutt.................................. 23 19 Four Sum...................................... 19 23 The In-Laws.................................. 16 26 Da Splits....................................... 13 29 Slacker’s....................................... 12 30 HIGH IND. GAMES: Jon Standaert 234, Brad Hoitomt 211, Bill Standaert 209, Nikki Grant 185, Angela McGee 176, Jolene Bonte 176. HIGH IND. SERIES: Jon Standaert 630, Bill Standaert 569, Chris Bien 523, Cindy Drury 490, Angela McGee 478, Shari Wink 469. AVERAGES: Bill Standaert 196.5, Jon Standaert 194, Brad Hoitomt 186.5, Cindy Drury 159.5, Karla Obermueller 152.5, Shari Wink 151.5. King Birthday Limerick I am sorry to hear, smiling Jill, That your birthday's no longer a thrill All your friends think your great, and should still celebrate. You're not old, you're just over the hill Winter Weather Warning The federal government has issued a travel warning, that anyone traveling in blizzard conditions should carry the following: 1. Shovel. 2. Blankets or sleeping bag. 3. Extra clothing, including hat and gloves. 3. 24 hours' worth of food. 5. De-icer. 6. Rocksalt. 7. Flashlight with spare batteries. 8. Road flares or reflective triangles. 9. Full spare gas can. 10. First aid kit. 11. Booster cables. I looked like an idiot on the bus this morning. Religious Rockpile Reader of the Week Don and Patty Larson of Wilson, Wisconsin. Have a cute story or joke? Send to: Leaker's Place P.O. Box 213, Glenwood City, WI 54013 or you can email: Leaker@cltcomm.net the win. Kadinger led the game in points scored with 17 from his four doubles, one triple and he finished six for six with free throws. Petersen followed with 15 from his six doubles and one triple. Hierlmeier had two doubles and one triple. Wallace had the one An TEAM GIRLS STANDINGS Colfax . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elk Mound . . . . . . . . . . Glenwood City . . . . . . . Boyceville . . . . . . . . . . St. Croix Central . . . . . Plum City/Elmwood . . . Mondovi . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Valley . . . . . . . . CONF. 11-0 10-2 8-3 5-5 5-6 2-8 2-8 0-11 SESN 15-2 12-5 12-5 8-9 10-9 4-12 4-14 1-15 Mon., Feb. 2 Scores (non-conf.) Boyceville 33, Bloomer 30 Plum City/Elmwood 65, Alma/Pepin 36 Prescott at Spring Valley Fri., Jan. 30 Scores Colfax 49, Elk Mound 45 Glenwood City 70 Spring Valley 35, St. Croix Central 34, Mondovi 22 Tues., Jan. 27 Scores Colfax 45, Bloomer 36 (non-conf.) Elk Mound 49, Boyceville 31 Cochrane-Fountain City 56, Spring Valley 26 (nc) Mondovi 36, Plum City/Elmwood 19 Glenwood City 50, St. Croix Central 45 Thurs., Feb. 5 Games Glenwood City at Boyceville LaCrosse Aquinas at Elk Mound (non-conf.) Mondovi at Spring Valley Plum City/Elmwood at St. Croix Central Sat., Feb. 7 Game (non-conf.) Durand at Colfax at 2:30 p.m. Mon., Feb. 9 Game (non-conf.) Plum City/Elmwood at Clear Lake Tues., Feb. 10 Games Spring Valley at Plum City/Elmwood Colfax at Glenwood City Boyceville at Mondovi ************************** TEAM BOYS STANDINGS Colfax . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plum City/Elmwood . . . Mondovi . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Croix Central . . . . . Elk Mound . . . . . . . . . . Glenwood City . . . . . . . CONF. 7-2 6-2 6-2 5-4 4-5 2-6 SESN 9-7 9-6 8-7 10-5 4-10 8-8 Boyceville . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Spring Valley . . . . . . . . 2-6 7-8 5-9 Mon., Feb. 2 Scores (non-conf.) Gilmanton 63, Mondovi 30 St. Croix Central 50, Somerset 31 Sat., Jan. 31 Score (non-conf.) Chippewa Falls McDonell 68, Colfax 45 Thurs., Jan. 29 Scores Boyceville 63, Cornell 30 (non-conf.) Colfax 46, Spring Valley 42 Mondovi 56, Glenwood City 46 St. Croix Central 64, Elk Mound 48 Plum City/Elmwood 57, Frederic 56 (nc) Tues., Jan. 27 Score (non-conf.) Fall Creek 47, Colfax 41 Thurs., Feb. 5 Game (non-conf.) St. Croix Central at Alma/Pepin Fri., Feb. 6 Games Elk Mound at Boyceville Spring Valley at Cochrane-Fountain City (nc) Glenwood City at St. Croix Central Mondovi at Plum City/Elmwood Mon., Feb. 9 Games Luck at Boyceville (non-conf.) Colfax at Elk Mound Spring Valley at Glenwood City St. Croix Central at Mondovi ************************** DUNN-ST. CROIX WRESTLING TEAM Spring Valley/Elmwood St. Croix Central . . . . . Boyceville . . . . . . . . . . Mondovi . . . . . . . . . . . . Glenwood City . . . . . . . CONF. 3-0 2-1 2-1 1-2 0-4 SESN 8-2 5-3 14-6 4-3 7-12 Thurs., Jan. 29 Scores Boyceville 73, Glenwood City 3 Spring Valley/Elm. 44, St. Croix Central 28 Thurs., Jan. 27 Scores Glenwood City 45, Cameron 23 Tues., Feb. 3 Matches Spring Valley/Elmwood at Mondovi Boyceville at St. Croix Central Sat., Feb. 7 Big Rivers/Dunn-St. Croix Challenge at River Falls High School Outdoorsman's Journal A column by Mark Walters Bloomer's "Northland Houndsmen" For myself I was Hello friends, This week and next I will be writing to you about the excellent experiences that I had while trying to fill my bobcat tag, under the guidance of an incredible bunch of guys and gals that call themselves “The Northland Houndsmen”. This group that began back in the late fifties, when there were not many deer in the area or coyote or GPS’s; used to load their hounds in the trunks of their cars and chase fox. The unofficial leaders of this group are Don and Dale Naset, Robby Turner and several of the gangs members are Mark Tomasovich, Mitch Poier, Mark Pierce, Sonny Marek, Rolly Naset, Diane Mitchell and I am sure that I have missed several. Tuesday, December 30th High 6, low minus 25 I am basing out of Flater’s Resort, which is possibly the coolest place on earth and is located where the Chippewa and Flambeau Rivers meet. This morning long before daylight my connection to this group, Mark Tomasovich (Tomally) picked me up and we began our job, which like the four other trucks working the area, was to find a fresh bobcat track. Sounds simple hey, well it is not. We are working big country in Rusk and Chippewa Counties, each driver covers about 15 to 25 miles of remote roads and much of the time your window is down or you are getting out of the truck and trying to figure out if a track is made by a fisher, coyote, fox or bobcat. Generally you see deer tracks, sometimes they are wolf or coyote but the most common thing to remember is when a deer or coyote lifts its feet there is a slight drag mark between tracks. The bobcat does not drag its feet. Generally these guys are hunting coyote and as each member of the gang works their stretch of road. They talk on marine band radios and relay their info and then a plan is made on when to meet and which hounds to put on the coyote that will be chased. actually being honored by a bunch of guys that did not even know me. Yesterday and today we were ignoring coyote and it was bobcat or nothing, I had the only “cat/short tail” tag and running a cat was the only goal. Two days of frigid temps kept us from seeing a single cat track! Wednesday, January 21st High 34, low 17 Today was the second day of my second trip to hunt cat! In the time between hunts we had to cancel twice. Once because of frigid temps and blowing snow that covers all tracks. The other time because the only snow on the ground was hard pack that did not make a track and there was not much of it. As usual I am riding shotgun with Mark Tomasovich in his 2003 Chevy “Avalanche”. The Avalanche is a beast that does not get stuck even though all of Tomally’s buddies want him to get stuck so they can all give him a hard time. There are five trucks on this hunt and everyone knows that I have to go home today. Both today and yesterday it snowed after midnight, so finding cat tracks is not at all easy. There are hounds in the back of these trucks that go by the names of Ellwood/Redbone, Conway/Plott and Sailor a Walker that I really want to see hunt. Each dog is fitted with a GPS collar and the hunters have hand held GPS’s in their trucks that they can track the hounds once they are on the hunt. The GPS’s are crucial in keeping track of the dogs, which helps to keep them off from private land, and lets the hunters know if they are near a road which helps to avoid catastrophe with car/hound collisions. The bobcat season is down to ten days. I cannot return for five, the clock is ticking. The weather forecast is perfect for cat to move tonight. After a big day of hunting I have to go home and be a dad, a KAMO President and feed cattle. I get home at 8:30! The game is on, to heck with the five-day wait! This week’s column is brought to you by: Scoreboard DUNN-ST. CROIX BASKETBALL triple and two free throws and Norenberg had his one basket. The Toppers were back on the court Tuesday (Feb. 3) for a home game against the PC/EL Wolves. They will then head to St. Croix Central on Friday, February 6 and will return home Monday, February 9 to play Spring Valley. Jct. Hwy. 170 & 79 in Boyceville Open 5 a.m. Daily • Phone: 715-643-3226 22c TAX TIPS.... THE NANNY TAX: DON’T OVERLOOK IT If you have a household employee, the nanny tax rules apply to you. Essentially, a household employee is somebody that does work in or around your home and is considered an employee. An independent contractor (such as yard maintenance, housecleaners, and the like who have their own equipment and supplies, control how the work is done, and perform similar services for other homeowners) is not your employee and does not fall under the nanny tax rules. However, if you have a home worker such as a health aide, private nurse, or caretaker and you control their wages, hours, and working conditions, they could be considered employees and could subject you to the nanny tax. The employee/contractor relationship is sometimes difficult to determine, so don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to determine the status of your home worker. If you determine that you do have a household employee, and you paid them $1,900 or more in wages in 2014, both you and the employee are required to pay social security and Medicare taxes (plus any applicable state employee taxes). Also, make sure that you’re in compliance with your state minimum wage laws, local worker’s compensation rules, and that your employee can legally work in the U.S. If tax withholding is required, you can either do it yourself or engage the services of a payroll processing company. You can use a simplified method to pay the taxes (IRS Schedule H) and file with your personal tax return, but you will still have to deal with state taxes and W-2 forms in an appropriate manner. Finally, don’t overlook that wages paid to your household employee can be the basis for a tax credit on your personal return for the child and dependent care credit. Y S.H. Young & Associates, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants Wilson Street NE • Menomonie, WI 54751 • Phone (715) 235-9555 • Fax (715)235-9556 C5c, 22* Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - Tribune Press Reporter - Page 9 CLASSIFIEDS • SERVICES • STEAM TEAM CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING-Call John Humpal, 715-632-2109 or 1-800-553-3677; www. steamteamcleaning.com14tfc BERENDS SANITATION - Septic and holding tank pumping, 715-265-4623. 22tfc SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC MOTORSComplete electric motor rewinding and repairing service. Prepare now for electrical power outages with a PTO generator for your farm. We service all brands of PTO generators. 5815 3M Drive, Menomonie, WI 715-235-7530 or 1-800-3004182.33tfc HUMPAL CONSTRUCTION - New homes, remodeling, pole buildings, roofing. Free estimates and fully insured. Kaleb Humpal, 715-308-1520. 10tfc KIM’S ENTERPRISES: Dog grooming, blade and scissor sharpening. 715265-4031.18tfc • MOBILE HOME • FOR SALE 23 YEAR OLD, 16 X 72, two BR one Bath, for sale in Mobile Estates. Has deck with ramp. Could include all appliances and shed. For viewing or information, call Diane at 715-781-1414. 22c • STORAGE • FOR RENT-Mini storage with insulated ceilings. Quinn’s Storage, Knapp. 715-665-2209. • FOR SALE • FOR SALE - 8’ firewood. Contact Royal Bignell for pricing, 715-308-1417. 49tfc FOR SALE - Round hay bales, stored inside, 4’ x 5.5’, delivery available. 715643-5800.22p23 • FOR RENT • FOR RENT - 3/4 bedroom rural house between Prairie Farm & Connorsville, Boyceville Schools. Call after 5 p.m. 715455-1857.21p22 FOR RENT - 2 BR Duplex, 2 car garage. Fireplace. Lawn and snow removal included. Available February 15. $700/ month. 715-556-2414 or 715-643-2241. 21tfc FOR RENT - 1 bedroom apartment in Boyceville. Heat, water, sewer and garbage included. $450/month. 715-6433206 or 715-308-1665. 2tfc HAVENWOOD ASSISTED LIVING located in Glenwood City. 1 and 2 bedroom units, all utilities are included. Some income restrictions. Call for more information. 715-265-4140 EHO. 40tfc AVAILABLE NOW IN STAR PRAIRIE AND WOODVILLE! 1 bedroom for Seniors 62+ or disabled persons of any age. Rent based on 30% of income. On site laundry, ground floor units, close to everything! Call 715-749-4480 Equal Housing Opportunity. CALL TODAY! 19tfc TWO & THREE BEDROOM mobile homes for rent in Wheeler. 12 month lease required, rental lots available. 715-658- NOTICE The Finance, Planning & Personnel Committee of the Boyceville Village Board will meet Feb. 4, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at the village hall. Other board members may be attending along with the committee; however, no official business will be conducted. AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Attendance 3. Audit bills 4. Discuss correspondence from village attorney regarding Open Records Request 5. Discuss correspondence village attorney terminating our attorney-client relationship 6. Consider request from High Speed Internet.com to be included on the Village web site 7. Adjourn January 2, 2015 WNAXLP C. J. Swanepoel, Village Clerk/Treasurer 22c* District Office/ Student Services Secretary Glenwood City School District is looking to hire a fulltime District Office/ Student Services Secretary. This is a 12-month position with benefits. The ideal candidate will be organized, dependable, punctual, friendly and flexible. They will possess good written and oral communication skills. This position requires the ability to prioritize the complex and confidential administrative duties in both the district office and student services department. Application materials can be found on our district website: www.gcsd.k12.wi.us/district/employ-opport.cfm Please submit application, cover letter, resume, 3 letters of recommendation, and background check form by February 6, 2015 to: Attn: Dana Maney Director of Student Services Glenwood City Schools 850 Maple St. Glenwood City, WI 54013 715-265-4757 The Glenwood City School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services. They are an equal opportunity employer. 21c22* CITY OF GLENWOOD CITY St. Croix County, Wisconsin Regular Council Meeting Agenda February 9, 2015 Glenwood City Finance Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 9, 2015 at the Glenwood City Municipal Building located at 113 W Oak Street. Purpose of said meeting will be approval of January disbursements and discussion on personnel policy/handbook. The Glenwood City Common Council will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, February 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Glenwood City Municipal Building. Agenda for said meeting will be as follows: 1. Call to Order; Roll call; Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2014 Regular Council meeting - January 19, 2014 Committee of the Whole meeting 4. Approval of Bills 5. Public Comments 6. Cedar Corporation Report 7. Public Works Report 8. Library Report 9. Police Report 10. Mayor’s Report 11. Clerk-Treasurer’s Report 12. UnfinishedBusiness Committee Reports - Personnel policy/drug & alcohol policy - Summer rec update 13. New Business 14. Discuss possible future agenda items 15. Adjourn *Agenda subject to change up to 24 hours prior to meeting. Sharon L. Rosenow, City Clerk-Treasurer WNAXLP 22c* 1282.30tfc WOODVILLE - 1 bedroom for those 62+ or disabled of any age. Rent based on 30% of income. On site laundry. 800944-4866 Ext 122. Equal Housing Opportunity.50tfc Help Wanted WANTED: person to run service truck. Change farm tires, truck tires and work in shop. Apply in person at Churchill Tire or call 715-235-6118 CHURCHILL TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE C3c5 20c22T* 2703 Stout Rd. (Hwy. 12 East), Menomonie, 715-235-6118 Reporter Opening The Tribune Press Reporter in Glenwood City, WI has a full time opening as a staff writer and sports reporter. This position will require covering and writing hard news stories, public governmental meetings, features and reporting on local high school sporting events for the weekly newspaper. Creative writing and people skills are required and the ability to take pictures would be a plus. Position will require evening work covering sporting events, and community meetings. Contact Carlton DeWitt, publisher Tribune Press Reporter 105 Misty Court, P.O. Box 38 Glenwood City, WI 54013 715-265-4646 publisher@dewittmedia.com PUBLIC NOTICES Feb. 4, 11, 18 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT ST. CROIX COUNTY Notice and Order for Name Change Hearing Case No. 15CV46 In the matter of the name change of: Alicia Shenreice Knudsen by: Alicia Shenreice Knudsen NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT: A petition has been filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: Alicia Shenreice Knudsen To: Alicia Shenreice Purdum Birth Certificate: Alicia Shenreice Knudsen IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of St. Croix County, State of Regular Monthly Meeting MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 2015 • 6:30 P.M. SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA: 1. Approve January minutes; 2. Financial Report; 3. Approve bills to pay; 4. Public Input; 5. Adjourn. VICKY L. BENSON, Clerk-Treasurer WNAXLP 22c* TOWN OF EMERALD TOWN BOARD MEETING Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Emerald Town Hall located at 2432 Co. Rd. G Fees for Driveway Permits - set charge Stray Dog(s) Problem Please see postings for complete agenda. Dated this 2nd day of February 2015. BARBARA PRINSEN, Clerk 22c* TOWN OF GLENWOOD REGULAR PART TIME AND PART TIME Certified Nursing Assistants • Evening Shift, EOW, EOH Monthly Town Board Meeting at the Glenwood Town Shop 3099 160th Ave., Glenwood City, WI Monday, February 9th, 2015 • 7:00 P. M. See postings for complete agenda. Dated January 29, 2015 MICHAEL MYERS, Clerk WNAXLP 2 Positions - 4:30 - 7 P.M. DIETARY AIDES Shifts include some weekends and holidays. Great Positions for High School Students! Glenhaven and Havenwood are small community-focused facilities. The staff is caring & the residents will win your heart. Flexible scheduling, great benefits. Please call David Prissel, Administrator for more information, stop by for an application or see us online. 612 E Oak St. • Glenwood City, WI 54013 (715) 265-4555 • glenhaveninc.com Glenhaven Providing quality service since 1960 21cT* Ideal Auto DEALERSHIP Valentine’s Day Sale February 1st-14th Come check out our inventory at the corner of Hwy 170 & 79 in Boyceville 2013 Hyundai Sonata GLS, 38k, Red ....................................... $14,975 2013 Hyundai Elantra GLS, 35k, Charcoal............................... $14,575 2013 Dodge Avenger SE, 41k, Light Blue ................................. $13,975 2012 Mitsubishi Galant, 54k, White ........................................ $12,500 2012 Chev Impala LS, 66k, Silver .............................................. $11,550 2012Hyundai Elantra GLS, 31k, Black ..................................... $13,950 2012 Hyundai Sonata GLS, 45k, Light Blue ............................. $13,975 2012 Ford Focus, 40k, Charcoal .................................................. $11,975 2012 Ford Focus, 65k, Charcoal .................................................. $10,975 Sale Price $12,950 2012 Nissan Versa SV, 34k, Charcoal ....................................... 2011 Chev Malibu, 54k, Silver.................................................... $12,950 Sale Price $12,950 2011 Chev Malibu, 59k, Charcoal .............................................. Sale Price $12,950 2011Chev Malibu, 56k, Tan ....................................................... Sale Price $12,775 2010 Chev Impala LS, 54k, Tan ................................................. 2009 Chev Impala LT, 61k, Burgundy........................................ $11,950 Sale Price $9,975 2008 Chev Impala LS, 53k, Charcoal ............................................ D L 2007 Kia Sedona Van EX, 85k, Gold $8,975 SO ........................................... Sale Price $8,975 2006 Dodge Dakota SLT 4x4, 105k, Charcoal............................ Sale Price $2,450 2005 Chev Venture Van, 158k, White ........................................ 2005 Toyota Corolla CE, 147k, Blue ............................................$5,975 2002 Honda Accord EX, Black .....................................................$4,550 www.westcap.org or www.idealauto.org 315 Misty Lane, Glenwood City, WI 54013 TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD WNAXLP Help Wanted 715-265-4271 Wisconsin: Judge's Name: Eric L. Lundell 1101 Carmichael Road Hudson, WI 54016 Date: March 3, 2015 Time: 11:00 a.m. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Notice of this hearing shall be given by publication as a Class 3 notice for three (3) weeks in a row prior to the date of the hearing in the Tribune Press Reporter, a newspaper published in Glenwood City, WI 54013, St. Croix County, State of Wisconsin. Dated this 27th day of January, 2015 BY THE COURT: Howard W. Cameron Circuit Court Judge WNAXLP 38L 22c24 22c* NOTICE The Boyceville Village Board will hold their monthly meeting February 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Boyceville Village hall. TENTATIVE AGENDA 1 Call to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Minutes of Monthly Meeting Jan. 12, 2015, Special Meeting Jan. 21 & 28, 2015, and committee meetings held by the Library – Feb. 3rd, Finance Planning & Personnel – Feb. 4th 5. Report of Village Department heads 6. Comments and suggestions from pre-registered citizens 7. Old Business 8. New Business Consent Agenda Building permits issued: 9. Presentation of accounts and claims against the Village 10. Presentation by Eric Truner with the Dunn County Economic Development Corporation 11. Accept police chief job description 12. Adjourn January 30, 2015 WNAXLP C. J. Swanepoel, Village Clerk Treasurer 22c* PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PRINTING & COPYING Tribune Press Reporter Event Photography See a photo in the paper that you would like? We can order you a print. We keep photos from all events we cover. DENTIST C.W. RASMUSSEN, D.D.S. Glenwood City 265-4258 Invitations • Business Cards • Posters All printing and copying jobs welcome. 715-265-4646 INSURANCE ARNESON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. ©2013 American Family Mutual Insurance Company 6000 American Parkway, Madison WI 53783 1-800-535 6020 •••••••• STACK INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC Tom & Nancy Stack 900 Syme Ave., PO Box 69 Glenwood City, WI 54013 Phone 265-4614 Lane Berenschot Agency 120 E. Oak St., Glenwood City (715) 265-4080 • 1-800-524-4727 •••••••• Joan Bartz, FIC 006441-10/14 Financial Consultant Glen Hills Professional Bldg Glenwood City, WI 265-4453 Page 10 - Tribune Press Reporter - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 OBITUARIES FOR THE RECORD All violations are for speeding unless otherwise noted. SBV stands for seatbelt violation; OWI stands for operating while intoxicated; OWI stands for operating while intoxicated; OWOP stands for operating without proof of insurance. Gao Ea Yang, 29, St. Paul, OWIsecond, IID 13 months, AODA, driver’s license revoked 13 months, $1,499. Victor Harris, 54, Downing, OWIthird, IID 24 months, AODA, driver’s license revoked 24 months, $1,544. Karen F. Anderson, 72, Marinette, $175.30. Ashley M. Anderson, 22, Pepin, OWOP, $10. Keaton J. Anderson, 21, River Falls, OWOP, $10. Dennis A. Auth, 43, Eau Claire, OWOP, $10. Amy C. Beltman-Buffie, 49, Burns Township, Minn., $200.50. Jeffrey D. Berkhof, 44, Hudson, $200.50. Amanda M. Blume, 24, Marathon, $200.50. Adam T. Borowicz, 30, Baldwin, inattentive driving, $187.90. Samuel M. Bray, 19, Maple Grove, Minn., $250.90. Jennifer L. Butcher, 46, River Falls, passing in no-passing zone, $213.10. Mark Arthur Carlson, 60, Deerwood, Minn., cracked/broken lenses/reflectors, $175.30. Andrew F. Davis, 56, Blaine, Minn., OWOP, $10. Catherine E. Eberlein, 18, Oakdale, Minn., $250.90. John M. Eral, 48, Houlton, $175.30. Adam J. Ferrell, 30, Savage, Minn., $200.50. Eric J. Gebhardt, 29, Louis, Mo., $276.10. Valerie M. Goldfain, 53, Bourbonnais, Ill., $200.50. James P. Grodzicki, 19, Evanston, Ill., automobile following too closely, $200.50. Justin D. Gustafson, 28, Roberts, OWOP, $10. Aida J. Hayes, 47, Crystal, Minn., $200.50. Justin M. Hurd, 34, Riverview, Fla., $200. Alyssa L. Iverson, 19, Hudson, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Wendy A. Jacob, 38, Baldwin, OWOP, $10. John F. Janecek, 38, Watertown, $200.50. Aaron R. Jansen, 31, Osceola, $200.50. Indiana Z. Jones, 20, Rushville, N.Y., operating vehicle without stopping lights, $160. Chad D. Kempf, 31, Wausau, $200.50. Suzanne Kieselhorst, 20, Centerville, Minn., $200.50. Lanora A. Krause, 65, Summit Lake, $250.90. Joshua M. Krinkie, 34, Baldwin, OWOP, $10. Steven T Lam, 33, Anoka, Minn., $250. Wayne B. Leonard, 43, White Bear Lake, Minn., $175.30. Joseph W. Lissick, 47, Amery, OWOP, $10; non-registration of vehicle, $173.30. Oswaldo Lozano, 29, Wilson, operating with expired license, $162.70. Lance C. Luepke, 39, Baldwin, operating with expired license, $162.70. Stephen A. Maves, 40, Minneapolis, $200. Stephen M.G. McDowell, 18, Hudson, $175.30. Carl R. Meeker, 30, Roberts, failure to keep vehicle under control, $213.10. James R. Moore, 66, New Richmond, OWOP, $10. David G. Mortenson, 53, Kenosha, $200.50. Mao Moua, 26, Prescott, $250.90. Wendi Nelson, 54, Crystal Lake, Ill., $250.90. Nathaniel W. Nordrum, 27, Northfield, Minn., $250.90. Steven R. Paeschke, 53, St. Louis Park, Minn., $200.50. Trisha R. Parris, 34, Lino Lakes, Minn., $200.50. Jesse C. Raub, 29, Chicago, $200.50. Barbara J. Redmond, 64, Minneapolis, failure to change lanes passing stopped emergency vehicle, $263.50. Rhys B. Riffenburg, 19, Columbia Heights, Minn., $200.50. Joy O. Roos, 67, Baldwin, SBVpassenger, $10. Matthew S. Sabelko, 34, Menomonie, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30. David J. Salzwedel, 24, Minneapolis, automobile following too closely, $200.50. Robert M. Schaefbauer, 35, Inver Grove Heights, Minn., SBV, $10. Daniel J. Schnacky, 29, Bloomington, Minn., $225.70. Gary J. Sellers, 67, St. Paul, SBV, $10. Paul R. Shain, 48, Schaumburg, Ill., defective tail lamp-night, $170.70. Michael R. Sherry, 64, Amery, $200.50. Zachary P. Simms, 20, Carson, Iowa, $250.90. Michael L. Siolka, 56, Shawano, $200.50. Virak Soth, 34, Savage, Minn., $200.50. Jeffrey S. Speiss, 53, Lakeland, Minn., OWOP, $10. Catherine A. Stitt, 41, Baldwin, $250.90. Jessica L. Sveback, 23, Centuria, $175. Chad R. Swiggum, 49, Rosemount, Minn., $200. Kevin H. Tang, 46, Roseville, Minn., $250.90. Linda D. Tennis, 56, Cottage Grove, Minn., $200.50. Michael S. Thole, 47, Somerset, OWOP, $10. Daniel Ussishkin, 41, Madison, $250.90. Mitchell W. Wenzel, 26, Eau Claire, OWOP, $10. Michael J. Whelan, 49, Shafer, Minn., OWOP, $10. Blia Xiong, 32, Brooklyn Park, Minn., $250.90. Nuro A. Ali, 25, Green Bay, OWOP, $10. Erika R. Blackwell, 21, Chippewa Falls, $250.90. Heidi L. Brtek, 39, Hudson, $175.30. Megan M. Carlson, 34, River Falls, automobile following too closely, $200.50. Megan M. Connolly, 28, Minneapolis, $200.50. Troy R. Croes, 38, New Richmond, $200.50. John J. Dahlen, 55, New Richmond, operating left of center, $213.10. Catherine E. Eberlein, 18, operating without valid license, $200.50. Sarah L. Fonseca, 33, St. Paul, operating without valid license, $200.50. Anna R. Forsberg, 28, Altoona, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Tanya M. French, 35, Osceola, OWOP, $10. John E. Gibson, 37, Clear Lake, OWOP, $10. Colton J. Green 26, New Richmond, OWOP, $10. Sophia L. Greger, 20, Little Canada, Minn., $200.50. Joshua J. Hall, 23, Woodville, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Daniel M.M. Haller, 22, Rice Lake, $276.10. Jennifer M. Harke, 45, Neenah, $250.90. Adam D. Hefnider, 20, Andover, Minn., OWOP, $10. Jesus T. Hill, 25, Amery, operating without valid license, $200.50. Nathan J. Jackson, 23, River Falls, $225.70. Jennifer L. Jones, 34, Amery, OWOP, $10. Kelly R. Kallstrom, 27, Menomonie, OWOP, $10. Jessica A. Kopp, 26, Houston, Texas, $200.50. Darrel S. Laumannm, 40, New Richmond, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30. Michael J. Lingenfelter, 39, Eau Claire, unsafe lane deviation, $175.30. Lorenzo L. Moore, 48, Washington, D.C., failure to obey traffic signal, $183.30. Emmy L. Mortel, 35, Glenwood City, $200.50. Troy D. Nelson, 40, Amery, $200.50. Donald M. Norwood, 53, Port Moody, British Columbia, $276.10. Christopher M. Platson, 27, Baldwin, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Kasandra A. Rewey, 18, Cottage Grove, Minn., $200.50. Jason A. Root, 39, Shakopee, Minn., non-registration of vehicle, $175.30. Chelsey R. Schemenauer, 26, Chippewa Falls, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Preston S. Scheurer, 20, Ionia, Mich., $250.90. Jordan A. Schirmer, 24, Minong, $200.50. Ann M. Sloop, 46, Chippewa Falls, OWOP, $10. Samantha L. Sloop, 24, Eau Claire, SBV-passenger, $10. Trace W. Smith, 22, Spring Valley, $175.30. Kayla A. Steininger, 24, Sauk Rapids, Minn., $200.50. Gilman R. Strand, 33, Hudson, nonregistration of vehicle, $175.30. Jeremy S. Surguy, 42, Eau Claire, OWOP, $10. Brian K. Taggart, 38, Marathon, $258.90. Allysan E. Terrel, 20, West Chicago, Ill., $276.10. Michele A. Waldner, 48, Hudson, automobile following too closely, $200.50. Augusta A. Walton, 33, Milwaukee, $250.90. Luning Wang, 29, Minneapolis, $276.10. Robert G. Whitman, 18, Baldwin, OWOP, $10. Alexander S. Williamson, 20, River Falls, OWOP, $10. All violations are for speeding unless otherwise noted. SBV stands for seatbelt violation; OWI stands for operating while intoxicated; OWI stands for operating while intoxicated; OWOP stands for operating without proof of insurance. Nicholas R. Carlson, 33, Osceola, operating while revoked, $250. Tim E. Holldorf, 20, Wilson, OWIthird, IID, 24 months, driver’s license revoked 24 months, ADOA, $1,814. Kaysi M. Guffy, 21, Roberts, operating without valid license, $200.50. Cory L. Knyphausen, 32, Centuria, operating without carrying license, $150.10. Joshua R. Miggler, 37, Somerset, OWI, IID, ADOA, driver’s license revoked six months. Erika L. Young, 28, St. Louis Park, Minn., $200.50. Larry E. Batterman, 69, Sheboygan, $225.70. L M. Check, 50, Milwaukee, $150.90. Cameron E. Fox, 21, Eden Prairie, Minn., $250.90. James V. Lane, 55, Portage, $175.30. Christina J. Loma, 20, Orono, Minn., $250.90. Forrest D. Rowland, 57, Ranklin, Tenn., $225.70. Nang Vang, 30, Milwaukee, $175.30. Ryan S. Wassink, 30, Vadnais Heights, Minn., $150.10. Jean F. Ziebart, 59, Baldwin, $150.10. Anne C. Anez, 43, New Richmond, OWOP, $10. David A. Autrey, 23, White Bear Lake, Minn., $200.50. James V. Barber, 60, Hammond, OWOP, $10. Amy L. Belmont, 42, New Richmond, OWOP, $10. Abra J. Christianson, 31, Eau Claire, $200.50. Nickea C. Connolly, 38, Roberts, $225.70. Nathan G. Enter, 29, Stillwater, OWOP, $10. Rebecca A. Fredricksen, 65, Hudson, failure to yield right of way, $175.30. Richard P. Fuchs, 78, Hastings, Minn., operating left of center line, $213.10. Trent E. Gehrke, 42, Somerset, failure to keep vehicle under control, $213.10. Geoffrey S. Getnick, 40, Bloomington, Minn., $250.90. Mackenzie M. Gryga, 29, Hammond, OWOP, $10. Peter S. Halstead, 24, Hudson, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Stephen J. Harrold, 38, New Richmond, OWOP, $10. Baleb J. Hudelson, 40, Spring Val- ley, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30; OWOP, $10. Todd L. Hultmark, 50, Darien, Ill., unsafe lane deviation, $175. Justin L. Husted, 26, Roberts, OWOP, $10. Anne M. Jackson, 50, Hudson, failure to dim headlights, $162.70. Robin D. Jefferson, 46, Woodbury, Minn., $200.50. Shane M. Kempf, 37, Montello, $200.50. Carolyn J. Lahmeyer, 52, Fort Wayne, Ind., $200.50. Kelly M. Larson, 38, New Richmond, $200.50. Roxanne M. Lovgren, 56, Somerset, $175.30. Marcus J. Martin, 35, Oconto, violation of child safety restraint requirements, $175.30. Bryant W. Paige, 25, Minneapolis, $200.50. Brent A, Paulson, 44, Baldwin, OWOP, $10. Joseph P. Peterson, 43, White Bear Lake, Minn., $200.50. Ko Reh, 25, St. Paul, $276.10. Terrence M. Rogers, 52, Sandia, Texas, ingress to/egress from controlled access highway, $263.50. Susan M. Shaw, 68, Boyceville, failure to yield right of way from stop sign, $175.30. Bee Vang, 22, Eau Claire, $250.90. Misael G. Vargas, 24, Chicago, $200.50. James L. Anderson, 39, Clear Lake, OWOP, $10; non-registration of vehicle, $175.30. Frank G. Bassett, 34, White Bear Lake, Minn., OWOP, $10. Keith A. Binkley, 23, Hudson, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Mahalia A. Coronado, 23, Hammond, OWOP, $10. Meryle L. Dingman, 30, Coon Rapids, Minn., $250.90. Courtney L. Everson, 37, New Richmond, permitting unauthorized person to drive, $200.50. Leanne J. Fick, 35, Menomonie, $250.90; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Christopher C. Frautschi, 37, Hudson, $200.50. Dyupedeh Gbadyu, 40, Providence, R.I., $250.90. Samantha J. Gillis, 31, Clayton, altering vehicle registration plate/sticker, $150.10. Robert T. Greer, 24, Page, N.D., operating without valid license, $200.50; automobile following too closely, $200.50.; SBV, $10. Dawn R. Johnson, 35, River Falls, $276.10. David W. Johnson, 20, Minneapolis, operating without valid license, $200.50. Krista M. Jost, 30, Appleton, $250.90. Richard A. Levasseur, 52, St. Paul, operating without valid license, $200.50. Eric J. Minor, 30, Eau Claire, $200.50. Melissa M. Miranda, 43, St. Paul, $250.90. Lacee K. Nyhus, 28, Hammond, $200.50. Mercedes A. Riemenschneider, 19, New Richmond, OWOP, $10. Dennis W. Robinson, 24, Clayton, open intoxicants in motor vehicle, $200.50. Jose D. Martinez Romero, 48, Danville, Vir., $250.90. Diego Salazar Ramirez, 22, Emerald, $175.30. SAchery D. Sazama, 20, Menomonie, operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50. Jeffrey C. Schnobrich, 21, Houlton, non-registration of motor vehicle, $175.30. Tracy A. Smith, 42, Amery, OWOP, $10. Robert L. Smith, 44, St. Paul, $250.90. Kyle R. Temme, 50, River Falls, failure to keep vehicle under control, $213.10. Prince Tendee, 28, Mays Landing, Tenn., operating without valid license, $200.50. Annette L. Thomas, 34, Menomonie, OWOP, $10. Jeremy J. Trieb, 36, Hudson, $276.10. Nichole E. Washington, 29, New York, N.Y., $250.90. Gerald P. Weiss, 75, River Falls, deviating from lane of traffic, $175.30. David V. Weln, 32, Amery, OWOP, $10. Song L. Xiong, 51, St. Paul, $200.50. Pong Yang, 20, Minneapolis, $200.50. ST. CROIX COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT ARJES Scott A. Arjes, 50, Hammond, completed the terms of a diversion agreement and a domestic disorderly conduct charge was dismissed Jan. 19. The charge resulted from an Aug. 12, 2013, incident in the town of Hammond. BUENO Robert J. Bueno Jr., 23, Somerset, was convicted of battery and disorderly conduct, sentenced to 10 days in jail with credit given for 10 days served and fined $886 Jan. 22. Counts of possession of drug paraphernalia, felony strangulation and suffocation, misdemeanor bail jumping and domestic disorderly conduct were dismissed. The charges stemmed from incidents Dec. 26, 2012, and April 7, 2013, in the town of Star Prairie. CLARK Jonathon F. Clark, 31, Madison, was ordered to pay $500 cash bail on a felony possession with intent to deliver ketamine charge Jan. 22. The charge resulted from an Aug. 16 incident in Somerset. DUVEN Alicia J. Duven, 30, Ellsworth, charges of felony bail jumping (six), felony bail jumping ñ failure to test (14) were dismissed. The charges resulted from incidents May 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28 and 31, June 4, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25 and 28, July 16, 19, 23, 26 and 30, Aug. 2, 23 and 30, Sept. 6, 13, 20 and 27 in Hudson. EISELE Bridget N. Eisele, 33, Roberts, was ordered to pay $1,000 cash bail on counts of felony distribution of methamphetamine (distribution to minors), felony physical abuse of a child and contributing to the delinquency of a child Jan. 22. The charges stemmed from a Jan. 11 incident in Roberts. HAUGLAND Tyler A. Haugland, 22, New Richmond, was convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia and sentenced to 30 days in jail with credit given for time served Jan. 22. The charge stemmed from an Aug. 3 incident in New Richmond. HEINL Corey A. Heinl, 35, New Richmond, was convicted of disorderly conduct and fined $114.50 Jan. 21. The charge resulted from a June 20 incident in the town of Stanton. HINTZ Christopher J. Hintz, 29, Baldwin, was ordered to pay $1,000 cash bail on a felony operating a motor vehicle without ownerís consent charge Jan. 22. The charge stemmed from a July 11 incident in Baldwin. PAULSON Derek L. Paulson, 29, Colfax, was convicted of resisting or obstructing an officer and sentenced to 10 days in jail with credit given for time served Jan. 22. An operating a motor vehicle while revoked charge was dismissed. The charges resulted from a Nov. 23 incident in Star Prairie. RAYFIELD Isaac J. Rayfield, 38, Woodville, was convicted of felony possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine and felony delivery of methamphetamine, was sentenced to one year in jail with credit given for 187 days served and three years of probation, was fined $1,036 and ordered to pay $1,493 in restitution Jan. 21. Counts of felony delivery of imitation substance, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia were dismissed. The charges stemmed from incidents July 16 in Hudson and July 18 in Somerset. STEPHENSON Cody A. Stephenson, 27, Lonsdale, Minn., was ordered to pay $50,000 cash bail on a felony homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle charge Jan. 22. The charge stemmed from a Jan. 13 incident in the town of Erin Prairie. TAVARES Shelly M. Tavares, 46, Menomonie, entered a diversion agreement on a guilty plea to a felony identity theft ñ financial gain charge, posted a $5,000 signature bond, was convicted of two counts of misdemeanor theft ñ movable property, sentenced to 30 days in jail and two years of probation, fined $486 and ordered to pay $1,923.42 in restitution Jan. 20. A felony bail jumping charge was dismissed. The charges stemmed from incidents Feb. 4-11, 2013, in the town of Star Prairie and Nov. 11-14, 2013, in Hudson. WILKIE Richard A. Wilkie, 38, Somerset, was convicted of criminal damage to property, sentenced to 60 days in jail with credit given for time served and fined $200 Jan. 22. A resisting an officer charge was dismissed. The charges resulted from a Nov. 22 incident in Somerset. COOK Cyri E. Cook, 18, Baldwin, was convicted of disorderly conduct, sentenced to one year of probation and fined $560 Jan. 23. A misdemeanor bail jumping charge was dismissed. The charges resulted from a Feb. 28, 2014, incident in Baldwin. HAKES Evan D. Hakes, 30, Hudson, was ordered to pay $2,000 cash bail on counts of felony stalking, criminal trespass, possession of narcotic drugs, possession of a controlled substance, felony possession of burglarious tools and receiving stolen property Jan. 26. The charges stemmed from a Jan. 24 incident in Somerset. TAINTER Joshua J. Tainter, 32, New Richmond, was convicted of disorderly conduct and fined $250 Jan. 26. A criminal trespass charge was dismissed. The charges resulted from a Nov. 1 incident in New Richmond. ST. CROIX COUNTY CIVIL COURT Brandon and Elise Orr, Bloomington, Ill., filed a personal injury lawsuit against Richard Hagan, Wilson, and Germantown Mutual Insurance Company. According to the complaint, on Dec. 19, 2013, Brandon Orr was stopped in his vehicle on County Road B, helping a person who was driving a team of horses. The complaint says Hagan, "without stopping or slowing," drove his car into Orr's vehicle and injured him. Orr is seeking compensation for pain, disability, emotional distress, anxiety, embarrassment, loss of enjoyment of life, medical care, loss of earnings and disfigurement. *** Gary S. and Rosa Olson, Prescott, filed a personal injury lawsuit against State Farm Fire and Casualty Company. According to the complaint, on April 18, 2010, Gary Olson was driving west on County Road J in Hammond when an uninsured motorist, Segundo V. Romero-Tene, negligently operated his vehicle eastbound, causing it collide with Olson's vehicle. Olson has already received the policy limit of $100,000 from one of his policies with State Farm and is now seeking additional uninsured motorist coverage from other policies with the same company. The suit says Olson was seriously and permanently injured, suffered great pain, will continue to have medical bills, is prevented from engaging in his normal activities and has earning capacity losses. Olson says State Farm has not made diligent evaluation of or properly investigated his claim. He is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. *** St. Croix Trading Company/Direct Logistics, Hudson, filed suit against Regent Insurance Company, Madison. According to the complaint, St. Croix Trading had an insurance contract with Regent covering property at 904 Third St., Hudson, and the property was damaged by wind on June 22 or 23, 2013. When the parties did not reach agreement on the amount of loss and property damages, they each named an Marvin H. Cassellius, age 89, of Glenwood City, WI died Wednesday January 28, 2015 at United Hospital in St. Paul, MN. Marvin was born March 6, 1925 on the family farm south of Emerald, WI to John and Theresa (Draxler) Cassellius. He lived in the Emerald area all his life. He attended the Elmland School and the teacher boarded at his parents home. Marvin helped his father on the farm, hauling milk to the creamery, hauling livestock and freight. Marvin married Shirley DeSmith November 23, 1946 and they celebrated their 50 years of marriage in 1996. One daughter, Kay, was born to this union in 1950. Marvin drove school bus, hauled milk, and worked for the town of Glenwood. They moved to the family farm in 1956 and appraiser, who in turn chose Brian Wert as the umpire. The complaint says the appraisals took place in June 2014 and an award, signed by two of the three appraisers, was issued on June 23. St. Croix Trading alleges the award and process were "subject to improper bias, substantial misconduct, fraud, bad faith and that the panel exceeded its authority." The complaint asks that the appraisal award be vacated. *** Jodi and Chet Sachsenmaier, Hudson, filed a personal injury lawsuit against Matthew J. Mischo, New Richmond, Progressive Universal Insurance Company and LM General Insurance Company. According to the complaint, on Feb. 24, 2012, at the intersection of County Road UU and Hwy. 12 in the town of Hudson, there was a collision between a vehicle owned and operated by Mischo and a car owned and operated by Jodi Sachsenmaier. The suit alleges Mischo was negligent. Sachsenmaier is seeking payment for past and future pain, suffering, disability, medical expenses and loss of earnings. *** Citibank, Irving, Texas, filed suit against Cynthia Hassan, Hudson. According to the complaint, Hassan borrowed money, failed to pay bills and now owes $72,376. *** Cavalry SPV I LLC, Tulsa, Okla., filed suit against Tari L. Vanasse, Hudson. According to the complaint, Vanasse used a credit card to make purchases, failed to pay bills and now owes $22,605. Foreclosure sales Judge Scott Needham confirmed the sale of property in a foreclosure action brought by Resolution Fund against Anna and Jeremy Breen, North Saint Paul, Minn. The property -- located at 601 Meadow Lane, Hudson -- was sold to Resolution Fund for $59,795. The amount owed resided there for the next 30 years. They operated a livestock and freight hauling business. In 1978 they sold the cows. In 1983 they sold the trucking business and he went back to driving school bus and working at Friday Canning in New Richmond, WI. Marvin worked several other jobs at the feed mill, gas station and hauling milk and mail over the years. In 1986 they sold the farm and moved into Emerald. Marvin is preceded in death by his parents, wife Shirley, brothers Walter and Earl, sisters Rosella Mahoney and Dolly Cassellius, brother- and sisters-in-law, Lillian Cassellius, Thomas Mahoney, Rodney “Bud”, Roger and Glenn DeSmith and Earl Nieman. Marvin is survived by daughter Kay Cassellius of Glenwood City, WI; extended family Robert Scribner, Michelle Orton and husband Brad, Bo & Brock Orton, Kelly Scribner and wife Cris, Taylor Pomahatch, sisters-inlaw Bernice Cassellius, Karen DeSmith, Marlys DeSmith and Joyce Nieman, brother-in-law Dave DeSmith and wife Judi; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Mass of Christian burial was held Monday, February 2, 2015 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church with Fr. John Long as celebrant. Burial was in the church cemetery. Local arrangements by the Anderson Funeral Home in Glenwood City, WI. when the foreclosure judgment was signed last August was $153,165. *** WESTconsin Credit Union against Gerald J. and Jeannine B. Smith, Elk River, Minn. The case involves Lots 1-3, 5-7, 10-16, 18-26, 30-24, 36 and 37, Poplar Lakes Estates. In May 2013, the credit union received $112, 338 as the net proceeds of a short sale. The Smiths were now ordered to pay a deficit of $45,808. Foreclosure judgments Foreclosure was granted in a case brought by Bank of New York Mellon against Molly J. Berg, Hudson. According to the judgment, Berg owes $167,702; 6-month redemption period. *** Foreclosure was granted in a case brought by JPMorgan Chase Bank against Robert T. Landgren and Jennifer L. Branch, both of Hammond. According to the judgment, Landgren and Branch owe $148,975; 6-month redemption period Foreclosure filings U.S. Bank National Association against Maria E. and David A. Bougie, Hudson. According to the complaint, the Bougies owe $318,060. Fannie Mae against William H. and Susan A. Lodge, River Falls. According to the complaint, the Lodges owe $293,565. JPMorgan Chase Bank against Stephanie A. and Michael S. Netz Jr., Hudson. According to the complaint, the Netzes owe $135,188. WESTconsin Credit Union against Christopher R. and Angela M. Field, Baldwin. According to the complaint, the Fields owe $120,117. Colonial Savings against Donna M. and Fred W. Zimmerman, Hudson. According to the complaint, the Zimmermans owe $112,720. ST. CROIX COUNTY MARRIAGE Todd R. Renville Kruger, 41, River Falls, and Brittani L. Powell, 26, Minnetonka, Minn. WE ARE YOUR FULL SERVICE TIRE DEALER SERVING THE MENOMONIE AND SURROUNDING AREA FOR 87 YEARS! Our Services Include • Tires • Lube Oil Filter • Brakes • Front End Parts • Alignments • Shocks • Transmission Flush • Radiator Flush COUPON OIL, LUBE & FILTER $ 95 22 Lube (where applicable), new filter & up to 5 quarts major brand oil (brands vary). Call for appointment. Most vehicles. Not valid with any other offers. Environmental disposal fee may apply in some areas. Additional charge for shop supplies, up to 7% or $11.00 maximum, may be added. Special diesel oil and filter extra. Offer valid at participating retailers through 2/28/15. Hunter Precision Wheel Alignments 5995 front end $ Van/SUV/Truck Front End $69.95 4-wheel $79.95 NOW A DISTRIBUTOR FOR DUNLOP TIRES WE NOW HANDLE MOBIL OIL • MENOMONIE’S ONLY AUTHORIZED GOODYEAR DEALER CHURCHILL TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE 2703 Stout Rd. (Hwy. 12 East), Menomonie, 235-6118 22c* ST. CROIX COUNTY TRAFFIC MARVIN H. CASSELLIUS Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - Tribune Press Reporter - Page 11 OBITUARIES CLARENCE CHARLES HENRY LUEPKE MARTINA SEIM Martina Seim, age 91, of Glenwood City, WI, passed away peacefully after a long courageous battle with Dementia on Friday January 30, 2015, at Cerenity Assistant Living/ Nursing Home – White Bear Lake, MN. The former Martina Neis was born February 23, 1923, to Frank and Barbara Neis of Strasburg, North Dakota. Martina married Martin Seim in 1949 in St. Paul, MN. Martina was a full-time and completely dedicated wife and mother. She devoted herself to Martin and her son Lee and their family farm until Martin passed away on March 30, 1987 after which Lee took over. Martina was very dedicated to her only son Lee, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She also loved her garden and took great pride in her flowers and vegetables, particularly her fantastic homemade breads, rhubarb desserts and made from scratch soups. She also spent countless hours outside at the farm making sure everything that needed to get done got done, especially with the young calves or keeping an eye on the grandkids and making sure the farm help was doing their job, but she also loved spending time at her church and women’s church group at Holy Cross Lutheran Church helping out and serving her community and her church ladies whenever she could. She wouldn’t miss a Sunday church service for anything. Martina is survived by her only son Lee Seim and Ronda of Glenwood City; and sister Alice and her husband Matt Wrangler of Bismarck, North Dakota; six grandchildren: Shelbie (Brian) Mittlestadt of Boyceville WI, Jeana (Jason) Best of Downing WI, Carrie (Barry) Peterson of Glenwood City WI, Jess Seim & Derek Seim both of Glenwood City WI; 4 great-grandchildren; and also survived by many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by both her parents, Frank and Barbara Neis of Strasburg, North Dakota; and six brothers and two sisters. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Glenwood City WI, with Pastor Diane House officiating. There will be visitation from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at Anderson Funeral Home in Glenwood City and at the church one hour prior to the service on Wednesday. Burial will be in Glenwood City Cemetery in Glenwood City WI. The family wishes to thank Cerenity Assisted Living and Nursing Home in White Bear Lake, MN who lovingly cared for Martina in her final days. ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME 607 1st Street • Glenwood City, WI 54013 • 715-265-4421 We can help you with all your: •Preneed Funeral Arrangements •Traditional Funeral Services •Traditional Cremation Funeral Services •Direct Cremation Memorial Services •Direct Cremation Dean Anderson, Funeral Director 22eowc* Serving All Faiths Clarence Luepke was born in the Township of Glenwood City, Wisconsin, on June 21, 1928 to Herman and Anna (Burmester) Luepke. He graduated from Glenwood City High School in 1947. On June 3, 1949, he married Geraldine Voeltz at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Forest, Wisconsin. They were blessed with five children; Steven (1950), Susan (1951), James (1952), Richard (1955) and Donald (1958). In his early married life, he worked on a farm in New Richmond and Glenwood City, ran a machine shop in Glenwood City and managed a lumber yard in Clearwater, Florida and worked for Badger Bituminus as a foreman for a blacktopping crew throughout Wisconsin. Later in 1959 he established Luepke & Sons Cabinet Shop, which specialized in building kitchen and bathroom cabinetry. Clarence had a natural affinity for wood and his skills as a woodworker and carpenter were legendary. In his later years, he began woodcarving and he produced over 150 pieces, many of which were chosen Grand Champion at the St. Croix County Fair. His crowning achievement was the carving of his own casket, which was embellished with woodland animals and the 23rd Psalm. In addition, in his lifetime, he built four houses, a timber frame cabin at Richardson on Lake Magnor, and a family hunting cabin near Barronett, Wisconsin. He was a gifted stone mason and laid up several fieldstone fireplaces in area homes and cabins. Clarence was an avid outdoorsman and hunter. He went elk and moose hunting out west several times with his special hunting buddies, Scott Teigen and Ned Hahn. In addition, he enjoyed a special deer hunting season in 2011 with his four sons and 11 ANITA MAE DAVIS Anita Mae Davis, born July 2, 1934 to William Edwin and Frieda Canfield at their home in rural Downing, died January 20, 2015 in the peace and comfort of her children and grandchildren. She is survived by her children: Bryan & Carolyn Davis and Stephen & Beth Almquist. She is also survived by her grandchildren Noel and Rachel Davis, Ronny Perez Jr., Elijah & Stephanie Perez, Andrea & Brain Faber, Abraham Perez, Wesley and Evenstar Forbach, Rebeckah Perez, and her 20 greatgrandchildren. She is already missed by sisters Judy Helgeson and Pat Schoonover (Virgil), and brother Bill (Jeane) of Columbus, New Mexico, and many cousins and classmates. A n i t a b a t t l e d c a n c e r, respiratory and heart failure, and finally traded in her earthly body for a brand new heavenly one! She has now joined her husband Frank Davis and Jesus to walk on Heaven’s streets of gold! She attended Best Valley Grade School, and finished 8th grade at Bolen. She was a graduate of Boyceville High School Class of 1952, the salutatorian. Her working years were spent in Los Angeles, CA with the Orlando Spring Co. as chief inspector. She retired at the age of 70 and moved to Flagstaff to be near her daughter. Services were held Saturday, January 24 in the Malapais room at The Peaks Senior Living Community in Flagstaff, AZ. Burial of cremains will be at a later date in the Township of New Haven Cemetery. grandsons. He shot his last deer with his bow in September 2013. His leadership abilities were used to serve his family, church and community. He served on the Glenwood City council and also served as mayor of Glenwood for eight years from 1982-1990. During that time he began the first state-side community recycling center, which received special recognition from Governor Tony Earl in 1986. He also served as an EMT for the community. Clarence treasured his family and expressed his love by building relationships with each one. His Christian faith sustained him during the good and hard times. He served on the Holy Cross Lutheran Church building committee when the church was originally built and also when the addition and remodeling took place. He sang in the church choir. His integrity, honesty and work ethic were examples to everyone around him. He was preceded in death by his parents, Herman and Anna, his father and mother-inlaw, Walter and Selma Voeltz, an infant granddaughter, Lysta Luepke (Jim), a brother Sherman Luepke, a sister Doris Booton, brothers-in-law Lynn Booton, Bill Heiss, Robert Voeltz and LeRoy Voeltz, sisters-in-law Kathy Luepke (Sherman) and Kathy Luepke (Gary), three nephews and one niece. He is survived by his wife Geraldine, son Steven (children Ryan (Andrea), Scott and Maria, daughter Susan Berg (Alan) (children Andrew (Alissa), Aaron (Sara), Phoebe (Shawn) Engh and Bjorn, son James (Lori) (children Luke and Jake), son Richard (fiancée Kelly Samson) (children Tyler, Nick and Logan), and son Don (Patty) (children Nichole (Kevin), Trevor and Claire), three brothers, Dale (Hallie), Carl (Faye) and Gary (Gert), one sister, Gladys Heiss, two daughters-inlaw Jean Rose and Cathy Pippin, 15 grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren. He was greatly loved and will be greatly missed. May his memory be blessed to everyone who knew him. Visitation was at Holy Cross Lutheran Church on Saturday, January 31 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Glenwood City, Wisconsin. The funeral service were held at 3 p.m. Anderson Funeral Home of Glenwood City handled the arrangements for the family. BERTHA JANA WIENKE Bertha Jana Wienke, was born on July 28, 1914 to Evert & Margaret DeBoer of Forest, Wisconsin (St. Croix County). She was baptized and confirmed at Emanuel Lutheran Church. She married Harvey F. Wienke on June 15, 1932 in Forest. To this union three children were born, son Ervin, daughter Janet and son Gaylord. In Sept. of 1946, they lost a son, Ervin at the age of eight to a hit and run driver. In May of 1965, they lost their son, Gaylord at the age of nineteen in a motorcycle accident. Bertha worked for Doughboy Plastic in New Richmond, from 1949 to 1957 and tended bar in Forest for three years. She was also a waitress at the Midway Café in Glenwood City from August 1964 to June 1975. They sold their home in Forest and bought a house in Amery in September 1975. Once in Amery, Bertha worked in the kitchen at Crestview Nursing Home (now called Willow Ridge) September 1975 to Oct. 1984. In September of 1987 they sold their home and moved into Water’s Edge Apartments December of 1987. Harvey passed away in January 1993. On March 22, 2012, Bertha moved into the Golden Age Manor. Bertha is survived by daughter, Janet (Wienke) DeLong (Ronald), granddaughters, Theresa Newman (Paul), Brenda Olson, Dawn Jensen (Tony), and Michelle Streich (Mike). Additionally, she has 8 great-grandchildren: Eric, Emily, Alyssa, and Jacob Newman, Logan and Kelsey Olson, and Ciarra Schwenzig and Hayden Streich. Bertha has two greatgreat grandchildren, Aubree and Bradyn Newman. Grandma Bertha will be missed greatly by all. Services were held Monday, January 26 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Forest at 11:00 a.m. with visitation one hour prior to services. Burial in St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery Township of Forest. Anderson Funeral Home of Glenwood City handled the arrangements for the family. CHURCH DIRECTORY/EVENTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2988 60th St., Wilson, WI (1/2 mile N of Kwik Trip on Hwy. 128) Pastor Rick Mannon Church: 715-772-4625 Office: 715-772-4764 Sun. School at 9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship at 10:45 a.m., Evening Praise at 6:30 p.m. Come join us; Wed. Evenings: 6:30 p.m. Bible Study; Youth Service & Kids Club. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 2721 5th Street South, Menomonie Phone: 715-235-8352 Branch President: Ken Kratt 715-778-4260 Sun. Services: Sacrament Meeting 10-11:10 a.m.; Sun. School 11:20Noon; Priesthood/Relief Society 12:10-1 p.m. BAPTIST GOSPEL MISSION BAPTIST CHURCH Knapp, WI Pastor Leroy Nelson - 715-665-2320 Sunday School 10 a.m.; Morning Service 11 a.m.; Evening Service 7 p.m.; Wed. Night Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m.; Kid’s Club 6-7:20 p.m. Wed. Night at Knapp Elementary School, Saturday Night Youth Group 6-8 p.m. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Boyceville, 715-643-5011 Pastor Christopher Ames www.yesgrace.org Sunday School 10 a.m.; Morning Worship Service 11 a.m.; Sun. Eve. 6 p.m.; Wed. Bible Study and Prayer 7 p.m. CATHOLIC ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Glenwood City, WI Father John R. Long Parish Office: 715-265-7133 Pastor’s Office: 715-565-3132 Masses: Sat. 4 p.m. at St. Bridget, Wilson; Sat. 6 p.m. at St. John the Baptist, Glenwood City; Sun. 8:30 a.m. St. John the Baptist, Glenwood City; Sun. 10:30 a.m. at St. John’s, Clear Lake. ST. LUKE’S CATHOLIC Boyceville, WI Father Kevin Louis, Pastor Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Mass. Wednesday: 6 p.m. CCD/CYO. These weekly Church Messages are sponsored by: CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE NEW LIFE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 704 W. Main, Wheeler, WI Pastor Steve Crites; Church 715-632-2061 Youth Pastor Brett Cole Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School – all ages, 10:45 a.m. Sun. worship service, 7 p.m. Sun. night worship service. Tues.: 9 p.m Tues. Men’s Prayer. Wed.: 6 p.m. Teen Quizzing, 7 p.m. Teen Worship, 7 p.m. Adult Prayer, 7 p.m. Children’s Kingdom Express. EVANGELICAL FAITH EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 90 East St., Boyceville (North Edge of Town, Hwy 79) 715-643-5209 Church Phone Pastor Steve Boyd/Cell 715-702-2290 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Family Night (k4-12th grade) Wed. 6-8PM (Sept-May). INTER-DENOMINATIONAL CEDARBROOK CHURCH N6714 470th St., Menomonie, WI (One mile north of Wal-Mart, kiddie corner from John Deere) Phone: 715-231-LIFE (5433) www.cedarbrookchurch.net e-mail: office@cedarbrookchurch.net Sun. Worship: 9 & 10:45 a.m. Nursery & Children’s Ministry at both services. LIVING WORD CHAPEL Interdenominational Church 2746 State Rd. 64 at Forest Sr. Pastor Randy Dean - 715-265-4810 Dr. C. W. Rasmussen Dentist Glenwood City, WI Phone 265-4258 STEAM TEAM email:lwchapel@yahoo.com Web: www.LWC1.com Service Times: Sun. 10 a.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. LUTHERAN CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH (Association of Free Lutheran Congregations) 2997 30th Ave., Wilson, WI 54027 2 miles south of I-94 on Hwy. 128 (Former Cady-Wilson School) 715-772-4464 Pastor: Les Johnson 715-772-4454 www.visitchristtheking.org Wed., Feb. 4: 7 p.m. Bible Study. Sun., Feb. 8: 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10:15 a.m. Worship. Wed., Feb. 11: 7 p.m. Bible Study. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Connorsville-Pastor David Emmons 715-986-4970 Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship, 10 am. Sunday School. HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) Glenwood City, WI 715-265-4411 Wed., Feb. 4: 3:30 p.m. Bible Study at Havenwood, 6 p.m. Affirmation of Faith Class, 7 p.m. Guitar. Fri., Feb. 6: 8 p.m. AA. Sun., Feb. 8: 8:15 a.m. Choir Practice, 9 a.m. Worship, 10:10 a.m. Education and Fellowship. Mon., Feb. 9: 6 p.m. Worship, 7 p.m. Church Council meeting. Tues., Feb. 10: Pastor Diane 10:30 a.m. church service at Glenhaven. Wed., Feb. 11: 3:30 p.m. Bible Study at Havenwood, 6 p.m. Affirmation of Faith Class, 7 p.m. Guitar. HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN 5 mi. north of Boyceville on Co. Hwy. O, Missouri Synod-Pastor Curtis Brooks Phone: 715-643-3182 Pastor hrs. at Holy Trinity 9-5 every Thurs. Services at 10:30 a.m., Communion 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday. IMMANUEL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pete's Automotive Supply Warehouse Distributor Dealer Associated Only Phone 265-4221 223 W. Oak St., Glenwood City, WI 2526 80th Ave. Woodville, WI 54028 715-698-2500 www.immanuelwoodville.com See our website for worship service, Bible Class, Sunday School & activity times. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 2980 210th Avenue, Forest, WI 54013 715-263-2249 Vicar: Bob Dahm Sun. Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. (Nov. 1 - Feb. 28). Communion is served on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Please call the church office at 715-772-3150 for time and place of Confirmation. OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) Hwy 170, PO Box 186 Wheeler, WI • 715-632-2530 oursaviorswheeler@yahoo.com Sun.: 9:15 a.m. Worship Service. TRINITY LUTHERAN (ELCA) 1039 Nordveien Dr., P.O. Box 247 (Hwy. 79) • Boyceville, WI 54725 Rev. Bradley K. Peterson, Pastor 715-643-3821; trinityboyceville.com Parish Office Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-Noon Communion 1st, 3rd & 5th Sun. & Wed. Sun. worship service is at 9 a.m.; Sun. School 10:15 a.m.; Wed. evening worship: 7:30 p.m. WEST AKERS LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) [7 miles N of Connorsville on Co. Rd. V] E1795 1440th Ave., Prairie Farm, WI 54762 Pastor Mark Woeltge Services & Sunday School at 10 a.m., Coffee hour at 9 a.m. Communion served the 1st Sunday. WILSON LUTHERAN CHURCH 401 310th Street, Wilson, WI 54027 Office: 715-772-3150 Vicar: Bob Dahm Sun. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. (Nov. 1 - Feb. 28). Communion is served on the 1st and NAPA Glenwood Auto Supply 525 First Street Glenwood City, WI 265-4218 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING John A. Humpal, Owner ZION LUTHERAN Woodville, WI Keith Anderson, Senior Pastor Andy Boe, Part-time Associate Pastor Wed., Feb. 4: 9 a.m. Bible Study, 11 a.m. Park View Communion, 7-8:30 p.m. Confirmation. Thurs., Feb. 5: 9-2 p.m. Quilters, 7 p.m. Choir Practice. Sat., Feb. 7: 8:30 a.m. Joseph’s Square. Sun., Feb. 8: 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30 a.m. Coffee Fellowship, 9:40 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Worship, 2 p.m. Girl Scouts. Mon., Feb. 9: 5:30 p.m. 4-H Play Practice. Tues., Feb. 10: 6:30 p.m. Resources Committee, 7 p.m. F.U.N. Committee, 8 p.m. AA Meeting. Wed., Feb. 11: 6:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study, 9 a.m. Bible Study, 7-8:30 p.m. Confirmation. NON-DENOMINATIONAL CALVARY CHAPEL Pastor Jason Taylor N10091 Co. Rd. S, Wheeler, WI 715-658-1036 e-mail:taylorjpi@aol.com www.ottercreekcf.com Sunday:10 a.m. Prayer; 10:30 a.m. Worship. 7 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST MENOMONIE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Pastor Bob Mills Phone: 715-235-3791 Sab. School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. SEVEN-DAY ADVENTIST 6 miles east of Clear Lake on Cty. A 76 20th Ave., County A, Clear Lake, WI Pastor John Redlich Head Elder: David Scott, 715-263-3367 Sat.: 9:30 a.m. Bible Study; 11 a.m. Worship Service. Wed.: 7 p.m. Mid-week Worship. UNITED METHODIST Boyceville BOYCEVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Timothy Matthaei Church 715-643-2331 Sun.: 9:45 a.m. Worship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. GLEN HILLS PARISH UNITED METHODIST Pastor Mary Beth Scow Parsonage Phone 715-565-3330 Office Phone 715-265-7395 Wed., Feb. 4: 2 p.m. Circle of Hope meets at the Emerald UMC, 3:30 p.m. KOOL at the GCUMC Thurs., Feb. 5: 6 p.m. SPRC meets at the Downing UMC Sat., Feb. 7: 9 a.m. Bible Study at the GCUMC Sun., Feb. 8: 8:30 a.m. Worship & Sunday school at the Emerald UMC, 9:45 a.m. Worship & Sunday school at the GCUMC, 11 a.m. Worship & Sunday school at the Downing UMC Wed., Feb. 11: 3:30 p.m. KOOL at the GCUMC. GRACE UNITED METHODIST Wheeler, WI Pastor Timothy Matthaei Church 715-643-2331 Sun.: 11 a.m. Worship. KNAPP UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 203 Main Street, Knapp, WI 54749 715-665-2535 Pastor Paul Foulke Sun.: Church Service 10 a.m. THE WILLOW RIVER UNITED METHODIST PARISH Clear Lake, Deer Park, Forest 420 Fourth Ave., Clear Lake John Hazen, Pastor Office Hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9 – 11:30 a.m. Parish Office Phone: 715-263-2700 Website: www.willowriverparish.org Clear Lake: Sundays 9:45 a.m. Worship, Wednesdays 6 p.m. Church School with Meal at 5:30. Forest: Sundays 11 a.m. Worship Service, Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Trinity-Deer Park: Sundays 8:30 a.m. Worship. Dahl Well Drilling, LLC Complete Well & Pump Sales & Service 715-265-7403 Tribune Press Reporter (715) 643-3226 105 Misty Court • Glenwood City Residential • Commercial 1-800-553-3677 or 632-2109 www.steamteamcleaning.com 3rd Sunday. Please call 715-772-3150 for time and place of Confirmation. 715-643-4211 Heavy Duty Truck Parts & Sales 715-643-4212 • Downing, WI 265-4211 • Glenwood City Member F.D.I.C. • Equal Housing Lender Graphic Design • Printing • Copying • Invitations 715-265-4646 Page 12 - Tribune Press Reporter - Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Northwest Region Youth Art Month Exhibit 2015 The National Art Education Association announces March as Youth Art Month. It is a time to celebrate the visual arts in our schools. Students from Glenwood City Elementary School will have art on display at the Regional Art Exhibit, February 8 – February 19, at WITC (Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College) in New Richmond, Wisconsin. The Grand Opening Ceremony will be held on Sunday, February 8th from 12:30-3:30 p.m. with time to browse through the work and enjoy refreshments. You may visit the show at other times as well; Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. and Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The visual arts educators for the Glenwood City School District are Mary Jones and Laura Sperl. For more information about Youth Art Month, visit www.wiarted.org. PICTURE WITH their art work are students from Second and Third grade at Glenwood City Elementary. Back row (L to R): Evan Hojem, Julian Orta-Vaquez, Ava Shambow, William Standaert, Maddie Klatt, Whitney Klasse, Ryeah Oehlke, Michaela Blaser, Connor Berends, Cody Klasse, Isabel Davis. Front row (L to R): Elliott Springborn, Elsja Meijer, Gianna Pagnotta, Emily Tews, Freddy Leandro-Mendez, Cole Wakeling, Wyatt Unser, Ilan Anderson, Jackson Logghe, Genevieve Gretzlock. —photo by Kelsie Hoitomt PICTURED WITH their art work are students in Fourth and Fifth grade at the Glenwood City Elementary. Back row (L to R): Lindsey Bazille, Haley Klasse, Kennedi Kahler, Ali Fouks, Payten Knops, Isabella Simmons, Emma Lamb, Alex Wollenzien, Ella Knops, Gavin Cone, Thomas Moede Front row (L to R): Emilie Monn, Bailey Kahler, Aubree Logghe, Margarita Mundo, Alex Peterson, Molly Draxler, Nicholas Hierlmeier, Owen Bauman, Max Janson, Blake Wakeling. —photo by Kelsie Hoitomt PICTURED WITH their art work are students in Kindergarten and First grade at the Glenwood City Elementary. Back row (L to R): Landon Obermueller, Dan Stauffer, Clayton Hoffman, Anaka Eliason, Tessa Wagner. Front row (L to R): Max Kahler, Gus Kohler, Neven Polmanter, Addisyn Peterson, LuellaAnn Strehlo, Micah Williams, Kaitlyn Roark, Merisa Blaser. —photo by Kelsie Hoitomt THESE STUDENTS are holding their State entries that will go on display at the Capitol. (L to R): Mary Jones (instructor) holding artwork of Lyra Ketola, Emma Lamb, Cody Klasse, Kaitlyn Roark, Julian OrtaVasquez, Laura Sperl (instructor) holding artwork by senior Jordan Frederick. —photo by Kelsie Hoitomt A Year as St. Croix County’s Fairest of the Fair submitted by Rachel Kromrey, 2014 Fairest of the Fair My name is Rachel Kromrey, and I’m proudly representing St. Croix County as the 2014 Fairest of the Fair. Being Fairest has come with its own challenges, as well as personal growth. Along with being the official hostess of the St. Croix County Fair, I’ve attended county parades and other local events to promote the Fair. I also competed at the Wisconsin Association of Fairs Convention January 4-7 for the position of Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs. Although I was not crowned, I got a “behind the scenes” glimpse of county fairs and was able to walk away with ideas on how to improve the local Fairest program and even how to stay involved with the Fair for years to come. All in all, it was a rewarding experience. At Convention, I competed with 38 other county Fairest for the title of Wisconsin Fairest of the Fairs. As part of the selection process, we had individual and group interviews, ate meals with our judges, answered onstage impromptu questions and created radio spots promoting our fair. It was a close competition - I think it’s appropriate to say each county was represented exceptionally well. I would like to say congratulations to Deanna Schlies of Brown County on her victory. I know she will do a fantastic job representing the fair industry. All candidates also participated in an auction to benefit the Wisconsin Association of Fairs. I had an ice fishing themed basket that sold for $650. Spectrum Weather and Specialty Insurance for bought it and the support of the Donald Heit, chair of the Town of Dunn. Several county board members wondered what the Town of Dunn intended to do with the museum. The Empire in Pine Museum will remain a museum, Heit said. The Town of Dunn has received $10,000 that was given to the township for the museum, he said. Heit told the county board that he has met with the Dunn County Historical Society about sharing the contents of the museum with the Town of Dunn but that he has yet received an answer as to whether that is possible. According to a letter dated January 22 included in the county board packet, the Dunn County Historical Society transferred the title to the Empire in Pine Museum to Dunn County in June of 1973, along with all of the artifacts. The letter stresses that the sale of the museum included the land and buildings but did not include any of the exhibits, artifacts or personal property associated with the museum buildings. “All such items, to the extent that Dunn County has possessory or ownership interest, are hereby returned to the Historical Society without any condition and without further claim on the part of Dunn County,” the letter reads. If the Dunn County Historical Society removes all of exhibits and artifacts from the Empire in Pine Museum, the Town of Dunn “will fill it back up” with other historical items, Heit said. The Town of Dunn Board will be in charge of the museum and is working on a resolution for operating the museum, he said. In the last few years, Dunn County has paid for handicapped accessibility for the museum and for new bathrooms, a new roof, windows and a fire escape, Schaefer said. Fairest program is appreciated. Also, the following local businesses donated ice fishing items: B&J Do It Best Hardware of Somerset, Glenwood Hardware and Rental of Glenwood City, and Stockman’s Farm Supply of Wilson. Your support is much appreciated! Although it’s early in the year, I would like to be the first to invite everyone to the St. Croix County Fair in Glenwood City July 15-19. “From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels,” we have something for everyone to enjoy. Also, if you are interested in being the 2015 Fairest of the Fair, please “like” our Facebook page at “St. Croix County Fairest of the Fair” or contact the program coordinator, Hannah Ness, at hannah_ness@ hotmail.com for more information. Hope to see you at the Fair! Public school open enrollment application period begins Feb. 2 MADISON — Wisconsin’s public school open enrollment application period runs from Feb. 2 to April 30 for the 2015-16 school year, allowing parents an opportunity to send their children to any public school district in the state. Traditionally, children in Wisconsin are assigned to public school districts based on the location of their parents’ home. Open enrollment application is the only tuition-free opportunity for most parents to apply for their children to attend a public school in a school district other than the one in which they live. “Wisconsin’s open enrollment program has a long history of providing public school choice. It is the largest parental choice program in Wisconsin. I look forward to working with the governor and Legislature to enact the changes I proposed in my 2015-17 budget that would improve equity and access to open enrollment for students with disabilities and their families,” said State Superintendent Tony Evers. The state’s open enrollment program is an inter-district choice program that began in the 1998-99 school year. During the first years of the program, the application window was three weeks. With legislation adopted for the 2012-13 school year, the application window expanded to three months. According to the Education Commission of the States, Wisconsin is among 21 states with inter-district open enrollment. Under the full-time public school open enrollment program, parents may apply during the Dunn County sells ‘Empire in Pine’ museum to Town of Dunn By LeAnn R. Ralph MENOMONIE — The Dunn County Board has approved selling the Empire in Pine Museum in Downsville to the Town of Dunn for $1. The resolution for the sale authorizes the sale of the real estate, the buildings and the grounds but not the contents of the museum, said Nick Lange, Dunn County corporation counsel, at the Dunn County Board’s January 21 meeting. The Town of Dunn would like to purchase the museum, and in the past, Dunn County has sold other facilities to local units of government for “local interest” reasons, said David Schaefer, county board supervisor from Menomonie and chair of the facilities committee. The people in Downsville and in the rural areas of the Town of Dunn want the museum and want to maintain the museum, said FAIREST OF THE FAIR — Rachel Kromrey, St Croix County’s Fairest of the Fair, at this year’s Wisconsin State Fairs Convention in WI Dells. —photo submitted Heating and air conditioning were discussed for the museum, but there is no money in Dunn County’s budget this year for heating and air conditioning, he said. “Maybe the Town of Dunn can do those,” Schaefer said. “This has been discussed for many years,” said David Bartlett, county board supervisor from Boyceville and the former chair of the facilities committee. People in the Town of Dunn have worked on getting donations and giving donations for the museum, Bartlett said. “ I t’s i mp o rt a n t t o t h e community. It’s a good thing,” he said. The Dunn County Board unanimously approved the resolution to sell the Empire in Pine Museum to the Town of Dunn for $1. Subscribe to The Tribune Press Reporter Today! 715-265-4646 • DeWittMedia.com three-month application period to the school district they wish their children to attend. Online application is encouraged. Application deadlines are firm. Early and late applications are not accepted. Districts will notify parents by June 5 whether their open enrollment applications have been approved or denied. Although an alternate application procedure allows parents to apply outside of the application period, there are more restrictions associated with the alternate procedure. Under the current open enrollment law, transportation, in most circumstances, is the responsibility of the parent. However, some school districts may provide partial transportation. Parents with questions should call the nonresident school district office to find out if any transportation will be provided. Reimbursement of a portion of transportation costs is available for families whose children are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals based on federal income guidelines. The Department of Public Instruction provides the following guidance for parents who wish to apply for open enrollment. • Parents are urged to apply online directly from the open enrollment website http://oe.dpi. wi.gov/. The online application will be available from midnight Feb. 2 until 4 p.m. on April 30. • Paper applications can be obtained from the DPI or any public school district. Paper application forms must be received by the nonresident school district no earlier than Feb. 2 and no later than 4 p.m. on April 30. A postmark for paper forms will not meet the requirement. • Parents may submit applications to up to three nonresident school districts for each child during the open enrollment application period. • Forms must be filled out completely and accurately. Contact the local school district office or the DPI if assistance is needed in completing the application. • Parents may request enrollment in a specific school or program in the nonresident school district; however, enrollment in the requested school or program is subject to space and other limitations and is not guaranteed. • Most students who attended a nonresident school district under open enrollment last year are not required to reapply for the 2015-16 school year. However, if the student will be entering middle school, junior high school, or high school in the 2015-16 school year, parents should call the nonresident school district to find out if reapplication will be required. • Parents may apply for their children to attend 4-yearold kindergarten under open enrollment only if the resident school district also offers a 4-yearold kindergarten program for which the child is eligible. To assist parents in submitting open enrollment applications, a directory of public school districts is available on the DPI website at http://dpi.wi.gov/directories. More information is available from local school districts or from an open enrollment consultant at DPI, (888) 245-2732 (toll-free), or openenrollment@dpi.wi.gov. Boyceville High School invites you to the 5th Annual Thursday, February 5th, 2015 Girls Basketball Game Boyceville Bulldogs vs. Glenwood City Hilltoppers Activities Begin at 5:30pm JV Game: 5:55/Varsity 7:30 *DASH 4 CASH *RAFFLES *SILENT AUCTION *BAKE SALE *Youth Dance Clinic Performance During Halftime of JV Game Wear pink to the game to support Cancer Awareness! T-shirts will be sold.