Monthly newsletter - West Branch United Methodist Church


Monthly newsletter - West Branch United Methodist Church
February 2015
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The Newsletter of the West Branch United Methodist Church
I have been praying about what to say in this article; visioning thoughts, sermon series
announcements, or upcoming studies came to mind, but none of them felt right.
Instead I want to get a little personal.
I think it is safe to say that this holiday season did not go as planned.
On Dec 18th I went in for a skin check, mostly because I had been fretting about a black
streak under my thumb nail. Turns out the dermatologist thought it was worth fretting
over. On Monday Dec 22nd I found myself back at IRL getting a biopsy, my first ever, and
it was enough to freak Mark and me out. I think biopsy must be in the top 10 scariest
words a Dr can say. We went into Christmas pretty distracted until a parishioner shared
they had something similar and it turned out to be a very simple thing. This gave us the
hope to be able to breathe again for Christmas. Then on Dec 30th, I got a notice that I
had a new test result in my MyChart. It said scary words (to me) diagnosis: melanoma in
situ and margins involved. Mark came home from work to hold me while I cried and waited
for the Dr's office to call me back. A very nice resident calmed us down a bit by explaining
that this was removable and he would get the ball rolling with an orthopedic surgeon asap.
I met with Dr. Lawler at UIHC on Monday Jan 5th to talk about my options. She has been
amazing through this whole process. We decided that the safest course was the more
radical course. So on Tues Jan 13th, I had a partial thumb amputation at UIHC. On Jan
20th we found out that she did not get all of the melanoma, so Jan 22nd it was back to
surgery for more skin removal. All of the pathology indicates that the melanoma is gone.
This is such a clinical telling of the events. What to say of the late night conversations,
the sleepless nights, the tears, the anger, and the downright panic? What to say of
breaking news to those closest to us? Of trying to figure how to tell you, our beloved
congregation? What to say of the shared fear, the shared tears, the love and support that
have come pouring forth? There aren't enough words. Just thank you. This has given us a
tiny glimpse into the journey that those who have to hear the scariest word, cancer, walk.
We want to thank you for walking with us and we look forward to many more years of doing
life with you at WBUMC.
Rev. Alexis, Mark, and Maggie
Missions Giving for 2014:
Did We Meet Our Goal?
The Rainbow Covenant is a program designed by the United Methodist Church to help
guide our missions giving. To be a Third Mile Church, we must pay our apportionments and
meet a goal for missions giving that is based on the number of members in our church. Our
missions giving goal for 2014 was $6,345 (or $15/member). So, did we meet our goal?
When all of the figures were totaled, we were able to give $12,811 to missions projects
that benefit our local West Branch community, as well as to organizations throughout
Iowa, the United States and the world. We met our goal, and then we met it again! If you’d
like to see more about the organizations that we were able to support, the detailed
Rainbow Covenant report is on the Missions bulletin board.
When you provide candy for the candy sale, make a donation to the Lord’s Harvest Auction,
shop at the rummage sale, provide items for Ingathering, donate to a special offering, and
contribute to other missions projects, you are making this giving possible. Thank you for
your generosity. Let’s do it again in 2015!
Christ has no body now on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours,
yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion
is to look out to the earth,
yours are the feet by which He is to go about doing good
and yours are the hands by which He is to bless us now.
~St Teresa of Avila
2014 Giving Statements
In an attempt to be good stewards, we are
distributing 2014 giving statements after
worship on February 1. If you would prefer to
have yours emailed, please email Kristin in the
church office:
Please contact Kristin Nalan or Rhonda Myrvik
if you have any questions.
Jesus Calling ~
Enjoying Peace in His Presence
by Sarah Young
We invite you to join this informal
group based on the Jesus Calling
devotional. Our next meeting is
Friday, February 13th at 7 pm at the
Brick Arch Winery.
Contact Sherry Kolpin (643-4099)
for more information.
Clue #1: We met playing for
the Really Rottens.
February Activities at WBUMC!
Sermons on Love, Relationships, and Intimacy
Church Directory Photo Sessions
Care Packages for Military and College Students
Ash Wednesday and Season of Lent
NOOMA Videos in the Seekers Sunday School Class
United Methodist Women – “ Connection” Retreat
More details about these and other ministries in this newsletter!
Sermons on Love, Relationships, and Intimacy
Based on Rob Bells' books
Sex God and The Zimzum of Love
*We will be dealing with adult content and concepts.
We won't be going into too much detail but there may be some words used that your
children don't know yet.
Feb 1 - Lies Disney Told Us
Feb 8 - Into Me You See
Feb 15 - Let's Get Physical
Lent Worship Service
We begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, February 18.
Connect with others at the ecumenical worship service @
Bethany Lutheran Church
**Calendar Notes:
at 7 pm.
April 2 - Maundy Thursday Worship
@ Springdale UMC 7:00 pm
Lent Study
Renegade Gospel by Mike Slaughter,
Watch bulletin and e-mail for more details
on this upcoming study lead by Rev. Alexis
and others.
April 3 - Good Friday Worship
@ WBUMC 7:00 pm
Our Lenten Mission Project will be collecting money for Church
World Service blankets. Watch for more information during
Lent - February 18 – April 2, 2015.
Orchard Place
is a nonprofit organization in Des
Moines that provides outpatient, inpatient & communitybased mental health services for children. In 2014, they
provided care for nearly 10,000 Iowa children and youth. The
children who are served in the inpatient facility often do not have the basic toiletries that
they need. Rise & Shine is Orchard Place’s annual toiletry drive. From January 11 through
February 15, you can bring toiletry donations to church, and we will deliver them to
Orchard Place. The 10 most needed items are:
Band Aids Body Wash Deodorant Facial Wash Feminine Products □
Liquid Hand Soap Nair SPF 45+ Sun Screen (spray) Tooth Brushes Toothpaste (trial size) A complete list of other toiletries needed is available on the Missions bulletin board.
Please pick up a few extra items when you are shopping for your toiletries. Thank you to
everyone who has already contributed to the toiletry drive. Our collection container is
almost too heavy to lift!
Care Packages for WBUMC military and college students
We will soon be sending our college students and military
care packages.
What we need from you:
Feb.15th – names and addresses
College and military life can be a transitional time – if you know someone who is in the
military or in college who would like a touch of home from WBUMC, please give their name
and current address to Lisa Kofoed or to Kristin in the office.
Donations – the sky is the limit…
Ideas for Donations:
Clue #2: We were expecting
when we moved to town and
started attending WBUMC.
Office/School Supplies
$$ for postage
Please bring your donations to the church on or before the morning of Sunday,
February 22nd. The Care packages will be assembled after the 9:00 am worship
celebration on that day. Please let Lisa Kofoed know if you would like to help with
assembly or donations: or 936-2051.
The Seekers Sunday
School class, lead by
Lucinda Harms, is using
the Nooma videos during
the Adult Sunday class
Sunday at 10:15 am.
NOOMA® is a series of short films that
explore our world from a perspective of
Jesus. NOOMA is an invitation to search,
question, and join the discussion.
The Seekers
Jesus lived with the awareness that God is
doing something, right here, right now, and
anybody can be a part of it. He encouraged
his listeners to search, to question, to
wrestle with the implications of what he was
saying and doing. He inspired, challenged,
provoked, comforted, and invited people to
be open to God's work in this world.
Wherever he went, whatever he did, Jesus
started discussions about what matters
most, because for Jesus, God is always
inviting us to open our eyes and join in.
NOOMA films are created and produced by
Flannel, a nonprofit organization committed
to giving everyone a fresh and compelling
look at the teachings of Jesus.
We encourage you to come, participate in
this ministry! Please contact Lucinda Harms
( if you have any
The Homemakers
Tuesdays - C.U.P.S.
Looking for some daytime fun &
fellowship? Would welcome the
discipline of some devotional time? Feel
compassion for those who are hurting?
C.U.P.S. may be the place for you! Please
note that CUPS is open to all, and
several come and go for various study or
times. Welcome!
The C.U.P.S. Group meets at WBUMC,
each Tuesday morning at 9:30 am,
(February 3, 10, 17, 24). This
gathering is intended to build caring
connections and intentionally pray for
those on the prayer list and one
Connecting & coffee,
Understanding faith & WBUMC news
Prayer and
Sharing fellowship
This informal “coffee klatch with a
purpose” welcomes all on an “attend
when you can” basis and bring a friend.
Our devotional emphasis is currently
using prayers and scriptures from the
“Jesus Calling Devotional” by Sarah
Young. Should you like your own copy
one can be acquired @ WBUMC office
or most book stores. Having your own is
NOT required, although most are using
it as a daily devotional and sharing what
especially spoke to them
Sunday School Class, lead by Bev Spencer,
meets each Sunday at 10:15 am. This is an
Contact Ruth Blayer, Care Ministries
adult Sunday school group who focuses each
(530-6648) if you have questions.
week on the topic of the day’s sermon or
series of sermons and how it can be applied to daily life. (Wed. & Thurs. Opportunities on page
Fresh Look
for a Discipleship
The Wednesday evening discipleship continues
to go well with many helping. Darci Miller, Jodi
Yeggy and Deb Fiderlein coordinate this
ministry, and many others regularly contribute
to its ongoing energy and spread of Christ’s
message. This month we highlight a few of our
unsung heroes. Karen Rushton:
kindergarten students each week. Her student’s
drawings were featured on Christmas Eve
bulletins and in the January Newsletter; Ed
Spencer has provided steady kitchen help for
the weekly meals under the leadership of Karl
Harms. Carolyn Harold has Dawn soft hands as
she is just one of many who help man the
dishwashing stations. And dinner is not
complete without dessert; Jenni Herring has
prepared cupcakes and other desserts which
serve as a great enticement for kids to eat
their green beans. Thanks so much to everyone
who helps! Watch for future messages of
appreciation. This weekly ministry utilizes many
volunteers and continues to have opportunities
to help in a variety of ways.
Wednesday Nights!
Discipleship Ministry Program
5:30-6:00pm (K4C)
Preschool - 4th grade small groups
5:30pm Youth band practice
This is also an informal time where
those not teaching can come
together to get to know one
Meal for everyone!
Karl Harms plans the menu and leads
volunteers in food preparation
J8:11 (5th-9th grade): Worship
and Large group lesson in
Sanctuary; youth small groups in
8:00 – 9:00pm
J8:11 (10th grade –college)
Those interested in helping with the meal are encouraged to contact Karl Harms
(530-8103) and those interested in helping with the classroom/teaching are
encouraged to contact Darci Miller (563-886-3384).
“Life’s Healing Choices” small group has begun and meets
Wednesday evenings, 6:45 pm, WBUMC, (“Ruth’s
office, aka “Seekers” room”) Note: this allows you to join
us for a meal at 6 pm during the regular discipleship time
@ WBUMC. Anticipated dates are January 14-March
18, 2015. Should you wish to join us please contact
Ruth Blayer (530-6648) promptly as there are two
materials reading assignments for ideal participation.
Chancel Choir resumes in
Johnson, Lisa Mysnyk and
Tammy Mather. Practice
is every Thursday evening
at 7:15 pm. WBUMC Directory
Sign up for a photo slot for our 2015 WBUMC church directory! You can sign up on
our church website: or you may call the church office (6435489) to schedule a time. The photography dates are set for:
Thursday, February 19th 2pm - 8:30pm
Friday, February 20th 2pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, February 21 10am - 2pm
Jodi Yeggy (643-3261), is our WBUMC directory coordinator.
United Methodist Women:
Monday, February 9th at 7:00pm hosted by Bev Spencer
Come together to experience a variety of casual activities to get to know each other
better, share some worship time and focus on our spiritual connection with God and each
You are invited to bring a childhood picture if you have one and/or
some item from your childhood that has significant memories for you.
2353 Baker Ave, West Branch, 4 miles south of West Branch.
Carpool 6:45 at church.
Worship at Crestview:
Clue #3:
One of us
had a part in
Crestview Ministries
WBUMC will host the worship time at
Crestview, 2 pm on Thursday, February 5,
2015 led by Ruth Blayer. All are welcome.
Crestview enjoys having guests and chances to
visit. Musicians & singers appreciated.
The anticipated March date is 2 pm March 5,
2015. Thank you to Mark Scharnweber who
capably led the Dec. 31, 2014 worship when
Ruth Blayer was ill. FYI: You may attend any of
the Crestview worships each Thursday at 2 pm
(area churches host.) WBUMC usually hosts the
1st Thursday.
“Coffee & Devotions” @
The next Coffee & Devotions at
Crestview is 3:30 pm, February 2,
2015. We especially need those who
can assist with singing.
You are
welcome to attend and this is a good
way to connect with the Crestview
community. We enjoy a time with
coffee, devotions and songs. The
Crestview residents enjoy having
guests and chances to visit.
The March date is planned for 3:30
pm, March 2, 2015.
Our initial proposal for the elevator addition has passed the District Committee on
Building and Location.
Here's what's next:
We are here.
1) Technical drawings from Shive-Hattery, including some
different options like a storage space
2) Another church meeting to vote on these plans
3) The launching of a formal capital campaign to start building up
funds for this exciting change!
4) Seeking other sources of funds like grants; any ideas would be very helpful.
We are already accepting donations for this project, if you are ready to give.
Inventory Help Requested
Trustee Happenings
We are actively looking for volunteers to help inventory
the church belongings – for the purpose of maintaining proper insurance coverage. If you
are willing to help with this project, please contact Phil Rushton, Trustees Chair at (6433564).
Anyone who wants the church organ, please speak up!
We have tried to sell it, we have tried to give it away, but we have not found a home for
it. We are on the verge of throwing the organ away. Please contact Phil Rushton right away
if you would like to give the church organ a home. Thanks!
Calendar Notes:
Saturday, March 7 – 2nd Round of Kitchen Clean UP
Saturday, April 11 church cleanout day – Watch for details.
Thank you from your Church Staff!
Carol and I want to thank the congregation for you gifts, comments and support this past
season and year. We’ll return for Easter and hope to continue our service to WBUMC. I
know you’ll support Mark Johnson, Lisa Mysnyk and Tammy Mather as they direct the choir
members in our absence.
We would like to thank everyone
Dale and Carol Thomas
for the gifts for Christmas.
The Corr family
We welcome our newest members of Christ’s holy church!
Ryne Nicholas Rushton, baptized on January 18, 2015.
Robert Russel Keeler, baptized on January 25, 2015.
We still need recipes for Tasting Bee
2015. The date set is April 22, 2015 - Earth Day -- and its theme is "The
Global Gourmet".
Please give your recipe to Denise Verlo or Gina Cousins. Both of these women
are eagerly waiting to get them! In fact, the sooner you turn them in, the better.
Submitting a recipe does not automatically commit you to preparing it for the Tasting
Bee. Of course, if you are willing to make a recipe it would be delightful to have you
A big thank you from Denise and Gina, chair and co-chair for
the 2015 Tasting Bee.
Clue #4: One of us has
gone back to school.
WBUMC Library Book:
The WBUMC Library has added another useful book. Thank you to the donor
who found it helpful, has shared it, and it now can be shared again.
I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping & Healing After the
Sudden Death of a Loved One, by Brook Noel & Pamela D. Blair, offers a
compassionate, spiritual, and valuable resource for those experiencing this
unique grief. Use it with love and care from this congregation.
Books in the library are often donated or made available as a ministry of WBUMC. Use
them for information, support, guidance and even healthy entertainment. Included are
several Christian fiction novels which can make entertaining reading while also inspiring.
Book donations should go to Becky Knoche as she is responsible for reviewing our
collection. Thank you.
This year’s statistics:
1-18 -15
Last year’s statistics for the same weeks:
Remember, we need $4133 per week to meet our ministry needs.
February Worship Leaders
1st: Josh & Nick Heilmann
1st: tbd
8th: Ted Bridges & Ben Colbert
8th: Nancy Lathrop & Pam Hinkhouse
15th: Kelby Burger & Jack Dragovich
15th: the Homemakers class
22nd: Gabe Knoche & Cael Fiderlein
22nd: tbd
Worship Leaders
Offering Counters
1st: tbd
1st: Rhonda Myrvik
1st: Carol Jones & Margaret Wick
8th: the Harold Family
8th: Emily Harold
8th: Margaret Wick
15th: the Nalan Family
15th: Carolyn Anderson
15th: tbd
22nd: tbd
22nd: Jim Searson
22nd: tbd
WBUMC Prayer Ministry
Thank you to those who have kept the church informed of prayer concerns and provided
updates and kept us aware of hospitalizations. Please know we would rather have three calls
from family/caring friends than miss a need.
Compassion Connection is the prayer chain ministry with folks who have committed to be in prayer.
Please contact the church office (643-5489 or with prayer requests or
to join the prayer chain. Each week the entire congregation views the printed prayer list.
Thank you to everyone who continues to keep us informed about the various ministries at WBUMC.
You may submit information via email, a written note, or a phone call to
Kristin in the church office: 643-5489 or
For best communication, please follow these guidelines:
1) Weekly announcements - submit information by Tuesday each week
2) Monthly newsletter – submit information by the 20th of the month.
Weather Advisory
Please note that if West Branch
schools and/or events are canceled or
let out early due to inclement weather,
activities at WBUMC are canceled as
well. Sunday Worship will continue as
scheduled, but we ask that you make
safe choices regarding attendance.
NEWS CLUES is BACK! Put clues together – and the first
person to contact Kristin Nalan via email, phone or in person
with the correct identity of the mystery guest/couple who
fits these clues – wins a prize!!! Answer from November was
Audrey Kofoed. Ruth Blayer put the clues together and got it
right! Good luck to you this month!
Clue #5: We celebrated our 25th
wedding anniversary this past year.