CALL FOR CONTENT 2015 - Office of Multicultural Affairs
CALL FOR CONTENT 2015 - Office of Multicultural Affairs
CALL FOR CONTENT 2015 Proposal Due: Friday, February 25, 2015 Conference date: Saturday, April 18, 2015 The Intercultural Student Leadership Conference (ISLC) is designed to strengthen the engagement and retention of underrepresented students at the University of South Florida by providing inspiration, cocurricular connections, and campus resources to support their path to success. Submission Guidelines • • • • • • • • Educational sessions are be limited to 50 minutes, includes introduction, workshop sessions, and keynote speaker. Submission does not guarantee inclusion in the conference. All submissions must be electronic. Multiple proposals may be submitted, but must be sent individually. Proposals missing required information will result in delay and may lead to rejection. Workshop sessions should be interactive conversations between presenters and participants. Send a head shots with application, to be include in the formal program. This form should be completed electronically and emailed to Deadline Overview • • • • February 25: Proposals due March 13: Presenters notified of acceptance status March 20: Final proof of program content and Audio/Visual needs April 18: Intercultural Student Leadership Conference For more information, please contact: Dyonne Bergeron, Ed.D. Educational Session Coordinator, ISLC 813-974-4988 or The Intercultural Student Leadership Conference is sponsored by the University of South Florida Office of Multicultural Affairs. Recommended Presentation Topics The topics below are in line with the vision for the Intercultural Student Leadership Conference. Presentations should focus on the empowerment, development and retention of underrepresented undergraduates at USF. Proposals may include but are not limited to the following options: • • • • • • • • • • • • Male leadership, recruitment, and retention Women’s empowerment Defeating student apathy Effective leadership Motivating student organization members Separating leadership & friendship Creating your personal brand Building your network at USF Creating your success at USF Becoming a successful student at USF Leaving a legacy Spirituality and student life • • • • • • • • • • • Managing your finances responsibly Celebration of culture Embracing a diverse student body How to be a good mentor Beyond College: Fine-tuning your postgraduation plans Careers: Resumes, Interviewing, How to find jobs & effective internships Personal wellness Health & sexual responsibility Overcoming self-defeating thinking Overcoming barriers Leadership Development Evaluation Criteria Your proposal will be evaluated by program reviewers using the criteria below. Reviewers are looking for content that is innovative; relevant to the target student population and the conference purpose; intentional in its aim to empower underrepresented students; and will promote persistence, leadership and timely graduation. Things to consider when submitting content: Content Is the proposal relevant, timely, and innovative? Acceptable proposals need to have engaging titles and clear, concise descriptions that accurately reflect proposed content. Format Is the format conducive to student learning? Are participatory learning formats used? Is the session designed to address all learning types? Does the format involve the audience and stimulate discussion? Proposals of a commercial nature which promote or market particular products and/or services, will not be considered. The Intercultural Student Leadership Conference is sponsored by the University of South Florida Office of Multicultural Affairs. ISLC Staff For more information on the Call for Content, please contact: Dyonne Bergeron, Ed.D. Educational Session Coordinator 813-974-4988 or Additional Contact Information Stacy Pippen Chair Interim Director Office of Multicultural Affairs Brittany Garcia Graduate Chair Esther Telusma Student Chair Cord McLean Assistant Mentor Coordinator Missy Stankee Academic Liaison Jorge Velasques Resource Fair Coordinator Lisa Beebee Marketing Mike Utaegbulum Marketing The Intercultural Student Leadership Conference is sponsored by the University of South Florida Office of Multicultural Affairs. CALL FOR CONTENT APPLICATION Title of Program (limit to 12 wordsͿ Coordinating Presenter Name and title as it should appear in the conference booklet. Name: Title: Institution/Organization: If a student, include graduating class: If a student, include academic level: Email: Cell Phone: *Please include a professional head shot with application. If you are unable to provide one, contact Lisa Beebe at for an appointment to have your picture taken. Short biography of coordinating presenter (50 words or less) Include alma mater, job title, department/company name and experience relevant to the presentation topic. Additional Presenter, if applicable Name and title as it should appear in the conference booklet. Name: Title: Institution/Company: If a student, include graduating class: If a student, include academic level: Email: Cell Phone: *Please include a professional head shot with application. If you are unable to provide one, contact Lisa Beebe at for an appointment to have your picture taken. Short biography of additional presenter, if applicable (50 words or less) Include alma mater, job title, department/company name and experience relevant to the presentation topic. Attach Word document for additional presenter(s) Contact Information Program Abstract (50 words or less) This will be visible in the conference booklet. The Intercultural Student Leadership Conference is sponsored by the University of South Florida Office of Multicultural Affairs. Full Program Description (1000 words or less) Provide an in-depth look of the content for the proposed presentation. Include overview, goals of the presentation, any background information, and how you will effectively engage the student audience. (This content will be reviewed for selection purposes) CALL FOR CONTENT APPLICATION, continued Target Audience (may select more than one) ___ General audience ___New student leaders ___Seasoned student leaders ___Social identity group (i.e. male, female, Black, Latino, etc.) _________________ Program Learning Outcomes Intended learning outcome may be included in the program abstract. Outcomes should identify what will be learned, and address the level of learner involvement required (i.e. understand, identify, apply, recognize). *Complete the statement: “As a result of participating in this session, attendees will…” Quick Fact Learning Outcomes: The program proposal application should include one of the following intended learning outcomes: (Select maximum of two. The icon(s) may appear with the abstract in the program booklet.) ____ Multicultural Maturity ____ ____ Social Responsibility ____ Personal Responsibility ____ Critical Thinking ____ Leadership Development ____ Well Being Audio / Visual Needs: Check all that apply. We will do our best to accommodate your request but due to space limitations we cannot guarantee all requests. ___Projector ___Screen ___Flip chart ___No media Effective Communication Preferred Room Set-up: Rank your room set-up preference, (1 being top choice & 3 being least) or check “no preference” if any format will work. We will do our best to accommodate your request but due to space limitations cannot we guarantee your top preference. ___ Classroom (desk per chair) ___ Round tables ___ No preference Presenters should bring their own laptop & if necessary, MAC Adapter. The Intercultural Student Leadership Conference is sponsored by the University of South Florida Office of Multicultural Affairs.