- Tallebudgera State School


- Tallebudgera State School
WEEK 2 TERM 1: 03.02.15
Dear Parents
Welcome to all our Tally families to the 2015 school year – the best yet! We are delighted to have 116 prep students starting
school with us as well as a number of older students. On our student free days our wonderful staff spent time learning about
how to engage students and achieve even higher results with their class. A key strategy for our school this year will be to teach
students about having a growth mindset so that they understand the importance of effort and practice in improving their
knowledge and taking charge of building their own intelligence. Children need to understand that everyone can learn hard
things if they practice and that even the highest achievers need to work hard. We don’t want children to give up easily when
they meet a challenge or put limiting labels on themselves like “I am no good at maths”. We will continue to share ideas from
our classrooms about how we are teaching these ideas to children during the year. Here’s a link to a powerful 10 minute video
presentation by Professor Carol Dweck, the world’s leading expert on growth mindset research. Make a cuppa and sit and watch
this excellent explanation about growth mindsets.
Preparation Pays Off – Congratulations to all our parents on an excellent job preparing children for the school year. Despite
having our largest prep group ever and lots of new families, we have had very few anxious moments, lots of smiling faces and a
very smooth start to learning. I am also very impressed with the consistency of uniforms across the school. It is such a pleasure
to have a whole school full of exceptionally well presented students who wear their full uniform with pride. If you are looking to
buy more uniforms, our second hand uniform sale is coming up on Thursday 19 Feb commencing at 8.00am in the undercover
area. Donations of outgrown uniforms can be sent to the office. If you can help with the stall, Meagan Hall would love to hear
from you.
Parent Information Sessions – All year level teaching teams are holding parent information sessions over the coming fortnight.
These sessions provide details of curriculum, teaching strategies, specialist programs, behaviour expectations and ideas for
supporting learning at home. Please make sure that you either attend or collect the summary sheet from your child’s teacher.
One of the key factors in our school success is the strength of parent teacher partnerships. Make it a priority to get to know
your child’s teacher and to find out what they are learning in their classroom. The session dates are in the ‘What’s coming Up’
section of the newsletter.
Staff Update- It is great to see our deputy principal Ms Lorrraine Shaw back from her ankle injuries. She is working part time for
this term and Mrs Rachael Anstee will continue to act as deputy until Ms Shaw returns full time. We also welcome our new
prep teacher Mr Luke Wharton who will be working on Thursdays and Fridays and caring for his baby son for the rest of the
week. Mrs Esmae Berryman has returned after maternity leave and is working part time on year 6. Mrs Janine Howell is back
with us after a year caravanning around Australia. Our current enrolment numbers are EXACTLY the same as our day 8 numbers
last year, despite losing our year 7 cohort. Our growth over the last two years has been in the lower school. Our predictions
were spot on, so we can be confident that there will be no class list changes after this year’s statewide day 8 enrolment
What’s a Pedagogy Coach?? This year we have an exciting new role in the school called ‘Pedagogy Coach’ and we welcome Mrs
Marg Haebich in this role. Pedagogy is a technical term for the art of teaching so a pedagogy coach is an experienced teacher
who works closely with classroom teachers to improve their teaching skills. Mrs Haebich has worked in a number of Gold Coast
schools as a classroom teacher and has just returned from a 3 year stint in Blackwater as a pedagogy coach. All our teaching
staff will be working with Mrs Haebich during the year. Look out for information in the newsletters about the teaching practices
we are working on in classrooms.
Contact us
492 Guineas Creek Road Tallebudgera 4228
Email for Absences: absences@tallebudss.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 5568 5222 Fax: 07 5568 5200
Email: the.principal@tallebudss.eq.edu.au
Website: http://tallebudss.eq.edu.au/wcms/ P & C Meetings held third Monday of each month
From the Principal Continued
Facilities – Mr Burgess has been hard at work organising contractors to complete maintenance work and new projects during the
holidays. You will notice the new synthetic turf and rubber softfall around the middle school play equipment, the brand new
playground on the junior oval, new paintwork on the buildings and even new air conditioners. Our P&C have also put aside some
funds to continue the school improvement project work during 2015.
Assembly now on Tuesday afternoons – Our timetables have changed slightly and our junior and senior assemblies will now be held
on Tuesday afternoons at 2.15pm in the hall. Prep assemblies are held on Friday mornings at 9.00am in the covered area next to the
tuckshop. We welcome parents and extended families to come along and help celebrate our students’ achievements.
Badge Presentation Ceremony – All families are welcome to join us on Friday 20 February at 9.15am when we will hold a special
ceremony to present our school leaders with their badges.
Welcome Morning Tea – We are holding a social morning tea for all our families on Friday 6 February in the undercover area near
the Tuckshop from 9am. We especially invite all our prep parents and any new parents to come along and chat with other
‘experienced’ Tally parents. It is a Tally tradition (started last year!) that the Year 1 parents bring a plate of something to share to
make the new prep parents feel welcome. Also, everyone is invited to our first P&C meeting of the year which will be held next
Monday 16 February at 3.15pm in the school library.
Prep 2016 – For those families wanting to organise their child’s enrolments for next year, we are soon beginning the process of
applications for prep and all other year levels. Enrolment paperwork can be collected from Monday 16 February and enrolments
open from 8.00am on Monday 9 March. This will be a very important date for any new families outside our zone wanting to apply.
Their applications will be taken in order and they will be placed in the waiting list for enrolment. Families who already have children
enrolled in the school do NOT need to rush with enrolment paperwork as all siblings will be guaranteed a position. Please pass on
this information to any families that you know of who are keen to be part of the Tally team.
Regards Toni
From the Deputies
Dear Families
It is so good to be back at Tally again this year. The school community has been very welcoming and it is great to see everyone
Last week was a great start to the year with students settling in well with their new teachers and classrooms. Our 116 new Preps had
a wonderful first day and looked amazing in their new school uniforms. All our staff members are excited about making this the best
year yet at Tally for all our students.
In week 5, the Life Ed van will be visiting us this year. This program is an important part of our Health curriculum at a cost of $9 per
student which the school and the P&C fund so all children can benefit from attending. Information about content that students will
be learning will be sent home in the next few weeks. There will be a parent information session with the Life Ed teacher on Thursday
26 February. If you have any questions, please feel free to come along.
Unfortunately, this semester, our free After School Sport funding has been withdrawn by the State Government and will commence
again in Semester 2. To cover this gap in our school’s sports program, Mr Marais has organised soccer and basketball coaching and
development on Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons. There will be a charge for these sessions similar to Oz Kick run by the AFL.
More information will be sent home soon.
So far, the pickup zone in the afternoon has been running smoothly. We understand that parking around the school is a problem and
as your children get used to the school routines in the afternoons and mornings, the pickup zone will benefit parents even more. We
are having a few problems with parents parking in the drop off zone in the mornings. This causes traffic problems as it is a “two
minute kiss and go” area. Please DO NOT park and leave your car in this area at any time. As we supervise this area until 3.30pm in
the afternoons, parents with older students should come a bit later to help with traffic congestion and waiting time. We would
prefer that you do not drop off or pick up students on Guineas Creek Road. Parents and students should not walk through the staff
carpark boomgate or the hall gate due to safety issues with cars.
This year, we are teaching students that effort is more important than ability based on the growth mindset research from Dr Carol
Dweck. Students will learn that “mistakes are the perfect chance to learn and grow.” If you don’t make mistakes then you are not
working on hard enough work. In the words of Winston Churchill “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence - is the key to
unlocking potential.” Each day in class, students will discover that WE LEARN FROM MISTAKES and learn not to give up.
Please check the time for the upcoming parent information sessions for your students. We look forward to seeing you there.
Have a great week!
Andrew and Lorraine
Tues 3 Feb
Senior Assembly 2.15pm
Fri 6 Feb
Prep & Year 1 Parent Welcome Morning
Tea - 9.00am in the Tuckshop Area
Mon 9 Feb
Music Information Evening 5.00pm
Tues 10 Feb
Junior Assembly 2.15pm
Wed 11 Feb
Year 2 Information Evening - 5.30pm
Year 3 Information Evening– 6.00pm
Thurs 12 Feb
Prep Information Evening - 5.30pm
Year 1 Information Evening – 6.00pm
Fri 13 Feb
Prep Assembly 9.00am Undercover Area
Mon 16 Feb
P&C General Meeting 3.15pm
School Library
Tues 17 Feb
Senior Assembly 2.15pm
Year 4 Information Evening- 5.30pm
Year 5 Information Evening- 6.00pm
Wed 18 Feb
Year 6 Information Evening – 5.30pm
Thurs 19 Feb
Second Hand Uniform Sale 8.00am
Undercover Area Tuckshop
District Swimming Carnival
Keebra Park Rugby 9’s
Fri 20 Feb
Leadership Badge Ceremony 9.15am
Bell Times:
School starts at 8.45am.
First break 10.50am until 11.30am
Second break 1.30pm until 2.00pm
School finishes at 2.55pm
Absences: Contact the school office on 5568 5222 or
alternatively email absences@tallebudss.eq.edu.au
Office Payment Days: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Payments can be made between 8am and 10am
Uniform Shop Hours: Mondays 8.15am to 9.15am
Online ordering available through Flexischools
Student Banking Day: Friday
Bus Timetable and Travel Enquiries:
Koala Coaches 5535 2711
Surfside 5536 7666
School Assembly Time: Tuesday 2.15pm
School Website: tallebudss.eq.edu.au
P&C Meetings: Third Monday of the month at 3.15pm
Dear Families,
It was lovely seeing all the children last week. We would like to
welcome everyone back to school and make a special mention
to those families who have just joined us this year.
We have a new addition to the Tuckshop Menu this week Homemade Frozen Yogurt with no added sugar for $2.00. The
children can choose between mango and strawberry.
A great option for children’s ‘Munch and Crunch’ is our fresh
fruit salad cup which can be purchased before school for $1.00.
Please do not give your Prep children money yet to purchase
items over the counter. If you would like to order them food
please either use Flexischools or drop into the Tuckshop before
school and complete a bag order. Their lunch will be delivered to
the classroom.
A huge welcome to our new volunteers for 2015. We would like
to welcome to the Tuckshop Team Meaghan, Christine, Kim,
Stacey and Kate. We would also like to acknowledge our
returning volunteers as without your continued support we
would not be able to offer such great service to our families.
We are very keen to build our volunteer team. You can
volunteer as little as once a month or nominate a morning or
afternoon that would suit your busy schedule. If you are
interested please contact Bernie at the Tuckshop or call the
school office.
Regards Bernie & Kim
FlexiSchools Website: www.flexischools.com.au
Outside School Hours Care Camp Australia: 5568 5243
Student Banking will commence this Friday 6 February
for the 2015 school year. Please ensure your child’s
bank book is left at the office by 9.00am each Friday. If
you are interested in opening a student saver account
with the Commonwealth Bank information packs can be
collected from the office.
A huge thank you to Deanne Daley for volunteering her
time again this year to coordinate this program.
Tuckshop Volunteers
Wednesday 4 to Tuesday 17 February
Tues 4 February
Meagan Hall
Mon 9 February
Kathy W
Tues 10 February
Christine M
Fri 13 February
Lynda E & Kris
Mon 16 Feburary
Masha C
Tues 17 February
The Music Team would like to welcome all our families back and hope that everyone is ready for another wonderful year
ahead. We have been very busy getting the classroom music program flowing. Tallebudgera has a whole school
developmental music program where all students receive a 40minute lesson each week. The junior end of the school
focuses on singing and learning music reading and writing through the use of percussion instruments. Moving into year’s
3 to 5, students gain skills in recorder and working in small group ensembles. This year we will be introducing keyboards.
Students in year 6 continue to develop their musical knowledge through previously learnt instruments with a focus on
guitar. Our music program aims to instill an appreciation of music through fostering musical knowledge. Children also
have the opportunity to develop their listening skills, goal setting, cooperation and interpersonal skills, while building
confidence, all while having fun making music!
Instrumental Program
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs Kayla Latter to the instrumental teaching staff. Mrs Latter is an
exceptional multi-instrumental teacher who is excited to be taking over the band program. She will teach lessons during
Monday and on a Tuesday morning each week. Concert Band will be a combination of all students, continuing and
beginner and this will take place on a Monday morning at 7:45am.
Mrs Chanel Worton is our string teacher taking the full string program this year. Mrs Worton will be teaching on
Wednesdays and Thursdays. Senior Strings will include all continuing students from years 4, 5 and 6. They will rehearse
on Wednesday morning. Beginner String Ensemble will rehearse on Thursday mornings at 7:45am.
We have over 150 very excited instrumental students ready to start or continue learning their chosen instrument. With the
increase in students entering the instrumental program a large number of band instruments have been bought. This has
been possible through the generous contribution made by the P&C.
It does take time to get lessons started for a number of reasons, the main being that our instrumental teachers visit
Tallebudgera only two days a week and have other schools that they run programs at on other days. Below is an outline
of when our instrumental teachers are here and when lessons and rehearsals will commence. Please note changes to the
number of ensembles/bands we have this year.
Ms Kayla Latter
Mrs Chanel Worton
Lessons will start
Monday 9th February and
Tuesday 10th February for students
in year’s 4 to 6
Wednesday 11th February and
Thursday 12th February for
students in year’s 3, 4, 5 & 6
Rehearsals will start
Concert Band – all instrumental
Monday 23rd February
7:45am to 8:45am
Instrumental Room – Music Block
Senior String Ensemble (Vivace
Strings) – all continuing students
Wednesday 18th February
7:45am to 8:45am
Instrumental Room – Music Block
Beginner String Ensemble (Dolce
Strings) – all beginner students
Thursday 26th February
7:45am to 8:45am
Instrumental Room – Music Block
Specific lesson times will be available by the end of this week and will be displayed on the music room door
and in classrooms.
All instrumental students have received a note home that includes a Loan Agreement Form. You must fill this out, sign it
and return it to the office by Wednesday 4 February. You will then be invoiced for the hire of a school instrument or the
levy for the year. After payment has been received, your child will be allocated a school instrument. Students will be able
to take instruments home after their first lesson, once payment of fees has been processed.
Instrumental Information Evening – Monday 9 February
Please come along to our Instrumental Information Evening, Monday 9 February at 5:00pm in the Music Room.
This will be a great time to meet your child’s instrumental or string teacher and get all the information that you need to
help support your child’s music learning at home. If you are unable to attend, please email me and I will ensure that your
child receives the Policy Document that has all the important information that will be discussed at the meeting.
Choral Program
Junior Choir is set to start on Wednesday 4 February at 7:45am. I am impressed with the level of enthusiasm students in
years 2 and 3 showed when given the opportunity to show their interest in joining Junior Choir for 2015. Rehearsals will
continue throughout the year on Wednesdays in the Music Room with the help of Mrs Mary Walters accompanying us on
piano. Parents are more than welcome to come and sit in during the rehearsals. Over the coming weeks, children will
receive a Junior Choir folder for their music that must come along to all rehearsals and can be taken home for practice.
Senior Concert Choir is open to students in year’s 4 to 6. I have had a number of students consider taking up a position in
our Senior Choir this year and these students will audition for me over the coming days. Information regarding rehearsals
and expectations for the year will come home on Friday afternoon after all students have auditioned and places have
been finalised. Senior Concert Choir will commence rehearsals on Tuesday 10 February at 7:45am and will continue
throughout the year on Tuesday mornings.
Little Voices Choir
The past 3 years all students in year one have been involved in the Little Voices Choir. This is an exciting opportunity for
all the year one students to come together as a group, with their class teachers and myself and sing. We have a lot of fun
and the children get the chance to further develop their confidence through singing. Rehearsals are during class time and
we will start these in a couple of weeks. Parents will get to see their little stars up on stage later this term.
If you have any questions about your child’s involvement in any of the above activities please email me on
tmaso37@eq.edu.au. I am always happy to answer any queries.
Tanya Mason
“Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue”. Plato
Music Program Morning Rehearsal Schedule - 2015
MONDAY – 7:45am
TUESDAY – 7:45am
WEDNESDAY – 7:45am
THURSDAY – 7:45am
Concert Band
Senior Concert Choir
Junior Choir
Dolce Strings (beginners)
Years 4, 5 and 6
Years 4, 5 and 6
Years 2 and 3
Years 3
commencing week 3
10 February
commencing week 2
4 February
commencing week 5
26 February
commencing week 5
23 February
Vivace Strings (continuing)
Years 4, 5 and 6
commencing week 4
18 February
Dear Families
Welcome back to another great year at Tallebudgera State School. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break and are
feeling refreshed for the new year.
If you are new to the school my name is Craig Marais and I am the HPE (Health & Physical Education) teacher at the school.
This year we are very fortunate to have Mr David Sinton join the HPE team. Mr Sinton has had a number of years teaching
HPE in the UK and Australia as well as a semi-professional rugby union career in the UK. He will be a great asset to our HPE
program. Mr Sinton will be running the fundamental movement program with the Prep and Year 1 students once a week.
Over the holidays I was finally able to get my knee reconstruction done. It is healing well, although I have had to take the
first three weeks of the term off to continue my rehabilitation. I will return to school in week four. Ms Bianca Hutson has
taken my position for the three weeks. She will be happy to discuss any questions or queries with you in my absence.
This term we are focusing on a schoolwide tennis program based on the MLC Hotshots Program. Tallebudgera State School
is a member of the National Schools Partnership Tennis Program which allows us to run an indepth tennis program from
Prep to Year 6. A bonus of participating in the program is that your child is entitled to a free tennis hotshots t-shirt. The
notes for your child’s size and colour will be coming home in the next week so please complete this form and return to the
The second half of the term will be cross country training with the school cross country race being in the last week of term.
District trials:
District trials are offered in a number sports for 11 and 12 year old students. These trials are designed for students who
have skills in that sport already. Each school is asked to only send their very best students in that sport and sometimes only
the top two students can attend. If your child wishes to trial for a sport they must write their name on the trial sheet on my
window. If there are a large number of students wanting to go to the trials we will run a school based trial beforehand to
select our top students.
Important dates:
District trials - Rugby League, Netball and Afl trials are on in the next couple of weeks. If your child would like to attend
please ensure they write their name on the nomination sheets outside my office.
Thursday 19th February - District Swimming Carnival
If your child finished 1st or 2nd in a 50m race at last year’s swimming carnival they were given a note last week. Please
return this note as soon as possible. I will meet with the children early in week 4 to discuss the carnival.
Thursday 19th February - Keebra Rugby 9’s Tournament
This year we will be entering a Year 6 team in this competition. Mr Sinton will be running trials in the coming weeks to
select the team. We will be taking 12 players.
Week 10 - School Cross Country Race (date to be confirmed)
Running Club (year 4 to 6 students)
This year we are very fortunate to have Mr Sinton helping out with running club. Our training day has moved to a
Wednesday morning. Children are to meet at the hall at 7:30am dressed in their training gear. Please remind them to bring
their school uniform and school shoes to change into before class commences. It is a great chance to get some training in
for the cross country race at the end of term. Parents are welcome to come along and join in.
Mr Craig Marais
HPE Teacher
Our outside school hours care service would like to welcome our new families and it’s great to see so many of our
returning children and families.
We have had such a wonderful and fun school holiday program over the last few weeks
Some of the activities included putt putt golf, movies, sea life display, dance party disco and bowling. The kids and
staff have all had such a fun school holidays and hope you all have too.
We are welcoming new enrolments for 2015 and have lots of new faces starting with us for the new year.
To register with the Camp Australia service, please go to www.campaustralia.com.au or call me on 0452 247 199.
Please feel welcome to pop into the service for more information and to take a look around. Il guarantee you’ll see
how much fun we always have.
We look forward to meeting you all soon
P&C Projects and Events Update
What a wonderful school we have in Tallebudgera State School - thank you to all the staff who have worked hard to help
everyone settle in quickly!
This Friday 6 February at 9am the P&C would like to invite parents to enjoy a morning tea in the covered area near the
Tuckshop. We would particularly love to see all our Prep and Year 1 parents, and any new parents with children in older
year levels.
We still have some copies of our school cookbook available to buy
for $20.00 each. Our stylish book makes an excellent keepsake of
your years at Tallebudgera State School, or a gift for a loved one.
You can purchase your copy now online at www.tasteoftallebudgera.com.au or at the school office or
uniform shop. Copies of the book will be offered for sale at our Welcome Morning Tea this Friday. Thank you to the
following businesses who offer our school cookbook for sale to the wider community: West Burleigh Post Office, BP
Elanora, Wicked Beans Café, Ridiculously Well Chiro and Physio, La Petite Pantry, The Heritage Café, Tallebudgera Creek
Tourist Park and The Plantation House Café. Please support these businesses where possible.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Katie Norman
P&C Projects and Events Coordinator
Thank you to the following businesses who supported our school fete through a sponsorship package. We greatly
appreciate your support.
Enrol in Palm Beach Currumbin State High’s Excellence Programs for 2016!
If you have a child currently in Year 6 and are interested in maximising their opportunities for success in high
school, please come along to our information session.
When: Wednesday 25 February 2015 at 6:30pm
Where: Palm Beach Currumbin State High School Hall
Bookings are essential for the information night, so please RSVP to Tara Gonzales-Judd on
07 5525 9418 or email exenrolments@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
If you would like to be placed on our mailing list for the upcoming Excellence Information Evening please
email your name and postal address to exenrolments@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
For more information regarding PBC’s Excellence programs please click on the below link: https://pbcshs.eq.edu.au/Curriculum/Excellenceprograms/Pages/Excellenceprograms.aspx
Stepping Stones Triple P is a specially tailored program for parents of children
with a disability aged 2 to 12 years. It is part of the Triple P – Positive Parenting
Program, one of the world’s most effective parenting programs.
Stepping Stones gives parents the skills to raise happy, confident children and
build stronger family relationships. It also helps parents manage problem
behaviour and developmental issues common in children with disabilities.
The following Stepping Stones Triple P programs have been scheduled through
the Robina Disability Service Centre:
Group Stepping Stones – evening workshop
11 February 2015 – 8 April 2015 6pm - 8.30pm
Primary Care Group Stepping Stones – Disruptive Behaviour
19 March 2015 – 9 April 2015 10am-12pm
More workshops to come in 2015; please contact Sarah Garrett or Rowena
Woolley (Psychologists) at Robina Disability Service Centre on 5656 5891 or
sarah.garrett@communities.qld.gov.au for further information or to register, go
to www.triplep-steppingstones.net
Gold Coast Basketball Aussie Hoops
Program for all children aged between
5 and 10 will commence this Saturday
7th February at the Carrara Indoor
Sports Stadium, this is your first step
towards learning the skills and
fundamental of basketball in a fun and
safe environment. To register or find
out more about this program go to
www.goldcoast.basketball.net.au or
contact Rodney on 0412180790.
Palm Beach Currumbin Junior
Basketball C lub is holding the first of
our 3 trials on Friday 30th January 5-8pm
at the Tallebudgera Leisure Centre Gold
Coast Highway for upcoming winter
season. Check our website for registration
info, age groups, costs and more
info www.palmbeachbasketball.com.au .
Miniball program commences Saturday
7th Feburary 8.45am (4yo to 10yo)
Please contact Deb Brooks for
more info on 0418 725 293 or email
Blades Basketball Club
2015 Season Sign On
When: 11th February
Time: 5:30pm
Where: Marymount College - West Burleigh
New Players Welcome
For more information please email:
Gymnastics, Rhythmic Ballet,
Lyrical & Jazz all in one class.
Beginners to Advanced.
Prices start-$9. Start up vouchers
Hire costumes, no sewing
Sign on and First Class
Tue 3, Wed 4, Thurs 5 - February
Call 5522 5013