Latest Parish Bulletin - St. Christopher`s Cathedral


Latest Parish Bulletin - St. Christopher`s Cathedral
St Christopher’s Cathedral Parish, Canberra
(including St Peter Chanel’s Church, Yarralumla)
Fifth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Year B
7/8 Feb 2015
Sunday Mass
St Christopher’s
Cnr Canberra Ave & Furneaux
Street, Forrest (Manuka) ACT
Sunday: 8.00am, 11.00am,
Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn
Archbishop: Most Rev Christopher Prowse DD STD
Administrator & Vicar General: Msgr John Woods
Assistant Priest: Fr Varghese Vavolil
St Peter Chanel’s Church: Fr Peter L’Estrange SJ
Pastoral Care Practitioner: Liz Porra
55 Franklin Street, Forrest ACT 2603
(02) 6295 9555,
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am-12.15pm, 1.15-5.00pm;
Parish Secretary: Meg Lillicrap
St Peter Chanel’s
Cnr Weston & Loch Streets,
Yarralumla ACT
Saturday: 6.00pm Vigil
Sunday: 9.30am
Weekday Mass
Entrance Antiphon:
Come, let us worship the Lord. Let
us bow down in the presence of
our maker, for he is the Lord our
St Christopher’s
Responsorial Psalm
Monday and Saturday: 12.15pm
Tuesday to Friday: 6.45am,
R: Praise the Lord who heals the
St Peter Chanel’s
Tuesday: 5.30pm
Thursday: 10.00am ( 9.30am
Adoration): Anointing Mass first
Thursday of the month.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia! He bore our sickness, and endured our suffering. Alleluia!
Communion Antiphon: God our Father, you give us a share in the one
bread and the one cup and make us one in Christ. Help us to bring your salvation
and joy to all the world.
St Christopher’s
Thursday: 6.00 - 6.30pm
Saturday: 11.00am - 12noon
St Peter Chanel’s
Tuesday: 6.00 - 6.30pm
Saturday: 5.15 - 5.45pm
St Christopher’s: Second and
fourth Sundays, 12.30pm
St Peter Chanel’s: Third Sunday, 10.30am
St Christopher’s: Saturday
1.30pm, 3.00pm and 4.30pm
St Peter Chanel’s:
By arrangement
Day of Prayer , Awareness and Action against Human Trafficking. Entitled
’A Light Against Human Trafficking’, the day is promoted by the Pontifical
Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, the Pontifical
Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superior Generals (UISG).
The day coincides with the feast day of St Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese
slave who became a Canossian Sister after she was freed.
Cardinal Peter Turkson explained the aim of the International Day against
Human Trafficking stating that ‘it constitutes a mobilization of awareness and
prayer on a global scale. Our awareness must expand and extend to the
very depths of this evil and its farthest reaches . . . from awareness to prayer . . . from prayer to solidarity. . . and from solidarity to concerted action,
until slavery and trafficking are no more.’
Prayer for this initiative will culminate today in the Angelus prayed in St Peter’s Square. You are invited to recite the prayer (see inside bulletin).
“O God, when we hear of children and adults
Parish Pastoral Council
deceived and taken to unknown places for
purposes of sexual exploitation, forced labor, and
organ ‘harvesting’, our hearts are saddened and
our spirits angry that their dignity and rights are
ignored through threats, lies, and force.
We cry out against the evil practice of this modern
slavery, and pray with St. Bakhita for it to end.
Give us wisdom and courage to reach out and
stand with those whose bodies, hearts and spirits
have been so wounded, so that together we may
make real your promises to fill these sisters and
brothers with a love that is tender and good.
Send the exploiters away empty-handed to be
converted from this wickedness, and help us all to
claim the freedom that is your gift to your
Keith Baker
Parish Finance Council
Msgr John Woods
Director of Music
Jaki Kane
Liturgy Rosters
Edwina & Mark Hyman
School of Religion
Muriel Joseph
Linda Casella & Karina Widjaja
Maintenance Manager
Pieter van Gent
St Vincent de Paul
Assisting people in need and
combatting social injustice in our
Young Adults
Animating parish and Archdiocesan life through prayer and
event participation
Perpetual Novena to Mary
Wednesday 6.00pm SCC
Good Shepherd Prayer Group
Wednesday at 6.30pm SPC
Legion of Mary
Sharing the faith through charitable works and Marian spirituality
Christian Meditation
Saturday at 5.00pm SPC
Other Communities
African Community
Third Sunday of the month at
11.30am SPC
Spanish Community
First Sunday of the month at
11.30am SPC
Syro-Malabar Community
Sundays 4.00pm SPC
For details of any of the
above, contact the Parish
Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne and President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has written to the Indonesian Ambassador, His Excellency,
Najib Riphat Kesoema and through him to the President , His Excellency
Joko Widodo seeking clemency for Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran
Sukumaran now on death row in Kerobokan prison following their convictions
for drug trafficking. Archbishop Hart noted that both men “are remorseful and
have been reformed”. He also noted that “Justice must prevail and appropriate
punishment used for the common good of our societies when such crimes are
However, we believe that jail sentences, not execution, are the more appropriate means of punishing offenders and deterring those who would consider
committing such crimes.”
WELCOME TO THE LAW FRATERNITY; Members of the local legal profession gather at today’s 11.00am Mass. Under the inspiration of St Thomas
More, the patron saint of lawyers, we pray that they carry our their duties with
diligence and compassion and thereby serve the cause of justice and the common good.
Monday 9:
7.30am Parliamentary Prayers—Canberra Baptist Church
10.00am Legislative Assembly Prayer Service — Cathedral
Wednesday 11: 9.45am St Edmund’s Opening Mass
11.15am St Clare’s Opening Mass
Thursday 12: 5.30pm St Clare’s Year 7 Mass
Ash Wednesday Mass Times: Cathedral: 6.45am, 12.15pm and 6.00pm St
Bede’s School: 12.00pm and St Peter Chanel’s: 5.30pm
COUNTERS: We are still in need of more counters to assist with
the counting of collections on Monday morning. Perhaps you could
spare 90 minutes a month? If so, please contact the parish office.
THANK YOU: I thank those parishioners who generously contributed to the
Christmas Dues. Your generosity supports the clergy of the Archdiocese.
Mons John
*Ash Wednesday—18 February
*Archdiocesan Assembly 20/21 March
(see below)
CES PUBLIC FORUM: Speaker: Rev. Dr Thorwald
Lorenzen. Topic: “Free and Equal! Towards a more
Humane Society”. Forum Chair: Bishop George
Browning. At Australian Centre for Christianity and
Culture, 7.30 pm Thursday 12 February. Donation:
$5. Supper provided. Contact: Robyn Coghlan
6254 0487.
CATECHIST TRAINING Amazing Catechists - training days are on soon. Interesting, informative and
EMBRACE’ - ARCHDIOCESAN ASSEMBLY The invigorating. Central Deanery 16 February RheinJoy of the Gospel in Marriage and Family Life:
berger Centre, 6.30–8.30pm. For more information
20-21st March, St Christopher’s Cathedral and St please
Clare’s College, Griffith.
Our Archdiocesan Assembly parallels the
Synod on Marriage and the Family. Your
views on marriage and family life and the role of
the Church are being sought through by the Australian Catholic Bishops. Refer
The survey will be open until COB Monday, 9
February 2015.
INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: During Lent, held on Monday’s beginning 23 February for
one hour (7.15pm for 7.30pm start) in the meeting
room at St Peter Chanel’s Church. Perhaps as a preparation for Easter, or if you have been wondering what
Christian Meditation is all about, this is an opportunity
in an ecumenical setting to taste and experience one of
the oldest and simplest forms of Christian prayer. No
cost, no RSVP required, just turn up. Contact Rod or
Susan 0401 731 918
by St Christopher's Cathedral Choir on the First
Sunday of Lent, 22 February, commencing at
6.30pm. Vespers is a short service of prayer,
chanted psalms, and the Magnificat, and it will
conclude with Benediction. All welcome.
BRINGING UP GREAT KIDS: Parents and Carers
of children aged 2-10 years are invited to a parenting program developed by the Australian Childhood
Foundation and presented by CatholicCare commencing Wednesday 2 5 February 2015 at their Red
Hill office. 3 hours per week over a 4 week period
and the fee of $100 which includes course materials
and supper . Bookings essential. Contact Gayle on
Course is particularly suited to parents and carers
with children aged 10-18 years is offered by
CatholicCare commencing Wednesday 25 MARCH
2015 at their Red Hill office. The course is 3 hours
per week over a 3 week period and the fee of $80
includes course materials and supper. Bookings
essential. Contact Gayle on 61626122.
’WALKING THE CAMINO’ presentation by Peter Kearney whose musical and presentation
gifts bring his personal Camino journey to life.
Saturday, 21 February, 11.00 at St. Thomas the
Apostle Parish Centre, Kambah. Prior registration essential. Register with Peter via email: Suggested donation $10/$8 concession at door.
recruiting for volunteer Eucharistic Ministry (Mon
and Wed); Lolly Trolley and also Patient Liaison. If
you are interested, please contact Frances on
6281 8112 or
We pray for…
Those to be Baptised: Kohen Cossart, Agnell Maria Dijo.
Those who are ill: Cate Davis, Fr Kevin Barry-Cotter, Fr Peter Murphy, Sheila van Gent, John Clowry, Hazel
Lamdin, Terry Conlan, Henry Friend, Gwen Winchester, Melanie Swan, Ana Marko, Timothy Batinich, John Wilson, Rachel Capps, Fr Phil Harding.
Anniversaries of death Saverio Calabria, Jean-Paul Gilbert, Carlos & Francisca Abad, Anthony Osborne, Remigio & Maria Res, Pasquale Ciuffetelli, Noel Flanagan.
Recently deceased Richard Stanton, Rosie Ortile, Jill Greenwell, Imelda Briton, Marco D’Alessandro, Mary
Margaret Frey, Edith Gillberg, Romeo Cita, Rebecca Searle, Bryan Docherty, Frank Maguire, Judy Foschia.
Others for whom prayers have been requested: Ralph, Allan & Leo Biggs, Romualdo & Recardo Calago
Readings of the Day - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
First Reading: Job 7:1-4,6-7
Job began to speak: Is not man’s life on earth nothing more than pressed service, his time no better than
hired drudgery? Like the slave, sighing for the shade, or the workman with no thought but his wages,
months of delusion I have assigned to me, nothing for my own but nights of grief. Lying in bed I wonder,
‘When will it be day?’ Risen I think, ‘How slowly evening comes!’ Restlessly I fret till twilight falls. Swifter
than a weaver’s shuttle my days have passed, and vanished, leaving no hope behind. Remember that my
life is but a breath, and that my eyes will never again see joy.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23
I do not boast of preaching the gospel, since it is a duty which has been laid on me; I should be punished if
I did not preach it! If I had chosen this work myself, I might have been paid for it, but as I have not, it is a
responsibility which has been put into my hands. Do you know what my reward is? It is this in my preaching, to be able to offer the Good News free, and not insist on the rights which the gospel gives me.
So though I am not a slave of any man I have made myself the slave of everyone so as to win as many
as I could. For the weak I made myself weak. I made myself all things to all men in order to save some at
any cost; and I still do this, for the sake of the gospel, to have a share in its blessings.
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
On leaving the synagogue, Jesus went with James and John straight to the house of Simon and Andrew.
Now Simon’s mother-in-law had gone to bed with fever, and they told him about her straightaway. He went
to her, took her by the hand and helped her up. And the fever left her and she began to wait on them.
That evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were sick and those who were possessed by
devils. The whole town came crowding round the door, and he cured many who were suffering from diseases of one kind or another; he also cast out many devils, but he would not allow them to speak, because
they knew who he was.
In the morning, long before dawn, he got up and left the house, and went off to a lonely place and
prayed there. Simon and his companions set out in search of him, and when they found him they said,
‘Everybody is looking for you.’ He answered, ‘Let us go elsewhere, to the neighbouring country towns, so
that I can preach there too, because that is why I came.’ And he went all through Galilee, preaching in their
synagogues and casting out devils.
Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); and The Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981 & 1997, ICEL. All rights reserved.
7/8 February
Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist
14/15 February
7/8 February
14/15 February
Frances Bulbrook
Judy BLundell
Mike Nash
Sheila van Gent
Margaret McKinnon
Judy Blundell
Frances Bulbrook
Mineke Peerboom
Phil Pocock
Patrick Jones
Philip Pocock
Tony Pelle
Mimma Memmolo
Steve Doszpot
Lynn Chan
Gloria Osborne
Therese Jordan
Terry Murphy
Colliss Parrett
Peter Sutherland
Cecilia Flores
John Austen
Jacqueline Hipwell
Lynn Chan
Ceciley Matthews
Edwina Hyman
Bronwen Grey
Youth Mass
Volunteers Required
Mary-Lou & Robert
Helen Jacobs
Youth Mass
Elizabeth Young
Enid Martin
St Christopher’s Cathedral Parish encompasses the areas of Barton, Causeway, Deakin, Forrest, Fyshwick, Griffith,
Kingston, Manuka, Parkes, Red Hill, Yarralumla