to see the latest St. John`s Newsletter!!


to see the latest St. John`s Newsletter!!
St. John's Lutheran Church
• February 2015 Newsletter •
Sunday Worship: 9am
Confirmation and Whirl Sunday School: 10:15 am
Please join us after worship for a time of Fellowship in Luther Hall. Refreshments are always served!
From the Desk of Pastor Ekstrand . . . .
Not Just a Lutheran Attempt at a “Revival”
Lent is upon us again soon, and we contemplate what this really means for us. Is it simply a second chance to
give up the things we previously vowed to give up in our New Year’s resolution, but failed? Is it a season of
coming down after the joy of Christmas? Is it a season where we remind ourselves that we look darned good in
Lent is a season of repentance; that is, a season of “turning around” and facing our God again. One Lutheran
pastor with whom I previously served used to say, “We have Revivals, we just call them ‘Lent.’”
But is this just a “revival”? The Christian Revival began in some other traditions at a time when church
members sensed that the people were losing their faith and no longer reaching high enough to God, and
therefore they felt that their embrace with God had disconnected.
For these other Christian traditions, a Revival was a time when the people would get themselves all “filled up
with the Holy Spirit” so they could reach up high enough to “touch God.”
And that’s the flawed theology of the “Revival.” This theology assumes that our God only reaches so far
down, and it’s up to us humans to make up the rest of the distance by reaching up.
But the reality is that we have a loving God who reaches all the way down to us, no matter how low we may
have sunk. ALL the way down.
We have a loving Lord who knows that sometimes we just can’t find it in ourselves to reach all the way up to
him; and so therefore he is willing to lower himself so much, so incredibly much, that he is willing to be
humiliated, beaten and crucified so that he may touch our very soul.
It’s never been about us reaching up to God; rather, it’s always been about our God sending his Son all the way
down to us to pick us up from the mire in which we live.
In Lent, it’s not a Revival of reaching up. Rather, it’s a time of taking a good, honest, repentant look at
ourselves and seeing ourselves for what we are. That we are not capable of reaching the loftiest of heights, that
we are fallible; and in that reality, our Lord loves us all the more.
It’s not about us reaching up. Rather, it’s about us submitting to Christ our Lord as he lovingly reaches down
to us to gather us up. Thanks be to God.
In Christ,
Pastor Ekstrand
Baptized members 4th Grade and up
Last Class: Sunday, February 8; 11:00 am-Noon
First Communion Sunday: Sunday, February 15; 9:00 am
Non-communing members from 4th Grade and up are invited to gather with Pastor Ekstrand on February 1 to explore what
it means to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the amazing grace conveyed to us through the Body and Blood of
We will meet in the Nave immediately after the Sunday School/Educational Hour. If you missed the first class on
January 18th, please contact Pastor Ekstrand. .
First Communion will be received on the Sunday of the Transfiguration, February 15, 2015.
A 5-Part Lenten Drama Series by Tom Ekstrand
Wednesday Evenings in Lent at 7:00 pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Pearl City
2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25
I am Philip. So are you.
Phillip has taken for granted much of what we have received through Christ’s death and resurrection. He sees
what he himself has accomplished, and that is enough for him. How dare anyone ask for more?
Phillip has been active in his parish and in his community, and he is good at what he does. He can do it all,
and never asks for help. He doesn’t think he needs it. From anyone.
Even from Christ.
Lent has arrived, and a stranger arrives at Phillip’s house. This visitor has come to show Phillip that he does
have weaknesses, and that he does need what Christ has done for him on the cross.
And the only way Phillip can see that need is to walk with Christ to the cross.
To journey on the road to Calvary.
Please join Phillip on Calvary Road, the Journey to the Cross.
Sign-ups for teens through adults to participate as an actor/actress
in this drama ministry are now posted in the Narthex.
Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesday, February 18
Noon: Imposition of Ashes only
7:00 pm: Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
Ash Wednesday is the most solemn day in the Christian Life. We confront the broken-ness of our lives,
hear God’s Word of Judgment and Life, and pledge to renew our efforts to live as faithful children of our
gracious Lord through the help of the Holy Spirit. All worshipers are invited to receive the ashes as a sign
of our broken-ness. Note that a brief liturgy of Imposition of Ashes will take place at noon for those
whose schedules preclude them from attending in the evening.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent: Noon
Since the 5th Century, Christian Communities have found “Stations of the Cross” to be an inspiring devotional practice. This liturgy of readings and prayers encourages the faithful to retrace and meditate upon
the Holy Sites of the Via Crucis (“The Way of the Cross,” a very popular destination for pilgrims in Jerusalem). As the faithful practice and meditate upon the various stations, we are drawn into the fullness of
our Lord’s humanity, confronted by the injustices of Christ’s condemnation, invited to feel the pain of his
wounds, the embarrassment of his falls, the agony of his Crucifixion, and the loneliness of the tomb. We
see ourselves in the suffering of the One who Died for us, and as we gaze into the empty tomb of Easter,
we glimpse our own destiny in the Resurrection of our Lord. Some choose to pray the Stations every
week in Lent, but if you are able, please make an attempt to attend at least one week this
Lent. All are invited to join Pastor Ekstrand in the Nave on Fridays of Lent (beginning February 20) as
we contemplate His Passion.
Forty Days of Lent: 2015
A Lenten Discipline with a family focus for increasing awareness and thanksgiving
for blessings and an opportunity to give to others less fortunate. For each item
counted, add that many coins to your own special “Piggy Bank” for an ELCA World
Hunger Appeal Donation.
Just $30 can provide a piglet to a family in need. When this little piggy grows up,
she will give birth to as many as 16 piglets each year. Pigs help fertilize fields, provide food to
eat and can be sold at market for much-needed income. Please join us in our Lenten Discipline
Devotional Giving as we reach out to all corners of the world to give of our plenty to those in
See the Forty Days of Lent Calendar in this Newsletter.
For Adults and Teen Youth
7:00 pm at the Parsonage
The Prophets’ Cry for Repentance
February 23-March 23
We read in the Old Testament prophetic books of those who were set aside by God to deliver a message
to people who (mostly) were of hardened hearts and would not hear the message. And though the
prophetic message is frequently the harshest of judgments, God’s word inevitably speaks of mercy and
restoration. This Bible Study series will focus on God’s call for repentance among his people and their
response when God puts his new spirit with his judgment and culminating with Jonah answering the
question, “What would happen if the people, led by the work of the Holy Spirit, actually took the prophet
This coming fall, our Monday night group will study one of these prophets, based on which prophet this
group is intrigued by the most. Join us as we focus our hearts on the Lenten call for repentance.
2/23: Introduction and the Northern Prophets
Why the Prophets Would Never Make it Through an ELCA Call Process.
 Amos & Hosea
3/2: Jeremiah
A Prophet of Wrath
Potters, Loincloths and Yokes
3/9: Isaiah
1st, 2nd and 3rd Isaiah
“Here I am,” the Suffering Servant and Immanuel
3/16: Ezekiel
Prophesy of Vagueness
Unfaithfulness, Dry Bones and Stuff You Can’t Say in Church
3/23: Minor Southern Prophets
Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, & Joel
Jonah, the Anti-Prophet
Thursday Mornings; 9:30-10:30 am (Conference Room)
The Gospel of St. Mark
Continuing from last month
Of the four Gospels, St. Mark’s Gospel is the shortest and, by far, the most “to the point.” His writing style is
earthy, less refined and sometimes downright blunt. Join Pastor Ekstrand as we take a lively look at this
fascinating account of the life and Good News of Christ!
Note that these Bible Studies are for St. John’s members and non-members alike; and that even if you miss one
or more sessions, you are still welcome to jump in with us at any time!
Sunday School Offering Emphasis
During the Season of Lent
Stock a Backpack With Food
More than 18 million children in our country depend on school meal programs to get them through the week. For some,
these lunches are the only real meal they get each day. But what happens over the weekend? By stocking a child’s
backpack with a two- or three-day supply of easy-to-prepare, healthy foods each Friday, children – and their entire families –
have one less thing to worry about.
Our Sunday School children are invited to contribute their Sunday School Offerings during the Season of Lent toward
stocking backpacks with food as a gift conveyed via the ELCA’s World Hunger initiative. Our goal will be $70, which will
stock 7 backpacks with food!
Our children are currently giving toward their Fruit Tree Seedling goal, and are well on their way toward accomplishing that
goal! Great job, kids!!!
St. John’s Director of Youth Ministries
All I can say about the month of January is WOW!! The youth of St. John’s and their fearless leader
have been BUSY!! We have been collecting for the Souper Bowl of Caring since January 4 th and will
wrap up our food & monetary collections on February 1. If you haven’t been able to donate there is still
time. Thank you to everyone who has helped us because by helping the youth with this project you are
helping those in our community who benefit from the Pearl City Food Pantry.
The SPOTS & 5th Quarter youth groups both had their annual lock-ins and as always they were a blast!!
For each of the lock-ins I was blessed to have many helpers to help me oversee things! The SPOTS
group had Gwen, Garrett, Kayla, Linda Orr & I. The 5th Quarter gang both Linda & Gwen returned and
we also had Les Pro helping us out. Both lock-ins had a great turnout and amazingly enough the kids did
such a great job cleaning up that I don’t think you could tell we were even in the church (Luther Hall
SPLAT had a parent/youth meeting the first Sunday in January and we had much to go over since we
had a crazy month ahead. SPLAT also prepped, served & delivered the Grace Meal in January. We
served spaghetti, green beans, bread, apple sauce, brownies & drinks. We had great help on prep day as
well as at the Grace Meal itself. When the deliveries went out cards that were made by the SPLAT
group also went out with the meals to let the recipients know that they are loved & cared about by the
youth of St. John’s!
The 5th Quarter & Genesis youth were lucky enough to participate in the LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) Ski Day at Chestnut Mountain in Galena on Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 19 th. 11 youth
attended, 1 of the 11 went just to check out the sights (right Taylor J) and out of the remaining 10 only 1 had skied before! The all did great and had a fantastic time. I am already being asked if we can go
back next year. Thank you Angie Niehaus for helping me get everyone there & back as well as for your
Some of the Genesis youth will be attending the Winter Jam concert January 30th in near Chicago. We
will see a variety of Christian artists and since everyone has such crazy schedules we are coming back
the same night instead of staying at a hotel. Even though we are all so busy it’s ok because God is
good…all the time and all the time…God is good.
I am pleased to announce we will now have 2 youth reps for council. Kayla Niehaus & Abbey Goldsmith
are up for the challenge! They will be alternating months between themselves to each cover 6 meetings
a year. They are also hoping to join me at the Youth Synod Assembly in June which is held at Augustana College in the Quad Cities. Bryant Smargiassi, thank you for being our 2014 youth rep.
February will have us delivering all of the food to the Pearl City Food Pantry plus gifting them with all
of the monetary donations collected during the Souper Bowl of Caring, making our monthly Grace Meal
deliveries, having our monthly meetings and also the youth leader enjoying a week in Mexico with her
boyfriend to celebrate our 25th anniversary (a few months early!).
As always thank you to everyone at St. John’s for your continued support of our youth. The youth & I
are truly blessed to have you as our church family.
Beth Schneider
Director of Youth Ministries
Grace Meal News . . .
2015 Grace Meal Sign-up
Want to show off your mad cooking skills or just your love for providing the gift of grace! Sign
up with a friend or two to prepare a Grace Meal for our community! The signup sheet is on the
bulletin board in the narthex & we would like to have the first 6 months filled as soon as
possible. You do not have to cover the cost of the meal so do not let that hold you back.
Please contact me with any questions!
Beth Schneider ~ Grace Meal Coordinator (815-541-5919)
Women’s Gathering Ministries . .
Upcoming Dates
Board Meeting-February 24, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. in the Conference Room.
February Bible Study & Sit n’Sew - Tuesday, February 17, 2015: 9:45 am Coffee & Fellowship and
10:00 am for the Bible Study in Luther Hall. Sit ‘n Sew immediately following the Bible Study.
Notes from the January Board Meeting submitted by Janet Ferguson, Secretary.
Women's Gathering Board met January 15, 2015. Secretary's report was read and approved. The treasurer's
report: $895.72 in the checking account - $5233.52 in the Money Market. ($2500 is for scholarships)
* CARING HEARTS-Twila Simler is organizing meals for April and Stan Eberle, following
April's surgery.
* PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY-There will be a Sit and Sew on February 17, 2015, after the
Bible Study. A baked potato bar will be served for lunch. Sign up sheet on bulletin board. We will
also be making hymnal angels that day.
* THANK OFFERING-The amount collected for our thank offering collection in November was $349.
THANK YOU to the congregation for your generous support. These monies are sent to the synod for their
* HOMELESS MEALS - We need two or three volunteers to make a meal in February and deliver it to FACC.
Please see Lynda Palmer or Kris Eden if you can help.
* SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE-The committee is updating the guidelines.
* CHRISTMAS-We had three needy families this year (a total of 18 people) and gave $360. in gift cards for
their Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Thanks to the generosity of the congregation we collected $1056 and
was able to give each person a $50 gift card as a Christmas gift. The remainder $156 was given to the Pearl
City Food Pantry. You have made the holidays brighter for others. THANK YOU!
* OTHER BUSINESS-Two new round tables have been purchased for Luther Hall.
* Public Card Party will be held on March 22. 2015.
* The Women's Gathering annual meeting will be held August 26, 2015, and the new officers will begin in
September. The offices up for election are Vice-president, Secretary, and one member at large. The current
vice-president will move up as president.
* BIBLE STUDY-The February Bible Study will be held February 17, 2015, in Luther Hall with Lori Kempel
leading the lesson and Karen Bremmer serving refreshments. 9:45 am with coffee and fellowship---10:00 am
bible study. March we will go out for bible study and lunch.
Next board meeting February 24, 2015. Bring Kleenex for Food Pantry in February.
F.A.C.C. meals..sponsored by St. John’s Women’s Gathering.
There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board –We supply a meal ONCE a month. Meals are
provided for F.A.C.C. Homeless, starting October 2014 thru May 2015. If there is only one
person signed up to do a meal, please know that you will not be the only person supplying the
meal. There will always be at least 2-3 people doing the meal each month and the meal is for
approximately 14 people.
Any questions, contact Lynda Palmer @ 443-2688 or Dianne at church office.
Thank You for helping in this cause to help the homeless – these homeless people are from our communities
February Collection Item: The Women’s Gathering is collecting a specific item each month for the
Pearl City Food Pantry. The donation item for February is Kleenex. Please bring kleenex with you to
worship and/or your Women’s Gathering events. The Women’s Gathering is always collecting baby
wipes for Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. All items may be placed in the bins in the Narthex.
Joy Choir News . . .
The Joy Choir will sing on February 8th. They will not meet for practice on February 26th as
Mrs. Hillmer will be out of town.
Visited Another Church . . .
Lee and Anne Marie Harbison attended the wedding for their granddaughter, Kirsten, on
December 27, 2014, at St. Matthews Catholic Church, Mobile, Alabama.
Stan and April Eberle visited St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Massbach on December
28, 2014.
Thank you . . .
Dear. St. John’s Family, Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, cards and messages since my surgery and returning home. A big thanks to Pastor Tom for making a trip to Madison to visit me and for putting up with my
crazy family! I am recovering very well, but trying to stay out of the crowds until all the sickness passes. Hope
to see you all soon! Chris Kempel
From the Church Council . . .
February Coffee with Council: The February Coffee with Council will be held after worship on
February 8th in Luther Hall during Fellowship. Members of the council will be available to address any
member’s questions or concerns.
Join WHIRL Sunday School at
(We are in need of teachers for March, April and May to
teach Whirl Sunday School. Stop by the office for more
Feb. 1: Lesson: Healing in the Synagogue
Homemade Treats-Karen Bremmer
Feb. 8 Lesson: Healing at Simon’s House
Homemade Treats-Sharon Knoup
Feb. 15: Lesson: Elijah and Elisha
Homemade Treats-Kelly Lawler
Feb. 22 Lesson: God’s Covenant with Noah
Homemade Treats-Judy Robinson
February 1, 8 & 15th Offering: Fruit Tree Seedlings
February 22nd-March 29th Offering: Stock a Backpack
Pastor Barb Rapp’s Retirement: Pastor Barb Rapp formally retired on January 25th . A retirement
celebration was held at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at Schapville. She has moved to Arizona.
Here is her new address and email for sending greetings: 1480 N. Rio Sonora, Green Valley, AZ 85614 or
email at
St. John’s Family Fun Night
March 14, 2015 at 5:30-10:00 pm
We will have an exciting night of movies, board games, card games,
bags game and much more. Games for all ages.
Old Fashion Potluck!
The Outreach committee will be providing the main dish. Please bring a side dish or desert according to the following. All table service will be provided.
Alphabet by Last name:
A-H: Salad
I-P: Vegetable
Q-Z: Desert
This night is for all. Please invite your neighbor and friends!
Duties of the Church for February
Comm. Asst.
Feb. 1
Bob & Darla
Paul & Dianne
Handsaker and
Beth Schneider
Lee & Anne Marie
Ella Williams
Feb. 8
Rollin & Judy Nelson
Brent & Beth
Schneider and
Rhonda and Peyton
Jenna Robinson
Feb. 15
Janis Kampmeir and
Tina Endress Family
Stan & April
DJ Scott
Paul Handsaker and
Earlene Domberger
Feb. 18
Gordon & Carol
Linda Albright &
Kathy Williams
Joel Kempel
Feb. 22
Jennifer Pitts and
Joel & Lori
Organist: Jerilyn Strohecker
Karen Bremmer Marion & Kris Eden
Autumn Gray
Counters: Chris Kempel, Mike Palmer and Rollin Nelson
February Birthdays
Bonnie Dittmar
Olivia Williams
Jamie Melville
Steve Miller
Brent Schneider
Zxandyr Klatt
Pat Randerson
Tom Smargiassi
Dorothy Eden
Sara Schoenhard
Jace Kempel
Doris Kness
Katelyn Koch
Vi Martin
Brian Brudi
Kayla Albrecht
Austin Little
Marsha Butson
Carrie (Boop) Baxter
Kayla Niehaus
Earl Heimerdinger
MacKenzee Bentz
Prayer Concerns (January 25, 2015-December 28, 2014): Hannah Kness, Gladys
Zajicek, Helen Kaster, Dorothy Hartman, Dennis Fehr, Lois Krug, Helen & Leroy
Fischer, Sharon Downs, Karen Heinrich, Joyce Murray, Pat Boyle, Lucy Cabot,
April Eberle, Jeff Garnhart, Bill & Kathy Williams, Joan Croffoot, Tracy Jacobs,
Walt Schaefer, Kathy Larson, Amanda (Winning) Hall, Jodi Revels, Jamie
Wagenknecht, Kris Stephan, Leslie Nussle, Kirsten Cobb, Rita Randecker, Jackie
Smith, Lee Harbison, Ruby Wright, Joe Cuccio, Elenor Paisley, Cindy Lanier, Vi
Martin, Chris Kempel, Claire Johns, Bill & Maryann Leibenstein, Dennis Howe,
Diane Mater and Nancy Klanrick.
The family and friends of Jill Croffott, Frank Martin, John Folgate, Lowell
Terhark, June Carpenter, Sarah Jane Pieper, Vern Nyman, Yavonne Kelly and
Evelyn Foat.
4 How many books
have you opened
today? Give thanks
for books!
3 How many
people did you talk
to (or see on TV)
today who are of a
different ethnicity
than you? Give
thanks for diversity!
10 How many
family members live
near you? Give
thanks for family!
2 How many
members of your
family wear glasses?
Give thanks for
9 How many doors
are in your home?
Give thanks for
having a home!
Mar. 1 How many
people did you see in
church whose name
you do not know?
Give thanks for
kindness to strangers!
(And learn their
8 How many clocks
did you change for
Daylight savings time?
Give thanks for
11 How old are
you? Give thanks for
the wisdom that
comes from age!
25 How many
newspaper, or online
articles did you read
today? Give thanks
for freedom of
24 How many food
items have you bought
today? Give thanks for
grocery stores!
23 How many
pictures are on your
walls? Give thanks for
22 How many
people shook you
hand in church
today? Give thanks
for love!
Feb. 18 Ash
How many
churches did you
see today? Give
thanks for our
freedom to
13 How many
members of your
family are currently
students? Give thanks
for education!
6 How many of your
blessings can you list
in one minute? Give
thanks for waking up
5 How many trips to
the “loo” have you
made today? Give
thanks for indoor
12 How many people
made you laugh
today? Give thanks
for laughter!
27 How many
businesses did you
deal with today, in
person or online?
Give thanks for
business owners!
At what hour did the
sun set today? Give
thanks for sunsets!
26 How many friends
do you have who live
in other countries?
Give thanks for the
How many close
friends can you think
of who teach? Give
thanks for teachers!
14 How many hours
have you devoted to
self-care this week?
Give thanks for time off
of work!
7 How many coats
do you own? Give
thanks for warm
28 How many
electrical outlets are in
your home? Give
thanks for electricity!
How many holidays do
you celebrate with
family or friends?
Give thanks for
A Lenten discipline with a family focus for increasing awareness and thanksgiving for blessings and an opportunity to give to others less
fortunate. For each item counted, add that many coins to your special piggy bank for an ELCA World Hunger Appeal donation.
Forty Days of Lent - Feb.-Mar. 2015
Bring your piggy
banks to worship.
5 Easter How many 6
“Alleluias” did you
hear in church
today? Give thanks
for Jesus’
2 Maundy Thursday
How many problems
did you solve today?
Give thanks for how
much we grow from
our challenges!
April 1 How many
schools did you see
or hear about
today? Give thanks
for our ability to
31 How many
times have you
commented about
politicians today?
Give thanks for the
freedom to vote!
30 How many
medical procedures
have you had? Give
thanks for modern
29 Palm Sunday
How many ways did
you try to imitate
Jesus today? Give
thanks for Jesus’
26 How many
mistakes did you
make today? Give
thanks for learning
from mistakes!
25 How many food
cans are in your
cupboards? Give
thanks for food!
24 How many cars
does your family
have? Give thanks
for cars!
23 How many
ways did you
entertain yourself
today? Give thanks
for entertainment!
22 How many
pieces of music did
you hear or sing in
church today? Give
thanks for music!
19 How many
cans of air freshener
do you have? Give
thanks for fresh air!
18 How many
songs have you
heard today? Give
thanks for hearing!
17 How many
friends have called
or texted you today?
Give thanks for
good friends!
16 How many
glasses of water
have you had today?
Give thanks for
clean water!
15 How many
children did you see
in church today?
Give thanks for
3 Good Friday
How many ways can
you list that Jesus
has given of himself
for you? Give
thanks for Jesus’
27 How many
members of the
military or police
force do you know?
Give thanks for
20 How many new
things did you learn
today? Give thanks
for your mind!
11 Count the coins
in the bank, then
take them to church
tomorrow for your
4 Vigil of Easter
How many animals
have you seen
today? Give thanks
for pets and
28 How many
hours did you sleep
last night? Give
thanks for time!
21 How many
beds are in your
home? Give thanks
for a bed to sleep in!
Forty Days of Lent - March - April 2015
February 2015
See an updated and complete calendar throughout the month at
9 am Worship
10:15 am Prayer Shawl Outreach
10:15 am Confirmation
10:15 am Whirl Sunday School
11 am SPLAT
SCRIP Orders Due.
9 am Worship
10 am Coffee with Council
10:15 am Confirmation
10:15 am Whirl Sunday School
11 am SPOTS
11 am First Communion Class
6:00 pm 5th Quarter
7:30 pm Genesis
7 pm 4-H
6:30 pm
7 pm Bible
3 pm Girl
6:30 pm
7 pm Bible
6:00 pm 5th Quarter
7:30 pm Genesis
10 am Staff
4:30-7:30 pm
Pancake Supper
10:30 am Worship & Music
Committee Meeting
3:15 pm Joy Choir & Club
Day Off
Luther Hall
Used for Grace
Meal Prep
9:30 am Bible Study
Stations of
the Cross
3:15 pm Joy Choir & Club
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
7 pm Council Meeting
7 pm : Ash
8:30 pm
Prayer at the Close of
Day (Parsonage)
Deadline for
March Newsletter
3 pm Girl
6 pm: Lenten
7 pm Bible
8 am WELCA Board
7 pm : Lenten
Worship Service
9:30 am Bible Study
8:30 pm
Prayer at the Close of
Day (Parsonage)
7:30 Chancel
Choir Practice
Luther Hall
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Day Off
Noon: Ash
Imposition of
7 pm Bible
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
9:30 am Bible Study
8:30 pm
Prayer at the Close of
Day (Parsonage)
9:30 am Bible Study
9:45 am: Women’s
Gathering Coffee &
10 am: Women’s
Gathering Bible Study
followed by Sit n’ Sew
9 am Worship
10:15 am Confirmation
10:15 am Whirl Sunday School
11 am: SPOTS
8:30 pm
Prayer at the Close of
Day (Parsonage)
9 am Worship with First Communion
10:15 am Confirmation
10:15 am Whirl Sunday School
10:15 am Outreach & Stewardship
Joint Committee Meeting
10:15 am Memorial & Finance
Committee Meeting
10:15 am Property Committee
11 am SPLAT
Noon Grace Meal
6:00 pm 5th Quarter
7:30 pm Genesis
3:15 pm Joy Choir & Club
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
Day Off
Stations of
the Cross
Day Off
Dianne, Parish Administrator, off work.
No regular office hours.
Lenten Opportunities at St. John’s
Feb. 18th - Ash Wednesday
Noon: Imposition of Ashes
7 pm Worship with Imposition of Ashes
Fridays During Lent
2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13,3/20, 3/27
Noon: Stations of the Cross
Mondays during Lent
2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23
6 pm Lenten Drama Rehearsal
Wednesdays during Lent
2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25
7 pm Midweek Lenten Services
Palm Sunday Worship
9 am March 29th
Vigil of Easter
7 pm, Saturday, April 4th
Maundy Thursday Worship
7 pm April 2nd
Easter Sunday Worship
9 am, April 5th
Good Friday Community Worship
7 pm April 3rd