Curriculum Vitae - Department of Geography
Curriculum Vitae - Department of Geography
CURRICULUM VITAE Tuesday, February 03, 2015 Stuart Campbell Aitken Burnett Endowed Chair Department of Geography College of Arts and Letters San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 Phone: FAX: E-mail: Websites - (619) 594-6498 (619) 594-4938 CONTENTS • • • • • HIGHER EDUCATION AND ACADEMIC POSITIONS HELD PUBLICATIONS o o o o o o o o o SCHOLARLY BOOKS CHAPTERS IN SCHOLARLY BOOKS OTHER PUBLICATIONS IN SCHOLARLY BOOKS (including encyclopedias) COMPILED AND EDITED THEME ISSUES IN REFEREED JOURNALS ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS ARTICLES IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS DISCUSSION AND WORKING PAPERS BOOK REVIEWS, REVIEW ESSAYS & RESPONSES PROFESSIONAL REPORTS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS o o o KEYNOTE ADDRESSES PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS INVITED COLLOQUIA o o o PARTICIPATION IN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS MANUSCRIPTS AND PROPOSALS REVIEWED EXTERNAL REVIEWER FOR DEPARTMENTAL ASSESSMENTS, DOCTORAL STUDENT DISSERTATIONS AND TENURE/PROMOTION DECISIONS OTHER RELATED WORK AND ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE PRESENTATIONS RESEARCH GRANTS, CONTRACTS & COMPETITIVELY AWARDED PROFESSIONAL LEAVES OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES o • • SCHOLARLY AWARDS AND HONORS TEACHING o o • o o o o 02-03 04-19 20-31 31-33 33-39 40-41 42-46 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND TEACHING INNOVATIONS CURRENT AND COMPLETED GRADUATE DISSERTATION AND THESIS ADVISING SERVICE TO UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY o • PAGE 47-50 DEPARTMENT ! Some Highlights as Chair of Department COLLEGE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY ARTICLES/INTERVIEWS NEWSPAPERS, POPULAR AND PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINES REFERENCES 51 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 2 HIGHER EDUCATION • The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1981-1985, PhD, Geography Doctoral Dissertation: Renter Residential Search: an Empirical Investigation in Cognition & Behavior • Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA, 1980-1981, MA, Geography Master's Thesis: The Impact of Displacement in Two Baltimore Neighborhoods • University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 1976-1980 BSc (Honours) Geography Undergraduate Dissertation: The Effects of the Decline of Coal-mining on the Regional Development of Two Areas in Central Fife ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND RANKS HELD Fulbright Research Scholar, Slovenia, Sept 2013- Mar 2014 June Burnett Endowed Chair in Child and Family Geographies, July 2013 - present SDSU, Geography, Department Chair, Aug 2008 – Aug 2014 University of Wales, Aberystwth, Honorary Professor, June 2007-June 2012 NTNU, Norway, Department of Geography, Adjunct Professor, 2003 - 2009 NTNU, Norway, National Center for Child Research, Adjunct Professor, 2003 - 2009 SDSU, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Youth and Space, Director, 1998-present SDSU, Child and Family Dev., Associate Graduate Faculty member, Sep. 1996 - present SDSU, Women’s Studies, Associate Graduate Faculty member, Nov. 1994 - present SDSU, Geography, Full Professor, Aug. 1993 - present SDSU/UCSB Geography Ph.D., Faculty member, Aug. 1991 - present SDSU, Geography, Associate Professor, Aug. 1990 - Aug. 1993 SDSU, Geography, Assistant Professor, Aug. 1986 - Aug. 1990 University of Arizona, Lecturer, Aug. 1985 - May 1986 Miami University, Lecturer, Jan. 1985 - May 1985 University of Western Ontario, Canada, Lecturer, Sep. 1983 - Dec. 1984 University of Western Ontario, Canada, Teaching Assistant, Sep. 1981 - May 1983 Miami University, Ohio, Teaching Assistant, Aug. 1980 - May 1981 OTHER ACADEMIC & EDITORIAL POSITIONS National Councilor, Association of American Geographers, July 2014 – June 30, 2016 Patron, Knowing Children, July 2012 - present Knowing Children is a charitable association registered in Malaysia and Thailand, but with a global remit. It seeks to promote the development, dissemination and use of rights-based, Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 3 scientific information about children, which will improve policies and programs devoted to their rights and welfare, Editorial Board, the Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, March 2012 - present Editorial Board Children’s Geographies: Advancing interdisciplinary studies of younger people's lives. A Routledge Journal, August 2013 - present. Founding and Commissioning Editor for North America, Children’s Geographies: Advancing interdisciplinary studies of younger people's lives. A Routledge Journal, Feb 2001 – August 2013. 2010 Children’s Geographies Impact Factor = 1.833. This figure is based on 99 cites (in 2010) divided by 54 articles (published across 2008 and 2009). In the category of ‘Geography’ the journal ranks 13/65 Editorial Advisory Board, Global Youth Book Series, Temple University Press, March 2010 - present Pearson Education Faculty Advisory Board, March 2010 – January 2011 Editorial Board, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskkrift/Norwegian Journal of Geography, May 2007 – present. Editorial Board, Aether: The Journal of Media Geography, May 2007 - present Director and co-founder, SDSU’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Youth and Space (ISYS), Sept 2006 – present. Editorial Board, the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, May 2006 – January 2010. Past-President, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Sept 2009-Sept 2010 President, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Sept 2008-Sept 2009. Vice-President, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Sept 2007-Sept 2008. Pacific Coast Regional Councilor to the Association of American Geographers, July 1 2004 – June 30 2007 Editor, The Professional Geographer A Blackwell Journal. July 1997 - July 2000 Visiting Faculty Fellow, University of Edinburgh, Jan. 1993 - Mar. 1993 San Diego State University, New Building Complex Coordinator, College of Arts and Letters, June 2002 present San Diego State University, Research Dev. Coordinator, College of Arts and Letters, Aug.1991 - Aug. 1995 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 4 PUBLICATIONS SCHOLARLY BOOKS Skelton, Tracey and Stuart C. Aitken (editors) (2016). Theories and Concepts: Establishing Geographies of Children and Young People (Geographies of Children and Young People Vol. 1 of 12). Springer Major Reference Work: Springer Publishing Company. In preparation. Aitken, Stuart C. and Gill Valentine (editors) (2015). Key Approaches to Human Geography: Philosophies, Theories, People and Practices. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage Publications. This is the second edition of Aitken and Valentine (2006) with a title change and significant chapter additions. Aitken, Stuart C. (2014) The Ethnopoetics of Space and Transformation: Young People’s Engagement, Activism and Aesthetics. Aldershot: Ashgate Press. Giorgio Hadi Curti, Jim Craine and Stuart C. Aitken (2013) The Fight to Stay Put: Social Lessons through Media Imaginings of Urban Transformation and Change. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Pres. Aitken, Stuart C., Kate Swanson, Fernando Bosco and Tom Herman (2011) Young People, Border Spaces and Revolutionary Imaginations. New York and London: Routledge. DeLyser, Dydia, Steve Herbert, Stuart Aitken, Mike Crang and Linda McDowell (2010) Qualitative Geography. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart C. (2009). The Awkward Spaces of Fathering. Aldershot: Ashgate Press. Annual Celebrated Book by Geographical Perspective on Women (GPOW), Washington DC AAG meetings, April 2010. Aitken, Stuart C., Ragnhild Lund and Anne Trine Kjorholt (2008). Global Childhoods: Globalization, Development and Young People. London and New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. and Gill Valentine (editors) (2006). Approaches to Human Geography: Philosophies, People and Practices. London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage Publications. Translated into mandarin and published in China in 2012. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Geographies of Young People: The Morally Contested Spaces of Identity. London and New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (1998) Family Fantasies and Community Space. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 5 Aitken, Stuart C. (1994) Putting Children in Their Place. Washington DC: Association of American Geographers Resource Publication Series. Boston: Edwards Bros. Aitken, Stuart C. and Leo E. Zonn (editors) (1994) Place, Power, Situation and Spectacle. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. CHAPTERS IN SCHOLARLY BOOKS Aitken, Stuart (2015) Children’s urban health and well-being in a time of global uncertainty. In Christina R. Ergler, Robin Kearns & Karen Witten (editors) Children’s health and wellbeing in urban environments Aldershot: Ashgate Health Geography Series. In preparation. Wood, Lydia, Stuart Aitken and Kate Swanson (2015) Children and the Violence of Borders: Young People’s Rights to Recreate Spaces and Reimagine Borders. In Tracey Skelton, Karen Nairn and Peter Kraftl (eds). Geographies of Children and Young People: Space, Landscape, and Environment. In review. Aitken, Stuart (2015) Reproducing Work and Revolution in Latin America. In Tracey Skelton, Tatek Abebe and Johanna Waters (editors) Geographies of Children and Young People. Labouring and Learning. Springer Publications. In review. Aitken, Stuart C. (2015) Deep Emotional Mappings and the Ethnopoetics of Space. In David Bodenhamer, John Corrigan and Trevor Harris (editors). Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives. Indianapolis: University of Indianapolis Press. In Press. Aitken, Stuart, Li An, Steve Allison and Shuang Yang (2015). Nature’s Legacy: Children, Development and Urban Access in Fanjingshan, China. In Murnaghan, A.M.F., and L.J. Shillington (editors) Children, Nature, and Cities. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. In Press. Aitken, Stuart (2015) Children’s Rights: A Geographical Perspective. In Wouter Vandenhole, Ellen Desmet, Didier Reynaert and Sara Lambrechts (editors) The International Handbook of Children’s Rights: Disciplinary and Critical Approaches, pp. 131-146. New York and London: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (2014). Young men’s violence and spaces of addiction: opening up the hurt locker. In Christopher Moreno and Robert Wilton (editors) Using Space: Critical Geographies of Drugs and Alcohol, pp. 29-45. London and New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart (2014) Post-script to Poststructural Theories in Geography. In Approaches in Geography: Philosophies, Theories, People and Practices. Edited by Stuart Aitken and Gill Valentine. Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart and Gill Valentine (2014). Ways of Knowing and Ways of Doing Geographic Research. In Approaches in Human Geography: Philosophies, Theories, People and Practices. Edited by Stuart Aitken and Gill Valentine. Sage Publications. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 6 Valentine, Gill and Stuart Aitken (2014) Contested Geographies: Culture Wars, Personal Clashes and Joining Debate. In Approaches in Human Geography: Philosophies, Theories, People and Practices. Edited by Stuart Aitken and Gill Valentine. Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart and James Craine (2014) A Brief History of Mediated, Sensational and Virtual Geographies. In Susan Maines, Julie Cupples and Chris Lukinbeal (eds). Mediated Geographies/Geographies of Media. Springer Publications. In Press. Aitken, Stuart C., Kate Swanson and Elizabeth Kennedy (2014) Independent Child Migrants: Navigating Relational Borderlands. In Spyros Spyrou and Miranda Christou (eds), Children and Borders. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. In Press. Aitken, Stuart C. (2014) Emotional mappings and the ethnopoetics of fathering. In Andrew Gorman-Murray and Peter Hopkins (editors) Masculinities and Place. Aldershot: Ashgate Press. Aitken, Stuart C. (2014) Landscapes of Interiority. In Paul Adams, Jim Craine and Jason Dittmer (editors) Research Companion on Geographies of Media. Aldershot: Ashgate Press. Invited. Aitken, Stuart C., Li An, Sarah Wandersee and Yeqin Yang (2014). Renegotiating Local Values: The Case of Fanjingshan Reserve, China. In Cathrine Brun, Piers Blakie and Mike Jones (editors). Unravelling Marginalisation, Voicing change: Alternative geographies of Development. Farnham: Ashgate Press. Aitken, Stuart C. (2012). The Most Violent Vibrations between Hope and Fear. In Craine, James W., Giorgio Hadi Curti and Stuart C. Aitken (editors) The Fight to Stay Put. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Press, pp. 57-74 Goode, Ryan J., Swanson, Kate and Aitken, Stuart C. (2012) From God to Men: Media and the Turbulent Fight for Rio’s Favelas. In Craine, James W., Giorgio Hadi Curti and Stuart C. Aitken (editors) The Fight to Stay Put. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Press, pp 161-180. Craine, James W., Giorgio Hadi Curti and Stuart C. Aitken (2012) Cosmopolitan Sex, SadoMasochistic Violence And Networks Of Blood In Craine, James W., Giorgio Hadi Curti and Stuart C. Aitken (editors) The Fight to Stay Put. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Press, pp 249-266 Aitken, Stuart C. and Deborah P. Dixon (2012). Imagining Geographies of Film. In Derek Gregory and Noel Castree (editors) Human Geography, Volume 2. Sage Fundamentals of Geography Series. London and New Delhi: Sage, pp 385-405 Re-printed from Erdkunde Band, 60 (2006), pp 326-336. Craine, James and Stuart Aitken (2011) The Emotional Life of Maps and Other Visual Geographies. In Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin and Chris Perkins (editors) Rethinking Maps. Guilford Press. pp 149-167. Aitken, Stuart C. and Don Colley III (2011). Spaces of Schoolyard Violence. In Michele Paludi (editor). The Psychology of Teen Violence and Victimization. Praeger Press ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara Pp. 83-105. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 7 Lulka, David and Stuart C. Aitken (2011) Dredging History: The Price of Preservation at La Jolla’s Children’s Pool. In Louise Holt (editor) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: An International Perspective, pp 167-188. New York and London: Routledge. Aitken Stuart C. and Craine, James W. (2011). Affective Geovisualizations. In Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin and Chris Perkins (editors), The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, pp 278-81. 1,700 word excerpt reprinted from Aitken S. and Craine J., 2006, “Affective Geovisualizations”, Directions: A Magazine for GIS Professionals, 7th February. Aitken, Stuart C. and Deborah P. Dixon (2011). Avarice and Tenderness in the Cinematic Landscapes of the American West. In Michael Dear, Jim Ketchum, Sarah Luria and Doug Richardson (editors), Geohumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place, pp. 196205. London and New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (2011) Time and Place: In and Beyond ‘the Field’. In Lynn Jamieson, Roona Simpson and Ruth Lewis (editors) Researching Families and Relationships: Reflections on Process, pp. 96-121. Basingstoke: Palgrave Publishers Ltd. DeLyser, Dydia, Steve Herbert, Stuart C. Aitken, Mike Crang and Linda McDowell (2010). Engaging Qualitative Geography. In The Handbook for Qualitative Methods in Geography. pp. 1- 17 London, Edited by Dydia DeLyser, Stuart Aitken, Steve Herbert, Mike Crang, and Linda McDowell Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart C. (2010). Throwntogetherness: Encounters with Difference and Diversity. In The Handbook for Qualitative Methods in Geography. Edited by Dydia DeLyser, Stuart Aitken, Steve Herbert, Mike Crang, and Linda McDowell, pp 46-68. Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage Publications.. Aitken, Stuart C. and Mei-Po Kwan (2010). GIS as Qualitative Research: Knowledge, Participatory Politics and Cartographies of Affect. In The Handbook for Qualitative Methods in Geography. Edited by Dydia DeLyser, Stuart Aitken, Mike Crang, Steve Herbert and Linda McDowell, pp 286-303. Thousand Oaks & New Delhi: Sage Publications. Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart C. (2009). ‘Now, where was I?’ - Memories, Motels, and Male Hysteria. In Dave Clarke, Valerie Crawford Pfannhauser and Marcus Doel. Lanham (editors), Moving Pictures/Stopping Places: Hotels and Motels in Film, pp. 219-233. MN: Lexington Books, a division of Rowman and Littlefield. Aitken, Stuart and James Craine (2009). Into the Image and Beyond: Visual Geographies and GIS. In Sarah Elwood and Meghan Cope (editors) Qualitative GIS: A Mixed Methods Approach. pp 139-155 Los Angeles and London: Sage. Aitken, Stuart and James Craine (2009). Affektive Geovisualisierung. In Joerg Doering and Tristan Thielmann (editors) Mediengeographie, pp. 481-488. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Press. Moreno, Chris and Stuart Aitken (2008). Space Operas and Cultures of Addiction: The Animated Tale of Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly In Anton Escher, Stefan Zimmermann and Chris Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 8 Lukinbeal (editors), pp. 115-135. The Geography of Cinema - A Cinematic World. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Press. Crotty, Sean, Christopher Moreno and Stuart C. Aitken (2008). Each And Every Single Story About Me … There’s Like A Huge Twist To It”: Growing Up At Risk In The United States. In Craig Jeffreys and Jane Dyson (editors) Telling Young Lives, pp. 97-112. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Aitken, Stuart C. (2008). Desarrollo Integral y Fronteras/Integral Development & Borderspaces. In Stuart C. Aitken, Anne Trine Kjorholt and Ragnhild Lund (editors). Global Childhoods: Globalization, Development and Young People, pp. 113-130. Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C., Anne Trine Kjorholt and Ragnhild Lund (2008). Why Children? Why Now? In Stuart C. Aitken, Anne Trine Kjorholt and Ragnhild Lund (editors). Global Childhoods: Globalization, Development and Young People, pp. 3-12. Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (2008). Dreams and Nightmares as Part of the Order/Disorder of the City. In Phil Hubbard, Tim Hall, and John Rennie Short (editors). The Compendium of Urban Studies, pp. 373-388. New Delhi, London and Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Moving Images Contriving the Stories of Our Lives. In Ian Douglas, Chris Perkins and Richard Hugget (editors) From Local to Global: The Companion Encyclopedia of Geography, pp 603-614. London & New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart and Gill Valentine (2006) Ways of Knowing and Ways of Doing Geographic Research. In Stuart Aitken and Gill Valentine (editors) Approaches in Geography: Philosophies, People and Practices, pp 1-12. New Delhi, London and Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Valentine, Gill and Stuart Aitken (2006) Contested Geographies: Culture Wars, Personal Clashes and Joining Debate. In Stuart Aitken and Gill Valentine (editors) Approaches in Geography: Philosophies, People and Practices, pp. 325-336. New Delhi, London and Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Aitken Stuart C. (2005) Textual Analysis: Reading Culture and Context. In Robin Flowerdew and nd David Martin (editors) Methods in Human Geography, 2 Edition, pp. 233-249. Harlow: Longman. Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) The Awkward Spaces of Fathering. In Bettina van Hoven and Kathrin Hoerschelmann (editors) Spaces of Masculinity, pp. 222-237. New York and London: Routledge. Aitken Stuart C. and James Craine (2005) Visual Methodologies: what you see is not always what you get. In Robin Flowerdew and David Martin (editors) Methods in Human Geography, nd 2 Edition, pp. 250-269. Harlow: Longman. Aitken, Stuart C. and Joel Jennings (2004) Clarity, Rights and Children’s Spaces of Discipline. In Roxanna Transit (editor). Disciplining the Child Via the Discourse of the Professions, pp130-155. Charles C. Thomas Publisher – LTD. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 9 Aitken, Stuart C. (2004). Placing Children at the Heart of Globalization. In Barney Warf, Kathy Hansen and Don Janelle (Editors), World Minds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems, pp. 579-584. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Norwell, MA. Aitken, Stuart C. Don Mitchell and Lynn Staeheli. (2004) Urban Geography. In Gary Gaile and Cort Wilmott (editors), pp. 237-265. Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Oxford University Press. Aitken, Stuart C. (2002). Public Participation, Technological Discourses and the Scale of GIS. In William Craig, Trevor Harris and Daniel Weiner (editors) Community Participation and Geographic Information Systems, pp. 357 – 366. London and New York: Taylor and Francis. Aitken, Stuart C. (2002) Tuning the Self: City Space and SF Horror Movies. In Rob Kitchin and James Kneale (editors) Lost in Space: Geographies of Science Fiction, pp. 103-122 London & New York: Continuum. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001) Shared Lives. In Melanie Limb and Claire Dwyer (editors). Qualitative Methods for Geographers, pp. 73-86. New York and London: Arnold Publishers. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001) Critically Assessing Change: Rethinking Space, Time and Scale Relations. In Andrew Frank, Jonathan Raper and Jean-Paul Chelan (editors). Life and Motion of Socio-Economic Units: GISDATA 8, pp.189-202. London: Taylor and Frances. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000). Fear, Loathing and Space for Children. In John R. Gold and George Revill (editors). Landscapes of Defense. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall, pp. 48-67. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000). A Quality Life for Children. In Foo Tuan Seik, Lim Lan Yuan and Grace Wong Khei Mie (editors) Planning for a Better Quality of Life in Cities". School of Building and Real Estate, NUS, Singapore, pp. 129-144. Singapore: Specialist Press Pte. Ltd. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000). Play, Rights and Borders: Gender Bound Parents and the Social Construction of Children. In Sarah Holloway and Gill Valentine (editors) Children’s Geographies: Living, Playing, Learning and Transforming Everyday Worlds, pp. 119-138 London: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (1999). Putting Parents in Their Place: Child Rearing Rites and Gender Politics. In Elizabeth K. Teather (editor) Geographies of Personal Discovery: Places, Bodies and Rites of Passage, pp. 104-125 London: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. and Chris Lukinbeal (1998) Of Heroes, Fools and Fisher Kings: Cinematic Representations of Street Myths and Hysterical Males. In Nick Fyfe (editor) Images of the Street, Ch 10, pp. 141-159. London: Routledge. Lukinbeal, Chris and Stuart C. Aitken (1998) Sex, Violence and the Weather: Male Hysteria, Scale and the Fractal Geographies of Patriarchy. In Steve Pile and Heidi Nast (editors) Places Through the Body, Ch 19, pp. 356-380. London: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. and Chris Lukinbeal (1997) Mobility, Road Geographies and the Quagmire of Terra Infirma. In Steven Cohen and Ina Rae Hark (editors) Road Movies. Ch 16, pp. 349-370. London: Routledge. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 10 Aitken Stuart C. (1997) Textual Analysis: Armchair Theories and Couch-Potato Geography. In Robin Flowerdew and David Martin (editors) Methods in Human Geography, Ch 12, pp. 197-212. Harlow: Longman. Aitken, Stuart C. and Leo E. Zonn (1994) Representing the Place Pastiche. In Stuart C. Aitken and Leo E. Zonn (Editors) Place, Power, Situation and Spectacle: A Geography of Film, pp. 3-25. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. Zonn, Leo E. and Stuart C. Aitken (1994) Of Pelicans and Men: Symbolic Landscapes, Gender and Australia's Storm Boy. In Stuart C. Aitken and L.E. Zonn (Editors) Place, Power, Situation and Spectacle: A Geography of Film, pp. 137-159. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield. Aitken, Stuart C., Susan L. Cutter, Ken E. Foote, and Jim L. Sell (1989) Contemporary Research in Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography. In Cort Willmott and Gary Gaile (eds.), Geography in America, pp. 218-38. Columbus: Merrill Publishing Co. OTHER PUBLICATIONS IN SCHOLARLY BOOKS (including encyclopedias) Aitken, Stuart C. (2014). Analysis of Movies and Films. In Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey L. Kobayashi, Weidong Liu and Richard Marston. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley-Blackwell. Aitken, Stuart C. and Giorgio H. Curti (2012). Philosophy in Human Geography. In Byron Kaldis (editor) Philosophy and the Social Sciences. London and New Delhi: Sage Publications. Aitken, Stuart C. (2009). Analysis of Movies and Films. In Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift (editors). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, pp 196-200. Oxford: Elsevier. Aitken, Stuart C. (2009). Community. In Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift (editors). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, pp 221-225. Oxford: Elsevier. Aitken, Stuart C. (2009). Parenting, Fatherhood and Motherhood. In Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift (editors). International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, pp. 72-76. Oxford: Elsevier. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Families. In Michael Flood, Judith Kegan Gardiner, Robert Pease and Keith Pringle (editors) Encyclopedia of Men & Masculinities, pp. 182-5. London and New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Power Relations. In Michael Flood, Judith Kegan Gardiner, Robert Pease and Keith Pringle (editors) Encyclopedia of Men & Masculinities, pp. 500-501. London and New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Culture and Representation. In Michael Flood, Judith Kegan Gardiner, Robert Pease and Keith Pringle (editors) Encyclopedia of Men & Masculinities, pp. 120123. London and New York: Routledge. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 11 Aitken, Stuart C. (2006) Geographies of Children. In Barney Warf (editor). Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Sage, pp 35-37. Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) Social Justice. In Roger Caves (editor) Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. pp. 419-420. Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) Cities of Difference. In Roger Caves (editor) Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. pp. 63-64 Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) Surveillance. In Roger Caves (editor) Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. p 440. Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) Patrick Geddes. In Roger Caves (editor) Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. p 194. Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) Gemeinschaft. In Roger Caves (editor) Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. p 194-195. Aitken, Stuart C. (2005) Geschellschaft. In Roger Caves (editor) Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. p 204. Aitken, Stuart C. (2004) Stuart C. Aitken on Donald Winnicott. In John H. McKendrick (editor) First Steps: A Primer on the Geographies of Children and Youth, pp. 3. Limited Life Working Party on Children, Youth and Families. The Royal Geographical Society with the Institution of British Geographers. Glenrothes: Barr Printers Ltd. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Plates 6 and 4.1. In Michael Pacione Urban Geography: A Global Perspective, pp. 84 & 340. London & New York: Routledge. Aitken, Stuart C. (1997). Figures 6-14 and 6-15. In Kenneth Foote, Shadowed Ground: America’s Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy, pp. 201 & 202. University of Texas Press: Austin. COMPILED AND EDITED THEME ISSUES IN REFEREED JOURNALS Aitken, Stuart C., Fernando Bosco, Kate Swanson and Thomas Herman (2010). Border Spaces and Revolutionary Imaginations: North American Stories of Young People’s Lives. Children’s Geographies. Special Issue, Volume 8, No. 4, pp. 327-436. Aitken , Stuart C., Ragnhild Lund and Anne Trine Kjorholt (2007). Global Childhoods: Why Children? Why Now? Children’s Geographies, Special Issue, Volume 5, Nos. 1-2, pp. 1-181. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000). From Crib to Campus. Environment and Planning A, Volume 32, No. 4, pp. 577-654. Aitken, Stuart C. (1985). Behavioral Geography: Diversity and Directions. Ohio Geographers: Recent Research Themes, Volume 14, pp. 85-146. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 12 ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS Aitken, Stuart C. (2015). Montage Events as a Radical Ethical Act. Journal of Creative Geography. In review. Aitken, Stuart C. (2015). Do Apagamento à Revolução: O Direito da criança à Cidadania/Direito à Cidade (From Erasure to Revolution: Children’s Right to the Citizenship/Right to the City) Educação & Sociedade. Forthcoming. Aitken, Stuart C. and Li An (2012). Figured Worlds: Environmental complexity and affective ecologies in Fanjingshan, China. Ecological Modeling: An International Journal on Ecological Modeling and Systems Ecology, 229, 5-16. Aitken, Stuart C. (2012). Young Men’s Violence and Spaces of Addiction: Opening up the Locker Room. Social and Cultural Geography 13(2), 117-133. Giorgio Hadi Curti, Stuart C. Aitken, Fernando J Bosco and Denise Dixon Goerisch (2011). For not limiting emotional and affectual geographies: a collective critique of Steve Pile’s ‘Emotions and affect in recent human geography’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36(4), 590-591 Bosco, Fernando, Stuart C. Aitken and Tom Herman (2011). Women and Children in a Neighborhood Advocacy Group: Engaging Community and Refashioning Citizenship in a Border Town. Gender, Place and Culture, 18 (2), 155-178. Aitken, Stuart C. (2010). The Edge of the World: Embattled Leagues of Children and Seals Teeter on the Rim, Presidential Address, Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. 72, 12-32. Aitken, Stuart C. (2010) Not Bad for a Little Migrant Working Kid. Children’s Geographies. 8(4), 363-371. Aitken, Stuart C. and Vicky Plows (2010). Overturning assumptions about young people, border spaces and revolutions. Children’s Geographies. 8(4), 327-333. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Poetic Child Realism: Scottish Film and the Construction of Childhood. Scottish Geographical Journal, Vol. 123 (1), 68-86. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Desarrollo Integral y Fronteras/Integral Development & Borderspaces. Children’s Geographies, 5(1-2), 113-129. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007). Beyond Genres: Violence, Sex, Justice and Social Action. Aether: The Journal of Media Geographies 1, 8-12. Aitken, Stuart C., Anne Trine Kjorholt and Ragnhild Lund (2007). Why Children? Why Now? Children’s Geographies, 5 (1-2), 3-14. Aitken, Stuart C and Deborah Dixon (2006). Imagining Geographies of Film. Erkunde: Archiv Für Wissenschaftliche Geographie. Band 60, 326-336. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 13 Jennings, Joel, Stuart Aitken, Silvia Lopez Estrada and Adriana Fernandez (2006) Learning and Earning: Relational Scales of Children’s Work. Area 38 (3), 231-240. Aitken, Stuart C. (2006). Leading Men to Violence and Creating Spaces for their Emotions. Gender, Place and Culture. 13 (5), 491-507. Aitken, Stuart, Silvia Lopez Estrada, Joel Jennings and Lina Aguirre (2006), Reproducing Life and Labor: Global Processes and Working Children in Tijuana. Childhood. 13 (3), 365-367 Aitken, S.C. (2004). From Dismissals and Disciplinary Inclusions; From Block Politics to Panic Rooms. Children’s Geographies 2(2), 171-175 Craine, James and Stuart C. Aitken (2004). Street Fighting: Placing the Crisis of Masculinity in David Fincher’s Fight Club. GeoJournal 59, 289-296. Aitken, Stuart C. and Randi Marchant (2003). Memories and Miscreants: Tales of Teenage Terror in America. Children’s Geographies 1(2), 151-164. Aitken, Stuart C. (2003). Composing Identities: Films, Families and Racism. Journal of Geography, 102, 1-11. Aitken, Stuart C. and James Craine (2002). The Pornography of Despair: Lust, Desire and the Music of Matt Johnson. ACME, An International E-Journal for Critical Geographers. 1(1), 91-116. November 4, 2003: article downloaded 5,478 times by people from more than 70 different countries. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Playing with Children: Immediacy was Their Cry. Geographic Review 91, Nos. 1-2, 496-508. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Schoolyard Shootings: Racism, Sexism and Moral Panics over Teen Violence. Antipode. 33(4), 594-600. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Global Crises of Childhood: Rights, Justice and the Unchildlike Child. Area 33 (2), 119-127. Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Fielding Diversity and Moral Integrity. Journal of Ethics, Place and Environment, 4(2), 125-129. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000) Mothers, Communities and the Scale of Difference. Journal of Social and Cultural Geography, 1(1), 69-86. Aitken, Stuart C. and Janet Franklin (2000) In Retrospect: The Shaping of The Professional Geographer. The Professional Geographer 52 (4), 591-594. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000) Fathering and Faltering: “Sorry, but you don’t have the necessary accoutrements”. Environment and Planning A, 32, 4, 581-598. Aitken, Stuart C. (1999). Scaling the Light Fantastic: Geographies of Scale and the Web. Journal of Geography. 98, 118-127. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 14 Aitken, Stuart C. and Janet Franklin (1998). A Semicentennial Celebration: Placing The Professional Geographer. The Professional Geographer 50(1), 1-2. Aitken, Stuart C. and Tom Herman (1997). Gender, Power and Crib Geography: Transitional Spaces and Potential Places. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. 4(1), 63-88. Aitken, Stuart C. and Suzanne Michel (1995). Who Contrives the 'Real' in GIS?: Geographic Information, Planning and Critical Theory. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. 22(1), 17-29. Aitken, Stuart C. (1994). I'd Rather Watch the Movie than Read the Book. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. Vol. 18, No. 3, 291-307. Aitken, Stuart C. and Gerald Rushton (1993) Perceptual and Behavioral Theories in Practice. Progress in Human Geography. 17 (3), 378-88. Aitken, Stuart C. and Leo E. Zonn (1993) Weir(d) Sex: Representation of Gender-Environment Relations in Peter Weir's Picnic at Hanging Rock and Gallipoli. Environment and Planning D Society and Space, 11, 191-212. Aitken, Stuart C., Fred P. Stutz, Rudy Prosser and Rudy Chandler (1993) Neighborhood Integrity and Residents' Familiarity: Using a Geographic Information System to Investigate Place Identity. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. Vol. 84 (1), 2-13 Aitken, Stuart C. and Joan Wingate (1993). A Preliminary Study of the Self-Directed Photography of Middle-Class, Homeless, and Mobility-Impaired Children. The Professional Geographer. 45(1), 65-72. Aitken, Stuart C. (1992) Theory Development in Contemporary Behavioral and Perceptual Geography II: The Influence of Ecological, Environmental Learning, Societal/Structural, Transactional and Transformational Theories. Progress in Human Geography. 16(4), 553-562. Aitken, Stuart C. (1992) The Personal Contexts of Neighborhood Change. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. Vol. 9 (4), 339-60. Aitken, Stuart C. (1991) Theory Development in Contemporary Behavioral and Perceptual Geography I: Personality, Attitudinal, and Spatial Choice Theories. Progress in Human Geography. Vol. 15 (1), 53-67. Aitken, Stuart C. (1991) A Transactional Geography of the Image-Event: The Films of Scottish Director, Bill Forsyth. Transactions, Institute of British Geographers. New Series. Vol. 16 (1), 105-118. Aitken, Stuart C. and Rudy Prosser (1990) Residents' Spatial Knowledge of Neighborhood Continuity and Form. Geographical Analysis, Vol. 22 (4), 301-325. Aitken, Stuart C. (1990) Local Evaluations of Neighborhood Change. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Vol. 80 (2), 247-267. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 15 Aitken, Stuart C. and Tim J. Fik (1988) The Daily Journey to Work and Choice of Residence, The Social Science Journal, Vol. 25 (4), 463-475. Aitken, Stuart C. and Steve P. Ginsberg (1988) Children's Characterization of Place, Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Vol. 50, 67-84. Aitken, Stuart C. and Elaine Bjorklund (1988) Transactional and Transformational Theories in Behavioral Geography, The Professional Geographer, Vol. 40 (1), 54-64. Aitken, Stuart C. (1987) Evaluative Criteria and Social Distinctions Amongst Renters' Residential Search Procedures, The Canadian Geographer, Vol. 31 (2), 114-26. Aitken, Stuart C. (1987) Households Moving Within the Rental Sector: Mental Schemata and Search Spaces, Environment and Planning A, Vol. 19, 369-383. Aitken, Stuart C. (1986) A Phenomenology of Caving, The Canadian Caver, Vol. 18 (2), 26-29. Aitken, Stuart C. (1986) Behavioral Geography; Diversity and Directions (preface to selection of articles by behavioral geographers), Ohio Geographers: Recent Research Themes, Vol. 14, 85-88. Aitken, Stuart C. (1985) Behavioral Geography: Interviews on the Cutting Edge, Ohio Geographers: Recent Research Themes, Vol. 13, 3-22. Aitken, Stuart C. (1984) Normative Views and Ordering the Urban Milieu, The East Lakes Geographer, Vol. 19, 1-15. Aitken, Stuart C. (1983) Residential Cognition, Search, and Evaluation: a Humanistic Perspective and Empirical Validation, Ontario Geography, No. 21, 67-84. Aitken, Stuart C. (1981) Patrick Geddes: the Partial Remembered Legacy for Contemporary Planning, Ohio Geographers: Recent Research Themes, Vol. 9, 49-56. ARTICLES IN REFEREED PROCEEDINGS Aitken, Stuart (2000) A Quality Life for Young Children. In Quality of Life in Cities: Issues and Perspectives, Vol. 2. Singapore: School of Building and Real Estate. National University of Singapore, 283-293. Askov, David C., Fred P. Stutz, Stuart C. Aitken and Christa Stutz (1994) Freeway Alignment and Community Residents' Receptivity: A GIS Distance Buffering Application. Proceedings, GIS/LIS '94, 14-23. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 16 Prosser, Rudy and Stuart C. Aitken (1990) Analyzing Geographic Information Using Grid-based Spatial Autocorrelation Statistics and Directional Autoregression Models. Proceedings, GIS/LIS '90, 497-505. Aitken, Stuart C. and J. Sell (1989) People and Paradigms. In G. Hardie, R. Moore and H. Sanoff (Eds.) Changing Paradigms, Selected Papers and Proceedings of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 20, pp. 68-74. WI: Omnipress. Aitken, Stuart C. (1986) In Search of Rental Accommodation: Sequential Decision-Making Stages in Renters' Home Selection. In J. Wineman, R. Barnes and C. Zimring (eds.), The Cost of Not Knowing, Selected papers: Environment Design Research Association (EDRA) 17, 145-153. WI: Omnipress. Aitken, Stuart C. (1985) Renter Residential Evaluation: an Investigation in Cognition and Behavior, in L. Deshaies and R. Pelletier (eds.), Actes du Congres de L'Association Canadienne des Geographes, 347-365. DISCUSSION AND WORKING PAPERS Aitken, Stuart C. (1999) Play, Rights and Borders: Gender Bound Parents and Resisting the Social Construction of Childhood. Discussion Paper Series #99-04, Department of Geography, San Diego State University. Aitken, Stuart C. and Joan Wingate (1991) Street-Wise and Street Cries: A Study of Children in Urban Contexts. Discussion Paper Series #91-2, Department of Geography, San Diego State University. Aitken, Stuart C. (1988) Perceiving and Responding to Neighborhood Change: a Transactional Perspective. Discussion Paper Series #88-2, Department of Geography, San Diego State University. Aitken, Stuart C. and Elaine M. Bjorklund (1986) Imbalanced Environments and Search Behavior, Discussion Series. Working Paper #86-7, Department of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona. BOOK REVIEWS, REVIEW ESSAYS & RESPONSES Aitken, Stuart C. (2013) GO: On the Geographies of Gunnar Olsson. Edited by Christian Abrhamsson and Martin Gren. Farnham, England: Ashgate. Geographical Review, In Press Aitken, Stuart C. (2013) Families Apart: Migrant Mothers and the Conflicts of Labor and Love. By Geraldine Pratt. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis. Cultural Geographies. In Press. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 17 Aitken, Stuart C. (2012) Street Kids: Homeless Youth, Outreach, and Policing New York’s Street. By Kristina Gibson. NYU Press Reviewed by the Fall 2011 critical pedagogy seminar of San Diego State University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Youth and Space (ISYS) -- Lydia Wood, Sean Taughers, Audrey Porcella, Alicia Martinez, Elizabeth Kennedy, Katherine Keddell, Tawsea Contreras, Don Colley and Stuart Aitken. Children’s Geographies 10(4), Aitken, Stuart C. (2012) Investing in Kids: Early Childhood Programs and Local Economic Development, by Timothy J. Bartik. 2011. W.E. Upjohn Institute of Employment Research, Kalamazoo, Michigan. ISBN-13: 978-0-88099-372-2. Economic Development Quarterly, 26(3), 277-8. Aitken, Stuart C. (2012) The Tuning of Place: Sociable Spaces and Pervasive Digital Media, by Richard Coyne. 2010. Series: Computer Science and Intelligent Systems: Computers & Human Interaction. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 330 + xxviii. ISBN 9780-262-01391-8. Journal of Regional Science. 52(1), 157-8. Aitken, Stuart C. (2011) Patrick Geddes and town planning: a critical view, by Noah Hysler-Rubin, Abingdon, Routledge, 2011, 207 pp. £25 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-415-57867-7. In Planning Perspectives, Vol. 26, No, 4 pp. 689-691. Aitken, Stuart C. (2010) Bold Disciplinarianism, Experimentation and Failing Spectacularly. Children’s Geographies. 8 (2), 219-220 Aitken, Stuart C. (2009) Children, Place and Identity: Nation and locality in middle childhood. Jonathan Scourfield, Bella Dicks, Mark Drakefors and Andrew Davies. Children’s Geographies 8(1), 85-87. Aitken, Stuart C. (2009) Situating the Text. Review Essay on Social Geography: A Critical Introduction by Vincent Del Casino Social and Cultural Geography 11(6) Aitken, Stuart C. (2008) The End of Capitalism as George W. Bush and his Dad Knew it: A review essay on Julia and Kathy Gibson-Graham’s A PostCapitalist Politics. Reviewed by the Fall 2007 critical pedagogy seminar of San Diego State University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Youth and Space (ISYS) -- Giorgio Curti, Philip Stephens, Emily Powers, Ryan Goode, Fernando Bosco, Sean Crotty, Stuart Aitken, Chris Moreno, Will Anderson, Jon Rossiter and Dominic Abbenante. In Emotion, Space and Society 1(2) 145-147. Aitken, Stuart C. (2007) The World’s Youth. Bradford Brown, Reed Larson and T.S. Saraswathi (editors). In Children, Youth and Environment. E-journal Aitken, Stuart, Elizabeth Gagen, Mike Kesby, Sarah Radcliffe, Sue Ruddick and Tracey Skelton (2006). Author Meets Critics: A Review Essay (and Response) on Cindi Katz’s Growing Up Global. In Social and Cultural Geography, 7(6), 1011-1022. Aitken, Stuart C. (2006) Extensible Space. Paul Adams. In Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 96(4), 837-839. Aitken, Stuart C. Children in the City: Home Neighbourhood and Community. Edited by Pia Christensen and Margaret O’Brien. In Progress in Human Geography. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 18 Aitken, Stuart C. (2003) Geographies of Play: A Response to the Review of Geographies of Young People: The Morally Contested Spaces of Identity In Children, Youth and Environment, Vol 13, No, 2. Aitken, Stuart C. (2003) Cyberkids. Edited by Sarah Holloway and Gill Valentine. In Children’s Geographies. 1(2), 305-306. Aitken, Stuart C. (2003) Engaging Film; Geographies of Mobility and Identity. Edited by Tim Creswell and Deborah Dixon. In Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 93(3), 771-773. Aitken, Stuart C. (2002) Working Families: The Transformation of the American Home. Edited by Rosanna Hertz and Nancy L. Marshall. In Urban Studies: An International Journal for Research in Urban and Regional Studies. 40 (3). Aitken, Stuart C. (2001). Scotland and Nationalism: Scottish Society and Politics 1707 to the Present. By Christopher Harvie. In National Identities 2(2), 198-200. Aitken, Stuart C (2000). Feminist Film Theory: A Reader. Edited by Sue Thornham. In Gender, Place and Culture 7(4), 458-9. Aitken, Stuart C. (2000). Queer Sites. Edited by David Higgs. In Urban Studies: An International Journal for Research in Urban and Regional Studies 37, 4. 817-819. Aitken, Stuart C. (1999). Cities of Difference. Edited by Ruth Fincher and Jane M. Jacobs. In The Professional Geographer. 51(3), 471-2. Aitken, Stuart C. (1999). The Crowded Prairie: American National Identity in the Hollywood Western. By Michael Coyne. In Progress in Human Geography 32(1), 139-141 Aitken, Stuart C. (1999). Left Behind in Rosedale: Race Relations and the Collapse of Community Institutions. By Scott Cummings. In Environment and Planning A.31(3), 569570. Aitken, Stuart C. (1999) Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places. By Ed Soja. Oxford: Blackwell. In the Geographical Review. 88(1), 148-151. Aitken, Stuart C. (1998) The Cinematic City. Edited by David Clarke. London: Routledge. In Progress in Human Geography, 22(1), 139-40. Aitken, Stuart C. (1998) Young and Homeless in Hollywood: Mapping Social Identities. London: Routledge, by Susan M. Ruddick. 1996. In the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, pp. 171-175. Aitken, Stuart C. (1997) Contesting the Mobilized Virtual Gaze: A Review of Anne Friedberg’s Window Shopping: Cinema and the Postmodern. In Environment and Planning A: Society and Space. 15, 113-126. Aitken, Stuart C. (1997) Into the Image: Culture and Politics in the Field of Vision. London: Routledge, by Kevin Robins, 1996. In Progress in Human Geography, 21(3) Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 19 Aitken, Stuart C. (1994) Back to the Jungle: Community and Everyday Life in Back of the Yards Chicago, by Tom Jablonsky. In The Journal of Political Geography, 13(6), 568-72. Aitken, Stuart C. (1992) Natural Landscape Amenities and Suburban Growth, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, by C. Mueller-Wille, 1990. In The Professional Geographer, 44(2), 238-9. Aitken, Stuart C. (1991) Place Images in Media, by Leo Zonn (editor), Savage, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1990. In Environment and Behavior, 23(4), 520-3. Aitken, Stuart C. and Joan Wingate (1990) The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective, by R. Kaplan, and S. Kaplan, 1989. In Environment and Behavior, 22(5), 717-9. Aitken, Stuart C. (1989) Conference Report: Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA). In The Professional Geographer, 41(4), 490-492. Aitken, Stuart C. (1989) Spatial Autocorrelation: A Primer, by D. Griffith, 1987, Resource Publication in Geography, AAG, Washington, DC. In The Professional Geographer, 510-511. Aitken, Stuart C. (1988) Behavioural Modelling in Geography and Planning, by R.G. Golledge and R.J. Stimson (editors.), 1988, Croom Helm, in Environment and Behavior, 495-498. Aitken, Stuart C. (1988) Analytical Behavioural Geography, by R.G. Golledge and R.J. Stimson, 1987, Croom Helm. In The Journal of Regional Science, 433-435. Aitken, Stuart C. (1988) Statistical Methods for Geographers, by W.A.V. Clark and P.L. Hosking, 1986, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. In The Annals of Regional Science, 140-142. Aitken, Stuart C. (1985) The Meaning of the Built Environment: a nonverbal communication approach by Amos Rapoport, 1982, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, in Ontario Geography, Vol. 27, 85-87. PROFESSIONAL REPORTS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Aitken, Stuart C. and Tom Herman (2009). UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence Italy. Final Report. “Literature Review on Qualitative Methods and Standards for Engaging and Studying Independent Children in the Developing World.” Aitken, Stuart C. and Doreen Mattingly (1999) National Science Foundation Final Report, Grant SES-97-32469 “Young People’s Geographies/The Geographies of Young People” Aitken, Stuart C. (1997) National Science Foundation Final Report, Grant SES-91193062 "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 20 Aitken, Stuart C. (1995) National Science Foundation Yearly Report, Grant SES-91193062 "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Aitken, Stuart C. (1994) National Science Foundation Yearly Report, Grant SES-91193062 "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Aitken, Stuart C. (1993) National Science Foundation Yearly Report, Grant SES-91193062 "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Aitken, Stuart C. (1992) National Science Foundation Yearly Report, Grant SES-91193062 “Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Stutz, Fred P. and Stuart C. Aitken (1990) Neighborhood Character, Community Disruption for Route 125/54 Middle Section. Final Report RFP 11B731. California Department of Transportation. Aitken, Stuart C., Jim L. Sell and Jeremy Browning (1989) People and Paradigms. Video-taped Interviews with Some of the Pioneers of Environment/Behavior/Design Research, Media Technology Services, San Diego State University. Aitken, Stuart C. and Bernadette Ungar (1981) A Relocation Strategy: Mary Manor Apartments, McClean Apartments, Lenton Heights Apartments. The Relocation Division, Department of Housing and Community Development, Baltimore, Maryland, 1981. Aitken, Stuart C. (1981) Population Characteristics and Land Use, in N. Greenslade (ed.), A Plan For The Fairfield Parks and Recreation Department. Department of Geography, Miami University, 3-9. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 21 PRESENTATIONS KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Invited Keynote Lecture, ‘Locked-in-Place: Children’s Rights and (Im)mobilities’. Erased Week symposium. Ljubljana, February 27, 2014. Invited Keynote Address, ‘Young People Crossing Borders: Globally Positioned or Cast Adrift’, rd 3 International Children’s Geographies Conference, Singapore, July 11, 2012 Invited Keynote Speaker, ‘Bordered and Bounded‘, International Graduate Conference, Spaces of (Dis)location, Glasgow, May 24- 25, 2012. Annual McConnell Keynote Lecture, ‘Geography at the Edge of the World,’ Miami University, February 22, 2011 Inaugural Distinguished Lecturer in Human Geography, ‘Geography at the Edge of the World,’ Simon Fraser University, Sept 30, 2010 Presidential Address ‘The Edge of the World: Embattled Leagues of Children and Seals Teeter on the Rim,’ The Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, October 3, 2009. Keynote Address, ‘Fa(r)ther Down the Road,’ Centenary of the Department of Geography, Glasgow University, August 21, 2009. Keynote Address, ‘The Awkward Spaces of Fathering,’ 1st International Conference on Geographies Children, Youth and Families, University of Reading, Sept 17, 2007 Keynote Address ‘The Unappeased Craving: An Emotional Mapping of Western Cinematic Landscapes’ Flickering Landscapes: Cinematic Representations of the West. Conference. Moab, Utah, May 2007. The John Wiley Keynote Address, ‘Global Childhoods’. Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario, June 2005 Keynote Paper, ‘The Geography of Cinema – a Cinematic World.’ Geography of Film Symposium, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany, May 2004 (with Deborah Dixon). Keynote Address ‘Geographies of Young People: Under Moral Assault’ Inter-Disciplinary Conference, Child and Families 2000: Bridging Research and Practice. University of Kentucky, Dec. 1-2, 2000. Keynote Lecture ‘Maladjusted Geographies: Warriors, Women and Wayward Children’ Kent State University, Ohio. Geography Awareness Week, November, 1999. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 22 PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS ‘Human-Environment Relations, Environmental Discourses and Development’. Paper presented at Fejtschrift Symposium and book launch in Celebration of Ragnhild Lund’s work, Trondheim, Norway, March 2014. ‘Contriving Statelessness: The Children of Slovenia’s Izbrisani’. Paper presented at Ecologies of Protest Symposium. Durham University, January 2014. ‘The “Right to the Internet” is a Right to the City: Public Spheres, Virtual Commons and Social Movements Online and in the Streets’ (with Don Colley). Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 2013 ‘Experimental Ethnographic Mappings and Landscape Visualizations: Geographies of Crisis and Care in Fanjingshan Reserve’, China. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 2013 ‘The Most Violent Vibrations Between Hope and Fear’, Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012 ‘Deep Emotional Mappings and the Ethnopoetics of Space’. National Endowment of the Humanities Workshop on The Spatial Humanities convened by Trevor Harris, David Bodenhamer and John Corrigan, Denver, March 2012 ‘Border Movements and Refashioning Citizenship’ Paper presented at the International Geographic Congress’ Regional Meeting, Santiago, Chile, November 2011. ‘Border Movements: Migrating Across the Lifecourse’ Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April 2011 ‘Development Theory, Marginalized Populations, and Participatory Mapping’ Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association for the Advancement of American Science, Washington DC. February 2011 “Embattled Leagues of Children and Seals Teeter on the Edge of the World” (with David Lulka) paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, April 2010. “The Edge of the World: Embattled Leagues of Children and Seals Teeter on the Rim,” Presidential Address presented at the Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, San Diego, October 2009 “Networks of Blood” (with Jim Craine) Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March 2009. “Methodological Issues in Studying Independent Child Migrants in Developing World Contexts” (with Tom Herman and Chris Moreno) Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March 2009. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 23 “Becoming Child/Adult: Other – Bodies and Media as Networks-at-Play” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March 2009. “The Inevitability Fathering” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Fairbanks, Alaska, October 2008. “Father Along the Road: Emotional Mappings of Father/Child Transitions and Correspondences” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, March 2008. “Beyond Landscape: Cinematic Contortions and Geographic Illusions” (with Deborah Dixon) Geography and the Humanities Symposium. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, June 2007. "A Kid has a Right to Speak to Anybody They Want to in the World": Children as Institutional Brokers in a Border Community” (with Fernando Bocso). Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, April 2007 “Fathering and Home Spaces.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, April 2007 “A kid has a right to speak to anybody they want in the world”: Latin American children as language and culture brokers in a border community. Paper presented at Norwegian Research Seminar Children as ‘new citizens’ and the ‘best interest of the child’ – Challenges to contemporary democracies. National Center for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway, December 2006. ‘The Secret of Children’s Pool: Child/Nature Relations in the Context of La Jolla’s Seal Beach’ Paper presented at Norwegian Seminar on Representations of Children and Childhood in the Globalized World, The Finnmarken Cruise Ship, October, 2006 (with David Lulka). ‘Shared Places,’ Paper presented at Norwegian PhD Conference, National Center for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway, May 2006. ‘Children Crossing Borders,’ Paper presented at Norwegian PhD Conference, National Center for Child Research, Trondheim, Norway, May 2006. ‘Children as Language and Culture Brokers’ Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of American Geographers, Chicago, April 2006 (with Fernando Bosco) ‘Children’s play, Children’s Uses of Space, and Children’s Time’ Paper presented and facilitation of discussion at Children’s Cultures and Children’s Cultural Worlds: An Interdisciplinary Workshop. The University of Houston, Feb 2-4, 2006. ‘Deleuzians in Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Requiem for a Dream’’ Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, Phoenix, October 2005. ‘Jóvenes Atravesando Fronteras.’ Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of American Geographers, Denver, April 2005. ‘Children’s Work in Tijuana‘ Fourth International Meeting of Critical Geographers, Mexico City, January 2005. (with Joel Jennings and Silvia Lopez) Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 24 ‘Street Fighting: Habitus and the crisis of masculinity in Fight Club’ Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, San Luis Obispo, Sept. 2004 (with Jim Craine) ‘The Stoic Heart of Men Through Cinematic Spaces of Violence’ Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, San Luis Obispo, Sept. 2004 ‘Reproducing Life and Labour: Working Children in Tijuana, Mexico’ Children’s Geographies Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland August 2004, (with Silvia López, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte) ‘Geographies of Film” Invited plenary paper at the Geography of Film Symposium, Mainz, Germany (with Debbie Dixon), June 2004 ‘Masculinity, Emotion and Cinematic Spaces of Violence’ Geography of Film Symposium, Mainz, Germany, June 2004 ‘Construction Construction of Place vs. Construction of Knowledge: GIS and Qualitative Research’ Newbury Library Conference on Cartographic History & GIS, Chicago, April 2004 (with Mei - Po Kwan) ‘Male Hysteria, Violence and the Spaces of David Fincher’s Fight Club. Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, 2004. ‘Earning a Living: A Case Study of Children’s Work in Tijuana’ (with Joel Jennings) Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, 2004. ‘Street Fighting: Habitus and the Crisis of Masculinity in Fight Club’ (with Jim Craine) Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, 2004. ‘Construction of Place vs. Construction of Knowledge,’ (with Mei-Po Kwan). NEH workshop on History and Geography: Assessing the Role of Geographical Information in Historical Scholarship. The Newbury Library, Chicago, 2004. ‘Clarity, Communication and the Hierarchical Ordering of Space’ (with Joel Jennings) Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, March 20, 2003 ‘Clarity, Rights and Children’s Spaces of Discipline’ (with Joel Jennings) Annual Conference of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, San Bernardino, Sept 2002 ‘Soundscapes of Lust & Despair’ (with Jim Craine) Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 2002. ‘The Pornography of Despair: Lust, Desire, and the Music of Matt Johnson’ (with Jim Craine), Annual Conference of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Santa Barbara, Sept 2001. ‘Justice and the Crisis of Childhood’ Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2001. ‘Playing with Children: Social Reproduction and the Immediacy of Fieldwork’ Annual Conference of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Arcata, Sept 2000 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 25 ‘Science Fiction Cities and Men from Space’ Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, April 2000. ‘A Quality Life for Children’ Second International Conference on Quality of Life. Singapore, March 5-8, 2000. ‘Fear, Loathing and Space for Children’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Royla Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers, Sussex University, January 2000. ‘Play, Rights and Justice: Resisting the Social Construction of Childhood’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, March 1999. ‘Urban Geography’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, March 1999 (with Don Mitchell and Lynn Staeheli). ‘Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography: Contrasting Approaches to Psychological Geography.’ Panelist. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, March 1998. ‘Public Mothering’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, March 1998. ‘Male Hysteria, Scale, and the Fractal Geographies of Patriarchy (with Chris Lukinbeal). Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, March 1998. ‘News from the Trenches: The Neighborhood Lives of 10-12 Year-Olds’ (with Tom Herman). Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Institute of British Geographers, Guilford, January, 1998. ‘Male Hysteria, Scale and the Fractal Geographies of Patriarchy’ Paper presented at the first annual conference of critical geography, Vancouver, Canada, August 1997. ‘Male Hysteria and Geographies of the Road’ (with Chris Lukinbeal) Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Fort Worth, April 1997. ‘Grafting GIS onto Social Issues: Ethnography and Spatial Analysis’ (with Pauline Longmire) Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Fort Worth, April 1997. ‘Men’s Place in the Home: Telecommuting and Changing Gender Roles’ (with Matt Carroll). Specialist Meeting of the NCGIA on Technologies and the Spatial Structures of Cities, Baltimore, September 1996. ‘Critically Assessing Change: Rethinking Space, Time and Scale Relations’ Paper presented at Specialist meeting of GISDATA, Nafplion, Greece, May 1996. ‘Putting Parents in Their Place’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996. ‘Critique of “The Desert is No Lady” by Jan Monk’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 26 ‘Critique of “Homeless in Hollywood” by Sue Ruddick’ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996 ‘Encountering justice in public space’ (with Tom Herman) Society for Philosophy and Geogrpahy Western Regional Meeting, Seattle, April 1996. ‘Just Passing Through: Virtual Tourism, Justice and “Informatics”’ (with Andrea Westersund). Specialist Meeting of the NCGIA, Initiative 19 (GIS and Social Theory). Annadale, Minneapolis, May 1996. 'Gender, Power and Crib Geography: From Transitional Spaces to Potential Places (with TA. Herman). Paper to be presented at the 'Building Identities' conference, Amsterdam, March 1995) 'Diaper Determinism: Newborns, Gendered Geographies and Postmodern Families' Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March 1994. 'Planning, Geographic Information and Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action' (with S. Michel) Meetings of the Western Regional Science Association, Tucson, February, 1994. 'Contriving the Real through GIS Representations' (with S. Michel) NCGIA Workshop on Social Theory and GIS, Friday Harbor, Washington, November 1993. 'From Raptors to Rhetoric' (with S. Michel), Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, Berkeley, CA, September, 1994. 'Of Mice and Pelicans: Symbolic Landscapes, Gender and Australia's Storm Boy' (with L.E. Zonn) Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, Georgia, Spring 1993. 'Masculine Identity and Landscape: The Making of Men in Australian Narrative Cinema' (with L.E. Zonn) Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers, Royal Hollaway, Egham, England, January 1993. 'Weir(d) Gender' (with L.E. Zonn) Meetings of the Association of Canadian Geographers, Vancouver BC, Spring 1992. 'The Children's Geographies of San Diego Project: Square-Peg Children and Round-Hole Environments, Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Diego, Spring 1992. 'The Context of Change in Households after the Birth of a Child' (with Timothy J. Fik). Meetings of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Tucson, Arizona, Fall 1991. 'Perception and Cognition of Local Water Resources and Water Conservation Behavior' (with J. Wingate), Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Miami, Florida, 1991. 'Community Disruption, Social Impact Assessment, and Route Placement: A California Beltway' (with F.P. Stutz), Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Miami, Florida, 1991. 'Analyzing Geographic Information Using Grid-based Spatial Autocorrelation Statistics and Directional Autoregression Models' (with R. Prosser), Annual GIS/LIS meetings, Fall 1990. 'Investigating the Structure of Neighborhood Cognition through Familiarity and Experiential Surfaces' (with R. Prosser, R. Chandler and F. Stutz), Advanced Workshop of the IGUCommission on Mathematical Models, Boston, Fall 1990. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 27 'Street Wise or Street Cries: The Empowerment of Children in Urban Environments', Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Fall 1990. 'Geography and Literature', Children's Literature Association, 17th Annual International Conference. San Diego, June, 1990. 'A Transactional Geography of the Image Event: The Films of Scottish Director Bill Forsyth', Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Toronto, Canada, 1990. 'Using a Geographic Information System to Document and Analyze Neighborhood Cognition' (with Rudy Prosser), Annual Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers, Loughborough, England, January 1990. 'People and Paradigms' (with Jim Sell), Meetings of the Environmental Design Research Association, Black Mountain, N. Carolina, 1989. 'Using a Geographic Information System to Document and Analyze Place Identity' (with Rudy Prosser), Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Baltimore, Maryland, 1989. 'Human Environment and Behavioral/Planning Responses to Growth and Change', Plenary Session entitled 'Paradise Under Review: Growth and Development of the San Diego Metropolis', Western Regional Science Association, San Diego, 1989. 'Evaluation of Concept-Slippage in the Implementation of Environment-Behavior-Design Research', XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, 1988. 'Contextual Elements in the Perception of Neighborhood Change', 26th Congress of the International Geographical Union, Sydney, Australia. 'The Impact of Donald Appleyard and Kevin Lynch on Planning and Urban Design in San Diego, California: Evaluating Concept Slippage in the Implementation of Environment-Behavior-Design Research' (with L.R. Ford, P.R. Pryde and F.P. Stutz), 26th Congress of the International Geographical Union, S11 Pre-Congress Environmental Perceptions and Resource Management Study Group Meetings, Perth, Australia. 'Neighborhood Continuity and Change: Theoretical and Applied Developments', Annual Meeting, Environmental Design Research Association, Pomona, California, 1988. 'Contemporary Research in Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography' (with S. Cutter, K. Foote, and J. Sell), Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1988. 'Perceiving and Responding to Neighborhood Change: a Transactional Perspective', Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988. 'Measuring Human Responses to Neighborhood Change', Annual Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers, Loughborough, England, January 1988. 'The Characterization of Children's Environments' (with S. Ginsberg, San Diego State University), Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, September 1987. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 28 'The Tyranny of Time and Location: Behavioral Potential in the Urban Environment in Terms of Transit Accessibility and Residential Mobility' (with Tim Fik, U. of Arizona), Environmental Design Research Association, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1987. 'Intra-Urban Mobility: Constraints, Choice and Control' (with T. Fik, U. of Arizona), Association of American Geographers, Portland, Oregon, April 1987. 'Imbalanced Environments and Spatial Search', Association of American Geographers, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, May 1986. 'In Search of Rental Accommodation', Environmental Design Research Association, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1985. 'Renter Residential Evaluation; an investigation in cognition and behavior', Canadian Association of Geographers, Trois Rivieres, Quebec, June 1985. 'Sequential Search Stages in the Rental Housing Market', Association of American Geographers, Detroit, Michigan, April 1985. 'Mental Schemata, Search Spaces, and Households Moving Within the Rental Sector', Joint Meeting of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Association of American Geographers, Waterloo, Ontario, November 1984. 'Renter Residential Evaluation at an Incipient State of Spatial Search' Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC, April 1984. 'Normative Views and Ordering the Urban Milieu' East Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1983. INVITED COLLOQUIA ‘Locked-in-Place: The Children of Slovenia’s Izbrisani’. Paper presented to the UNICEF Innocenti Program, Florence, Italy, April 2014. ‘Locked-in-Place: The Children of Slovenia’s Izbrisani’. Public Lecture organized by the Center for Study of Youth and Adolescence, Niocosia, Cyprus April 2014. ‘Locked-in-Place: Children’s Rights and (Im)mobilities’. Paper presented to the Humanities Faculty, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, March 2014. ‘Unaccompanied Minors: Negotiating Relational Borderland.’ Paper presented to the Humanities Faculty, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, January 2014. ‘The Work and Place of Children,’ paper presented at ISTEP/CGA workshop, July 3, 2013 ‘Maps, Stories and Google Earth,’ paper presented at Teacher’s Workshop, SDSU, June, 13, 2013 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 29 ‘Imagining US National Parks’ paper presented to Communist Party delegates, Jaingkou, Guizhou Province, China ‘Mobile and Affective Childhoods‘ paper presented at the University of Texas, Austin, November 2012. st Geography in the 21 Century’. Presentation at CGA/ISTEP Summer Institute. June 2012 ‘San Diego Geographic Research Landscapes’. Presentation at the Literacy and Geography Conference. Greater San Diego Reading Association. October 2011 ‘Controlling Wild Things through Urban Design: When Nature and Children Collide’. Paper presented at SLU, Alnarp, Sweden, June 2011 ‘The Most Violent Vibrations Between Hope and Fear’ Paper presented as part of panel on The Right to Stay Put book at UC Santa Barbara’s Politics of Place series, February 2011. ‘Ethnopoetry and geography’, Paper presented at Simon Fraser University, Sept 29, 2010 ‘The Awkward Spaces of Fathering’ Paper presented to the Department of Geography, UCLA, May 2009. ‘The Awkward Spaces of Fathering’ Paper presented to the Department of Geography, USC, April 2009. ‘Geographic Thinking with Imagery,’ Paper presented at the Geography Department, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, January 2009. ‘Participatory Approaches 1: A Geographer at Play with Children,’ Paper presented NOSEB, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, January 2009. ‘Participatory Approaches 2: The Poetics of Becoming Other Paper,’ presented NOSEB, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, January 2009. ‘Scaling the Light Fantastic,’ Paper presented at the Geography Department, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, February 2009. ‘The Contested Status of GIS in Human Geography,’ Paper presented at the Geography Department, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, February 2009. ‘Ways of Knowing,’ Paper presented NOSEB, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, January 2009 ‘The Awkward Spaces of Fathering’ Paper presented to the Sloan Institute for the Study of Children and Families, UCLA, September 2008. ‘The Awkward Spaces of Fathering (and the Poetics of Becoming Other)’ Paper presented as part of the Geography Department’s Colloquia Series, University of Wales, Aberystwyth., June 2008. The Unappeased Craving: An Emotional Mapping of Western Cinematic Landscapes. ‘Mixed Methods, Part 3: Ten-Year Ethnographies and Two-Minute Videos’ Paper presented as part of the Geography Department’s Colloquia Series, Norwegian National technical University, Trondheim, May 2008. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 30 ‘Throwntogetherness.’ Paper given at the Beyond the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide Symposium at Louisiana State University, April 2007. ‘Jóvenes y la Frontera Portátil / Young People and the Portable Border: Stories from Lower and Upper California’ Paper presented at the University of Washington’s Geography Colloquia Series, November 2006 ‘Ways of Knowing and Ways of Doing in Geography’ Paper presented at the National Technological University of Norway, Trondheim, June 2006. ‘Children Crossing Borders’ Paper presented at Cambridge University, England, May 2006. ‘Ways of Knowing and Ways of Doing in Geography’ Paper presented at Pennsylvania State University, January 2006. ‘Global Childhoods’ Geography Department Colloquia Series, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, February 2005 ‘Leading Men to Violence and Creating Spaces for their Emotions’ Geography of Film Symposium, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany, May 2004. ‘Apprehending Young People: Terror Tales and Secure Spaces’ Paper presented at the symposium on ‘Representing Children,’ Children’s National Researcher Center (NOSEB), Trondheim, Norway, April 2003 ‘Children’s Geographies as a Moral Issue’ Paper presented at the Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, October, 2002 “A Geographer at Play with Children’ Paper presented to the Department of Geography, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, November 2001 “Indifferent Spaces, Private Places and Schoolyard Shootings: The Moral Assault on Children” Paper presented at the Department of Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, November 2001. ‘Geographies of Young People: The Morally Contested Space of Identity’ Paper presented at the Department of Geography, The University of Dundee, Scotland, Dec. 14, 2000. ‘Under Moral Assault: Critical Geographies of Young People’ Paper presented at the Colloquia Series of the Department of Geography, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 29, 2000. ‘Family Fantasies and Community Space’ University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Geography colloquia series. April 16, 1999. ‘Playing with Borders: Social Constructions of Childhood’ Department Child and Family Development colloquia series, San Diego State University, March 1999. ‘Engaging Children’s Geographies’ Paper presented at Southern California’s Geographic Alliance Summer Institute, July 1998 ‘Playing with Gender’ Paper presented and workshop facilitator at the Finding a Way summer institute for high-school educators, July 1997 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 31 ‘Putting Parents in Their Place: Mythic Geographies of Family and Community’. Paper presented at the Department of Geography, University of Santa Barbara, November 1995. 'Living in a Man-Made World'. Paper presented to the 'California Women and Environmental Design' (CWED) Group, San Diego, April 1994. ‘Towards a Re-Presentation of Geography’ Paper presented at the University of Edinburgh, Nov. 1993. 'Old Songs with New Melodies: Investigating Neighborhood Cognition and Community Integrity', paper presented the joint seminar series of the Departments of Geography and Planning, University of Strathclyde, February, 1993. 'Re-presenting the Place Pastiche: Towards a Geography of Film', variations of this paper presented at: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) The University of Southern California, Department of Geography, October 1992; The University of Edinburgh, Department of Geography, January 1993; The University of Glasgow, Department of Geography, February 1993; Oxford University, School of Geography, "Place and Culture" Seminar Series, February 1993; The University of Southampton, Department of Geography, February 1993 McMasters University, March 1993; The University of Western Ontario, March 1993; San Diego State University, October 1993; University of Colorado at Boulder, October 1993. 'Environmental Knowing' paper presented as part of "San Diego Week" at the University of California, Santa Barbara, April 1991. 'Old Songs with New Melodies: Investigating Neighborhood Cognition', paper presented at the University of Arizona, Department of Geography and Regional Development's Colloquium Series, January 1991. 'Children's Geographies of San Diego, Part II', paper presented as part of the Burnett Institute Discussion Series, September 1991. 'Spaces and Places for Children', paper presented at the Children's Museum of San Diego, June 1990. 'Children's Geographies of San Diego', paper presented as part of the Burnett Institute Discussion Series, April 1990. 'Local Evaluations of Neighborhood Identity and Change', paper presented at the University of California at Los Angeles, October 1989. 'Perception Studies and Planning', paper presented at the University of North Carolina, Department of Geography, March 1989. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 32 'Transactions and Transformations: Understanding Person/Environment Dynamics', paper presented at Arizona State University, The Associated Students and Geography Graduates' Colloquia Series, November 1987. 'Renter Residential Search and Choice Behavior', paper presented at San Diego State University, Department of Geography, April 1986. 'Modeling Residential Search Behavior: an application of George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory', paper presented at the University of Arizona, Department of Psychology's Guest Speaker Series, November 1985. 'Housing Vacancy Evaluation: an Application of Micro-Computer Technology', paper presented at the University of Arizona, Department of Geography and Regional Development's Colloquium Series, September 1985. 'Is There a Behavioral Geography Out There?' paper presented at Miami University, Ohio, Department of Geography's Guest Speaker Series, June 1985. 'Looking for a Fertile Furrow to Sow the Seeds of Behavioral Geography', paper presented at Miami University, Ohio, Department of Geography's Presentation Series, February 1985. 'Renter Residential Search: a Preliminary Investigation', paper presented at the University of Quebec at Montreal, May 1983. 'The Historical Development of Glasgow, Scotland,' paper presented at the University of Western Ontario, Department of Geography's Presentation Series, September 1981. RESEARCH GRANTS, CONTRACTS AND COMPETITIVELY AWARDED PROFESSIONAL LEAVES Current and Past 05/13-05/15 National Geographic for support of California Geographical Association, $160,000/year 08/12-07/16 National Science Foundation, Population and Community Ecology Cluster . “A Study of Human-Nature Complexities in Fanjingshan Preserve, China.” National Science Foundation DEB - 1212183 (with Li An, Xiaodong Chen, MinJaun Wang, Richard Bilsborrow Rebecca Lewison and Doug Stow, ~ $1,300,000). 11/11-06/12 TKF Foundation National Open Spaces Sacred Places Award Planning Grant Project Title: The Space Within (with Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando Bosco, $62, 084) 09/11-03/12 Chancellor’s Pre-Doctoral Scholar/Faculty Mentor Program (with Sam Cortez, ~ $10,000) Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 33 06/10-09/10 Organization and Facilitation of Roundtable Discussion on Migration and Dislocation Global Conference on Child Rights, 20 years after the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Addis Ababa (UNICEF, ~ $10,000) 06/08-09/08 Qualitative Methods and Independent Child Migrants UNICEF Innocent Program, Florence, Italy (with Tom Herman, ~$10,000) 09/08-09/09 Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar/Faculty Mentor Program, (with Sam Cortez, ~ $15,000) 06/08–08/08 ‘Mapping North American Youth Cultures’ (with Dr. Tom Herman and Dr. Fernando Bosco, through the ISYS Center. Canadian Embassy. $13,861) 09/06 – 09/09 Evaluation of Children’s After School Programs’ San Diego County (Dr. Tom Herman, through the ISYS Center ~ $150,000)* 09/06 – 09/07 Evaluation of South Bay Community Service (Dr. Tom Herman, through the ISYS Center ~ $100,000)* 09/06-12/06 CSU Sabbatical Leave (competitively awarded). 03/04-03/05 NTNU Research Award for an International Workshop “The Global Child” ($80,000KRN with Anne Trine Kjørholt and Ragnhild Lund) 09/02-09/03 Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholar/Faculty Mentor Program, (with Joel Jennings, ~ $15,000) 03/02-11/03 National Science Foundation, BCS-0202100, Dissertation Support Grant “Social Causes of Bison Distribution” (with David Lulka $6,526) 01/00-6/00 CSU Sabbatical Leave (competitively awarded) 01/98-12/98 National Science Foundation, SES 97-32469 “Young People’s Geographies/The Geographies of Young People” ($29,753, with Doreen Mattingly) 01/97 SDSU Foundation Grant-in-Aid. “Geographies of/with Children” ($7,533) 07/96 CSU College of Arts and Letters Summer Fellowship ($4,000) 01/96 - 06/96 CSU College of Arts and Letters Semester Leave 01/96 - 07/96 National Science Foundation, SES-9113062. "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant (REU 5-22527) ($5,000) 07/94 National Science Foundation, SES-9641143. "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" Extension Grant ($5,000) Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 34 07/91 - 12/96 National Science Foundation, SES-9113062. "Evaluating Change in Behavioral Potential: A Study of Households with Young Children in San Diego, California" ($92,513) 01/93 – 06/93 CSU Sabbatical Leave (competitively awarded) 07/90 - 08/90 SDSU Research Grant. "The Application of Auto-photographic Techniques to the Study of Children-Environment Transactions" ($483) 08/90 - 01/91 California Department of Transportation. "Neighborhood Character and Community Disruption" (with F.P. Stutz) ($27,895) 01/90 - 06/90 CSU Research Grant. "Children's Environmental and Geographic Experiences in an Urban Setting" ($4,460) 07/89 - 07/90 June Burnett Institute. "Children's Geographies of San Diego" ($3,300) 01/89 - 06/89 CSU Semester Leave. "Creating Geographic Data" 09/88 - 12/88 SDSU Research Grant. "People and Paradigms" ($488) 08/88 National Research Council Travel Grant to attend IGC in Sydney, Australia ($1,000) 06/88 - 08/88 SDSU Research Grant, "Using GIS Analyze Residents' Cognition" ($500) 06/87 SDSU Summer Research Grant, "A Multiple-Sorting Technique for Identifying Change" ($500) 01/87 - 01/88 SDSU Grant-in-Aid, "Measuring Human Responses to Neighborhood Change" ($1,600) *these programs pay for ISYS staff and a full-time GA/TA working on children and family research issues for the geography department OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATION IN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS • The Association of American Geographers (AAG), 1982-present. • Elected National Councilor, July 2014-June 2017 • Chair, Publications Committee, July 2014-June2017 ! Nominations Committee Chair (elected position to garner a slate of names for Vice-President, President and National Councilors of the Association of American Geographers), 2010-2011. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 35 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! • • • • • • • • • Editorial Board, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2006-2010 Regional Councilor, June 2004-2007 Co-Chair, Qualitative Methods Specialty group (AAG), April 2001- April 2003. Editor, The Professional Geographer, June 1997 – July 2000. Chair, Urban Geography Specialty Group, April 1997 - April 1998. Vice-Chair, Urban Geography Specialty Group, April 1996 - April 1997. Director, Environmental Perception Specialty Group, June 1989 - June 1990. Editor, EP&BG Newsletter, June 1989-June 1991. Local Arrangements Committee, 1992 AAG Meetings. Founding Member, The Phoenix Group (AAG) Geographical Perspectives on Women Specialty Group (AAG), 1992-present Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group (AAG), 1985-92 ! Urban Geography Specialty Group (AAG), 1985-present ! Qualitative Methods Specialty group (AAG), 2000- present ! Mathematical Models & Quantitative Methods (AAG), 1982-1992 The Association of the Pacific Coast Geographers ! Past-President, Sept 2009-2010 ! President, Sept 2008 - Sept 2009 ! Vice-President, Sept 2007 - Sept 2008 ! Councilor to the AAG. Sept 2004 - Sept 2007 The Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG), 1982-1984; 1992-1996 The Institute of British Geographers (IBG), 1992-present The Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (APCG), 1990-present Urban Geography Study Group (IBG), 1992-present Environmental Perception Study Group (IGU), 1984-1986 Western Regional Science Association (WRSA), 1985-1988 Environmental Design and Research Association (EDRA), 1985-1988. American Psychological Association (APA), Div. 34, Population & Environment, 1985-1988. MANUSCRIPTS AND PROPOSALS REVIEWED Academic Journals and Proceedings: Journal of Urban Design; City & Society; Gender & Society; Local Environments; International Journal of Social Research Methodology; Norsk Geografisk Tidsskkrift/Norwegian Journal of Geography; Men and Masculinities; Mosiac; Children and Society; Space & Polity; Journal of Social and Cultural Geography; Children’s Geographies; Erdkunde; The Scottish Geographical Journal; The Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers; Ethics, Place and Environment; Geoforum; Antipode; Gender, Place and Culture; Progress in Human Geography; Society and Space; Geographical Systems; Cartography and Geographic Information Systems; Annals of the Association of American Geographers; Geografiska Annaler; Geographical Review; Environment and Planning A; Geographical Analysis; The Professional Geographer; The Annals of Regional Science; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers; Area; Urban Geography; Economic Geography; Ohio Geographers; Ontario Geographer; Southeast Geographer; Environment and Behavior; Environmental Design Research Association Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 36 Publishers: Guilford; Oxford University Press; Temple University Press; Indiana University Press; Rowman and Littlefield; Routledge; Blackwell; Stanford University Press; Prentice Hall; Merrill; W.C. Brown; Sage; University of Minnesota Press; Taylor & Francis; State University of New York Press; Oxford University Press; John Wiley Granting Agencies: The MacArthur Foundation; National Science Foundation; National Geographic Society; National Congress for Geographic Education; United Kingdom’s Economic and Social Research Council EXTERNAL REVIEWER FOR DEPARTMENT ASSESSMENTS, DOCTORAL STUDENT DISSERTATIONS, AND TENURE/PROMOTION DECISIONS California State University, CAL Polytechnic, Pomona, CA, US University of Tampere, Finland National University of Singapore, Singapore University of Wales, Aberystwyth Simon Fraser University, Canada Texas A & M University, Texas, US California State University at Longbeach, US University of Minnesota, Duluth, US California State University at Fresno, US University of Reading, England University of Washington, Seattle, US University of British Columbia, Canada York University, Canada University of Toronto, Canada University of West Virginia, US University of Dundee, Scotland University of Loughborough, England University of Leeds, England University of Western Ontario University of Pennsylvania, US Kent State University, Ohio University of California at Santa Barbara, US University of Nebraska, Canada University of Kentucky, US Royal Holloway University, England Miami University, Ohio, US Temple University, Philadelphia, US University of Edinburgh, Scotland University of Manchester, England OTHER RELATED WORK AND ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Panelist, “On criticality in mapping: GeoDesign, GIS, and Planning.” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 2013 Discussant, “Youth, the Borderlands, and the Spaces in Between I: Spaces of Belonging.” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April 2013 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 37 Panelist, “Supporting qualitative research and research instruction in Geography departments,” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012 Discussant, “Film Screening: The Legend of Pancho Barnes (Documentary),” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012 Discussant, “Geographies of Media 10: The Fight to Stay Put,” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012 Panelist, “Author Meets Her Critics: Kristina Gibson's Street Kids, Homeless Youth, Outreach and Policing New York's Streets,” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2012 Panelist, “The Making of Geographer: Self-reflections on Becoming,” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April 2011 Panelist, “Critical Heritage: Visualizing the Past, Re-Branding the Present,” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, April 2010. th Panelist, “Qualitative Futures: A Celebration of the 10 Anniversary of the Qualitative Research Specialty Group, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, April 2010. Organizer and Convener of Roundtable Discussion, Child Migration and Dislocation, at the th Childhood at the Crossroads Convention marking the 20 anniversary of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nov. 30-Dec 3, 2009. President’s Plenary Panel, “Neogeographies: Just Another Spin of the Globe,” Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, San Diego , Oct. 2009 Panel Organizer, “Post-Border Futures,” Annual Meetings of the Pacific Coast Geographers, San Diego , Oct. 2009 Panelist, “Author Meets Interlocutors: Vincent Del Casino, Social Geography: A Critical Introduction Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, March 2009. Panelist, “Disciplinary Domains in Child and Youth Research,” Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, March 2008. Workshop Facilitator, ‘Writing and Publishing in Academia’ National Children’s Research Center, NTNU, Trondheim, January 2009. Workshop Facilitator ‘‘Mixed Methods, Part 3: Ten-Year Ethnographies and Two-Minute Videos’ University of Wales, Aberystwyth, June 2008. Workshop Facilitator, ‘Writing and Publishing in Academia’ National Children’s Research Center, NTNU, Trondheim, May 2008. Panelist, “ Author Meets Critics: J.K. Gibson-Graham, A Postcapitalist Politics Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, March 2008. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 38 Workshop Facilitator, ‘Writing and Publishing in Academia’ Department of Geography, NTNU, Trondheim, September 2008. Panelist, Research Design and Methodologies for Critical GIS?. Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, April 2007. Discussant, Youth and the Contested Nation-State III: Family, Home and Community Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, April 2007. Co-Leader, NSF workshop for the alliance of faculty development in geography (AFDG). Leading the components on Writing, Publishing, Ethics and Student Mentoring. June 18-25, 2006 Panelist,’Young People and Global Activism’ session organized by Craig Jeffreys and Karen Dyson, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 2006. Panelist, ‘Education in a time of neo-liberal cut-backs.’ session organized by , Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 2006. Co-Leader, NSF workshop for the alliance of faculty development in geography (AFDG). Leading the components on Writing, Publishing, Ethics and Student Mentoring. June 18-25, 2005 Session Organizer and Panelist, ‘Author meets critics: Cindi Katz and Growing Up Global,’ session organized by Meghan Cope, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, 2005. Panelist, ‘Children’s Geographies II: Challenging Assumptions about Children and Young People,’ session organized by Meghan Cope, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, 2004. Panelist, ‘Geographical Perspectives on Ethnography 3: Ethnography as Geographic Practice,’ session organized by Karen Till, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia 2004. Discussant of 4 papers, ‘Growing Up? The Dimensions and Potentials of Child and Youth Geographies,’ Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia 2004. Panelist, Meet the Journal Editors I, session organized by Lawrence Berg, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia 2004. Panelist, ‘Cinematic Geographies,’ session organized by Chris Lukinbeal, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002. Panelist, ‘Publishing Critical Geography,’ session organized by Lawrence Berg, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002. Panelist, ‘Teaching Qualitative Methods,’ session organized by Dydia DeLyser, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, March 2002. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 39 Co-organizer and co-chair (with Tom Herman), 4 sessions (12 papers), “Taking Off the Kid Gloves: Young People’s Geographies on Impact” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2001. Panelist, Ending Discussion on “Taking Off the Kid Gloves” sessions. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2001. Panelist, ‘Getting Your Work Published,’ organized by John Rennie Short, Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2001. Discussant, 4 papers, “Public Participation GIS II” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, March 2000. Invited Panelist, “Balancing Relationships: The Dilemmas of Qualitative Research Ethics,” Reclaiming Voices II: Ethnographic Inquiry and Qualitative Research in a Postmodern Age. University of California, Irvine, June,1999. Panelist, “The Future of AAG Publications” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, March 1999. Discussant, 3 papers, “Critical Geographies of Mass Media Session” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, March 1999. Chair, 5 papers, “Critical Geographies of Children Session” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, March 1999. Invited Participant, NCGIA Varenius Specialist Workshop on “Scale and Cognition,” Santa Barbara, April 1998. Invited Facilitator, “Being Male/Seeing Male” Workshop. Around the World in a Single Day production, Lyceum Theatre/SDSU, February 1998. Invited Facilitator, “Social Geography/Social Theory” Workshop. Second Annual Western Geography Graduate Student Conference, San Diego, February 1998. Invited Participant, Steering Workshop on the Varenius Project, NCGIA, Santa Barbara, February 1997 Invited Participant (with Andrea Westersund). Specialist Meeting of the NCGIA, Initiative 19 (GIS and Social Theory). Annadale, Minneapolis, May 1996. Organizer and Chair, “Family Power and Community Space I: Contesting Families.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996. Organizer and Chair, “Family Power and Community Space II: Subversive Kids” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996. Panelist, screening of the film documentary The Desert is No Lady. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996. Critic and panelist, Homeless in Hollywood by Sue Ruddick. Routledge Press. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April 1996. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 40 Invited Participant (with S. Michel) NCGIA Workshop on Social Theory and GIS, Friday Harbor, Washington, November 1993. Panelist, 'Gender, aesthetics and place' Annual meetings of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver, B.C., Spring 1992. Panelist, 'Writing a thesis or dissertation in Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography', Special session sponsored by the Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography Specialty Group, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Diego, Spring 1992 Organizer and Chair, 'San Diego: Post-L.A.ism or more of the same', session sponsored by the Urban Specialty Group, Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, San Diego, Spring 1992 Organizer and Chair, Special Session on 'Geographic Information Systems: Science, Application, and Ethics', Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Fall 1991. Co-organizer, Special Session entitled, 'Contemporary Perspectives on Time Geography', sponsored by the 'Environmental Perception and Behavioral Geography' Specialty Group, Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers, Toronto, 1990. Discussant (4 papers), Workshop of the IGU Commission on Mathematical Models, Santa Barbara, California, November 1989. Organizer and Chair, Special Session entitled 'Community Change and Continuity: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions, jointly sponsored by the 'Environmental Perception' and 'Urban Geography' Specialty Groups, Annual Meetings, Association of American Geographers, Baltimore, 1989. Invited Participant at the Association of American Geographers' Phoenix Group Summer Retreat, Seattle, Washington, 1989. Discussant (2 papers), Session on 'Parallel Development Strategies: Glasgow and Baltimore', Annual meetings, Association of American Geographers, Baltimore, 1989. Discussant (4 papers) at the Interdisciplinary Symposium (Psychology/Geography), 26th Congress of the International Geographical Union, Sydney, Australia, 1988. Invited Participant of the Association of American Geographers' Post-Meeting Research Career Seminar, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988. Organizer, Chair and Participant, Workshop on Neighborhood Continuity and Change, Annual Meeting, Environmental Design Research Association, Pomona, California, 1988. Co-organizer, Special Session on People and Community Change, sponsored by the 'Environmental Perception' Specialty Group, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 41 Chair, Special Session on Marginally Subsistent Populations Downtown, co-sponsored by the 'Aging' and 'Transportation' Specialty Groups, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988. Invited participant, Graduate Education Workshop, Department of Geography, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1988. Organizer and chair, Special Session on Emerging Perspectives in Behavioral Geography, sponsored by the 'Environmental Perception' Specialty Group, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Portland, Oregon, 1987. Special Editor, Ohio Geographers, 1986, Vol.. 14, 85-146. Program Committee, Session Chair and Discussant, 25th Annual Meeting, Western Regional Science Association, Laguna Beach, California, 1986. Reader: Upper Level English Writing Proficiency Examination, The University of Arizona, Tucson, 1986. Setting up Micro-Computer Laboratory, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, 1984. Planner/Researcher, The Relocation Division, Department of Housing and Community Development, Baltimore, Maryland, 1981. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 42 SCHOLARLY AWARDS AND HONORS 2013-present The June Burnett Endowed Chair in Child and Family Geographies 2012 San Diego State University’s Distinguished Faculty Award. Affectionately known as SDSU’s “Monty” Award. The Alumni Association’s “Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions” recognizing extensive contributions to the discipline of geography and to the university. 2011 Invited Guest of AAG Panel on “Geography in the Americas,” Santiago, Chile 2010-11 Inaugural Distinguished Lecturer in Human Geography, Simon Fraser University. 2010 The Awkward Spaces of Fathering (Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2009) was an Annual Celebrated Book by the AAG’s Geographical Perspective on Women (GPOW). 2009 Distinguished Service Award, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 2007-12 Honorary Professorship, University of Wales, Aberystwth 2001 FMI Award, San Diego State University 2000 Award for devoted and outstanding service to the Association of American Geographers during the period 1997 - 2000 2000 FMI Award, San Diego State University 2000 Best Paper Award, Second International Conference on Quality of Life. Singapore, March 5-8, 2000 1999 Faculty Merit Pay Increase (FMI) Award, San Diego State University 1997 PSSI Award, San Diego State University 1996 PSSI Award, San Diego State University 1995 PSSI Award, San Diego State University 1990 Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise (PSSI) Award, San Diego State University 1990 Invited and Honored Guest of the Population Geography Study Group, Annual Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers, Glasgow, Scotland Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 43 1989 Invited External Participant at the International Union of Psychological Science, Symposium on "Advances in Field Methods of Behavior Observation," Sydney, Australia. 1988 Invited and Honored Guest of the Urban Geography Study Group, Annual Meetings of the Institute of British Geographers, Loughborough, England. 1987 Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Award, San Diego State University 1987 Founding Member, SDSU’s Phi Beta Delta Honor Society. The first honor society dedicated to recognize scholarly achievement in international education, giving scholarships to deserving students and enhancing knowledge about various cultures around the world. 1984 Best Ph.D. Paper. Annual Meetings of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Ontario Division, Waterloo. 1983 Best Student Paper. Annual Meetings of the East Lakes Division of The Association of American Geographers. 1981 84 Special University Scholarship (U.W.O.) 1981 Graduate Studies Scholarship (U.W.O.) Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 44 TEACHING CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND TEACHING INNOVATIONS Position Courses Assistant – Full Professor People, Places and Environment (fully on-line) Qualitative Methods in Geography Quantitative Methods in Geography The History of Geographic Thought (graduate seminar) Location & Spatial Structure of Cities Environmental Perception & Behavioral Geography Concepts and Trends in US Geography Research Design in Geography Principles of Cultural Geography The Geography of Cities The Geography of Film (graduate seminar) Visual Geographies (graduate seminar) Geography and the Humanities (graduate seminar) Politics and Place (ISYS graduate seminar) Children, Youth and Families (ISYS graduate seminar) San Diego State University August 1986 - present Designer and Participant Integrated Experimental Curriculum San Diego State University Composing Identities, General Studies Team taught, 9-unit, non-lecture community based first year course . The course was geared to change the way GE was offered at SDSU August 1996 - 1998 Workshop Organizer San Diego State University San Diego, California Spring 1989 Creating Geographic Data: Surveys, Questionnaires and Interviews Lecturer University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona August 1985 - May 1986 Economic Geography Urban Geography Location Analysis Behavioral Geography Lecturer Miami University Oxford, Ohio January 1985 - May 1985 Introductory Human Geography Migration and Mobility Lecturer University of W. Ontario World Regional Geography The Geography of Global Affairs Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 45 London, Ontario September 1983 - December 1984 Workshops: Organizer and Facilitator University of W. Ontario London, Ontario September 1984 Micro-Computers and Word Processing Teaching Assistant University of W. Ontario London, Ontario 1981 - 1983 Urban Geography Introductory Human Geography Human Spatial Behavior Urban Culture Teaching Assistant Miami University Oxford, Ohio 1980 - 1981 Air Photo Interpretation Introductory Human Geography Urban Geography CURRENT AND COMPLETED GRADUATE DISSERTATION AND THESIS ADVISING (* denotes Chair of Committee) Elizabeth Kennedy, PhD Geography, in progress ‘‘Independent Child Migrants At The US Border’ Lydia Wood, PhD Geography, in progress ‘TBA’ *Sam Cortez, PhD Geography, in progress “Mexican Young Men Not Working and Not in School (NINIS) Ángel Granados, MFA Cinematography, in progress ‘Vicarious Voyeurism: Subverting The Objective Camera Angle To Further The Hero's Journey’ *Lydia Wood, MA Geography, in progress ‘Memory, Memorial and Children’s Spaces: The case of Little Italy’ *Brian Richter, MA Geography, ‘Youth Participation in the Special Olympics’ *Steve Norwood, MA Geography, 2014, ‘Land Use Change And Water In Yuma, Arizona’ *Don Colley, PhD Geography, in progress ‘Youth, Social Media And Rights To The Commons’ *Ryan Goode, PhD Geography, in progress ‘Narco- To Police- Dictatorships And The Effects On Children In Taveras Bustos’ *Dominic Abenante, MA Geography, in progress ‘Geography And Theatre’ *Denise Goerisch, PhD Geography, 2013, ‘Positioning Girl Scouts And Their Cookies’ Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 46 *Sam Cortez, MA Geography, 2012 Children and Cross-Border Politics in Tecate Ann Marie Murnaghan, PhD Geography, York University. 2010. Spaces of Nature, Places of Children: The Playground Movement at the Turn of the Twentieth Century in Toronto. External Examinar * Giorgio Curti, PhD Geography, 2010 The Body Geographic: Affect, Impagination and the Relationality of Be(com)ing or Movements Through Spinozan Earth-Writings *Emily Powers, MA Geography, 2010, Going Green: How Contemporary Society is Rethinking Green Space. Will Anderson, MA Geography, Korean Transnational Migration to Guatemala: An Exploration of Maquila Connections, Social Exclusion and Urban Insecurity, Spring 2010 * Chris Moreno, PhD Geography, ‘Geographies of Addiction and Recovery: Drugs, Space, and Body Politics, Spring 2010. Ryan Burns, MA Geography, Spatializing Places, People and Utterances: A Case Study Involving San Diego Neighborhoos, Fall 2009. Glenna Harris, PhD Geography, University of Toronto, 2008 Learned Citizenship: Geographies of Citizenship in Ontario Elementary Schools External Examiner Maurizio Antoninetti, PhD Geography, ‘Peter Pan Does Not Live Here Any More: Aging and Urban Residential Space,’ Spring 2008 Sean Crotty, MA Geography, ‘Local Power Geographies and Urban labor in San Diego’ Summer 2007 Scott Therkalsen, MA Geography, “International Tourism and Globalization: A Case Study of Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica”, Spring 2007 Eckmann, Kim, MA Geography, ‘Food in the City: The Consumption of Lifestyle in Place’, Summer 2006 William Cimarosa, Ma Geography, “San Diego’s East Village Community Action Network,” Summer 2006 * Jeff Rose, MA Geography, “Environmental Issues and Ethics in Outward Bound,” June 2006. Molly Schmetzle, MA Geography, “Bodies and Balls: Women’s Soccer in the United States,” December 2005. Mihai Anghel, MA Anthropology, ‘An Ethnographic Study of Downtown, San Diego, Live/Work Unit Residents’, Fall 2005 * Cassie Davis, MA Geography, incomplete Megan O'Dowd, MA Child and Family Development Studies, in progress. * Jamie Le Dent, MA Geography, incomplete * Leigh Schwartz, MA Geography, “The Digital Ground Beneath Our Feet.” Spring 2005 * Elizabeth Christensen, MA Geography, incomplete. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 47 * Susan Brackett, MA Geography, incomplete. * James Craine, Ph.D. Geography, “Beyond Deleuze: A Levyian Perspective on Film Geographies,” June 2006 Nancy Lowery, Ph.D. Geography, incomplete. * David Lulka, Ph.D. Geography, “Where the Buffalo Roam: Actor Network Theory and The Buffalo Commons,” December 2005 Helen Knight, MA English, incomplete. * Kelly Dunlap, MA Geography, incomplete. Chris Moreno, MA Anthropology, Spring 2003, Tourism, Identity and the Commodification of Culture: Skagway, Alaska. * Joel Jennings Spring 2003, MA Geography, Discourses and Discipline: Interpreting Children’s Expereinces with the San Diego Maritime Museum Living History Program Jen Borgen, MA Geography, Spring 2003 Education and Signage at the San Diego Zoo and the Wild Animal Park. * Eric West, Ph.D. Geography, Spring 2003 Journalistic Texts and the Construction of Post-Soviet Russia. Padraic Benson, MA History, Spring 2003 A Man for All Reasons: Jesse James and Masculinity in Song and Youth Literature. Jonathan Snapp-Cook, MA Geography, Spring 2003, Organic Agriculture in San Diego County: The Farmers’ Perspective * David Lindsay, MA, Geography, Spring 2002, The Privatisation of Residential Space: A study of the HOAs and CC&Rs in Northwestern San Diego County. * Chris Lukinbeal, Ph.D. Geography, Spring 2000. On Location in San Diego: Geography and Filmic Experiences * Mike Reed, MA Geography, Spring 2000, The Social Construction of Surfing * Tom Herman, Ph.D. Geography, Fall 1999 Images of Childhood, Images of Community Debbie Halverson, MA English, Spring 1999. A picture becomes a thousand words: American fiction writers appropriate the visual strategies of advertising * Sharon Gordon, MA Geography, Spring 1997. Banje Boys and New York Nightclubs Yastaka Sagan, MA Geography, Spring 1997. Images of Shopping Malls * Andrea Westersund, MA Geography, Spring 1996. Just Passing Through: The Tourist, The Map and Catalina Island, California. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 48 Chris Lukinbeal, MA Geography (CSU, Hayward), Spring 1995, Geography in Film, Geography of Film Joanna Schulmann, MA Geography (UC, Santa Barbara), Spring 1994. Cognitive Images, Representation and Film Landscapes Anthony Wilder, MA English, Spring 1994. Film Noir and the Camera Obscura. * Susan Michel, MA Geography, Spring 1994 Raptors and Rhetoric: How Communicative Actions Shape Golden Eagle Habitat in Ramona, CA. * William Granger, MA Geography, Spring 1994. Examining the Perceived Constraints on Xeriscaping. Katina Pappas, MA Geography, Fall 1994, Inside My Employers' Home: Contextualization of the Daily Activity Spaces of Domestic Workers in Santiago, Chile. Nils Kuns, Spring 1994, The Affect of the Global Positioning System on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition. Susan Mains, MA Geography, Spring 1994 A Doll's House: A Comparative Study of Gender Roles and Modern Housing Design. Marta Miranda, MA Geography, Spring 1993. Land-tenure and Migration in N.E. Brazil and Amazonia. Judy Walton, MA Geography, Spring 1992, Production of Ghetto Space in San Diego. James A. Tyner, MA Geography, Summer 1991, Spatial and temporal aspects of migration-fertility relations as a reflection of US immigration policy: a study of Filipino immigrants in San Diego, California. * Joan Wingate, MA Geography, Spring 1991, Perception of local water resources and water conservation behavior. * Jacqueline Nichol, MA Geography, Summer 1990, The Impact of Redevelopment on the Service Dependent Residents in Downtown San Diego. Alan Osborn, MA Geography, Spring 1990, The Distribution of Orthodox and Alternative Primary Health Care Practitioners in San Diego County. * Elaine Lister, MA Geography, Summer 1989, The influence of spatial accessibility and density on elderly residential satisfaction. * Jeremy Browning, MA Geography, Summer 1989, An investigation into the spatial distribution of elementary educational resources and educational attainment levels in San Diego. Rita Riccio, MA Geography, Spring 1989, The landscape of visible prostitution. Ann O'Connor, MA Geography, Spring 1989, Gas or class: towards an interpretation of the commercial strip. Gregory Allen Robe, MA Art, Fall 1988, A Heart of San Diego. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken SERVICE TO UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO DEPARTMENT Aug 2008 - Aug 2013 Department Chair Sept 2007 – Dec 2008 Chair, Hiring Committee Sept 2007 - June 2008 Chair, Speakers and Community Relations June 2007 – June 2008 Chair, Policy Advisory Committee Sept. 2006 – June 2007 Member, Curriculum Committee Sept. 2006 – June 2007 Member, MA Advising Sept 2003 - June 2004 Member, MA Advising Sept. 2001- June 2003 Chair, Personnel Committee Sept. 1992 - June 2004 Member, Ph.D. Advising June 1996 – Sept. 1997 Member, Undergraduate Advising June 1995 – Sept. 1996; Member, MA Advising Sept. 1992 - Sept. 1996 Member, Hiring Committee June 1993 - June 1995 Chair, Hiring Committee June 1990 - June 1992 Member, Policy Advisory Committee Sept. 1988 - June 1992 Member, Speakers & Community Relations Sept. 1990 - June 1991 Chair, Speakers & Community Relations Sept. 1990 - June 1991 Member, Personnel Committee Sept. 1987 - June 1991 Member, Graduate Advising Sept. 1989 - Sept 1990 Member, Hiring Sept. 1986 - Sept 1987 Member, Undergraduate Advising Sept. 1987 - Sept 1988 Chair, Speakers & Community Relations - Raised $1600 for colloquia series - Editor of Departmental newsletter, the "Aztec Geographer" - Initiated and edited Department's Discussion Paper Series - Initiated and organized "Geojaunt Series" Highlights while Chairing the Department of Geography (two terms, August 2008-August 2013) • • • external departmental review, November 2010 external joint doctoral review, November 2012 California Geographical Alliance brought to Department, April 2013 • • National Geographic Endowment, $160,000/year endowments: • • • • • June Burnett Endowment for child and family geographies ($1.6 million) Keene Endowment for graduate excellence ($100,000) Finch Endowment for student research in Latin America ($30,000) Don Mitchell scholarship for radical geography ($5000/year) Giorgio Curti scholarship for critical geography ($1000/year) • geography majors (grown from 81 in 2008 to 163 in 2013) • • geography started advising Interdisciplinary Urban Studies in 2008 geography started advising Sustainability in 2011 • conferences: Page 49 Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken • • Page 50 hosted the ISYS International Children and Borders Conference for Canadian, US and Mexican scholars (August 2009) hosted the Annual Meetings of the Association of Pacific Geographers (Sept/Oct 2009) • hiring (lecturers): • • • • • Diana Richardson (full-time) Alan Osborn (part-time) Thomas Herman (part-time) Molly Pohl (part-time) Jane Thorngren (part-time) • hiring (tenure-track faculty): • • • • Kate Swanson (2008) Anne-Marie Debbane (2011) Arielle Levine (2011) Burnett Endowed Chair in Children’s Geographies (in progress) • hiring (staff): • • Allison Bailand (2011: 40% public relations; 60% administrative coordination) Secure funding for new hire, Aug 2013 • successful promotions • • • • • • • • • Trent Biggs, Associate Professor with tenure 2009 Li An, Associate Professor with tenure 2009 Ming Tsou, Full Professor 2010 Pascale Marcelli-Joassart, Associate Professor with tenure 2011 Kathleen Farley, Associate Professor with 2012 Andre Skupin, Full Professor 2012 Li An, Full Professor 2013 Fernando Bosco, Full Professor 2013 Kate Swanson, Associate Professor with tenure 2013 • successful nominations and prestigious awards • • • • • Philip Pryde, Gilbert White Award, AAG 2009 Ming Tsou, SDSU’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2010 John Weeks, Albert V. Johnson Distinguished Professor Award, 2011 Ming Tsou, Presidential Leadership Award, 2012 Geography Department, Outstanding Department Award, SDSU Associated Students, 2012 • remodeled department space adds 30% to size (2012-2014) • facilitated semester-long (15 weeks) maternity and paternity leaves (state-determined duration is 7 weeks) • initiated a region-wide series of connections to geographers, including community college faculty and K-12 teachers • currently negotiating for the California Geographical Alliance (CGA) to reside permanently at SDSU • initiated several departmental social events including promotion parties and the annual summer alumni BBQ SERVICE TO COLLEGE June 2009 - present June 2007 - June 2008 June 2002 – June 2006 June 1998 - present Member, Academic Planning and Policy Committee Member, Retention, Promotion and Tenure (RPL) Committee New College Building Complex Coordinator Founder and director of the College’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Youth and Space (ISYS) Jan 1996 – Jan 1998 Member, Professional Salary Step Increase (PSSI) Committee Aug. 1993 - Jan. 1994 Member, Retention, Promotion and Tenure (RPL) Committee Jan. 1992 – July 1994 Member, Difference and Diversity Committee Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 51 Jan. 1991 - June 1995 Research Development Coordinator (involves coordinating all intra-mural funding and sabbatical leave applications as well as promoting extramural funding) June 1990 - Dec. 1991 Member, CAL Research & Professional Leaves Committee SERVICE TO UNIVERSITY June 2000 – present Sept 2003 – June 2007 June 2000- June 2006 June 2000- June 2003 June 2000 – June 2003 June 2000- June 2003 Jan 2000 – July 2002 Sept 1996 – July 1998 Editorial Board Member, SDSU Press Member, Student Grievance Committee Senator, Elected Member to the University Senate Member, Graduate Council Member, task Force on Graduate-Level Distance Education Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee Member, Interdisciplinary Experimental Curriculum Committee Member, Interdisciplinary Experimental Curriculum Committee SERVICE TO COMMUNITY Sept 2010 – present Sept 2008 – present Jan 2001 – Jan 2004 Fall 1997 Fall 1996 – present Feb. 1996 Jan. 1995 - June 1995 Nov. 1988 - June 1991 Sept. 1989 - June 1991 Sept.1989 - June 1992 Sept. 1989 - June 1992 Sept. 1986 - May 1990 Helped establish (with Kate Swanson and Ramona Perez) an internship for geography students with SW Keys, a “detention” program established to help apprehended independent child migrants. PhD and MA students volunteer at the two detention homes in San Diego County on a weekly basis. Monthly program on substance abuse for juvenile offenders at Mira Mesa Correctional Facility. Member, Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. Worked with students of Munroe-Clark middle-school to create a website representing their neighborhood. st rd th Guest teach in 1 Grade, 3 Grade and 4 Grade classes in the community as part of “Geographic Awareness Week.” Guest Moderator, National Geography Bee, San Marcos Middle School Organized “Children’s Geographies” programs at local schools in Grossmont School District Member of Exhibits Committee, The Children's Museum of San Diego, La Jolla Village Square Organized "Children's Geographies" programs at The Children's Museum of San Diego, Village Square Mall, La Jolla Organized “Children’s Geographies” programs at St. Vincent De-Paul/ Joan Kroc Center for Homeless Families, San Deigo Organized “Children’s Geographies” programs at Sweitzer School for children with cerebral palsy. General member, San Diego Uptown Planners, ad hoc advisory group to the City Planners Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 52 ARTICLES/INTERVIEWS NEWSPAPERS, POPULAR AND PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINES Interviewed on Izbrisani project for POPTV (Slovenia’s most popular news station). Aspects of the project also appeared in Devo (Slovenia’s national newspaper). Spring 2014. Saccente, Stephanie (2012). Professor Goes Abroad to Further His Research The Daily Aztec, Sept 18. Geraghty, Collen L. (Spring 2011). Fathering and Other Acts of Heroism. 360 Magazine, pp.1719. This story was the winner of a CASE regional award for best magazine feature. The article is based on research published in The Awkward Spaces of Fathering (Aitken, 2009). A related video was published in March 2012 and may be found at Aitken, Stuart (Spring 2009). Reformation, Revolution and ‘Doing Geography’ Pacifica pp. 2-3, 6 Aitken, Stuart (Fall 2008). Old Maps and Neo-Geographers. Pacifica p. 2-3 Article on Aitken’s work with Children “Verdighet til barna, sier Aitken” in Snakkebarn med liten mekt. (Spring 2007) Children’s research in Norway. Aitken, Stuart and James Craine (2006). Affective Geovisualizations. Directions: A Magazine for GIS Professionals. February, Volume 4, Issue 1 San Diego Union/Tribune, 2004, September 3, Uproar over airport location. Letters to the Editors. The Village Voice, 2001, August 1-7. Maps and Chaps: the new geography reaches critical mass. Interviewed by staff reporter, Jeff Byles. Chronicle of Higher Education, 2000, April 7, A21-A22. A Child’s Place In the World: Modern play spaces may be safe, but they’re stultifying, some experts say. Interviewed by Staff Correspondent, Peter Monaghan. SDSU Magazine, 1999, Summer, pp. 8-9. Myth America: When Ward and June meet Roseanne and Dan. Interviewed by Staff Reporter, Timothy McKernan. Chronicle of Higher Education, 1999, April 16, A20-A22. Geographers, in an Expanding Discipline, Struggle to Define Their Space. Interviewed by Staff Correspondent, Peter Monaghan. Chronicle of Higher Education, 1999, March 26, A24. Hot Type, Interviewed as editor of The Professional Geographer by Anonymous Staff Correspondent. Aitken, Stuart C. (Nov. 1989) Children's Geographies of San Diego. Alternative Approaches, Vol. 3(1), p.3. San Diego Tribune, Monday, October 31, 1989, p. C-1/2, "Geography Prof. Maps Kids' Class." Interviewed for article by staff writer, Greg Joseph. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken Page 53 San Diego Union, Monday, August 28, 1989, p. E-3, "Professor Says Geography is an Early, Personal Discovery process." Interviewed for article by staff writer, Barbara Fitzsimmons. San Diego Union, Monday, August 28, 1989, p. E-1, "Geography: Creative Educators Put Life Back into the Hunt for Timbuktu." Interviewed for article by staff writer, Barbara Fitzsimmons. Aitken, Stuart C., (Nov. 1988) How Uptowners React to Neighborhood Change, San Diego Monthly, Vol. 1(1), page 5. San Diego Union, Sunday, March 8, 1987. Interviewed and quoted in article by staff writer, Roger M. Showley. Curriculum Vitae: Stuart C. Aitken REFERENCES Professor Deborah Dixon Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences Aberystwyth University, Old College, King Street, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2AX Email: Phone: +44 (0)1970 622 538 Distinguished Professor Don Mitchell Department of Geography Maxwell School 144c Eggers Hall Syracuse University 200 Eggers Hall - Syracuse, NY 13244-1020 Email: Phone: 315.443.3533 Emeritus Professor Michael Frank Goodchild Department of Geography University of California, Santa Barbara 5707 Ellison Hall Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060 Email: Phone: (805) 893-8049 Professor Melissa Wright Department Geography and Department of Women's Studies Penn State 308 Walker Building University Park Pennsylvania Email: Phone: (814) 865-9133; Distinguished Professor John Agnew Department of Geography, UCLA 1255 Bunche Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1524 Email: JAGNEW@GEOG.UCLA.EDU Phone: 310.825.1713 Page 54