Current Bulletin - St. Wendelin Church


Current Bulletin - St. Wendelin Church
Sunday Bulletin
5th Sunday of ordinary time February 8, 2015
Welcome to the tri –parish cluster of Catholic parishes:
Saint Wendelin – Luxemburg
Holy Cross – Pearl Lake (Marty)
Mary of the Immaculate Conception –Rockville
Pastoral Team: Fr. Ronald Weyrens, 320-248-1670 Fr. Roger Thoennes, 320-248-0777
 LeMay Bechtold, faith formation director  Tri-parish/diocesan website: 
Liturgy this week
Fifth week of ordinary time
Mon., Feb. 9, Weekday
8:30 am HC+ Fr. Richard Walz (RW)
Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Tues., Feb. 10, Scholastica, Virgin
7:45 am LUX-Special Intention (RW)
6:30 pm MIC-Sac. of Penance (RT)
7:00 pm MIC + Deceased relatives of
Charles & Cindy Walz (RT)
Wed., Feb. 11, Our Lady of Lourdes
7:45 am LUX– For our Faith Formation
Students (RW)
School Mass
8:00 am MIC + Inge Seelen (RT)
Thurs., Feb. 12, Weekday
7:45 am LUX –St. Anne’s Christian
Women (RT)
Adoration following Mass until 8:00 pm
8:00 am MIC –Good Harvest (RW)
Adoration following Mass until 7:00 pm
Fri., Feb. 13, Weekday
8:30 am HC+ Marie Pope (RW)
School Mass
Sat., Feb. 14, Vigil, 6th Sun., Ord. Time
3:00 pm HC-Sacrament of Penance ( RW)
4:00 pm HC + Tom Nystrom (RW)
4:30 pm MIC+ Fr. Richard Walz (RT)
5:30 pm LUX-For the People (RW)
Sun. Feb. 15, 6th Sun. of Ordinary Time
8:00 am HC+ George Mastellar (RT)
9:00 am LUX+ + Ralph Massmann &
Cindy Beckius (RW)
10:00 am MIC+ Deceased of Schmitz &
Rosckes Families (RT)
From Fr. Roger
In today’s Gospel, Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. Many times when
we’re sick, we pray to be healed. But often when asking for healing, we have our
own agenda. What we want and what God wants can be two different things.
For example, in looking back on my own life, I realize the greatest gift our parents gave us was family
and prayer. My Mom’s passing, some years ago, was
very hard on my Dad . For the first time in his life, he
was living alone. Before Mom’s death, my Dad and
our family had prayed for her healing. On one of my
home visits, I recall overhearing my Dad in prayer. He
was not happy with God because he felt God had let
him down, giving him only 2 more years with Mom
instead of his hoped for ten.
After her death, I tried to support him the best I
could; I would visit him on my days off. Four months
later, my Dad, too, passed away. After his death, my
sisters and I realized that although God had not answered our prayers as we had
hoped, He still had heard us and been there for us, sustaining us, healing our brokenness and bringing us together more than ever as a family.
God is good! Never give up on Him or yourself!
—Fr. Roger
Old Palms
If you have old blessed palms at home, please place them in the receptacle in
church. These will be burned and ashes used for Ash Wednesday liturgies.
Looking Ahead
Lent begins on Wednesday, February 18. Ash Wednesday Masses will be
7:00pm MIC; 7:45am (School Mass) and 7:00 pm at St. Wendelin; 10:30 am at
HC (School Mass) and 7:00pm Prayer Service with ashes at HC.
Annual Diocesan Appeal...This weekend we officially kick off the 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal. Bishop Kettler asks us to respond as good stewards—in
measure to the blessings we have received from our loving and almighty God.
He relies on the faith and generosity of all of us to continue building the Body of
Christ throughout our sixteen counties. Please prayerfully respond to his appeal
and pray for its success.
Faith Formation and Other Notes
Blessed Candles for Home Use...A reminder that candles are still available in each of our cluster churches.
Thank You…to all who came to last Wednesday’s session on Scripture at LUX.
Wednesday, February 11...Classroom sessions for Grades 1-11 at LUX. 7:00 pm.
Important Upcoming Dates...First Communion in our cluster is April 11-12; Confirmation is April 19, 2:00 pm at St.
Mary’s Cathedral.
Spring 40 Days for Life Session...begins Wed., Mar.18 and goes until Mar. 29th. Please join in this effort to end abortion thru prayer,
fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach. The most visible component is the peaceful prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood on
St. Cloud’s east side. Once again, MIC is trying to cover the Tuesday hours; to take part, call Tudie at 252-3017 or Char at 251-6944.
Tri-Parish Cluster of Luxemburg, Pearl Lake and Rockville
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time  February 8, 2015
Saint Wendelin—Luxemburg
22714 State Highway 15 * St. Cloud, MN 56301-9208 * 320-251-6944 * e-mail: * Fax: 320-654-9030
Parish Office/Secretary, Char Volkmuth—320-251-6944
> Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Faith Formation/DRE: LeMay Bechtold, 252-8486
Prayer Line: 320-251-5376
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism: Contact the parish office: 251-6944
Anointing of the Sick : Contact Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger
Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months in advance.
Financial Blessings
for the Week of Feb. 1 2015
Adult (97)
Youth (14)
Visitor (34)
Votive Stands
Keep the Heat On
Food Shelf (1)
Breakfast Profits
Last Week’s Regular
Weekly Budget 2014/15
Shortfall Last Week
Shortfall Year to Date
- 289.45
Thank you for Your
Generous Sacrificial Support!!
Wed., Feb. 11 @ 7:45 am
Will be notified
Saturday, Feb. 14 at 5:30pm
Andrew M.
Sunday, Feb. 15 at 9:00 am
Courtney G. & Kayla G.
3, Sat., Feb. 14 at 8:30 am:
Sharon Gohmann, Marla Honer, Marsha Bechtold, Brenda Brannan, Sue
Eckerman, Lois Fischer, Rachael Albers, Sheila Albers, Vicky Kohorst ***
Want to Improve Your Health
And Fitness???
The Christian Women of MIC invite one and all to come Tues., Feb.
10 at 7:30 to the Parish Center to
hear Melissa Schneider, a NETA
certified personal trainer in health
and fitness. She will inspire and
offer helpful information regarding
our “well being”.
All are welcome!
St. Wendelin Catholic School
Preschool to Grade 6
Principal: Lynn Rasmussen
Telephone: 320-251-9175
Fax: 320-654-9030
Parish News
Entered Eternal Life...Our heartfelt sympathy to the family of Alice Heid, who went home to the
Lord on Jan. 31 and whose funeral was celebrated here on Tuesday. May she rest in peace! Please
keep Alice and the Heid family in your prayers.
Group One Breakfast Notes...Thanks to all who came “In Out of the Cold” to enjoy our omelet
breakfast. We were fortunate to serve a delicious breakfast to 220 adults and 20 children netting a
profit of $1,742.72. Thanks to those who made food and raffle prize donations. Also a big thank
you to all the great help we had from our Group 1 members. Finally, thanks to our school students
who made the penguin table decorations. We could never have had this much success without such
great help.
—Charlie/Tracy Dombrovski, Group 1 Chairs
St. Wendelin’s also says thanks to Charlie & Tracy and Group1 for a great job last Sunday!
Group 5 Meets...Wed. evening, Feb. 11, 7:00 pm in Mary Hall to plan your next event.
“6th Annual Winter Wonderland” Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction School Fundraiser …
is just two weeks away, Saturday, Feb. 21, 4:30-7:00 pm in Mary Hall. Dinner
tickets ($10.00) and Ring of Beer Raffle tickets ($5.00--listed as $10 in last
week’s bulletin-Sorry!) are available from any school family or the school office. Raffle tickets are also available at DeLux Liquor where the Ring of Beer is
on display; stop by for a ticket and help add to the beer in the ring. There’s already a good variety but more would be welcome. The silent auction is shaping
up nicely; if you still have an item to donate, please call Susan Becker 282-0963
or email
Hope you’re saving the date and planning to be part of this fun mid-winter event to support our
St. Anne’s Christian Women...a reminder if you wish to contribute to the baskets the group is
making for the Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction school fundraiser, please contact Jean Schabel, 320236-7907 by next Sunday, Feb. 15 Cyntia Lommel, who has recently become a Eucharistic minister. We thank Cyntia
for stepping forward to join this ministry and encourage others interested in this or other areas of
liturgical ministry (lector, greeter, sacristan, usher, server) to call the parish office as more people
are welcome in all these areas.
Keep the Heat On now at $1,473.30 towards our goals of $2,500.00. Thank
you to all who’ve given. If you still wish to take part, place your offering in one of the envelopes available from the back and drop it into the collection basket.
2014 Financial Statements...By now all should have received your 2014 statements which
were mailed out at the end of Jan. along with a parish letter. Be sure to contact the office, 251-6944
if there are any updates, questions or discrepancies.
School News
Happenings...In honor of Feb., “I Love to Read” month, we’ll have different activities going on
these next weeks to promote a love for leisure reading. On Feb. 12th, our 4th and 5th graders look
forward to graduating from DARE with a short program at 1:45 in the gym.
Liturgy Lessons...Father Ron asked the students to look at their hands and how they use them.
Then, as he read the Gospel, he had them listen to how Jesus used His hands. He reminded everyone to use our hands as Jesus did, helping others and reaching out with love and care.
We Continue to Sell Catholic United Financial Raffle Ticket ($5.00)...from the school office or
any school family. Our goal is $7,000; if we reach this, we’ll be taking a trip to the Monticello
Community Center. Remember, all the funds stay here; each ticket gives you the chance to win
$25,000/ or a car, a $5000 dream vacation and other great prizes.
Tri-Parish Cluster of Pearl Lake, Rockville and Luxemburg
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time  February 8, 2015
Holy Cross—Pearl Lake (Marty)
10651 County Road 8 ~ Kimball, MN 55353 ~ 320-398-3900 ~
Parish Office/Secretary, Marian Haus, 320-398-3900
Office Hours: Mon Thru Thurs 8:30—noon
Prayer Line, 320-398-6101
Deacon, Andy Kunkel, 320-398-6101 (retired)
Musician, Julene Faber-Andrusick, 320-685-7211
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism: 320-398-3900
Anointing of the Sick: Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger
Marriage: Call parish office at least 6 months in advance.
Financial Blessings
For the week of Feb 1, 2015
Adult (25)
School Support
Year to Date
Weekly Budget
Under Budget
Over this week
Thank you for your offerings!
Sat Feb 14, 4:00 pm
Servers: Ellie Ruhland
Ushers: Dave Lochen, Greg
Lector: Diane Kuechle
Euc Min: Mary Mueller
Jayne Lochen Marian Haus
Sun Feb 15, 8:00 am
Servers: volunteer
Ushers: Larry Krippner
Larry Schneider
Lector: Steve Torborg
Euc Min: Ralph Anderson
Caleb Anderson Helen Krippner
Parish Council Members
Donna Gregory 398-7312
Al Haus 259-4287
Leanne Donnay 398-5362
Helen Krippner 398-8893
Ann Donnay 398-2545
Rich Schlangen 398-2530
Greg Mueller 398-7786
Len Voigt 398-2922
Cindy Voigt 493-4982
Preschool to Grade 6
Lead Teacher—Melissa Johnson
Office Manager—Jeana Meyer
Telephone: 320-398-7885
Fax: 320-398-7873
Parish News
Baptism: We welcome Sadie Evelyn Schneider, infant daughter of David & Katie, who was baptized
this weekend into our community of faith. May God bless Sadie & her family with many blessings.
3rd Quarter Diocesan Assessment: A total of $4857.25 was paid to the Diocese.
School News
Dear Holy Cross Parishioners,
Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for hosting the breakfast at Holy Cross on February
1st. Over $500 was donated to the school, thanks to those who joined us for breakfast!
Congratulations to Emily Haus, Kate Kraemer and Charlie Meyer. They were the winners of
the Drug & Alcohol Prevention poster contest, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Also, we are still selling $5 Catholic United Financial raffle tickets. The top prize is a new
car or $25,000. There are also a number of other amazing prizes that you could win! Students will be selling tickets after Mass.
We are looking for contestants for the Feb. 28th Holy Cross Chili & Soup Cookoff! Please
contact the school for an entry form and more details or go to Euchre
tournament & games planned.
You can see all the events and fun at Holy Cross School by following us on Facebook!
Thought for the day
A raisin is a grape that’s had too many worries!!
Community Events
Valentine Celebration for 5th, 6th, 7th Graders: Friday, Feb. 13, 6:30-9:30 pm at MIC parish center. $9.00/student all inclusive event includes entertainment, dancing, games, prizes, face painting, food
and drinks, & special events to match our theme. Bring a food shelf item and have the chance to win a
free movie pass; dress in Valentine red for a chance at winning more prizes.
St John the Baptist, Collegeville: Fri Feb 13, Lenten Fish Fry, serving 4:30 to 7:30 pm
NFP: Feb 12 & March 16, 6:30 pm at Office of Marriage & Family, more info or to register, call
St Joseph Church Heritage Hall, St Joseph: Sat Feb 14, Valentine’s Day Swing Dance; lessons 6:15
to 7 pm, Jazz Combo 7 to 10 pm. Cash Bar, pizza, salad 6 to 10 pm. All ages welcome.
St. Anthony, St. Cloud: Sun., Feb. 15, Parish Breakfast, 8:00 am to noon
St Anthony, St Cloud: Fri night fish fries Feb 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27, 4-7 pm
St Francis Church, St Francis: Sun Feb 22, sausage, egg breakfast, 9 -12:30 pm. CUF grant
Holy Cross School, Pearl Lake: Sat Feb 28, chili & soup cook-off, 5-8 pm.
Tri Parish Cluster of Rockville, Luxemburg and Pearl Lake
5th Sun. of Ordinary Time  February 8, 2015
Mary of the Immaculate Conception—Rockville
PO Box 7 ~ Rockville, MN 56369-0007 ~ 320-251-7801 ~
Parish Office/Secretary-Sandy Pfannenstein, 320-251-7801
Office Hours: Mon 8AM-Noon, Wed 8:30-10:30AM, Fri 8-11AM
Parish Center Kitchen & Church Basement: 320-252-8486
Prayer Line, 320-685-3213
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism: Contact Parish Office 251-7801
Anointing of the Sick: 320-251-7801
Weddings: Contact the parish office at least six months
preceding the wedding date. Marriage Course required.
Financial Blessings
For Week of 2-01-2015
Regular Income:
Total Reg.
$ 2,125.57
Faith Formation/DRE
LeMay Bechtold 252-8486 or
Parish Center Events/Maintenance
Jean Walz 255-9394
Liturgical Environment
Steve Pfannenstein 251-8358
Gary Gillitzer 685-8947
Cindy Kremers 253-1901
Parish News
Christian Women: Feb 10th—7:30pm. We invite all people from the cluster to join us as we introduce
Melissa Schneider, a NETA Certified Personal Trainer in Health & Fitness from The Club. She will
inspire us and provide helpful information regarding our “well being”. All are welcome.
Do You like to sing? If there are any members of our parish community that would like to be part of
our Sunday morning 10:00 AM Music Ministry, there is a place waiting for you and we would be happy
to welcome you on board. Preparations have begun for the Lenten / Easter Seasons with rehearsals
scheduled for Monday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. We are in need of some additional voices to
Misc. Income:
fill out some of our sections, and would like to explore some new variations of music, but we need some
additional voices to do it. Call 251-8358 for more information.
74.00 Window Project Update: A few years ago we started to replace the windows in the Rectory as they
25.00 are falling apart and are in need of replacement. There are 46 windows. So far 14 have been replaced. In
Window Project
750.00 the last couple of months we have gotten $1,850.00 towards windows and hope to get more replaced this
20.00 spring. In order to finish the project, we need roughly $16,000.00 yet. If any one would like to donate
toward this project, please put your donation into the collection baskets on the weekends and mark it
$ 2,125.57 MIC Window Project. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
YTD over/short
1,543.15 St. Cloud Visitor: February is the month we renew our subscription to the Visitor. Please put your donation envelope in the collection basket. Renewal rate is $17.00. Makes checks out to the parish.
Keeping Updated: Please contact the parish office with address changes, phone # changes, parish
changes, needing envelopes, etc. Parish Office # 320-251-7801
Upcoming Events:
Spring 40 Days for Life: (Feb 18—Mar 29) We are looking for volunteers to walk/pray at Planned
Choir Practice: 02/09—7:00pm Parenthood in St. Cloud. All are asked to pray, partake in the Eucharist and Adoration. We are praying,
Legion of Mary– 02/11 8:30am. that with God’s help, this year will mark the beginning of the end to abortion. All aspects of 40 Days for
Adoration: 02/12 from 8:30am- Life are crucial in our efforts. You can make a life-saving impact by joining our local vigil. Call Tudie –
252-3017 to sign up for vigil times or for more information.
Thank You: An awesome presentation by Mary Jo Ruhland at the Faith Formation on Jan 28th resulted
Over 60 Party—2/16—Noon.
in over 60 young people spiritually adopting a baby to pray for in danger of abortion. A big thanks to
Parish Council: 2/17-7:30pm
Mary Jo and all the helpers.
Misc. News
Parish Council Members
Sue Knauss 253-7299
Linda Kneip 597-3228
Nancy Anderson 241-0297
Wally Mohs 845-2387
Ann Neu 266-1649 –Secretary
Tim Massmann 251-1208
Ray Simon 252-6941- V. Chair
Ralph Walz 255-9394-Chairperson
Youth: Monica Benda-345-2184
Catholic Men’s Conference: Men of Life. Sat , Feb. 21st 8:00am—5:00pm at Saint John’s University.
For more information call 320-252-4721 or visit: This is an excellent opportunity for men of faith to gather together to learn, experience fellowship, and grow and
strengthen their relationships with their families, their Church, and their communities.
MIC Catholic United will pay for 1/2 of the Men’s conference if you are a member of the C.U.F. council. Call Jean @ 255-9394 to register.
This is National Marriage Week—tell your spouse how much you love them!!!
Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday @ 10:00am
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