2014 Annual Report - Faith Lutheran Church
2014 Annual Report - Faith Lutheran Church
FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 310 Medayto Drive Spicer, Minnesota 320.796.2522 faithspicer.org 2012 2014 ANNUAL AnnualREPORT Report PrintedSeptember February 2015 Printed 2012 CONGREGATIONAL INFORMATION FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH: Address: ......................................................... 310 Medayto Drive, Spicer MN 56288 Phone:.....................................................................................................320-796-2522 Fax: ……………………………………………………………………320-796-3010 Email ........................................................................................ office@faithspicer.org Website:....................................................................................... www.faithspicer.org Baptized Membership as of 12/31/2014 ..................................................................... 1659 Confirmed Membership as of 12/31/2014 ................................................................. 1217 CHURCH COUNCIL (2014) PRESIDENT ..................................................................................Jennifer Davenport VICE-PRESIDENT ................................................................................. Susan Lange Older Adults ................................................................................... Kathy Munsell Adults ................................................................................................ Sherri Klaers Young Adults .......................................................................................Anna Haats Youth ..........................................................................................Jared Gatzemeyer Elementary ......................................................................................... Julie Schultz Infants/Preschool ........................................................................... Brian Eichhorst CHURCH STAFF: (as of 12-31-14) LEAD PASTOR ....................................................................................... Todd Nelsen PASTOR .................................................................................................. Mark Kopka PARISH ADMINISTRATOR ........................................................ Michelle Peterson ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ............................................................. Joy White FINANCIAL SECRETARY ................................................................. Christine Cole PROPERTY MANAGER .................................................................. Gary Lagerstedt CUSTODIAN………………………………………………………….…Paul Haney HOSPITALITY DIRECTOR (Welcoming the Community) ................. Jennifer Lien WORSHIP DIRECTOR (to Rejoice)……………………………..………Kyle Black INTERIM EDUCATION DIRECTOR (and Grow) .............................. Nicole Barber MISSION DIRECTOR (in Serving the Lord.)............................................................ PRAISE & PLAY DIRECTOR/TEACHER ............................................. Trisha Voss PRAISE & PLAY TEACHER ......................................................... Emily Thompson PRAISE & PLAY ASSISTANT .........................................................Hope Palmquist THE LINK DIRECTOR .................................................................... Rhonda Otteson THE LINK CLIENT SERVICES ………………………………….Chasity Ommodt MUSICIANS ................................................. Dean Gylten, Nancy Hall, Susan Rime NURSERY STAFF…………..…Hannah Bisek, Alyssa Fredrick, Louise Lungstrom, ..................................................... Chloe Halvorson, Ben Noeldner, Mya Rohman 1 PASTORS’ REPORT “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 The poet author of the book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time and season for everything. As we share our thoughts about the ministry of this past year, we do so, guided by the seasons of the church. As your pastors, we thank you for your ministry throughout the seasons of the church. Epiphany- The season of light! During this season, we welcomed the ‘light’ of new technology in our Sanctuary, Gathering Area, and Community Room. This has certainly been a great addition to enhancing our worship experience and creating a more welcoming and hospitable environment. Lent- The season of reflection. Oftentimes, this includes participating in intentional spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, faith-filled relationships, study, worship, and service, just to name a few. As a part of being intentional at Faith, we had five ‘Faith 5’ small groups during Lent. Families learned and connected together through faith-filled relationships, and through the practices of share, read, talk, pray, and bless. In our Wednesday evening Lenten worship, we focused on different characters from Scripture who helped us consider how each of us had a hand in Jesus’ suffering and death, and how Jesus loves us unconditionally despite our shortcomings. Easter- The season of resurrection! Not only do we remember what Jesus has done for us through the cross and the empty tomb, but we also celebrate the ways God is always bringing about resurrection in our daily lives. When so much of the focus in our lives and our world is on fear and death, our God is able to work through these and bring hope, newness, and life. In the time of Easter at Faith, we celebrated Christ’s resurrection hope working in and through our lives as we acknowledged all the food items our community raised in the Food Shelf Challenge. We also celebrated our one-year anniversary of our successful capital campaign, “Building Faith for Daily Life.” Pentecost- The season of the coming of the Holy Spirit! We celebrate the numerous ways the Spirit gives each of us gifts to love and serve and God’s world. The Spirit also stretches and pushes us into new ways of being followers of Jesus and experiencing God’s world to help us grow in our faith and life. As part of our summer worship, we heard and experienced a variety of music and voices from our own community and beyond. The Spirit was alive and working in our hearts. The vastness and beauty of the body of Christ was shining bright! As we moved into the later part of the season of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit’s breath of change was in our midst once again. In October we called our new Lead Pastor! We celebrated Affirmation of Baptism and Reformation. We remembered our saints on All Saints Sunday. As candles were lit in memory of all the saints in our lives we were once again reminded of the impact of the faith of others leave on our hearts. On Sunday November 9th, as the smell of lutefisk lingered in the air, Pastor Todd was installed as our Lead Pastor. Advent- The season of anticipation! We had the opportunity to pause and reflect upon Jesus, who comes among us as the Prince of Peace. Highlighting the season of Advent, the children of the congregation shared the good news of Jesus on December 21st as they presented, “Coming To A Manger Near You.” What a joy it is to celebrate the birth of Christ as we are led by the proclamation of our children! As ice luminaries shimmered outside, members, family and friend s of Faith Lutheran gathered inside to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This year we made a slight change in the service times and this helped to alleviate congestion between the first and second service on Christmas Eve. During the Christmas season we also were made aware of new changes coming our way as Pastor Mark announced he will be serving at Bethlehem Lutheran in Atwater. Reflecting upon the seasons, we see and hear that the message of the preacher is true, “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” May God continue to bless Faith Lutheran in the midst of change. Pastor Todd Nelsen Lead Pastor Pastor Mark Kopka Associate Pastor 2 PILLAR REPORTS WELCOMING THE COMMUNITY– HOSPITALITY & MEMBERSHIP Invite! Connect! Engage! Serving One Another in the Body of Christ Romans 12:3-8 NIV God’s grace has been given to me. So here is what I say to every one of you. Don’t think of yourself more highly than you should. Be reasonable when you think about yourself. Keep in mind the faith God has given to each of you. Each of us has one body with many parts. And the parts do not all have the same purpose. So also we are many persons. But in Christ we are one body. And each part of the body belongs to all the other parts. We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. If your gift is serving, then serve. If it is teaching, then teach. Is it encouraging others? Then encourage them. Is it giving to others? Then give freely. Is it being a leader? Then work hard at it. Is it showing mercy? Then do it cheerfully. I believe Faith Lutheran focuses on being a cheerful and welcoming group of believers, who are connected to each other, our community, our nation and our world. Continuous community and church events, big and small, happen in Faith’s unique building and it is truly a gift to host so much action! Give praise to God for the blessing of activity, hospitality and those who help make it happen: Potlucks, soup suppers, pastoral & social gatherings, blood drives, concerts, weekly fellowship. Delivery of plants and treat bags to homebound members. Faith Partners visitation ministry for homebound members. Encouraging wellness through monthly blood pressure checks and fitness challenges. Accommodating dance classes, work-related trainings, music lessons for community groups. Celebrating life events – weddings, baptisms, funerals, confirmation, first communion. As Director of Membership and Hospitality, my goal is to engage ministry teams over the next year focused on: Developing an innovative gifts inventory process and invite each member to participate. Developing a transportation ministry. Creating a more family friendly fellowship space. Are you ready? Listen for God’s call! Thanks for allowing me to serve alongside you! Grace & peace, Jennifer Lien Director of Membership and Hospitality 3 TO REJOICE – WORSHIP Glorifying God and strengthening faith in God’s grace through word and sacrament. In 2014 the pillar of music and worship experienced quite a bit of change in the midst of this time of transition. Much of this change was seen in the arrival of staff members who guided the work of our music and worship ministry. As special thank you goes out to all the people who have stepped up to assist us in how we have glorified God and strengthened one another’s faith as we have gathered for worship. We also say thank you to all of the musicians and choir members who have contributed to our services. Stepping out in faith, our congregation formed a team to hire a full time Worship and Music Director. Kyle Black was hired and brought to our congregation. He has wonderful musicianship and a gift for organ performance. Kyle also gave direction to the Chancel Choir and worked alongside the pastors in developing worship services. He coordinated the work of the new Liturgical Environment Team and helped to develop a newly formed Worship and Music Team. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints the Worship and Music Director position was eliminated in January of 2015. Even in the midst of this vacancy, members of Faith are stepping forward to help fill in the gaps. Looking ahead, many opportunities and challenges await us in the New Year: Involving a variety of people to assist in worship has been a goal and will continue. It is exciting to see families ushering together, mentors and confirmation youth greeting together, and a variety of ages participating in services. We are developing new ways to train people in these positions. The Altar Guild under Nona Oie’s leadership continues to keep our sanctuary attractive according to the liturgical season and ensures communion runs smoothly. We are experiencing the blessings which new technologies offer to enhance our worship. Yet there are still opportunities for people to assist with operating our sound and projection equipment. We will be looking for new ways to engage more people to be involved in worship and music planning and implementation and we want to encourage more people to be involved this important part of our ministry. Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Todd Nelsen 4 AND GROW – EDUCATION Learning God’s Word for life in God’s world. 2014 was an exciting and education filled year at Faith! Milestone Ministries- Baptism Festival, three year old Bibles, Third Grade Bibles Communion Instruction and Sixth Grade Bibles are a few of the milestones we remember each year. Sunday school- Preschool – grade 4 study a different bible story each 3-6 week rotation in a variety of engaging ways. The Caterpillars, Cocoons, and Butterflies learned through stories, crafts, games, and singing. The grade-schoolers rotated through one of several workshops such as art, bible games, cooking, music, and science. Each class begins with the current bible story in their age-appropriate Spark bible with discussion time, and then they move on to their activity. WASSUP- Wednesday After School Super Unique Program! All students, grades Kindergarten-6, are welcome and can expect to snack, play and grow in Faith. The 45 attending students gather for singing, announcements, encouragement, and prayer and then move on to their zone. We have three “zones” which the kids rotate through each week. The Active Zone: high-energy games take place, indoors or out. The Art Zone: a faith-based, freestyle art activity where creativity and kindness are encouraged. The Chill Zone: a quiet place for homework, board games, coloring/activity worksheets, and reading. WASSUP requires volunteers each week which consist of a couple parents and our older youth. The Fall Festival during WASSUP in October was a wonderful event as always! The WASSUP kids had a fantastic time, as did members of the congregation and community. The Confirmation students did a fantastic job running the games and activities for the kids and had a great time doing so. We’re so thankful for Marnie Osmond and Louise Lungstrom. Music- The Sunday school students sang on average one Sunday each month during Worship. They practice songs as a large group during Sunday school, and showcase their hard work for the congregation, typically at the 10:35 service. The support they feel from the congregation encourages them to become self-confident individuals while feeling empowered to worship the Lord in their special way. Vacation Bible School- Our summer focus is Vacation Bible School, which is the last week in of July. Our theme was “Wild Animals!” This was a community outreach event, open to the public and is free of charge. Offering is collected for a designated mission. VBS requires 50+ volunteers to run smoothly, as we typically have 120 or more students. We have already started planning this year’s VBS. The theme for 2015 is Everest, where kids can learn how to overcome obstacles with God’s mighty power. Confirmation- The confirmation ministry at Faith continues to engage 7th-9th grade students in deepening their faith journey. This year we have been focusing our attention on Luther’s Small Catechism. Special thanks to our confirmation guides and mentors who are developing meaningful and trusted relationships with these young people. Thank you to Jill Rohman and Jennifer Lein who have helped to prepare materials for our confirmation guides using a new curriculum called “Here We Stand”. Students and parents are also helping to serve at Tuesday’s Table community meal. 5 Special EventsTrunk or Treat- Hosted by Confirmation students and open to the community. Kids come and trick or treat around decorated cars in our parking lot. Donations to the food shelf are encouraged. It’s a safe, family friendly, fun-filled annual Halloween event! Synod Jr. High Gathering- Overnight event in Willmar- music, laser tag, faith stories, etc. Caroling Event- Choir members joined confirmation students in traveling to the homes of members and sharing their Christmas cheer through song! Christmas Worship- Coming to a Manger Near You, written by our very own Pastor Todd, was awesome! The children sang beautifully, had a blast performing, and worked really hard to present such a gift to God, the congregation, and their families! This year we also have a group of youth from Faith will be attending the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit. The theme for the gathering is Rise Up Together. Our Youth are excited about this wonderful worship and service opportunity. If you would like to learn more about the 2015 ELCA National Youth Gathering check out www.ELCA.org/gathering or on Facebook at facebook.com/youth gathering. In the last quarter of the year we conducted a survey to develop a long term and sustainable youth and education program. We are grateful for everyone’s participation in this process a hope to make a recommendation in the near future. In promoting students to grow in His word, it is essential to have a large number of volunteers. A sincere THANK YOU is extended to all that have contributed to the children of Faith, through time or donations. The programs would not be here if it weren’t for YOU! There are always a variety of volunteer opportunities available within the Children’s Ministry Team. Which meets the third Tuesday of the month and are always welcoming to people. Whether you have a tradition of helping or it will be your first time, we extend an invitation to you- in helping the little ones foster their Faith, you are sure to grow in yours. Nicole Barber- Interim Education Coordinator 6 IN SERVING THE LORD – MISSION Walking together, serving our neighbor, reflecting God’s love. Faith Lutheran Church is a great supporter of missions in our local community as well as the global community. Globally: Missionary Support: Faith Lutheran Church financially and prayerfully supports ELCA Missionary Elisabeth Johnson, working in Cameroon and the Zimmerle family working in Central Asia. Faith supports Lutheran World Relief with baby care kits, quilts, school kits and through the Foods Resource Bank. In 2014, 150 school kits and 324 baby care kits were distributed through Lutheran World Relief to countries like Lebanon, Myanmar and Angola. Faith supports fair trade products. We only use fair trade coffee and tea. We sell this coffee and tea, as well as fair trade chocolate, cocoa and olive oil at the Welcome Center. By purchasing these products, you can help farmers and producers around the world get a fair price for their products. Locally: Faith partners with the Willmar Area Food Shelf through ongoing food donations, special food drives and special offerings throughout the year. In 2014, we donated over $5,500 plus over 3,000 pounds of food to the WAFS. We also enjoyed a friendly competition with Peace Luthen and got to “pie our pastor! Tuesday’s Table provides nourishment for the body and soul through meals and volunteer opportunities through a monthly community meal. We are one of five host churches offering this ministry in the New-London/Spicer area. It is a project coordinated and sponsored by The Link. In 2014, 2,411 people were served through Tuesday’s Table at Faith. The Mitten Tree project provides Christmas gifts for local families and individuals in need. In 2014, congregation members generously gave over 200 Christmas gifts to individuals in need. Our vibrant Community Garden provides an opportunity to build community and share the bounty of delicious, sustainable, local food. We have 64 irrigated plots. Almost half of the gardeners are community members who are not members of Faith. Camp Scholarship support provides an opportunity for youth in our congregation to grow closer to Christ through summer bible camp at GLLM. Over $2,000 was contributed in 2014. The Quilting ministry at Faith lovingly assembles quilts to be given locally and internationally. In 2014, over 300 beautiful quilts were gifted to Habitat for Humanity, Girls Ranch in Benson, GLLM, Hospice, Salvation Army, Lutheran Social Services, Women's Shelter (Willmar location), the Red Cross (St. Cloud), and Lutheran World Relief. Football for Missions project raised over $500 for Rice Hospice in 2014. We contribute shampoo and conditioner to the annual “Just The Basics” event sponsored by The Link. We are looking forward to Family Promise getting up and running this Spring! This project provides shelter to homeless families in our community and we are proud to be one of 12 host churches in the county! God’s work, our hands! 7 CHURCH COUNCIL WOW! Last year kept staff and council extremely busy with all the issues and transitions. Thank you to each of our members for your support and patience throughout the year! Here’s a glimpse: JanuaryCouncil supported Faith's original plan to hire a full-time Music/Worship Director. Mike McDonnell resigned as Council Vice President and Susan Lange was appointed to the position. FebruaryWe approved the team of Michelle Peterson, Brian Jensen, David Mohs, Mary Haug and Ed Rauk to begin the search for our new Music/Worship Director. MarchWe approved the completed Ministry Site Profile. (Result of many hours of work and input by staff, members and council). Call Committee was approved. Members are: Jack Klaers, Jan Christianson, Vanessa Henjum, Bryan Goltz, Carter Stenberg, Kay Rauk and Julie Schultz (council liaison). This committee, with help from the Synod, began the call process for our new lead pastor. AprilWe sadly accepted the resignation of Pastor Dick Wehrs. Faith was blessed to have Pastor Dick as our interim pastor for several months. We decided to conduct a targeted Challenge campaign as a means to 'catch-up' on finances. We also began looking at forming a Mission Resource Team for long-term financial ideas/stewardship development. MayWe accepted the resignation of Past President Tom Deadrick. We approved the 'Spring Ahead' campaign with a goal to raise $40,000 by June. JuneThe columbarium design concept was approved and we authorized the Columbarium Comm. to move forward with plans. The Mission Resource Team was formed. Members are Jim Nelson, Mark & Regina Mulder, Sherri Klaers, Michelle Peterson, Susan Lange, Jennifer Davenport and Pastor Mark. JulyKyle Black was hired as Faith's Music/Worship Director. He began his orientation period, exciting to have him on staff! We approved hiring Pastor Bob Dahl as our interim, part-time pastor. Concerns continue over finances- giving remains flat, our mission partner commitments have not been paid, P & P Preschool is running a deficit. In preparation for the annual meeting elections in October, Council needs to fill the Vice President and three council positions. Since no members have applied, a list of 70 members were contacted and encouraged to serve on Council. AugustApproved the initiation of a Praise & Play Preschool Ministry Team. SeptemberReviewed the proposed 2015 Mission Plan. OctoberAnnual Meeting- Members approved the slate of candidates for Council, Nominating Committee and Synod Assembly Delegates. Members approved the 2015 Mission Plan. Members passed Resolution 14-01 to call Reverend Todd Nelsen to serve as Lead Pastor at FLC! 8 NovemberWe approved the implementation of a Columbarium Board and also approved the niche price of $1600.00 (members and non-members). Hopeful construction can begin Spring 2015, depending on how many niches are sold. Heard an overview from The Link board members Chery Johnson and Susan Lange. When current Link director resigns year-end, the position will be split - Client Services and Operations. Fall campaign letters for 2015 pledges have been mailed. Pastor Todd is working with the Mission Resource Team to develop a year-round stewardship plan. Capital Campaign- Council hopes to make a $50,000 mortgage reduction payment by year-end. DecemberFall Stewardship Campaign resulted in 150 pledges received (approximately $350,000). Pastor Todd sent an additional end of year appeal letter to members. Approved a $70,000 mortgage reduction payment using Capital Campaign funds. Indeed, 2014 was a non-stop, challenging, rewarding, sometimes frustrating (often exhausting!) year for our church. On behalf of Council, THANK YOU for your continued willingness to share your concerns, time, talents and financial gifts with Faith Lutheran Church. On my own behalf, I thank each of you for the experience, and privilege of serving as your Church Council President these last two years. Jennifer Davenport President CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Building Faith for Daily Life We are about halfway through our three year capital campaign, Building Faith for Daily Life. In June, 2013, members of Faith Lutheran Church made three year pledges to support the campaign. The campaign had three objectives: Reduce mortgage debt; Improve technology; and Support any upfront costs needed for the installation of the columbarium (Dollars given to the columbarium project will be paid back to Faith as the project receives revenue from the sale of columbarium niches). In December the Council approved another principle payment on our mortgage from campaign funds of $70,000 totaling $120,000 sent so far. Our technology is installed, people have been trained, and it continues to enhance worship and communication. The columbarium is moving forward (see separate report). As of 12-31-14, we have received pledges for $568,071.00 to the campaign. Contributions to the campaign as of the end of 2014 are $367,286.00. Members had the option to designate 10% of their pledge to the Link. 26 households selected this option. As we move forward with the campaign, please consider additional gifts as your circumstances may allow. Please contact the church office or check out the website for the form to complete a pledge. 9 MEMORIAL PRAYER GARDEN & COLUMBARIUM Thank you to the Columbarium Taskforce members for all of the hard work they have put in this year to develop a construction plan, recommend vendors and landscapers, and the work they have done on policy development for the Faith Memorial Prayer Garden and Columbarium. Taskforce members: Jeff Johnson, Anna Haats, Diane Hoffman, Jeff Vetsch, Keith Wassmund and Dean Westre. The Council approved the plans and we are now in the marketing phase of the project. The total cost estimate for the project is approximately $175,000. We are currently selling columbarium niches and hope to sell enough to begin construction on the project this spring. The capital campaign funds may be used to front construction costs, but the sale of niches will eventually cover all construction costs and perpetual care for the garden/columbarium units. Brochures are available at the Welcome Center and on our website. There is a sketch of the project on display in the Gathering Area. We will also be holding periodic informational forums at church. Please contact Michelle Peterson, Parish Administrator for more information. PRAISE & PLAY PRESCHOOL The 2013-2014 school year wrapped up in June 2014. This was a low enrollment year for us. Some of the factors contributing to this was a change in staff very close to the start of the year and the school district preschool adding offerings. The full day option was again available and utilized. At the end of the year there were 17 total students. There were on average 12 students/day Monday through Thursday with 5 students using the full day option Tuesday through Thursday. There was not a Friday option as it would not have been cost effective with the number of students enrolled. Hope remained our aide and is loved by students and families alike. She was very flexible and willing to help in any way. 11 of the 17 students were prepared and ready for kindergarten. We were also the recipients of a United Way grant to be used for scholarships for the 2013/2014 school year. Due to the lack of enrollment, there were scholarship dollars still available for the 2014/2015 school year. At the start of the 2014-2015 school year we hired a very capable afternoon teacher, Emily Thompson. She is excited to join our team and has experience working with young students. Our aide, Hope, had a minor accident on some steps which resulted in a broken ankle and 10 weeks away from work. We were able to find substitute aides until her return after the Christmas holiday. Our enrollment for the year is at 22 total students with 8-10 students staying in the afternoons M-TH. We do not offer a Friday option this year as there was not enough interest. It is looking to be a much better financial year than the last. We are working on new ways of promoting the full day option through a preschool task force with plans to increase our enrollment for the 2015/2016 school year. Trisha Voss, Director 10 THE PAROCHIAL REPORT MEMBERSHIP BAPTIZED Membership as of 12/31/2013 1622 Members received from 1/1/2014-12/31/2014 54 Members removed from 1/1/2014-12/31/2014 37 Total Members 12/31/2014 1639 Associate Members CONFIRMED 1203 28 34 1197 20 20 1659 1217 MEMBERS RECEIVED: BY BAPTISM – 23 Oliver Anderson Isla Finstrom Sophie Grotelueschen Griffin Haats Alex Hardebeck Lolly Jammeh Odin Knudsen Lennie Kramer Colton Kriese Caylee Moreno Caylor Moreno Hadley Olness Nichole Olson Holton Peterson Savvy Plumhoff Agapito Santibanez Josselyn Scheevel Elise Skindelien Hayden Thompson Kellon Thompson Greta Torison Parker Welsch Jack Wig BY TRANSFER – 26 Shana Grejtak & Chris Mathiowetz Katie Kleidon & Todd Willen Thomas John Nelson Tyson Gislason Todd Malchow Doreen Devos Leah Knudsen Odin Laura & Nathan Kriese Colton Karen & Dean Madsen Sonja Todd Nelsen Sarah & Ben Asche Johanna Martha & Wendell Nash Alicia & Robert Welsch Madalynn & Parker BY CONFIRMATION – 8 Chelsea Eckhoff Brooke Edman Ryan Gatzemeyer Evan Haugen Jake Parker Erin Tebben 11 Brett Welker Wyatt White MEMBERS REMOVED: BY TRANSFER – 21 Deb & Mike Andries Jill James Zachary Gould Laura & Chris Lindquist Hadley & Laiken Molly Swenson Joy Wohlin Nancy & Tom Deadrick Maria & Jim Hughes Nathan Johnson Beulah Lundberg Gary Oman Jeff & Sandy Wersal Jackie & Jesse BY DEATH -- 16 Carol Anderson Irene Brecke Charles DeCathelineau Lillian Doty Louis Eichhorst Jerry Figenskau Delores Finden Dorothy Gronli Teeyn Hald Kurt Hoehne Mildred Jordin Jay Kieft Gwen Larson Dorothy Lindblad Ione Nichols Richard Rannestad WEDDINGS FROM 1/01/2014-12/31/2014 Nicole & Brandon Barber Ashley & Riley Hood Erin & Rob Hyrkas Devon & Emily Lien Ingrid & Todd Malchow Keri & Rick Mclain Melissa & Matt Robnik 12 2014 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET AS OF 12/31/2014 CURRENT ASSETS: CASH Checking Account Capital Improvement Savings Designated Ministries Savings Good Samaritan Fund The Link Savings Endowment Funds: Term Investment Fund M.I.F. General Education Ruter $189,685.53 $3,268.66 $23,911.91 $543.65 $66,761.84 $284,171.59 $77,165.60 $13,453.38 $41,110.25 $9,231.62 $140,960.85 Total Cash Assets FIXED $425,132.44 Land/Buildings/Equipment/Furniture $4,449,642.95 OTHER Pastor's Mortgage $15,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS $4,889,775.39 LIABILITIES: CURRENT PAYABLES M.I.F. MORTGAGE $2,389.27 $1,261,034.99 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,263,424.26 FUND BALANCE: (net worth) $3,626,351.13 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $4,889,775.39 13 MISSION PLAN - FUND 01 INCOME & EXPENSE - MISSION PLAN (budget) as of 12/31/2014 INCOME ACTUAL Envelope Offering $591,408.69 Loose Offering $14,023.23 Thrivent Choice Giving $6,103.00 Church Use $5,968.25 Community Garden $1,601.00 Flowers/Decorations $1,470.00 Interest/Misc. Income $3,684.49 Savings Transfer - Interim Music Dir. $3,000.00 TOTAL INCOME $627,258.66 EXPENSES ACTUAL MISSION IN PARTNERSHIP $7,412.97 MISSION IN COMMUNITY Welcome-Hospitality $8,444.33 Rejoice-Worship/Music $8,402.99 Grow-Education $7,880.47 Serve-Mission $1,737.35 Youth $621.24 MISSION FACILITY & STAFF Property $59,945.05 Administration $38,842.89 Salaries $401,371.66 Computer Equipment $1,602.34 MORTGAGE PAYMENTS Principle $53,556.59 Interest $59,807.41 TOTAL EXPENSES $649,625.29 DEFICIT Desig. Savings/Checking Transfer BUDGET $747,549.49 $21,978.61 $4,500.00 $7,500.00 $1,600.00 $1,400.00 $784,528.10 BUDGET $81,425.00 $10,150.00 $7,300.00 $12,200.00 $3,300.00 $1,000.00 $59,295.59 $36,852.00 $479,197.72 $48,000.00 $64,670.00 $803,390.31 -$22,366.63 (02-ch: $2531.00 02-sav: $10,311.22 $7780.22) -$12,055.41 ENDOWMENT EXPENSE (Paid From Endowment Funds) Scholarship Distribution $500.00 $500.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENSE (Paid From Capital Improvement Savings) Cover P&P loss $10,681.00 $10,681.00 14 DESIGNATED MINISTRIES - FUND 02 INCOME & EXPENSE - DESIGNATED FUND as of 12/31/2014 INCOME Charitable Income Non-Charitable Income TOTAL INCOME $23,532.52 $20,494.43 $44,026.95 EXPENSES Benevolence Paid Given to Faith Youth Funds Memorials transf. to 01 Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSE $16,751.77 $5,676.52 Soup supper/Lutefisk/Donations $2,531.00 $19,067.28 $44,026.57 EXCESS INCOME 2014 DESIGNATED (FUND 02) BENEVOLENCE PAID: LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF FOODS RESOURCE BANK MISSIONARY FOR A DAY WORLD HUNGER SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERING MEMORIAL OFFERINGS ZIMMERLE MISSIONS QUILTERS FOOD SHELF HABITAT FOR HUMANITY GLBC SCHOLARSHIPS GLLM OFFERINGS FOOTBALL PICKS LUTEFISK INCOME LENTEN SUPPER INCOME CAN RECYCLING INCOME CAN RECYCLING INCOME $0.38 $100.00 $3,467.00 90% TO LWR, 10% TO FRB $ 1,056.00 $65.00 $100.90 TO FOOD SHELF $52.34 TO TUESDAY'S TABLE $244.99 TO FAMILY PROMISE TRANSF. TO 01 GENERAL $2,531.00 FUND $1,190.83 $1,134.00 $5,595.94 $361.00 $2,035.13 $20.00 $500.00 TO PKD CURE $3,515.69 TO YOUTH FUNDRAISERS $2,160.83 TO YOUTH FUNDRAISERS $44.31 REPAIRS $828.64 TO GLLM - SHARE BUS 15 PRAISE & PLAY PRESCHOOL - FUND 03 (July 1, 2014 - Dec. 31, 2014) INCOME EXPENSE YTD EXCESS INCOME $23,572.65 $22,123.25 $1,449.40 THE LINK - FUND 04 - As of 12/31/2014 INCOME EXPENSE EXCESS INCOME $118,404.77 $107,654.43 $10,750.34 COLUMBARIUM - FUND 05 - As of 12/31/2014 INCOME EXPENSE EXCESS INCOME $11,034.00 $10,640.15 $393.85 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN - FUND CC - As of 12/31/2014 INCOME CAPITAL CAMPAIGN EXPENSE MORTGAGE PRINCIPLE PAYMENT TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTS LINK 10% TITHE EXCESS INCOME $367,286.11 -$40,126.39 -$50,000.00 -$102,695.00 -$2,567.00 $171,897.72 16 17