February 2015 Newsletter - Pu`u Kukui Elementary School
February 2015 Newsletter - Pu`u Kukui Elementary School
School Bulletin – February 2015 3700 Kehalani Mauka Parkway, Wailuku, HI 96793 http://www.puukukui.k12.hi.us/ Main Office: (808) 727-3000 Health Room: (808) 727-3002 Vice Principal: (808)727-3021 PCNC: (808) 727-3028 Upcoming Events Principal's Message Aloha Puu Kukui Ohana! As we move towards the start of 2015-2016, I would like to begin sharing information with you about a change that will occur. Our School Community Council has approved school uniforms which will require students to wear uniforms Monday through Thursday each week. Uniforms will consist of our school t-shirt. The adoption of a school uniform has been approved with the hopes that it will foster a sense of `ohana and equality for all. Fridays will remain days where students can choose to wear non-school uniform options. Specific information regarding this change in policy will be sent home in March. Chad Okamoto, Principal Attention Pu'u Kukui Parents! Text Messaging now available from School Connects! School Connects is our automated phone service that we use to get important messages home to our families. If you would like to receive our messages via text please text Join to 56360. *Standard text messaging rates may apply based on the subscriber's plan with their mobile phone carrier.* February 16 Presidents Day – No Students February 28 Spring Fling – PTSA Event March 13 Teacher Planning & Collaboration Day – No Students March 16-20 Spring Break March 26 Kuhio Day – No Students March 29 Maui 5K for Kids, 7am, Ma`alaea Triangle – registration required Kindergarten Registration Open Pu`u Kukui Elementary School is currently accepting Kindergarten and new student registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Please visit our office for registration forms, MondayFriday, 9:00am – 1:00pm. If you are interested in a campus tour, please reach out to our PCNC Facilitator, Christine Hamilton at 808-7273028. Mahalo! Page 1 of 4 Proactive Ponderings with Mr. Dillon February is Win-Win This month we are focusing on Habit #4, “Think Win-Win”. Our students demonstrated this at a recent assembly where they came up with a creative solution that met the needs of all the girls and boys involved. In choosing a group mascot they came up with “Uni-saur” - a Win-Win solution for a team divided between selecting unicorn and dinosaur mascots. To select only one would have been Win-Lose. Of all the habits, it is Win-Win that requires creativity on the part of the problem solver. When faced with a dilemma, it is the Win-Win thinker that will devise a solution that benefits everyone. Win-Win Driving In our parking lot and student loading areas we rely on parents to make driving choices that are Win-Win. In addition to making these areas safer for everyone (win), the process will be faster (another win) and you will be setting an appropriate example for your child (yet another win). Please help us to avoid the following “Win-Lose” scenarios, all of which have been reported. Please AVOID: Parking along the red curbs to walk children into the campus. Use only marked stalls. This blocks driving lanes and puts pedestrians into danger without crosswalks. In the rear of campus cars have been observed parking along the red curb when there are many open stalls just a short walk ahead. Instead of stopping short and/or lingering in the yellow loading zones, pull all the way forward and keep good-byes short and sweet. Failure to consider the drivers behind you can cause back-up, impatience, and speeding. Please continue to drive with aloha even when others do not. One moment of impatience could have serious consequences. Blue Tickets In the 3rd Quarter, the Pu`u Kukui Staff will be distributing Blue Tickets to students that demonstrate the 7 Habits. Staff will be looking to “catch” students that apply the 7-Habits during recess, lunch, and before and after school. Students can redeem the tickets for early lunch dismissal and there will be a Blue Ticket Raffle each Friday for a chance to select from the 7 Habits prize box. Ball Drive The Student Council would like to announce their 3rd Quarter Ball Drive. If you would like to donate any new or lightly used balls, you may do so at the drop off receptacle in the Main Office. We will accept playground balls, soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, volleyballs and more. Mr. Dillon Box Tops for Education Calling all Box Tops! Pu`u Kukui is seeking Box Tops for our final submission for this school year. Our deadline to postmark Box Tops is March 2, 2015; please send any and all Tops to school by February 12th (just before Spring Break). If you are interested in volunteering to count and package Box Tops the week of February 23-27, please reach out to Crissy Hamilton at 808-7273028. Mahalo nui loa! Page 2 of 4 Maui 5K for Kids Mark your calendar! The Maui 5K for Kids is coming soon. Preregister by March 14 th online and save $5 off of your entry fee. Please keep an eye out for race information and entry forms going home with students later this month. All entries support Maui schools and Pu`u Kukui Elementary specifically when you choose us as your donor school on your application. Na Pua No‘eau Coll-EDGE Bound 808, Sunday, February 8, 12:00-3:00 pm. Please note, the focus for this event is from K to 5th grade only. Pre-registration is required for the fun activities that are designed to engage students into thinking about careers & professions. Contact Oahu Morando at 984-3364 orohua@hawaii.edu Visit Na Pua No‘eau’s website at: www.npn.uhh.hawaii.edu *This is not a Deptartment Of Education sponsored event Page 3 of 4 PTSA Message Aloha Parents! Our Spring Fling will be coming up on Saturday, February 28th from 2 – 6 pm. We’ve got a fun-filled day planned for you and your ‘Ohana! Silent Auction ~ Craft Fair ~ Student Arcade ~ Bounce House ~ Food Trucks Photo Booth - Magic Show ~ Student Variety Show Student Arcade The arcade will take scrips only - Games cost only 1 scrip! We will be pre-selling scrips at a discounted rate of 25 scrips for $20 before school and after school in front of the office and by the cafeteria on Thursday, February 26th and Friday, February 27 th. Scrips will also be sold at the event We are currently looking for the following: Grade Level Volunteers for Student Arcade. Each grade level will have its own game booth in the arcade. Proceeds from that booth will go directly to them. Please contact your child’s teacher if you can help with the construction of the game or have materials to donate. Look out for a sign up sheet for students to work the game booth that will be coming home. Please support your child in their efforts to volunteer! Prize Booth Donations - We will have an “Ohana Spring Fling Prize Donation” box in the office. Items needed are: books games toys school supplies crafts bags Volunteers for Individual Class Silent Auction Art Project Each individual class has the opportunity to enter something into our Silent Auction. Proceeds from the auction will go towards purchasing a kiln for our school! Teachers are extremely busy this time of year preparing your child for the State testing coming up … a parent that can help to organize, and carry out this project for them would be greatly appreciated! Your PTSA has $50 budgeted for each class to purchase supplies for this project. Donations for Silent Auction Tap into your network of friends, family, classmates, neighbors and business associates. Can your company donate an item for our silent auction? Do you know someone or went to school with someone that can make a donation? We need your donations! Every item donated is pure profits for the school. Your donation will help to ensure our ‘Ohana Spring Fling is a success. All donations are tax deductible. Donation forms are available in the school office. You can send your donated items to your child’s teacher or drop them off at the office. Most Wanted Items: Hotel Accommodations Activities/Shows/Concerts Lessons – art, surfing, swim, music and etc. Personal Trainer Rounds of Golf Gift Certificates – stores & restaurants Themed Gift Baskets Autographed Memorabilia Jewelry Please contact us at: puukukuiptsa@gmail.com or call Desiree at (808) 344-0070 Page 4 of 4
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