“COUNCIL LIFE” - Pope Pius XII Council # 4422
“COUNCIL LIFE” - Pope Pius XII Council # 4422
“COUNCIL LIFE” Pope Pius XII Council 4422, 18th District St. Raphael’s Parish FEBRUARY 2015 www.kofc4422.org GRAND KNIGHTS MESSAGE Dear Brother Knights, The winter weather is upon us and I hope all of you are keeping safe. Last month was a busy month for us with the Free Council Throw Contest, Pancake Breakfast, and Polish Night. All of these events where great successes. Since 1972, Knights of Columbus Councils have sponsored the free throw contest. The compe on is set up to have the contestants compete within their own gender and age group. All compe on starts at the local level like our council. Winners move on to the district, regional, and state or provincial levels. From there, some make it to the interna onal level for championship compe on in their group. Congratula ons to the winners of our council free throw contest and good luck moving on to the next level. Great job on another pancake breakfast, the turnout was excep onal. The food crew did another outstanding job. Polish night…. What can I say about this event, marvelous… there was plenty of food to go around and everyone had a great me. This is the first event I no ced that people stayed around a er cake and coffee. So Marverlous job to all that help on this event. Again I want all of you to be safe and don’t forget Valen ne’s Day… Vivat Jesus!!! Douglas Gondek Grand Knight Stations of the Cross Once again, we have been honored by Deacon Vic to participate in Stations of the Cross which is scheduled for Good Friday, April 3rd at 7 PM. Who would ever like to participate in this Easter Season event, please contact me, John Sarubbi - 516-778-0888 John Sarubbi PGK POPE PIUS XII KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PO Box 507 East Meadow, N.Y. 11554 www.kofc4422.org “COUNCIL OFFICERS” COLUMBIAN YEAR 2014/2015 Chaplain Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chanellor Warden Advocate Financial Secretary Treasurer Recorder Inside Guard Inside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard Lecturer Trustee 3 years Trustee-2 years Trustee-1 years Insurance Agent Father Robert Holz Doug Gondek Jim O’Brien (Karen) John Pavlica (Teresa) Fred Schrotz, Jr. Al Clancy, PGK (Louise) Joseph Zink, PGK, FDD (Dorothy) Al Swiderski, PGK (Jo) Tom Donovan, PGK, FDD (Arleen) Daniel McCarthy 785-0236 468-0812 794-7764 826-0215 826-1479 781-5852 486-2071 822-8562 486-4828 Joe Realmuto Fred Garcia (Carman) Joe Iannone, PGK (Debbie) John Devany (Jeannine) Thomas Prykuta (Cathy) John Sarubbi (Joan) John M. Kenny john.kenny@KofC.org 794-6823 579-2634 565-6375 794-2147 735-1308 778-0888 524-1061 James Breslawski Michael Esposito Norman Filaski Thomas Jost John Modica Sr. Richard Quaresima Fr. Paul Rahilly Ronald Richards Kenneth Svitak NASSAU CONFERENCE DELEGATES AND THE NEW YORK STATE CONVENTION Doug Gondek, GK John Devany, PGK Jim O’Brien Don Hoeffner, PGK NASSAU CHAPTER DELEGATES Doug Gondek, GK Jim O’Brian Thomas J. Donovan, PGK, FDD Joe Iannone, PGK, FDD (Alt) District Deputy Editor Webmaster: DISTRICT DEPUTY Richard Brazenor rbrazenor@optimum.net Don Hoeffner (Cathy) Wilfrido Rodriguez 794-1968 FABULOUS FOURTH We are now into the second month of the New Year. Mark your calendars to show that Saint John XXIII Assembly will be having their Annual Dinner Dance on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at New Hyde Park Council, from 2 PM ll 6 PM. This will be a gala dining and dancing affair, featuring an open bar and music by DJ Chris of Island Wide Sounds. The cost will be $60 per person. I am hoping the Council can see clear to sponsor a table in its usual fashion. I am sure you have seen the raffle flyers posted in the Council chambers offering a 46” HD LED flat screen TV, complete with a blue-ray disc player and TV sound bar. This is the only fund raiser the Assembly runs each year and the funds help support our endeavors. The raffle ckets are $10.00 apiece, but you can purchase 3 for $20.00. I hope you will see clear to help support your Fourth Degree Assembly. Remember, you do not have to be a Fourth Degree member to par cipate in the raffle or to a end the dinner dance. Every Knight Should Be A Sir Knight Joe Zink FOOTBALL POOL The current Football pool winners are: W/E 12/29/14 Name Carol Fitzgerald 74 Number Amt $25.00 For Wkly 2nd high These are the final winners. Superbowl winners will be listed in March newsletter. Thanks for your support. If you have any questions contact me via email swideze@verizon.net or phone call 516-822-8562. Al Swiderski, PGK Past Grand Knights Post C&B I want to thank everyone who participated in C&B. We did better then last year. Special thanks goes out to Mr. Joseph Zink for all the assistance he gave in regard to the C&B. Pancake Breakfast I want thank everyone for all the help that was received for the Pancake Breakfast. We had the largest group of attendees, over 50 people for the Pancake Breakfast this year. Father Holz was extremely pleased. Again, thank you all. Polish Night Thank you to all of the food crew that made the evening a success. Also, a special thanks goes to the Committee Chairmen, Al Swiderski and Tom Prykuta. John Sarubbi, PGK SICK AND VISITATION Please pray for the following members who are sick and distressed and can use our support: Ed Dolan Michael Fitzpatrick Chuck Griffiths James Taggert Anthony Sequeira Al Koening Al Lusardi Gene Tiefenwerth Vincent Falconetti Mark Pozarycki James O’Brien Selvaraj Anandan John Gondek, Jr. Joe Zink, PGK, FDD, PFN Fred Schrotz, Jr. John Bonsignore, PGK For our Deceased Brothers: Prayers for sick and distressed friends and relatives of Our Council: Patricia Skinner Carma Garcia Domenica Anzalone Bill Murphy, PGK, FDD Joanne Brazenor Brian Ennis, PGK, FN Marie Popolizio Mc Coy, Past Pres. Trudy Maron Stephen Davitt Betty Bonsignore For our deceased friends: Our Country, The United States of America, needs our prayers for leadership to deal with the many issues it faces. Also please keep in your prayers the men and women of our armed forces. If you know of anyone who is ill, or who has recently passed away, or just needs to be remembered in our prayers; please contact the Council Life Editor. FREE THROW CONTEST A SUCCESS!! On Saturday Jan 10th Pope Pius XII Council held the Council level of the K of C Basketball Free Throw Championship at St. Raphael’s Auditorium. The Championship is an annual contest open to all boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14 years. This years contest was well attended, with about 54 boys and girls participating. The winners in each age group are listed below: Boys Girls Age 9 Matthew Coffey Isabella Lederer Age 10 Patrick Spinola Taylor Argentina Age 11 Jordan Chalmers Vanessa Rodriguez Age 12 Christopher Cuadrado Age 13 Charlie Cucchiara Kerry Clark All winners will be honored at a trophy presentation at Kellenberg High School Gymnasium in February and will have the opportunity to advance through District, Regional (All Long Island) and State Levels of competition. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my brother Knights, who helped make this event, such an outstanding success: Alan Bacci (Co-Chair), Don Hoeffner , Alex Clar k, Al Swiderski, John Pavlica, Worthy Grand Knight, Doug Gondek and our Chaplain Father Robert Holz.. I would like to personally thank my Co-chairman Alan Bacci, and our public relation team chaired by Bernie Vintaloro and Don Hoeffner who helped advertise this event the last several months in our community. Much thanks to St. Raphael’s for the generous use of the auditorium. East Meadow Herald for photography during and at end of competition. Also, special thanks to CYO coordinator Alex Clark, the CYO coaches of St Raphael, the physical education teachers of our local schools and St Raphael’s for publicizing this event for the youths of our Community. The next level or District contest will be held on, Sunday February 22nd at 1 PM at Kellenberg High School and will be hosted by our District Deputy Richard Brazenor. All Council Helpers will be appreciated! Thanks to all, Paul Wissert. IRISH SWEEPSTAKES COME JOIN US FOR A GALA EVENING OF FUN AS WE WATCH THESE BRAVE LEPRECHAUNS COMPETE FOR THE THRILL OF PRANCING IN THE WINNER’S CIRCLE THERE WILL BE A TRADITIONAL IRISH MEAL OF CORNED BEEF, CABBAGE, POTATOES, SODA BREAD AND VARIOUS BEVERAGES TO TOAST EACH WINNER’S SUCCESS $$$$ You Might Even Grab The Leprechaun’s Pot of Gold $$$$ SAINT RAPHAEL’S AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 ****PLEASE OBSERVE NEW TIMES**** Doors Open At 6:15PM-------------- First Race Is At 7:00PM ADMISSION IS $10.00 AND INCLUDES FINE FOOD & DRINK PLUS A CHANCE FOR SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES For reservations and tickets, contact: Al Swiderski, PGK 822-8562 Tickets will also be available at St. Raphael Church rectory. Don’t delay---Tickets are limited to 170 and last year was a sellout event. Please make out all checks to: Pope Pius XII, K of C SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FEBRUARY 2015 03 07 10 14 15 16 17 20 24 25 Tue Sat Tue Sat Sun Mon Tue Fri Tue Wed Business Mtg 8 PM District Free Throw District Deputy’s Mtg 7:30 PM Valentine’s Day K of C Sunday Presidents Day Social Mtg 8 PM Chapter Mtg 8 PM Officers Mtg 7:30 PM 4th Degree Mtg 8 PM MARCH 2015 03 04 10 14 15 17 19 20 24 25 29 Tue Wed Tue Sat Races) Sun Tue Thu Fri Tue Wed Sun Business Mtg 8 PM Ash Wednesday District Deputy’s Mtg 7:30 PM Irish Sweepstakes (aka KKnighs at the K of C Sunday St Patrick’s Day Social Mtg 8 PM St Joseph’s Day Chapter Mtg 8 PM Officers Mtg 7:30 PM 4th Degree Mtg 8 PM Palm Sunday APRIL 2015 03 05 07 12 14 15 17 19 21 28 Fri Sun Tue Sun Tue Wed Fri Sun Tue Tue Good Friday Easter Sunday District Deputy’s Mtg 7:30 PM Communion Breakfast Social Mtg 8 PM Nominations 4th Degree Mtg 8 PM Chapter Mtg 8 PM K of C Sunday Scheduling Mtg 8 PM??? Officers Mtg 7:30 PM AMERICAN LEGION POST 1749 1298 Newbridge Road North Bellmore, NY 11710 Looking for Veterans to Join Us Meetings First Fridays 8 PM HALL AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL FOR INFO CALL Frank Colon 516-785-5130