Bulletin - Congregational Church of Boca Raton
Bulletin - Congregational Church of Boca Raton
Congregational Church Of Boca Raton SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Welcome to Worship! No matter who you are or where you are on Life’s journey, you are welcome at Congregational Church of Boca Raton, UCC. Our doors are wide open to all who desire a closer relationship with God. We welcome believers, seekers, and doubters; ANYONE, JUST AS YOU ARE. Large-print bulletin and hearing devices are available from the ushers. Please keep this a time of quiet reflection in preparation of worship. God is calling you today, but not on your cell phone! Please remember to turn it off, or you may leave it with our head usher if you are expecting an emergency call. Nursery and pre-school care is available during worship, if you wish. All children are encouraged to come to the altar during Children's Time. Following Children’s Time, the children will go as a group to their Sunday School classes. Please fill out the Friendship Pad at the end of each pew, then pass it along to your neighbor to sign. If you are a visitor or guest, please include your mailing and/or email addresses so we may keep in touch. Adult Fellowship invites you to join us before worship for coffee in the foyer area. After worship, please join us for conversation, coffee, punch, and cookies in the fellowship hall. Pastor Tom Lacey tomlacey@churchofboca.org 251 SW Fourth Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Quiet Time “Be still, and know that I am God.” Prelude Sound of Music Psalm 46:10 R. Rogers Welcome Tom Lacey Today is a new day, rising fresh from the Creator’s hand. Today we begin again, with praise and thanks to God who made us, Christ who redeemed us and the Spirit who guides us. Here we participate in the fellowship of the forgiven, the church. It is good to be together today. Prayer Requests Call to Worship We gather to lift our hearts to the One who created, claims, and calls us. Different people, different lives, different histories, Yet all children of the same God, who calls all to the table of justice and peace. At God’s table, everyone has a place and none are turned away. Here strangers are welcomed as friends, people of all colors are equals, and those with differing sexual orientation are seen as sisters and brothers. In this holy place, we lift our hearts united to the kingdom of God among us. * Hymn (bulletin) Our God is Greater With All I Am Call to Confession The call to confession is always a call to experience God’s mercy. In admitting the truth of our lives to our loving Creator, we open ourselves to the experience of grace and healing. Trusting in that divine love, let us pray, first in silence. Silent Confession Prayer of Confession Let us pray O God, at times when we hear the bad news of the world, it is as though we’ve been in the middle of a bad dream, and then we turn over and go back to sleep, ignoring the plight of your children. It is hard to see tragedy and suffering. It is hard to admit whatever responsibility we might have in the plagues of the world. It is hard to work for the good when the good seems so far off. So help us, dear Lord. Give us courage to see clearly. Give us strength to do our part. Give us grace to forgive others and ourselves. And give us faith to follow you. This is our prayer, offered in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Assurance of Forgiveness Friends, hear the good news: Jesus calls us to follow him, and he will not lead us astray. His path is one of forgiveness and renewal. Know that you are forgiven, and so you are ready to go out and serve. Amen. Children’s Time Announcements Scripture (NT p. 240) Choral Anthem Message 1 John 3:11-17 Go, Tell It on the Mountain Traditional Try Picking on Someone Your Own Size! Pastoral Prayer God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to God Most High. It is right to give God thanks and praise. Lord’s Prayer (Debts/Debtors) Sharing the Peace The peace of the Lord be with you. And also with you. Meet New People Offering of Tithes and Gifts Gracious and loving God, giver of all that is good and true, may our offerings represent our work, our blessings, and our faith. May they be good and true offerings as they witness to our gratitude and love for you, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Duet Arise and Shine Forth S. DeFord Lindsey Novitske and Juan Mansilla * Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise God, all creatures here below Praise God above, ye heavenly host Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. * Hymn (PH #375) Lead On, O King Eternal * Benediction * Spirit Song O let the Son of God enfold you with his Spirit and his love. Let him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. O let him have the things that hold you, and his Spirit like a dove will descend upon your life and make you whole. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. Postlude Climb Every Mountain * Those who are able may stand R. Rogers Our God Is Greater J. Myrin Water you turned into wine, opened the eyes of the blind; There’s no one like you, none like you. Into the darkness, you shine; out of the ashes, we rise. There’s no one like you, none like you! Chorus Our God is greater, our God is stronger; God, you are higher than any other. Our God is healer, awesome in power, Our God, Our God. Into the darkness, you shine; out of the ashes, we rise. There’s no one like you, none like you. Chorus (2x) And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us then what could stand against? And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us then what could stand against? What could stand against? Chorus (2x) And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us then what could stand against? And if our God is for us then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us then what could stand against? What could stand against? Chorus With All I Am Into Your hands I commit again With all I am for you, Lord. You hold my world in the palm of Your hand And I am Yours forever. Jesus I believe in You, Jesus I belong to You. You're the reason that I live, The reason that I sing With all I am. I'll walk with You wherever You go, Through tears and joy I'll trust in You And I will live In all of Your ways, Your promises forever. Jesus I believe in You, Jesus I belong to You. You're the reason that I live, The reason that I sing Jesus I believe in You, Jesus I belong to You. You're the reason that I live, The reason that I sing With all I am. I will worship, I will worship You. (repeat 2x) Jesus I believe in You, Jesus I belong to You. You're the reason that I live, The reason that I sing Jesus I believe in You, Jesus I belong to You. You're the reason that I live, The reason that I sing With all I am. R. Morgan Prayer Requests February 8, 2015 Lord, we thank you for all the hard work by our volunteers working on the rummage sale. Heal their sore backs and bumps and bruises. Lord Jesus, help us overcome hatred in our lives and encourage us to be willing to meet the needs of those around us. We pray for a solution to the crisis in Crimea and the Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Israel and Palestine. We pray for all those displaced and terrorized by war and violence, and we pray for victims and families of all those affected by natural disasters around our world. We continue to pray for all those facing tough economic situations, for those who still can’t find work. We pray for our leaders to have continuing compassion and care for those who are struggling. We pray for members, friends, and our neighbors: Family and friends of: Merwin Andrews; Susan Whidden; Eric Zachrisson; Louise Seeds; Ruth Hawkins; Ed Hindle; Margaret Sorenson; Rhoda Alter; Leo Hermann; Willy Willard; and all those who are grieving loved ones. Carol and Cam Castiglia; Jim Parkin; Dot Bell; Barry Donovan; Lucille Bruno; Rholda Francis; Diana Willard; Selwyn Sherman; Marie Williams; Noelle and Daniel; Arleen Esposito, Bonnie and Bob Tust; Tamara Pope; Kim Smith; Lynn Baker Diers; Beth Soufleris; Seth Peterson and family; Rose Breakell; Donna O’Connor; Randall Garland; Arnold Sams; Bill and Maria Collins; Florence Gomes and her daughter, Mala; Audrey Eisnor; Annika Ljungberg. We pray for our service men and women. ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS Songs of Life, Love and Laughter Sunday, February 15th Join us for a very special Valentine’s concert on Sunday, February 15 at 11:15 am, right after worship, as we celebrate life, love and laughter with Stephanie and Juan Mansilla. This talented couple has planned a very special program with wonderful musical surprises. This event is free admission, so invite your friends and neighbors to share this beautiful musical afternoon. Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, February 18th Plan to attend one of the most ancient and meaningful services of Christianity on Wednesday, February 18th at noon. This is a chance to “clean the slate,” receive God’s forgiveness, and move ahead into a new and powerful life. Annual Meeting Sunday, February 22nd The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be Sunday, February 22nd at 11:15 a.m. The agenda includes the announcement of this year’s honoree of the Elizabeth Ehlers Faithful Servant Award, election of Team Leaders and Officers of our church, and voting on the 2015 annual church budget. Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend this very important meeting. Peace River Canoe Trip March 6—8 Our annual Peace River canoe trip in Arcardia for middle school and high school youth is March 6, 7, and 8. Registration and fees are due by February 20th. Please sign up in the Rosser room if you are interested in attending this wonderful weekend. Tuesday Adult Study Group Tuesday, February 10th You are invited to join our Tuesday afternoon Adult Study Group as we read “Learning to Walk in the Dark.” The Adult Study Group meets on Tuesday afternoons, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information or information on purchasing the book by Barbara Brown Taylor, please call Pastor Tom at 561-395-9255. The Hole in the Roof Offering The past few months the roof over the lobby has leaked. The cost to fix that leak and two others in the same roof is $3500.00. Our operating budget is unable to cover this unexpected expense. Therefore, we are asking for donations to help offset these costs. It will be affectionately know as “The Hole in the Roof Offering.” Whatever each of us is able to give will be greatly appreciated. “A dry Church is a Happy Church.” Morning Communion Service Wednesday, February 11th Start your morning in communion with God as you join us for a midweek worship service every Wednesday morning at 8:30 am. Lunch Bunch Wednesday, February 11th A time for Food, Fellowship and Fun. Come to church at noon on Wednesdays with a sandwich. We serve beverages and dessert. After lunch stay and play Mah Jongg (beginners welcome!) or bring a favorite game of your own to share. Prime Time! Wednesday, February 11th Dinner is served at 6:00 p.m. Followed by band practice and Drama Club. The spring session will meet February 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, April 15 and 29, and May 13. The cost to cover some of the expenses for dinners and materials for the spring session will be $25 for one child and $35 for more than one! Contact Marit Lacey at 561-682-9292 for more information. Wednesday Adult Study Group Wednesday, February 11th You are invited to join the Adult Study Group as we explore the Bible from the beginning. The Adult Study Group meets on Wednesday evenings, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Our study is based on the Kerygma program: Discovering the Bible. For more information, please call Pastor Tom at 561-395-9255. B.C.E.O. Thursday, February 12th Boca Christians Eating Out takes place each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and conversation. Please join us Thursday at La Bamba Mexican and Spanish Restaurant, 4285 W. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach. So that we can reserve enough room, please sign up in the Rosser room or call the church anytime before that Thursday. 561-395-9255. Prayer Fellowship Friday, February 6th The Prayer Fellowship and Bible Study meets every Friday at 10:00 a.m. in the Rosser room. Everyone is invited to join us. We will be doing a Lenten Journey with Jesus called Shadows, Darkness and Dawn by Thomas R. Steagald. For more information please contact John Bird at 561-400-5604. Lion Country Safari March 1 Join us at Florida’s only drive-through safari and walk-through amusement park We will get the great group rate of $9.00/person (tax free). That price is for adults and children and includes the drivethrough safari and the walk-through park. Parking is $7.00. Please sign up early so we can qualify for the group rate! Call Marit Lacey 954-682-9292 for information. Let us know if you need a ride with somebody from church. Adult Fellowship Luncheon Wednesday, March 4th The regular meeting of the Adult Fellowship will be held on Wednesday, March 4th at noon. Come “Meet Your Neighbor” — our church administrator, Sandi Kilbride, will be our guest speaker. As always, lunch will be available for $5.00. Please sign up in the Rosser room. Prayer Requests Prayer request forms can be found in the pews or in the prayer box in the Rosser room. Please fill one out if you have a special prayer you would like the pastor to know about and leave it in the Prayer Box. A Musical Quiz Are you an experienced choir member? Have you ever been caught singing in the shower, or to the radio in your car? Do you look good in a formal blue robe? If you answered "yes" to even just one of these questions, you are needed in the choir! Come to rehearsal on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. and join the wonderful group of people known as the Chancel Choir. We would love to have you be a part of our group! Hospitality If you enjoy meeting new people or greeting familiar friends, please sign up in the Rosser Room to be a Greeter. Any questions, please contact Nest Jones at 954-675-4893. Cards for St. Jude’s Ranch for Children Help St. Jude’s Ranch for Children by donating your used greeting cards (Christmas, birthday, anniversary, any greeting card!). Simply bring them to the church and place in the box in the Rosser room. We’ll send them to St. Jude’s where the children will recycle them into new greeting cards. The money St. Jude’s raises from the cards is used to support programs for abused, neglected and homeless children, young adults, and families. For more information, or to purchase cards made by the children, go to www.stjudesranch.org/about-us/recycled-card-program/ Teaching/Acolyte Schedule This Week: Preschool/K............................ Wendy Hinshaw 1 - 3 ........................................ Nest Jones 4 - 5 ........................................ Jenny Damas Middle/High ........................... Javier Valverde Acolyte ................................... Linnea Lacey Next Week: Preschool/K............................ Marit Lacey 1 - 3 ........................................ Leanne Guilfu 4 - 5 ........................................ Rachel and Tony Borchers Middle/High ........................... Jennifer Schmuhl Acolyte ................................... Naomi Borchers Mini Survey - Mission Projects for 2015 During our 50th anniversary year of 2014 we tried out a number of different Good Deeds, with good participation and support of many people! Your support is needed again to help decide which mission projects to continue, or we can do some new ones. What do you think our church should do as we reach out to others? What would you support with your planning time and/or participation? How do you feel we can best help others? What are the best projects to do? Place X beside the “best” projects. CIRCLE ones you would be willing to help! ______ pop tab collection ______ pill bottle collection ______ food collection ______ sew/stuff comfort dolls ______ knit/crochet hats and blankets for preemies ______ pick fruits and veggies (Gleaning) for C.R.O.S. food pantries ______ Habitat for Humanity—help build and rehab homes ______ Boca Helping Hands—work days to prepare and serve meals ______ Pride Fest presence ______ Souper Bowl of Caring ______ PJ’s & Books donation ______ Food for the Poor toiletries donation ______ Starfish Project (Food for the Poor) Place X beside the “best” projects CIRCLE ones you would like to help on! ______ Sweet Tomatoes dinner ______ BINGO fundraiser (OCWM or other Benefit) ______ Military Families’ and/or Veterans’ Collections ______ Alex’s Lemonade stand ______ Bake Sale for Family Promise ______ Family Promise volunteers ______ Pet supply donations ______ Memorial Day at Nat’l Cemetery ______ Giving Tree (Christmas) ______ UNICEF/Trick or Treat ______ Wreaths Across America ______ Dictionary donations ______ AVDA baby donations ______ Boca Holiday Parade human float ______ School supply drive ______ Jack the Bike Man ______ Tomorrow’s Rainbow Comments __________________________________ ___________________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Return to CCBR in the offering plate, by mail, or in person. 8 10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Special Concert 15 10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Deacons Study Sunday 7:00 pm Vision Ministry Monday 16 9 10 17 6:30 pm AA 2:00 pm Adult Study 6:30 pm AA 2:00 pm Adult Study Tuesday Ash Wednesday 12:00 noon Worship 6:00 pm Adult Study 7:00 pm Choir rehearsal 18 8:30 am Communion 12:00 noon Lunch Bunch 6:00 pm Prime Time! 6:00 pm Adult Study 7:00 pm 11 Wednesday 7:00 pm AA 6:30 pm B.C.E.O 7:00 pm AA 6:30 pm B.C.E.O Thursday 19 12 13 10:00 am Prayer Fellowship 20 10:00 am Prayer Fellowship Friday Saturday 21 14 Congregational Church of Boca Raton 251 SW 4th Avenue Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Phone: 561-395-9255 e-mail: office@churchofboca.org Web site: www.churchofboca.org Pastor: Tom Lacey: Home: 561-381-5222 Cell: 561-306-5208 Moderator: John Fenner: 561-750-5044 Staff Administrator Sandi Kilbride Children’s Ministry Director Marit Lacey Sound: Wendell Jackson Sexton: Nicholas R. Wurster Music Ministry Director Juan Mansilla Organist/Pianist: Nicholas R. Wurster Section Leaders Lindsey Novitske, Alto Linda Siers, Soprano Jorge Valls, Tenor This Week’s Volunteers Deacon of the Sunday: Mary Jane Christman Office Helpers: Lucille Bruno, Grayce Esposito, Barbara Lacey, Audrey Michele, George Sinclair, Carol Vass, and Diana Willard Hospitality: Frances Bell; Gail and Barry Donovan; Grayce Esposito, Lorraine Folino; Sarah Hugus; Audrey Michele; Judy and Larry Williams Children’s Choir: Marit Lacey Youth Choir: Nest Jones-Teixeira Sunday School Volunteers: Preschool/K ........... Wendy Hinshaw 1 - 3 ................................. Nest Jones 4 - 5 ............................. Jenny Damas Middle/High ............ Javier Valverde Acolyte ....................... Linnea Lacey We welcome everyone, no matter who they are, or where they are on life’s journey!