15 SF Parade Entry Form (T)
15 SF Parade Entry Form (T)
Swedish Festival Parade Parade Entry Form DEADLINE: May 10, 2015 Please Note: Entry Fee $20 per entry – must accompany application. Equestrian & Animals: $20 per entry - $25 for group of two or more. (Candidates for political office - $150). Name of Individual or Organization: Contact Person: Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: E-mail: Amount Enclosed: $ Category Entering Categories: (Equestrian 1st place only; Auto 1st place only; Swedish Theme, 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Best Overall, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Will there be music? Yes No How is the float to be propelled along parade route? Horse Drawn Name of Driver: Truck Trailer Other Describe: Other Participants: Please type or print clearly FOR THE ANNOUNCER: Entry names of key people, previous awards or recognition won, interesting information about entry, etc……….(use reverse side if needed). RELEASE: In entering this event, I agree to accept the decision of the duly appointed judges and to abide by all rules and regulations of the event. I further agree to release the Kingsburg District Chamber of Commerce and its Swedish Festival Committee Members from any an all liability associated with or resulting from said participation. Date: Signature of Responsible Party Please mark the appropriate category and return this form with payment to: Kingsburg District Chamber of Commerce, 1475 Draper St., Kingsburg CA 93631 (559) 897-1111 ~ (559) 897-4621 (Fax) ~ adamatkingsburgchamber@gmail.com - e-mail