56th Annual Jefferson County Watermelon Festival Parade


56th Annual Jefferson County Watermelon Festival Parade
65th Jefferson County Watermelon Festival Parade
June 20th, 2015
Application, Rules & Regulations
Organization name *
Contact Person*
Type, quantity & length of entry*
(1 float-15’, 1 truck/trailer-20’,
4 cars-50’, 3 horses, etc…)
Address *
Address *
Telephone Number(s)*
Entry Fee submitted*
(Check to: Jefferson County
Watermelon Festival-no cash)
Address *
Entries are judged, based on the
or Watermelon
Email Address
*Denotes required information
Parade entries are announced at the courthouse circle. Provide details or submit a script not exceeding
40 words. If not typed, please write legibly! If nothing is put down, who knows what we’ll say?!
The only exception to entry fees: Watermelon Festival entries (queens, etc…) & law enforcement. Please call if you do
not know where your entry fits into the fee schedule. (Returned checks, i.e. NSF; will result in a $25 fee).
Individuals, Livestock
Political, Child Care
Non-Profit (501-3(C) only)
Small business, County
Other area festivals
Religious, Sports Teams
Other non-profit (organizations, etc)
ALL Entries w/3 or more vehicles
I hereby release Jefferson County Watermelon Festival, Inc., Chamber of Commerce of Jefferson County, City of
Monticello and all other parties involved with Jefferson County Watermelon Festival of any and all responsibilities from
any liability in connection with the participation of the above person(s), group, animal(s) and/or organization in the 2015
Jefferson County Watermelon Festival parade.
Further, by signing this entry form I also agree to abide by attached Rules & Regulations.
Authorized Signature and Title of Representative
(Must be 21 years of age or older and officially designated as a spokesperson
for the organization. Electronic signature is legally binding).
Make check payable to Jefferson County Watermelon Festival
Submit application & entry fee by June 1st, 2015 to:
Monticello/Jefferson Chamber of Commerce
ATTN: Parade Chair, Lisa Reasoner Hall
420 W. Washington St, Monticello, FL 32344
Phone 850-445-4457
***All applications subject to final approval of the parade committee***
65th Annual Jefferson County Watermelon Festival Parade
Application, Rules & Regulations (Keep This Page For Your Records)
The Jefferson County Watermelon Festival Parade is intended to be a celebration of Jefferson County’s
history and culture. Entries are approved by the committee based on quality and entertainment value. It
is understood and agreed that all decisions by the Parade Committee to accept or decline applications are
FINAL and that entry fees of declined applicants will be returned.
Parade commences at 10:00 a.m. Saturday June 20th, 2015. All decorated units should be in assigned
position by 9:00 a.m. for judging to begin at 9:15. This year’s theme is ‘OVER THE RAINBOW’ which
can mean anything ‘rainbow’ to you; The Wizard of Oz, a pot of gold at the end… let your imaginations
go! A watermelon theme is always acceptable; (perhaps a rainbow melon)? Judging categories are: Best
Merchant; Best Civic or Group; Most Unusual; Spirit Award; Best Theme and Best In Show. (Late
arrivals will not be judged). Winners receive a certificate and are announced as winners in the parade.
 Units must be no higher than 20 feet from street level, no wider than 15 feet
 All motor vehicle drivers must have valid Drivers License and proof of current insurance as
required by Florida Law
 All vehicle & trailer brake/headlight/tail lights must be in good working order
 All towed units shall be connected with safety chains consistent with Florida law
 It is recommended that a fire extinguisher be available on each float
 No fast or dangerous driving, ‘wheelies’ or tire spinning
 Units with multiple rows must keep safe distance between each row
 No tricks and/or stunts allowed at the courthouse circle
 Absolutely no firearms (real or fake) may be carried on floats, by walkers or mounted on parade
units – exception: law enforcement officers carrying holstered, standard issue weapons
 No small children are to walk directly beside, in front of or behind motorized entries, and must
have transportation available to avoid delays.
 All minors shall be accompanied by adult at all times.
 Animal units must provide clean-up personnel to follow directly behind their unit. Clean-up
personnel must be available at time of judging. Failure of clean-up personnel availability will
result in disqualification of entire unit and forfeiture of entry fee.
 Candy, toys, beads, other items shall NOT be thrown from moving vehicles. If offered, items
must be handed out by WALKERS.
 NO projectile launcher or other devise commonly used to launch, hurl or throw any object, liquid,
material or other substance, including “supersoakers” or water cannons may be used in the parade.
 Line up areas MUST be clear of all trash or a $25 fine may be assessed.
Parade Officials and Law Enforcement oversee parade activities and will escort any individual
or group who becomes reckless or violates these rules & regulations from the parade. The
group or individual removed forfeits their entry fee, is ineligible to participate in the 2016
Watermelon Festival parade and only permitted under strict probation in future years.
Questions? Contact Parade Chair, Lisa Reasoner Hall at ParadeChair@live.com or 850-445-4457