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Page 4B - Crosby-Ironton Courier
C-I school menu
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015
School Rules!
SAINT FRANCIS CATHOLIC School celebrated National Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 25-31.
The theme for the week was “Communities of
Faith, Knowledge and Service”. Prayer Buddies
Dane Miller and Dominic Craig shared a book
Ranger items to
be sold at CRES
Senior athletes will be at
CRES selling a variety of
Ranger items on Thursday,
Feb. 12 and Friday, Feb. 13.
Everything from tattoos (50
cents) to foam fingers ($5) to
maroon wigs ($10) and many
things in between will be
available for sale.
The Ranger athletes will
be selling these items during
the students’ recess times.
Please do not send large
bills with your children.
Parents of younger students
may want to think about putting their money in an envelope with their name on it.
Students will then be ready to
cheer on their favorite teams
as the winter seasons wind
down and we get started with
Feb. 16-20
Monday — No School.
Tuesday—Corn dog, Texmex baked beans, broccoli salad,
fresh fruits and milk.
We d n e s d a y — Tu r k e y
gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, mixed fruit, whole wheat
bread with jelly and milk.
Thursday—Taco salad,
whole wheat bread stick,
tomato, celery, jicama, peaches and milk.
Friday—BBQ riblet on a
whole wheat bun, corn, BLT
salad, applesauce and milk.
(Salad bar and/or sandwich line available daily at
high school.)
Starting at 8 a.m.
Monday —No School.
Tuesday—Scrambled egg
wrap, peaches, juice and
and sausage on a stick, pears,
juice and milk.
pretzel stick, banana, juice
and milk.
Friday—Egg & cheese
biscuit, mixed fruit, juice and
Students are encouraged
to take all the menued items
for best nutrition but are
required to take a minimum
of 1/2 cup serving of fruit or
vegetables to be a reimbursable meal.
(Cereal and yogurt available daily at high school and
elementary school. Fresh fruit
is available at both schools
Ranger Care now
open at CRES
School District entered into
an exciting new venture on
Monday, Jan. 5 with the
beginning of Ranger Care at
Elementary School (CRES).
Ranger Care is a before and
after school childcare program for children in the
grades kindergarten through
sixth grade who attend our
school. This is a wonderful
opportunity for parents’ of
District to have a safe place
for their children to go before
and after school. Ranger Care
is a valued opportunity for
working parents. The school
district has received numerous requests from parents
about the need for before and
after school child care. As a
result of a need for some type
of “latch-key” program identified by parents, the school
district has been working diligently to create this childcare opportunity.
The typical day at Ranger
Care consists of having a
snack, structured activities
with the participants, indoor
gym time, outdoor activities,
homework help, free play,
library time, and computer
and i-Pad activities. The
Ranger Care provider also
has the opportunity to meet
with each child’s teacher
when looking at individual
homework needs. Each day
is very structured with scheduled activities by the Ranger
Care provider.
The school district recently welcomed a new leader for
its Ranger Care Program;
Kalley Duggan. Kalley has
had formal training in the area
of child care and is currently
attending school part-time to
become a specialist in the
area of early childhood education.
Ranger Care is available
in the mornings from 6:30 to
8 a.m. and again in the afternoons from 3 to 6 p.m. The
Ranger Care Program is
located at CRES in the
Family Center Wing. The registration forms and information can be obtained on the
school district website, CRES
Education office. Advanced
registrations are required. For
more information feel free to
call: Molly Hoffarth, 5458800 ext. 6976, Kalley
Duggan: 545-8800 ext. 6967
or Dale Sova: 545-8822.
The Cuyuna Range Lions
Club “Bowling for the Blind”
will be held on March 7 at the
Cuyuna Lanes Bowling alley
in Crosby.
A presentation concerning
the project will be held at
CRES elementary school for
students ages eight to 10 and
11-13 on Tuesday, Feb. 17.
tips on how to encourage their Information and sponsor
children to become lifelong sheets will be distributed to
students at that time.
Books and Bingo is open
to families of pre-kindergarten
to third grade students at
CRES. Family members Women’s Club
include mom, dad, brothers,
grandparents, scholarship
aunts/uncles, or anyone that is
Women’s Club (formerly
special to the student.
Also during this event, a known as ‘Mothers Club’) is the
‘Book Exchange Table’ will oldest women’s organization on
be available for you to the Cuyuna Range (established
exchange your gently-used in 1916) and has always been
books for other gently-used dedicated to service and
books. If you have any gently- responding to the needs of our
used books at home that you range communities and citizens.
The $750 Scholarship is
would like to have on the
Exchange Table, please bring available to C-I graduating senthem to the school office by iors (class of 2014-15) with a
minimum GPA of 3.0.
Friday, Feb. 20.
Applications are available at
The Spring Book Fair will
officially open on Monday, the C-I High School Counselors
March 2 but will be open dur- office and the Hallett Library.
Application deadline is
ing this event. Please take a
moment to check out what is April 1. For questions and
available before or after play- inquiries
ing Bingo.
You must R.S.V.P. by Feb. Committee chair) at or call 52713 if you plan to attend.
Skiing or snow
boarding trip
Experience the thrill of
skiing or snow boarding at
Mount Ski Gull in Nisswa.
Community Ed is offering a
bus trip on Saturday, Feb. 21
for $15 per person. This rate
does not include ski or board
rentals. The bus will depart at
9 a.m. from the C-I High
School bus loop located on
the west side of the high
school. Expected return time
is 6:30 p.m. at the bus loop.
Registration deadline is
Friday, Feb. 13. Call
Community Ed at 545-8822
for more information or to
Pledge of
policy at C-I
The Pledge of Allegiance
will be recited on the first
school day of each week at
the start of third hour (10:24
Anyone who does not
wish to participate in reciting
the Pledge of Allegiance for
any personal reason may elect
not to do so. Students must
respect other person's right to
make that choice. (Minn.
Be at bus stop!
C-I Transportation asks
parents and students to be
sure all kids riding the bus to
school be at their bus stops
five minutes early in order to
keep the buses on schedule.
School District is taking communication to the next level
with a powerful new mobile
app. The app provides families with instant access to
important school information
like staff directories, school
alerts and lunch menus. The
app also has a notification
feature that allows a message,
like a weather alert, to move
from the superintendent to
families in an instant.
"This new app provides
our families with greater
access to important information." said Superintendent,
Dr. Jamie Skjeveland. "We
are excited about the ability
to provide mobile messages
to mobile families and
believe it will enhance communication with our community.”
Parents will now find
instant access to their children’s teachers. With two
clicks parents can call, email, or visit teachers’ Web
sites. The contacts are always
current and the ease of access
will improve communication
between parents or guardians
and teachers. “We know parents are busier than ever” said
Education Director Dale
Sova. “This app streamlines
access to important information like never before.”
Available on i-Tunes or the
Android Play store, the apps
Bowling for the
Blind March 7
Books and Bingo
Feb. 28 at CRES
To help promote and
build a love of reading in students at CRES, there will be a
family Bingo event to do with
books. From 11 a.m. to 12:30
p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 28 you
will play Bingo and win
prizes that are related to reading. In between each game,
parents will get some helpful
There’s an app for that!
C-I schools give families
a powerful new app
Volunteer your
time at CRES
Cuyuna Range Elementary School is seeking parents
and community members
interested in volunteering in
various areas throughout the
school. Volunteer opportunities exist in many classrooms,
especially in the younger
grades. Whether you have an
hour a week or an hour a year
to give, you can have a positive influence on a student and
your help is appreciated. To
find out more about volunteer
opportunities at CRES, call
Student, adult
admission fees
Pricing for athletic events
are $2 for students, $5 for
adults/seniors per event.
(Students in grades 7-12 with
a C-I student ID card no
admission fee is required).
Annual passes are available. Prices are: Individual
pass, $90; Family pass, $175;
Student pass, $20; and Senior
Citizen pass, $50.
Note: new this year, there
will not be a charge for musical concerts.
School closings
When the weather or
other situations make it necessary to close school, notification is made first by a 5
a.m. report on the school district's
District) and is followed by a
school-reach announcement
(via telephone) at approximately 6 a.m.
Students and parents
should refrain from calling
school officials in the event of
bad weather.
Lions scholarship
The Lakers Lions of
Emily, Outing, and Fifty
Lakes will be awarding their
scholarships again this year.
Interested individuals must
intend to enroll in an accredited or certified post-secondary
Applications are available
for electronic submission at,
and must be received by the
deadline of April 17.
IMPORTANT: Applicants
must meet the criteria listed
on the application form.
CRES in need of
Watch D.O.G.S.
Cuyuna Range Elementary School (CRES) has a
wonderful opportunity for
fathers and father figures to
be more involved in the lives
of students at CRES. A program, Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads
of Great Students) is designed
to help schools be positively
influenced by the committed
involvement of fathers and
father figures. Volunteers
help at their child’s/student’s
school during the school year
at least one day (or half day).
For more information, please
call Roxie Smedsrud, volunteer coordinator for CRES, as
No school dates
There will be no school on
the following dates for staff
or students.
(President's Day).
—Wednesday, Apr. 1
through Monday, Apr. 6
(Spring break).
Bemidji State University
has announced the following
area students have graduated
at the conclusion of the 2014
fall semester:
Education; Brock Tesdahl,
BS Health Education and
Physical Education and
coaching specialist certificate, Cum Laude.
Corbett, BS, Elementary
Education, Cum Laude.
—Fifty Lakes: Nickolus
Holmgard, BAS, Applied
are expected be a big hit with
The new Crosby-Ironton
School District mobile app
allows families to:
—Call or e-mail a staff
member within a few clicks
—Receive push notifications for weather alerts
—Quickly view important
school information
—Click on directions to
any school or district site
—View lunch menus
—Access school board
Visit for more information University of St.
and to download the Crosby- Thomas list
Ironton School District mobile
The following area stuapp.
dents have been named to the
University of St. Thomas
dean’s list:
—Deerwood: Jacob D.
Class of 1954
The C-I High School McCormick and Abigail R.
class of 1954 will hold its Smith.
reunion on Aug. 8 at The
—Ironton: Rachel I.
Deerstand in Deerwood.
Students must post grade
point averages of at least 3.5
on a 4.0 scale to be named to
the dean’s list.
Jr. High dance
will be Feb. 23
Due to a scheduling
change in the boys’ basketball
game with Aitkin, the
February Junior High School
Dance will be held Friday,
Feb. 23 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in
the Commons Area.
Heritage Network offers
Gillman scholarship
The Cuyuna Iron Range
Heritage Network (CIRHN)
is offering Crosby-Ironton
High School seniors the
Richard Gillman Scholarship.
The late Gillman was an
active member of the group
Preservation Society) for 15
years and one of his major
interests was the value of education, along with providing
opportunities for young people. Myrna Nelson, CIRHN
board member, is coordinator
of the scholarship.
To qualify for the $400
scholarship, students must
have attended CIHS in their
junior and senior years; must
demonstrate values, responsibility and participation in
extracurricular activities; provide two references and are
asked to write a paragraph
about their family’s heritage
and connection to the Cuyuna
Range and an essay on what
they consider the most important historical event in the
Crosby area in the past 100
years (the length of the essay
is not as important as the content).
BSU graduates
Scholarship applications
can be obtained from the
CIHS guidance counselor.
should be sent to CIRHN,
Attention: Scholarship, P.O.
Box 272, Crosby, 56441.
Deadline to apply is April 1.
Lions offer
The Cuyuna Range Lions
Club is offering two $1,000
John Lindahl Scholarships to
seniors graduating from
Crosby-Ironton High School
in 2015. Because the Lions is
a service organization, the
scholarships are awarded
with an emphasis on community service more than on academic achievement.
Applications are available
at the C-I High School counselor’s office or by calling
Lion Jan Anderson at 5343872. Completed applications
must be received by March.
CRES Express
Pick-up plan
In December CRES
implemented the CRES
Express student pick-up plan.
This allows students to be
picked up curb-side instead of
waiting in the lobby on the
red benches for parents to
come into the building and
sign them out. So far, the
CRES Express is proving to
be very successful.
One problem CRES continues to have is when parents
park their vehicles in the
pick-up lane and go inside to
sign their child out. The lane
along the curb in the parking
lot is for CRES Express pickup only from 2:30 until 3:15
p.m. If you come inside to
pick up your child, please
park in one of the parking
spaces in the parking lot. The
reason is to keep the flow of
the CRES Express pick-up
lane moving and it provides
for a safer parking lot during
this busy time.
If you have not signed
your child/children up for the
CRES Express plan, pick up a
form in the CRES office.
Only students with a CRES
Express Pass on their backpacks or jackets can be picked
up outside. All other students
must be signed out in the
office or lobby.
St. Francis
You can't fit a brand-new
SUV into the backpack of a
student from St. Francis of
the Lakes Catholic School in
Brainerd, but you can fit the
chance to win one! Starting
Jan. 23, students will be carrying and selling raffle tickets
as part of the Catholic
Schools Raffle. Ticket buyers
have the opportunity to win
$45,000 in prizes, including a
2015 Ford Escape or $25,000
cash, vacation packages and
St. Francis of the Lakes
and the other 86 schools participating will keep 100 percent of every $5 ticket sold
thanks to raffle sponsor
Catholic United Financial.
The St. Paul-based company
covers the entire cost of the
prizes and promotional materials.
“If you want to support
your Catholic school, this is
the same as marching into the
office and writing a check,”
Catholic United President
Harald Borrmann says. “But
with the raffle, every $5 buys
you a chance to win a car, a
vacation, or some other really
great prizes.”
More than 16,500 students from 87 participating
schools in Minnesota, North
Dakota and South Dakota
will sell tickets from Friday’s
kickoff through March 8,
prior to the official drawing at
11 a.m., on March 19 at
Catholic United Financial’s
Home Office in St. Paul.
(Hopeful ticket holders can
watch the drawing ceremony
live online at Last year,
participating schools raised a
combined total of more than
$1 million in just six weeks,
an amount Catholic United
Financial would like to repeat
in 2015.
In the raffle’s five-year
existence, it has helped
Catholic schools in the upper
midwest raise more than $3
million. The money raised
has allowed these schools to
provide tuition assistance,
improve technology and pay
for special learning opportunities, such as field trips and
special guest speakers.
Along with the $50,000 in
ticket sale revenue it hopes to
receive from the raffle, St.
Francis of the Lakes has a
shot at winning a $3,000
grant from Catholic United if
it is one of the top-three performing schools (based on the
number of tickets sold per
student). The company also
awards the top-selling student
at each school a $100 Visa
gift card and a pizza party to
each top classroom.
Raffle updates can be followed on twitter @raffle4
schools and on Facebook at
Junior High
Dance Schedule
Clip and save this schedule of dances lined up at
Crosby-Ironton Junior High School! All dances listed are held in the Commons Area and are for grades
seven through nine unless otherwise specified.
Tuesday, Feb. 17
* Valentine’s Dance
6:30 to 9 p.m.
Tuesday, March 17
St. Patrick’s Dance
6:30 to 9 p.m.
Monday, April 20
Last Jr. High Dance 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Monday, May 18
7-12 Year End Dance 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Reward Dance if PBIS Goal is met!)