
TLR 2.3
April 2015 Start
Information about The Long Eaton School
Information about the Department
Job Description
Person Specification
Plans and photographs of the School
Thoresby Road, Long Eaton, Nottingham. NG10 3NP
Tel: 0115 9732438
Fax: 0115 9737349
11-18 mixed comprehensive, NOR – 1285
Headteacher – Neil Calvert
Lead Teacher of Technology (TLR 2.3)
April 2015
Governors are inviting applications for the post of Lead Teacher of Technology + TLR 2.3. The successful
applicant will be professional, adaptable and dedicated to delivering high quality teaching with experience of
working across a Technology department. They will have strong communication skills and will be able to
work well within a team, yet be able to demonstrate an ability to utilise their own initiative. They will be
motivated and resilient and be able to demonstrate the skills required to lead and develop a diverse
teaching team with the ability to engage students in their learning. The post holder will play an integral
part in the contribution made by the Technologies Department to whole school Learning and Teaching and
will be involved in developing various programmes and projects to raise the profile and status of
Technology subjects throughout the school.
This is an excellent opportunity for a teacher to join this innovative department within a successful school.
The postholder will enjoy working in a caring and supportive environment.
The Long Eaton School:
- is an over-subscribed 11-18 school;
- enjoyed “best-ever” results at GCSE and A Level again last summer;
- converted to Academy status in April 2011
- has been a designated Science College since 2003, with a second specialism in Applied Learning
- moved into a £16m PFI brand new school building in February 2006 with state of the art facilities
including an Enhanced Resource Centre,
- opened The Malcolm Parry Observatory, a purpose-built facility for astronomy, in January 2012;
- gained the Gold Standard in the Leading Space Education quality mark in February 2013;
- has a highly motivated staff team, enthusiastic students and an “exemplary” governing body;
- has a thriving sixth form with opportunities for further development;
We are looking to appoint a person who:
 is committed to continuous development and the raising of achievement
 can lead and manage people towards common goals
 demonstrates outstanding management and communication skills
 will set standards and provide a role model for students and staff
 will make a strong contribution to the teaching within the school
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects
all staff to share this commitment. This post is subject to a DBS (formerly Enhanced CRB)
Check, Medical Clearance and satisfactory references
Closing Date: Friday 12 December 2014 Interview Date: Week beginning 26 January 2015
Further details of the post and the school are available from:
Telephone: 0115 9732438 or Email:
Our Vision
We have worked with students, parents, governors and staff to agree the following vision statement.
Care and respect for ourselves, others and the environment.
Challenge and support for all to reach their potential.
Co-operation between school, home and community.
Consistency and fairness in our values and expectations.
All successful appointees will be expected to work in line with the school vision. The person appointed will
play a major role in implementing the school vision, through contributing to and implementing the School
Improvement Plan.
The Long Eaton School is situated in the town of Long Eaton, an urban area between Derby and
Nottingham but within easy reach of both Nottingham and Derby city centres. The town of Long Eaton
has experienced a change in employment patterns over the past 20 years. Traditionally the area was known
for both furniture making and as an extension to the Nottingham lace industry. A small number of
furniture manufacturers still exist within the town but most of the local businesses are small medium sized
enterprises covering a range of different industries. The proximity of the town to the M1 has also resulted
in the growth of distribution companies within the town.
There are three secondary schools in the Long Eaton area. We are working collaboratively at post-16 in
order to offer a broad range of post 16 courses within the town, but we experience strong competition
with the local colleges.
The school was inspected in April 2012 and received a very positive report for all aspects of school life.
The judgement for Overall effectiveness of the school was Grade 2: Good. The report stated that ‘Students
have positive attitudes to learning and behave well’, and that ‘Good relationships are modelled by leaders
at all levels and permeate the school, making it a happy and productive environment’.
The judgements made by OFSTED are in line with our own judgements and the report states that the
school knows itself very well. It refers to the fact that ‘Teaching is good, ensuring students achieve
consistently well in lessons’, and our School Improvement Plan for 2012-15 has a clear focus on learning
and teaching as we work towards the single action point identified by Ofsted to ‘Ensure even higher quality
and consistency of teaching’.
Our Intake
The school has a comprehensive intake serving the south of the town and surrounding villages. Students
reflect the full ability range, but overall the catchment is below average. The proportion of students eligible
for free school meals is around 11%. The proportion of students with Special Educational Needs is 13%,
with 29 students having Statements of Special Education Needs.
The Long Eaton School is served by 5 main feeder schools. Primary liaison is a real strength and there are a
number of projects, including the development of web sites for our feeder schools, to strengthen these
links. A key priority of Specialist Science status is to strengthen curriculum links for Science and Maths
between our school and our feeder schools. For the past five years we have been oversubscribed with
many parents out of our normal area seeking places at the school. For September Intake the Student
Admission Number for Year 7 is 210.
The Wider Community
The school is fortunate in having a very supportive community. The school has good links with the local
community and has developed very strong partnerships with a number of local businesses. All Year 10
students go out on work experience and increasingly students in KS4 and KS5 are integrating vocational
work in local companies with their studies in school. The sponsorship raised through Science College has
ensured that links with business are continually being developed.
The Governing Body is very experienced and supportive and governors ensure that they get involved in
the life of the school in a variety of ways. There is a wide range of experience on the Governing Body and
as a group, they have a genuine concern for the school, its staff and students, while retaining their proper
role in holding the school accountable. All three of our most recent Ofsted reports, in 2006, 2009 and
2012, have commented positively on the effectiveness of the Governing Body.
The Site and Buildings
We moved into brand new purpose-built accommodation in February 2006 as part of a Private Finance
Initiative Bid. The DfES allocated over £16million to build the new school and the design has incorporated
many aspects requested by students who were involved in the design process. All curriculum areas are
suited on two floors in the new school. The building also incorporates an Autism Resource Centre for
students who will benefit from being integrated into mainstream education. The premises provide a major
boost to our attempt to continue to improve standards within the school, providing modern, high-quality,
well-maintained accommodation. An extension to our Construction Centre was opened in 2010 to meet
increasing demand for courses within our Learning Community, and a further building development,
including specialist facilities for Media and Digital Photography and an Astronomical Observatory opened in
January 2012. For further details see
The school has a commitment to high achievement. A key aspect of raising achievement is effective
teaching which is of the highest standard, and this is a basic quality we look for in all appointments we
make. All the activities in the school are designed to raise student achievement. Staff applying to the school
are expected to share the overall vision that these strategies encapsulate.
In terms of examination results the school has been very successful over the past few years. The trend for
the headline GCSE figures (5A*-C) has risen steadily for over 15 years. In 2013 the ‘5EM’ figure was our
best ever at 63%, and the proportion of students making expected, or more than expected, progress in
both English and Mathematics was close to or above national averages on all four measures. We are
determined to build on this success and we are also confident that we can improve these results further
over the coming years. 16+ results continue to improve, with some particularly strong subject areas at
both BTEC and A Level.
The curriculum structure includes seven areas: English and Media, Mathematics, Sciences, Languages and
Business, Technologies, Arts & PE and Social Sciences. Their work is underpinned by Student
Development and Student Support Teams comprising both teaching and support staff.
Citizenship, Careers Education and Guidance and Enterprise Education are part of the on-going PSHE
programme in Years 7 – 11. This programme intensifies as students progress through the school.
Students in Key Stage 4 are given a wide range of subjects to choose from and an “open option” system is
used to ensure that students get the subjects they choose. The curriculum was judged by Ofsted as being
“outstanding” and particular reference was made to the wide variety of learning pathways open to students
at 14 – 19. Our curriculum offer is under constant review as we continue to respond to external changes
in policy, and from September 2013 students begin their Key Stage 4 experience in Year 9.
At Post 16 students follow a wide range of Advanced Level options including BTEC and OCR National
courses. All students are expected to take General Studies and complete an External Project Qualification
(EPQ) as part of an extensive enrichment programme. We have introduced Level 2 courses at 16+ which
are aimed at students who do not achieve 5+A* - C grades at GCSE by the end of Year 11. These new
courses have resulted in a wider range of students choosing to continue their education in the Sixth Form.
The school also has an in-school inclusion unit (Student Support Centre) which continues to serve our
youngsters and is widely viewed as an excellent facility.
We gained the Inclusion Quality mark in September 2008 and Career Mark in November 2009.
Wider Opportunities
At Long Eaton we are committed to the broader development of students and run many clubs and sporting
and cultural activities. School productions and concerts are organised each term and staff run a wide
variety of sports teams in local and regional competitions. The school has run a successful Literacy and
Numeracy Summer School and a Gifted and Talented Summer School for a number of years.
The Long Eaton School is the first secondary school in the Midlands to achieve Permanent ECO School
Status. We are firmly committed to improving our environment and also to educating students about
environmental issues such as re-cycling and sustainability. The Long Eaton School was chosen in 1994 to
send two of only eight students from the UK to the UN International Children’s Conference on the
Environment in Vancouver, Canada and in recent years students have attended the Conferences in Japan
and Norway. The school has won various competitions both locally and nationally for its work in this area.
We introduced a House System in December 2009, and this provides opportunities for students to work
outside their normal age group and to develop and challenge their interests, strengths and talents.
Global Dimension
The school was awarded International School Status for the second time in September 2011, and the
development of a global dimension to the curriculum is a key area of improvement for us as we seek to
prepare our young people to compete in an increasingly challenging and demanding world. We are
committed to providing opportunities for international experience and cultural immersion for all members
of the school and we have recently built a strong link with a school in Italy, which has included student
exchange visits. Links are also being developed in Cuba, UAE, China, USA, France, Sweden and Nigeria. In
April 2010 we devoted an entire INSET Day to this theme, with high profile keynote speakers Frank
Gardner and Feargal Keane from the BBC. Our international work received further national recognition in
July 2011 when we won the Linguascope ‘Language School of the Year’ Award.
Specialist Status
The school was designated as a Specialist Science and Maths College in September 2003. We were
successful in seeking re-designation in September 2007. Science College led to challenge and innovation
with teaching and learning. We increased staffing and resources and there was a dramatic improvement in
the ICT infrastructure. In 2007 the school was designated as a High Performing Specialist School. We held
a second specialism, Applied Learning in April 2008, and this enabled us to further develop our vocational
curriculum. Although funding is no longer linked to Specialism, the principles are enshrined in our ethos
and will continue to be a driver for school improvement.
Leadership and Management
The school is currently managed by a Leadership Team consisting of the Headteacher, one Associate
Headteacher, three Assistant Heads and the School Business Manager. Each member of the Leadership
Team line manages a curriculum team. Subject Leaders meet on a 4-weekly cycle as do Achievement
Leaders. There are two subject meetings in the cycle, one for maintenance/administration and one for
developmental issues/sharing good practice.
Professional Development of Staff
We currently employ 198 staff in both teaching and support roles. The staff are experienced, loyal and
work very hard in order to provide the best for the youngsters in our care. In return, the school takes its
responsibilities as an employer very seriously and has recently invested in a new programme to support
and enhance staff wellbeing. The school is committed to the professional development of staff, both
teaching and support staff. We have achieved Investors in People status and the assessor rated the school’s
commitment to CPD as “highly effective”. If you decide to join us, I will ensure that the school will support
you in planning and developing career opportunities during your time at the school.
The school works closely with Nottingham, Trent, Loughborough and Derby Universities and last year
helped to train over 20 PGCE students in a variety of subjects. We have also trained a number of staff on
the Graduate Teacher Programme and host trainees from Malaysia and the USA. In September 2013 we
welcomed our first School Direct trainees as a lead school with the University of Derby.
There is a well-established programme of induction and all staff have opportunities to participate in our
programme of continuing professional development. Arrangements for the Performance Management of all
staff, teaching and support, is well established and enables individuals to access a wide range of
developmental opportunities, including accredited training and external qualifications.
Safeguarding Children
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to
share this commitment. Safeguarding training for all staff forms an essential part of our CPD Programme.
Message from the Headteacher
I can quite confidently state that The Long Eaton School is a caring, well-disciplined and happy school with
a staff that is motivated, committed and mutually supportive.
The school became an Academy under the new legislation in April 2011. We do not have a sponsor, and
have retained our name and ethos, but the new status will enable further development of all areas of
school life, and will support the raising of outcomes for young people, as we increasingly take advantage of
the greater autonomy which it has granted to use.
I hope that this information has given you a flavour of the school and that having read all the information,
you feel able to apply for the advertised post. The next few years will be both challenging and rewarding as
the school develops and responds to an exciting period of change and development.
Neil Calvert
Autumn 2014
The Technology Faculty is a large team consisting of 13 members of staff. We are very lucky to have a
spread of subject specialists including: 4 computing and ICT, 5 Design Technology and 1 Construction
teacher. To aid learning there is a strong network of support staff including a reliable team of 3
Technology Technicians. In 2014, a large proportion of KS4 students chose a Technology subject as part
of their pathway. Students have the potential to follow an academic route in subjects such as Food
Technology, or Electronics. Students who prefer a more vocational route can follow pathways in ICT,
Construction and Engineering. Students traditionally perform well in Technology subjects and last year all
students completed their vocational pathway successfully. The team has a leadership team including a
Curriculum Team leader, a Lead Teacher of ICT/Computing (TLR 2.3) and a Teacher of Technology (TLR
The Faculty can be described as an enthusiastic and a hard working department. There is a strong ethos in
learning and teaching and staff believe strongly in raising students’ aspirations and confidence to promote
The Faculty is privileged to have 7 well-resourced rooms for the teaching of all strands of Technology,
including 2 hard materials workshops, a food technology room, a graphics room, an electronics lab, and 3
construction areas. All areas have digital projectors and interactive whiteboards as standard. The graphics
room has a bank of 30 laptops with a wide range of software to support students in the development of
their learning.
Enriching learners’ Technology experiences is essential, both to motivate and inspire our students. The
team organise and run a number of opportunities and trips to augment the classroom experience. The
team have a strong link with ITIS Galileo School in Crema, Italy and link with partner students each year,
before going on to host our Italian partners later in the year. The team also has run trips to ThinkTank in
Birmingham, the V&A Museum in London, and the Leeds Armouries. We have also planned further visits
next year to experiences such as Bletchley Park.
At Key Stage 3, students follow a condensed 2 year KS3 programme of study and have the opportunity to
commence GCSE courses in Year 9. Students study a wide range of topics developing skills in Electronics,
Hard Materials, Food Technology, and Graphic techniques. In Key Stage 4 Students are currently studying
GCSE courses in OCR Food Technology, OCR Graphic Products, OCR Electronics, and BTEC Awards in
Engineering and Construction.
At Key Stage 5, we have recently introduced a BTEC Pathway in Engineering which has proved very
popular with students. In the first two years both of these courses have been well subscribed giving
students an opportunity to learn about concepts such as Health and Safety, Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, CAM and Engineering Drawing. For a small group of students this has proved very successful
in providing a route into University.
Job Title:
Reporting to:
Line Manager:
Directly Supervised Posts:
Indirectly Supervised Posts:
Employee Signature and Date:
Line Manager Signature and Date:
Work towards and promote the School Vision and the current school aims outlined in the School
Improvement Plan.
Work towards the National Standards for Qualified Teacher Status as defined in the latest version issued by
the Teacher Training Agency.
Fulfil the responsibilities of all teachers as defined in the most recent version of the School Teachers Pay
and Conditions Document.
Commit to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Undertake professional development activities to enhance personal development and job performance.
Carry out a share of supervisory duties in accordance with published rosters.
Participate in appropriate meetings with staff and parents as defined by the school calendar.
Be subject to CRB checks as required by the School.
Plan, teach and evaluate lessons to ensure a variety of tasks and learning experiences for students matched
to their needs thus ensuring high quality learning
Continuously assess students, provide feedback, set targets for students and ensure they know how best to
Use positive discipline management techniques to resolve conflict and promote collaborative learning.
Consistently apply and develop whole school policies to ensure effective learning and inclusion.
Contribute to the teaching of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum.
Use appropriate ICT to ensure effective learning.
Act as a tutor to a group of students in accordance with the defined Role of the Form Tutor job description
Work with parents as partners to raise standards and achievement.
Form professional and co-operative working relationships with colleagues.
Set a good example to students through professional conduct and personal presentation.
Commitment to ensuring that every student is given the opportunity to achieve their potential and meet
the high expectations set for them.
Be responsible to your line manager.
Deliver teaching, training and awareness-raising activities in English to students, staff and members of the
wider community.
In addition to the above you may be asked to undertake any other duties which may reasonably regarded as
of a permanent nature shall be incorporated into the job description in specific cases.
The TLR 2.3 Teacher holds a crucial role within the Curriculum Team and works with the CTL to ensure effective
learning takes place in an ordered and structured environment. The specific responsibilities for this TLR 2.3 will
include leading and managing the Technology Department, with other responsibilities being determined in negotiation
with the CTL.
The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the statement of
conditions Employment.
This job description allocates duties and responsibilities but does not direct the amount of time to be spent on
carrying them out and no part of it shall be construed. In allocating time to the performance of duties, the
postholder must have regard to the school's published Directed Time Policy.
The job description is not necessarily a comprehensive definition of the post. It will be reviewed at least once per
two years and may be subject to modification or amendment at any time after consultation with the postholder.
Excellent communication skills, both written and
Good interpersonal skills, with the ability and
experience to enthuse and motivate others
Self-motivating and resilient
Good planning and organisational skills and a flexible
approach to the management of work
Able to think and work strategically
Ability to develop effective partnerships and
Ability to work as part of a team and on own
Confident user of ICT
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Qualified Teacher Status
Degree in subject related course
Vocational qualifications related to post
Documentary evidence /
application form
Documentary evidence /
application form
Documentary evidence /
application form
Knowledge of National Curriculum and of KS3,
GCSE and AS/A2 subject related courses.
Experience of teaching KS3 and GCSE subject
related courses.
Experience of teaching AS/A2 subject related
Understanding of data and its uses and effective use
of progress tracking and assessment
Experience of leading and managing a subject area
or people management
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
A willingness to participate in and a commitment to
training and professional development
A willingness to participate in the development of
teaching and learning expertise.
An understanding of Health and Safety legislation
An appreciation of anti-discrimination legislation and
an understanding of own role within this
An understanding of safeguarding and child
protection and own role within this
Application form, interview
Application form, interview
Application form and
Ground Floor
First Floor