2015 No 1 5 Feb - Hawera High School


2015 No 1 5 Feb - Hawera High School
PO Box 437, Hawera 4640 Ph 06 278 4145 Fax 06 278 1039
E-mail: enquiries@hawerahs.school.nz
Website: http://www.hawerahs.school.nz
 Changes to Form Classes
 Academic Mentoring Groups
 The Range
 Education Review Office visit
 Positive Behaviour for Learning
 School Examination Results
5 February 2015
New staff
Teacher Registration
School Contacts
Newsletter Distribution
Traffic Safety
Uniform Shop
Alastair Buist Awards
Maths Dept
Term Dates
Community Notices
Coming Events
Kia Ora
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Best wishes for 2015. It’s great to have staff and students back at Hawera High School. Last
Thursday we welcomed our new Year 9 students to the school, along with our Year 13
students at our Powhiri. All students attended the following day.
Changes to Form Classes
This year we have rearranged our form classes into year level groupings. We have done this
to allow form teachers to better support the academic progress of our students. This action
was taken as part of the school’s focus on improving student achievement at the school. We
are aware that our vertical forms did provide an opportunity for students to get to know
older and younger students. We will be seeking to maintain this desirable aspect of the
school’s life.
Academic Mentoring Groups
This year each of our students will meet, in groups, with an academic mentor teacher once a
week. The roll of the academic mentor teacher will be to help students with study skills and
personal organisation, to determine career goals, and to understand how their classroom
subjects are important for reaching these goals. For those students in Years 11-13 teachers
will be able to help students understand how NCEA works, meet their deadlines and due
dates through the year and to prepare for external examinations in November.
You can expect that your child’s mentor teacher will make contact with your family shortly.
The Range
A number of working bees were held over the summer to complete the outdoor chessboard
and seating at the range. This is now one of the most attractive areas of the school and it is
being well used by students in their breaks. We are grateful to those staff, Board members
and parents who contributed their time and work to this project.
Education Review Office
ERO will be reviewing the school’s performance between 23 February and 5 March.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
The school has been participating in the Ministry’s Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) for
the last year. We are involved because we recognise that the behaviour of a minority of
students does impact on the ability of teachers to teach, and of other students to learn. The
answer is not to exclude these students from school, but to teach them to be good learners.
We have started by considering our HAWERA values of Honesty, Attitude, Well-being,
Excellence, Respect and Achievement. From these we identified the teachable behaviours of
respect, responsibility and readiness to learn. We are now working with staff and students to
develop common understandings of what these behaviours will look like in a school setting.
Ultimately this project is about achieving better behavioural outcomes through consistent
expectations and explicit teaching of the behaviours that make learning successful. We
expect this to contribute to better achievement at the school for all students.
School Examination Results
By way of introduction, the Ministry of Education (MOE) considers NCEA Level 2 as the
minimum qualification that any student should have before leaving school. The MOE Public
education information for 2013 (the most recent year for which the data is available) is
shown below. It shows that our students are leaving school with qualifications at or slightly
above national rates.
Percentage of school leavers with at least NCEA Level 1.
Source; www.educationcounts.govt.nz 25 July 2014
Hawera High School 2013
New Zealand (All deciles) 2013
Percentage of school leavers with at least NCEA Level 2.
Source; www.educationcounts.govt.nz 25 July 2014
Hawera High School 2013
New Zealand (All deciles) 2013
Schools generally expect that students will gain NCEA Level 1 in Year 11 and NCEA Level 2 in
Year 12.
However, we are finding that many of our students are arriving in Year 9 with significant gaps
in their literacy, numeracy and self-management skills. Often these students find that they
need an extra year to achieve their NCEA qualifications. That is, they complete NCEA Level 1
during Year 12 and NCEA Level 2 during Year 13. This does impact on our examination results
in the expected year.
Against this background I now present our 2014 results.
Percentage of students achieving NCEA Level 1 in Year 11 (Roll based calculation).
Source; www.nzqa.govt.nz 30/1/15
Hawera High School 2014
New Zealand (All deciles) 2014
Frankly, we are disappointed with this mediocre result. With the tracking and mentoring
programmes we have in place now we had expected to repeat the good level 1 pass rate our
students achieved in 2013. We will now be focussing on assisting those students who did not
complete Level 1 in 2014 to do so this year, and then to help them make a start on their
NCEA Level 2.
Percentage of students achieving NCEA Level 2 in Year 12 (Roll based calculation).
Source www.nzqa.govt.nz 30/1/15
Hawera High School 2014
New Zealand (All deciles) 2014
Our 2014 Year 12 cohort has performed very well. We congratulate the students and
teachers whose hard work has achieved this pleasing outcome.
Percentage of students achieving NCEA Level 3 in Year 13 (Participation based calculation).
Source www.nzqa.govt.nz 30/1/15
Hawera High School 2014
New Zealand (All deciles) 2014
With large numbers of Year 13 students completing their Level 2 NCEA I have chosen to
include only those students enrolled for a full Level 3 course in this report. We are extremely
disappointed with this result after the satisfactory Level 3 results our students have achieved
in previous years. We will be working hard to have our Level 3 results back on track in 2015.
New Staff
This year we welcome four new teaching staff to Hawera High School. They are;
Mrs Louise Hurley (Mathematics), Miss Cheyenne Jones (Drama), Miss Koren Miller (Food
Technology), Mr Ashley Reader-Nokes (Physical Education).
We welcome these staff to Hawera High School and wish them well for their time with us.
Teacher Registration
Congratulations to teachers Mr Ahmad Osama and Ms Lauren Fraine who have completed
their two years of provisional service and are now fully registered teachers.
Contacting the School
Please remember to contact the school if you have any concerns. Do not leave problems
unresolved – talk to us!
The form teacher of your student is the first point of referral.
Deans are available to help:
Year 9: Mr K Elgar
Year 10: Mr H Bower
Year 11: Mr K Campbell
Year 12: Mrs D Reid
Year 13: Mrs J Brewer
The Guidance Counsellors, Mrs C Hilford and Mrs M Wereta, may be contacted via the
school office.
The Senior Leadership Team is happy to assist to overcome problems and concerns.
We are all available to help but specific responsibilities are:
Mr D Sheridan
(Assistant Principal)
Year 9
Mrs L Foley
(Assistant Principal)
Year 10
Miss W Armstrong (Deputy Principal)
Years 11/12
Mr J Konlecher
Year 13.
Newsletter Distribution
Newsletters will continue to be sent out in electronic form only to those families for whom
we have an e-mail address. Paper copies will be available for those families who do not have
e-mail. Newsletters are also posted on the school’s website.
Safety Procedures for Hub Carpark
At the end of each school day, gates 4 and 5 are reserved for bus students only. Students
who need to access the Hub carpark are to use gate 6.
Parents/caregivers who collect students after school are encouraged to use the Hub carpark
nearest to Waihi Road.
School Uniform Shop
The school uniform shop is located in Dixon Block. During the school term it is open on the
following days: Tuesday: 12 -1pm
Wednesday: 8am–9 am
Thursday: 1pm –2pm.
Alastair Buist Memorial Awards
The following past Hawera High School students have been successful in their applications for
an Alastair Buist Memorial Award – Tevita Vaipuna, Rachel Fowlie and Laura Heibner. To be
eligible applicants need to have completed one successful year of study in Health Sciences at
the University of Otago and be ex Hawera High School students.
School Library
The Library is open from 8:30-4:50pm Monday to Friday. Students are very welcome to use
the Library for a quiet place to study during these hours. Computers are available.
HighPlus Teen – Summer Reading Programme (proudly sponsored by the Rotary Club of
We have begun the third and final section of our Summer Reading Programme. Students are
very welcome to come and register for this. Four books and review sheets need to be
read/completed by the end of this term to be in the running for vouchers and our major prize
(digital camera). More information is available at the Library.
We have e-books available through our library. For further information or purchase requests
come and see us in the Library.
Login: student ID number
Password: student
Overdue items
Students are asked to please return all overdue books and text books from last year.
Accounts for overdue items will be sent out by the end of February. No library books will be
issued to students with overdues from Monday 9th February (this excludes text books).
Mathematics Department
1) "Be Ready to Learn"
In Maths, this means bringing the following essential items to every lesson:
- a blue/black pen, red pen for marking, pencil and eraser, ruler, calculator, two 1J8
exercise books, Maths Workbook (these will be issued to your child within the next
week or so).
2) Calculators
A calculator is an essential learning tool. Please ensure your child has one for class.
The basic scientific calculator ($18), and the more advanced graphics calculator (new
stock is worth $99) can both be purchased through the school office if your child does
not yet have one.
3) Workbooks & Course Fees
Thanks to those who have been into school already to pay for these. Your prompt
action is greatly appreciated.
Sports News
Swimming/Athletic Championships
Swimming sports take place on Wednesday 11 February starting at
9.05am with the back-up date being Friday 13 February. 200m freestyle
and 50m butterfly races will take place on Tuesday 10 February at 2pm.
Parents/caregivers/family and friends are all welcome to come and watch and support the
students. This event is held at the Hawera Aquatic Centre.
Athletics is being held on Thursday 26 February with the back-up date being Friday 27
February. Once again we would love to see you supporting the students at this event which is
held at Hicks Park.
We ask that parents encourage their child/children to participate in these events so that they
can contribute to their House, have fun and gain points for the Linnell shield.
Harris Taylor Sports Award
This year we have a new trophy to be awarded at the end of the year for a Year 9 student. It
is called the Harris Taylor Sports Award and will be awarded to the student who participates
in the most school sporting events throughout the year. School teams - netball, rugby, cricket
etc; School-wide events - tennis, swimming, golf etc; TSSSA events (Taranaki Secondary
Schools Sports Association); LRA events (Lunch time recreation activities).
The following year, as a Year 10 student, the recipient’s school sporting fees will be paid for.
This does not include any National or Regional events that they may enter or represent the
school or province in.
Coaches/Managers needed
If anybody is interested in coaching or managing a school team for this year please contact
Mrs Marsha Collingwood (Sports Co-ordinator) on 278 4145 ext 851.
Holiday Events
Congratulations to all the students who participated in their chosen sports through the
break. While we were on holiday you were out there training!
 Athletics
Hawera High School students were awarded three gold medals at the NZ Secondary
Schools Track and Field Championships held in Whanganui in December. Ashleigh Bennett
won the girls’ junior long jump and triple jump, and Arnold Fage won the boys’ junior
triple jump. A great achievement from these athletes.
 Lawn Bowls
Georgia Watt, Joshua Fox and Jarrod Pettett competed in the NZSS Lawn Bowls during
the school break. Congratulations to Georgia Watt for finishing up fourth overall in the
Singles and to Joshua and Jarrod for coming third in the plate final for the Pairs.
 Touch Rugby
Well done to the following HHS students for being selected to represent Taranaki at the
Touch New Zealand Junior National Championships in Auckland this month.
Under 15s Girls’ team
Aleesha Veale, Ellie Hurley-Langton, Kaya Rose Kahui,
Jenna Dodunski.
Under 15 Mixed team: Brooke Fevre, Bronte Gorham, Capri Te Ngahue
Under 17 Mixed team: Stevie-ray Gray
TSSSA Events – Term 1
There are a number of events on the calendar this term. Students who wish to enter can
collect the information and permission slips from the Sports Office.
Touch (Hawera)
Surfing (New Plymouth) (Tide dependent –
most suitable day
Golf Croquet (Inglewood)
Beach Volleyball (New Plymouth
Tennis Finals (New Plymouth)
Yachting (New Plymouth)
Life Saving (New Plymouth)
Orienteering (Stratford)
Triathlon (New Plymouth)
3 x 3 Basketball (Wednesday)
Athletics (Inglewood)
Equestrian – Cross Country (Opunake)
Rogaine (New Plymouth)
Dressage (Waitara)
Adventure Race (Taranaki)
Swimming (Stratford)
Lawn Bowls (Stratford)
Term Dates 2014
Teacher Only Day
29th Jan – 2nd April
Thursday 6th Feb
Waitangi Day
Monday 10th March Taranaki Anniversary Day
Friday 6th March (to be confirmed)
Statutory Holiday:
20th April– 3rd July
Queen’s Birthday - Monday 1st June
20th July – 25th Sept
Statutory Holiday:
Teacher Only Day
12th October – 11th December
Labour Day - Monday 27 October
Friday 20th November
Statutory Holidays
Community Notices
Club Chip Hawera (Complete Health Improvement Programme)
Free information sessions – Sunday 22 Feb - 4pm & Wednesday 25 Feb - 7pm at Community Hall corner
of Albion Street and South Road. Contact details: C Curtis 278 4535 evenings. Website
Hawera Horticultural Society Summer Show – Sat 14 Feb - 12.30-5pm, $3.00, Hawera Community
Centre, Albion Street.
Coming Events
School Swimming Sports
Student ID Cards Photographs
Board of Trustees meet 6pm
School Athletics Sports
No reira tena koutou katoa.
J C Konlechner
"The Range"
Sports Events
Refer to ‘Sports News’ above