Commander`s Corner - The American Legion Department of
Commander`s Corner - The American Legion Department of
Volume 6, Issue 8 February 2015 Commander’s Corner As you all know by my absence at the DEC I am recovering again, and hope to see you all at the next DEC. We are struggling with 9 out of the 10 Districts making the 85%, 10 February Target date, some have just barely made it; but they made it and that is what counts. I wish to congratulate all of you for making the 85% target date. As of this report we are in 24th place in the nation. I am not sure what place we are in the Northeast Region. We all should be working on the retention surge. National Commander Helm has asked everyone of you along with all department and district officers to: 1) Call at least 3 lapsed members and renew them, 2) get all post and district commanders to do the same by calling and renewing lapsed members in their respective areas. There are people in all districts that are willing to help. All you need to do is ask. We are getting into the tough months with winter weather and travel problem, hopefully the telephone and e-mail communication will still be working. We still have 3,323 members in the 462 holding post just waiting to be accepted by and transferred to a local post closest to their home. All it takes is a phone call and a transfer form. It can all be done over the phone. IT’S A NO BRAINER. MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP Inside this Issue Membership 2 DVC Burke Appreciation 15 Guest Commentary 2 DVC Starks Appreciation 16 Community Service Committee 3 National Commanders 17-18 Scholarship Committee 3 District Testimonials 19-21 Membership Incentives 4 Partnership for Kids Bowling 22-23 Editorial 5 Winter Sweepstakes Winners 24 Strategic Plan - Communications 6 Tom Wigmore 25 American Legion Weekly 6 Calendar of Events 26 Walter Reed Society Combat Medic 7 Membership 26 Boys State 8 MySAL - A Membership Tool 27 SAL Membership 27 Per Capita Banner Program 9-10 National Convention Housing 11-12 Military Ball 28 World Series Schedule 13 Food Bank Mobile Market 29 DSVC Brault Appreciation 14 POW/MIA Ceremony 30 MEMBERSHIP TEAM PAGE 2014-2015 DSVC Louis Brault – Chairman As we approach the close of January and the mid-winter target date of 80%, it is amazing to see how in the last 45 days we have pulled together as a team and brought our membership up from a low in the 70% range up to the 80%-85% range in our membership. This didn’t happen without a lot of hard work and team effort of a lot of folks and it paid dividends. My feeling now is that if we keep up working as a team we can reach 90% in membership well ahead of The American Legion birthday cutoff date of March 11th. If we keep up this team effort of helping the post and members that need the help, we are well on our way to achieving that 100% membership goal that we are all trying to achieve. We came very close last year early on. Now with everyone’s help; and it being later in the year, I believe we can achieve it. Do you need a hand with membership? Have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact myself, your district commanders or the vice commanders for your districts. They all are more than willing to help. If we don’t have the answer as a team, we can get you the answer and provide you with the tools you need to achieve that 100%. Keep warm, keep up the good work and team effort. Hey spring training is just around the next snow mound! Guest Commentary When most people think about veteran groups, they picture old soldiers sitting around the bar telling each other war stories. This is the perception that, at one time, seemed to prevail. That has changed thanks to the biggest veterans group, the American Legion and its auxiliary. Hundreds of local American Legion programs and activities strengthen the nation one community at a time. American Legion Baseball is one of the nation's most successful amateur athletic programs, educating young people about the importance of sportsmanship, citizenship and fitness. Did you know more than 50 percent of Major League Baseball players are graduates of the program? About 82,000 youth play on Legion-sponsored teams each year. On May 29, 1946, the American Legion, along with its auxiliary, presented a small struggling organization called the American Heart Association with a $50,000 grant. The grant inaugurated a nationwide program for the study, prevention and treatment of rheumatic heart disease. The American Legion wrote the GI Bill of Rights for veterans. The Legion practically created the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and its predecessors. Starting in 1978, the Legion demanded medical and monetary benefits for veterans exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. In our community we have just finished with the American Legion Oratorical Contest. This exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students. Over $138,000 in scholarships can be awarded each year. Operation Comfort Warriors is another American Legion program dedicated to meeting the needs of wounded, injured or ill military personnel by providing them with comfort items not usually supplied by the government. The list of all programs the American Legion has created and supports would be too numerous to go into detail today. The American Legion family is available to sons and daughters of veterans as well as veterans. To find out if you are eligible, call or visit your local American Legion post. Remember there is strength in numbers, and veterans groups do a lot more than most people perceive. Patrick O'Donnell is First District public relations liaison for the American Legion. The views are the writer's VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 2 Community Service Committee PDC Leland F. Plummer – Chairman George “Al” White Memorial Award Rules and Guidelines Award Period is from June to May 1. An award shall be given each month to a Post, Unit or Squadron judged to have performed an outstanding Community Service project for the betterment of the community or the people therein. 2. Entries for this award must be submitted by a Legion Post, Unit or Squadron of the Department of Massachusetts with a letter or resume of accomplishments, signed and attested to by the Post Commander and Adjutant, Unit President and Secretary or Squadron Commander and Adjutant. Documentary proof of accomplishment shall be made to the committee when possible. 3. All entries must be submitted within 45 days of the project. 4. Entries will be judged at the regular Department Community Service Committee meetings. 5. All other entries will be judged at the next meeting. Mail all entries to the Chairman: Leland F. Plummer, PDC 51 Shore Drive Templeton, MA 01468 978-939-4237 Department of Massachusetts Scholarship Milton K. Lashus, PNEC, Chairman 1. These Scholarships shall be designated “The Scholarship Fund of the Department of Massachusetts Inc., The American Legion. 2. The Department of Massachusetts, The American Legion, may grant ten $1,000.00 and ten $500.00 scholarships to be used towards the expenses of education of the child/grandchild whose parent or grandparent is a current member in good standing of an American Legion Post within the Department of Massachusetts. 3. Applications shall be filed on or before April 1, and mailed to: The American Legion, ATTN: Scholarshipp Chairman, Room 546-2, State House, Boston, MA 02133 4. The Scholarship shall be for the next school year only and limited to incoming freshmen. The scholarship committee will make its selections before June 1st. 5. Scholarship payments shall be made directly to the recipient of the scholarship in two equal payments. Payments whall be made at the beginning of each semester and will be withheld if the student fails to remain in good standing. In the event of termination during the school year payment must be returned to the Department of Massachusett, The American Legion. 6. Applications are available from you local Posts or can be obtained by call the Department of Massachusetts, The American Legion at (617) 727-2966 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 3 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 4 Editorial By PDC John Lenotte As we get to shoveling out from yet another snow storm, did you check on a neighbor, friend or family member to see if they were all right? Maybe you knocked on their door or at least made a phone call to them. Or maybe you hoped that someone would check in on you, just to hear a voice of someone who cares about you. Now think about our troops who are stationed around the world and have family and friends who they cannot physically go to their assistance. Some might not even be able to reach out by phone, email or internet because of the location where the service member is stationed. While they are protecting our lives and freedoms we need to take care of their families. I hope you will check on your family and friends and those of our troops. February is the month when The American Legion will hold its annual Washington Conference. Members of the Legion from all over the nation will converge on our nation’s capital. They will be briefed on major concerns that the Washington Legion Staff feels will be acted upon in this session of Congress. Many will then meet with their Congressional Representative/Senator or a legislative staff member. Some members of the Legion family will also observe the National Commander of The American Legion give testimony to a meeting of the Joint Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees. And I will note that they do not ask for just the members of the Legion to receive benefits, they are there advocating for ALL veterans as they have done since 1919. Which is all great, but they need OUR support. This means reaching out to the local offices or the Washington office of our Congressional delegation. Our representatives gauge how much reaction they receive within their district. No or little response means no one cares. I care, do you? I will contact my Congressional Representative and 2 U.S. Senators, will you? What are some of the concerns? Sequestration is still a major concern. Given the status of what is happening all around the world, is this the time to continue massive cuts to the Department of Defense? The Veterans Administration still has a way to go in correcting their methods of service delivery. Yes, many are getting better help but others still have problems getting appointments and/or having them constantly cancelled. Claims and Claims Appeal processing is still far from where it needs to be. Our newest veterans are suffering from ailments that the VA continues to deny exist. It took decades for the VA to recognize Agent Orange as a medical problem. We must not let this happen to the current generation of veterans. Credentialing of service members who are transitioning to a civilian career still face many obstacles. At this years Conference, The American Legion will again hold a summit bringing together veterans advocates, government agencies and major employers such as Microsoft, UPS, Boeing, Verizon,, Amtrak, Time Warner and Bechtel Construction Services to facilitate credentialing. This issue has been brought to Congress since 1997. Some progress has been made but more needs to be done. Additional information can be found at May God Bless our troops, their families and bring them home safe. John Lenotte, Commander, Post 4 Haverhill and Past Department Commander, The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 5 Strategic Plan for Sustained Membership Growth - Priorities: Communication Tactics: Utilize all internal media (Massachusetts E-Legionnaire, Vets News, Post Mailings, Massachusetts Web Site and Massachusetts E-Legionnaire Web Site) to encourage membership to join us in this 5-Year membership plan. This is an ongoing effort. Have all Districts develop media relations teams by the end of year 1. Establish a training team within the Department Media Relations to assist and guide the district teams by the end of year 1. Communicate The American Legion’s Story to local military components (Active, Reserve & National Guard), with the emphasis on eligibility. This is an ongoing effort. Continue the effort to collect all members’ email addresses and telephone numbers to enhance timely dissemination of information and any calls to action. Continue to utilize the 2 billboards and strive to increase the number of billboards across the Commonwealth. Marketing Committee is reviewing potential to increae the number of billboards by the end of year 1. Increase the utilization of National PSA’s in local media channels. Increase our presence in social media. The American Legion Weekly – Volume 2 Issue 6 February 6, 1920 “Traitor” When Victor Berger, traitor, undertook to make a public address at Providence, R.I, the other day he reckoned without those sentinels of decent Americanism who are standing vigil in every community in the country. The Prompt challenge and the method in which Berger was turned away from the city are both typical of The American Legion and a credit to the Providence post which took action in the case. In calling upon the local authorities to suppress Berger, the Executive Committee of the Providence post quoted Berger's rotten record of disloyalty. The post pointed to the fact that the Legion stands for all the constitutional rights of free speech and free assemblage. Its members having fought for personal and political liberty, they would deny nothing to anyone who might entertain opposite economic or political views, asking only that he advocate alleged reforms by lawful American means. "But the presence of this smug traitor is an insult to our citizenship and an intolerable offense to our sense of fitness and justice," the Providence local post concluded. The authorities took the same view, and Berger didn't speak. There was a time when such enemies of the country went about the land unchallenged in their insults upon American citizenship. That was before the time of The American Legion VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 6 Walter Read Society Combat Medic Award On behalf of the Walter Reed Society and Vice President Patient Services SGM (Ret.) Dan Bullis, American Legion Post 405 Member and Walter Reed Society Liaison Jeff Brodeur presented American Legion Post 405 Raynham MA the very prestigious Walter Reed Society Combat Medic Award. For three years in row, American Legion Post 405 Raynham MA has supported the Society, our wounded warriors, and their families at Walter Reed National Military Center at Bethesda Maryland. No one in the Walter Reed Society gets paid a salary and all are volunteers. The Walter Reed Society is located at Walter Reed and offers direct financial support to our wounded warriors and their families. Presently American Legion Post 405 has 2 members who are patients at Walter Reed, American Legion Post 405 Life Member Cpl. (Ret.) Vincent Mannion-Brodeur 82nd Airborne Division and American Legion Post 405 Member Sgt Brendan Karona, 10th Mountain Division. Both Members are Purple Heart recipients. Presented in the CMOH SFC Jared Monti Hall to the officers and members of the Post were Sr. Vice Commander Bob Chase, Jr. Vice Commander Tom Guinta, Finance Officer James Banks, Adjutant Dave Tanguay, Sgt. at Arms Bob Eklund, Judge Advocate Joe Hetherington, Commander Bill Ryder (not present), members Kevin Garvey, Peter King , Mike Nicholson , Paul Mullins , SAL Commander Eric Bastarache, "The Hens", Kathy D'Amico, Peg Hertherington, Mary Dooley, Colleen Maloney. 97th National Convention which will be held August 28 September 3, 2015, in Baltimore, Maryland. Go to this link for additional information. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 7 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 8 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 9 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. February 2015 Page 10 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 11 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 12 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 13 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 14 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 15 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 16 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 17 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 18 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 19 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 20 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 21 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - January 2015 Page 22 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 23 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 24 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 25 DEPARTMENT CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2/21/2015 6:00 PM Appreciation Day – DVC Robert Burke Boston Tavern (58 E Grove St, Middleboro) 2/28/2015 1:00 PM District 7 County Council Mtg VAMC Rm #3 Bldg 1, 3rd fl (West Roxbury) 3/07/2015 11:00 AM DEC Mtg (11 AM Membership; 1 PM EBoard) Fairview Post 438 (Chicopee) 3/7/2015 5:00 PM Hampden County Council Banquet (District 3) Chicopee Falls Post 275 3/8/2015 2:00 PM District 5 County Council Mtg Shirley Post 183 3/8/2015 2:00 PM Appreciation Day – DSrVC Louis Brault Chicopee Falls Post 275 3/12/2015 District 1 County Council Mtg Dalton Post 155 3/14/2015 7:00 PM Middlesex County Banquet (District 5) Dracut Post 315 3/15/2015 10:00 AM Combined Meeting Sutton Post 414 3/15/2015 10:00 AM District 10 County Council Mtg Mattapoisett Post 280 2015 Membership Standings as of 1/31/2015 NEXT TARGET IS 85% BY 2/10/2015 District Goal Current % of Goal 1 BERKSHIRE 1812 1597 88.13% 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FRANKLIN /HAMPSHIRE HAMPDEN WORCESTER MIDDLESEX NORFOLK SUFFOLK ESSEX BRISTOL 1783 3244 6304 6070 3523 1668 3270 2465 1500 2772 5460 5190 3069 1428 3008 2176 84.13% 85.45% 86.61% 85.50% 87.11% 85.61% 91.99% 88.28% 10 PLY/BARN/NAN/DUKE 4490 3961 88.22% 98 5416 131 3961 133.67% 88.22% 40143 31641 78.82% 297 CAPITOL HILL 462 HEADQUARTERS TOTAL 319 POSTS Please note District Goals have been set based on 2014 End Strength as of July 1st. The National Goal is a little higher at 40,143 se every district needs to exceed its goals for the Department to reach 100%. Goals are substantially lower than they were as little as 10 years ago so we can do this! VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 26 MySAL – A Membership Tool Our Squadron, Squadron 293 (Purcellville, Virginia), signed up for MySAL in 2013. Our renewals for 2014 slowed and we were able to use MySAL to help make our 100% for the year. Once we got access, we downloaded the information for our Squadron in .csv format (comma delimited). We were able to create mailing labels for all of our members. We created a Membership Invoice where we promoted some of our accomplishments at the National, State, and Local levels and explained what their dues money was used for including donations to CWF and NEF. We also requested updates on the Member’s information. We then mailed these membership invoices or renewal notices to our unpaid members. As a result of our mailing, we were able to have the remaining unpaid members pay their dues for the year. When our members sent their dues in along with their updated membership information, we can go into MySAL and update their membership information, ‘real time’. With the access to MySAL, your Squadron can better maintain your membership records. If your members have a change to their information, have them fill out a Member Data Form and use that as your backup when updating their information in MySAL. By maintaining these records on MySAL, this will help you communicate with your members. It will also help the National Organization communicate with your members through The National Update. MySAL is not set up to do Transfers. The Member Data Form is still needed for Transfers. But you can update other information. You can use MySAL to update Birthdates, Phone Numbers, and E-mail Addresses. With this information available to you online, your Squadron can keep your members informed on Squadron and Post activities. Remember that our members are the lifeline of our organization and we need to make them feel a part of something larger than our local Squadron. MySAL will help do that. If your Squadron has not signed up for, please do so today! Scott Williams, Assistant National Adjutant – Virginia. 2015 Sons of the American Legion Membership Standings as of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 1/31/2015 District Goal Current % of Goal BERKSHIRE FRANKLIN /HAMPSHIRE HAMPDEN WORCESTER MIDDLESEX NORFOLK SUFFOLK ESSEX BRISTOL PLY/BARN/NAN/ DUKE 244 173 70.90% 271 261 956 1371 808 100 410 270 150 174 654 869 517 67 281 169 55.35% 66.67% 68.41% 63.38% 63.99% 67.00% 68.54% 62.59% 713 524 73.49% TOTAL 5404 3578 66.21% The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 27 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 28 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 29 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - February 2015 Page 30 Massachusetts E-Legionnaire ARTICLE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The Massachusetts E-Legionnaire is the official publication of the Department of Massachusetts American Legion and is published at least 12 times per year by the Massachusetts American Legion Newspaper Committee Do you have an article or news announcement to share with the rest of the Department of Massachusetts? If so, please follow these basic guide-lines for submissions. The American Legion Department of Massachusetts, Inc. Room 546-2, State House Boston, MA 02122-1099 email: Editor Francis J. MacDonald 2014-2015 Officers Commander Charles Towers Sr. Vice Commander Louis Brault • Submit your text in Microsoft Word format (.doc) or as a text file (.txt or .rtf). Save your file as the same name as the article, so we can easily keep track of it. Be sure to make it clear who the author is, whether it’s you or if you are just forwarding it to us. • WE LOVE ARTICLES WITH PHOTOS, or any other kind of images! Include photos and/ or artwork for articles separately (NOT embed-ded in the article) as high resolution (300 dpi, or better) JPGs. Please name these files accordingly so we can track them along with your article. Let us know in your e-mail of any corresponding captions, and/or name of the photographer if necessary. • Spell check everything! Especially people’s names, web addresses, etc. You can help us greatly here by simply running your spell check function in your word processing program. • E-mail everything directly to us at by the 25th of every month for it to appear in the very next issue. This way we have plenty of time to work with in case we need to clarify anything with you. We hope you enjoy this issue, and hope you continue to help us grow The Massachusetts e-Legionnaire! Vice Commanders Kenneth Starks Mike Davis Robert Burke Historian Ben Wilcoxen Executive Committee Women Sally Nay Sergeant-at-Arms Henry Young Service Officer George Cameron NEC Steve Jimmo ANEC Frank MacDonald Want to Subscribe to Mass E-Legionnaire: Send your email address to: or to the Editor at Still receiving correspondence through the U.S. Postal Service? Send the Department office your Name & Address and you will get a hard copy mailed to you. The American Legion, Dept. of Mass, Inc. Room 546-2, State House Boston, MA 02133 (617) 727-2966 Massachusetts e-Legionnaire is a member of National American Legion Press Association NALPA. Follow the Department of Massachusetts on Facebook @ The American Legion Department of Massachusetts VOLUME 6, ISSUE 8 The American Legion, Department of Massachusetts, Inc. - January 2015 Page 31