Breakfast - Fairview Baptist Church


Breakfast - Fairview Baptist Church
Fairview Baptist Church
February 10, 2015
You are invited to attend The Valentine's Day Breakfast at River Club
this Saturday at 9AM, doors open at 8:30. Bring the family, bring a
friend and all will have a wonderful Breakfast....most come back for
at least 3 helpings prepared by our own Chef, Chris Campbell and
his assistants Wright Campbell, Ralph Williams, Steve Kintzel, and
Ken Weadon.
Alan’s NEWS!
If you were here last Sunday (February 1), or if you
read the newsletter last week, you know that I called
upon Ron Lithgow to preach at the 11:00 AM service
because Nora was sick. That Sunday I preached an
introductory sermon to the book of Philippians at the
8:30 service. Rather than do a “rerun” at the 8:30
service this Sunday (February 15th), I have asked
Ron to come and preach. I will, however, be preaching the introductory sermon on Philippians at the
11:00 AM service.
Dr. Bob Sizemore will be our “guest speaker” for both
services on February 22nd. Let’s welcome him back
with a full sanctuary!
Congratulations, Fairview, on another successful
“Souper Bowl of Caring.” Because of your generosity
$1,338.87 was raised to support our ministries to the
hungry in the Fredericksburg area.
Please continue to pray for our Pastor Selection
Committee. They are in the process of selecting from
among 150 resumes the one whom they feel God
may be leading to Fairview to be our next pastor.
Those on the committee are: Brent Proudfoot, Rosemary Blankenship, Ronnie Williams, Chuck Dye, Gordon Wiss, Jessica Lowery, Tim Patrick, and Zac Ashley.
There are still a few of us who are meeting each
Monday morning at 7:00 AM in the church sanctuary
to pray for our church and for our selection committee. We invite you to join us.
We have a deacon ordination service on Sunday
evening, February 22nd, at 6:00 PM for Christine
Maurer and Steve Kintzel. Please circle that date on
your calendar and make a special effort to be here.
The turn-out for the workshop this past Sunday was
much less than hoped for (0 people) so I
have some work to do. Based on input
provided for the transition team report,
I know the church has a desire to reach
our youth, so I need your input. Please
let me know if there is a better day/time
for future training opportunities, if you prefer an alternate communication method, or any other suggestions
you have on energizing the church in this area
Sunday School Attendance Sheets
If your class hasn’t provided a class
membership list to Alan yet, please do
so ASAP. If you have provided a list,
look for a new attendance marking
sheet in your classroom on Sunday
morning. Just mark the boxes next to the names of
people who are attending your class each Sunday.
Under the box, you will see the attendance history of
each member (P for present, A for absent) with the
most recent Sunday on the right. Leave the completed
sheets in your classroom for pick-up.
Anything to share?
Does your Sunday School class, Bible study
group, ministry team or other church group
have an upcoming event? If so, please remember that the church has a Twitter and Facebook
account, which is a great way to share information about upcoming events. If you would like
something posted, please send Alan the text you would
like to be used.
Mark Your Calendars—Children & Youth Missions
Youth Mission Madness – April 17-19 in Charlottesville
VA ($50)
May we never lose the wonder!
In the Hospital
Chippenham Hospital—Richmond
Nora Sawyer—Room #236
Page 2 Fairview News
Youth Leader and Parent Workshop Recap
PassportMissions – July 20 – 25 at
Averett University in Danville VA ($200)
for anyone who has completed 6th to 12th
PassportKids – July 29 – August 1 at Eagle Eyrie in
Lynchburg VA ($150) for any kids who have completed
3rd to 5th grades.
We still need chaperones for all of these trips. Without adult
involvement, these trips cannot take place. Please talk to Alan if
you are willing and available to participate. Chaperone costs are
covered by the church.
Tuesday, February 17
10:30 am
‘The Lakers’
Gospel and old-time favorites
by musicians from Lake of the Woods
Youth Bible Study Update
We had a great first week of Youth Thursday
Night Bible Study, with 8 youth and 2 adults.
Megan did a great job leading, and we’re
looking forward to her leading us again this
week. If you’d like to join us, we’ll be at the
Central Park Chick-fil-A, meeting from 7:00-8:00pm.
Save the date of:
March 21, 1-3 pm at River Club.
Enjoy Chocolate with Friends.
Special Guest Speaker: Aimee Hardy
Oyster Roast—March 7th
As a reminder this year’s Oyster Roast will be held on
March 7th at White Oak Equipment and is being held to assist
Brad Hedrick who is in need of a heart transplant. There are flyers advertising the event in various locations around the church;
please take several and share them with friends, family,
co-workers, and others.
We will have special T-shirts available for Oyster
Roast Volunteers to help identify and distinguish
workers during the event. If interested, Paula and
Billy Oehm will be taking orders over the next couple of
weeks. Cost will be about $10.
Financial Report for Charlotte Street 2/8
Weekly Amount Given (2/1/15)
Weekly Amount Given ( 2/8/15)
Weekly Amount Required
Total Amount Given
Total Amount Required
Amount Under Budget
$ 5,057.15
Sunday School
Charlotte Street
River Club
Not Available
Sunday School High Attendance
Alpha Class
Bus Driver—Steve Spicer
8:30 Ushers: David Robinson, Stuart Sullivan
11:00 Service Ushers: Kelly Curtis, Randolph Hart,
Stuart Sullivan
We are still in need of volunteers. Sign-up sheets are on a bul- 11:00 Jr. Ushers: Gordon Wiss, Drew Mathews
letin board in the Fellowship Hall; along with detailed volunteer
information sheets that you can pick up. As always, desserts are Coffee Break Hosts: Bev Feeney & Betsy Spradlin
greatly appreciated.
Also, please check out the Oyster Roast Facebook page and
“like” it.
If you have questions, contact Frank McCarty or Art Blankenship.
Toddlers / Twos:
9:30: Mary Schatz,
Penny Withers
9:30: Ginny Holland
11:00: Mary Schatz
From the Church Administrator
We are currently working on tightening up our security around
the church, so remember, if you are part of a group that meets
here in the evenings, please try to remember NOT to prop the
doors open unattended for late arrivals and be sure the doors are
securely closed when you leave. Thank you.
11:00: Betsy Chinn
Kristi Proudfoot
Betty Moyers
3’s/4’s/early 5’s:
1st & 2nd Grade
9:30: Shannon & MJ
Moyers, Anne Wilson
Children’s Church:
11:00: Brent Proudfoot
Alan Stanton
Page 3
Fairview Baptist Church
900 Charlotte Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Charlotte Street Website:
Phone: 540-373-8377
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Fredericksburg, VA
Permit No. 54
Fax: 540-373-9713
Interim Pastor, Willard Sawyer:
Minister of Children and Youth: Alan Stanton:
Church Administrator, Brad Hedrick:
Secretary, Beth Webb:
River Club Website:
Phone: 540-372-7880
Fax: 540-372-7899
Senior Pastor, Zac Ashley,-
Student & Connections Minister-James Bauslaugh;
Children’s Minister, Marcey Cramsey;
Steve Mudre-Minister of Administration;
Minister of Music & Worship- Ryan French;
Exciting News! Based on your feedback
during a recent business meeting budget discussion, we are making changes to our weekly
advertising. Instead of continuing with a printed
ad every Saturday in the Free Lance-Star, we
are moving to their online business directory. This will save the
church several hundred dollars each month while allowing for much
more church visibility to the younger generation. The changes
should take effect in the upcoming weeks.
Alan Stanton
Hooked on Books Club Schedule
February 12th meeting—Discussion on 2 books:
The Orphan Train & The #1 Ladies Detective Agency
March 12th meeting—Discussion on Still Alice
April Meeting —The Book Thief
February Operation Christmas Child Collection
Small Stuffed Animals and Dolls
Wednesday Night Supper Menu for February 18
Manicotti, Green Beans, Fried Apples, Hot Rolls,
Salad & Dessert Bar
Kids: Chicken Nuggets & Tater Tots
This Week at Fairview
February 15, 2015
8:30 am Worship Service
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
12:30 Pastor Search Committee
3:00 pm Orchestra Rehearsal
10:00 am Herndon-Rowe WMU Group
7:30 pm Handbells
9:30 am Golden Jubilee Choir
10:30 am Senior Adult Luncheon
7:00 pm Precept Bible Study
10:00 am Bible Study
11:30 am Not Your Momma’s Book Club
Regular Wednesday Night Activities
12:00 noon Brown Bag Bible Study