02.15.15 - St. Michael Church


02.15.15 - St. Michael Church
St. Michael Church
60 years:
RECTORY, 7401 St. Michael’s Lane
(703) 256-0446
(703) 256-7822
SCHOOL, 7401 St. Michael’s Lane
(703) 256-1222
CONVENT, 7421 St. Michael’s Lane
(703) 256-2130
(703) 941-9403
Sunday Vigil: Saturday Eve, 5:00 p.m.;
7:30 p.m. (Vietnamese) only on first Saturdays
Sunday: 7:00 a.m. (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite),
8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon
Weekday Masses: See Inside Bulletin
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m. SHARP.
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. SHARP. Advent & Lent special
parents must attend a class prior to the baptism of their
child. Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sundays of the month. Please call the rectory for information
and assistance. (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
WEEKLY NOVENA: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Novena of The Miraculous Medal.
MONTHLY DEVOTION: First Saturdays following
the 8:30 a.m. Mass - Our Lady of Fatima.
Pre-K3 through grade 8.
For information contact Sister Therese at 703-256-1222
or sister.therese@stmikes22003.org.
Website: stmikes22003.org
For all children attending public school Pre-School
through grade 12 meets on Sundays September through
May. For more information contact Deacon McCaffrey,
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Registration forms are
available from the ushers after Mass on Sunday or you
may stop by the rectory during the week. Parish membership is required for the reception of either Baptism or Matrimony. Please notify the rectory when your telephone
number changes and also when you are moving within or
outside the parish.
RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: 9a.m.—5p.m. Monday through Friday
MARRIAGE: Please notify one of the priests at least
six (6) months before the wedding. Cohabitation (living
together before marriage) is not lawful.
SICK CALLS: Please notify the Rectory for visits and/
or Communion Calls to the sick, shut-ins and those in the
Pastor: Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Richard T. Carr
In Residence: Rev. Joseph Tran Van Quang
Permanent Deacons: Deacon Roger T. Ostrom, Deacon David S. McCaffrey
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do everything for the glory of God.”
~ 1 Corinthians 10: 31
6:15 a.m.
12 noon
6:15 a.m.
12 noon
6:15 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
12 noon
7 p.m.
6:15 a.m.
12 noon
7:30 p.m.
6:15 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
12 noon
7:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
5 p.m.
7 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12 noon
Monday, February 16
Julian & Angelito Soriente +
Ricco Thomas Amadio +
Tuesday, February 17
Donald Roberts +
Anthony A. Fernandez +
ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18
Joseph Fisher
William McDonald +
Vanessa Kennelly +
Dorothy Creeden +
Thursday, February 19
Maury, Ruth Nunes
Jared Horvath
Christian Mothers
Friday, February 20
Maria Ngo Nguyen +
Bernard and Miriam Kennelly
Divina S. Tamayo
Stations of the Cross (no Mass)
Saturday, February 21
Maria Ngo Nguyen +
Alfred J. Embarrato +
Sunday, February 22
Maria Ngo Nguyen +
People of the Parish
Amy Biven
Gerhard Bohm +
Wednesday evenings during Lent from 6:30 to 8 p.m.,
commencing the week after Ash Wednesday. The
consistent availability of the sacrament in every church
throughout the area is an essential component to The
Light is On for You.
Lenten Regulations -- Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
are days of fast and abstinence. All Fridays in Lent are
days of abstinence. Fasting means eating only one full
meal with two smaller meals, which together do not equal
the full meal. No snacks or eating between meals allowed.
Fasting obliges all Catholics between the ages of 18 and
59. Abstinence means eating no meat, and no soup or
gravy made from meat. Abstinence obliges all Catholic
over the age of 14. Sickness, hard manual labor,
pregnancy, etc. automatically excuse a person from these
obligations. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that
these are serious obligations. In cases of doubt or
question, the priest who hears a person’s confession
should be consulted.
William J. McDonald -- was born on September 19,
1929 in Girardville, PA. In 1946, Bill caught the eye of a
young Alice Wood at a local dance hall; they got married
and had four children: William Jr., Edward, Thomas, and
Mary Alicia. Accepting a job as a butcher with Grand
Union, he moved his young family to Annandale, VA,
and became parishioners of St. Michael. He fought cancer
for seven years. He passed as he lived: full of his family’s
love, affection, and admiration.
This week’s Second Collection -- is for Special School
On Ash Wednesday we will take up -- a collection for
the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection
eases the way for the people of the region by helping
Catholic organizations offer affordable shelter, train
seminarians, and provide pastoral care and catechesis.
Your donation today helps to restore the Church and
build the future in the aftermath of Soviet rule. Please be
generous. Visit www.usccb.org (search “Church in
Central and Eastern Europe”) to learn more about the
important projects funded by this collection.
Monday, February 16th, is President’s Day. -- Please
note that the parish office will be closed in observance of
the holiday. It will re-open on Tuesday, February 17th.
2015 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal: Stewards of Christ
Sharing Gospel Joy! -- The Diocese of Arlington is a
vibrant diocese and we have been truly blessed. Yet, with
this blessing comes increased spiritual and pastoral needs
and an even greater obligation to help the many people in
our midst who require our assistance and support. We are
asking all families in our parish to support the Bishop’s
Lenten Appeal (BLA) to the fullest extent that they are
The Lenten Confession schedule – includes the
Wednesday evening, “The Light is On for You.” The
schedule has been implemented in the Archdiocese of
Washington and the Diocese of Arlington. The plan
requires each parish to offer the Sacrament of Penance on
The Christian Mothers -- will meet on Thursday,
February 19th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Convent Chapel. A
meeting will follow in the Teacher’s Lounge in the Senior
Building. All mothers of any age are invited to join this
prayerful group. If you have any questions, please call
Patrice Connolly at 703-941-0017.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE -- to participate in the BIBLE
STUDY GROUP's Spring 16-Lesson study program
on the LETTER to the HEBREWS, featuring commentary by Scott Hahn and DVD presentations by Fr. Mitch
Pacwa, S.J. We commenced with Lesson 1 on Thursday,
5 February. We meet, as indicated, on Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 AM in Room 3 on the lower
level of the Junior School. Come early and enjoy some
refreshments and fellowship. The cost of materials is
$30.00, and pre-registration is required. For more information and to pre-register, please contact Bill Deshler
at 703-321-9730 or Carol McCaffrey at 703-941-4573.
The Annandale Lions Club Charities Inc., -- is holding a Citrus Fruit Sale on Saturday, February 21 from
8:15 am til 4:00 pm. The sale will be held on the grounds
of the Annandale Swim and Tennis Club, next to the
Wendy's on Little River Turnpike. The Lions appreciate
the support of our community in raising funds that are
used for sight and hearing conservation, as well as community support and youth activities.
Encourage -- a ministry dedicated to the spiritual
needs of parents, siblings, children, and other relatives
and friends of persons who have same-sex attractions.
The next meeting will take place on Friday, February
20, 2015 at 7:30 PM. We will meet in Room 2, in the
MARRIED COUPLES – DON'T MISS THIS OP- Lower Level of the Junior School building. Park facPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE THE TWO MOST ing the empty field and enter the school at the ground
- The Marriage in Christ Seminar provides spouses with
practical formation that enables them to renew their love Commencing on Sunday 1 March, the ADULT
and affection for each other and for the Lord, to deepen SCRIPTURE STUDY GROUP -- will interrupt its
their unity as a couple and to celebrate the presence of year-long study of Genesis to conduct a 4-week
God in ordinary married life. God Our Father desires to LENTEN MEDITATION on the Seven Deadly Sins
renew marriage through the power of the Holy Spirit. and the Seven Lively Virtues featuring Father Robert
LET HIM BEGIN WITH YOURS! The seminar is on Barron, from Word on Fire, on DVD. We meet as
Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 9:30 pm. Even if you indicated on Sundays from 9:30 to 11:15 AM in Room
missed the first couple sessions, you can join us this 3 on the lower level of the Junior School. Come early
coming Thursday and each following Thursday through and enjoy some refreshments and fellowship. The
March 5, 2015. The fee for the materials and refresh- cost of materials is $10.00, and pre-registration is rements is $100 per couple. For more information or to quired if you have not already signed up in class. For
register, contact Dave or Maggie Temeles more information and to pre-register, please call Pavo
(dave@temeles.com or maggie@temeles.com or 703James at 703-642-8378 or Bill Deshler at 703-321338-3730) or visit www.marriageinchrist.com.
St. Michael Parish Lenten Suppers -- Please join us Perpetual Adoration -- needs new adorers. Can you
every Friday during Lent from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM in the participate in adoration by taking an hour a week or by
a n - being a substitute? The hours most in need of covernual Lenten Suppers! Meatless Soup, Bread, Finger age are: Sunday 5-6 p.m.; Monday 3-4 a.m.; Tuesday
Desserts will be served (until supplies last). As in the 10-11 a.m. and 5-6 p.m.; Wednesday 8-9 a.m.; Thurspast, donations are welcomed and this year will benefit day 3-4 a.m.; Fridays 4-5 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. Contact
Rosemary Duffy at 703-256-4468.
the Catholic Charities Food Pantry.
Dates of Suppers: 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27 Please Pray for: Joanne Pearring*; Julia & Sophia
If you would like to volunteer to: help with prepara- Lattanzio; Marguerite Wise; Chau Duong*; Jane
tions, bake a dessert, provide a bread item, or earn stu- Ward*; Jack Delaney*; Elizabeth Medved*; Emmy
dent service hours, please contact: Jermaine Perkins
Kowal; Andrew F. Zaccardi*; Julie Molony Lee;
at 703-658-4876.
Mary Roche*; Bob Cafarella; John and Marie Sibenik*; Jean Kratochvil; Robert and Courtney VilStations of the Cross -- will be held in the church on
lareal*; Tracy Wilson; Rosemary Dooley*; Joseph
Fridays during Lent at 7:30 p.m.
Vaudry; Ariadne Pasa; Abbie Wallace; Maria KerAttention boys, 10 years and above. -- You are invited rinckx*; Marissa Ann Wuerthele*; Ellen Louise
to learn how to serve on the altar at Mass. If you are not Daily; Dan Keller; Fred Tansey*; Robert E. Miller*;
currently an altar boy but would like to be trained to be Charlie David White; Paula Hughes*; Clara Tullio*;
one, please contact the office (703-256-7822) and pro- Daniel Weiler*; Patricia Weiler*; with apologies to
vide us with an email address and we will contact you anyone we dropped; to re-add names call Father
soon to schedule a training session.
Pokorsky or the Office for next week.
Here are the names of family members -- of parishioners
who are serving our country overseas: PFC Mark Haugh,
USMC; Cdr. David Stabish, USNavy; Alex Puentes USNavy; Sgt. Ramsey Hamilton; SA Kevin Sucher, USAF;
1st Lt. Patrick Glass, USArmy; Ensign Grace Dalton, USNavy; Cpt. Justin E. Vaughan, USMC; Major Michael
Swingler, USMC; and…. [call Mary at the parish office,
703-256-7822, and we’ll keep our prayers going for our
soldiers in harms way.].
Next week, our parish will take up the 131st annual National Black and Indian Mission Collection. -- Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African
American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast. Schools, parish religious education
programs, and diocesan ministries depend on your generosity to help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Congratulations to all our 7th and 8th graders on a job
well done!
Behavioral Health
1st Place TIE
Katherine Pham & Antonio Camarca
2nd Place
Lizbeth Rojas
3rd Place
Fiona Kennedy
Honorable Mention Kevin Guillen, Felicia Sebastian, Anna
1st Place
Laura Nguyen
2nd Place
Katy Nguyen
3rd Place
Driss Beaulieu
1st Place
Peter Saliba
2nd Place
Caroline Wack
3rd Place
MaiThy Nguyen
1st Place
Bruno Castro
2nd Place
Gabbie Bernescut
3rd Place
Brandon Miranda
General Science
1st Place
Jennifer Gulley
2nd Place
Sam Gigliotti
3rd Place
Jack Doyle
Medicine & Health
1st Place
Anna Le
2nd Place
Dimitri Hayek
3rd Place
Adrian Reyes
Honorable Mention Andrea Recinos-Cadima
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Honorable Mention
Grace Nary
Andres Penafiel
Kataryna Vejcik
Tyler Tran, L.M., Patrick Nguyen
Best of Luck to the 10 students who will be representing us at
the Diocesan Science Fair: Jennifer Gulley, Grace Nary, Andreas Penafiel, Kataryna Vejcik, Peter Saliba, Sam Gigliotti, Tyler Tran, Katherine Pham, Antonio Camarca, Laura Nguyen
Alternates: Lizbeth Rojas and Caroline Wack
OPEN HOUSE Pre K3 and PreK4 -- March 4th 9am-10am.
Please come visit our PreK3 and PreK4 classes to see the exciting
things we are doing. Registration packets are available in the
main school office.
REGISTRATION -- Register now for PreK3-Grade 8 Call Michelle at the school to set up a private tour or to receive a registration
mich.kennedy@stmikes22003.org For anyone looking to enter
St. Michael School 2015-2016, Grades K-8, Financial Assistance
is available. You can apply online at: www.online.factsmgt.com/
aid or come to the school office to pick up a paper copy. Please
call the school office (703-256-1222) and we would be happy to
help you fill out the financial aid application form. The deadline
for financial aid applications is March 16, 2015.
Car Magnets -- St. Michael School car magnets are on sale in
the School Main Office. The magnets are $5 each.
SPONSOR A STUDENT -- Thank you to those who have
adopted a St. Michael student by helping with tuition assistance.
If you are interested in supporting the Catholic Education of a St.
Michael Student please call the school office at 703-256-1222 or
visit our website for a Sponsor a Student form:
The Passion of the Christ -- Please join St. Raymond of
Penafort, February 22nd at 3:00 pm at the Kingstowne
Theater in Alexandria for a private screening of Mel
Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". This movie is
Rated "R". Tickets must be purchased in advance and are
available for purchase online at www.straymonds.org/
The-Passion-Of-The-Christ/. For more information call
Mary Butler at 703-440-0535 or contact by email at
CAUTION: Fifty Shades of Grey -- a movie that has
recently started playing in theaters. To quote the Most
Rev. Richard J. Malone, Chairman, Committee on Laity,
Marriage, Family Life and Youth: “The books and film,
marketed as a romantic story, are a graphic portrayal of a
young woman agreeing to be abused and degraded in a
sexual relationship… This is an opportunity for us to
remind the faithful of the beauty of the Church’s
teaching on the gift of sexual intimacy in marriage,
the great dignity of women, and the moral reprehensibility of all domestic violence and sexual exploitation.”