St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri February 15, 2015


St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri February 15, 2015
Where Hospitality and Love Meet
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Farmington, Missouri
February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Living the Gospel Message Since 1890
Join us for our
Spanish Mass
at 3:00 pm
in the church
The Knights will be selling
their chili THIS weekend
after all Masses.
Nothing quite says “I Love You” like a hot
bowl of Knights chili for your loved one!!!
Pick Up your Lenten Fish Fry Sign after all Masses THIS weekend
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Joseph
Catholic Church
February 15, 2015 • Page 2
St. Joseph Catholic Parish has been
selected to participate in a national study
of vibrant parishes conducted by the
Catholic Leadership Institute!
-- We need your help! -Please help us participate by completing a 10-15 minute survey online. The survey will be
emailed to you by The survey will only be
available from February 17 to March 10 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth
and enable you to provide feedback on what efforts the parish is doing to help you grow. All
responses will be confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as
a whole.
We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to
Fr. Rickey and our various ministries as we plan ahead and try to be the best disciples we can be.
We will receive the results in May/June at which time we will share what we have learned with the
entire parish.
If you don’t use email - there will be opportunities to complete the survey after daily and Sunday
Mass or you can obtain a paper copy by contacting Lisa in the parish office at 573-756-4250.
Thank you for helping with this important project!
The following have been selected to represent our parish
and will be attending monthly courses through the National Catholic Leadership Institute:
Abe AuBuchon • Shirley Bieser • Risha Gaines • Connie Grindel
Phyllis LaPlant • Rich Ragsdale • Jane Ramos • Fr. Rickey
Did You Know????
Catholic Leadership Institute provides bishops, priests, deacons and
lay persons in the Roman Catholic Church with world-class, pastoral
leadership formation and consulting services that strengthen their
confidence and competence in ministry, enabling them to articulate a
vision for their local church, to call forth the gifts of those they lead,
and to create more vibrant faith communities rooted in Jesus Christ.
St. Joseph is one of eight
parishes in our Archdiocese
and one of eighty parishes
throughout the United States
to participate in this
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Pen
Ash Wednesday
Our Lenten Journey
This Wednesday begins our
traditional spiritual journey of Lent;
a time of penance, spiritual renewal and anticipation of
Easter joy.
Have you given any thought yet to what you will do
this Lenten Season to enhance your spiritual
growth? As an adult, how about adding an additional
10 minutes of prayer each day? Daily mass? A true
intention of going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Setting aside the Lenten season to stay home and
have dinner every night with the family? Reconciling
with a family member? Maybe praying the Stations of
the Cross? Reading a bit of scripture each day? A
weekly visit on Thursdays for Eucharistic Adoration?
Let us open our hearts this Lenten season to God’s
transforming life within each of us! It’s easy to BE
Catholic but a life changing experience to LIVE
Our Baptismal calling encourages us to do much
more. Through his example of forty days in the desert,
Jesus asks us to return to the basics of our faith: to
pray, fast, give alms and perform works of mercy.
May the ashes truly remind us to turn away from
sin and be faithful to the Gospel.
Masses on Ash Wednesday will be at 7:00 am,
8:05 am and 7:00 pm.
Rite of Sending
February 15, 2015 • Page 3
Election at the Cathedral Basilica, where
Archbishop Robert Carlson will then officially invite
them to the Easter Sacraments. From now until Easter
they will be known as the Elect. We assure our
prayers to our:
(adults who will be baptized)
Jennifer Akers
Scott Schrum
(adults who will be received into full
Communion of the Church at the Easter Vigil)
Melinda Allen
Marsha Brown
Ken Christopher
Holly Green
Sonja Hampton
Kimberly Kowalski
Trish Pate
Richard Black
Dorothy Chastain
Ryan Dowell
Maitlan Halter
Amanda Hubbard
Christopher Knight
Corey Schrum
(children who will be received into full
Communion of the Church at the Easter Vigil)
Logan Hutson
Karac Knight
Madelin Knight
Evan Hutson
Luci Knight
Samuel Knight
(children under the age of 7)
We welcome our Catechumens and
Candidates who will be joining us in full
communion at our Easter Vigil
Macullough Schrum
Atticus Schrum
Next weekend, February 22 at the 10:30 am mass, we
will celebrate the Rite of Sending for Election and
for the Call to Continuing Conversion for those who
are preparing for the Easter Sacraments. At this
Mass, I will ask the sponsors and the community of St.
Joseph’s if we feel that our Catechumens and
Candidates have been sincere in the desire to join us
and have fully participated in their preparation. Their
sponsors have written a letter to our Archbishop
recommending that they be received into the Church.
After the signing of their name in the Book of the Elect,
we will send them forth to celebrate the Rite of
A Lenten Message from
Our Archbishop
Following my column is the Lenten Regulations from
Archbishop Robert Carlson. I hope you will take the
time to read this as we begin our Lenten journey.
Please join us for
Stations of the Cross
each Friday during Lent
at 2 pm and 7 pm.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lenten Fish Fries
Begin This Friday
We need everyone to help to make
the season one of warm hospitality.
Catholic Parishes are known for many things, the
Lenten Fish Fry being one of them. Parishes are often
identified and known for their warm hospitality. Our
Lenten Fish Fries have done that for us! We had a
tremendous response the last nine years! Our Fish
Fries are about bringing the community together
and the opportunity for evangelization.
For the last several years the community of
Farmington was aglow with our Lenten purple signs
advertising our Fish Fries. If you are in need of a
new sign or a new stake, please come by the
parish office to pick one up. We ask that you please
display your fish fry sign in your yard or place of
business during Lent.
Again this year we will offer “ALL YOU CAN EAT” at
our Fish Fries that will be held in the gym and served
buffet style.
We will be offering catfish along with tilapia and
pollock. Each week we will offer cole slaw, hush
puppies, green beans, stewed tomatoes, french fries,
macaroni and cheese and a specialty dish. The cost,
includes dessert, is $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for
children (6-12 years old) and free for children under 5.
We will remember the poor of our community by our
youth group hosting a 50/50 raffle each week. The
proceeds will go to the Help the Hungry Bakesale.
Our 50/50 drawings be held at 7:30 pm each evening.
Our quilters will again offer chances on a beautiful
homemade quilt to be raffled at our last fish fry on
March 27.
A Note For Our Organizations
Hosting the Fish Fries
During the past several years hospitality has been
the hallmark of each of our Fish Fries. I’ve had
several people approach me asking if we can extend
the time of our fish fries. After speaking to several of
the organizers it was decided that we will keep our
hours as they have been in the past, but we will not
start taking down tables and chairs until 7:30 pm.
This will aid greatly to our spirit of hospitality by not
rushing our guests who come near closing time.
Please let your family and friends know that we do
serve until 7:00 pm and that our serving tables will
not be taken down until 7:30 pm.
February 15, 2015 • Page 4
Each week in our bulletin during fish fry season you
will find the organizations responsible for hosting the
next fish fry. All volunteers are asked to check the
schedule posted in the gym just outside the door to
the cafeteria for who to check in with for their assigned
duties and instructions about procedures such as
serving and re-filling drinks, cleaning tables, etc.
We appreciate all you do and hope you will eat with
your fellow parishioners, or take home your delicious
dinner. Although we cannot provide free meals for
our hosting groups, we are still the best deal in
Our Parish Council asks everyone to please help
us to keep our fish fries ones of hospitality and
not of solicitation, nor are any political fliers to be
Fish Fry Meals Available to be
Delivered to Our Homebound
If you know of someone who is registered in our
parish family who is homebound and who is on our
communion call list and would like a fish fry meal
brought to their home, please contact our Parish
Health Minister, Agnes Hinkebein. Due to dietary
restrictions, we are asked not to deliver to nursing homes.
Fifth Annual Men’s Evening of
Lenten Reflection with
Sue Wilker, RN
Director of Priest Wellness Program
for the Archdiocese of St. Louis
THIS Tuesday at 6:30 pm all men of the parish will
gather for an evening of spiritual reflection, awesome
fellowship and great food. I am thrilled that Sue
Wilker, RN will be the guest speaker. This year our
own parishioner, Ed Brown, will also give a brief
reflection on “Having a Beer with Jesus”.
And Finally...
Please remember to pick up your Lenten The Word
Among Us booklets located in the back of church this
“Always remember that as long as we keep the
Eucharist the center of our lives, everything else
will fall in place...of that I am confident”!!!
Blessings of Peace…Fr.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 5
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63119-5738
p) 314.792.7841
F) 314.792.7842
The Blessing of Ashes should take place within the celebration of the Mass or a scheduled
service consisting of at least an appointed Scripture reading and a brief homily stressing the
meaning of the ashes as a symbol of penance and self-denial.
In the case of genuine pastoral necessity, Archbishop Carlson has given permission for lay
ministers (for example, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion) to assist the priest and
deacon in the distribution of the blessed ashes. Please refer to the Book of Blessing for
additional information that will be of assistance to you in this matter.
The Blessing of the Ashes is reserved to the priest or deacon, and priests and deacons should
participate in the distribution of the ashes, whenever possible. They are the primary ministers
of the ritual.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him
might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did
not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world
might be saved through him.”
(John 3:16-17)
The Church has always helped us fulfill these words of Jesus by prescribing very definite
penance for all Catholics, so that we too might have Eternal life. Accordingly, the Pope and the
American Bishops have outlined obligatory fast and abstinence as follows:
Ash Wednesday (February 18, 2015) and Good Friday (April 3, 2015) are days of
abstinence for all Catholics over the age of 14. On these two days, fast, as well as
abstinence, is also obligatory for those from the ages of 18-59. Abstinence means refraining
from meat. Fast means one full meal a day, with two smaller meals and nothing between meals
(liquids are permitted). No Catholic will lightly excuse himself or herself from this obligation.
All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence from meat. Here again Catholics will not hold
themselves lightly excused, but if there is a serious health problem, this obligation would not
We should strive to make all days of Lent a time of prayer and penance. Following are
several resources that can aid in finding different forms of prayer and penance.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 6
There are many excellent resources for the season of Lent you might wish to use or share with
your parishioners. For example, Creative Communications for the Parish has many resources
available for grade school children, teens, young adults, and adults. Please take the time to
check out the available resources. Resources, such as booklets and activities for families
during Lent including Stations of the Cross and personal reflection books, can be found at:
Lent is the right opportunity to continue our prayer for peace. We are all reminded of the story
of Jonah on his trip to Nineveh. The Lord said to Jonah:
“Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the message that I will tell you. So
Jonah set out for Nineveh, in accord with the word of the Lord… Jonah began his journey
through the city, and when he had gone only a single day’s walk announcing, “Forty days more
and Nineveh shall be overthrown,” the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast
and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth. When the news reached the king of
Nineveh, he rose from his throne, laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat
in ashes. Then he had this proclaimed throughout Nineveh: “By decree of the king and his
nobles, no man or beast, no cattle or sheep, shall taste anything; they shall not eat, nor shall
they drink water. Man and beast alike must be covered with sackcloth and call loudly to God;
they all must turn from their evil way and from the violence of their hands. Who knows? God
may again repent and turn from his blazing wrath, so that we will not perish.” (Jonah 3:2-9)
We don’t always know the impact our prayer may have for our family, friends, or others. In light
of the violence and situation in Ferguson, the greater metropolitan area, the entire United
States, and around the world, I would like to encourage all in the Archdiocese of St. Louis to
devote some fasting and prayer this Lent as a call to peace.
I ask you to consider sharing a symbol of the penitential character of the Season of Lent with
your parishioners. Along with the Ashes on Ash Wednesday, consider sharing a gift of a piece
of sackcloth to be worn or carried with them throughout Lent, or possibly a medal of the Crown
of Thorns that can be worn or carried on a key chain. Carrying an image during Lent can help
us to focus this time on prayer, fasting and penance.
Creative Communications, Autom, Catholic Supply, and others have a variety of Lenten
resources available on their websites, which will remind the faithful of your parish to pray this
Lent for an end to violence and oppression around the world.
Lent is a Season of reflection, penance, fasting and service. May the Lord strengthen you as
you continue to share this message with your parishioners. Be assured of my prayers for both
you and the people in your parish throughout this Lenten Season.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 7
to the
John and Helen
Recipients of the Knights of Columbus
Family of the Month
January 2015
Congratulations to John Thurman and his wife, Helen for being chosen as the January 2015
Knights of Columbus Family of the Month.
John and Helen have two grown daughters, Eva and Kate. They are very active in the parish and
church, taking over the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry and doing an outstanding job of running
it. They are part of the RCIA team, part of the Respect Life Committee and have attended the
March for Life pilgrimage for many years.
John is a past Grand Knight for the council, Faithful Navigator of the Fourth Degree and a
member of the National Railroad Historical Society.
Helen is a member of the Women of Mary, the Red Hat Society and past member of St. Joseph’s
Pastoral Council.
They both help with many parish activities including Tootsie Roll Drive, K of C breakfasts, Dinner
Auction, Parish Picnic, Help the Hungry Bakesale, Life Chain and Fourth Degree Dinners.
John and Helen attend church faithfully each week and enjoy traveling and visiting with their
Submitted by
Mark Halter
Knights of Columbus
Family Activity Coordinator
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 8
Our Pastoral Team
Mass Schedule
Very Rev. Rickey J. Valleroy, V.F................Pastor
Monday thru Friday..................................... 7:00 am
Friday (All School Mass Aug-May).............. 8:05 am
Sunday Observance
Saturday ............................................... 5:00 pm
Sunday ........... 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Holy Days of Obligation.......... 7 am, 8 am and 7 pm
Rev. James W. Dyer................... Associate Pastor
Deacon Albin Gegg (Ret) ...... Permanent Deacon
Susie Rohrer ......................................Co-Principal
Shirley Bieser.....................................Co-Principal
Agnes Hinkebein .................Pastoral Health Care
Jane Ramos ...Coordinator of Religious Education
Kari Scott.................................Preschool Director
Lisa Cartee .................. Office / Business Manager
Jeannette Ragsdale....................... Bulletin Editor/
................................................... Event Coordinator
Sandi Brooks ............. Evangelization Coordinator
Connie Grindel & Phyllis LaPlant...............RCIA
Mike Ward....................... Maintenance Supervisor
Paul Gaines ................................. Pastoral Council
Jim Eaton ........................... Financial Commission
Ed Brown............................ Cemetery Association
Rob Grindel .......................... Knights of Columbus
Parish Business Office Hours
Monday thru Friday • 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Phone (573)756-4250 • Fax (573)756-6938
10 North Long Street • Farmington, MO 63640
Lay Eucharistic
“The Eucharist Revitalizing the Family”
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 4 pm, Sundays 7 am or by appointment
The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are held the first Sunday of the month
after the 10:30 am Mass. Baptismal preparation
class required.
The Sacrament of Marriage
Celebrated after meeting the bride and groom and
beginning preparation six months before the wedding,
in accordance with Archdiocesan Wedding Policy.
Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays 7:30 am through
Closing Prayer Service at 5:15 pm.
First Fridays of the month from 9 am through
Closing Prayer Service at 2:15 pm.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Open Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For assistance call 756-0997
Happy Birthday
February 15
Ken Doromal
Risha Gaines
Alva Manette
Kevin Rariden
February 17
February 19
Jane Basler
Isabella Castro
Betty Krapf
Lou Krapf
Paityn Miller
February 20
Marcia Randoll
Tom Wilson Margaret Burcham
Larry Pratte, Jr.
February 16
February 18
Les Busenbark
Paige Carron
Jimmy Kehoe
Cecila Crawford
Valerie Schwent
Charlie Hayden
Katherine Werner Michael Turner
February 21
Kristin Baechle
Fred Manning
Happy Anniversary
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Cardinal Rigali Center
Presented by Bishop Edward Rice
February 18, 1984
February 19, 2000
Mark & Theresa Kellogg
Brad & Wendi Williams
visit for more
information or contact Charlie or Rita Boyd
February 18, 1984
February 20, 1971
Mike & Lori King
Ron & Charlotte Vander Bol
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eucharistic Celebrations
and Mass Intentions
February 15, 2015 • Page 9
of the Liturgy
Week of February 16 - 22, 2015
7:00 am:
7:00 am:
Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21;
Mk 8:11-13
Craig Schnurbusch
Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b,
9c-10; Mk 8:14-21
St. Joseph (All Souls)
Wednesday: Ash Wednesday
Readings: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17;
2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
7:00 am: Gerald Ellis
8:05 am: Jacqueline Niedert
7:00 pm: Angelita Sanchez
7:00 am:
Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Marie Burton
7:00 am:
8:05 am:
Friday after Ash Wednesday
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Ralph Rustemeyer
Frank Williams
First Sunday of Lent
Sunday Readings: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22;
Mk 1:12-15
5:00 pm: Dolores Fitzgerald
7:30 am: Parishioners
9:00 am: Bill Greif
10:30 am: Jill Walker
visit and click on
“daily mass readings” for easy reference.
You’re Invited
to participate in
CRS Rice Bowl!!!
Our parish will be participating in CRS Rice Bowl,
Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program, as a
way to encounter Jesus through others, especially
through the most vulnerable in our world. Rice
Bowls will be available this weekend in the back of
church. Please be sure to take one home and use
this fun and easy resource to deepen your family’s
Lenten experience and make a difference in the
lives of the poor.
Saturday, February 21
5:00 pm Mass
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Terry Guiley
Cantor: Jane Ramos
Extraordinary Ministers:
Kevin Boatright, Donna Conklin, John
Crouch, Laura Denkler, Rosetta Halter
Ushers: John Denkler, Gary Harris,
Mark Kellogg, Ralph Trepasso
Servers: K. Halter, No. Juliette, Ni. Juliette
Sunday, February 22
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am Mass
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Vicky Damba
Extraordinary Ministers:
Dotty Bach, Jerry Bach, Kathy Neiner,
Jack Neiner, Chris Westrich
Ushers: Austin Bequette, Tom Donze,
Dale Jones, Scott Watson
Servers: K. Gerwitz, S. Heberlie
9:00 am Mass
Fr. James Dyer
Brian McNamara
Cantor: Dawn Fuemmeler
Extraordinary Ministers:
Abe AuBuchon, Sandi Brooks, Risha
Gaines, Sandi Kracke, Charlotte Vander Bol
Ushers: George Kracke, John Podolak,
Dale Springs, Mike Ward
Servers: B. Bone, C. Brown, Z. Seaton
10:30 am Mass
Fr. James Dyer
Phyllis LaPlant
Cantor: Judy Colligan
Extraordinary Ministers:
Charles Boyd, Sandi Brooks, Agnes
Hinkebein, Helen Thurman, John Thurman
Ushers: Bob Bone, Roy Henson, Travis Trolinger
Servers: E. Lamb, J. Mattingly, K. Melton
Monday, February 16, 2015
Pat Beussink, Jana Dore’,
Marie Hermann, Jo Rustemeyer, Sandi Brooks
Money Counters
Donna Black, Mary Brady,
Sue Brown, Kathy Neiner, Debbie Thomure
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
There will be NO rosary
THIS Wednesday evening due
to Ash Wednesday Mass.
Let us pray for those who share weekly
in our Eucharistic Celebration and who are
carrying the gift of life. . .
Maggie (Douglas) Aholt
Golda (Anton) Aseniero
Sara (Mark) Bieser
Marsha (Kevin) Brown
Katie (Casey) Goodson
If you are carrying the gift of life and would like
the prayers of your parish family please call
Jeannette in the parish office.
Remember last year’s Christmas present
from the parish? We hope you enjoyed the
book, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic.
Each week of this new year we will be
featuring a meditation from this book.
Dynamic Catholic, Alive!
Liturgical Seasons
With the season of Lent
beginning on Ash Wednesday,
you may be wondering about
the liturgical year. The liturgical
year begins in Advent, and
consists of six liturgical
seasons: Advent, Christmas,
Ordinary Time after Epiphany,
Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time after Pentecost. “In
the liturgical year the Church celebrates the
whole mystery of Christ from his Incarnation to
his return in glory” (Compendium, 242). Quiz: Do
you know the liturgical colors that are worn for
each season, as well as on Palm Sunday and
February 15, 2015 • Page 10
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Adult Envelopes
Electronic Envelopes
First Offering
Current Week
Sunday Offering
Budgeted Amount
Partners in Education
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Louis Review
Women of Mary
Our Father’s Table
Total for Specials
Year to Date
Thank You For Your Faithfulness!!!
“Brothers and
sisters, whether
you eat or drink, or
whatever you do, do
everything for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does
God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have
some work to do. Putting God first in everything
helps develop the attitude of “ I am grateful for
the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”.
For most people gratitude leads to generosity.
Together we pray for those who are sick. (Parishioners names are in bold.)
Please pray for: Rita Hirsch, Karen Wahoff, Jeremy Hinkebein, June Kreft, Alice Trolinger, Ashley
Dodson, Loretta Brundege, Sherri Johnson, Becky Mabery, Gayle Wagner, Padi Pettus, Mike Grayson,
Delores Bucheit, Paula Karl, Connie Walton, Karel Robert, Gary Mitchell, Wilma Whitworth, Ralph Di
Tucci, June & Otto Midgett, Marcella Reese, Linda Wheatley, Paula Gebhardt, Norman Blankenship, Homer
Schnurbusch, Alice Schnurbusch, C. Smith, David Ikemeier, Johnny Gibbs, Barry Jones, Charmaine
McFarland, Terry Edgar, Jackie Jones, June Stevens, Rose Petinga, Steve Kaba, Ellen Duren, Rich Eck,
Shirley Vineyard, Cathy Schuch, Susan Rudroff, Aline Valleroy, Agnes Davis and Rhonda LaPierre.
To add someone to the prayer list contact Pat Boatright at or 756-4169.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 11
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
A curious feature of the first half of Mark’s Gospel is the pattern of Jesus working a miracle, then telling the
recipient of the miracle to keep still about it. Many theories have been offered: Mark is setting the stage for
the great “secret” revealed when Peter will proclaim Jesus the Messiah at Caesarea Philippi; more skeptical
commentators offer that Jesus, fully aware of human nature, knew that the way to spread the news was to
tell people to keep it secret. The insight into this secret-keeping that serves us well, however, is that Jesus
was initiating his public ministry according to the pattern that Paul describes: he was doing it for the glory of
God—not for his own benefit, but for that of all. Paul would later write in Philippians that Jesus “humbled”
himself to become like us. And we see this humility at work in today’s healing of the leper. Jesus is trying to
reveal the presence of God’s reign among the people, not so that he himself might receive the glory, but so
that God would be glorified through him. Imitating this pattern, which Paul encourages the Jewish and Greek
Christian factions in Corinth to do, still serves us well today.
Unclean Or Uncleansed?
A common thread that runs through religions and religious
communities throughout the course of human history is our
tendency to build boundaries or barriers around
ourselves—or to exclude certain people—because they are
“unclean” and they pose some real or perceived threat. The
reading from Leviticus illustrates a very pragmatic exclusion
of the unclean for the sake of preserving the physical health
of the community. Corinthians, however, shows a different
kind of exclusion being practiced: Jewish Christians and
Greek Christians excluding one another from the church of
God for no practical purpose. And it is this kind of thoughtless,
unexamined exclusion that Paul sees as useless in the face
of what Christians are called to be as the Body of Christ:
those who seek the benefit of many, that they might be saved,
imitating Christ himself. Throughout our own history, our
Roman Catholic Church has practiced both kinds of
exclusion, sometimes for the genuine preservation of the
Church. Sadly, however, there are also many examples of
times when we have thoughtlessly excluded others, failing to
imitate Christ.
The Cleansing Power Of Love
The leper in today’s Gospel had perhaps sung the psalmist’s words “I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble,
and you fill me with the joy of salvation.” And so he turns to Jesus, and Jesus allows himself to come face to
face with this unclean outcast. We note carefully that Jesus, in response to the leper’s request for healing,
states that it is his will, and therefore the will of his Father, also moved with pity and love, to cleanse and heal
the leper. (In a curious twist of fate, the joy of the leper, once the outcast, makes it impossible for Jesus to
enter the community openly.) If we are to continue to live out our prayer “thy will be done on earth as it is in
heaven,” we must also come face to face with those cast out, cast aside, called “unclean” by our
communities. Like Paul, we must seek to discover if their uncleanliness is real or only a way for us to feel
smug or better about ourselves to the detriment of God’s glory. Like Jesus, we must, moved with pity and
love, reach out to be the cleansing and welcoming touch they need.
Today’s Readings: Lv 13:1–2, 44–46; Ps 32:1–2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40–45
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 12
First Fish Fry
Friday, February 20
Plan on sharing a great night of fellowship and good food at. . .
St. Joseph School Gym from 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Adults $8.00, Children (6-12) $4.00, Children 5 and under FREE
Menu Includes
• Three types of fish: Catfish, Tilapia, and Pollock
• Sides of hush puppies, cole slaw, green beans, stewed tomatoes,
french fries, macaroni and cheese, and a specialty side dish each week
• Your choice of tea, coffee, or lemonade
• Delicious homemade desserts prepared by Women of Mary
Specialty items each week are:
February 20 - shrimp
February 27 - corn on the cob
All Yout
Can Ea
March 6 - fried okra
March 13 - bean casserole
March 20 - onion rings
March 27 - shrimp
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 13
Host Parish Organizations Fish Fry Dates
“Offering the best hospitality in St. Francois County”
February 20
School and Preschool Families, School & Preschool Faculty,
School Board, Parish Council Members
February 27
PSR Families, PSR Faculty, Knights of Columbus,
5:00, 9:00 & 10:30 Choirs, YACHT Club
Please note that
all groups are
asked to work
two fish fries
March 6
St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers, Finance Board,
ACTS community, Respect Life Committee, Our Father’s Table
March 13
School and Preschool Families, School & Preschool Faculty,
School Board, Parish Council Members
March 20
PSR Families, PSR Faculty, Knights of Columbus,
5:00, 9:00 & 10:30 Choirs, YACHT Club
March 27
RCIA Team, Candidates and Catechumens, St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers,
Finance Board, ACTS community, Respect Life Committee, Our Father’s Table,
All Parishioners invited to host!
Ticket Collectors and Money Counters
Ed and Sue Brown, Chairs, and our Money Counter teams
Desserts each week provided by Women of Mary
50/50 Raffle worked by Youth Group
Drink Table worked by PSR Confirmation Class and Parish Staff
Beer Booth operated by Knights of Columbus
Quilt Booth operated by Quilters
All parish organizations working on assigned dates are asked to report to the
cafeteria at their scheduled time and see the posted schedule for who to report to.
All second shift workers are asked to stay until 7:30 to help take down tables and chairs.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Remembering Yesterday...”
St. Joseph
Farmington, Missouri
Where Hospitality
and Love Meet
February 15, 2015 • Page 14
This Week in Our Parish
Last weeks picture:
NO School
The family from our
1980 photo directory
was Edsel & Dorothy
Wade and family.
Men’s Lenten Night
6:30 pm • Parish Center
Ash Wednesday
Masses at 7am, 8:05 am and 7 pm
Congratulations to Sam
Wade for being the
caller with the correct
answer from the
February 8 bulletin.
Thanks to all who called
with the answer!!!
Can you identify
this family from
our 1980
photo directory?
Prayer Shawl
9:00 am • Parish Center
PSR Classes
6:00 pm • School
Thurs 2/19
Eucharistic Adoration
7:30 am • Church
6:00 pm • Meet, Eat and Greet
6:30 pm • Class begins
Stations of the Cross
2:00 pm and 7:00 pm • Church
Lenten Fish Fry
4:00 pm • School Gym
Trivia Night
Doors open at 6:00 pm • Gym
Rite of Sending
10:30 am • Church
Our Father’s Table
4:00 pm • Cafeteria
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Doors open at 6 pm • Event begins at 7 pm
St. Joseph Catholic School
Tables are still available
Contact Jane Ramos at 573-756-6312 x314
Athletic Association
Athletic Banquet
March 2 • 6:00 pm • School Gym
Please RSVP to Dave Werner
at 314-402-0176
Youth Group
7:00 pm • Gym
February 28
“Date Night”
We will start off our evening
by attending 5:00 Mass together.
After mass we will have our “date night” in
the parish center while our children will
have a “kids night” (babysitting) in the gym.
Please RSVP to
Lauren and Nathan Stein
call or text at 573-330-0617
email at
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015 • Page 15
St. Catherine of Alexandria
February 21, 2015
Fr. Rickey Valleroy
Betty Vogt - Ash Wednesday
Joyce Heberlie
Saturday 7:30 pm Mass
Extraordinary Ministers
Linda Smith
Cindy Coffelt
Coffman, Missouri
Founded in 1887
Canonical Parish 1919
Offertory Bearers
John & Peggy Adams
Parish Council President:
Jimmy Herzog
Mass Intentions
February 14 - Oliver Webery
February 18 - Larry Pettus
February 21 - Susie Calvin
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Adult Envelopes ......................... $525.00
Loose............................................ $38.00
Thank You For Your Faithfulness!
A Note from Fr. Rickey . . .
A special Valentine wish to our longest
married couple of St. Catherine’s: Wayne
& Dolores Kraemer, 59 years.
A reminder to join us this Wednesday at
7:00 pm for Ash Wednesday Mass.
Blessings of Peace…Fr.