Sunday 15 February 2015 - All Saints Church Milton Keynes Village
Sunday 15 February 2015 - All Saints Church Milton Keynes Village
rd th FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT – is fast approaching! (23 February – 8 March). We will once again be running Traidcraft’s own special event, The Big Brew, which celebrates it’s tenth anniversary this year. We shall be asking for donations for tea and coffee after the st th services on Sunday 1 March and Sunday 8 March, so do remember your purse! th FAIRTRADE COFFEE MORNING – will be held on Friday 27 February, 10am – 12noon at Kathy Peters’ house. Everyone Welcome! WCP AND BEYOND The Mothers' Union at the AGM last week ended its reign in St. Mary's as it is known and will now become an open meeting to anyone wishing to come along for fellowship, faith and fun. A new name will be selected for this and the original members will become Diocesan Members. Look out for further details. At the end of the meeting Pauline was presented with a voucher in thanks for her work and she would like to say a big thank you for that and also the friendship shared over the years. PANCAKE PARTY – Church Without Walls is holding a Pancake Party at the Broughton th Pub this Tuesday, 17 February starting at 4pm. If you are able to help with this event, please let Ruth know and do join the facebook event for numbers:, (07791) 901468 In his name we pray: Come Holy Spirit, Build Your Church In our hearts, In our lives, In this place That we may be your witnesses Through Jesus Christ our living Lord. Amen. WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS CHURCH, MILTON KEYNES VILLAGE (One of the three churches that make up the Walton Churches Partnership) Sunday 15th February 2015 Rector: Rev. Matt Trendall (01908) 582839 Churchwardens: Mrs. Pat Sawyer (01908) 665341 Mrs. Sylvia Bennett (01908) 376344 Secretary: Ms. Jane Lee (07773) 166842 Pastoral Care Steward: Ms. Gill Farrow (01908) 559022 WCP Administrator: Mrs. Linda Kirk th COFFEE MORNINGS – The St Mary’s Coffee Morning this Thursday, 19 February, will take place from 10am – 12noon. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – Friday 6th March. Service 7.30pm at St Mary’s, Wavendon. The Day of Prayer Service for 2015 has been written by the Christian women of The Bahamas and the theme is ‘Jesus said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?’’’ Please join women and men from across the Partnership to celebrate the links fostered by this worldwide women’s prayer network. NEW WINE WOMENS DAY 2015 - A group from the WCP is making the trip to London for th the New Wine Womens Day on Saturday 14 March and we’d like as many of you to join as possible. We thought it would be much more fun if a group of us went together! If you would like more info please check out this link: You will be able to book your ticket online here (cost is £25) and then if you contact me we will sort out travelling down by train all together. - Lou All Saints online WCP online For Baptism or Marriage Enquiries, please contact: The WCP Administrator, Linda Kirk on st LADIES BREAKFAST - Saturday 21 February, 8.30am at Frosts Garden Centre, Woburn Sands. Contact Fay (07749 875290) for more details. If you would like to be added to the email distribution of this newsletter, please contact Ann Harris or give your details to one of the Stewards All Saints Prayer Chain: If you have an urgent prayer need and would like to be supported in prayer, we have a group of people at church committed to pray for any needs which arise. All requests will be treated in strict confidence, will be kept within the group, and will be anonymised if you request it. To get support in prayer, all you have to do is to email brief details to th st SUNDAY 15 February 2015 1 Sunday before Lent 11.15am Family Communion – Rev. Carole Hough with Children’s Church during the Service. Today Carole will conclude our Sermon Series ‘Who are you?’ – discovering our amazing new identity in Christ - Ephesians 1 – 3. Reading: Ephesians 3. 14 - 21 A Prayer for the Ephesians TODAY! - Children’s Church for school-aged children takes place in the Vestry space. We will take the children out of the Service after the first hymn and return them to their families before Communion. Thank you to Cheryl and Cynthia who helped at our last session. Today we will be looking at the topic ‘Jesus challenges us’ and the focus will be ‘To be inspired to do good things for people who seem unimportant. Dawn will be leading this session. th st NEXT SUNDAY 1 Sunday of Lent 11.15am Family Worship – Rev. Matt Trendall DORCAS GROUP - will meet next this Tuesday, 17 February. If you would like to join them for fellowship and coffee and have a craft project to complete, do contact Sylvia (01908) 376344 for details of time and venue. th ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES - Wednesday 18 February WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Some of our regular events/groups are taking a break this week for half term. Revive, WCP Home Group and Friday Coffee Morning/Drop in at Christ the King will return rd th w/c 23 February. Next Youth Club is on Thursday 5 March. th Tuesday 17 February Dorcas Group – See opposite for details th Wednesday 18 February – Ash Wednesday 9.30am – Morning Communion Service at All Saints. See opposite for details 7pm – Ashing Service at St Lawrence, Broughton. See opposite for details th 9.30am – Morning Communion Service at All Saints led by Rev. Keith Straughan (St Mary’s and All Saints traditionally alternate the WCP Morning Communion Service and this year it is All Saints’ turn to host) 7pm – Ashing Service at St Lawrence, Broughton led by Rev. Ruth Maxey and Rev. Keith Straughan. Ruth would like to remind everyone to wrap up warm – and a blanket or cushion to sit on really helps! th PRAYER GROUP – The Prayer Group will meet next this Thursday, 19 February from 2 – 3pm. Please contact Catherine (01908) 667112 or Gill (01908) 559022 for details of venue. Thursday 19 February 10.00 to 12noon – Coffee Morning at St Mary’s, Wavendon 2 to 3pm – Prayer Group. See opposite for details 7.30pm – All Saints Study Group. See opposite for details ALL SAINTS STUDY GROUP – Thursdays at 7.30pm at 9 Culross Grove, Monkston. We'll be following our Sunday sermon series, learning more about God's word and his amazing plan for our lives. If you would like to come along and haven't yet told Rev. Matt, please let Ann know before Thursday We may take photographs during our Services, including during Children’s Church, to use on our Church facebook page/websites and publications. Please let one of the stewards know if you are not happy for images of you and/or your children to be used. Many thanks LENT STUDY GROUPS – The Lent Study Groups will start w/c 23 February and the course material is called 'Way to Freedom'. We'll be thinking about what true freedom is. There will be a group on Thursday evenings (the All Saints Study Group) and one on Wednesday mornings (WCP Home Group at Christ the King). Everyone is very welcome to attend for the Lent Season even if they are not a regular attendee at these groups. If you can’t make either of these sessions there are other groups taking place around the WCP which you are very welcome to join – Matt or Lou can provide details. ALL SAINTS NEWS THANK YOU - Norma would like to thank everyone at All Saints for the beautiful card and th flowers for her 90 Birthday. Also thank you to all her friends at Dorcas for a lovely Coffee rd Morning on 3 February. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP LIST - Once a year we update our church membership list. If you have recently joined us or are not currently on the membership list but would like to be, please speak to one of the church stewards who will be able to give you more information and a membership form. rd LENT LUNCHES - We will be holding Lent Lunches across the WCP as last year. The first one will be held on th Thursday 26 February, 12.30 – 2pm at St Mary’s Church, Wavendon (after Coffee Morning). Fliers giving details of all the lunches are on the table at the back of Church.