Contact Information ANNOUNCEMENTS


Contact Information ANNOUNCEMENTS
The Altar flowers are given by Craig, Maureen, Katie
and Robby O’Connor in membory of Richard Alex O’Connor
and Doug and Barb Lacey in memory of their Loved Ones.
Prayers of the People
Witnesses Remembered
Jan 24
Jan 25
Jan 26
Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 30
Glenn Blackburn, 1987; Gwendolyn Weaver, 1998; Ruth Safley, 2008
The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle, Stanley Blackburn, 1997;
Mary Culver, 1998
Timothy and Titus, Companions of Saint Paul
John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, 407 — Bernard Gewinner,
1996; Jane Dorman, 2005
Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Friar, 1274 — Richard Robinson, 1991
Clarence Schroeder, 1987
Birthdays Remembered
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 30
Zachary Geist
Joy Hooyboer, Kirsten Hosman
Trey Talmadge
Wallis Harry, Tammy King, Stephanie McSharry, Leslie North, Kim
Phillips, Harris Ramm, Lucas Ramm
Cheryl Achee, Evan Beiriger,
Richard Braman, Marge DeLaittre, Grethchen Wheeler
Libby Baxter, Noah Geist, Brittanie Robak, Vivienne Mezmur,
William Mezmur
Jan 27
Tom and Buffy Ricceri
Readings appointed for February 1st:
Lesson: Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm: Psalm 111
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Gospel: Mark 1:21-28
Contact Information
The Rev. Judi A. Yeates, Rector-In-The-Interim( 402-690-4733
The Rev. Jay Gabb, Part-Time Associate-In-The-Interim (
cell 402-740-4621
Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries ( . ext. 115
Jerry Gray, Music Associate ( .......................... cell 402-657-1395
Jeremy Vogt, Ministry Coordinator ( 845-206-2644
Judith Stribley, Lay Pastoral Assistant ( ................. cell 402-630-7384
Liz Pettinger, Youth Minister ( ................ cell 402-290-8644
Laurie Hamilton, Dir. of Christian Ed. ( cell 402-917-5817
Theresa Newell, Program Assistant ( cell 402-238-8325
Dn. Stephanie Ulrich, R.N., Health Ministries ( ext. 114
home phone: 402-496-2632; cell 402-515-3147
Pageer (Joseph) Alaak, Sudanese Leader ( ......... cell 402-972-6278
Joy Hooyboer, Parish Administrator ( cell 630-234-7737
Tracy Peterson, Facilities Manager ( .. cell 402-305-7781
Cassie Arneson, Financial Administrator ( ) ..... cell 402-212-7326
Dn. Bob Brown, Sexton ( .............................. cell 402-213-4955
Deacons: Lynne Bacon, Bob Brown, Stephanie Ulrich
Wardens and Vestry
The Pomegranate Gift Shop
Now that the holidays are’s just plain cold!
So come check out our reading materials so you can snuggle
up in front of the fire and get some good reading in. We have
books, bibles and journals available. We even have a warm
blanket for you to purchase. And our Valentine items and
cards are here too. See you soon.
A “Note” on Hymnody
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Phil Cosimano
Mark Fredrickson
Lynn Pirruccello
Lori Schneider
To our guests, newcomers & seekers:
If you are a guest or new to All Saints, we warmly welcome you. Please make yourself
known to one of the priests after the service, and sign the visitor’s book on the welcome
table in the narthex. We thank you for joining us today. We hope you will return often.
If you want to learn more about us, fill out a Welcome Card (located in the pew racks)
to let us know who you are, to ask questions or to make comments. You may return
the card to an usher, place in the offertory plate, or mail to the office. Please join us
for Christian Formation for ages 3-adult downstairs in the undercroft.
Find us on Facebook by searching All Saints Episcopal Church Omaha!
Flu season is here and some of you have been asking whether we should be drinking from
the cup and passing the peace during this time of year…Rest assured if you feel more
comfortable not doing either…It is perfectly acceptable!
visit our Web site: (Desktop Version) (MobileVersion)
Reminder: If OPS is closed due to weather, the All Saints office will also be closed .
Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 29
Jan 31
Feb 1
Paul Prentiss
Mike Wheeler
Doug Lacey
Kathy Kresin
Maureen O’Connor
Roy Phillips
Barbara Schaefer
Dani Bradford
Sam Brown
John Bush
Greta Vaught
Chairs: Mark Fredrickson and Gayle Smith Watkins.
Bill Anderson, Pam Barsness, Jonathan Bradford,
Dean Hokanson, Michael Kresin, Jack Kubat,
David McCain, Craig O’Connor, Kay Owen, Matt
Payne, Kim Phillips, Mike Roth.
Staff Meeting [L]
5:00 PM Exultation Ringers
5:30 PM Choristers
6:00 PM Celebration Ringers
6:00 PM Youth in Focus
6:30 PM Handbells
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
11:30 AM Extended Advent Study
from Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries
“Lift High the Cross” resulted from the collaborative talents of two writers and
a musician. George W. Kitchin, a scholar and clergyman, wrote the original text
in 1887 to be included in a festival worship service at Winchester Cathedral.
Later in 1916, Michael Newbolt revised the text for publication in a supplement
to Hymns Ancient and Modern, England’s most well-known hymnal. With its
inclusion in this hymnal, it was set to a new tune composed by Sydney
Nicholson who is known for establishing the Royal School of Church Music.
Since that time, both text and tune have become inseparably well-loved.
Search Committee Prayer
Almighty God, we pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new rector for our church.
You know our special needs and the task that lies in our hands. Direct us in our search and
give us insight to perceive the leader you would choose for us. And we further pray, O Lord, that
in this time of waiting we may all devote ourselves afresh to your service, so that nothing will be
lost of the faithful work of the past, but rather that it may be brought to a rich harvest in the years
to come. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Join us today, January 25th for the 2015 Chili Cook off and Bake
off following the 10:30 service in the Undercroft. Come and
taste and vote for your favorite chili and baked goods.
Annual Parish Meeting Today at 9:45am - 10:25 in the
Christian Adult Formation
Sunday mornings -9:45 - 10:25 am
Adult Christian Formation
Current Events Series February 1, 8, and 15
Come to the Activity Room ready to learn, discuss, and reflect on how your faith
asks you to live in today’s world.
February 1: Mayor Jean Stothert will be with us to discuss the state of the
city. She will present her plan to help Omaha grow from a great city to an
extraordinary city. There will be time for Q and A.
February 8: Woody Bradford will discuss the Tri-Faith Initiative of
Omaha. Why is it important? What is the role of the Diocese of Nebraska? What
do we envision going forward? Come hear the latest information.
February 15: Franklin Thompson, City Councilmember and Associate
Professor at UNO, will speak about race relations in Omaha. How is Omaha
similar or different from Ferguson, MO or New York City? What can or should
be done to improve race relations? Listen to Councilmember Thompson discuss
this very important issue.
Inquirers’ Class February 1, 8, and 15
Join Mother Judi Yeates in the parlor to find out more about the Episcopal
Church. This class is perfect for those interested in being confirmed or received
into the Church when the Bishop visits after Easter. Even if you’re not interested
in confirmation, come if you are curious about the church, everyone welcome.
Lent: A Journey in Prayer
During Lent we will focus on developing our communication with God through
prayer. Formation discussions will be offered each Sunday morning and
Wednesday evening during Lent using, “The Book of Not so Common Prayer “ by
Linda McCullough Moore.
Sunday Mornings (Feb. 22, March 1, 8, 15, and 22) 9:45-10:25 in the Activity
Wednesday Soup for the Soul: Soup and Bread Supper 5:30-6:30 PM and
Discussions held 6:30-7:30 PM. (Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25)
Lenten Retreat, “The Practice of Prayer” March 6-8 St. Benedict Retreat
Center in Schuyler, NE Join Mother Judi in a beautiful setting to experience
the transformative power of practicing prayer. Teaching will come from the
book “The Practice of Prayer” by Margaret Guenther using many techniques from
The Book of Not So Common Prayer by Linda McCullough Moore.
Thursdays in Lent
Want to know more about the Cosmos and how Lent and the vastness of
God’s Creation are related? Please join us on Thursdays during Lent as we
are guided by Bishop Knisely and his Lenten study “Lent Is Not Rocket Science.”
As we become a Discipleship Group, we will discuss and share observations
from the Lenten daily devotions from the past week while strengthening our
own spiritual lives. We will meet on Thursdays staring February 19th through
March 19th from 11:30a-1:00p at the Egg & I (147th & West Maple Road) for
discussion and Dutch Treat Lunch. Books will be on sale for $5 each so pick
one up and come when you can to explore how fascinating our world can be
during the season of Lent. Everyone is welcome!!
Youth in FOCUS at All Saints
Our All Saints Youth Group, is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:007:30 in the retreat center. All youth in 7th through 12th grade are
welcome! Please talk to Liz Pettinger if you are interested or have any
questions. ( or 402-290-8644)
All Saints History
Entitled “The Great Crowd,” written by Fr. Mike Tan Creti, a
former rector. It is a social history of All Saints beginning with
its founding in 1885. The book will be available for sale in
paperback and hard cover, January 31st and February 1st, after
all services and Fr. Mike will be available to sign copies!
Pizza Fundraiser for the J2A group!
Are you thinking about your super bowl party? Trying to decide what to eat?
We have a solution - come order a Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N Bake pizza from
the J2A group! Proceeds from the pizza sales will contribute to their
fundraising efforts for their 2015 Mission Trip. You can choose between a
large Cheese, Pepperoni or Sausage pizza for only $10! Orders will be taken
after services starting through January 25th. You will be able to pick up your
pizza(s) on Sunday February 1st from 8:30am -12:30pm.
Please note
“Welcome to All Saints” new date is February 15th, following the 10:30 am
service in the parlor . If you are new to All Saints or just want to get
aquainted, join us for coffee and conversation
Baby grand Baldwin Piano!
Service Project for Sienna Francis House
Feb. 8 for Children and Youth during Christian Formation @ 9:45 - 10:30 am
During the church school hour on Sunday, Feb. 8, the children and youth of All
Saints will be tying 20-30 fleece blankets to be donated to the Sienna Francis
House. We would like to have the blankets ready for the kids to tie that Sunday
morning. We are happy to accept donations of materials and or funds, but we also
need volunteers to help pre-cut and prep the blankets. Some of the fleece has
already been purchased and is available at the church if you would like to either
pick up and take home and return back to the church prior to Feb. 8 or if you will
be at the church and would like to work on the blankets there. The materials are
located in the Rite 13, (8th & 9th grade classroom). Below are the material
requirements for each blanket.
Adult blankets (2) pieces for fleece - 2 ½ yds./
Kids blankets (2) pieces of fleece - 1 ¾ - 2yds ; Thank you for your help
and service. Laurie Hamilton
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17th!
Please join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper from 5:30-7:00pm
on February 17th! We will be serving up pancakes (with an assortment of
toppings), sausage and beverages! Also, not to be missed will be the White
Elephant raffle with many unique items you could be taking home with you!
The pancake supper is presented by the J2A youth and their parents. All
proceeds will go to benefit this group on their mission trip to the Dominican
Republic this June! Admission is $5 per person or $15 per family.
Pictorial Directory
Pleased double check your information on the first draft of the pictorial
directory out in the narthex! If you would like to have your picture in the
directory, please see one of our friendly photographers in the Narthex
Day by Day for February, March, April and the Pledge
envelopes are now available in the Narthex
The All Saints parish recently received a generous gift of a baby grand Baldwin
piano! We are extremely grateful to the donors, Dr. and Mrs. Vince Miscia. The
piano arrived in late December, and replaces the former choir room piano, as it
is a higher quality instrument. We are blessed to receive this wonderful gift from
the Miscia’s!
The First Thursday Marching & Eating Society,
will meet on the First Thursday of February - February 5 2015 at 6:30 P.M. in
the Retreat Center. Fr Mike will be with us to tell of the processof researching
and writing his new book, to share some of the background and context of our
intriguing history, and to read passages from THE GREAT CROWD: The Love
Story of a Large Urban Parish. Come hear about this Love Story from a great lover
of All Saints, our own Fr. Mike Tan Creti. Please bring your table service and a
food dish to share. Invite a friend or neighbor. As always ALL Members and
Friends of our All Saints Family are most welcome and invited to attend.
Yoga for Christians
When he was questioned, Jesus told the lawyer that to inherit eternal life, “You
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Lk.
10:27) In yoga we breathe in the life breath of God, strengthen our bodies, and
sooth our soul for the purpose of becoming our best selves…the person God
sees when he looks at us. Come enjoy stretching, strengthening and breathing
in the light of the Spirit. We meet in the activity room Saturdays from 10:0011:00. **There will be no meeting Jan. 31.