Newsletter April 2015 - All Saints Church, Hampton
Newsletter April 2015 - All Saints Church, Hampton
April 2015 The Vicar writes: Dear Friends ‘Binge watching’ according to Wikipedia, is the practice of watching television for longer periods than usual, typically by viewing several episodes of the same series back-to-back. Several friends have confessed to doing this recently with the impressive BBC series ‘Wolf Hall’! This TV adaptation of Hilary Mantel’s prize-winning books, starring the hugely talented Mark Rylance, tells the story of the rise and fall of Thomas Cromwell as he navigates the complexities of life at the court of Henry VIII. It’s a series with particular fascination for those of us who live in this locality, so close to Hampton Court where many of the events portrayed took place. It may be set in the sixteenth century, but the themes it explores have a remarkably contemporary resonance: power, deceit, non-conformity, the fear of new religious forces, and how those in authority are held accountable when they manipulate the rules to their own end. Henry, desperate for a son to succeed him and the security he believes this will bring, will stop at nothing to achieve that end, using and abusing Cromwell and others in the process. He gets the woman he wants, but the security he longs for proves more elusive. It’s a story we see played out through the millennia in the pages of the Bible from the Garden of Eden onwards. It was a perennial temptation for many of the kings of Israel and Judah, who shared in common the erroneous belief they were in charge. Given power and responsibility, they began to believe the security of the nation rested with them; that the ends really do justify the means. The parallels in our own day are clear, as we watch politicians filmed undercover, boasting about their power to get things done, all for the right price. The message is clear: their power means they no longer have to play by the rules. In recent years, self-seeking and corruption, on the part of politicians, bankers, the police and others in positions of trust and responsibility, along with revelations about widespread historic abuse of children have led to a deep disillusionment in public life that risks drowning out the hope of a finer story. At Easter time, we are reminded of a different story – a story of one whose death subverts human power, greed and evil and who then calls us to live according to that pattern. The prophet Isaiah wrote: “learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow…” These are values we should hold our public officials to, especially as we approach next month’s General Election. Wishing you every blessing this Easter tide. Gareth Our Services for Holy Week and Easter Maundy Thursday 2nd April Commemoration of the Last Supper with Foot Washing and Vigil 8pm Good Friday 3rd April Liturgy of the Cross 10am Meditations for the Final Hour 2 pm Holy Saturday 4th April Easter Vigil 8pm Easter Day Sunday 5th April Family Service 10am Vicar: Revd. Gareth Wardell The Vicarage 40 The Avenue Hampton TW12 3RS 020 8487 3823 vicar@allsaintshampton The Parish Office number for All Saints' Church is 020 8979 2102. The office is open TuesdayFriday mornings. At other times messages should be left on the answering machine or email us at parishoffice@allsaintsha Lay Ministers Anne Walker 020 8941 0138 Sarah Pain 020 8979 5140 Chris Saul Church Wardens Paula Williams 21 Broad Lane 020 8941 2082 paulawilliams21@hotmail. com Richard Ennals 19 Belgrade Road 020 8941 5201 To book for Baptisms, Weddings or Banns of Marriage, or to discuss any other matters, you are invited to attend the weekly 'office' in the Church Porch every Saturday from 11 am until 12 noon. The Church Hall may be booked by emailing: parishoffice@allsaintsha, or by calling 020 8979 2102 on TuesdayFriday mornings. Sundays for Children Sunday School (0-12 years during) 10.00am service in termtime; except on the first Sunday of the month. YF (13-18 years) 7.30pm in Church Hall, during term-time. All Saints’ Church, The Avenue, Hampton, TW12 3RG PARISH NEWS ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH Our regular Services: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY 8.30am Morning Prayer WEDNESDAY 9.30am Holy Communion SATURDAY 10.30am Morning Prayer SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am The Parish Communion (1st Sunday of the month Family Service) 5.00pm Evening Prayer Children are very welcome at All Saints’. During term-time a children's group is available during the 10.00am service except on the first Sunday of the month, when there is a Family Service at 10.00am which is shorter and more informal, for adults, children and families. Our Prayer Chain is absolutely confidential – prayers for anyone (including yourself) or any situation. Please ring Beryl on 8898 3261. All Saints’ Church has a confidential Pastoral Visiting Team who are very pleased to visit you and spend time listening. If you would like to contact the team please leave your name and telephone number on the office answering machine (020 8979 2102) or with the Parish office. All Saints' Ladies’ Club, a friendly and welcoming group, meets every Tuesday evening at 7.45pm in All Saints' Church Hall, to enjoy a varied and interesting programme of speakers, outings, theatre trips etc. All ladies are warmly invited to come along. £1.50 per evening, which includes tea/coffee/biscuits. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE We are delighted to be running Messy Church on alternate Thursday mornings for young families in our community. If you look after pre-school children please do come along and join us between 10am and 11.30am on Thursday 23rd April and 21st May. The Coffee and Play sessions for those looking after preschool children will take place in the Small Church Hall between 10 and 11.30am on Thursday April 16th and 30th. TNT is All Saints’ Friday evening group for 10 to 13-yearolds. We meet in the Church Hall from 7.30-9.00pm. during term time, for fun, games, refreshments and chat. To find out more please call Mark Williams (020 8941 2082), or just come along and join us. YF is a youth group for 13 to 18-year-olds, meeting in All Saints’ Church Hall on Sunday evenings between 7.30pm. and 9.30pm. for an opportunity to relax and have fun, and take part in activities: film nights, games evenings, discussions and trips out. Are you aged between 7 and 13? Do you like singing? If you would like to be in the All Saints' Junior Choir then come along to the Choir practices. Where? In the Church Choir Vestry (access is around the side of the Church along the path next to the Hall). When? Alternate Friday evenings. 6.30-7.15pm. (Parents are very welcome to come along too if they wish to join in or just relax at the back!)If you are interested and would like to know more, please email Veronica on: or contact the Parish Office. The adult choir welcomes all who Soprano, Altos, Tenors and Basses. You do not have to be able to read enthusiasm and an ability to pitch notes are the same as Juniors but on alternate pm. enjoy singing, music just have well. Rehearsals Fridays from 7-8 All Saints’ is holding a regular Table top / car boot sale every last Saturday of the month 9am – 12pm. The first one is on Saturday 25th April. To book your space call the Parish Office. Book a table £12 or car boot space £10. Entrance will be £1. So come along and get a bargain! All Saints' Hampton is now on Facebook! Please visit our new All Saints' Hampton Facebook page Click on 'like' to receive regular updates on church activities, share interesting news articles and create an online community for the parish. St Mary's Drama Group presents 'Annie, One, Two, Three,' a murder mystery in two acts by David Summers, Thurs 9th until Sat 11th April at 7.45pm in St Mary's Community Hall, Church Street, Hampton. Box Office 020 8979 5735. Baby Ballet is now at All Saints’ church hall on a Tuesday morning. Contact Hannah on 07854 992836 if interested. Silk School of Dance is a new dance class for 2 year olds upwards, held on Monday morning. Contact Pennie on 07795 573030. Is your child interested in performing arts? Perform is a new drama class for children at All Saints’, new term starts on the 29th April. Contact Jessica on 07528 303478. The Middlesex Yeomanry (Duke of Cambridge Hussars) Concert Band celebrates Spring with a concert of favourite melodies and WWII memories on Sunday April 12th at 2.30pm in the White House. Bookings call 020 8941 1227. Citizens Advice Bureau sessions without appointment are available Monday and Tuesday from 10am to 12.30pm. Come and visit us at All Saints’ and see our fantastic refurbishment! Our lovely new interior and brand new chairs. You are very welcome to pop in and have a look. If you would like to sponsor a new chair in memory of a loved one, or in celebration of an occasion, please contact the Parish Office for more details. Parish Registers Funerals - we extend our sympathy to those who mourn for:Martyn Bidgood All Saints’ Church, The Avenue, Hampton, TW12 3RG
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