Executive Master - Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian


Executive Master - Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian
The Executive Master in International Law in Armed
Conflict Opens a Module on:
Call for applications for this module are now open
15 hours
Feb 27 - 17:45-20:15
Mar 13 - 15:00-17:30
Mar 27 - 16:30-19:00
Apr 24 - 15:00-17:30
May 8 - 15:00-17:30
Language of instruction:
Venue: Villa Moynier,
Geneva, Switzerland
Candidates must provide:
1. A detailed C.V.
2. A letter of motivation
3. Proof of competence
in English
Deadline for applications:
Two working days before
the start of the Module
Fees (per individual
980 CHF
The module will examine the activities of the
International Criminal Court. It will provide an overview of
the jurisdiction, the structures and the procedural regime,
and an introduction to the major debates about the
interpretation of the Rome Statute. Participants will be
able to dwelve into case studies and related practices
related to the international criminal courts. The course is
interactive, calling upon participants to deal with case
studies and practice of International bodies.
Prof William SCHABAS
Professor, University of Montréal
William Schabas is Professor of International Law
at Middlesex University in London, Professor of
International Criminal Law and Human Rights at
Leiden University
Chairman of the Irish Centre for Human Rights.
He is Editor-in-chief of the Criminal Law Forum.
* For the full biography, please refer to our website
Jointly established in 2007 by the Faculty of Law of
the University of Geneva and by the Graduate
Institute of International and Development Studies
(IHEID), the Academy is the successor of the
University Centre for International Humanitarian
Law. The University of Lausanne, the International
Committee of the Red Cross, the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Swiss
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs all contribute
to achieving the objectives of the Academy.
The Academy provides post-graduate teaching in
English and French, conducts academic legal
research, undertakes policy studies, and organizes
training courses and expert meetings. The Academy
concentrates on the branches of international law
applicable in times of armed conflict.
Executive Master in International
Law in Armed Conflict (LL.M)
The Executive Master programme covers
international law in armed conflict. The Master
is aimed at professionals (diplomats, practising
lawyers, corporate counsel, journalists, legal
advisers to states, as well as those working for
international organizations and NGOs). The
programme enables professionals to acquire a
comprehensive knowledge of the rules of
international law applicable to armed conflicts
and other emergencies.
The Executive Master of Advanced Studies in
International Law in Armed Conflict (60 ECTS
credits) is delivered jointly by the Graduate
Institute of International and Development
Studies and the University of Geneva. It is
equivalent to an LL.M.
Our programme will enable you to:
Acquire specialized knowledge concerning
the legal framework applicable to armed
conflicts and other emergencies
Develop legal skills relevant to different
complex situations
Enhance your appreciation of the options and
strategies available with regard to protection
and prosecution in times of armed violence
Learn how to deal with the past after armed
For additional information
Watch an Executive Master
participant testimonial!
Prof. Robert Roth (Director)
Prof. William Schabas
Prof. Giovanni Distefano
Prof. Carsten Stahn
Prof. Frank Haldemann
Prof. Gabriella Venturini
Prof. Robert Kolb
Prof. Jérôme de Hemptinne
Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Villa Moynier
Rue Lausanne 120B - CP 67 - 1211 Geneva 21 - SWITZERLAND
Tel. +41 (0) 22 908 44 83
Email: executivemaster@geneva-academy.ch