February 15, 2015 - Immanuel Lutheran Church


February 15, 2015 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
I m m a n u e l N e w s February 15, 2015
Vol. 66, No. 7
(Immanuel News is a weekly publication of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND)
ELDER: Marcus Roman (8:15); Clint Lowe (11)
ORGANIST: Barbara Downs
PASTOR ON CALL this week is Pastor Schulz
ALTAR FLOWERS are given by Bryan, Liz and Anna Danielson in honor of Sara
Danielson, in celebration of her baptism birthday (Feb. 14.)
LARGE PRINT WORSHIP MATERIALS are available. Please inform an usher if
you need Large Print.
Lent begins Wednesday and our Ash Wednesday service will be held at 4:15 & 6PM
with Holy Communion. The theme for our midweek services this year is “Calling Us
Home.” Each Wednesday we’ll delve into 1 Peter and learn truths that are both
challenging and comforting for this journey we are on, the journey to our true home
in heaven. Join us!
Cori will be on vacation and out of the office Feb 24-Mar 5. If anyone is interested
in volunteering to answer phones one day (or several) during Feb 24-27, or Mar 2-5,
please let Cori know as soon as possible. There may be other small projects to do as
well (assemble bulletin/worship guide, etc). Thank you!
All announcements for March 1 bulletin should be submitted to Cori no
later than 10 AM on Monday, Feb 23. Any announcements that come in
after that will be given verbally by the Pastors, at their discretion.
Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be
(Information about upcoming worship services, Bible studies, membership classes, and other information that enables
us to be ROOTED in God’s Word.)
Stewardship Thoughts Mark 9:6 “For he did not know what to say, for they were
terrified.” Soon enough, the disciples’ terror turned into joy for when Jesus is with us,
there is no need to fear. He loves us and cares for us and will never abandon us. That
assurance is the basis of all generosity – for only those who are set free from worry can
learn the joy of giving.
Lutheran Student Fellowship (LSF) Bible Study: Join us at the NDSU Union in the Peace
Garden Room. We are on the 3rd floor and meet Thurs. nights at 8 pm.
Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be
(Information regarding board and committee notes and meetings, church council and voter’s information, schedules and other
information that helps us to be BRANCHING out to serve.)
Usher Teams:
Greeters before Service:
FEB 22 – LENT 1
Marcus Roman
Clint Lowe
Jordan, Emily
Jacob Scha.
Josh & Melissa Gornowicz
Russ & Monica Podoll
Jim Thoreson
Brad Loose
Aubree, Gaige
Richard & Norma Frohberg
Todd & Melissa Evensen
Attention Men of Immanuel: The ND District Annual Men’s Winter Retreat is scheduled
for Friday/Saturday, February 20-21 at our camp at Shepherd’s Hill. Dr. Paul L. Maier
will be our guest speaker. For over 25 years, the men of the ND District have enjoyed
the camaraderie of these retreats. Thought-provoking Scripture-based presentations,
fellowship, music, good food, card games, and fun! The retreat begins with a 6:00pm
supper on Friday night, Feb. 20th and ends at 3:30pm on Saturday afternoon. The
cost is $80.00. Bring your Bible, a sleeping bag, personal items, warm clothing, and
plenty of friends! If you would like to go along with us, please sign-up at the Sign-up
Wedding Shower for Katie Schulz and Matthew Mortenson will be
held Saturday, February 21 at 10:00 AM in the Celebration Center.
Kindly RSVP to Rhoda Viker 218-287-5168, Delores Berndt 701-2809502, or Patty Walla 701-235-5454 by Monday, February 17. You may
also RSVP via sign-up sheet in the Sign-Up Center. Matt & Katie have
bridal registries at Amazon.com, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target.
Have you ever considered being a pastor or deaconess? If so, Rev. Daniel Eggold
from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at Immanuel Lutheran
Church on Wednesday, February 18th anytime between 2:00 and 6:00 pm
Reservations are not necessary, but strongly encouraged. If you are interested in
scheduling a specific conference time, please call Rev. Eggold at 314-505-7224 or email
him at eggoldd@csl.edu to set-up an appointment.
Adult Instruction for Membership (AIM) Class: This class is for ANYONE who would
like to review what we believe and profess. The classes will be held in the Conference
Room on five Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm: Feb 22, Mar 8, 15, 22, & 29. There are no
fees for the class, and no obligation to join Immanuel Lutheran Church when the class is
finished. Please contact the church office (293-7979) for more information, or to RSVP.
Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be
G R O W I N G I N C H R I S T’ S L O V E
(This section of Immanuel News will inform you about upcoming events, members who are in the news, fellowship events,
weekly schedule of activities, and other information that enables us to be GROWING in Christ’s love.)
Sunday: Feb 15
8:15 & 11:00 am– Worship (Communion 8:15)
9:30 am –Education Hour
1:00 pm – LYF Saver’s Bowling
 9:00 am – Fixer-Uppers
 7:00 pm – Immanuel Choir practice
 7:00 am – Men’s BC at Immanuel
 8:00 am - Women’s BC at Randy’s
 9:30am/1:30 pm – Ladies BC, various locations
 10:00 am – Staff meeting
 4:15 & 6:00 pm –Lent Worship
 5:00 pm - Supper
 6:50 pm – Confirmation
 10:30 am – Communion Service at Edgewood Vista
 7:00 pm – TNT at the Avery’s
 8:00 pm – LSF @ NDSU
Feb 22
& 11:00 am– Worship (Communion 11)
am –Education Hour
pm – Council meeting
Feb 24-Mar 5 – Cori on Vacation
Deadline for March Image articles & announcements is tomorrow, Mon, Feb 16.
Parish Workers’ Circle meets Friday, Feb. 20th at 9:30 am to assemble the Image and
for their monthly meeting. Monthly project is Fraser Ltd.
Furnace Fund: At the January voter’s meeting we approved a motion to change the
name of the Building on the Word Fund to the Furnace Fund. With that change in name
only, Building on the Word envelopes can continue to be used with the funds going to
the Furnace Fund. We have changed the fund name to read BOTW – Furnace Fund to
reflect this change, showing your contributions to both funds. – Finance Committee
Immanuel Lutheran Church exists to enable all people to be
(Information about the ministries our congregation is involved in, so that we can be BEARING fruits of faith.)
SHUT-IN MEMBERS: Joyce Bauch, Selma Black, Florence Brownlee, Ethel Buehl,
Ron Engelking, Ben Gauger, Lyle & Lucille Glessing, Martha Gross, Elsie
Johnson Tennyson, Jean Krenz, Tom & Loraine Martindale, Bill Nolte, Orville &
Irene Olson, Ellie Radtke, Pat Stolzenburg, Doris Speral, Dorothy Williams
Linda Lee, chronic health concerns
Ken Stevenson, recovery
Seth Benton (Lydia Trandem’s brother), recovery
Jerry Brewer (Bubach’s brother-in-law), hospitalized
Duane Haugen (Selma Black’s nephew), recovery/heart surgery (Jan 19)
LeRoy Janda (Shari Soori’s dad), health concerns
Brian Kuehn (Tom & Bonnie’s son), recovery
David Leverson (Bruce’s brother), health concerns
Alvin Roesler (Randy’s father), recovery at Eventide
Clarence Semanko (Mitch’s dad), dementia
FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES BATTLING CANCER: Michael Vasicek, Judy Boen (Aasland’s
sister-in-law), Colleen (friend of the Roaches), Sandy Croft (Erica Avery’s mom),
Drake Dosch (great-nephew of Sandi Leikas), Sammy Fuentes (Cori’s uncle),
Valene Grothe (Kay Leverson’s sister), Mary Hankel (relative of Wayne & Elaine), Eli
Koppenhaver (friend of Beth Fortier), Roger Leonhardt (Lorinda Semanko’s dad),
Carol Miller (sister-in-law of Chuck & Joan), Judy Pfennig (Florence Brownlee’s
niece), Adam Ressler (Les’ uncle), Lester Schwagler (Deb Bubach’s dad), Rick
Wiedebush (Sandi Leikas’ friend)
James Bean, Navy;
Patrick Maassel, Army;
Carl Tegtmeier, Air Force;
Steve Trautman, NDANG, deployed
The Time is NOW… to register for the LWML Convention. Join us June 25-28, 2015,
in Des Moines, Iowa for the LWML Convention. Be fed by God’s Word and Sacrament. Be
nurtured through worship and fellowship. Be equipped to sow, nourish and reap in the
Father’s field. Registration forms and more information can be found in the winter issue
of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and online at www.lwml.org. We can’t wait to see
you there!