Friday Newsletter - Goulburn Valley Grammar School
Friday Newsletter - Goulburn Valley Grammar School
Friday Newsletter Goulburn Valley Grammar School From the Principal Term 1, Week 2, 13 February 2015 Around the School The School has completed the second week of 2015 with our annual Academic Assembly. This is one of our major assemblies for the year where we recognise and celebrate excellence in learning achieved by our students in 2014. At this assembly, the School recognises student recipients of the GVGS Triple Distinction Award. This award is presented to students who have achieved at least three Distinctions or more in National educational competitions. These include the UNSW ICAS Tests. At the assembly, we present any student who achieved a perfect score of 50 in a VCE Unit 3&4 study. In 2014, Hannah Patterson achieved a study score of 50 in Economics. This is an outstanding achievement and is a great reflection on Hannah’s efforts and those of her teacher Mrs Grace. In addition, we presented the most prestigious academic award to the Dux of the school. This is presented to the student who achieves the highest ATAR score of all students completing their Year 12 studies in a given year. For the Class of 2014 the Dux was Aaron Bhat who achieved the outstanding ATAR score of 99.4. Aaron studied English, History – Revolutions, Indonesian Second Language, Mathematical Methods, Physics and Specialist Mathematics at Unit 3&4 level. Pelican Shoppe staff Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney and Mrs Rika Beeton Aaron is a talented scholar who has a genuine love for learning and complemented his natural ability with a positive attitude and impressive work ethic. Over the years he received many School and external Awards for Academic achievement. Aaron’s learning achievements are all the more impressive given his outstanding contributions to all aspects of School life. He competed regularly in sport including inter-House competitions Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming, and represented the School in Badminton for many years. He performed in countless concerts as a regular member of the Concert Band, Stage Band, Jazz Ensemble, Performance Group, Chamber Choir and Eisteddfod Ensemble. Since 2007, Aaron also performed in eleven School Productions, of which seven were Senior School Productions, including as Uncle Max in the Sound of Music in Year 12. He also assisted backstage in Middle Years Productions. Aaron continued all of this cocurricular involvement during Year 12. IT Department staff, Mr Matthew O’Connor, Mr Trevor Pye, Miss Jessica Taylor and Mr Michael Turnbull Throughout his time at the School, he demonstrated wonderful personal qualities of humility, integrity, courtesy and thoughtfulness for others. In recognition of his outstanding leadership and personal qualities, Aaron was appointed School Captain in 2014, a role which he undertook with tremendous commitment and enthusiasm. Aaron’s approach throughout his time at GVGS embodied the values on which the School culture is founded. His actions demonstrate the power of the School’s commitment to the importance of academic learning and full involvement in the co-curricular life of the School. Aaron has accepted an offer to study Science at the University of Melbourne; he looks forward to pursuing his studies of Mathematics and Physics. Aaron has also accepted a place at Newman College where he will reside. In recognition of his outstanding achievement as Dux, Aaron received a certificate and engraved trophy and the McCamish Family Prize. His name will also be added to the Honour Board in Founders Hall. The School thanks former parents Mr Peter and Mrs Anne McCamish for their generosity in giving this prize and Chair of the School Board Mrs Prue Dobson for making the presentations. It was wonderful that so many family members were present to support their children at this assembly. Semper Ulterius School nurse Mr Bryant Ruska joins Mrs Sue Bennett at Student Services. 20 Feb Assembly Programme: Triple Distinction and Dux Presentations Prefect Speech by: ? Mr Mark Torriero Principal Ph: (03) 5821 8155 If you would like to receive your Friday Newsletter via email please contact Teaching and Learning News Dates for your Diary Semester 1 Dates Academic Excellence Award Assembly During today’s assembly we presented awards to students who achieved some outstanding academic accomplishments last year. The following 26 students performed in the top 10% or top 2% of results across the country in not just one, but at least 3 of the following tests: The University of NSW ICAS Maths, English, Science, or Writing tests, The Australian Mathematics Competition, the Australian Language and Sayembara Lisan Oral competitions. The Triple Distinction recipients demonstrate consistent excellence and as such deserve our commendation. Triple Distinction awards 2014 Year 11 recipients Dexter Archibald Max Bayly Michael Carnovale Henry Fox 2014 Year 10 recipients Ella Bertolus Ishani Chakrabarti Casey Hutchison Joseph Jackson Ronald Lawrence Liam Schreck 2014 Year 9 recipients Harris Bayly Nicholas Geisler Adam Sizer 2014 Year 8 recipients Emma Cox Harrison Powell Simon Pell Alexander Schmedje Stephanie Sorraghan Ryan Bhat Uvindu Jayasinghe Date 17th Feb 19th Feb 20th Feb 23rd – 27th Feb 27th Feb Event School Photographs Year 12 Parent Info Night Parents and Friends Meeting No Assembly House Swimming Carnival Year 8 Camp Mother’s Club Meeting Concert Under the Stars Student Events Date 18th Feb Event Girton Summer Sports Cricket and Tennis Day Production Rehearsal Yr 9 Outdoor Ed Canoe Trip (JES) SPSSA Division Swimming Carnival Production Rehearsal 24th Feb 25th Feb 2014 Year 7 recipients Grace Sandles Grady Tyson Anthony Dohrman Hugh Farrell Farhan Islam Lynton Hoey Due Dates Please note that the following deadlines may not include ALL due dates for subject work. They are indicative only and may also change due to special circumstances. Date 16th Feb ICAS Medals Two students were also presented with medals for the 2014 ICAS Writing Competition. A medal is a very special achievement as it is awarded to students receiving the very highest results in a year level. These were awarded to: Adam Sizer 2014 Year 9 Max Bayly 2014 Year 11 Outstanding Year 12 Exam results While we are proud of the fine results achieved by all Year 12 students last year, the 2014 Dux was acknowledged for his fine performance – Aaron Bhat (ATAR score 99.4). Hannah Patterson was also acknowledged for her top score of 50 for the Unit 3-4 subject Economics. 18th Feb 19th Feb 23rd Feb Best wishes to everyone in their academic studies this year. 24th Feb Mrs Debbie Moore Director of Teaching and Learning 25th Feb 2nd Mar Immunisations 4th Mar 16th Mar For all Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students Immunisation cards have been given to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 during the week. Parents are asked to complete these cards and return them to Student Services by Friday 20th February. The Council’s immunisation team will visit GVGS on Wednesday 11th March. This year, Year 7 students will receive HPV, Chickenpox and Boostrix and Years 8 – 10 will receive Boostrix. Event Industry and Enterprise – Structured Workplace learning Form LMC/JKG Economics Unit 3 SAC 1.1 JKG Economics Unit 1 Test JKG Specialist Math SAC 1 Test 4 & 6 MKW Yr 8 Maths (all classes) Quiz PSS Yr 7 Humanities ‘Who am I?’ LMC Unit1PsychologyVisual Perception Poster Preparation KMD Yr 9C Humanities Biomes Test HLG Yr 8 Maths (all classes) Test PSS Yr 11 Maths Methods Test Chapter 1& 2 PSS Unit 1 Psychology Visual Perception Poster Write Up KMD Yr 11 Legal Studies Outcome 1 HLG Yr 11 Legal Studies Test JUM Yr 10 Justice Money and Markets Test LMC Yr 11 History Outcome 1 HLG Unit 3 PE Outcome 1 Case Study CRP Unit 3 PE Outcome 1 Test CRP Yr 10 English Oral Presentation FGO Mrs Susanne Bennett Nurse GVGS Friday Newsletter, 13 February 2015 Page 1 Student News Tuckshop Year 12 Matters Monday 16th Feb Karene Dickson Mandy Deveny Congratulations to the Class of 2015 on their Induction Assembly last Friday. It was a wonderful way to acknowledge the year level as a group and celebrate the start of a very exciting year for them. Tuesday 17th Feb Lisa Bolton Bernadette Brooks This week the students have spent two days in Melbourne at University College. The programme covered a variety of issues that will be relevant to the students not only throughout this year, but also in their lives post-secondary school. Mr Mark Torriero, Mr Mal Widdicombe and Mrs Debra Block all presented information which the students will utilise this year during their journey during Year 12. Wednesday 18th Feb Cath Pell Wanda Hacon Lyndal Humphris David Verdugo of Success Integrated presented a programme referred to as the Power to Persist. The programme aims to develop resilience and grit (combination of persistence and passion) in students. David also spent time exploring the notion of an individual’s mindset. The characteristics, behaviours, habits and attitudes of an individual with a Growth Mindset compared to an individual with a Fixed Mindset can be a powerful tool for a student in terms of their ability to persist and demonstrate resilience. All Year 12 students and staff have been subscribed to Edrolo and, while in Melbourne, Ben Sze ran an induction and enrolment session with the students. Edrolo is an online resource for VCE students, which allows them to access videos related to a variety of topics within each Year 12 subject offered. It also allows them to complete online tests related to each topic and communicate with other students completing the subject and using the resource. In 2014, both staff and students found a variety of effective ways to use this resource in their studies. Andrew Fuller addressed the students about how to make their study during Year 12 effective. He was keen to highlight to the students that some of the key features to enhancing their ability to learn and retain learnt information are i) actively seek feedback, ii) convert the information in as many ways as possible, iii) create visual representations of your information and iv) have a system for note-taking. In addition, Andrew stressed the importance of the students getting the correct amount of sleep each night (9.25 hours), not working any more than 10 hours a week in a part-time job, not sleeping with your mobile phone within 3 metres of your head and having a nutritious breakfast. Breakfast should include a source of protein, berries (if possible), milk (not juice), a good quality multi-vitamin and a fish oil tablet. James Lynch from Your Image Solutions brought the reality of the interview process into focus for the students and most importantly the need for preparation. It is critical that the students have the ability to be able to promote and differentiate oneself in an interview, as well as match their skills to the interviewer’s needs and expectations. Thursday 19th Feb Mary Gilberto Jenny/Judy Jones Help needed Friday 20th Feb Alana Kimberlin Ayako Mizushima Erin York (Swimming sports morning only) Welcome back and a big thankyou to the new and existing parents who offered their assistance in the Tuckshop. If you have food that requires reheating or a salad that you would like to put in the fridge, please drop it into the Tuckshop before school or at recess. Food must be in a microwave safe dish. No glass please. Please make sure it is clearly labelled with your student’s name. The Tuckshop is open from 8.00am every morning. Students are welcome to come in and purchase drinks, fruit or a toasted sandwich and can also order their lunch. Yesterday the Year 12 group celebrated Valentine’s Day at school. This was this first fundraising event for the Leavers Fund this year. They raised $1460.85. Next Friday the Leavers Fund will continue with their philanthropic efforts by running a barbeque at the Swimming Sports. The Year 12s would like to thank the GVGS community for supporting their efforts. If you are not already a Tuckshop volunteer and would like to join the wonderful team of helpers, please give me a call. We would love to see some new faces. Please contact me on my mobile 0403473448 or at school on 58218155. Thank you to the parents who have returned the Year 12 Parents/Guardians Electronic Distribution List Slip. If you would like to be included please return the slip to school or notify me via email in the next week. Mrs Marlene Rutherford Tuckshop Manager Mrs Chelsea Pohlner Year 12 Coordinator Year 11 Information On Monday 16th February in a year level tutorial session, Year 11 students will be given a copy of the Senior School Handbook for 2015. This book outlines a number of important issues related to the VCE. Of particular importance is the information on: authentication policy and procedures, SACs for Unit 3 and 4 students; deadlines, extensions and submission of unsatisfactory work; the GAT and Special Provision Units 3 and 4. It is important to note that students completing a VCE 3/4 subject are required to bring a doctor’s certificate if they are unwell when they have a SAC and that students are expected to be at school for all their outcomes in Unit 1 and 2. If this is not possible, a letter to the individual classroom teacher is required on the return of the student. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s tutor for clarification of any of these matters. Mrs Mary Bayly Year 11 Coordinator GVGS Friday Newsletter, 13 February 2015 Page 2 Administration Staff 2015 Library Bites The commencement of 2015 has seen some changes to our administrative staff. It is perhaps a good time to outline the various roles that our staff undertake, and highlight the best point of contact for your enquiries. Jacque Birchall Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable Tanya Jones Accounts Receivable Heather McCann Student Services Reception / Student Absences Cheryl Mechkaroff HR Manager Wendy Pomfret Main Reception / Bus Coordinator Sarah Sciuto Main Reception / Friday Newsletter Cindi Tepper Deputy Principal’s Assistant/School Photos/School Book Collection Sally Young Accounts Payable / Pelican Shoppe Manager Please feel free to contact us by telephone on 5821 8155 or via email with your enquiries. Recently we have had a new library management system ACCESSIT installed and, as with all changes, there are new areas to learn and editing to be carried out. The Library staff are at present carrying out these tasks and we are very sure of a positive and efficient outcome. Our new system will also include our on-line resources such as e-books, WorldBook encyclopaedia and EbscoHost etc, this will make searching for resources and information more accessible for our patrons. Ms Janette Burns Library Coordinator New Books Younger readers: BRAXTON-SMITH, Ananda – Plenty: A Place to Call Home CHAMBERS, John - Granny Samuri and the Brain of Ultimate Doomitude ELSE, Barbara – Volume of Impossible Endings: Tale of Fontania Mrs Cheryl Mechkaroff Human Resources Manager HARROLD, A.F. – The Imaginary GVGS Uniform Information / Clarification KINNEY, Jeff – Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw The blazer is a compulsory item for all students. It must always be the outer garment; students who want to wear a jumper must have it on underneath the blazer. The student diary (page 12) clearly states the policy on the wearing of the school blazer and occasions when it is compulsory. As a reminder, students are required to have their blazer next Tuesday 17th February for the school photographs. As stated in the Student Diary 'both summer dress and winter kilt are to be worn at or below knee-length'. In practical terms this can be determined by the hem touching the floor when kneeling, with a straight back. KNIFE & PACKER - Wheelnuts! Desert Dust Up LAIRD, Elizabeth – The Fastest Boy in the World MONTAGNANA, Neil - Megs and the Complete Left Foot + Megs and the Crazy Legs Hats are required for Term 1 and are worn up until ANZAC Day. Socks - boys are to wear grey marle ankle socks with their summer uniform and girls are to wear white, crew-style socks covering the ankle bone with their summer uniform. These socks should have no visible symbols or advertising on them. Students who arrive to school in the incorrect socks (without a signed note from home) will be sent to Student Reception by their tutor to be provided with the correct socks. These will be added to the student's school account. Shoes - The uniform requires black, smooth leather, lace-up school shoes for girls and boys or T-bar shoes for girls. The shoes are required to be traditional style school shoes which have a distinct heel. Shoes should be clean and well polished. PEPPER, Charlie - The Black Knight Older readers: DIBBEN, Damian – Series: the History Keepers. The Storm Begins & Circus Maximus FLANAGAN, John –Brotherhood: Scorpion Mountain Jewellery - an excessive amount of jewellery must not be worn. Students and parents are encouraged to read the section in the Student Diary on page 13 which relates to jewellery. FREY, James – Endgame: The Calling There are two uniform issues dealt with by tutors and YLCs on a regular basis in the senior school: i) boys not arriving clean shaven to school ii) girls wearing inappropriate nail polish and make-up In both instances students will be asked to rectify the situation immediately. HIGSON, Charlie – The Hunted HATFIELD, Ruth – The Book of Storms LAING, David – Forest Spirit, Forest Shadows & Forest Secrets Tutors and Year Level Coordinators would like to thank parents/guardians for their support in the past on uniform matters and for your continuing support in ensuring that students wear their school uniform correctly. McCAFFREY, Kate – Crashing Down Ms Trish Lawless Director of Students RUSSELL, Judith – Withering-By-Sea SAGE, Angie – Pathfinder: Magyk Lies Within GVGS Friday Newsletter, 13 February 2015 Page 3 School Photos 2015 Health Asthma School photographs will be taken by Arthur Reed Photos this coming Tuesday 17th February 2015. Students have been given an information sheet that explains how to order the photographs. Orders are to be completed online or can be mailed to Arthur Reed Photos. GVGS is an Asthma Friendly School and a member of The Asthma Foundation Victoria. The Asthma Foundation of Victoria (AFV) has provided counselling, education and training to people with asthma, their carers, health professionals, first aiders and the general community for over 40 years. The AFV was established in 1963 by two mothers of children with asthma, Mrs Cox and Mrs Campbell, and the organisation has grown steadily since its beginnings. The aims of the AFV are to reduce the impact of asthma on day-today life by promoting research into asthma, as well as professional and community education by sharing expertise and increasing understanding. The AFV’s mission is to help people manage their asthma all year round by providing people with confidence and skills. As a member of the Asthma Foundation Victoria, GVGS requires students who experience asthma to complete a 2015 School Asthma Action Plan. Please contact the GVGS Health Centre if you have a child with asthma and require a form. The website is. and we have also provided a link from our website The online ordering code is GVS837. If you do not have web access or have difficulty ordering, you may use the order form provided on the information sheet and forward this directly to Arthur Reed Photos. As well as the individual and year level photographs, there is the opportunity for a family photograph. Family photographs may be ordered online, or as an alternative, envelopes are available from Student Reception or Miss Cindi Tepper in Main Reception. Students need to return the family photo envelopes to either their Tutor or Student Reception no later than Monday 16th February. All family orders must be placed before photo day to ensure a photograph is taken. Families who have ordered and paid for their photo packages before Tuesday 17th February should receive their photos approximately four weeks after photo day. Packages may be ordered after photo day by forwarding payment directly to Arthur Reed Photos. An additional fee applies to orders placed more than 10 days after photo day. If you have any queries regarding school photographs please contact Arthur Reed Photos directly on 03 5243 4390 All students are required to wear their summer uniform with their blazers for the school photographs. Please note that the Pelican Shoppe does not have any loan blazers available for students. Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal Year 8 Camp Merricks Monday 23rd to Friday 27th February For further information, please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 645 130 or email A successful school camp has the power to transform students in a very short space of time. They provide opportunities for students to live in shared accommodation, develop social skills and independence, challenge themselves and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle. SunSmart Hydration Merricks Camp has the expertise to enhance our students’ development through a camp that provides experiential learning. Qualified staff tailor sessions that are facilitated with a specific purpose including; participation, competition, skill acquisition, education and personal development. In 1980 the Cancer Council Victoria launched the Slip Slop Slap campaign with Sid the singing and dancing seagull. Sid encouraged reduced sun exposure. Today the message has expanded to Slip Slop Slap Seek (shade) Slide (sunglasses). The message encourages sun protection behaviours from both individuals and by those responsible for the care and protection of others (e.g. schools). SunSmart has also taken a leadership role by promoting a balance between the risks of skin cancer from too much sun exposure while maintaining adequate vitamin D levels. GVGS is a member of the SunSmart Schools Program and adhere to The Cancer Council Victoria sun protection criteria outlined in the school’s SunSmart Policy. This policy aims to prevent students from excessive sun exposure and minimise the risk of skin damage. Hence on hot days students are reminded to; Stay in shade areas Avoid energetic activities during the heat of the day Do not overdress Wear a hat and sunglasses Slap on sun screen Drink water and avoid energy drinks (e.g. Red Bull) as these increase fluid loss Mrs Susanne Bennett Nurse Teacher involvement is at the heart of every successful camp, so the instructors work closely with GVGS staff to support what we are doing with the curriculum. The students are always given a warm welcome and plenty of encouragement to get as much from the camp experience as they can as are the GVGS staff! The camp has an aquatic focus with the theme “Get Wet”! Activities include; sailing, snorkelling (theory, pool, jetty), tree climb, boogie boarding, Marine studies, rock pool scrambling, orienteering, Merricks camp challenge (pool and oval-based initiatives), sand sculpturing & group energiser activities, Port Phillip Bay Boat trip, Sea kayaking. Merricks Camp aim to: encourage participation, experience and fun. develop social skills and independence. develop leadership and teamwork. promote active and healthy lifestyles. support Physical Education & Health curriculum requirements. Families should all be receiving an Information Letter about the camp through the mail and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries. Mr Scott Harrison Year 8 Coordinator GVGS Friday Newsletter, 13 February 2015 Page 4 Year 9 Students Pelican Shoppe Immersion Day Our first Immersion Day for 2015 will take place on Wednesday, 4th March. On this day students will be travelling to Tocumwal and visiting a rice farm. In Geography, students are currently exploring food security and this excursion will support their classroom studies enormously. Thank you very much to Mr John Hatty who will be speaking to the students on this day. A permission form will be provided very soon which provides further details. Other Immersion dates will be provided in the coming weeks. Ms Kelly McKay Year 9 Coordinator GVGS House Swimming Carnival Friday 20th February Next Friday, 20th February, the House Swimming Carnival is to be held at Aquamoves in Shepparton. This is one of the most exciting days for us as a School Community. Families and friends are invited to come along and share the fun – be it for part of the day or the whole carnival! Events commence at approximately 9.45am and conclude at 2.45pm. The Events Schedule (Programme) is on the GVGS website and can be downloaded for printing. All students have also been e-mailed this programme. Please understand that the times specified are estimated times and may start before or after that time depending on many factors. Student Uniform Firstly, students are reminded that House Sport Uniform must be worn to School on Friday (House shirt and GVGS Physical Education shorts). GVGS tracksuits are expected if cooler weather prevails in the morning. Secondly, whilst competing (swimming), students must wear navy blue (speedo type) bathers. Students may wear their GVGS PE shorts over their bathers. For those who are club swimmers, dark competition racewear is acceptable. Students may bring with them items to embellish their House Colours to be donned at House Meetings or the Carnival – but embellishments of any kind are not allowed whilst swimming. Please remember that this is a compulsory school day and attendance is required. This is a key date of celebration in the School’s calendar. Rolls are marked as usual. Finally, please ensure that students bring their lunch, plenty of snacks, water, towel, goggles, sunscreen and their broad-rimmed School hat. Our Sunsmart Policy does not allow students to wear singlets (across all Year Levels). Please ensure they have clothing to protect them from the sun! Students and staff look forward to a terrific day, filled with great competitive spirit whilst having fun. We hope you can join us for part of the day. Mr Shane McDonald House Sports Co-ordinator Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30am to 11.30am 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 5pm Closed These trading hours, our direct phone number and email address are available from the Goulburn Valley Grammar School website via the Uniform Tab. Via this tab you can also access the: Uniform Policy Price List Order Form Second hand Uniform Lodgement Instructions for the alteration of Blazer Sleeves. Students are welcome to purchase uniform at either recess on Monday or at lunchtime Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, during the school term. Payment is accepted by cash, cheque (payable to Noone Imagewear) EFTPOS or credit card. Should students require payment to be made by credit card we encourage the use of our order form on which credit card details may be authorised. Blazers for School Photographs School Photographs will be taken on Tuesday 17th of February and blazers will need to be brought to school on this day. Please note that loan blazers will not be available from the Pelican Shoppe. Bathers for Swimming Carnival Please note that the House Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 20th February. Should you need new bathers, the navy racing style bathers for girls and navy jammer style bathers for boys are available for purchase from the Pelican Shoppe. Krista Mitra Visiting Students from Indonesia From March 15th to March 20th we will be hosting 5 students from Krista Mitra (Semarang) and 17 students from another of our sister schools in Indonesia; Bintang Mulia (Bandung). The visit to GVGS by students from these two schools is an annual event and provides a wonderful opportunity for the students from the three schools to interact. On March 20th we have an additional ten students from a Muslim school in Surabaya staying with us from March 20th to March 26th. For our GVGS students the additional benefit is to begin to develop a context for developing their Bahasa Indonesian language skills. If families are in a position to have 1 or 2 students from our Indonesian sister schools stay for the week in March then please contact Mr Leon McLeod (Deputy Principal) either by phone on 58218155 or email Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal Community Tatura Netball Association Trial Information The Tatura Netball Association fields in the Shepparton Netball Association Saturday competition. Trials will be held for teams in the following 12 and under, 15 and under, 17 and under, 17-19 Date: 17th, 19th, 24th, 26th February 2015 Time: 5:45pm to 7:00pm Where: Netball complex, Hastie Street Tatura Contact: Jodi Mutton Mob 0417 430 357 or GVGS Friday Newsletter, 13 February 2015 We have resumed our regular Pelican Shoppe trading hours of: Page 5 If you have any queries regarding the purchase of uniform or the sale of second hand uniform please contact us by Phone 5821 9959 Email Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney Mrs Rika Beeton Pelican Shoppe Weekly Snapshot by GVGS Photomedia students Assembly, 6th Feb 2015 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: n Chair of the School Board Mrs Prue Dobson with 2015 School Captains Mithma Ekanayake and Henry Fox. n Year 12 Coordinator Mrs Chelsea Pohlner presents the Class of 2015. n Bridget Brooks welcomes new students to GVGS. n Prefect Emily Roe with family at the morning tea held after assembly. n Prefect Jake Trounson signing the Prefects Oath and Investiture. n Some of the Year 12 boys posing for one of many photos taken by family and friends after assembly. Welcome to our new Year 5s Students, parents and friends, have you taken a great photo at a GVGS event? Please share it with us by emailing to
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