Pews News Sunday 15th February 2015


Pews News Sunday 15th February 2015
Diary Dates
Sun 22nd First Sunday of Lent
Parish Communion in Lent
9.30am, St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
in Lent
10am, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Holy Communion in Lent (with Baptism)
11.15am, St James the Great, Syresham
Village Praise & Prayer
11.15am, St Mary the Virgin, Wappenham
Messy Church
3.30pm, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Mon 23rd Schools Back
Lent Course
7.30pm, The Rectory
Wed 25th Midweek Communion in Lent
9.30am, St Mary Magdalene
Lent Course
3pm, The Rectory
Astwell Benefice MU
7.30pm, 12a Church Street
Sat 28th Marriage Blessing and Baptism
2.30pm, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Sun 1st
Second Sunday of Lent
Prayerbook Communion in Lent
8am, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Holy Communion in Lent
9.30am, St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
Village Prayer & Praise, with CKERS
10am, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Parish Communion in Lent
11.15am, St Mary the Virgin, Wappenham
Messy Church
3.30pm, St James the Great, Syresham
Evensong in Lent
6pm, St John the Evangelist, Whitfield
Mon 2nd Helmdon Worship Committee
2pm, 48 Wappenham Road, Helmdon
Lent Course
7.30pm, The Rectory
Wed 4th Midweek Communion in Lent
9.30am, St Mary Magdalene
Lent Course
3pm, The Rectory
Fri 6th
Women’s World Day of Prayer
2pm, Moreton Pinkney Church
Sat 7th
Wappenham PCC Thank you Party
7.30pm, Clarissa House
Mon 9th Syresham PCC Fund Raising Meeting
4pm, The Priory
The Astwell Benefice
St Mary Magdalene Helmdon with Stuchbury and St
Lawrence Radstone and St James the Great Syresham
with St John the Evangelist Whitfield,
St Mary & St Peter Lois Weedon with Weston and
Plumpton and St Mary the Virgin Wappenham.
Sunday 15th February 2015
Sunday Next before Lent
This Week’s Bible Readings:
2 Kings 2.1-12
2 Corinthians 4.3-6
Mark 9.2-9
If you are a visitor or newcomer, do make
yourself known to the regulars who will be
happy to chat over coffee after the service.
Please take this home with you as everyone
is welcome at any or all of
our events and services.
Services this Coming Week
Wednesday 18th February 2015
Ash Wednesday
Imposition of Ashes
St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Imposition of Ashes
St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
Sunday 22nd February 2015
First Sunday of Lent
The Reverend Carole Peters
Rector of the Astwell Benefice
The Rectory, The Green, Lois Weedon
NN12 8PN
01327 860798
I take Thursday evening and Friday off but do leave
a message and I will get back to you.
For general parish enquiries
Give us your News
Please send any items for Pews News to
our Parishes Administrator Sarah Rudkin or via email
Parish Communion in Lent
St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
Holy Communion in Lent
St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Holy Communion in Lent with
St James the Great, Syresham
Village Praise & Prayer
St Mary the Virgin, Wappenham
Messy Church
St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
To hold in your prayers this week:
We bring before our loving heavenly Father those
who are unwell, recovering from illness or who
are simply having a bad time; all who need our
We give thanks for the life of Lucy Gadd from
Helmdon, Please pray for Richard and Sally, Nick
and Dan and all Lucy’s good friends in their deep
And for the life of Janet Hughes, member of St James
PCC and Crowfield resident. Please pray for her
mother Barbara, her brother David, her partner
Frank, and all her many friends.
We also pray for:
From Helmdon:
Irene Inness, Maisie Brown, Joyce Beech, Michelle,
Jason Holt, Olive Holton, Rev’d Douglas Hadfield,
Viv Watson, Celia Terrey.
From Lois Weedon:
Peter French, Aidan Hunt, Tracy Reid, Joan Jacobs,
Evan Jones, Christian Jefferies, Jane Keller.
From Syresham:
David Wyness, Nina Stevens, Derek Hollyoake,
Bruce Coates, Greg Oles. Mary Hutton (Margaret
Miller’s granddaughter), Doreen Moreland
From Wappenham:
Dorothy Abbott, Roger King, Eileen Robbins,
For those known to us:
Gill Goodwin, Marjorie Baxter, William Woof,
Pauline Collis, Christopher Carr, Pip Dandy, Evelyn
Johnson, Alison Wilson, Dr Mike Greenhalgh, Gill
Derbyshire, Tod Wye, Judy Anson, Isaac
We are happy to add anyone to our prayer list providing they are
happy to have us pray for them. You may also know someone who
would prefer private prayers. In either case please let the Church
Wardens or Rev’d Carole know.
Please welcome:
Alexander Davis
who will be baptized during the 11.15am service
at St James the Great, Syresham on
Sunday 22nd February 2015
Arthur Durham
who will be baptized at 2.30pm
at St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon on
Sunday 28th February 2015
February (HALF TERM)
Tues 17th Whitfield Coffee
10am-noon, Village Hall
Helmdon Café
10am-noon, Reading Room
Friends of St James Shrove Tuesday
12-2pm, Vine Cottage, Syresham
Helmdon Lunch
1pm, Reading Room
Wed 18th Imposition of Ashes
9.30am, St Mary Mags
Imposition of Ashes 7pm, St Mary& St Peter, L Weedon
Thur 19th Syresham Café
10.30-12.30, Village Hall
Benefice Choir Practice
6.30-7.30pm, St Mary Mags
Sat 21st
Helmdon Bell ringers practice
9.30-10.30am, St Mary
Accompanied Prayer During Lent
Would you like to enrich your prayer-life?
Do you sometime struggle to find the
best way to pray?
Are you open to explore new ways to pray?
This five-week, one-to-one course offers the chance
to deepen your individual relationship with God, to
explore ways of praying that will work best for you.
Could you devote half an hour once a week or
fortnight to exploring prayer?
An Introduction to Accompanied Prayer in Lent
Saturday 21st February
10.30am at The Rectory
Or contact Rev’d Carole for more details
This Lent, try “Exploring the Void”
Our 2015 Lent Course uses extracts from the
internationally acclaimed film along with group
discussion, personal reflection and worship.
It is a course that appeals to all ages and shouldn’t be
missed. So come along, either on:
Mondays at 7.30pm
or Wednesdays at 3pm
at The Rectory
starting on Monday 23rd February
If you already take intercessions in a Sunday
Service or think you might like to occasionally say
“The Prayers on behalf of the People”………….
then please come along to our Intercessions
Workshops on Sat 28th February
11am St Mary and St Peter, Lois Weedon
2pm St James the Great, Syresham