Weekly Pews News for Sunday 8th March 2015


Weekly Pews News for Sunday 8th March 2015
Diary Dates
Mon 16th Lent Course
7.30pm, The Rectory
Wed 18th Midweek Communion in Lent
Mary Magdalene
Lent Course
3pm, The Rectory
Sun 22nd Fifth Sunday of Lent/Passiontide
Parish Communion in Lent
9.30am, St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
Holy Communion in Lent
10am, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Holy Communion in Lent (and Baptisms x 2)
11.15am, St James the Great, Syresham
Village Praise & Prayer
11.15am, St Mary the Virgin, Wappenham
Messy Church
3.30pm, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Mon 23rd Deadline for all APCM Reports
Lent Course
7.30pm, The Rectory
Wed 25th ?No Midweek Communion - TBC?
Lent Course
3pm, The Rectory
Astwell Benefice MU
7.30pm, 12a Church St, Helmdon
Fri 27th Astwell Schools break up
Wedding Rehearsal
7pm, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Sat 28th Wedding
1.30pm, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Sun 29th Palm Sunday
Clipping the Church Procession & Liturgy of
the Palms/The Passion Part 1
9.30am, St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
Clipping the Church Procession & Liturgy of
the Palms/The Passion Part 2
10am, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Clipping the Church Procession & Liturgy of
the Palms/The Passion Part 3
11.15am, St James the Great, Syresham
Mon 30th Monday of Holy Week
Evensong for Holy Week
7pm, St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
Tues 31st Tuesday of Holy Week
Taize, with the Benefice Choir
7pm, St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Wed 1st Wednesday of Holy Week
Holy Communion for Holy Week (1662)
9am, St Mary the Virgin, Wappenham
The Reverend Carole Peters
Rector of the Astwell Benefice
The Rectory, The Green, Lois Weedon
NN12 8PN
01327 860798
I take Thursday evening and Friday off but do leave
a message and I will get back to you.
For general parish enquiries and for all your news
items for ‘Pews News’ please contact our Parishes
Administrator Sarah Rudkin via email at
The Astwell Benefice
St Mary Magdalene Helmdon with Stuchbury and St
Lawrence Radstone and St James the Great Syresham
with St John the Evangelist Whitfield,
St Mary & St Peter Lois Weedon with Weston and
Plumpton and St Mary the Virgin Wappenham.
Sunday 8th March 2015
Third Sunday of Lent
This Week’s Bible Readings:
Psalm 19
John 2.13-22
If you are a visitor or newcomer, do make
yourself known to the regulars who will be
happy to chat over coffee after the service.
Please take this home with you as everyone
is welcome at any or all of our
events and services.
Services this Coming Week
Wednesday 11th March 2015
Midweek Communion
St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Sunday 15th March 2015
Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday Service
St Mary Magdalene, Helmdon
Mothering Sunday Service
with the Chapel
Syresham Chapel
Mothering Sunday Service
St John the Evangelist, Whitfield
Mothering Sunday Service
St Mary the Virgin, Wappenham
Mothering Sunday at Messy
St Mary & St Peter, Lois Weedon
To hold in your prayers this week:
We bring before our loving heavenly Father those who
are unwell, recovering from illness or who are simply
having a bad time; all who need our prayers.
We give thanks for the life of Judy Anson who died on 14th
February. She lived in Radstone from 1999-2008 before
moving to Hethe. Please pray for Gus, their two sons and
and all her friends in their grief. A Service of
Thanksgiving will be held at Aynho Grounds at 2pm on
Thursday 12th March.
We also pray for:
From Helmdon:
Irene Inness, Joyce Beech, Michelle, Jason Holt, Olive
Holton, Rev’d Douglas Hadfield, Celia Terrey.
From Lois Weedon:
Peter French, Aidan Hunt, Tracy Reid, Joan Jacobs, Evan
Jones, Christian Jefferies, Jane Keller, Lis Cockrell, John
From Syresham:
David Wyness, Nina Stevens, Derek Hollyoake, Bruce
Coates, Greg Oles. Mary Hutton (Margaret Miller’s
granddaughter), Doreen Moreland.
From Wappenham:
Dorothy Abbott, Roger King, Eileen Robbins, Jim Wilson
(who is now serving in Afghanistan).
For those known to us:
Gill Goodwin, Marjorie Baxter, William Woof, Pauline
Collis, Christopher Carr, Pip Dandy, Evelyn Johnson,
Alison Wilson, Dr Mike Greenhalgh, Gill Derbyshire,
Tod Wye, Isaac Wellington.
We are happy to add anyone to our prayer list
providing they are happy to have us pray for them.
You may also know someone who would prefer
private prayers. In either case please let the Church
Wardens or Rev’d Carole know.
Please welcome:
Hugo Alexander Clough
Albert John Andy Toms
who will both be baptized
during the 11.15am service
on Sunday 22nd March
St James the Great, Syresham.
6.30pm on Thursday 2nd April
St James the Great, Syresham
Join us as we share a Jewish Passover Meal
similar to the one our Lord shared with
his friends at the Last Supper.
This moving ritualistic “meal” will be followed by
a Bring-and-Share supper and then Communion.
Everyone welcome.
Sign-up sheets for bringing food are in each Church
Mon 9th
Tues 10th
Wed 11th
Thur 12th
Fri 13th
Sat 14th
Syresham PCC Fund raising meeting
4pm, The Priory
Lent Course Week 3
7.30pm, The Rectory
St Loys School Service
9.30am, School
Whitfield Coffee
10am-noon, Village Hall
Helmdon Café
10am-noon, Reading Room
Midweek Communion
9.30am, St Mary Mags
Syresham Mums & Tots
10am-noon, Village Hall
Lent Course Week 3
3pm, The Rectory
Benefice Barn Dance Mting
7.30pm The Rectory
Rector in Syresham School
Syresham Café
10.30-12.30, Village Hall
Helmdon Parents & Tots
10am-noon, St Mary Mags
Benefice Choir Practice
6.30-7.30pm, St Mary Mags
Rector in Syresham School
1pm -3pm
Syresham Youth Group
7.30pm, Chapel
Friends of St James Quiz Night
7.30pm, Village Hall
Helmdon Bell ringers practice
9.30-10.30am, St Mary
News from Astwell Benefice
Sometimes one of the hardest Christian principles
to adopt is that of forgiveness.
Jesus tells us that we need to forgive others and
seek forgiveness from God for ourselves.
But it is that first part that so many
of us struggle with.
With all we are reading in the news at the moment
it seems there are many who should be beyond
human forgiveness
But Psalm 103 tells us that God takes all the things
we have ever done and hurls them far, far away.
So far away, that they are forgotten forever.
And it doesn’t say that he only does this with the
good among us.
Still, we struggle sometimes to put even the
smallest things behind us, let alone send the big
things so far away they cannot be seen.
Jesus is clear, we must try to be like him, we must
forgive others as God forgives us, not harbouring
even the smallest of grudges, but sending
them all far away.
St Paul tells us love never bears a grudge, he also
says it always hopes and never stops.
As Christians we are called to love and if we truly
love, then forgiveness is so much easier to do.
So I pray that we may all love as St Paul defines it.
Lord, help us to be patient and kind,
may we cease from petty jealously and envy of
may we never bear a grudge,
and may we show to others the love that you
show to us everyday.
Rev’d Carole