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to View - Central Avenue Church of Christ
February 11, 2015
Youth Ice Skating Event on Friday, February 20th,
Kevin Blue tells how several years ago, a few friends
PM till Midnight; skating from 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM,
of his decided they were unhappy with their personal
Jacksonville Ice and Sportsplex (Jacksonville, FL). Bring
use of money and how they handled financial $10 admission plus money for food. Sign-up sheet on the
decisions. Rather than visiting a financial planner, they Youth Bulletin Board. Bring along your friends as well.
decided to first seek counsel from the Bible. There they See Taylor’s or Hamilton’s for more information.
gained an excellent view of giving, saving, insurance,
spending, investments and other issues. Scripture
“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling
us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One
provided the framework within which to discuss
and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and
decisions. They opened up the details of their spending truth.” John 1:14.
records with one another – godly critique was
Sunday was an exciting day with our children at Faith
welcomed and wanted. Mr. Blue asks, “How many people Avenue!
John and I were blessed to have lunch with
do you know who offer an open audit of their finances? Not Karli Malone and Ella Burnett at Rodeo’s Mexican
Restaurant! Karli saved up 30 Bible Bucks and invited Ella
exactly a common practice.”
How is the Father teaching and growing these
friends? Blue notes how God has led them to be
jointly involved in a refugee ministry and to "adopt" a
particular family, meeting their needs during this
family's challenges of transitioning into a new culture.
They've also made interesting personal decisions.
One has formed a family foundation for charitable
giving to the poor, with a focus on the AIDS crisis
overseas. Another couple helps to lead a summer
internship that brings college students to the poorer
areas of their city where they learn from people who
minister there year-round.
It is amazing what can happen when Christians start
to make God and His Kingdom as revealed in the
scriptures the center of their financial decisions.
Priorities change, generosity reins, needs are met and
to join her for lunch! Everyone enjoyed tacos, enchiladas,
and fajitas, but Karli and Ella’s favorite was the cheese dip!
What a blessing to hear about life in elementary school,
and how our precious young people try to do the right
thing in difficult situations. Our children and their
parents are relying on God’s word to help them make the
right decisions. We are so thankful for Matt and Jennifer,
and David and Angela, for leading their families with
God’s guidance.
On Sunday night we were blessed with Zach Parker
leading our children in Pew Packers! It was an exciting
moment when Zach asked a “Two Bible Buck” question,
and Maggie Jo Hamilton answered it correctly! Maggie Jo
needed two Bible Bucks to buy the girl’s bicycle in Central
Park! We can’t wait to present her with it on Wednesday
night! Rumor has it that she and Mrs. Carol might be
riding the new bicycle at the farm!
Please join us this Wednesday night at Faith Avenue!
Our two year olds, three year olds and four year olds, as
well as our K-2nd will meet in their regular classrooms to
assemble a “Love Wreath,” using scripture hearts with
promises of Jesus’ love for us. Our 3rd-5th grades will have
singing class.
people are blessed – most of all the person taking God
at His word.
Continued on page 2 column 1
Page 2
Herald of Encouragement
By John Klimko, Jr
Bible Reading Marathon
Green team – 33.33%
Blue team – 28.16%
Red team – 59.68%
Listed below are the individual SEG various meeting times and locations for this
Sunday, February 15.
Michael & Patsy Black’s SEG -will meet
Sunday at 5:00 pm at their home, (3489
Spiritual Enrichment Groups
Old US Hwy 41 South). Discussion will be
This Sunday, the 15th, is the date for Sunday Morning sermon. Please bring
our Spiritual Enrichment Groups to Chili and the fixings!
meet. Join in with one of the SEGs
Jonas SEG: Sunday, 2/15/15, 3:30 pm,
this Sunday for a wonderful time of
813 Sand Crane Circle, Lake Park,
GA. Devotional and light refreshments. Contact Larry Jonas, 229 561-2525.
Dame SEG will be this Sunday, February
Our two, three, and four year olds
will begin meeting at 10:00 on Sunday
mornings in the three-year-olds’
classroom to sing with Mr. Glenn and
Mrs. Vickie! We can’t wait to hear their
sweet voices!
Our new rotation is on Daniel. Our
next reading for at-home Bible study is
Daniel 3, which deals with Daniel’s
friends in the fiery furnace. Our memory
verse is: “But Daniel resolved not to
defile himself with the royal food and
wine. In every matter of wisdom and
understanding the king found them ten
times better than all the magicians and
enchanters in his whole kingdom.”
Daniel 1:8, 20.
Our two and three year olds are
continuing their study of Moses. Their
memory verse is: “And God said
to Moses, I will be with you.” Exodus
The four year olds are studying Elijah
and Elisha. Their memory verse is: “God
spoke to our forefathers through the
prophets…” Hebrews 1:1.
We are looking forward to Sunday!
15th, at 5pm, in the connector. Adults
only. Spaghetti will be provided. $5 per
Fiveash and Lockey’s SEG will meet in
the Connector Sunday, 2/15/15, immediately after morning worship services. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish.
Monday Night for the Master will meet
this Monday night, February 16th, in the
Connector, at 6:00 pm. This group sends
out cards of “missing you” and of encouragement.
Our next Feeding The Flock will be
Wednesday, February 18th. Menu:
Sausage, Ham and Cheese Pasta, Orange
Congealed Salad, Green Beans, Toasted
Pecan Cake and Lemon Pillow Cake. Please
sign up on your attendance card this Sunday, February 15th, how many in your family will attend.
Raintree Village Children's Home is in
desperate need for live-in full time house
parents: either couples or singles.
Competitive salary with ample time off.
—————————————Medical benefits. Ministry is available imAnd we know that all things work
mediately. Contact: Kenny Holton
together for good to them that love God,
(Executive Director) at (229) 559-5944 or
to them who are the called according to
by email:
his purpose
Romans 8:28
Thanks to all who encourage others
through the visitation ministry. The
visitation team for this Sunday,
February 15, is listed below. Please
pick up assignments from the folder
on the table in the office hall foyer
near the Large Auditorium.
M/M Carl Brinson
M/M Harrison Cooper
Mrs. Marion Copeland
M/M Marc Dame
Mr. Lindy Evans
M/M Ashley McLeod
M/M Mike Paine
M/M Ron Williams
Since September 11, 2001, our
nation takes weapons seriously. If
you’ve ever been in line behind someone who tried to get through airport
security with nail clippers or a pocketknife, you’ve probably observed that
security workers are on the lookout
for weapons of all kinds.
In Paul’s encouragement to believers, he reminds us that the weapons
we need to comfort evil strongholds in
our lives are not weapons that we see
and carry. Our battles are fought in
the human heart, and our mind is
sometimes where the battle rages the
hardest. Throughout the Bible we are
encouraged to guard our minds and
examine our thoughts. How many
times do anger, fear, pride, or anxiety
challenge us each day? Sometimes
these thoughts creep into our minds
like guerilla warriors, silently, quietly,
almost imperceptibly. But there they
are, waiting for an opportune moment
to battle with our better intentions
and defeat us from being Christ like.
Paul recognizes the great danger in
entertaining thoughts form the enemy. He teaches us that we can use supernatural weapons—prayer, God’s
Word, and his divine power—to
“demolish” strongholds. We are not
left to fight these battles in our mind
with weapons that can’t do the job.
What a gift God’s weapons are!
Page 3
Louise DeLoach (Hospice),
Jackie Mathis,
Melba Webb, Sherolyn Ellenberg
Sylvia Higgins, Joyce Paine,
Jeanne Jarvis, Jane Little, George
Irene Brown
Phoebie Slocum
Linda Jones
Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller
Stella Laurene Taylor
SGMC: Cheryl Herring
COLUMBUS: Lucy Brownell
ATLANTA: Hyde Maurice Clarke
Fannie Dasher, Clarence DeLoach, Marilyn
Ellis, Karen Evans, Glenn Geren, Redden
Hart, Allen & Mildred Lancaster, Laura
McCall, Audrey Swindle, Diane Walker, Leo
& Mary Nell Wells, Lloyd Williams
Paul Anderson, Wanda Hall Arnold, Abbie
Barfield, Elaine Ellis Brooks, Lauren Cooper
Pate, Joel Dasher, Delores Britt, Leon Black,
Tim Brogdon, Buck Busby, John Crum,
Wanda DeWeese, Reese
Glass, Joe &
Harriette Gray, Jimmy Jackson, Ray Norvell,
Sr., Steve & Sandi Parrish, Wayne Shear,
Debbie Starling, Beverly Strange, June
Strawder, Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller
(Rehab), Earl Tipton, Rebecca Tomlinson,
Pat Vann, Mitch Walker
All ladies are invited to a bridal
shower for Lauren Hunter, bride-elect of
Marc Malone, on Sunday, February.
22, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm in the Lee
Street building. Notice that the time is
different from the usual time of
our showers. Lauren, who is the
granddaughter of Sis Force, and Marc
will be married May 9. They are
registered at, Belk, and
February 14: Emeka Arungwa
Rebekah Colson
Janice Evans
Bret Rogers
February 15: Howard Alred
Tom Clifford
Diane Walker
February 16: Bryan Jarvis
February 17: Bobby Greene
February 18: Frank Culpepper
Jennifer Johnson
February 19: Homer Anderson
Jayson Barfield
Wesley Force
Kevin McDowell
Kerry Morris
Clyde Tomlinson
February 20: Mike Dame
Bill Parrish
Ricky and Debbie Wisenbaker will
be hosting our Annual Family Egg
Hunt and Picnic scheduled for Sunday, March 29th. More info will be
coming at a later date.
MILITARY: Tyler Dees, James
McMullen, III, Skyler Pittman, Benjamin
Starling, Johnny Tucker, Lorenzo WalkerPotts, Nick Walker-Potts
February 12: Bill Hart
February 13: George & Lilla Kate Hart
February 14: Redden & Judy Hart
February 15: Jason, Sammian, Kylie, Haley
& Brogan Haskin
February 16: Bill, Renee’ & Mason
Brandon & Taylor Bennett
February 17: Kristopher, Tiffany &
Keyleigh Hatfield &
Landon Grammer
February 18: Jack & Rachel Hayes
Mt. Dora Children’s Home
301 W. 13th Avenue
Mount Dora, FL 32757
Phone: 352-383-2155
February 16: Monday Night for the
February 18: Feeding The Flock
February 20: Youth Ice Skating Event
February 22: Lauren Hunter Bridal
Shower—2:20-4:00 pm
March 29: Family Egg Hunt & Picnic
Men’s Prayer Group:
Tuesdays at 7 am in the Annex
Ladies Bible Class:
Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Connector
Christian Student Center:
Devotional, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Page 4
Herald of Encouragement
Central Avenue Church of Christ
304 East Central Avenue
Valdosta, GA 31601-5704
ELDERS: Homer Anderson, Kevin Boyd, Byron Brown, Jerry
DeLoach, G.R. Holton, Bill Malone, Leon Weeks
MINISTERS: Bryan Jarvis, John Klimko, Jr.
DEACONS: Jay Barfield, Donny Bryan, Jeremy Colson,
Richard Hamlen, Anthony Herring, Ted Hundley, Pendleton Little, Jerry McMullen, Sr., Matt Malone, Chris Prine,
John Stephenson, Clyde Tomlinson, Phillip Walker
Church Office:
Leigh Carter...........................................................Secretary
Gail DeLoach…………................................................Bulletin
Phone: (229) 242-6115........................Fax:(229) 242-6116
Visit Central on the
MISSIONS: Paraguay, New Zealand, Ukraine, China, Malawi, India,
Preaching the Gospel (TV)
Central Avenue Church of Christ Family Gatherings
Sunday Bible Class...……………………………...………...…………….….9:30am
Evening Worship……………………..……………………….…………….…6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Class.……………………………………………..……….7:00pm
For the Record: February 8, 2015
Bible Classes
AM Worship
PM Worship
SEG 3rd Sunday
Mid-week PM
Under Budget
of Jesus just touching this man, to the people around
him, that saw this?
Bryan had a beautiful message Sunday, 1/25/15,
about honoring our continued legacy here at Central
with our youth. What a great group of children we
have. It is such a wonderful thing for a church to have
the number of youth that we have. I ask God daily how
we can keep our children from leaving the church.
Bryan made a challenge to our youth, how important
it is for parents to keep our children in the word and to
always give them spiritually correct answers to their
questions. All their questions are important.
I’m so excited about our Building project that is
going on at Central. We are expanding our youth,
middle and high school class room areas. This will be
an asset to our youth. We are also enhancing our foyer
and restrooms. All this is exciting for the Kingdom here
at Central. May God bless us all and keep our Legacy at
Central alive and well.
We all have a lot in common, it’s just finding a
person we don’t know and get to know them. We’re all
God’s children. We were created to be servants. Let us
all encourage our children to continue in the legacy of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His church.
The church was started by Christians that loved the
Lord with all their heart. They believed in following
the Bible to the letter of the word.
This church has always strived to do the same.
When the Bible speaks we speak and where the Bible
is silent we are silent. There is no way you can go
wrong with this thinking.
Our Eldership takes this thinking very seriously.
We all stand together with this process. Sometimes it
may seem we are hard or indifferent but we are trying
to do what we think the word is saying. Our love for
the church and our Christian family is our utmost of
There have been many of our mentors and family
members that have given their entire lives in service to
this church. The reason for this is their love for the
Lord and what he gave for mankind.
Our Lord came with one thing on his mind and
that was to serve people and to love them. One
example that comes to mind was in Luke 5:13, where
a man was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus
he fell with his face to the ground and begged him,
“Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I
am willing” he said, “Be clean!” And immediately the
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
leprosy left him. Jesus didn’t know this man. Can you Honour thy father and mother: which is the first commandimagine the man with leprosy how it felt for anyone ment with promise. That it may be well with thee, and thou
touching him? It had probably been years since mayest live long on the earth.
anyone had touched him. Can you believe the impact
Ephesian 6: 1-3