Saturday Family & Friends - Daniel`s Music Foundation
Saturday Family & Friends - Daniel`s Music Foundation
Beginning Saturday 2/14/15 at Daniel’s Music Foundation 1595 Lexington A venue & 101 st Street 1:00PM to 2:30PM Ticket price: $9 per person We invite you to join us after your Saturday morning activities to enjoy music with your family and friends of all ages together! Dance at our dance party, sing during Karaoke, participate in our drum circle or just sit back and enjoy the fun - either way there is something for everyone! You are welcome to bring your lunch to eat at our café, Snackappella, as early as 12:00PM. Beverages and snacks are also available for purchase. DATES: 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2 & 5/9 All participants must register by noon the Friday prior. To register and for more details please contact Nadine McNeil or 212.289.8912.