Ethan Frome - Local Government Association of Tasmania


Ethan Frome - Local Government Association of Tasmania
NUMBER 01/15 – 13 February 2015
Mayor Barry Jarvis
Dorset Council
President’s Message
Local Government has now met with Minister
Peter Gutwein via three regional meetings on
reform or voluntary amalgamations in our sector.
I believe Local Government must keep an open
mind to all discussions and we must reinforce to
the State Government that any reform comes with
a large financial cost. Also, if communities are not
involved from a grassroots level in all discussions,
then the level of angst will grow, this then would
lead to discussions becoming derailed.
The recent attempt in Western Australia is a prime
example where the Government's attempt to
condense thirty city councils into sixteen has hit a
roadblock with five councils that were able to
have an elector poll overwhelmingly rejecting the
State's direction.
It is with great pleasure from LGAT's perspective
that we can officially welcome back the City of
Hobart into our membership. I have always
believed that our sector must have our capital city
involved in all discussions around Local
Government in Tasmania.
During January, I had great pleasure in visiting two
councils. I must thank Mayor Deirdre Flint for the
invitation for the CEO and myself to visit and
present to the Central Highlands Council during a
meeting at Hamilton. I also followed up a promise
to Mayor Martyn Evans at Derwent Valley Council
that I would visit his Council and answer any
questions they may have about LGAT whilst they
reconsider their membership status of the
Association. It was good to be able to interact
with the councillors and also discuss issues with the
five new councillors. Hopefully Derwent Valley
Council will reconsider and remain a vibrant voice
for their community within LGAT.
It is with deep sadness
that I note the passing of
Southern Midlands
Deputy Mayor, Clr Mark
Jones OAM after a short
illness. Mark will be
missed by all the
electorate of Southern
Midlands but especially
the community groups in
his beloved Oatlands.
We pass on to his family
and all who knew him our
deepest sympathies, a man who will be very
much missed. Vale Mark Jones.
Calling all Elected Members!
The Local Government
Association of Tasmania (LGAT)
needs your participation in the
Elected Member Census. The
results provide the Association
with information on a broad
range of matters relating to
Tasmanian elected members
and our sector. It is necessary to
regularly update this data to
inform LGAT policy, program
development and training
opportunities, and to maintain a current understanding of
the profile of elected members. The survey, which is
anonymous and takes around 10 minutes to complete, is
open until 28 February. To participate, go to, or contact LGAT
on (03) 6233 5966 for a hard copy.
Local Government Regional Breakfast
Series - Register Now!
The Local Government Association of Tasmania is pleased
to present its inaugural series of Regional Breakfasts to
provide elected members and council officers the
opportunity to interact in an informal and comfortable
setting. To kick off the series, the Minister for Planning and
Local Government, the Hon Peter Gutwein MP will share
his views on the challenges and future of Local
Government in Tasmania against a backdrop of major
planning reform, the commencement of conversations
on voluntary amalgamations and fiscal challenges facing
the State Government. The Regional Breakfasts, to be
held in Hobart (18 February), Ulverstone (26 February) and
Launceston (27 February), are proudly sponsored by Dial
Before You Dig, the Commonwealth Bank and Stornoway.
Cost is $55 (incl GST). For details, visit
Water Quality Investigations Continue
TasWater is continuing to investigate taste and odour
issues with the water supply reported across Hobart. Since
early January, TasWater has received around 236 reports
from different parts of the City and investigations have
been ongoing to determine the cause. In addition to
TasWater's regular sampling regime, 319 additional tests
have been carried out in the last five weeks where
complaints have been raised, along with localised
flushing. Routine testing of water in the distribution system
has consistently shown that the water meets national safe
drinking water standards and is safe to drink. TasWater
will continue to inform the public via their website at as the investigation continues.
Anyone experiencing odour or taste irregularities with their
water is encouraged to contact TasWater on 13 6992.
Fifth Federation Issues Paper Released
The fifth and final issues paper prepared as part of the Reform of the Federation White Paper process has been
released. The paper, COAG and Federal Financial Relations, looks at two aspects of Australia's intergovernmental
structure; the institutional framework in which intergovernmental relations are conducted, and the supporting
federal fiscal system. There is a dedicated focus on the Commonwealth-Local Government financial relationship
which looks at Local Government expenditure and responsibilities, revenue raising capacity and the level of grant
assistance from other levels of government. The issues paper can be accessed online at
State Grants Commission Hearings and Visits
The State Grants Commission has issued two discussion papers for 2015: DP15-01 – Review of Revenue Capacity in
the Base Grant Model and DP15-02 – Special Case Roads and an Information Paper IP15-01 – Status of current
Triennium Review, which detail the outcome of matters discussed with councils during the 2013 and 2014 hearings
and visits. Copies of the papers are available from
Written submissions on the discussion papers are due by 18 February. The 2015 hearings and visits are scheduled for
the: Southern Region (23-25 February); North-West Region (2-4 March); and Northern Region (23-25 March).
TasWater Invites Public Comment on Draft Report
TasWater faces a significant capital expenditure challenge to fix
ageing and non-performing water and sewerage infrastructure
across the State and looks forward to reviewing the detail in the
Economic Regulator’s Draft Report that has been published for
public comment. Interested members of the community, business
and stakeholders are encouraged to review the Draft Report at and provide written
submissions by 27 February.
Appointment to Tasmanian Spatial Information Council
Alex Crothers of Launceston City Council has been appointed for
a two-year term as the Local Government representative with the Tasmanian Spatial Information Council (TASSIC),
with Tony Ferrier of Kingborough Council as proxy. TASSIC was established in 2008 to provide a forum for increased
collaboration and cooperation between public, private and community sectors in the collection, maintenance and
the use of spatial information in Tasmania.
ICT Awards
The 2015 Excellence in eGovernment Awards, ICT Professional of the Year Award, and the ICT Young Professional of
the Year Award are now open for nomination. The awards are a great way of recognising and acknowledging the
projects of ICT teams and individuals, and to celebrate successes. Nominations close on 3 March. For further details,
phone (02) 6215 3060, or visit
Waste Reduction Grants
The City of Hobart is introducing a Waste Reduction Grant Program which is intended to provide funding to support
projects, services and innovations to increase resource recovery and lead to a significant reduction in waste going
to landfill. The aim of the program is to enable the City and community to work towards the goal of zero waste to
landfill. Council is looking for businesses and organisations to come up with innovative ways of reducing waste to
landfill. Funding of up to $5,000 may be provided to successful organisations. Visit
Watch My Waste!
British restaurants and cafes waste an average of 23% of the food purchased for the business. Wasted food is
wasted money and has huge environmental impacts. RMIT University is conducting research to measure food waste
in the hospitality sector in Australia. Participating businesses will measure their food waste over time with an easy-touse app and complete a business operations survey. Participating businesses will gain: a clear picture of the amount
of food wasted during different service periods; an average food waste volume for the Australian hospitality sector;
and the factors behind why food waste may be occurring in their business. This is expected to result in a reduction in
waste management costs and an improvement on the bottom line. Foodservice business owners, managers or
employees are invited to participate. Sign up at
Volunteer Telephone Crisis Support
Lifeline Tasmania is opening its 2015 intake for volunteers in the Hobart region wanting to become a Telephone Crisis
Supporter on the 13 11 14 crisis line. Successful applicants will undertake extensive training, make a commitment to
shifts and meet further selection criteria. This is to ensure volunteers are confident, skilled and able to provide
support to Lifeline’s Callers in their time of emotional distress and crisis. This type of volunteering can be very
rewarding. For further information, visit, or call (03) 6282 1500.
Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
Last Chance to Register for 2015 LGMA Tasmania Finance Conference
Local Government Managers Australia, in conjunction with CPA Tasmania, will present the 2015 Local Government
Finance Conference on 18 February, in Launceston. Speakers include: CPA Chief Auditor, Dr AJ Purcell; Phil Bayley
from the TCCI; and Tasmania's Deputy Auditor General, Ric De Santi. Book today at
Codes of conduct. Legal requirements. Policies. Guidelines.
With so many things to consider, making good, ethical decisions can be easier said than done when working in the
public sector. The Practical Ethics in the Public Sector workshop tackles these very issues and will be held from
9:30am - 1.00pm, on 24 February, in Hobart. Local Government employees are invited to attend. Cost is $65.00
(incl. GST). Registrations close on 18 February. For details, visit
Case Study on the MyState Australian Wooden Boats Festival
TAS ClubMEA invites LGAT members to attend a Case Study on the MyState Australian Wooden Boats Festival
(AWBF), presented by Event Director, Paul Cullen, from 4.00 - 5.00pm, on 18 February, in Hobart. Find out how Paul
approaches a task of this size and complexity, where the $1.2 million operating budget comes from and why the
AWBF attracts such remarkable community support. Discover the challenges the AWBF faces and how the
organisers will change to meet them. This is a behind-the-scenes look at strategy, logistics, marketing and more, with
fresh data from the 2015 event. For enquiries, contact Diane Byrne on 0412 327 451. Register at
The Role of the Chairman
On 26 February, Tasmania will be provided with a rare opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s leading company
directors, Graham Bradley AM FAICD as he visits Hobart to facilitate The Role of the Chairman course and then share
his views on the Contemporary Challenge of Leadership’over dinner at Glen Albyn Estate in Taroona. Benefit from
practical tools and expert knowledge at the half-day course, then unwind at this premier event in the evening.
Register online at, or phone (03) 6242 2200.
2015 International Women’s Day Breakfast
The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation will host the 2015 International Women’s Day Breakfast at Wrest
Point, Hobart from 6.30am, on 11 March, featuring special guest speaker, Her Excellency Professor the Honourable
Kate Warner AM, Governor of Tasmania. Tickets are $50 each, or $450 for a table of ten. All funds raised will support
local health and medical research. Book online at
Grants and Funding Workshop Series
Section51 is running a workshop series in Tasmania on grants and funding, aimed at giving you a powerful new
approach in seeking out opportunities to fund your vision and project. The workshop is presented in four parts
including: the different playing field for grants and funding for Tasmania as a result of recent political events;
writing applications in this context; navigating through funding agreements; and reporting. Workshops will be
held in Burnie (11 March), Launceston (12 March) and in Hobart (13 March). Cost is $450 (plus GST). For details,
visit, or contact Colin Steele on (02) 6162 2092, or 042 333 7563.
What's New on the LGAT Website & Extranet -
LGAT is currently in the process of moving our Professional Training and Development
information from the Extranet site to the LGAT public website, so keep an eye out for
development opportunities that suit you in 2015!
Don't forget to register for the upcoming Local Government Regional Breakfast Series
being conducted across Tasmania in February. To access the registration form, visit the
LGAT Home Page.
Local Government Events
Local Government Regional Breakfast Forum, Hobart
Local Government Regional Breakfast Forum, Ulverstone
Local Government Regional Breakfast Forum, Launceston
Elected Members’ Professional Development Weekend,
General Managers' Workshop, Freycinet
18 February
26 February
27 February
28 February – 1 March
11-12 March
Local Government Association of Tasmania
326 Macquarie Street, Hobart. GPO Box 1521, Hobart, TAS 7001
Ph: (03) 6233 5966 Fax: (03) 6233 5986 Email: