Sacred Heart Parish Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova


Sacred Heart Parish Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova
Sacred Heart Parish
Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova
2864 E. 96th Street
Chicago, IL 60617
Croatian Franciscan Friars
Fr. Stephen Bedeniković, O.F.M., Pastor
Email ........................................
Parish Website................
Parish Email .....................................
Rectory .......................................................(773) 768-1423
Fax ........................................................(773) 768-3750
Parish secretary office hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Convent: 2906 E. 96th Street ...................(773) 768-2583
School: 2926 E. 96th Street ...................(773) 768-3728
Fax ........................................................(773) 768-5034
Bulletin Notices Deadline ........................Monday evening
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
Saturday Evening ..................................... 4:30 PM
Sunday Morning ......... 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 (Croatian)
Holy Day Itself ........................ .8:00 AM, 7:00 PM
Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 AM
Saturday: 4:00 P.M. (Anytime upon request)
Make arrangements 6 months in advance.
Arrangements through Rectory one month in advance
Anointing of the Sick & Communion:
Notify the Rectory at any time.
Arrangements through Rectory (Ordinarily 9:30 A.M.)
Bl Alojzije Stepinac
15. VELJAČA 2015.
Liturgical Roles for Next Week
Sat. February 14
4:30 Joseph P. Farrell
by Perpie & Pam Budeselich
Sun., February 15—Sixth Sunday in Ordinary
8:00 For Parishioners
Za Župljane
Eleanor Bandera
Ann Marie Bulich
Mary Hrisinko
Mary Malcic (anniv.)
by Family
by Bruce Moran
by John Tumpich, Jr.
by Family
Vinko Beš
Luka i Zdravka Čuljak
Katarina Lajtman
Ilija Pavjlašević
Ante i Iva Vukojević
by Ivan Beš s obitelji
by Anka Dugandzić
by Kći Annie Cavar
by Mijić Family
by Jozo i Ljilja Vukojević
Mon., February 16—Weekday
8:00 George (Kedna) Jakovich by M/M Matt Dosen
Tues., February 17—Seven Holy Founders of Servite Order
8:00 Blaž & Mary Soldo
by Nevenka Soldo Family
Wed., February 18—Ash Wednesday
8:00 Charlie Kopilas
by M/M Mladen Lončar
7:00pm Joseph P. Farrell
by Nevenka Soldo Family
Thurs., February 19—Thursday after Ash Wednesday
8:00 Mildred Cullitan
by The Bandera Family
Fri., February 20—Friday after Ash Wednesday
8:00 Patricia Velgos
by Mary Oblon
7:00pm Way of the Cross/Križni Put
Sat., February 21—St. Peter Damian, bishop & dr. of church
4:30pm For Parishioners
Za Župljane
Saturday, February 21, 4:30 pm Lector: Carolyn Mulac
Eucharistic ministers:
Altar servers: Gerardo Esparza, Daniel Leanos,
Mikayla Ochoa
Sunday, February 22, 8:00 Lector: Margarita Silva
Eucharistic ministers: Nancy McGuire, Kathie Stelmaszek
Altar servers: Chenoa Mirelez, Jesse Mirelez,
Norlandio Mosqueda
9:30am Lector: Karen Pietrusinski
Eucharistic ministers: Felton Brown, John Kurylo
Altar servers: Carmen Esparza, Cesar Sanchez,
Saul Verdi
11:00 a.m. Lector: Vesna Marušić
Eucharistic ministers: Ivan Lešina, Ante Mihaljević
Altar servers: Kornelia Mordrušić, Marcela Modrušić,
Website Župe Srce Isusova: Sada naše župna
ima website tako da možete biti informirani o
događajima u našoj župnoj zajednici. Sada
možete i vidjet naš tjedni buletin, misne
intencije, raspored za one koji služe oko oltara i
sve najnovije vijesti. Naša web adresa je
Please visit our parish website and get all the
news and the activities in the parish
community. You can also see our weekly bulletin
where you can find the Mass intentions,
Liturgical Schedule and much, more.
website number is www,sacredheartcroatian,org.
We like to welcome into the Family of God: YASMINE CONNIE CERVANTES, daughter of Rudy
and Stacy (Garcia) Cervantes who received the Sacrament of Baptism in our Church.
Sun., February 22—First Sunday of Lent
8:00 John Krillich
by Joe & Dolores Papach
Helen Anzalone
Frank Hrisinko
by M/M Mike Witkowski
by Daughter
Pokojne Beš Obitelji
Johnny Grbavac
Mara Lončar
Slavko Rajić
Ana Todorić
by Andrija Beš s obitelji
by Family
by Djeca s obitelji
by Obitelji Rajić
by Ivan Lešina s obitelji
Last Sunday’s Collection
8:00 am:
10:00 am:
11:00 am:
Mailed In:
Caritas: $108.00
Thank you!
TODAY: 2015 ARCHDIOCESAN ANNUAL CATHOIC APPEAL with in-pew pledge process at all the Masses.
TUESDAY: 6:30pm—Altar and Rosary Society meeting.
ASH WEDNESDAY: Mass and distribution of ashes will be
at 8:00am and 7:00pm (English and Croatian)
FRIDAY: 7:00pm—Way of the Cross and Benediction in
FASTING & ABSTINENCE: Catholics of age 14 and
older are to abstain from meal on Ash Wednesday,
Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent. In addition, on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics from age 18 to
59 are to fast, limiting themselves to one full meal and
two smaller meals each day.
ALMSGIVING: Moved by the sacrifice of Christ, many
Christians combine almsgiving with fasting, giving to
the poor, the money they save by eating, drinking or
buying less as they rely more upon God’s grace. There
are LENTEN FOLDERS available at the entrance of the
church for this purpose where you can put each day of
Lent, some money for the poor. We will collect the
folders on Good Friday.
PRAYER: Catholics are encourage to pray more during
Lent, especially with Scripture or other Lenten
devotions We will have The Way of the Cross and
Benediction at 7:00pm on Wednesdays in English and
on Fridays in Croatian.
LENT is also a time to receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation (Confession) in preparation for the
celebration of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection.
Croatian Catholic Youth of North
America—come to the YOUTH RALLY
July 3-5 in Norval, Ontario Canada at
the Croatian Franciscan Center. All, from
the ages of 16 to 30 are invited to this event to share
and celebrate their faith in Jesus Christ. The 3
Croatian parishes plan to have a bus traveling to this
event. You can get the registration form from the
parish office. The cost for the event is 100 CAD.
Please register by April 1st.
If you would like to receive your Church donation for
2014 for tax purposes, please sign up at the entrance of
the church.
Croatian Religious Program is now at 12:00 noon
on station 750 AM.
02-17—Altar Rosary meeting at 6:30pm
02-18—Ash Wednesday—Lent begins
02-24—Parish Council meeting—6:30pm
02-27—Fish Fry in parish hall
20 GRAND RAFFLE: Top Prize is $5,000.00. Each
ticket is $100.00 and only 200 tickets being sold. You
can get the tickets after Mass or at the parish office.
Club Poljica is sponsoring its annual BAKALAR
DINNER on Saturday, March 7th at St. Jerome
Parish Hall. For tickets please contact Terese at 773768-4210.
BEGINS: Many of our parishioners, either have or soon will
receive a mailing from Archbishop Blasé Cupich. He will ask
you to make a pledge to the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal.
The Appeal funds the operations of the Archdiocese, funds
many social services and services that are of need to
ministries to parishes. Our parish goal for the appeal is
$10,561.00. When our parish reaches its goal, 100% of the
additional funds received will be returned to us for use in
our parish. Please prayerfully consider a pledge to the 2015
Annual Catholic Appeal. If you received your pledge form in
the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to
Mass any time. For those who did not receive a mailing, we
will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all the Masses on
Feb. 8th and Feb. 15th and the following weeks as well.
The Archdiocese has asked us to introduce a new way of
giving to our parish. We have in the Christmas mailings,
sent information about the electronic giving (GIVE
CENTRAL) where you can set up automatic withdrawals and
make your contribution to our parish on a regular basis.
You have full control on how much and how often you would
like to make the donation. It will make it easier for you, you
do not have to worry about writing checks or having cash
available and you can save on postage. If you need help
signing up, please contact us. We will also have weekends
where you can sign up in the lobby of the church. Please
respond as soon as you can. We also hope to set up this ear,
on our web-site for you to make a donation to the church.
This would be of great help to the church of assuring us of a
regular flow of income.
PRIJATELJI ORCHESTRA is having its Annual
Concert Saturday, March 14 at Argo Community High
School—Concert ($15) at 5:00pm - Dinner Dance ($25
with cash bar) at VFW Hall after Concert.
East Side Little Registration for 2015 Season at Rowan
Park on the following dates Feb. 15, 21, 22, 28 and March 1
from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The registration fee is $200 for the
first child, $100 for the second, and $80 for each additional
child. T-Ball is $75.00 per child. New and returning players
must bring original birth certificate and 3 proofs of address.
APPEAL. Oni koji nisu dobili poštom ili ispunili prošle nedjelje možete ispunit kartu u crkvi.
UTORAK: 6:30pm - Oltarsko Društvo ima sastanak.
SRIJEDA: ČISTA SRIJEDA ili Pepelnica! Svete Mise sa
pepeljanjem bit će u 8:00 sati u jutro i 7:00 sati na večer.
Večernja misa bit će Englesko-Hrvatska tako da svi možete doći na sv. Misu te sudjelovati u obredu pepeljanja.
ČETVRTAK: Nema Bingo.
PETAK: Križna put i blagoslov s Presvetim bit će u 7:00
sati navečer—Hrvatski:
Svi katolici stariji od 14 godina dužni su postiti i
ne mrsiti se na čitu srijedu, Veliki Petak te sve
petke tijekom korizme. Svi katolici između 18-te i
59-te godine života trebali bi na Čistu Srijedu i
Veliki Petak uzdržati se od prekomjernog jela tako
da se samo jedan put na jedu do sita a dva druga
puta po malo.
Tijekom korizme svatko od nas trebao bi se
žrtvovati te dati svoju pomoć za gladne i
beskućnike. Znati se odreći neke svoje navike da
bi se pridonijelo dobru drugoga velik je stvar.
Svaka naše obitelj ili pojedinci imaju priliku uzeti
LENTEN FOLDERS, u koji će moći staviti svaki dan
po 25 centi za sirotnju. Ti vaši darovi kupit će se
na Veliki Petak i od tih vaših darova kupit će se
hrana za sirotinju i bijednike.
Svaki kršćanin trebao bi pojačati osobnu molitvu
tijekom korizmenih dan. Mi ćemo u našoj župi
imati svake srijeda i petka Put Križa te blagoslov s
Presvetim u 7:00 sati navečer. Put Križa na
hrvatskom jeziku bit će petkom u 7:00 sati na
večer. Molimo Vas da dođete u što većem broju.
20 GRAND RAFFLE: Bogota Lutrija,
Prva Nagrada $5,000.00, samo 200
lutrija se prodaje— svaka po $100.00
12:00pm subotom i Hrvatski Radio Program
(Mile Perković) u 12:3pm. Kanal 750 AM.
02-17—Oltarske Društva ima sastanak u 6:30pm
02-24—Župno viječe ima sastanak—6:30pm
Klub Poljica priređuje Bakalar Večeru 7. ožujka u
dvorani Sv. Jeronima. Za više informacije nazovite
Terese Želković 773-768-4210.
Dragi Župljani, Svjesni smo činjenice da su s
vremenom doprinosi u župnu blagajnu opali.
Nadbiskupija nas je zamolila da vas upoznamo s
novim načinom dostavljanja vaše pomoći župi. Primili
ste sve potrebne informacija o tzv. elektroničnom
dostavljanju milostinje (GIVE CENTRAL). Vi ćete sa
svojom bankom moći urediti da ona s vašeg
bankovnog računa redovno dostavlja vaš nedjeljni
dar župi. Nad tim ćete imati potpunu kontrolu koliko
i kako često ćete dati milodar. Time ćemo vam
olakšati, nećete se morati brinuti oko pisanja čekova,
niti se brinuti o novcu u gotovini, imate li ga dovoljno
uza se ili nemate. A oni koji inače šalju svoj dar
poštom, uštedjet će na poštarini. Ako imate problema
upisati se nazovite župni ured. Imat ćemo osobe na
ulazu crkve koje vam mogu pomoć. Nadamo se da
ćemo u idućoj godini i preko župne ‘’web stranice’’
omogućiti vam dostavljanje milostinje župi. Ovo će i
za župu biti velika olakšica, jer će nova stizati
redovno u njenu riznicu.
Pozivamo Hrvatsku mladež od 16 godina do 30 na
MLADIFEST od 3. do 5. srpnja u Norvalu Kanada
Hrvatsko Franjevačko Središte. Jeste li spremni
pokušati nešto drugo kako bi podijelili i proslavili
svoju vjeru u Isusa Krista. U planu imamo
organizirat autobus Čikaški Hrvatski župa. Upisnicu
možete nabavit u župnom uredu. Uplata je 100 CAD.
Morate uplatit do 1. travnja.
Ako netko od vas treba potvrdu za porez, u vezi
donacije za crkvu možete slobodno javiti u naš
ured ili upisati svoje ime na listu koja se nalazi na
ulazu crkvu.
Brzo započinje 2015 ARCHDIOCESAN ANNUAL
CATHOLIC APPEAL. Obraćenje Nadbiskupije u
Chicagu katolicima za novčanu pomoć. Vaša
pomoć pomaže katolički odgoj i programe za
sirotinju u nadbiskupiji. Nadbiskupija je odredila
iznos koji svaka župa treba ostvariti. Visina iznosa
koji trebamo prikupiti za naše župu je $10,561.00.
Ako prikupimo više od toga, župa će dobiti povrat
novca od 100% ukupljenoga. Ako ste dobili poštom
za Appeal, možete vratit vaš dar poštom ili
donesite iduće Nedjelje u crkvu. Oni koji nisu
dobili poštom možete ispunit kartu u crkvi i 15.
15. VELJAČA 2015.
Kako se uvjeriti da me
Bog ipak Voli?
Ako je način suodnosa i otvorenosti drugima, spolnost ima za
svoj nutarnji cilj—ljubav. Još točnije: ljubav kao darivanje i prihvaćanje, kao davanje i primanje.
ŽUPNIKOVA Odnos između muškarca i žene u
svojoj je biti odnos ljubavi. Kada se
takva ljubav ostvaruje u ženidbi, u
braku, onda sebedarje preko tijela izriče komplementarnost
i cjelovitost dara.
Bračna ljubav stoga postaje snagom koja obogaćuje
osobe i daje im rasti te istodobno pridonosi gajenju civilizacije ljubavi. Kada, tomu nasuprot, nedostaje smisao i značenje dara u spolnosti, tada ulazi ‘’civilizacija stvari’’ a ne
‘’osoba’’, civilizacija u kojoj se osobe rabe kao što se rabe
predmeti Unutar civilizacije uživanja žena može postati
predmetom za muškarca a djeca za roditelje zapreka. No,
spolnost je i vrelo radosti i zadovoljstva: ‘Čini kojima se
supruzi međusobno u čistoj intimnosti sjedinjuju jesu časni
i dostojni. Kad se vrše na doista ljudski način, izražavaju i
produbljuju međusobno darivanje, kojim su supruzi, u radosnoj zahvalnosti, uzajamno obogaćuju… Sam Stvoritelj… je
odredio da u tom posvemašnjem fizičkom darivanju supružnici osjećaju užitak i zadovoljstvo tijela i duha. Supružnici,
dakle, ne čine ništa zlo tražeći taj užitak i uživajući u njemu
Oni prihvaćaju sve što im je Stvoritelj namijenio. Ipak, supružnici moraju znati držati se granica prave umjerenosti’’,
uči Katekizam, koji navodi da se sjedinjenjem supružnika
ostvaruje dvostruki cilj ženidbe. Na prvome mjestu navodi
dobro samih supružnika, na istoj razini je otvorenost novom životu.
Ako ste pred Bogom sigurni da ste zahtjev odgovornog
roditeljstva ispunili, onda potražite one oblike uzajamne
bračne nježnosti u kojima nećete vi morati stvarati umjetne
zapreke mogućem novom život. Ispovjednik Vam je ispravno rekao da je grijeh služiti se kondomima, ali nije imao
pravo biti grub da se vi—kako pišete ‘ ‘’više ne osjećate
dobro’’ jer Bog Vas, ako i pogriješite, ipak neizmjerno voli.
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
Courtship, not cohabitation,
best prepares for marriage
(by Fr. John Mayo)
Q. What does the Church teach about
unmarried couples living together?
Cohabitation, or living together, is the
relationship between a man and a woman
who live in the same household and are
sexually active. The U.S. Census Bureau
reported recently that the number of
cohabiting couples climbed last year from
6.7 million in 2009 to 7.5 million in 2010.
Couples who cohabitate often cite wanting a testing
period before they are married, wanting to save money on
living expenses and being happier than if living separately.
The Church, as a good mother, hears this desire from
her children. At the same time she hears this desire, she
must balance it against the teachings of Christ and what has
tended to bring true happiness among the saints. Thus, as
sensible as these reasons may seem, the Church does not
see them or any other reason as a basis under which
couples may morally cohabitate.
When a couple cohabitates, they form a union that has little or
no commitment on either's part. As easily as they moved in
together can they split apart. Studies have shown that couples who
cohabitate before marriage divorce at a 50-percent higher rate than
non-cohabiting couples, report less satisfaction in their marriage
and experience greater issues in communicating with one another.
Cohabitation misses what Christian marriage truly is and
how it can help the couple to live together. Marriage is not just
about a ceremony to express the couple’s commitment to one
another. Rather, a person comes to marriage out of a desire to
love, which God has placed on his or her heart. In the Sacrament of
Marriage, God grants an increase to the love the couple has
for themselves and for one another. He makes it more like
His love; total, complete, embracing the whole person and
ready to forgive.
The false expectation cohabiting couples live under also
extends to sex. When a couple engages in the marital act, they
are saying to one another that they are giving themselves to the
other totally, completely and irrevocably. Also, the couple says
to one another, and to God, that they are open to any new life
that may result from their union. Cohabiting couples fail to meet
this language the marital act proposes.
The best preparation for marriage is not cohabitation, but
courtship. That is, for a couple to continue to go out
frequently and spend time with one another, developing and
deepening their union with one another, their communication
and their love for one another. Such a preparation will leave
them well disposed on their wedding day to
receive the graces God offers to them so that
they can live their marriage filled with love
and many blessed years.