Sacred Heart Parish Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova 2864 E. 96th Street


Sacred Heart Parish Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova 2864 E. 96th Street
Sacred Heart Parish
Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova
2864 E. 96th Street
Chicago, IL 60617
Croatian Franciscan Friars
Fr. Stephen Bedeniković, O.F.M., Pastor
Parish Website…………
Parish Email………………………
Rectory ....................................................... (773) 768-1423
Fax .......................................................... (773) 768-3750
Parish secretary office hours Mon-Fri 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
2906 E. 96th St. ...................... (773) 768-2583
2926 E. 96th St. ....................... (773) 768-3728
Fax .......................................................... (773) 768-5034
Bulletin Notices........................ Deadline Monday evening.
NOVEMBER 16, 2014
Saturday Evening .................................... 4:30 P.M
Sunday Morning ....... ..8:00, 9:30, 11:00 (Croatian)
On the Holy Day Itself ........ .8:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M.
Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 A.M.
Saturday: 4:00 P.M. (Any time upon request)
Make arrangements 6 months in advance.
Arrangements through Rectory one month in advance.
Anointing of the Sick & Communion:
Notify the Rectory at any time.
Arrangements through Rectory (Ordinarily 9:30 A.M.)
Archbishop Cupich Coat of Arms
16. STUDENI 2014.
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
—2 —
Liturgical Roles for Next Week
Sat., November 15
4:30pm For Parishioners
Za Župljane
Sun., November 16—Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Anthony Jurincie
by Family
William Cruz
Jocelyn Estrada
Catherine Musa
by Family
by SH School
by The Maras Family
Anusić Pokojne
Rudolf Jurković
Janja Kožul (godišnji)
Marija Stepančić
by Nada Anusić
by Andrija Beš s obitelji
by Kći Milka
by Iva Alilović
Mon., November 17—St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
8:00 Margaret (Pat) Baron by Family
Tues., November 18—St. Rose Philipine Duchesne
8:00 Tillie Quinn
by SH School Staff
Wed., November 19—St. Agnes of Assisi
8:00 Jesus Aguado (anniv.) by Family
Thurs., November 20—Weekday
8:00 John Melvan
by Steffi Magnavite
Fri., November 21—Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 Marija Stosić
by Lucija Čačić
Saturday, November 22, 4:30 p.m. Lector: Margarita Cruz
Eucharistic ministers:
Altar servers: Gerardo Esparza, Marisol Estrada,
Daniel Reyes
Sunday, November 23, 8:00 a.m., Lector: Carolyn Mulac
Eucharistic ministers: Dolores Franko, Nancy McGuire
Altar servers: Cesar Sanchez, Sebastian Solis,
Saul Verdi
9:30 a.m. Lector: Karen Pietrusinski
Eucharistic ministers: Julianne Flores, Elizabeth Sierra
Altar servers: Alyssa Aguero, Tiffanie Aguero,
Cordelia Vazquez
11:00 a.m. Lector: Neda Markotić
Eucharistic ministers: Ante Mihaljević, Veselka Rajič
Altar servers: Kornelia Modušić, Marcela Modrušić,
Please visit our parish website and get all the
latest news and the activities in the parish
community. You can also see our weekly bulletin where you can find the Mass intentions,
Liturgical Schedule and much more. Our website number is
Website Župe Srce Isusova: Sada naše župna
ima website tako da možete biti informirani o
događajima u našoj župnoj zajednici. Sada
možete i vidjet naš tjedni buletin, misne intencije, raspored za one koji služe oko oltara i sve
Sun., Nov. 23—Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
najnovije vijesti. Naša web adresa je
8:00 Rose Ciechanowski (anniv.) by M/M Matt Dosen
9:30 Helen Anzalone
by M/M Michael Behun
Ann Marie Bulich
by Manda Dosen
Frank Hrisinko
by Daughter
Last Sunday’s Collection
Patricia Velgos
by Milan Straka
Sat., Nov. 22—St. Cecelia, virgin and martyr
2:00pm Quinceaneras—Maribel & Melinda Estrada
4:30pm For Parishioners
Za Župljane
Joseph Enzo Čačić
by M/M Jure Prkić
John i Danica Horvat by Božo i Milka Lončar
Marija Stepančić
by Mile i Marica Čačić
Jozo Zovko
by Kristina Čuvalo
Thank you!
TODAY: Arts and Crafts Fair in our parish hall from
8:00am to 2:00pm. There will be raffles, food and
crafts. Come and enjoy all the wonderful crafts.
TUESDAY: 6:30pm—Altar and Rosary Society meeting.
THURSDAY: 6:30pm—BINGO in our parish hall. Come
and help our school by playing bingo and you can win
some money.
NEXT SUNDAY: There will be a second collection for the
Catholic Campaign for Human Development. CCHD
was established by the nation’s Catholic bishops 37
years ago to combat the root causes of poverty. “Your
contribution to CCHD becomes a powerful force in enabling the poor and low-income people to achieve great
dignity and to build God’s kingdom of justice and peace
today” (Archbishop Blasé Cupich). Please be generous in
your donation.
the families of our parish to participate in lighting
the Advent Wreath candles. Please sign up in the
vestibule of the church
ANGEL TREE: We again are participating
the Christmas Salvation Army Angel Tree
Program for poor children. In the lobby of
the church, on the Christmas tree you
will find tags with a child’s name, gender
and age. Please take a tag, purchase an appropriate
give and return the unwrapped gift by Dec. 7th.
SANTA prepared by the Sacred Heart School Assn.
All are invited for a wonderful breakfast after all the
Masses and a visit with Santa.
Saturday, December 13th we will
celebrate the Feast of our Lady of
Guadalupe. Our celebration will begin
with a special Mass at 5:00pm. We
are inviting our parish and school
children to be part of the procession
bringing flowers to Our Lady and
dressing up with a traditional
costume of their own heritage Our
Lady is the Mother of the Americas and we would
like to represent as many cultures as possible. After
Mass everyone is invited to our parish hall for a
refreshments. Come join us! Free admission. Please
contact Mrs. Veronica Verdi, 773-456-8586 if you
are interested in participating in the procession.
11-20—Bingo in our parish hall
11-27—Thanksgiving Day
11-29—Alumni Dinner Dance—parish hall
12-07—Breakfast with Santa—parish hall
MARKET DAY: Please help our school by purchasing first quality food for your family and save
money at the same time. Order forms are at the
entrance of the church. Please return the order
forms by Wednesday, November 26th and the food
will be ready for pick up on Wednesday, December
3rd from 5:30 to 6:30pm in our parish hall.
100th Anniversary Sacred Heart School Mass,
Dinner and Dance. Dear Parishioners, School
Parents, Former Parishioners and School Alumni,
all are invited to the Mass, Dinner and Dance on
Saturday, November 29th. Mass at 4:30pm followed by the Dinner and Dance in the parish hall.
Tickets are $20.00 available in the parish office,
school office and school parents. For more information call 773-768-3728. Tickets also be obtained after all the Masses.
Masses in memory of your loved ones: If you
like to offer a Mass in memory of your loved ones
for an anniversary or any specific date, please
contact the parish office at east two months before
the desire date. The usual donation is $10.00. The
Mass book for 2015 is getting filled up quickly,
Sunday 9:30am and 11:00 Masses are multiintention Masses where we can have more than
one intention; all others are only one intention.
PLEASE HELP in decorating the
church with flowers for Christmas
through the Christmas flowers Offering. The envelopes for flowers
are in your pack of Church envelopes or you may use the ones at
the entrance of the church. Your
donation can be in memory of a loved ones, in
thanksgiving or a gift in someone’s name. Please
put your name and the names of those in whose
memory you are donating. You can put the envelopes in the Sunday collection basket
CHRISTMAS ALMSGIVING: Christmas is a time
of giving and sharing especially with the poor.
at the entrance of the church for this purpose
where you can put each day of Advent, some
money for the poor. We will collect the folders during the Christmas season.
DANAS: U našoj dvorani imat ćemo Arts amd Crafts Fair
od 8:00am do 2:00pm. Imat ćemo lutrija hrane i
Crafts (Ručni rad). Sve ste pozvani
SRIJEDA: 6:30pm—Oltarsko Društvo ima sastanak.
ČETVRTAK: 6:30pm— Bingo u našoj dvorani. Molimo
vas dođite na bingo i pomozite našoj župi.
SLIJEDEĆA NEDJELJE: Biti će druga milostinja za Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Katolički biskupi Amerike osnovali su ovaj program prije 37. godina
da pomognu sirotinji. Ovaj program pruža priliku da se
nauči neki zanat i tako mogu uzdržavat sami sebe. Kuverte su u buletinu. Molimo vas budite darežljivi
Tražimo obitelji naše župe koje bi sudjelovale na
početku Mise paliti Adventsku svijeću Nedjelje Došašća. Molimo vas upišite vaše ime na ulazu crkve.
ANGEL TREE: Sudjelovat ćemo u božićnoj akciji
Salvation Army pod nazivom Angel Tree, kako pi
pomogli siromašnoj djeci. Na božićnom drvetu u
predvorju crkve pronaći ćete cedulje s podacima
djeteta te djetetovom željom za Božić. Uzmite ceduljicu, kupite poklon za dijete i vratite najkasnije do 7. prosinca.
U nedjelju 7. prosinca Roditelji naše
župne škole priređuju doručak u našoj
dvorani i slikanje sa Sv. Nikonlom.
Dragi Župljani, Bivše Župljani Roditelji i Alumni
naše škole proslava Stogodišnjice škole Srce
Isusova održat će se svečanom misom, večerom i
plesom u subotu, 29. studenog. Misa u 4:30pm,
po tom slijedi večera i ples u župnoj dvorani. Ulaznice su $20.00. Za ostale informacije nazovite
773-768-3728. Svi ste pozvani.
MARKET DAY: I ove godine imamo prodaju hrane
koja je vrlo kvalitetna. Time zapravo pomažete našu
školu, jer dio prihoda od prodane hrane ide za našu
školu. Do 26. studeni možete ispuniti formu što
želite od hrane i vratiti to nazad i oni će donijeti
hrane koju možete uzeti 3. prosinac a od 5:30 do
6:30 sati poslije podne u našoj dvorani. Formu su
na ulazu crkve. Pomozimo naše školu.
Molimo vas da vratite crkvene knjige u klupe na
svoja mjesta tako da ostanu klupe čiste.
11-20—Bingo u našoj dvorani
11-17—Thanksgiving Day
11-29—Alumni Dinner Dance—parish hall
12-07—Dorčak u našoj dvorani.
MOLIMO VAS pomozite nam kupiti
cvijeće za našu crkvu na Božič.
Omotnice za Božićno cvijeće su sa
vašim crkvenim omotnicima ili možete ih naći na ulazu crkve. Vaš dar za cvijeće
može biti kao blaga uspomena za vaše pokojne
ili kao Božićni dar u ime vaše rodbine ili prijatelja. Na omotnice stavite imena vaše rodbine i
stavite ih u korpu sa nedjeljom milostinjom.
BOŽIĆNA MISOTINJA: Tijekom Došašća svatko od nas trebao bi se žrtvovati te dati svoju
pomoć za gladne i beskućnike. Svaka naša
obitelj ili pojedinci imaju priliku uzeti ADVENT
OFFERING FOLDERS, u koji će moći staviti svaki dan po 25 centi za sirotinju. Ti vaše darovi
kupit će se na Božić i od tih vaših darova kupit
će se hrana za sirotinju i bijednike.
Ako želite Svetu Misa za vaše pokojne, za godišnjicu ili druge posebne datume, upišite njihova
imena u župnom uredu prija nego su ti datum zauzeti. Knjiga za godine 2015 je u uredu. Dar ili misna nakana za Svetu Misu je $10.00.
22. studenoga
Sv. Cecilija—zaštitnica je crkvene glazbe i glazbenika. Kao mnogi životi svetaca prvih kršćanskih stoljeća, tako i život sv. Cecilija do
nas je došao preko legendi. Po njima je naša
svetica živjela u 3. st. u Rimu. Uspjela je svoga
supruga Valerijana raspoložiti te se i on krstio, a prihvatio je njenu odluku da žive u djevičanstvu. Otkrilo se da su kršćani, te su nakon
mučenja pogubljeni, a s njima i Valerijanov
brat Tiburcije. Legenda kaže da je za vrijeme
instrumenti’’, ona je ‘’u srcu pjevala samo
Gospodinu’’, što je ljude Crkve potaklo da Ceciliju istaknu za zaštitnicu crkvene glazbe. Pokopana je u Kalistovim katakombama i to na
počasnom mjestu, už ‘’kriptu papa’’.
To je
znak da je bila vrlo cijenjena u kršćanskoj zajednici.
• Djevica Cecilija vazda je u svom srcu nosila
Kristovo evanđelje, ni danju ni noću nije
prestajala o Bogu govoriti i njemu se moliti.
16. STUDENI 2014
Novi Čikaški Nadbiskup Cupic
Ponosan je na Svoje Hrvatske Korijene
Papa Franjo imenovao je biskupa Blasea J. Cupicha novim
nadbiskupom Chicaga, a na atome mjestu naslijedit će kardinala
Francis Eugenea Georgea. ImenoŽUPNIKOVA
vanje je objavio 20. rujna u
Washingtonu nadbiskup Carlo Maria Vigana, apostolski nuncij u
SAD-u. Novoimenovani nadbiskup Blase J. Cupich hrvatskog je podrijetla. Oba su mu roditelja djeca hrvatskih useljenika koji su se početkom 20 stoljeća doselili
iz Hrvatske u SAD. Obje obitelji pripadale su hrvatskoj
župi sv. Petra i Pavla u Omahi. Rođen je 19. ožujka
1949. u Omahi, Nebraska, u obitelji u kojoj je bilo devetero djece. Za svećenika je zaređen 1975. godine, a
za biskupa 1998. Od 2010. godine bio je biskup biskupije Spokane. Ravnatelj je Ureda a pomoć Katoličkoj
crkvi u Ureda za pomoć Katoličkoj crkvi u Središnjoj i
Istočnoj Europi pri Biskupskoj konferenciji Sjedinjenih
Američkih Država. Više puta pohodio je Hrvatsku, a
posljednji put u ožujku ove godine kada je posjetio nekoliko hrvatskih biskupija te mu je tom prigodom kardinal Josip Bozanić uručio spomen-medalju Zagrebačke
nadbiskupe s likom blaženih pastira Augustina Kažotića i Alojzije Stepinca. Hrvatska zajednica u Chicagu
oduševljene je novoimenovani nadbiskup hrvatskoga
podrijetla, rekao je što je kustos hrvatskih franjevaca
za Ameriku i Kanadu fra Jozo Grbeš. ‘’Nakon što smo
na području Chicaga prisutni više od 175 godina, sada
imamo novoga nadbiskupa koji je vrlo ponosan na svoje hrvatske korijene’’, rekao je Grbeš američkim medijima. Na tiskovnoj konferenciji u Chicagu u subotu ujutro novinari u novoimenovanog nadbiskupa pitali o njegovu hrvatskom podrijetlu na što je on odgovorio da se
veseli susretu s hrvatskom zajednicom u Chicagu.
Na području Chicaga živi više od 250.000 vjernika
hrvatskog podrijetla, a u najmanje tri katolička župe
služi se mise na hrvatskome jeziku, stoji u knjizi
‘’Croatians of Chicagoland’’ Marije Dugandžić-Pasić.
Ustoličenje novog nadbiskupa bit će 18 studenoga
u katedrali u Chicagu.
NOVEMBER 16, 2014
Coat of Arms of the New Archbishop
Blasé Joseph Cupich
While the preceding sets the scene surrounding the Corporation Sole at the midpoint
of an unprecedented transition, it’s a special
treat to give the first look at what’ll soon be
placed over the new Archbishop’s spot in Holy
Name itself—the arms of the Ninth
Archbishop of Chicago, featuring Cupich’s
small but deeply significant change to the shield he employed in his
earlier incarnations as bishop of Rapid City and Spokane.
Now “wedded” to the Chitown seal and adorned with the metropolitan insignia, the full explanation is given below by the
crest’s designer, the venerable Paul J. Sullivan, a deacon of the
diocese of Providence: The archiepiscopal heraldic achievement,
or archbishop’s coat of arms, is composed of a shield, that is the
central and most important part of the design and tells to whom
the design belongs, the external ornamentation, that tells the
owner’s position or rank, and a motto, placed upon a scroll. By
heraldic tradition the design is described (blazoned) as if being
done by the bearer with the shield being worn on the arms. Thus,
where it applies the terms “sinister” and “dexter” are reversed as
the design is viewed from the front. For the bishop of a diocese
who serves as leaders of an ecclesiastical province, called a
“Metropolitan Archbishop,” the left side of the shield is given over
to the arms of his jurisdiction; the arms of his diocese.
The arms of the diocese, the Archdiocese of Chicago, are
composed of a golden (yellow) field on which is displayed a bird
coming forth from a ball of flames, known as a phoenix, relating
to ancient mythology where the bird arose anew from the ashes,
is symbolic of the great City of Chicago that arose anew from the
catastrophic fire of October 8, 1871. On the breast of the phoenix
is the monogram of the Holy Name, the IHS, in gold (yellow) recalling that the Cathedral-church of the See City is dedicated to
the Holy Name of Jesus. On each of the wingtips of the phoenix is
a gold (yellow) fleur-de-lis a form of lily often associated with
French heritage, to honor the French missionaries, Joliet and
Marquette, who brought the Faith to the region of Chicago.
For his personal arms, seen in the dexter impalement of the
design, Archbishop Cupich, has retained the arms, with some
modifications, that were adopted upon his selection to receive the
fullness of Christ’s most holy Priesthood, when he became bishop
of the Diocese of Rapid City, in South Dakota.
The upper portion of the Archbishop’s personal arms is composed of a blue field on which are displayed a simple crozier
(bishop’s staff) in gold (yellow) that is placed upon two silver
white) lighted candles. The candles honor the Archbishop’s Baptismal patron, on who’s feast day, throats are blessed with candles being held in a crossed position. These candles, joined with
the crozier for a “Chi-Rho,” the Greek letters ’XP,” that are the
first two letters of the name Christ in Greek. The blue field on
which these charges are displayed is to honor Mary, the “parting
gift of Christ” to the church universal (Preface from the Mass of
the Feast of Mary, Mother of God).
(to be continued)