Kristus, kralj življenja
Kristus, kralj življenja
SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 44/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23. 11. 2014 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM - KRUSTUS KRALJ 34TH SUNDAY IN O.T. CHRIST THE KING Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ Kristus, kralj življenja S praznikom Kristusa Kralja zaključujemo cerkveno leto. Mislimo tudi na konec svojega življenja in zaključek zgodovine, ko bo Kristus stopil pred ljudstva kot zmagovalec nad zlom in plačnik dobrega. Vsaka stvar in vsak človek bo dobil svoje večnostno mesto. Dobrota vsakogar bo ovekovečena. Upajmo, da bo zlo v nas po božjem odrešenju in usmiljenju prej odstranjeno. Nihče, prav nihče pa ne bo ušel pravični božji sodbi. Cerkev torej zaključuje svoje leto tako, da gleda v večnost, kamor je usmerjena. Prerok Ezekijel predstavi Boga kot dobrega pastirja: »Glej, jaz sam bom skrbel za svoje ovce in bom gledal nanje.« Bog torej z vso svojo božansko ljubeznijo in zvestobo išče vsakega človeka. Zato njegovo veselje ni v zapuščanju kogarkoli ali njegovem obsojanju, pač pa v reševanju. Zelo je razširjena miselnost o Bogu stare zaveze, ki naj bi bil samo sodnik ali maščevalec, a najdemo toliko lepih in celo nežnih izrazov božje ljubezni in skrbi za človeka: »lzgubljene poiščem, razkropljene pripeljem nazaj, ranjene obvežem, bolne pokrepčam.« V drugem berilu apostol Pavel gleda Vstalega kot tistega, ki bo zaključil zgodovino tako, da bo človeštvo privedel k Bogu Očetu. Pavel govori o tistih, ki bodo ob koncu sveta Kristusovi, kar predpostavlja, da nekateri ne bodo. Kristusovi pa moramo biti že v tem življenju, če hočemo, da bomo taki tudi ob koncu. Zlo ali pomanjkanje dobrega je edina ovira človeku in njegovi poti k Bogu in dokončnemu zmagoslavju. Kristusova mogočna prilika o koncu sveta in sodbi nas vedno znova preseneča. Kaj vse bi pričakovali kot merilo dobrega ali zla pri vsakem človeku! Jezus pa vse poenostavi ali poenoti v eno samo, tisto svojo veliko zapoved Ijubezni do sočloveka, ki je enaka največji zapovedi ljubezni do Boga. Tudi samega sebe ob koncu sveta gleda kot pastirja, ki ločuje ovce od kozlov. Zato mirne duše rečemo: kjer je ljubezen, tam je Bog. Kjer je ni, tudi Boga ne more biti, pa če še tako neka stvar izgleda verska ali sveta ali pobožna. Gospodar zgodovine! Pred teboj stojimo takšni, kot smo: majhni, vase zagledani, sebični. Očiščuj nas, dokler je čas. L ONDON -T RIGLAV Pizziga in Gabriella Noordink (Pizziga), 3. Cveto Križnič in Melinda Harrisym. Četitke V nedeljo, 16. novembra smo imeli pri društvu Tirglav v Londonu sveto mašo, nato pa vsem, ki so se udeležili turnirja! so organizirali še tekmovanje v balinanju. Ker vreme ni primerno za blalinanje zunaj, so ga izpeljali kar v dvorani. Kljub temu, da tlak dovrane ni popolnoma raven, je večina sodelujočih že navajena, da je treba preračunat tudi koliko bo krogla na poti zavila v stran tako je igra še bolj zanimiva in tudi težka. Zmagovalci turnirja v balinanju so naslednji: 1. Peter Sitar in Ervino Pizziga, 2. Norma 378 | VESTNIK 2014 Miklavž lansko leto MIKLAVŽ PRIHAJA: 7. DECEMBRA 2014 Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamiltonu vljudno vabi na Miklavževanje v nedeljo 7. decembra, 2014. Ta dan bo sv. maša SAMO ob 10:00 a.m. Po maši pa do kosila bo film za otroke. Ob 12:00 bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da za rezervacije kosila čimprej pošljete email Sandy Allen na ali pokličete Jenny Antolin na (905) 664-5980. St. Nicholas will soon bee visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 7, 2014. After the 10:00am Mass there will be a children's movie from 11:00am to 12:00pm. A delicious lunch will be served at 12:00 noon, after which St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Allen at (905) 548-0889. If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. ISKRENA ZAHVALA, v imenu slovenske župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega, ADAMU NOVAKU in delavcem, ki so od spomladi do jeseni ZASTONJ urejali okolico naše cerkve. To je lep prispevek za cerkev. Naj jih še naprej spremljata božji blagoslov in varstvo božje Matere Marije pri njihovem delu! VESTNIK 2014 | 379 D ISCERNMENT R ETREATS IN D ECEMBER Have you thought about the priesthood or religious life? If you would like to learn how to listen to God’s call in your own life, and how to follow that call in your own vocational discernment, then this retreat is for you. Open to people 18 year old and older: December 5-7 (for women) and December 12-14 (for men). To register or to find out more visit and click on the "Discernment Retreat" tab. H EALING M ASS FOR T HOSE M OURNING THE L OSS OF A C HILD Losing a child is a painful and life-altering experience for parents, grandparents and other family members. The feeling of loss, regardless of the amount of time that has passed, is often more profound during the Christmas season. A Diocesan Healing Mass, meant to bring hope to all those trying to cope with such grief, is planned at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King for Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 4 pm. Any one who has lost a child of any age from any cause, including those that have lost a child prior to birth, or who have had a still birth are invited to this Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel Miehm. God is close to those who mourn, come and experience His healing presence. Registration is preferred, but not necessary, as it will assist us in knowing how many spaces to reserve and to ensure we have enough of the small memento each family will receive. Please call Lena at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249, or register at: A DVENT H YMN F ESTIVAL FOR P EACE His Excellency Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI invites you to join him at the cathedral Basilica of Christ the King on Sunday December 7, 2014 at 7 p.m. for an Advent Hymn Festival for Peace. A freewill collection will be taken for the Good Shepherd’s Annual Christmas Dinner. Come and sing for joy! 380 | VESTNIK 2014 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. First Reading Ezekiel 34:11-12. 15-17 Today’s reading follows the prophet’s stinging words of indictment against the leaders of Israel who had failed in their responsibility for God’s people. These leaders were focused on their own political agenda and personal gain; the Lord, in contrast, is a good shepherd. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:20-26. 28 Paul presents a powerful picture of Christ as Lord. Christ is presented as the ruler to whom every other power and authority must eventually give way. Gospel Matthew 25:31-46 A description of the last judgement where God’s people are judged according to how well they followed Christ in demonstrating compassion and love in their lives. “The King will answer, ‘I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.’” Illustration Oscar Wilde’s story The Happy Prince describes a young prince who lived a secluded and affluent life. When he died, his subjects erected a statue of him covered with gold leaves, with two sapphires for eyes and a red ruby on the handle of his sword. One night a little swallow landed on the base of the statue to rest. He felt a few drops of rain fall on him. Looking up, he saw that the statue was crying. “Why are you crying?” asked the swallow. “When I was alive I saw no suffering,” said the prince, “but now I see much unhappiness in the world and I would like to help, but I cannot move my feet.” The swallow agreed to be his messenger. “There is a mother tending a sick child who has no money for a doctor,” said the prince, “take the ruby from my sword.” With the ruby, the woman had her child treated. The next night the prince asked the swallow to take one of the sapphires to a little girl in the town square. She had sold no matches all day and was in danger of being beaten when she got home. The next task was to take the gold leaves and deliver them to needy people throughout the city. The swallow did all he was asked to do until one night the statue had no leaves left. The night was freezing and the next morning the swallow was found dead at the base of the statue. The prince had given away all he had with the help of his faithful messenger. Gospel Teaching Today we celebrate Christ as our king. The readings invite us to reflect on the kind of king Christ is and what it means for us to say that we belong to his kingdom. The first reading from Ezekiel suggests that human leaders have proved utterly unwilling to govern by God’s principles, and so the Lord himself will come to lead us. This promise is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, who used his authority to serve and assist others. God’s idea of leadership is to tend to the needs of those who are vulnerable. We have a king who pays attention to us and helps us not only when we are needy and disadvantaged, but especially when we are needy and disadvantaged. Specific actions mentioned in today’s Gospel are feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, visiting prisoners and taking care of the sick. king who really does what we always, deep down, hope for from every kind of leader: he rescues us from evil and restores our tranquillity. He rescues us, St Paul says, from our deepest, darkest, most threatening enemies, sin and death, and he brings us into a new place, into new relationships, with God, with one another and with the world. Application God knows whether our hearts are compassionate like the sheep in the Gospel story, or if we are pretending to be compassionate, like the goats in the story. God wants our hearts to be truly compassionate, particularly singling out the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the imprisoned. Perhaps we could consider ministries to support that involve any of these groups of people. Perhaps we could help at a local food bank. We could learn more about the root causes of thirst and hunger in the world, and ways in which environmental groups are trying to conserve our natural resources. We could support peace groups that try to prevent wars. Do we welcome strangers to our area, such as refugees or people of other faiths? And what about projects that help those who are sick? Or can we consider ways to support prisoners and their families? Jesus is a king who constantly ministers to those in most need. The little swallow in Oscar Wilde’s story didn’t need to be wealthy or talented to help people who were struggling. All he needed was a warm and willing heart, serving his prince. We may reflect upon who rules in our world, and in our lives and hearts. All of us can do something in the service of our true king, and of each other. Is Christ a “king” then? Yes, but not in the sense in which other kings are kings. He is the only VESTNIK 2014 | 381 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKI ZBOR - VAJE V četrtek po večerni maši, bomo imeli redne pevske vaje za župnijski zbor. Naslednjič zbor poje 7. decembra, na Miklavževo nedeljo. Maša je ta dan samo ob 10:00h. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI 23. november: SAVA - maša ob 1:00 pm 7. december: ST. GREGORY, LIPA PARK, TRIGLAV - Miklavževanje . Sveta maša bo v župniji samo ob 10:00 h dopoldne. Pri maši poje zbor. 14. december: BLED - Božičnica, SLOVENSKI PARK - Miklavževanje-Santa 16. december: ST. JOSEPH - Christmas party, 7:30 p.m.: začetek Božične devetdnevnice. Maša ob 7:00 p.m. 21. december: SAVA (Mass at 12:00), LONDON (Mass at 4:00 p.m.-St. John D.) 22. in 23. december: DUHOVNA OBNOVA - spoved: 5:00 p.m., maša ob 7:00 p.m. 24. december: BOŽIČNI VEČER - Maše ob 6:00 p.m. (Family mass), 10:00 p.m. - Slovenian mass. 26. december: LIPA PARK - Mass 4:00 pm 31. december: SILVESTROVANJE - Lipa Park, Bled, St. Gregory, Triglav, Sava CWL – COOKING SESSION The ladies of the CWL would like to share their talents in the kitchen with parishioners. On Saturday November 29th, at 9:00am – 382 | VESTNIK 2014 the CWL will be hosting a cooking session for anyone interested. As I am sure you all remember, the cabbage rolls at our 50th anniversary banquet were delicious. We invite you to come to the upper hall kitchen and learn the techniques used to making this fabulous dish. Towards the end of our cooking session, we will bake some of the cabbage rolls and enjoy our savory creation. While the cabbage rolls are baking, we will also be learning how to make “Peach Cookies” with walnut filling. The kitchen leaders will provide all ingredients for these, and the cost will be divided evening amongst those who attend this cooking session. The remainder of the cabbage rolls will be served at our CWL Christmas Party which will be held on Wednesday December 3rd. If you are interested in participating, please call me, Heidy Novak at 905-689-1367 and leave a message or email me at so that we are prepared with supplies. We look forward to seeing many of you kitchen enthusiasts on November 29th. SLOVENIAN SCHOOL - KAVA IN KROFI The Families of Slovenian School would like to thank everyone that came out to have coffee and Krofe with us on Sunday October 26. For those of you that missed out on the Krofe, we promise to have enough for you next time. Please join us again on Sunday November 23, 2014. Your support is always appreciated. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - PRODAJA ŠTRUDLA Orders are now being taken for Apple Štrudel $15.00 or Cheese Štrudel $20.00 Orders must be submitted by Nov 23. Please contact Lorie Mramor 9056312986 or DAROVI Za misijone so darovali: $50 Mary in Joe Škufca, $20 Elica Juršič (London). Družina Antolin Jože in Albina sta darovala $100 za maše v misijonih za pokojno Terezija Hajdinjak. V spomin na pokojne Albina Žagar je darovala za cerkev $35 Helen B. Armstrong (Stoney Creek). Dar za cerkev $100, Družina Gomboc. Hvala vsem darovalcem in Bog povrni. SLOVENSKO VELEPOSLANIŠTVO Konzularne ure bodo v Torontu letos še dvakrat in sicer: v petek 28. novembra od 3:00-7:00 pm v soboto 6. decembra 2014 od 9.30am- 3:00pm Za termin konzularnih ur v januarju 2015 bodo sporočili v drugi polovici decembra. DON BOSCO F EAST OF THE I MMACULATE C ONCEPTION His Excellency, the Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton, will celebrate the Eucharist on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton. The Mass will be celebrated on Monday, December 8th, 2014 at 12:00 Noon. All are welcome to attend. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO V ponedeljek, 24. novembra, se bomo pri večerni maši spomnili pokojnih članic Slomškovega oltarnega društva. Seznam pokojnih članic je naslednji: 1. Marta Benbenek, 2. Antonija Demšar, 3. Apolonija Gjerek, 4. Terezija Halas, 5. Marija Grebenc, 6. Pavla Horvat, 7. Marija Kolenc, 8. Jožefa Lukšič, 9. Marija Lutar, 10. Ana Malevič, 11. Cecilija Mlinarič, 12. Marija Mlinarič, 13. Ksenja Nedelko, 14. Ana Petek, 15. Lojzka Petrov, 16. Štefka Rihar, 17. Olga Prša, 18. Veronika Prša, 19. Katarina Tonaj, 20. Dragica Strgulc, 21. Sofija Vinčec, 22. Terezija Hajdinjak, 23. Veronika Obal, 24. Elizabeth Ferko. Gospod, daj jim večni pokoj in večna luč naj jim sveti, naj počivajo v miru. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2014 | 383 OD 23. 11. 2014 DO 30. 11. 2014 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES za žive in rajne župljane † Ivan Sobočan NEDELJA- SUNDAY † Vinko Marinko 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM †† Pokojni člani društva Sava 23. NOVEMBER † Zack Jelovšek Kristus Kralj Vesoljstva † Zack Jelovšek †† Štefanija in Miran Kraner †† Pokojne članice društva PONEDELJEK †† Pokojni Zorčič MONDAY † Janez Hočevar 24. NOVEMBER † Frank Gimpelj Vietnamski mučenci † Ivan Sobočan TOREK - TUESDAY †† Pokojni Vajentich in Korošec 25. NOVEMBER Katarina Sinajska, muč. 9:30 A.M. Žena Cecilija z družino 11:00 A.M. Žena in družina 1:00 P.M. Maša pri društvu SAVA Ant, Tone, Borut Družina Kraner Družina Kraner 7:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Jožica Vegelj Ignac Horvat z družino Žena Elizabeta Ignac Horvat z družino 8:00 A.M. Lojzka Saje SREDA - WEDNESDAY 26. NOVEMBER Silvo, opat † Anton Šverko †† Rudi in Terezija Hajdinjak †† Rudi in Terezija Hajdinjak † Štefan Mlinarič 7:00 P.M Družina Šetej Jože Antolin z družino Franc in Anna Ferenčak Matilda ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 27. NOVEMBER Marija s čudodelno svetinjo † Elizabeta Ferko † Rudi Hanc † Terezija Hajdinjak †† Pokojni iz družine Ferko 7:00 P.M. Mož Toni in otroci Tilka Jakša Ivan in Ana Nedelko Karol Ferko z družino PETEK FRIDAY 28. NOVEMBER Katarina Laboure, red †† Štane in Frančiška Napast † Vinko Marinko † Slavko Erzetič †† Ana in Janez Selšek 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič Rojaki iz Gaberja Andrej in Karla Pahulje Elizabeta Gimpelj SOBOTA SATURDAY 29. NOVEMBER Saturnin, muč. NEDELJA- SUNDAY 1. ADVENTNA 30. NOVEMBER Andrej, apostol 384 | VESTNIK 2014 Za zdravje 9:15 A.M. Družina Prevec 5:30 P.M. Družina Gomboc †† Framily Kosednar † Stane Napast Družina Pinter Ciril Virant Rosa Capovilla (Winnipeg) †† Ivan in Ivanka Dim Družina Dim †† Štefan, Elizabeta, Rober Kramar, obl. Ivan Antolin z družino za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. †† Vinko in Katarina Antolin in sin Franc Jože in Albina Antolin † Frank Ferenčak Jože in Albina Antolin 11:00 A.M. Marija Hočevar † Janez Hočevar, obl. Cecilija Sobočan † Janez Hočevar, obl.