Mart 2010 - Magazine For You
Mart 2010 - Magazine For You
Zdravo dragi ~itaoci! Sre}emo se ponovo kroz stranice najnovijeg izdanja "For You 4U" magazina i iskreno se nadam da ste svi bezbedni i zdravi. Kao i obi~no, donosimo vam puno zabave i zanimljivih tekstova, koji su posebno izabrani samo za vas. A koji vas to ~lanci o~ekuju u ovom izdanju, nabroji}emo ih u nastavku, jedan po jedan: U okviru rubrike "Student meseca" imali smo priliku da razgovarmo sa vrlo {armantnom i talentovanom mladom damom koja se zove Nevena Bo`ovi}. "Moda" vam ovog meseca otkriva neke tajne o manikiru, odnosno rasprostranjenost dizajna noktiju me|u mladima na Kosovu. Dok budete ~itali "Muzi~ku kutiju" sigurno }ete u`ivati u ekskluzivnom intervjuu sa ~lanovima popularnog kosovskog benda "Pope~itelji". U ovoj rubrici ima}ete priliku da saznate vi{e o ranim po~ecima ovog benda. Na stranama "@ivotinjskog carstva" pro~itajte zanimljiv ~lanak o polarnim lisicama, dok vam "Kultura" ovoga puta donosi zanimljive informacije o najnovijoj TV-mre`i na Kosovu. U "Moviemania-iji" saznajte koji su to najnoviji filmovi iz celog sveta, dok }ete u "Sportskom uglu" mo}i da dobijete iscrpne informacije o "Vankuverskim Zimskim Olimpijskim igrama 2010", a ujedno }ete saznati i koja su se to tamo odvijala sportska takmi~enja. "[ta mislite o globalnom zagrevanju?" je pitanje koje smo postavili nekim od va{ih vr{njaka, i ako ste radoznali i `elite da saznate koji su to njihovi odgovori, onda vas pozivamo da pro~itate rubriku "Upitnik". Tako|e vas pozivamo da pro~itate ~lanke o socijalnim temama, kao {to su: pitanje nezaposlenosti mladih na Kosovu, "Kulturno nasle|e u [trpcu" i "NVO Down Syndrome Kosova" koja funkcioni{e u Pri{tini. Svakako pro~itajte i ne{to o najnovijim KFOR-ovim aktivnostima koje sprovode u cilju obezbe|ivanja sigurnog okru`enja {irom Kosova. I u ovom izdanju o~ekuju vas vesti iz sveta slavnih li~nosti, kao i najnovija dostignu}a u naprednoj tehnologiji, i jo{ mnogo neverovatnih, ali istinitih ~injenica. Sve ove zanimljive ~lanke na}i }ete u najnovijem izdanju na{eg magazina. A, sada polako i pa`ljivo pregledajte stranice "For You 4U" magazina, i uskoro }ete se na}i u svetu snova. Radujem se ponovnom susretu sa vama u aprilu! Do tada, ostanite mi dobro dragi prijatelji! "For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Novinari: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanji`a Ilustrator: Aleksandar Narand`i} Fotograf: Naim Shala Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603 lokal 2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You” magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina; 28 20 36 24 4-5: I stas i glas 6-7: Kulturno nasle|e u [trpcuë 8-9: For you fashion 10-13: Music Box: Pope~itelji 14-15: Hol slavnih: Jovan Jovanovi} Zmaj 16-17: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Polarna lisica 18-19: Svet poznatih 20-21: Kultura: Nova TV mre`a - kvalitetniji protok informacija 22-23: "Down Syndrome Kosova" 24-25: Internet & kompjuterske igre: Tatsunoko vs Capcom 26-27: Poster: Vancouver 2010 28- 31:Moviemania: Shutter Island; Cop out; Dear John 32-33: Va{ kutak 34-35: Podr{ka mladim liderima na Kosovu 39: Sportski ugao: Nezaboravni trenuci zimskih olimpijskih igara u Vankuveru 2010 40-41: Hi-Tech 42-43: LMT- Ose}amo puls Kosova! 44-45: Upitnik; Slagalicaë 46-47: Enigmatski ugao 48-49: Verovali ili ne ... 50: Misli poznatih o snovima 51-52: Pisma ~italaca 26 16 46 10 4-5: She has it all the looks and the voice to mach it 6-7: Cultural heritage in Strpce 8-9: For you fashion 10-13: Music Box: Popecitelji 14-15: Hall of fame: Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj 16-17:Animal kingdom: Arctic fox 18-19: Celebrity news 20-21: New network - better information flow 22-23: "Down Syndrome Kosova" 24-25: Internet & computer games: Tatsunoko vs Capcom 26-27: Poster: Vancouver 2010 28- 31: Moviemania: Shutter Island; Cop out; Dear John 32-33: Your corner 34-35: Support to Kosovo’s young leaders 36-39: Sports corner: "Vancouver 2010" - Winter Olympics 40-41: Hi-Tech 42-43: LMT - We feel the pulse of Kosovo! 44-45: Questionnaire; Puzzle 46-47: Crossword puzzle 48-49: Did you know ... 50: Famous thoughts on dreams 51-52: Reader’s letters Hello our dear readers! Here we meet again through the pages of the latest edition of the "For You 4U" magazine and we sincerely hope that you are all safe and sound. As usual, we are ready to bring in front of you lots of entertainment and many interesting articles, chosen especially for you. And now, let's see the articles of the latest edition one by one: Within the framework of the "Student of the Month", we had the opportunity to talk with a very charming and talented young lady called Nevena Bozovic. In the "Fashion" column, you will have the opportunity to learn something more about the manicure, i.e. the nail design amongst the Kosovo youngsters. In the "Music Box" columns, all the music fans will certainly enjoy reading the exclusive interview with the members of the popular music band "Popecitelji". You will also have the opportunity to learn something more about the early stages of this band and what they aim to achieve through music In the "Animal of the Month" column, you will have the opportunity to read an interesting article on the arctic fox, whereas in the in the "Culture" column, you will enjoy reading an article on the latest TV net in Kosovo. In the "Moviemania" column, you will be able to read about the latest films from all around the world, whereas in the "Sports Corner" column, you will be able to gain comprehensive informa- tion about the "Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics" and about the most important sports competitions that took place there. "What do you think about the global warming?" This was the question that we asked some of your age-mates and if you are curious to learn what their answers were, then we kindly invite you to read the "Questionnaire" column. We would also like to invite you to read the articles, which deal with social topics, such as the issue of youth unemployment in Kosovo, then "The Cultural Heritage in Strpce", "NGO Down Syndrome Kosova", which operates in Pristina as well as about the latest KFOR activities to provide a safe and secure environment throughout Kosovo. You will also have the opportunity to read about the latest news from the celebrities' world, the recent achievements in the world of advanced technology as well as lots of unbelievable but true facts. You will find all these interesting articles in the latest edition of our magazine. Now, browse through the pages of the "For You 4U" magazine slowly and carefully and you will soon find yourselves in a dreamland. I am looking forward to meeting you in April! Until then, stay well, my dear friends! 'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Journalists: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Sanela Kanjizha Illustrator: Aleksandar Narandzic Photographer: Naim Shala Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:; Ve} du`e vreme slu{amo pri~e o mladoj i talentovanoj Neveni Bo`ovi} iz Mitrovice. Oni koji je znaju ka`u da je lepa, pametna, ambiciozna i obdarena za muziku. I, obi~no usledi komentar o njoj: "Em stas, em glas!". Bili smo jako znati`eljni, i hteli smo da i sami saznamo ko je zapravo famozna Nevena Bo`ovi}?! P rvi kontakt sa njom zapravo je bio telefonski razgovor, iz kojeg smo zaklju~ili da je ona i previ{e odgovorna osoba za jednu petnaestogodi{njakinju, samim tim, {to je bez odlaganja prepodnevnih i poslepodnevnih {kolskih ~asova uspela da prona|e, ~ini nam se, jedini slobodni dnevni termin. Ostalo je samo jo{ da se sretnemo sa njom, i da vidimo kako ona u`ivo izgleda. Dogovoreni susret bio je u poznatom mitrova~kom "[aru", u kojem smo je nestrpljivo ~ekali. ^ekaju}i, u daljini smo ugledali jednu prelepu devojku koja ide ka nama, ali u tom trenutku nismo ni posumnjali da je to upravo "na{a" Nevena. Milostivi pogled, talasasta kosa boje klasa, i njeno aristokratsko "dr`anje" ostavilo nas je bez teksta, a intervju je tek trebao da po~ne. Nismo znali {ta prvo da je pitamo, jer u tom trenutku smo `eleli da saznamo mnogo toga o njoj, kao npr. na koga je tako lepa, a uz to i pametna?! Nevena se odu{evljeno smejala na{im pitanjima, a uz to je imala i dobre odgovore, uz koje je usledio jedan "lepa sam na mamu". No, mi smo hteli da znamo ne{to o njenim uspesima u {koli, o njenim dobrim ocenama, pevanju, ko{arci kojom se bavi…i sa divljenjem smo slu{ali pri~u o njenom dobro organizovanom `ivotu. Naime, svaki njen dan je "kvalitetan" i uspe{an: pre podne ide u drugu godinu "Gimnazije - dru{tveno jezi~ki smer", a posle podne poha|a tre}u godinu u "Muzi~koj {koli - instrumentalni odsek - klavir". "Gimnazija ima predmeta koji mi mogu dati jedno solidno op{te znanje. Nameravam da upi{em muzi~ku akademiju, a to }u da poku{am ve} ove godine u junu." [to se ti~e {kolskih predmeta najomiljeniji su joj srpski, francuski i engleski jezik, a mnogo voli i da ~ita knjige. Gospo|ica Bo`ovi} se bavi i muzikom, pi{e pesme i lepo peva, a talenat je izgleda nasledila od babe i dede, koji su nekada znali dobro da zapevaju. Ona voli da slu{a i peva pop, pop - rok, d`ez, i izvornu narodnu muziku. Nevena je u~estvovala na mnogim festivalima od kojih su "Sun~ane skale" u Herceg Novom, "De~ja evrovizija" u Beogradu, kao i italijanski me|unarodni festival "Verdinote". Na svakom od ovih osvojila je vredne nagrade, i po tome je svi dobro znaju. Roditelji i sestra su joj najve}a potpora u `ivotu, kako moralna, tako i finansijska. Tako|e je profesori i drugarice podr`avaju na njenim nastupima. Uz sve njene obaveze na|e i vremena da se bavi ko{arkom, a uspeva i da redovno ide na treninge. "Nekako sam shvatila da bez obaveza, ja nisam ja, i volim perfekciju u svemu. Nisam osoba koja mo`e da bude flegmati~na i da ne radi ni{ta, i da se ni{ta ne de{ava oko mene. Kada ne{to volite i ho}ete, onda morate da se trudite za to. Sigurna sam da }e mi se sav moj trud isplatiti jednoga dana." Nevena je "vukovac" i uvek se trudi da sve lekcije nau~i i odgovara na vreme, i uvek daje maksimum od sebe. Sve profesore jako ceni, i svima njima je zahvalna, a naglasila je da joj ve} pet godina najvi{e vremena i pa`nje posve}uje profesorica iz muzi~ke {kole Aleksandra Trajkovi}. A profesor u istoj {koli Petar Raki}, imao je samo re~i hvale za Nevenu. Ka`e da je ona posebno, lepo i vredno dete, a uz to je dodao da u Mitrovici ima jo{ mnogo muzi~ki obdarene dece, a od kojih se izdvaja upravo "na{a u~enica meseca". Ona u budu}nosti sebe vidi na muzi~koj sceni, a nada se da }e je ljudi pamtiti po glasu, i muzici koju }e stvarati. For a long time we listen to the story of a young and talented Nevena Bozovic from Mitrovica. Those who know her say she is beautiful, smart, ambitious and gifted in music. Usually comment about her are: "Em stas, em glas" (Both the looks and the voice to match it). We were very curious, and we wanted see for our self who the famous Nevena Bozovic actually is? irst contact with her was in fact a phone conversation, from which we concluded that she is really responsible fifteen year old, considering she managed to without delay to her classes and afternoon school, meet with us, it would seem at the only available time she had that day. The only thing left was to meet with her and see how she looks in person. Meeting as agreed was to take place in well known bar in Mitrovica "Sar". We anxiously waited for her. Waiting, in the distance we saw a beautiful girl coming towards us, but at that point we never suspected that it was "our" Nevena, coming. Gracious glance, wavy hair the colour of spike, and her aristocratic "attitude" has left us speechless, and the interview was only supposed to begin. We did not know what to ask first, because at that point we wanted to find out much about her, e.g. from whom does she get the looks, and with it, she's also smart! Nevena enthusiastically laughed to our questions, and also had good responses to them, followed by one that was "I get the looks from my beautiful mother". But, we want to know something about her success in school, about her good grades, singing, basketball, which she plays; with admiration we listened to the story of her well-organized life. Each day for her is "quality" and success: before noon, she goes to the second year "Gymnasium - Language department", and in the after noon she attends the third year in "Music school - the instrumental department - piano". "Gymnasium has classes that can give me a solid general knowledge. I intend to enrol in a music academy, and I will try to do this, this year in June". Regarding school subjects; her favourite ones are Serbian, French and English, and she likes to read books. Lady Bozovic deals with music too, she writes songs and she is a beautiful singer, the talent she seems to have inherited from her grandparents, who once knew how to sing a song or two and they were known for this. She likes to listen to and sing pop, pop rock, jazz, and traditional folk music. Nevena has participated in many festivals of which are "Suncane scale" in Herceg Novi, "Children's Eurovision Song Contest" in Belgrade, as well as Italian International Festival "Verdi note". On each of these festivals she won prizes, and because of this she is well know in the area. Parents and sister are her biggest support in life, moral as well as financial. Thus are the professors and friends who are a great support when she performs. With all of her responsibilities she finds time to play basketball and manages to be regular for F practices. "Somehow I realized that without a commitment, I am not myself, and I like perfection in everything. I am a person who can be phlegmatic and do nothing and nothing to happen around me. When there is something that you love and want, then you have to try to be good in what you do. I'm sure that all my hard work will pay off one day". Nevena is a straight "A" student, she is always trying to learn all the lessons and take her exams on time, and she always gives her maximum. She really appreciates all her teachers and is grateful to them all; she stressed that for the past five years most of the time and attention devoted to her she gets from her music school teacher Aleksandra Trajkovic. A professor in the same school Peter Rakic had only words of praise for Nevena. He said that she is particularly nice and hardworking child, and also added that Mitrovica has many musically gifted children, of which "our student month" stands out as the best. She sees herself in the future on the music stage, and hopes that people will remember her by her voice, and music she creates. V oze}i se krivudavim putem pored [arske planine, kako bismo stigli do [trpca, odjednom shvatamo za{to je ski-centar Brezovica toliko poznat i omiljen svim stanovnicima na Kosovu. Ono {to je posebno o~aravaju}e jeste neobi~na ti{ina obu~ena u belu sne`nu haljinu, koja vas u tom trenutku osloba|a svih gradskih stresova. No, na{a poseta ovoga puta nema nikakve veze sa turizmom, ve} sa posetom objekata koji pripadaju kultrunom nasle|u. Tragaju}i za osobom koja }e nas bolje upoznati sa kulturnom ba{tinom u [trpcu, zaposleni u op{tini su nam preporu~ili budu}eg arhitektu Biljanu Bo{ko}evi}, koja je trenutno apsolvent na fakultetu Tehni~kih nauka u Mitrovici. "U poslednje vreme se ~ak i podigla svest kod mladih kada je u pitanju o~uvanje kulturno-istorijskih objekata, jer su oni jako va`ni za sve nas. Planiramo da osnujemo jedan sajt o [trpcu, putem kojeg }e svi zainteresovani turisti imati priliku da se upoznaju sa samim podru~jem i njegovim bogatstvima." Sa Biljanom smo se {etali po celom [trpcu, i usput nam je pokazivala sve objekte koji pri- padaju kulturnoj ba{tini. Iako je put bio pokriven ledom i snegom, to nas nije spre~ilo da posetimo skoro sve srednjovekovne crkve. Najlak{e smo mogli do}i do `ivopisane saborne crkve Svetog Nikole, iz prostog razloga jer je ona bila u samom [trpcu. Dok smo se za posetu crkve, Sv. \or|a koja je u Gornjoj Bitinji, morali itekako namu~iti, jer je bila na samom brdu, kao i ostale crkve koje smo tog dana posetili. Ova crkva je od posebnog kulturnog i duhovnog zna~aja, zato {to se u njoj ~uva najzanimljiviji i najlep{i epigrafski spomenik iz XVI veka sa veoma dekorativnom ornamentikom. Tog dana led nam je ote`avao na{ put do `eljenih objekata, pa smo ponegde koristili "stari dobri prevoz"- noge. U trenutku dok smo pe{a~ili, pored nas je prolazio neki me{tanin sa konjskim kolima na kojima je nosio namirnice, a izgleda da je to ovde jedino prevozno sredstvo koje se mo`e koristiti tokom zimskog perioda. Uputili smo se ka crkvi Sv. Teodora Tirona, stigli smo do, tada nam se u~inilo 1000 stepenika, koje smo trebali pre}i da bismo je izbliza videli. A verujte da se itekako isplatio taj na{ trud, obzirom na pogled koji smo imali sa brda. Te{ko je opisati {ta ose}ate kada se na|ete ispred neke bogomolje, ~ija god da je ona. U tom trenutku vas obuzimaju pokornost, po{tovanje i odu{evljenje prema tome {to gledate. Sam ose}aj da je to napravljeno pre mnogo vekova i da je sa~uvano za nas, i da smo mi ti koji smo odgovorni za o~uvanje istoga za budu}e generacije, izaziva nadu da }e to zauvek ostati u istom obliku kada je i sagra|eno. Nakon dugog pe{a~enja re{ili smo da se malo odmorimo u nekom restoranu, gde smo verovali ili ne, otkrili jo{ jednu specifi~nost ove sredine - tradicionalni [arski sir i ljubazne me{tane. s we drive along the curved road in the banks of the Sharri Mountain on our way to Strpce, we realize why the Brezovica ski center is so popular among the Kosovo people. What is most impressing is the quietness accompanied with the snow cover instantly relieveing you from the stress of the town. However this time the reason for our trip is not skiing but visiting the cultural heritage of this municipality. Searching for a person that could inform us about this topic, the local authorities from the municipality of Strpce, recommend we meet future architect Biljana Boskocevic, presently she's an undergraduate at the faculty of technical sciences in Mitrovica. "Recently we have noticed an increase in the awareness of the young people concerning the protection of the cultural heritage as it is very important for all of us. Therefore we are planning to create a web site about Strpce, through which all interested tourists will have the opportunity to get familiar with this area and its resources." We walked all around Strpce with Biljana as she showed us all the objects of the cultural heritage. Although the road was covered with snow and ice, that did not stop us from visiting almost all medieval churches in this area. The easiest one to reach was the beautiful minster church of St. Nikola, simply because it is located within the city of Strpce. But reaching the church of St. George, in Gornje Bitinje village, proved to be quite a difficult task as it is situated up on the hills as well all the other churches we visited this day. This church has great cultural and spiritual value, we found one of the most interesting and beautiful epigraphic monuments that dates to the XVI century. At a certain point during our journey icy roads made our travels even more difficult, requiring us to rely on good old fashion transportation - walking. As we were walking a villager on a horse carriage passed by us with sup- A plies loaded on the carriage, it seemed that this was the only means of transportation that could be used during these weather conditions. Our walk to St. Theodore Tirona church seemed to be well over a thousand steps but when we finally reached the church it proved to be well worth the distance traveled. It is hard to describe your feelings when you are in front of a religious building no matter to which belief it belongs. At that moment you are taken by humility, respect and inspiration from what you see. Knowing this was created many years ago, preserved for us, and that it is now our responsibility to preserve them for the future generations, it gives us hope that these objects will remain in the same condition as when they were built. Funny enough on our way back as we decided to rest in one of the restaurants we discovered what we thought is another unique trade mark of this area, the famous cheese of Sharri Mountain and the hospitality of the people. Te godine se i selimo u Kragujevac, gde nastavljamo svoju muzi~ku karijeru. U saradnji sa Kojom iz Discipline Ki~me izdali smo prvi album 2004. i tada na{a muzi~ka karijera kre}e uzlaznom putanjom. For you: Za{to ste bendu dali naziv "Pope~itelji"? Pope~itelji: Naziv benda je do{ao sasvim slu~ajno, a ispostavilo se da nas bend predstavlja u pravom svetlu, samim tim, {to pope~itelj u prevodu sa srpskog iz vremena Milo{a Obrenovi}a i zna~i ministri. Naravno, sviraju}i po zemlji i inostranstvu se trudimo da nas i na{u kulturu predstavimo u najboljem mogu}em izdanju. For you: Koliko albuma i koncerata imate za sobom? Pope~itelji: Do sada smo objavili dva albuma, a nadamo se da }e ih biti jo{ vi{e. Posle jednog odr`anog koncerta u Beogradu 2003. godine do{lo je do saradnje sa Kojom (Disciplina Ki~me), {to rezultira snimanjem na{eg prvog albuma pod nazivom "Ko radi?", u studiju "Music Factory" u Ko{utnjaku. Plo~a, izdata na etiketi "Mojo beat" 2004. predstavlja briljantnu kombinaciju slobodnog, asvim smo sigurni da su svi ~uli za "Pope~itelje"?! Oni su samo jedni sirovog folk-funk rocka i od srpskih muzi~ara sa Kosova koji su napravili neki pomak dalje. aran`manski svedene, Bra}a Furunovi}, Sa{a (gitara) i Goran (bas gitara), zajedno sa Radetom moderne produkcije, uz Vuli}em (bubnjevi) stvaraju me{avinu instrumentalnog funk-rocka i folk primese trance i muzike. Nedavno su se svojijm originalnim muzi~kim stilom predstavili publici drum&bass elemenata. u [trpcu i Gra~anici. Slu{aju}i Pope~itelje prvo {to "upada" u u{i je nacionalZatim, nakon par godina neodre|enost etno zvuka koji se provla~i gotovo u svim pesmama. Etno na, na{ sastav je 2008. motiv podse}a na stari srpski. Pope~itelji su, dakle najelitniji mladi "Stari godine objavio drugi Pri{tevci" koji su gitarama o`iveli i progovorili staropri{teva~ki sleng. album pod nazivom Obzirom da publika zaista `eli da sazna ne{to vi{e o njima, na{li smo za shod"Horizonti", u saradnji no da ih kontaktiramo i dobijemo informacije iz "prve ruke". sa izdava~kom ku}om "Odli~an Hr~ak". Pesme sa oba albuma su dobro prihva}ene i u zemlji, i u inostranstvu, {to For you: Starije generacije su upoznate sa nastankom dokazuje veliki broj odr`anih koncerata. va{eg benda, ali ovi mla|i ne znaju mnogo o vama. Od kada Gostovali smo skoro u svim gradovima u Srbiji, zapravo postojite? kao i u svim Pope~itelji: Pope~itelji su nastali sredinom devedesetih biv{im repubu Pri{tini, a u postoje}em sastavu sviramo od 1999. godine. nastavak na strani12 S e are quite sure that you all heard of "Popecitelji"? They are just one of many Serbian musicians from Kosovo who have made a step further. Brothers Furunovic, Sasa (guitar) and Goran (bass), along with Rade Vulic (drums) create a mix of instrumental funk-rock and folk music. Recently, they presented their original style of music to the audience in Strpce and Gracanica. Listening to "Popecitelji" the first that gets in to the ears is the ethno sound that permeates almost in all of their songs, ethno theme reminiscent of the old Serbian. "Popecitelji" are therefore most elite young "Old settlers from Pristina", guitarists who with their guitars have revived and spoke "Old Pristina slang". Given that the audience really wants to know more about them, we found it necessary to contact them and get information from them, first hand. W For You: Older generations are familiar with the creation of your band, but the younger generation do not know much about you. Since when do you actually begin to exist? Popecitelji: Popecitelji were created in the mid nineties in Pristina, and the current composition of the band is since 1999. The same year we have moved to Kragujevac where we continued our music career. In cooperation with Koja from the "Disciplina Kicme" band, we released our first album in 2004 and since then our musical career has been booming. For You: Why did you name the band "Popecitelji"? Popecitelji: Band name came by accident, and it turned out that it represents our band in the right way, "Popecitelji" translated from old Serbian, from the time of Milos Obrenovic, means "Ministers". Of course, playing at home and abroad we are trying to present ourselves and our culture in the best possible way." For You: How many albums and concerts have you had? Popecitelji: So far we have released two albums, and hopefully there will be more. After one concert held in Belgrade in 2003, we have established cooperation with Koja (Disciplina Kicme), which resulted in the recording of our first album titled "Ko radi? (Who works?)", which was recorded in the studio "Music Factory" in Kosutnjak. Our album was released with the label "Mojo beat" in 2004 and it represents a brilliant combination of free, raw folk-rock and funk arrangement reduced, modern production with ingredients of trance and drum & bass elements. Then, after a few years, our band in 2008 released second album titled "Horizonti (Horizons)", in cooperation with the label "Odlican Hrcak". Songs from both albums are well accepted in our country and abroad, evidenced by a number of concerts we held. We performed in almost every city in Serbia, as well as in all republics of former Yugoslavia. Also, we have behind us many concerts held abroad, we played gigs in Poland, Austria, Italy, France, and many other countries. For You: What is it that you are "nursing" in your music? Popecitelji: Our music is very rhythmic and concrete, although to many people it seems complicated, but in fact it is very simple. Mixture of modern and ancient rhythmic and melodic approach to music as well as with the lack of text i.e. words, we send a clear message. We play instrumentals, which sent a very clear message, and that is freedom. For You: Which performance would you single out? continued on page 13 likama stare Jugoslavije. Tako|e, imamo za sobom i mnogo koncerata u inostranstvu, od kojih su svirke u Poljskoj, Ausriji, Italiji, Francuskoj, i jo{ mnogo drugih. For you: [ta je to {to "negujete" u va{oj muzici? Pope~itelji: Na{a muzika je veoma ritmi~na i konkretna, iako mnogima deluje komplikovana, a u stvari je veoma jednostavna. Me{avinom modernih i starih ritmi~kih, i melodijskih pristupa muzici, a i u nedostatku teksta tj. re~i, mi {aljemo jasnu poruku. Sviramo instrumentale koji {alju veoma jasnu poruku, a to je sloboda. For you: Koji nastup biste posebno izdvojili? Pope~itelji: Izdvojio bih koncert sa legendarnim Maceom Parker-om - saksofonistom poznatog muzi~ara James-a Brown-a (2003.), i naravnon vredi pomenuti i nastup koji smo imali sa kanadskim alternativnim bendom NoMeansNo (2005.) u beogradskom Studentskom kulturnom centru. For you: Kako publika reaguje kad vas ~uje? Pope~itelji: Na na{im koncertima nema konkretne grupacije ljudi koja se okuplja. Uglavnom, dolaze ljudi svih uzrasta, razli~itih opredeljenja, nacija i razli~itih mi{ljenja o samoj muzici. Svi nas slu{aju dok sviramo, gledaju nas sa osmehom, i nakon svirke svi ostaju puni pozitvnih utisaka, i nestrpljivo i{~ekuju na{ slede}i nastup. Na{ bend se odvaja jednostavno{}u i veoma dobrom, glasnom i jasnom svirkom. Bra}a Furunovi}, Sa{a i Goran, sada `ive u Kragujevcu, dok Rade Vuli} `ivi u Grockoj kod Beograda. Brojnim koncertima postali su "underground atrakcija". Album "Ko radi?" smatra se za jedan od najboljih albuma izdatih 2004. godine u Srbiji. Publika koja je imala prilike da ih gleda i slu{a na koncertima, uvek je pozitivnog mi{ljenja, a njihovi fanovi imaju samo re~i hvale. For you: Uz koju vrstu muzike ste odrastali? Pope~itelji: Veoma dobro se se}amo da smo odrastali uz stare plo~e Jimi -ja Hendrix-a, a naravno pratili smo svetsku alternativnu scenu koja ima bezbroj dobrih muzi~ara. For you: Da li se bavite samo muzikom, ili imate dodatno zanimanje? Pope~itelji: Muzika je na{ glavni prioritet, tako da je odgovor - bavimo se samo muzikom. For you: Da li dolazite na Kosovo? Pope~itelji: [to se ti~e poseta Kosovu, pre par meseci smo svirali u Gra~anici, [trpcu i Mitrovici, a povremeno dolazimo u Gra~anicu iz nekih privatnih razloga. Moramo da istaknemo, da nam je zaista bilo veoma drago svirati na Kosovu posle toliko godina. I, naravno rado bismo ponovo nastupali. For you: Kako vidite "Pope~itelje" u budu}nosti? Neki novi album, duet…ili? Pope~itelji: Nadamo se da nas o~ekuje veoma svetla budu}nost. Sigurno }emo stvarati jo{ puno muzike, i da }emo imati veliki broj kvalitetnih koncerata i u zemlji, i u svetu. For you: [ta biste poru~ili mladima na Kosovu? Pope~itelji: Jedino {ta bih mogao poru~iti mladima jeste - snalazite se i borite se kako biste uspeli u `ivotu. to our concerts, different orientation, nations and different opinions about the music it self. And they all listen while we play, watch us with a smile on their faces, and after the gig, all of them remain filled with positive impressions, and eagerly anticipating our next gig. Our band is distinguished by simplicity and very good, loud and clear music. For You: With what kind of music did you grow up with? Popecitelji: We all remember that we grew up with old vinyl records of Jimmy Hendrix, and of course we have followed the world's alternative scene that has a myriad of good musicians. For You: Do you deal only with music, or you have additional professions? Popecitelji: Music is our main priority, so the answer is - we are just musicians. For You: Do you still come to Kosovo? Popecitelji: As regards the visits to Kosovo, a few months ago we've played in Gracanica, Strpce and Mitrovica, and occasionally we visit Gracanica for some private reasons. We must emphasize that we are indeed very happy to have played in Kosovo after so many years. And, of course we would be happy to do it again. For You: How do you see "Popecitelji" in the future? New album, a duet, or...? Popecitelji: We hope that we can expect a very bright future. Surely we will continue creating a lot more music, and have a large number of concerts in this country and around the world. For You: What would be your message to the youth in Kosovo? Popecitelji: The only thing what I could say to the youth is - get on and fight to succeed in life. Popecitelji: I would single out our concert with the legendary Parker Mace - the famous saxophonist for the musician James Brown (2003), and of course, worth mentioning is the performance that we had with the Canadian alternative band "No Means No" (2005) in the Belgrade Student Cultural Centre. For You: How does an audience react when they hear you? Popecitelji: At our concerts there is no specific group of people that gather to listen to us. Generally, people of all ages come Brothers Furunovic, Sasa and Goran, now live in Kragujevac, while Rade Vulic lives in Grocka, close to Belgrade. With numerous concerts they have become the "Underground Attraction". The album "Ko radi?" is considered one of the best albums issued in 2004 in Serbia. The audience, who had the opportunity to watch and listen to their concerts, is always positive thinking, and their fans have only words of praise. Ala je lep… Ala je lep Ovaj svet, Onde potok, Ovde cvet; Tamo njiva, Ovde sad, Eno sunce, Evo hlad! Tamo Dunav, Zlata pun, Onde trava, Ovde `bun, Slavuj pesmom ljulja lug. Ja ga slu{am I moj drug. Mnoge generacije odrasle su uz ovu pesmicu, pevu{ili smo je jo{ od ranog detinjstva, i sigurno svi znaju ko je bio, kako ga od milo{te zovemo, ~ika Jova Zmaj. Pisao je pesme, pri~e, ure|ivao razne ~asopise, a po zanimanju je bio lekar. Prvi je pisac u srpskoj knji`evnosti koji je pisao poeziju za decu. N ajbolji deo Zmajeve lirike su njegovi "\uli}i" i "\uli}i uveoci", u kojima je opevao ne`nu i plemenitu ljubav prema svojoj `eni, tugu i o~aj usled njene smrti i smrti njihove dece. To je poezija njegovih intimnih ose}anja, kazana neposredno i toplo, njegov li~ni dnevnik prenet u stihove (Zmaj se o`enio Ru`om Li~anin kojoj je posvetio ciklus pesama pod naslovom \uli}i, (|ul, turski ru`a). Pusto{ smrti pokosila je njegovu porodi~nu ba{tu i ostavila ga usamljenog da gor~inu svoga `ivota poveri poeziji. Zato su "\uli}i uveoci" pro`eti tragikom smrti koja `ivi u ve}ini njegovih stihova. Jovan Jovanovi} Zmaj, ne`an i dobar otac, ~ija su deca rano preminula, human ~ovek i veliki rodoljub koji zna vrednost podmlatka, on se, naro~ito poslednjih godina `ivota, posvetio stvaranju poezije o deci i za decu. One imaju veliki moralni i pou~ni zna~aj; u njima su mnoge generacije prvi put po~ele da saznaju za ono {to je istinito, dobro i lepo. Zmaj je imao naro~ita razumevanja za decu, umeo je da se u`ivi u njihov na~in mi{ljenja i ose}anja i da stvori poeziju koju deca razumeju i vole. To je didakti~na, vaspitna poezija, ali i poezija koja ima umetni~ke vrednosti. U tim pesmama su dati realno i `ivopisno, ne samo lepi, ve} i ru`ni de~ji nagoni, ceo de~ji `ivot. U njima deca poznaju sebe, pro`ivljuju svoju intimnu li~nost, koja je dra`esna, a i vrlo zagonetna. Sna`no i reljefno, Zmaj je u kratkim i lakim lirskim pesmicama ovekove~io nekoliko de~jih tipova, kao "Pura Moca", "Materina maza", "Mali konjanik" i druge. Kao prete`no intelektualan pesnik, on nije opevao u de~jem `ivotu tragi~nu stranu, ve} samo ono {to razum mo`e da zapazi spolja, {to je komi~no. Kad se deca postave u te komi~ne okvire, onda neminovno izazivaju bezazlen i vedar humor. Zato svi junaci Zmajeve de~je epopeje, zajedno sa doma}im `ivotinjama, izazivaju osmeh i osve`enje pri ~itanju. Veliki broj njegovih {aljivih i de~jih pesama, {tampanih po raznim listovima i ~asopisima, iza{le su u dva izdanja celokupnih dela: "Pevanija" i "Druga pevanija". Poslednje su {tampane zbirke: "Snohvatice" i "Devesilje". U prozi je napisao jednu pesni~ku legendu ("Vidosava Brankovi}") i jedan {aljivi pozori{ni komad ("[aran"). ^ika Jova Zmaj ro|en je 1833. godine u Novom Sadu. Gimnaziju je u~io u Hala{u i Po`unu (sada{nja Bratislava), a maturirao je u Slova~koj Trnavi. Pre medicine koju je zavr{io u Pe{ti, studirao je prava u Pe{ti, Pragu i Be~u. Radio je kao lekar u Novom Sadu, Zagrebu, Be~u i na drugim mestima, a u Beogradu je od 1890. do 1898. bio dramaturg Narodnog pozori{ta. Zmaj je poznat i kao prevodilac. Prevodio je sa ma|arskog, koji je znao od detinjstva, a tako|e i sa ruskog, nema~kog i francuskog. Iako nije bio strog u izboru, Zmaj je svojim talentom ponekad davao prevode koji su nadma{ivali original. U prevodima je `eleo da sa~uva autenti~nost originala samo u mislima i ose}anjima. Prevodio je Getea, Pu{kina, Ljermontova, Hajnea i ~itav niz manje poznatih nema~kih pesnika. Jovan Jovanovi} Zmaj umro je 1904. godine u Sremskoj Kamenici. Njegov pesni~ki doprinos deci najbolje pokazuje ~injenica da se i dan danas mali{anima pred spavanje pevu{e ~ika Jovine pesme. Tridesetogodi{nja mama Aleksandra Baji} iz Mitrovice, svoju de~icu uspavljuje ovim pesmicama, a njena najomiljenija je upravo pesma koju je ovaj pesnik posvetio svojoj dragoj Ru`i. Za kraj prisetimo se tih stihova u kojima svojoj suprugi daje bezbroj imena: "Ka`i mi ka`i, kako da te zovem ka`i mi kakvo ime da ti dam Ho}u li re}i: diko ili snago, ili }u: lane, ili: moje blago Ho}u li: du{o, ili: moje drago, ka`i mi kakvo ime da ti dam!" O it's beautiful It is beautiful, The world Theres a stream, A flower here; A field there, Here and now; Here is Sun, And the shade is here! Thereat Danube, Filled with gold, Grass is there, And here the shrub, Nightingale with his song Sways the arbour I listen to it, and my friend. Many generations grew up with this jingle. We all hummed it since we were little, and I'm sure every one of you knows who Uncle Jova Zmaj was, as we call him. He wrote poems, stories, was an editor in different magazines and he was a doctor by his profession. He is the first writer in Serbian literature to write poetry for children. he best part of his lyrics are poems "Djulici" and "Djulici uveoci", which praise the gentle and noble love towards his wife, sorrow and despair because of her death and the death of their children. That is poetry of his personal feelings, said directly and warmly, his personal diary relayed to lyrics. Zmaj was married to Ru`a (name means a Rose) Licanin to whom he dedicated a cycle of poems titled "Djulici", (Djul, Turkish for - Rose). Havoc of death has reaped his family garden and left him alone to confide bitterness of his life to poetry. That is why "Djulici uveoci" are impregnated with the tragic of death which lives in most of his lyrics. Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, gentle and good father, whose children died young, a humane man and a big patriot who knew the values of younger generations, he especially in the last years of his life, dedicated himself to writing poetry about and for the children. They have a big moral and perceptive importance; many generations have for the first time started to distinguish what is true, good and nice. Zmaj had particular understanding for children; he knew how to get into their way of thinking and feeling and to create poetry that children understand and love. That is a didactic, educational poetry, but also poetry with artistic value. In these jingles realistically are described not just nice, but also gave bad children a urge, the whole life of children. In them the children find themselves, alive through their personality, which is T graceful, but also very puzzling. Strongly and relief, Zmaj's short and easy lyric songs have perpetuated several types of children, as "Pura Moca", "Materina maza", "Mali konjanik" and others. As predominantly intellectual poet, he did not write about the tragic side of children's life, but only that, what the mind can see on the outside, the funny side of life. When children put themselves in those funny frames, then they necessarily generate naive and cheerful humour. That's why the heroes of the Zmaj's children's epopee, together with domestic animals generate laughter and are refreshments to read. Numerous of his humorous and children's poems published in different magazines and newspapers have been published in two collections of his life's work: "Pevanija" and "Druga pevanija". And the last to be printed are collections of poems: "Snohvatice" and "Devesilje". In prose he wrote one pet's legend "Vidosav Brankovic" and one humorous theatre play "Saran". Uncle Jova Zmaj was born in 1833 in Novi Sad.He studiedGymnasium in Halas and Pozun (today Bratislava), and he graduated in Slovakian Trnava. Before medicine he finished in Pest (today Budapest), he studied law in Pest, Prague and Wien. He worked as a doctor in Novi Sad, Zagreb, Wien and other places; he was in Belgrade from 1890 to 1898 where he was a playwright in the National theatre. Zmaj is known as translator, he translated from Hungarian, which he learned in his childhood, and also from Russian, German and French. Although he was not strict in selection, some times he gave translations that surpass the original. In translations he wanted to preserve the authenticity of the original only in thoughts and feelings. He translated Goethe, Pushkin, Ljermontov, Hein and several other less know German poets. Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj died in 1904 in Sremska Kamenica. His contribution to children is best shown by fact that to this day parents sing to their children uncle Jova's poems. Thirty year old mom Aleksandra Bajic from Mitrovica, puts her children to sleep with these poems, and her favourite is the poem that this poet dedicated to his dear wife Ruza. At the end let's remind ourselves of these lyrics where he names his wife with countless names: Tell me; tell me how I should call you Tell what name I should give you Should I say: glory or strength? Or should I: fawn, or: my treasure? Should I: Darling, or: my dear, Tell me what name I should give you!" olarna lisica (Alopex lagopus or Vulpes lagopus), poznata jo{ kao bela ili sne`na lisica je nastanjena u hladnim arkti~kim oblastima severne hemisfere. Do{la je na izolovano ostrvo severnog Atlantika na kraju poslednjeg ledenog doba, prelaskom preko zamrznutog mora. Izobilje vrsta polarnih lisica fluktuira u ciklusu zajedno sa populalcijom leminga. Polarna lisica se brzo razmno`ava i ~esto umire mlada. Nivo populacije nije ozbiljno ugro`en lovom. Polarna lisica je, ipak, istrebljena u mnogim oblastima u kojima su nastanjeni ljudi. P Prilago|avaje Polarna lisica `ivi u nekim od najhladnijih mesta na planeti. Da bi se adaptirala za pre`ivljavanje na hladnom vremenu ona ima debelo i gusto krzno, sistem zadr`avanja toplote preko cirkulacije u {apama, kao i dobru zalihu sala. Lisica ima mali odnos povr{ine tela u odnosu na njen obim, {to dokazuje i njen okrugao oblik, kratka nju{ka i noge i kratke debele u{i. Po{to je mali deo njenog tela izlo`en arkti~koj hlad- Carstvo: @ivono}i, telo gubi manje toplote, a njene tinjsko krznene {ape Tip: Chordata dozvoljavaju joj da Klasa: Sisar hoda po ledu u Red: Carnivora potrazi za hranom. Porodica: Canidae Polarna lisica ima Rod: Alopex tako o{tar sluh da Vrsta: A. lagopus mo`e ta~no da locira poziciju plena ispod snega. Kada prona|e plen, ustremi se i probija kroz sneg kako bi ulovila plen. Krzno menja boju u zavisnosti od sezone: tokom zime je belo kako bi se ukopilo uz sneg, a tokom letnjih meseci je braon boje. Razmno`avanje Polarna lisica se razmno`ava u periodu izme|u septembra i maja. Bremenitost traje 53 dana, a okot naj~e{}e sadr`i izme|u 5 do 8 mladih, ali ih mo`e biti i do 25. Oba roditelja se staraju o potomstvu. @enke napu{taju porodicu kako bi oformile svoju grupu, a mu`jaci ostaju uz porodicu. Lisice te`e da oforme monogamnu vezu tokom sezone parenja. Mladi dolaze na svet po~etkom letnjih meseci, a roditelji podi`u mlade u velikoj jazbini koju iskopaju. Jazbine mogu da budu kompleksne podzemne mre`e u kojima `ivi po nekoliko nara{taja. Mladi iz prethodne generacije ostaju uz roditelje, kako bi im pomogli oko novih mladunaca. Mladunci su braon boje i kako postaju stariji tako im se i boja menja u belu. Mogu da hodaju po ledu, a da se ne smrznu, jer imaju debelo krzno na {apama. Ishrana Polarna lisica }e pojesti sve {to prona|e, uklju~uju}i i leminge, polarne ze~eve, jaja i le{ine. Leminzi su naj~e{}i plen: jedna porodica lisica mo`e da pojede tuce leminga svakog dana. Tokom aprila i maja polarna lisica se hrani i mladuncima prstenastih tuljana, kada su mlade `ivotinje zatvorene u sne`nu jazbinu i relativno bespomo}ne. Riba ispod leda je tako|e deo ishrane polarne lisice. Ako se javi vi{ak ulovljene hrane koju porodica ne mo`e da pojede, polarna lisica ga zakopa. Kada meso nije mogu}e prona}i, jedu i vo}e i bobice. Veli~ina i karakteristike Prose~na du`ina ove `ivotinje je 85,3 cm, rep je duga~ak 31 cm, u ramenima su visoke 25-30 cm, a te`ina u proseku iznosi 3,5 kg. Polarna lisica ima najtoplije krzno od svih sisara, toplije ~ak i od polarnog medveda i polarnog vuka. he Arctic Fox (Alopex lagopus or Vulpes lagopus), also known as the White Fox or Snow Fox is native fox in the cold Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It came to the isolated North Atlantic Island at the end of the last ice age, walking across the frozen sea. The abundance of the Arctic Fox species tends to fluctuate in a cycle along with the population of lemmings. Because the fox reproduces very quickly and often dies young, population levels are not seriously impacted by trapping. The Arctic Fox has, nonetheless, been eradicated from many areas where humans are settled. T Litters are born in the early summer and the Kingdom: Animalia parents raise the Phylum: Chordata young in a large den. Class: Mammalia Dens can be complex Order: Carnivora underground netFamily: Canidae works, housing many Genus: Alopex generations of foxes. Species: A. lagoYoung from a previous pus year's litter may stay with the parents to help rear younger siblings. The pups are initially brownish; as they become older they turn white. They can walk on ice without freezing because they have thick hair on their paws. Diet The Arctic Fox will generally eat any meat it can find, including lemmings, Arctic Hare, eggs, and carrion. Lemmings are the most common prey. A family of foxes can eat dozens of lemmings each day. During April and May the Arctic Fox also preys on Ringed Seal pups when the young animals are confined to a snow den and are relatively helpless. Fish beneath the ice are also part of its diet. If there is an overabundance of food hunted, the Arctic Fox will bury what the family cannot eat. When meat is not available the Arctic fox eats fruit and berries. Adaptations The Arctic Fox lives in some of the most frigid extremes on the planet. Among its adaptations for cold survival is its deep, thick fur, a system of countercurrent heat exchange in the circulation of paws to retain core temperature, and a good supply of body fat. The fox has a low surface area to volume ratio, as evidenced by its generally rounded body shape, short body and legs, and short, thick ears. Since less of its surface area is exposed to the Arctic cold, less heat escapes the body. Its furry paws allow it to walk on ice in search of food. The Arctic Fox has such keen hearing that it can precisely locate the position of prey under the snow. When it finds prey, it pounces and punches through the snow to catch its victim. Its fur changes color with the seasons: in the winter it is white to blend in with snow, while in the summer months it changes to brown. Reproduction The Arctic Fox tends to be active from early September to early May. The gestation period is 53 days. Litters tend to average 5-8 pups but may be as many as 25. Both the mother and the father help to raise their young. The females leaves the family and forms their own groups and the males stay with the family. Foxes tend to form monogamous pairs in the breeding season. Size and Characteristics The average length is 85.3 cm, tail is 31 cm long. It is 25-30 cm high at the shoulder. On average it weighs 3.5 kg. The arctic fox has the warmest fur of any mammal, even warmer than the polar bear and arctic wolf. Kultura S ve do nedavno na Kosovu su radile 4 nezavisne srpske TV stanice i svaka od njih je svojim signalom pokrivala gledali{te u svom regionu. Me|utim, u petak 19. februara 2010. godine u prostorijama TV "Puls" iz [ilova odr`ana je sve~ana ceremonija otvaranja nove TV mre`e koja je povezala TV "Mir" (Leposavi}), TV "Most" (Zve~an), TV "Herc" ([trpce) i TV "Puls" ([ilovo). Glavni donator projekta bio je USAID (144.000 dolara), a implementacioni partner bio je IREX. Pozdravni govor odr`ali su gospodin Andrew Clayton, {ef Odseka za ja~anje nezavisnih manjinskih medija u IREX-u i gospo|a Patricia Rader, zamenik {efa ameri~ke ambasade u Pri{tini, koja je tako|e i direktor USAID-a na Kosovu. Gospodin Clayton je na samom po~etku ceremonije pozdravio brojne goste i zahvalio se doma}inima iz TV "Puls" iz [ilova. "Ovo je veoma va`an dan za USAID-ov program ja~anja manjinskih nezavisnih medija. Od 2007. godine smo istra`ivali mogu}nost i tra`ili na~in da se 4 nezavisne srpske TV stanice pove`u u jednu mre`u. TV tehnologija napreduje veoma brzo, ali mislimo da smo na{li veoma fleksibilnu, Internet komunikaciju koja }e privatnim TV stanicama omogu}iti da brzo i lako razmenjuju materijale i dopru do gledali{ta." Gospo|a Patricia Rader se pridru`ila predstavniku IREX-a rekav{i da joj je drago {to }e ozvani~iti ovaj veliki projekat. "Mediji su veoma va`ni u demokratskim dru{tvima, ali, tako|e, oni nose i veliku odgovornost. Pru`aju}i gra|anima informacije, mediji im poma`u da izgrade svoja mi{ljenja po nekom pitanju i naprave svoj izbor, {to je klju~na stvar za demokratiju. Sretna sam {to TV mre`a dose`e do 80% srpskog stanovni{tva na Kosovu i ponosni smo na najnoviju tehnologiju kojom su ove ~etiri TV stanice uvezane. Bilo nam je zadovoljstvo da radimo sa spomenutim TV stanicama i nameravamo da tu saradnju nastavimo." Hub (centralni ure|aj za povezivanje ra~unara; mo`e se zvati i repetitor) TV mre`e bi}e sme{ten u ^aglavici i kao servisna jedinica omogu}i}e televizijama da razmenjuju programe i snimljene video materijale. Tako }e TV mre`a poja~ati svoje kapacitete i pru`iti gledali{tu sveobuhvatne lokalne vesti i doprineti boljoj obave{tenosti lokalnog srpskog stanovni{tva. Neka istra`ivanja su pokazala da gledaoci na Kosovu imaju povenje u spomenute TV stanice, a gospo|a Rader je dodala da se USAID nada da }e pokretanjem ove mre`e spomenute TV stanice dobiti vi{e gledalaca i ste}i jo{ ve}e poverenje javnosti, a tako|e da }e nastaviti sa dobrim, istinitim i objektivnim novinarstvom. "^estitam svima na dobrom radu i ponovila bih da je ova mre`a centar demokratije na Kosovu i o~ekujem da }e njen razvoj biti na dobrobit svih gra|ana Kosova putem razmene ideja, kao i da }e omogu}iti gra|anima da se i njihov glas ~uje i da }e oja~ati demokratiju na Kosovu na du`e staze", zavr{ila je svoj govor gospo|a Rader. I gospodin Nenad Milenkovi}, direktor i vlasnik TV "Puls" iz [ilova se zahvalio prisutnima {to su se odazvali pozivu i u velikom broju prisustvovali otvaranju nove TV mre`e. "Svojim dosada{njim radom spomenute TV stanice zauzele su va`no mesto u dru{tvu. Sada nam TV mre`a nudi mogu}nost da pru`imo kompletan servis gledaocima. Jedinstvo, profesionalizam i nezavisnost su samo neki od aduta koje TV mre`a poseduje. U potpunosti smo spremni da slu`imo srpskoj zajednici na Kosovu i ovom prilikom pozivam sve koji su spremni da sa nama zajedno doprinesu razvoju medija na Kosovu - u~ine to kroz TV mre`u. ^ast nam je da imamo za partnera USAID/IREX i hvala svima na podr{ci." Od gospodina Milenkovi}a smo jo{ ~uli i da }e koristiti ameri~ku tehnologiju strimboks (Streambox) koja omogu}ava da putem Interneta, tj. Entraneta (lokalna mre`a) {alju informacije jedni drugima. TV mre`a }e koristiti usluge kosovskog provajdera "Kujtesa" koji }e omogu}iti protok informacija. Gospodin Bojan Mladenovi}, direktor TV "Herc" iz [trpca izjavio je da on stavlja akcenat na ono {ta je srpska zajednica dobila ovim projektom. "Bitni su gledaoci, jer mi sve ovo radimo zarad njih. Oni }e dobiti mnogo obilnije, kvalitetnije informisanje i na taj na~in }e im se sigurno olak{ati i unaprediti `ivot. Mi znamo da nas gledaju i u albanskoj zajednici i ti gledaoci }e dobiti upravo ono {to nemaju: pravo stanje `ivota srpske zajednice na Kosovu. Mi smo kom{ije, ali malo toga znamo jedni o drugima. Sada se nadamo da }e se situacija promeniti", izjavio je gospodin Mladenovi}. Od gospodina Zvonka Miladinovi}a, direktora TV "Most" ~uli smo da }e ova mre`a pobolj{ati kvalitet informisanja Srba na Kosovu, ali da }e stanice mnogo bolje komunicirati i sa ostalim zajednicama na Kosovu. "Bi}e odli~no da komuniciramo izme|u na{ih studija i pravimo zajedni~ke programe. Osim toga, jedva ~ekam da po~nemo da se "takmi~imo" i sa kolegama iz albanskih TV stanica, da to bude jedna normalna konkurencija, da se borimo za tr`i{te i gledaoce, jer to je smisao na{eg rada. Uz ovu mre`u bi}emo aktuelniji, ima}emo br`i protok informacija, a gledaoci }e kroz zajedni~ke emisije mo}i da vide {ta se tog dana radilo u drugim oblastima na Kosovu", rekao je gospodin Miladinovi}. Ovim va`nim projektom postiglo se to da }e gledaoci dobijati informacije sa vi{e razli~itih mesta na Kosovu, u pravo vreme i na pravi na~in, kao i da }e se program svih stanica spojiti u jednu celinu. Na kraju ovog doga|aja, direktor TV "Puls" je po`eleo svim na{im ~itaocima puno zdravlja, sre}e i uspeha u {koli. "Ugledajte se na to kako mi sara|ujemo sa Albancima, pa tako i vi radite. Ne odvajajte ljude po veri ili nacionalnosti, ve} po tome kakav je ko ~ovek, po kvalitetu njegovog rada i profesionalizmu." Culture ntil recently, in Kosovo 4 independent Serbian TV stations have worked and each of them in its signal coverage was reaching the audience in the area. However, on Friday 19 February 2010 in the premises of TV "Puls" in Silovo a festive opening ceremony was held for the new TV network that connects TV "Mir" (Leposavic), TV "Most" (Zvecan), TV "Herc" (Strpce) and TV "Puls" (Silovo). The main donor of the project was the USAID (144,000 dollars), and the implementation partner was IREX. Welcoming speech held by Mr. Andrew Clayton, Head of the strengthening of independent media in minority IREX and Ms. Patricia Rader, deputy head of the U.S. Embassy in Pristina, which is also the director of USAID in Kosovo. Mr. Clayton, at the beginning of the ceremony, welcomed the many guests and thanked the hosts from TV, "Puls" from Silovo. "This is a very important day for the USAID program to strengthen of minority independent media. Since 2007 we explored the possibility and looking for a way to connect to a network 4 independent Serbian TV stations. TV technology is progressing very quickly, but I think we found a very flexible, Internet communication that allows private TV stations to quickly and easily share materials and reach out to the audience." Ms. Patricia Rader joined IREX representative saying that she was glad to make official this great project. "The media are very important in democratic societies, but also, they carry a great responsibility. Providing information to citizens, the media is helping them build their opinion on an issue and also help them make their choice, which is the key thing for democracy. I am happy that TV network reaches 80% of the Serbian population in Kosovo and we are proud of the latest technology which the four TV stations are connected with. It is our pleasure to work with the mentioned TV stations and we intend to continue with that cooperation." Hub (the central device for connecting computer, and can also be called repeater) of this Television Network will be located in Caglavica as a service unit it will enable television stations to exchange programs and recorded video materials. So the TV networks will increase their capacity auditorium and provide comprehensive local news and contribute to better awareness of the local Serbian population. Some research showed that viewers in Kosovo have trust in the mentioned TV station, and Ms. Rader added that the USAID hopes to start this network these TV stations will get more viewers and with that gain even greater public confidence, and also to continue with the good, true and fair journalism. "Congratulations to all the good work and I would repeat that this Network is a centre of democracy in Kosovo and expect that its development will be to the benefit of all citizens of Kosovo through the exchange of ideas, and that it will allow citizens for their voice to be heard and to strengthen democracy in Kosovo in the long run, U stated Ms. Rader at the end of her speech. And Mr. Nenad Milenkovic, director and owner of TV "Puls" from Silovo thanked those many present that they accepted the invitation and attended the opening of new TV network. "With their work so far these TV stations had taken an important place in society. Now the TV network offers us the opportunity to provide a complete service to viewers. Unity, professionalism and independence are just some of the advantages which TV network owns. We are fully prepared to serve the Serbian community in Kosovo and on this occasion I invite all who are willing to with us, together contribute to the development of media in Kosovo - to do it through the TV network. It is our honour to have USAID / IREX as partners for this, and I would like to thank everyone for their support." From Mr. Milenkovic we have also heard that American technology "Streambox" will be used this allows the information to be sent to each other via Internet, i.e. Ethernet. TV network will use the services of "Kujtesa" internet provider from Kosovo that will allow the flow of information. Mr. Bojan Mladenovic, director of TV "Herc" form Strpce said that he puts the emphasis on what the Serbian community gains with this project. "Viewers are important, because all that we do is for their benefit. They will get an abundance of quality information and thus this will definitely make their life easier and improved. We know that we have viewers from the Albanian community and these viewers will get exactly what they don't have: the right situation of life of the Serbian community in Kosovo. We are neighbours, but we know little about each other. Now we hope the situation will change," said Mr. Mladenovic. From Mr. Zvonko Miladinovic, director of TV "Most" we heard that this network will improve the quality of information of the Serbs in Kosovo, but, also the stations will communicate better with other communities in Kosovo. "`It will be great to communicate between our Studios and create joint programs. In addition, I can hardly wait to begin to "compete" with colleagues from the Albanian TV station, for this to be a normal competition, to "fight" for market and audience, because this is the meaning of our work. With this network we will be more up-to-date, we will have a faster flow of information, and viewers will be able to see what's going on in the other parts of Kosovo that day "said Mr. Miladinovic. With this important project we have achieved that viewers will receive information from many different places in Kosovo, at the right time and in the right way, and that the program of all stations will merge into one entity. At the end of the event, Director of TV "Puls" wished all our readers a lot of health, happiness and success in school. Look up to us on how we cooperate with the Albanians, so you do the same. Do not separate people by religion or nationality, but, individuals, by the quality of their work and professionalism." P ored glavnih kancelarija "Pošte i Telekoma Kosova" (PTK), na tom istom platou od oktobra 2008. otvoren je jedan mali kafi} pod imenom "X 21". Dok smo sedeli za jednim od stolova, naši doma}ini gospodin Driton Bajraktari, gospo|e Sebahate Beqiri i Leonora Shabani naru~uju kafe za sve nas. Slu`io nas je mladi konobar po imenu Sadi, koji se razlikuje od svih ostalih konobara u Prištini, a verovatno i na celom Kosovu, i to samo zato što ima poreme}aj hromozoma poznat kao Daunov sindrom (nazvan po Jhon Langdon Down-u, prvi koji je opisao sindrom 1866.). No, nije samo Sadi (pravo ime Mirsad Menxhiqi) bolestan od ovog sindroma, jer i {anker u istom kafi}u Besnik Hyseni, ima ovo oboljenje, kao i ostali koji rade ovde. Besnik nam je objasnio da svakoga dana otvara i zatvara kafi}, i da je njegova motivacija za rad veoma jednostavna: "Bolje je raditi, nego sedeti ku}i". Naziv kafi}a "X 21" poti~e od broja hromozoma koji uzrokuju pomenuti sindrom, a otvoren je uz pomo} strane organizacije koja se zove "Down Syndrome Kosova". Ono što ovo mesto ~ini jedinstvenim i veoma va`nim jeste ~injenica da ovi mladi ljudi svakodnevno sami rukovode ovim poslom. Postojanje ovog mesta jeste va`no upravo zbog toga kako bi ubedilo sve skeptike da Daunov Sindrom zapravo ne spre~ava ljude da rade i vode normalan `ivot. Svakako je potrebna pomo} društva da ih makar malo podr`i, a ostalo ovi oboleli mogu svakod- nevno raditi sami. Zamenik direktora organizacije "Down Syndrome Kosova" Sebahate Beqiri ka`e da je po~ela da se bavi ovim radom nakon što je ustanovljeno da njeno prvo dete ima ovaj sindrom. Se}a se da na po~etku nije mogla da prona|e prave informacije koje bi je pomogle da na najbolji na~in vodi brigu o svom detetu. Suo~ena s ovim, ona je te`ila da uspostavi kontakt sa drugim roditeljima koji su bili u istoj situaciji, i tada je srela gospo|u Leonoru Shabani. Njihova saradnja je podstakla osnivanje ove organizacije, zvani~no uspostavljene 4. marta 2007. Kako nam je rekla gospo|i Beqiri, oni su postigli veliki uspeh samo zato {to su svi ~lanovi organizacije, ujedno i roditelji dece sa ovim sindromom. Vo|a grupe za podršku roditelja Leonora Shabani naglasila je da njihova organizacija sada ima memorandum o saradnji sa materinskim odeljenjem na Kosovskom Univerzitetskom Klini~kom Centru. Ovo zna~i da ~im se dete rodi sa Daunovim sindromom, materinsko odeljenje ima za zadatak da odmah obavesti ovu organizaciju. "Na taj na~in mi mo`emo da vodimo blagovremenu evidenciju o svim novim slu~ajevima Daunovog sindroma. Još je va`nije, to {to mi u ve}ini slu~ajeva obaveštavamo Gospo|a Leonora Shabani roditelje o stanju njihovog novoro|en~eta. Mi ih ~ak i pose}ujemo u bolnici, i vodimo svoju decu sa nama, samo da bi im pokazali da ova posebna deca mogu imati sre}no detinjstvo, da mogu da idu u školu i da odrastaju jednako kao pojedinci našeg društva." Izvršni direktor "Down Syndrome Kosova" Driton Bajraktari je naglasio, da je uprkos velikim dostignu}ima na ovom polju, veoma bitno posti}i finansijsku odr`ivost. A izgleda da }e ona u bliskoj budu}nosti biti mogu}a, i to zahvaljuju}i podr{ci i saradnji raznih donatora, kao i centralnih i lokalnih institucija na Kosovu. Me|utim, on je izjavio da najve}e zasluge za ove uspehe pripadaju samim roditeljima, koji su uz ote`an rad i posve}enost pomogli u prevazila`enju mnogih prepreka, kao što su predrasude i isklju~enost ovih ljudi iz dru{tva, i to samo zbog neosnovanog verovanja da oni ne mogu voditi normalan `ivot. Jedna od redovnih aktivnosti "Down Syndrome Kosova" je obele`avanje Svetskog Dana Daunovog sindroma, koji ima za cilj da skrene pa`nju {iroj javnosti. Zato nemojte zaboraviti! U~estvujte u obele`avanju ovog dana 21. marta 2010., i nau~ite ne{to o ovom sindromu. Bi}ete zapanjeni, zato {to je najjedinstvenija stvar kod ljudi sa ovim sindromom, velika ljubav koju iskazuju prema drugim ljudima i samom `ivotu. n the plateau next to the "Post and Telecom of Kosovo" (PTK) main offices, a little coffee shop called "X 21" has been open since October 2008. As we sit at one of the tables, our hosts Mr. Driton Bajraktari, Mrs. Sebahate Beqiri and Mrs. Leonora Shabani, order coffee for us all. We are served by Cadi, a young waiter who differs from all other waiters in Pristina and probably all of Kosovo, since he has a chromosome disorder known as Down Syndrome O 21" coffee shop derives from the number of chromosomes which cause the syndrome. Although the coffee shop was originally founded by an organization named "Down Syndrome Kosova", what makes it unique and also very important is the fact that it is these young gentlemen who run the business on daily basis. The cafe is important because it is here that sceptics will be convinced that Down Syndrome does not stop people from being productive and leading a normal life. All that is needed is a little help from society - those affected by Down Syndrome can do the rest themselves, every day! Mrs. Sebahate Beqiri, deputy director of "Down Syndrome Kosova", says it all started for her after her firstborn child was Mr. Driton Bajraktari (named after John Langdon Down, who was the first to describe the syndrome in 1866). But it is not only Cadi (Mirsad Menxhiqi) who is affected by this syndrome. The bartender, Besnik Hyseni, has the same condition as well as all the other workers of this coffee shop. The latter explains that it is he who opens and closes the shop every day, and his motivation is very simple: "It is better to work than to sit at home". The name of the "X Mrs. Sebahate Beqiri diagnosed with this syndrome. She recalls that at first, she couldn't even find proper information to guide her on how to best help and care for her child. Facing this, she sought to establish contact with other parents in the same situation, and met Mrs. Leonora Shabani. Their cooperation sparked the creation of the organisation, officially established on 4th March 2007. According to Mrs. Beqiri, "Down Syndrome Kosova" success is largely due to the fact that all members of the organization are parents of children with this Down Syndrome. Mrs. Shabani, leader of the parent support group, emphasised that their organisation now has a memorandum of cooperation with the maternity ward in Kosovo University Clinic Centre. This means that as soon as a child with Down Syndrome is born, the maternity ward informs the organisation. "This way we ensure to keep up to date records about all new Down Syndrome cases. More importantly, it is us who in most cases inform parents of the condition of their newborn babies. We even visit them at the hospital and bring along our own children, just to show them that these special children can and are entitled to a happy childhood, to go to school and grow up as equal individuals in our society." From his side, Mr. Bajraktari, Executive Director of "Down Syndrome Kosova," emphasised that despite the great achievements in this field it is crucial to gain financial sustainability. It seems that in the near future, financial sustainability will be possible thanks to the help and cooperation of various donors as well as central and local governing institutions in Kosovo. He stated, however, that those meriting mention are the parents themselves, whom with hard work and dedication have helped overcome many obstacles, such as stigmatisation and social bypassing of people with Down Syndrome. These obstacles originate in the unfounded belief that these people cannot lead a normal life. One of the regular activities of "Down Syndrome Kosova" is marking World Down Syndrome Day, which aims to raise awareness among the general public. So don't forget! Participate in marking this day on the 21st of March 2010, and learn about Down Syndrome. You will be astonished, because the most unique thing about people with Down Syndrome is the immense love they show towards others, and life itself. na liniji zdravlja. Puno zabave Ne dozvolite da Vas mra~na lista likou "Tatsunoko"-u }ete na}i u va obeshrabri: ova duboka, a ipak Dobro eksperimentisanju sa pristupa~na borila~ka igrica je • Raznolikost pri novim kombinacijama dobrodo{ao dodatak mr{avoj odabiru likova napada, radost koju ponudiborila~kih igrica za Wii • Dobro pode{ena i zadomo`e jedino da platformu. voljavaju}a mehanika borbe nadma{i • Izuzetno pristupa~ne kontrole ompleksnost je u genima uspe{no pri• Lepo izgleda ve}ini modernih menjivanje • Glatko igranje borila~kih igrica, a igrica uni{tvaju}ih na Internetu "Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: vi{estrukih Lo{e Ultimate All-Stars" nije kombo napada • Siroma{an izuzetak u ovom slu~aju. na Va{im proizbor opcija za Pozama{an spisak igra~a, tivnicima. odabir me~eva na zapetljana mehanika Na spisku igra~a Internetu igranja i hiperkineti~ka imate i dva "velika" • U potpunosti ogoljen prezentacija igranja mogu igra~a sa kojima mod igranja za da upla{e po~etnike, uz mo`eta igrati, ali jednog igra~a potencijal da ih natera da K tr~e}i napuste sobu kada vide izraze na ekranu, kao {to su: "unapre|en gard", "vazdu{ni napad sa prelazom" ili "barokni kombo napad". I dok }e veterani u borila~kim igricama na}i izuzetno zadovoljavaju}e borbe, igrica je bez sumnje jedna od najlak{ih da se uklju~ite u igru, zahvaljuju}i {emi boja koje udovoljavaju svima: od bu~nih novajlija, do ljubitelja vazdu{nih kombinovanih napada. Neki problemi oko ravnote`e igra~a i vi{e nego te{ko iskustvo igranja na Internetu su prepreke, ali ako ste vlasnik Wii konzole i "svrbe" Vas prsti za dobrom borbom, onda je "Tatsunoko vs. Capcom" odli~an partner za borbu, bez obzira na kom ste po~etni~kom nivou. Osnovna {ema kontrola u "Tatsunoko"-u je promenjena od prethodnih naslova iz serije "Vs." I sada se koriste samo ~etiri dugmeta: tri za napad (slab, srednji i jak) i jedno je predvi|eno za poziv partneru da Vam do|e u pomo}. Igra mo`da izgleda manje kompleksno zbog toga {to koristi manje dugmi}a, ali ova jednostavnost je ~ista suprotnost setu pokreta koji svaki lik u igrici ima. Ima puno zamr{enosti u "Tatsunoko"-u i bi}e potrebno puno vremena ozbiljnog igranja na kao kamen tvrdoj mehanici igranja, kako biste upoznali pokrete svih igra~a do najsitnijih detalja. Bilo koji lik da odaberete, napad je klju~na re~, a igra Vam dozvoljava, uz Va{e ve{tine, da izvedete kombinaciju udaraca po tlu i vazduhu, sa poenima koji se ispisuju sa po dve cifre. Mo`ete da dodate vi{e uni{tenja zahvaljuju}i mogu}nosti da ve`ete vi{e hiper kombinacija napada, da po{aljete dva komobo napada odjednom ili da ~ak oslobodite ultra jak hiper napad koji }e i najja~im protivnicima da skine po koju crticu zbog toga {to su glomazni i sami ispunjavaju ekran, pojavljuju se samo kao solo igra~i bez partnera. Sa Capcom strane, postoji "PTX-40A" mehani~ar sa izgubljene planete, dok "Tatsunoko" ima ogroman upalja~ poznatiji kao "Gold Lightan". Ako nemate ljudskog protivnika koga mo`ete da izazovete na borbu, onda "Tatsunoko vs. Capcom" dolazi sa ~eitri standardna moda za jednog igra~a: "Arcade", "Survival", "Time Attack" i "Training". "Tatsunoko vs. Capcom" je, slobodno mo`emo re}i, jedna od najimpresivnijih igara po izgledu, koja nastavlja da veli~a Wii. Svi likovi su divno animirani i dok su pozadine scena gde se borbe odvijaju malo jednostavnije, sve ostale aktivnosti tokom hiper i ultra napada su treperavih boja punih detaljnih efekata. Don't let the obscure character list turn you off: this deep yet accessible fighter is a welcome addition to the Wii's meager fighting game stocks. The good • Varied roster and characters omplexity is in the DNA of most modern fighting games, • Tight and satisfying fighting and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars is no mechanics exception. The game's hefty character list, intricate • Extremely accessible controls mechanics, and hyperkinetic presentation could easily spook fight• Great looking ing first-timers, potentially sending them running from the room • Smooth online play when they see terms like "advancing guard," "crossover air raid," or "baroque combo" flash across the screen. But while fighting veterans will revel in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom's deeply satisfying combat, the The bad game is without a doubt one of the easiest in the genre to • Poor online jump into, thanks to control schemes that cater to matchmaking options everyone from brawling neophytes to air combo afi• Bare bones singlecionados. Some character balance issues and a player modes more-difficult-than-necessary online experience hold it back, but if you're a Wii owner and you've been itching for a fight, then Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is a great sparring partner no matter what your starting skill level. The basic control scheme in Tatsunoko has been simplified from previous Vs. titles to now feature only four buttons: three for attacks (light, medium, and strong) and one dedicated for calling in your partner to assist. The game may seem less complex because it uses fewer buttons, but this simplicity belies the depth of each character's move set. There's plenty of intricacy to be found in Tatsunoko, and it will take some serious play time with the game's rock-solid mechanics to get the nuances of each character down pat. Whatever character you choose, offence is the key, and the game lets you-skill permitting--notch ground and air hit combos well into the double digits. You can add even more destruction thanks to the ability to string together hyper combos, release two at once, or even unleash ultra powerful hyper that can take serious chunks out of any health bar. A lot of the fun in Tatsunoko comes from finding and experimenting with new combos, a joy that's topped only by the satisfaction you feel when you successfully carry out a devastating multicity attacks on your opponents. There are also two playable "giant" characters on the roster, and due to their sheer screenfilling bulk, they appear solo only and never as part of a team. On the Capcom side, there's the PTX-40A mech from Lost Planet, while Tatsunoko has the gigantic lighter known as Gold Lightan. If you don't have a human opponent to challenge, then Tatsunoko vs. Capcom comes with four standard single-player modes: Arcade, Survival, Time Attack, and Training. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is easily one of the most impressive-looking games to grace the Wii to date. All of the characters are animated beautifully, and while stage backgrounds are a little plain, all of the various specials and hyper are presented with vibrant colors and particle-laden effects. C SHUTTER ISLAND Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Williams, Max von Sydow, Patricia O S T RV O S H U T T E R Glavne uloge: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Williams, Max von Sydow, Patricia Clarkson, Emily Mortimer, Jackie Earle Haley, Ruby Jerins Re`iser: Martin Scorsese Studio: "Paramount Pictures" @anr: drama Sinopsis Adaptacija romana Dennis-a Lehane-s iz 2004. godine od strane Laeta Kalogridisa, u kojoj Ruffalo igra mar{ala SAD koji putuje sa novim partnerom na ostrvo u Masa~usetsu 1954. godine. Dok istra`uju nestanak pacijenta iz bolnice u kojoj su sme{teni du{evno oboleli kriminalci, nailaze na mre`u la`i, uragan i smrtno opasnu pobunu zatvorenika koja ih ostavlja zarobljene na ostrvu. Clarkson, Emily Mortimer, Jackie Earle Haley, Ruby Jerins Director: Martin Scorsese Studio: Paramount Pictures Genre: Drama Synopsis Laeta Kalogridis' adaptation of Dennis Lehane's 2004 novel, in which Ruffalo will play U.S. Marshal Chuck Aule, who travels with his new partner to the eponymous Massachusetts island in 1954. As they investigate the disappearance of a patient from a hospital for the criminally insane, they encounter a web of lies, a hurricane and a deadly inmate riot that leaves them trapped on the island. CO P O UT Star ring : Bru Mor ga ce Ada n, Sean Willis, mB n Tra W Ana rody, K illiam S cy evin de la cott, Po R Lee, Mich eguera, llak, Jaso e Trac n hten lle b e Dire ctor rg Stud : Kevi nS io Gen : Warne mith re: C r ome Bros. dy TE R PO ENS K LIC AJ I CI Glav n Trac e ulog e y Sco Morgan : Bruce tt W Polla , Adam , Seann illis, Brod Willi k , A y, Ke am na d Jaso e n v Trac Lee, M la Reg in u hten i era, berg chelle Re` is Stud er: Kev in @an io: "War Smith r: ko ner Bros med ." ija Sinopsis Dva dugogodi{nja partnera, njujor{ki policajci na tragu ukradene, skupocene, retke kolekcije bejzbol karata sa slikama igra~a, upadaju u borbu sa nemilosrdnim gangsterima, kolekcionarima opsednutih vrednim kolekcijama. Jimmy je detektiv veteran ~ija ukradena kolekcija za njega predstavlja jedinu nadu da }e mo}i da plati }erkino ven~anje; Paul je njegov partner u borbi protiv zlo~ina kome preokupiranost navodnom preljubom njegove `ene stvara izuzetne pote{ko}e da se usresredi na zadatak koji je pred njim. Synopsis Two long-time NYPD partners on the trail of a stolen, rare, mint-condition baseball card find themselves up against a merciless, memorabilia-obsessed gangster. Jimmy is the veteran detective whose missing collectible is his only hope to pay for his daughter's upcoming wedding, and Paul is his "partneragainst-crime" whose preoccupation with his wife's alleged infidelity makes it hard for him to keep his eye on the ball. Sinopsis Zasnovan na romanu pisca bestselera Nicholasa Sparks-a, "Dear John" pri~a pri~u o John-u Tyree-u, mladom vojniku na odsustvu i Savannah-i Curtis, studentkinji idealisti u koju se on zaljubljuje tokom njenog letnjeg raspusta. Tokom narednih sedam burnih godina, par je rastavljen sve opasnijim misijama na koje John ide. Iako se sre}u samo povremeno, oni ostaju u kontaktu slanjem brojnih ljubavnih pisama. Prekookeanska korespodencija na kraju izaziva kobne posledice. DRAGI JOHN Glavne uloge: Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Henry Thomas, Richard Jenkins, Keith Robinson Re`iser: Lasse Hallstrom Studio: "Screen Gems" @anr: romansa/drama DEAR JOHN Starring: Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Henry Thomas, Richard Jenkins, Keith Robinson Director: Lasse Hallström Studio: Screen Gems Genre: Romance / Drama DISTRICT 13: ULTIMATUM Glavne uloge: Cyril Raffaelli, David Belle, Philippe Torreton, Daniel Duval Dve godine su pro{le od kada se policajac elitnog odreda policije Damien Tomasso udru`io sa Leito kako bi sa~uvao ozlogla{eni "District 13", geto pun rasizma u kome `ive nasilne bande dilera droge i zlobne ubice. I pored Vladinog obe}anja da }e o~uvati red, stanje u ovoj oblasti se pogor{alo i grupa korumpiranih policajaca i izabranih zvani~nika pravi zaveru da pokrenu nemire u "D13" u potrazi za izgovorom da poru{e ovu oblast i zarade na njenoj ponovnoj izgradnji. Sada Damian i Leito moraju da se ponovo udru`e i iskoriste svoje ume}e u borila~kim ve{tinama i jedinstvene fizi~ke sposobnosti kako bi vratili mir u kom{iluk, ne biraju}i sredstva za to... pre nego {to ga predlo`eni nuklearni napad ne obri{e sa lica zemlje. Borbama u kojima se lome kosti i skokovima koji prkose smrti, ovaj adrenalinom napumpan nastavak di`e inovativnu akciju iz "District B13" u nove visine. DISTRICT 13: ULTIMATUM Starring: Cyril Raffaelli, David Belle, Philippe Torreton, Daniel Duval Two years have passed since elite police officer Damien Tomasso teamed up with reformed vigilante Leito to save the notorious District 13, a racially charged ghetto populated by violent drug dealing gangs and vicious killers. Despite government promises to maintain order, the state of the district has deteriorated, and a group of corrupt cops and elected officials are conspiring to cause civil unrest in D13, looking for an excuse to raze the area and cash in on its redevelopment. Now Damian and Leito must join forces again, and use their mastery of martial arts and their unique physical skills to bring peace to the neighborhood by any means necessary... before a proposed nuclear air-strike wipes it off the map. With bone crunching fights and death defying leaps, this adrenaline charged sequel takes the groundbreaking parkour action from "District B13" to thrilling new heights. Synopsis Based on the novel by best-selling author Nicholas Sparks, "Dear John" tells story of John Tyree, a young soldier home on leave, and Savannah Curtis the idealistic college student he falls in love with during her spring vacation. Over the next seven tumultuous years, the couple is separated by John's increasingly dangerous deployments. While meeting only sporadically, they stay in touch by sending a continuous stream of love letters overseas--correspondence that eventually triggers fateful consequences. LUDO SRCE CRAZY HEART Glavne uloge: Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Robert Duvall, Sarah Jane Morris Starring: Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Robert Duvall, Sarah Jane Morris Jeff Bridges glumi bogatog komi~ara, polutragi~nog, romanti~nog anti-heroja po imenu Bad Blake u filmu "Crazy Heart". Bad Blake je istro{en, kantri peva~ koji `ivi u te{kim uslovima, a `ivot je proveo izme|u vi{e brakova, previ{e godina na putu i jednog pi}a vi{e - previ{e puta. Ipak, Bad ne mo`e a da ne poku{a da spasi sebe uz pomo} Jane, novinarke koja otkriva ~oveka iza lica muzi~ara. Dok se bori na putu spasenja, Bad na te`ak na~in otkriva koliko `ivot mo`e da bude te`ak ~oveku sa ludim srcem. [PIJUN DO VRATA Glavne uloge: Jackie Chan, Madeline Carroll, George Lopez, Billy Ray Cyrus "The Spy Next Door" je akciona komedija koja prati THE SPY NEXT DOOR Starring: Jackie Chan, Madeline Carroll, George Lopez, Billy Ray Cyrus "The Spy Next Door" is an action-comedy which centers on Jeff Bridges stars as the richly comic, semi-tragic romantic anti-hero Bad Blake in the film Crazy Heart. Bad Blake is a broken-down, hard-living country music singer who's had way too many marriages, far too many years on the road and one too many drinks way too many times. And yet, Bad can't help but reach for salvation with the help of Jean, a journalist who discovers the real man behind the musician. As he struggles down the road of redemption, Bad learns the hard way just how tough life can be on one man's crazy heart. ~oveka koji je pozvan da ~uva decu svojih kom{ija, a na kraju zavr{ava u borbi protiv tajnih agenata - po{to je jedno od dece nesmotreno sa Interneta preuzelo tajni kod. a man who is called to babysit his neighbor's children and winds up having to fight off secret agents after one of the kids inadvertently downloads a secret code. MAŠT AM peva~ au s v ir a n d a r a u ~ a r o a g it bne bu e ` im { b n je v e U vazd arama. ir o i u h k a o d a m o t v o r e n ih u trep S v e e r e la k z a s t a je s a n ja m o ~ ij u i e ig r a ju n . n a t Zraci s ot o j le p o trenut se po s v e t lo unca t ak i u` e. z id o sti n im r a i. ^ u d e s n e iv a u P o s m a i b o ja p a d a v im a . M r e ` p { t ic e s a ir e n im a tr na pre g la v e ; k ogrom d n is a m a m t u s li k u li s t p r e r il im a d i` u i kao d mete. ovde. s v o je s t a t a n je e ^ i a da tre ja m … vredni in i m i v i{ e per se kao m v la s im da san a t r a v e r a v m e | u v i, z a s Ma{ta is o k im . m o da K ao d le k o j i z e m lj i, upozn a ma{tam… ~arobn nezna am tog i ` e li m oj noj i ~ o b a le ~ mi nas u d n o j. z a p lj u li k a t a u v e n o g s li k a d a N s je k n u e mu b k o d iv p la v e t ju t a la o je a n s a n r a k o ji nog m se ora. U . Odak m is li d , o s e } a n ja , prozor n le je g o v im ig r a n im d u b in a m z o r ? ! P n a s li k a je d a a p o k r e t a i z e le n e a n o a ` s t o ji li ovaka mo`e s p a v a lg e . M a le { iv e v p r ilj u d s k da stv k o lj k e ju p o d a ruka o r k s i k o ja k o r a li ameno vuda o o v a k av sve n ji m ko t i m ir c r v e n e { u s v o je b e , a P o s t o ji n a s ? ! le i grane. li p okret k o s li k a t o p la i Vo d a je o ji tr be v o d i, a a v u , s v ic a , p m o ` e d a d u b in a z z lo k o b n ih t ic u , k da ne . S a n ja amen n i~ e g a n m s a z e le u ? ! P o s a r u { i le p o t u n im t r a p r e d e le t o ji li n ~arobn ogrom vama egde s ja k k o i n im k r m ta is p a la o{n Svuda iz { e { e je o v a le p r i n i~ u m ja m a . ir o n a ta a ? { ! Post ir a ma t o v i ja r k ih b o is n i c v e p r ij a t n { t a , n a { i s n o ji … t o je ja , a n n ji h s le o ovi u k a }u raz o ji m a ma{ta zadremamo d le p t ir i mo…s i i p la { lj r a g a n i a n d ja u g mo iv e o, sa b u b ic e ,o ` iv o … n ja m o p o d t o d m a r a ju s e P r u ` im o p li da dot z r a c im m s u n ~ e v im aknem ruku a. Sve o, ma{ta je nestan a m ir n o , sve ra I o pet po e. ste, cveta, sobi ig r a ju m ir i{ e sv … s e lj u lj b o je , i e t lo s t i a u ne sve p r e d iv `nom r it m u n na meka eke p a u ~ in a n e ~ u jn s a tkana e muz od ik e . t i i Kao d ma{te stvarnosa sto. t in e J o vana cvr~ak a, "Ekon Jorgi} omsko p t ic a i trgovi d r u g ih nska { kola" Laplje Selo L o te r w h l s pa in ti fu u a e fa m o u b uch a e drew s e d id h . Wher , d r e a m o lo u r s fr o m c e t a th get e s th s, mov fe e li n g to pa in t u g h ts nd th e th o a h u m a n h a d n a e c a ll n m n a e I' a C c d d ! a n an d pe ig h t? e n s p a o a y ld s h r la p ye wo suc h my e s of sun are t uch a la y w it h r e a te s ? ! ay g c n draw li R f . o g b in th a t c a it h o u t n und us o d r e a m e w a ll s . We o ti y r o a m s in th eam a te r w g and w Is th e r n th in g n d a s if in g o n o k c th in p o o r r of any b ir d , age a m lo u r d g r a s s , g th e b e a u ty e r e a n o ld a n d c o a tc h th a t im s e a m s li k e I' in wh Iw e r e , it fa ll d is tu r b th e r e s o m e room, n g e r th Is b e a u ty lo l ! is a ? o e n ic th g ls d a e a I' m m h who ere r nt and in g . w iz a r d h a t? ! Ye s th n , d r e a m m o f a d is ta a c u lo u s , h e o f is ir a ti o h e a m r Id ves a g in and fr o m th e w a s , nown o u r im h ic h w e k y 's n b it u d , e is … la n d und e p th to w are po eams arent d e p to our dr s h o r e s a , its tr a n s p a e . S m a ll ll a s le fa y tl e n e lg a s d s a an u t… w en p le a azure m abo ream b y g r e d e r th e r o c k b s . a d e r e d it b d n d an in h a ep u r e d li m ng, we e ll s s le w h it e a n d o r e a m lo e r e a c h o u r n d seash s e r it a y w ere swa li v e ly … to u c h it a n d a n d th a m o f la n d c o r a ls warm e r to d is apI e r d g . n te ha Wa ti o n d is e p th s nd hu a d a in s s g s u a a o r gr th e im dange h t in green u s b r ig s s w it h p e a r s . g a in li g h ts s c a p e . A ll a r o u n d r owe fl s g p in d to And a ll n la y a ll tr e e ie s a t- s m e fl e r e e w tt lo u r s p n d r s u o e c b r d l u d n n u lo fu a e co est room a a n d g le , and r e r th e s o ft c o b v o s p r o u t, e s e t d o w n r fu l e tl f sun. w o n d e v e d fr o m s h y b e w a r m r a y s o is q u ie t, ea g in web w a g iE v e r y th g g r o w s , a n d im ty in y li r th a e y e v r r e e ev ll s , . s , s m e s in a n a ti o n b lo o m g in w s n a f o th in g ic r h y th m . A s if a Jorg g e n tl e Jovan nd a u s ic y m m le o , " E c o n c h o o l" in a u d ib o f c r ic k e ts S ds Tr a d e hundre o th e r d S e lo n n e a o lj s Lap b ir d d in g n u o p re s are s in g e r d r u m s a n d a l a . ic s ar mag o n g u it b le in m p la y in g e tr s o te a L ig h t n ll s to ps fo r a , in ir s a y th e e n jo n t a n d a c u lo u s e m o m ir a u ty. M g s r a is e th e b e in w d a pre u iv e r, g ia n t s f s to ps to q h it w a b ir d s ped th e le n t s to p eads, th e ir h r d w o r k in g a g r a s s . ha des of and a th e b la a n d n e e e… b e tw im a g in H o w to m e e t to I want th e D I G N I M REA N edavno smo saznali da Mercy Corps raznim treninzima poma`e mladima na Kosovu da do|u do adekvatnog zaposlenja. Ovaj projekat se realizuje skoro u svim op{tinama. A mi smo za postojanje ovog projekta pod nazivom "Podr{ka mladim liderima" saznali u Novom Brdu, gde smo imali prilike da vidimo nekoliko mladih kojima su konkretno ovi treninzi pomogli da se zaposle. I prona{li smo nekoliko mladih, pametnih i lepih ljudi u Gnjilanu, koji su svojim radom i uporno{}u uspeli da se doka`u na praksi, i da zadr`e ista radna mesta. Jedna od njih je dvadesetdvogodi{nja D`enana Azizi, koja je nakon obavljene prakse u KCIC-u (Kosovo Center for International Cooperation), uspela da dobije stalno zaposlenje u istoj. "Nau~ila Blerton Abazi sam kako da se predstavim na intervju za posao, i da ne treba da ka`em samo ono {to mislim, nego da malo razmislim i vidim {ta oni tra`e, i da se tome prilagodim. Danas je veoma te{ko na}i posao, pogotovo u NVO, tako da mi ovaj posao mnogo zna~i." D`enanina koleginica Marina Mladenovi} iz Kamenice, zaposlila se na isti na~in kao i ona. I sada na istim tim treninzima, ona je ta koja obu~ava mlade ljude. "Kada sam po~ela da dr`im treninge, bila sam jako zbunjena. Gledala sam u sve te ljude u sali, i onda sam shvatila da ja zapravo mogu da obu~avam druge. Nekada nisam znala kako se pi{e CV, i kako se pravi projekat, a sada mogu drugima da predajem o tome." O~igledno je da je ova obuka itekako korisna za mlade koji nemaju radno iskustvo. Bojan Miti} iz Ropotova vlasnik je servisa bele tehnike u Ranilugu. Iako je ve} imao privatni biznis, poha|ao je sve ove treninge na kojima je dobijao korisne informacije za njegovo dalje poslovanje. "Ja sam ve} imao posao, ali zbog saradnje sa drugim firmama potrebno mi je bilo da nau~im neke ve{tine, kao npr. kako da pregovaram o nekom poslu, i kako da uradim neki projekat. Sada znam sve te neke "cake", i mnogo mi je lak{e da vodim svoj posao." Nakon {to je dobio potrebno znanje, Bojan je obu~avao nekoliko mladih, a jednog od njih je i zaposlio u svojoj firmi. Menad`er ovog projekta ispred jednog od implementacionih partnera KCIC Blerton Abazi kazao nam je da mnoge lokalne i me|unarodne organizacije svojim projektima poma`u na{oj omladini da iza|e na pravi put. "Od 330 u~esnika, njih preko 100 je za godinu dana uspelo da prona|e posao. Pravo u~e{}a imaju kosovski Srbi i Albanci izme|u 15 i 26 godina, nije va`no da li su studenti ili nezaposleni, kao ni odakle dolaze. Nakon {to zavr{e obuku, obavljaju praksu u javnim institucijama i u nekim privatnim sektorima, u zavisnosti od njihovih interesovanja i kvalifikacija". Prema njegovim re~ima, mladi poha|aju treninge za preduzetni{tvo, pregovaranje, u~e kako se rade projekti, i zatim kroz tromese~nu praksu sti~u radno iskustvo. "U~imo ih kako da razgovaraju sa poslodavcem, kako treba da izgleda njihov intervju za posao, kako da se ophode prema klijentima, i kako da budu dobri lideri." Dok smo razgovarali sa Blertonom, setili smo se slogana "na mladima svet ostaje", i ne bismo `alili da na "njima svet ostane", jer oni znaju da budu jako odgovorni, pametni, a ispostavlja se i da znaju dobro da rukovode svojim projektima. Ovaj projekat poma`e mladima u izgradnji odr`ive zajedni~ke budu}nosti na Kosovu. Preporu~ujemo svima da poha|aju ovakve treninge, i da streme ka ispunjenju svojih ciljeva. Obrazujte se i usavr{avajte, ne}ete za`aliti, jednoga dana sav trud }e vam se itekako isplatiti! ecently we discovered that NGO Mercy Corps through different trainings is helping the young people in Kosovo to get real jobs. This project named "Help to Young Leaders" is being carried over in almost all municipalities and we found out about its existence in Novo Brdo where we had the chance to see several young people whom these trainings helped to get a job. We also met with several young, smart and beautiful people in municipality of Gnjilane who with their dedication and hard work had managed to prove their worth during these trainings so that they managed to keep the same positions. One of them is 20 year old Dzenana Azizi, who after finishing her practical work at KCIC (Kosovo Centre for International Cooperation), managed to get permanent job at the same centre. "I learned how to present myself at job interviews, and that I am not supposed to say only what I think, nut to see things from the employers perspective and see what they are searching for and adapt to this. Today it is very hard to find a job, especially in NGO's, therefore finding this job means a lot to me." Dzenana's colleague Marina Mladenovic, from Kamenica municipality, got the job the same way. And now she is also an instructor at the very same trainings, teaching other young people. "When I started following these trainings, I was very confused. I was looking at all the other R people present at the class and then suddenly I realised I could also be teaching them. Before I did not know how to write e CV, and how to prepare a project, and now I can teach others how to do this." It is obvious that these trainings are very helpful to inexperienced young people. Bojan Mitic from Ropotovo owns a service shop of home appliances. Although he had a private business, he went to these courses where he got useful information for his future Blerton, Dzenana and Marina work. "I already had a job but because I depend on cooperating with other companies I needed to learn some skills such as how to negotiate a deal, and how to prepare a project. Now I know all these 'tricks' and it is a lot easier for me to run my business." After getting the necessary knowledge, Bojan trained several other young people and also gave a job to one of them at his company. The manager of this project from one of the implementing partners KCIC, Blerton Abazi said that many local and international organizations help our youth with their projects. "From 330 participants, over 100 of them in one year's time managed to get a job. The rights to participate at these trainings have all the Albanians and Serbs between the age 16 and 26 years old. It doesn't matter whether they are students or unemployed, as where they come from. After finishing these trainings, they are taken to complete their practical work in public institutions and some private sectors depending on their interest and qualifications." According to him there are trainings for entrepreneur, negotiating and how to prepare projects, and then through a three months practice they gain work experience. "We teach them how to talk to their employer, how their job interviews should be, how to treat the clients and how to be good leaders." As we were talking to Mr. Abazi we thought of the slogan "The world belongs to the young," and we would not mind that as these young people had proved themselves responsible, smart and as it seems they can successfully manage their projects. This project helps the young in building a sustainable common future in Kosovo. We recommend to all to go to such trainings and the try to reach their goals. Educate yourselves and get professional practice, you will not regret it, one day all your efforts will pay up! O vogodi{nje 21. Zimske olimpijske igre zavr{ene su 28. februara posebnom ceremonijom zatvaranja. Nakon 16 dana ispunjenih takmi~enjima i emocijama, oko 2600 atleti~ara iz 82 zemlje ponovo je bilo okupljeno na BC Place Stadionu, na kome je bilo prisutno otprilike 60.000 gledalaca, koji su hteli da po{alju poslednje pozdrave celom svetu iz Vankuvera. Me|utim, u ime istine, ne trebamo zaboraviti da je tokom ovih igara put do zatvaranja bio te`i nego ikad. Prvo, smrt gruzijskog lugera Nodara Kumarita{vilija, ne samo da je imala uticaj na gubitak slave ceremonije otvaranja, ve} je tako dovela u pitanje i slogan olimpijskih igara "br`e, vi{e, ja~e". Ali ovim se nisu završile nevolje, nakon {to se jedan od ~etiri oslonaca olimpijskog kotla, zbog mehani~kih problema zaglavio, i nije se podigao kako je o~ekivano. Nakon toga, toplo vreme koje je preovladalo pre po~etka ove edicije olimpijskih igara, verovali ili ne, uzrokovalo je nedostatak snega na olimpijskim stazama. I zbog toga su organizatori morali da otka`u neke od aktivnosti. Ipak, sve ove prepreke nisu mogle uni{titi duh organizatora, i {to je još va`nije nisu mogle uništiti ni duh atleti~ara, koji su nas zapanjili svojim u~inkom i ~injenicom da ovog puta nije bilo nijednog slu~aja dopingovanja (upotrebe droge za poboljšanje fizi~ke sposobnosti atleti~ara). Slede}e, pozivamo vas da pro~itate neke glavne vesti i klju~ne trenutke Zimske Olimpijade 2010. Moda olimpijskih igara Da li su se nekome dopali ili ne, ove godine smo imali nekoliko sme{nih i ~udnih sportskih kostima. Definitivno najvi{e su pa`nju privukle pantalone karling tima Norve{ke reprezentacije. Sve {to se mo`e re}i za njih je da odavno niko nije kombinovao boje na takav na~in na velikom me|unarodnom sportskom doga|aju. Tre}a sre}a Tokom ovih ZOI Kanada je kona~no uspela da osvoji svoju prvu zlatnu medalju kao doma}in, jer su to propustili da urade tokom letnjih olimpijskih igara u Montrealu 1976. godine i ZOI u Kalgariju 1988. godine. Pored toga uspeli su da osvoje ukupno 14 zlatnih medalja i tako osigurali prvo mesto u ukupnom broju osvojenih zlatnih medalja. Ujedno su postali prvi doma}ini posle Norve{ke 1952. godine kada je i osvojila najvi{e zlatnih medalja. nastavak na strani 38 Olympic Games fashion Whether they were liked or not this year we had several funny and weird sport outfits. Definitely the most special were the trousers of Norway's men curling team. All it can be said for them is that it has been a while since colours have been combined in such a way at a major international sporting event. Third time is a charm During this Winter Olympics Canada finally managed to win its first gold medal as hosts, as they had failed to do so during the Summer Olympics in Montreal in 1976 and the Winter Olympics in Calgary 1988. Furthermore they managed to win a total of 14 gold medals thus ensuring first place overall in gold medal wins and became the first host nation since Norway in 1952 to lead the gold medal count. With 14, Canada broke the record for the most gold medals won at a single Winter Olympics, which was 13, set by the former Soviet Union in 1976 and Norway in 2002. he 21st Olympic Winter Games, ended in a special closing ceremony on the 28th of Feb 2010. After 16 days filled with competitions and emotions, about 2600 athletes from 82 countries were gathered once again at the BC Place Stadium, where approximately 60.000 spectators were present to give the last greetings to the entire world from Vancouver. However, for the sake of truth we shouldn't forget that during these games the road to the closing ceremony was harder than ever. Firstly, the death of the Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, not only had an impact in the loss of the glory of the opening ceremony, but also questioned the motto of the Olympic Games "faster, higher and stronger". But the troubles didn't end with this, since during the opening ceremony one of the four legs on the Olympic cauldron, due to a mechanical malfunction was stuck and was not raised as expected. Afterwards, the warm weather that had prevailed before the beginning of this Olympic Games edition, believe it or not, caused the lack of snow in the Olympic paths, making the organizers cancel some of the activities. However, all these obstacles could not destroy the spirit of the organizers and what's more important could not even destroy the spirit of the athletes, who amazed us with their performances, but also with the fact that this time there was not even one single case of doping (the use of drugs for the improvement of an athlete's physical performance). Next, we invite you to read some of the prime news and key moments of 2010 Winter Olympics. T The most successful The United States won the most medals in total, their second time doing so at the Winter Olympics, and broke the record for the most medals won at a single Winter Olympics, with 37 medals in total; 9 gold, 15 silver and 13 bronze. Germany came second with a total of 30 medals; 10 gold, 13 silver and 7 bronze while Canada was third with a total of 26 medals; 14 golden, 7 silver and 5 bronze. A Friendly Wager The President of the United States Barack Obama made a friendly wager with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper before continued on page 39 Sa 14 zlatnih medalja Kanada je oborila rekord za najvi{e zlatnih medalja na olimpijskim igrama, a do sada je taj rekord dr`ao Sovjetski savez sa ukupno 13 zlatnih medalja osvojenih 1976. godine, kao i Norve{ka sa istim brojem medalja 2002. godine. Najuspe{niji SAD su ukupno osvojile najvi{e medalja i to im je drugi put da osvajaju najvi{e medalja na ZOI, i prema{ili su rekord sa najvi{e osvojenih medalja na jednim olimpijskim igrama, sa ukupno 37 medalja, 9 zlatnih, 15 srebrnih i 13 bronzanih. Nema~ka je na drugom mestu sa ukupno 30 medalja, 10 zlatnih, 13 srebrnih i 7 bronzanih, dok je tre}a Kanada sa ukupno 26 medalja, 14 zlatnih, 7 srebrnih i 5 bronzanih. Prijateljska opklada Predsednik Sjedinjenih Ameri~kih Dr`ava Barak Obama prijateljski se opkladio sa kanadskim premijerom Stivenom Harperom pre nedeljne utakmice izme|u SAD i Kanade (28. februara 2010.), a to je bio me~ za zlatnu medalju u hokeju na ledu. Kanada je pobedila SAD rezultatom 3-2 golom koji je u produ`etku postigao Sidnej Kosbi. Portparol Bele ku}e Robert Gibs rekao je da je predsednik Barak Obama za opkladu ponudio paket piva Yuengling, Pensilvanijsko regionalno pivo, dok je Harer ponudio 24 boce Molsona. Bila je to borba piva izme|u kanadske najstarije pivare i najstarijeg proizvo|a~a piva u SAD. Doga|aj za pam}enje Norve{ka je osvojila svoju 100. zlatnu medalju na olimpijskim igrama, i to kada je Tora Berger osvojila `enski biatlon u du`ini od 15 kilometara pojedina~no (18. februara). Norve{ka je postala prva nacija koja je stigla do tog magi~nog broja u zimskim sportovima, onda kada je dvadesetosomogodi{nja Berger prestigla svoje protivnike u osvajanju ovog izuzetno napornog doga|aja, koji kombinuje skijanje sa pucanjem iz pu{ke. Zlato za Veliku Britaniju U petak (19. februara) Ejmi Vilijams osvojila je izuzetano redak metal za Veliku Britaniju, i to ne bilo koju medalju ve} zlatnu, u ~etiri brze trake i zastra{uju}e brzim `enskim skeletonom. Licem nadole i glavom napred na krivudavoj ledenoj stazi, dvadesetsedmogodi{nja Vilijams razbila je rekord `enske staze i osvojila prvu britansku zlatnu medalju u indivudualnim sportovima na Zimskim olimpijskim igrama u poslednjih 30 godina, a pre nje istu je osvojio kliza~ Robin Cousins 1980. Za ovo si ~ekali 62 godine Potrebna je kombinacija tehnologije i atletike za voza~a ekipe SAD-1 Stivena Holcomb-a i ~lanova posade Stiva Mesler-a, Justin-a Olsena i Kurt- a Tomasevicz-a, kako bi postali prvi amerikanci koji su pobedili u Bob trci sa ~etri ~lana posade, a pre njih je to bio Frencis Tajler u St. Moritzu 1948. godine. Holcomb je bio jedan od kliza~a koji je postao majstor tehni~kih i brzih staza u Visler kliza~kom centru, gde je vertikalni pad od 144 metara i gde saonice dosti`u brzinu od preko 144 km/h kroz uske krivine. A on je bio poezija u brzim pokretima. Kana|ani - najve}i pobednici ovih igara Ove olimpijske igre imale su lo{ po~etak i probleme koji su se nagomilavali, ali ipak se ne{to zanimljivo de{avalo - ljudi su nastavili da navijaju, a sportisti su nastavili da se trude. I, olimpijade koje su ~esto vezane za hladnu birokratiju, o pravilima i argumentima i napumpanim nacionalizmom, nekako se vratila kod ljudi. Pa {ta ako su planovi krenuli lo{e?! Nema potrebe za odustajanjem. Nedelju dana od po~etka igara dok su svi jo{ uvek lomili ruke, kanadski skelet trka~ Jon Montgomeri iza{ao je niotkud da osvoji zlatnu medalju. Bilo je to ovaplo}enje neo~ekivane izvrsnosti. Posle toga, on je hodao ulicama planinskog sela Vistler, i dalje sa kacigom u rukama, uz snimanje televizijskih kamera, i u prolazu jedna `ena mu je dala bokal piva koji je on u hodu prihvatio. Zatim se kucnuo i celo raspolo`enje je izgledalo kao da se promenilo. To je bio ~isto kanadski trenutak. Bilo je savr{eno! Sunday's (28th February 2010) U.S. vs Canada gold medal game on ice hockey. Canada beat the United States 3-2 on Sidney Crosby's overtime goal. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama had a case of Yuengling, a Pennsylvania regional brew, riding on the game. Harper wagered 24 bottles of Molson. The beer battle pitted Canada's oldest brewery against the oldest beer maker in the United States. An event to remember Norway claimed their 100th gold medal in Winter Olympics when Tora Berger won the women's 15 kilometres individual biathlon on Thursday (18th February). Norway became the first nation to reach the magical milestone in winter sports when the 28-year-old Berger surged clear of her rivals to win the lung-bursting event, which combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting. Gold for Britain On Friday (19/02/2010), Amy Williams claimed an extremely rare metal for Britain at the Winter Olympics, and not just any medal it was gold won with four blistering runs in the frighteningly fast women's skeleton. Face down and head first through the winding ice course, the 27-year-old Williams smashed the women's course record and claimed Britain's first individual gold medal at a Winter Games in 30 years, the last one being won in 1980 by skater Robin Cousins. They waited 62 years for this one It required a combination of technology and athleticism for USA-1 pilot Steven Holcomb and crewmen Steve Mesler, Justin Olsen and Curt Tomasevicz to become the first Americans to win the four-man bobsledding for the first time since Francis Tyler did it at St. Moritz in 1948. Holcomb was one of the few sliders to master the technical, highspeed track at the Whistler Sliding Centre where there is a vertical drop of 144 meters and sleds reach speeds over 144 km/h through tight curves, Holcomb was poetry in high-speed motion. Canadian people - the biggest winner in these Olympics These Olympics began poorly problems were piling up but a funny thing happened. The people kept cheering. The athletes kept trying. And the Olympics, which too often are about a cold bureaucracy, about rules and arguments and pumped-up nationalism, somehow returned to the people. So what if the plans were going bad? There was no need to give up. A week into the games, with everyone still wringing their hands, a Canadian skeleton racer named Jon Montgomery came out of nowhere to win a gold medal. It was the epitome of unexpected excellence. Afterward, he walked through the streets of the mountain village of Whistler, still holding his helmet, with a television camera rolling. Unprompted, a passing woman handed him a pitcher of beer. Without breaking stride, he grabbed it, chugged it and the entire mood seemed to change. It was a purely Canadian moment. It was perfect. gospodinom Imeri-jem se sastajemo u njegovoj kancelariji u ju`nom delu Mitrovice, a sa gospodinom Kragovi}em u porodi~noj ku}i u severnom delu. Iako su vodnik Karletsis i njegov tim u ovoj oblasti samo tri nedelje, oba doma}ina do~ekala su ih kao da su prijatelji koji se oduvek znaju. Sastanci su zaista odr`ani u prijateljskom raspolo`enju, a razlog tome je vrlo jednostavan. Iako obojica doma}ina jo{ uvek ne poznaju dovoljno dobro ovaj tim, ipak, poznavali su njihove prethodnike francuske pripadnike KFOR-a. Upravo smo na osnovu toga shvatili, da ovaj tim iako je sastavljen od vojnika koji dolaze iz razli~itih zemalja, ljudi vide KFOR kao jednu celinu. A KFOR-u je uspelo da sa~uva nepristrasnost i kredibilitet me|u svim zajednicama koje `ive na Kosovu. Teme razgovora ticale su se svakodnevnog `ivota dveju zajednica, kao i problema sa kojima se suo~avaju, po~ev{i od Ekipa LMT-ija u razgovoru sa gospodinom Shefki Imeri-jem snabdevanja elektri~nom energijom, slobode kretanja, obrazovanja mladih, nivou ko 9:30 sati na{a ekipa se nalazi u ju`nom delu kriminala, KFOR-u, itd. Gospodin Imeri nam je rekao da o~ekuje Mitrovice, gde u dvori{tu Skup{tine op{tine ~eka od KFOR-a da }e nastaviti da sara|uje i poma`e ljudima na ~lanove jednog od KFOR-ovih LMT timova. Namera Kosovu, a posebno u izgradnji mostova, komunikaciji i saradnji nam je da sa njima provedemo jedan radni dan, kako bismo se me|u zajednicama koje `ele bolji `ivot. Va`nost rada LMT-ija direktno upoznali sa njihovim radom na Kosovu. Nismo ih ba{ sigurno je najbolje iskazana re~ima gospodina Kragovi}a: " Rad dugo ~ekali, i u daljini smo ugledali nekoliko gr~kih vojnika koji LMT-ija je vrlo va`an, zbog toga {to su su upravo oni ti koji su su tog dana bili na{i doma}ini. Prvo upoznajemo starijeg vodveza izme|u komandanata KFOR-a i ljudi na Kosovu. Na taj nika Athanasios Karletsis-a, koji nas bez odlaganja upoznaje sa na~in oni mogu, u bilo koje vreme, da budu u toku sa svim onim ostatakom tima: njegovim pomo}nikom starijim vodnikom {to se de{ava na bilo kojem mestu." Christos-om Karakatsanis-om, voza~em desetarom Sotiros-om Nakon ovih sastanaka nastavili smo razgovor sa starijim Dallas-om i prevodiocem Predragom Guberinicom. Nakon {to je vodnikom Karletsis-om koji nam je rekao, da iako je 15:00 dao instrukcije svom voza~u, stariji vodnik Karletsis i njegov ~asova, za njega i ovaj tim to zna~i da je zavr{ena samo polovprevodilac pridru`uju se na{oj ekipi, a tada nam i po~inje ina radnog dana. "Sada se vra}amo u na{e kancelarije i zajedni~ki radni dan. pripremamo izve{taje na osnovu prikupljenih informacija sa terNajpre smo pro{li kroz severni deo Mitrovice i kroz nekoliko ena, a nakon toga pregledamo izve{taje LMT timova iz drugih okolnih mesta, {to je zapravo njihova oblast odgovornosti, ili oblasti. To zna~i da se na{ radni dan ne zavr{ava do 20:00 bolje re~eno - svakodnevno radno okru`enje koje je veoma ~asova, nego ponekad mnogo kasnije. Sav taj napor se isplati, karakteristi~no, samim tim {to u njemu `ive Albanci, Srbi, jer smo mi ti koji ose}aju "puls" kosovskog stanovni{tva, i Bo{njaci, Turci, Romi, A{kalije i Egip}ani. Vodnik Karletsis ka`e svakako smo va`na karika u stvaranju sigurnog i bezbednog da sam naziv ovog tima "Tim za monitoring i saradnju" (LMT), okru`enja za sve ljude na Kosovu. govori o tome da su oni prva karika u prikupljanju informacija iz svih aspekata `ivota ljudi na Kosovu. Cilj rada LMT-ija posti`e se putem sastanaka i razgovora sa predstavnicima zajednica, kosovske policije i lokalnih vlasti, i svakako uz razgovor sa obi~nim ljudima svih uzrasta. Ubrzo smo i mi bili u prilici da sa njima u~estvujemo na dva sastanka. Prvi je bio sa predstavnikom albanske zajednice iz sela Donji Suvi Do Shefki-jem Imeri-jem, i sa predstavnikom srpske zajednice iz sela Gornji Suvi Do Mi}om Kragovi}em. Sa O Struktura LMT-ija LMT na Kosovu ima ~etiri "Terenske ku}e" (otvorene su za sve stanovnike na Kosovu, i to 24 sata dnevno i sedam dana u nedelji). Oni imaju: 21 - Terensku kancelariju 34 - LMT ekipe 16 - Nacija koje imaju svoje LMT ekipe na Kosovu Zastupljeni su na celom Kosovu od Draga{a do Leposavi}a, i od Pe}i do Kamenice. Ukoliko `elite detaljno da pogledate mapu zastupljenosti LMT-ija na Kosovu, onda posetite na{u internet stranicu, i kliknite dati link. LMT talking to Mr. Mico Kragovic t's almost 9:30 AM and our team is waiting in the yard of the Municipal Assembly in South Mitrovica, where we are soon to meet with the members of one of the LMT teams that operate within KFOR. We will meet and spend a day with the team in order to have a closer look at their work here in Kosovo. It does not take long before our hosts, who are from Greece, arrive at our meeting point. The first to meet us is Sergeant Athanasios Karletsis, who introduces to us the rest of his team without any delay: his assistant Sergeant Christos Karakatsanis, his driver Corporal Sotiros Dallas and their interpreter Predrag Guberinic. After giving some last instructions to his driver, M. Sgt. Karletsis and his translator join our team in our car, and our day begins. First we take a tour through Northern Mitrovica and its surrounding which is their area of responsibility, or better said, their everyday work environment. The area is very particular because it is lived in by Albanians, Serbs, Bosnians, Turkish, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians. When asked about the nature of the work of LMTs, M. Sgt. Karletsis explains how the name itself, "Liasion Monitoring Teams", describe how they are the first link in gathering information on all aspects of life for all people in Kosovo. This is achieved through meetings and conversations with community representatives, Kosovo Police, representatives of local authorities, and ordinary people of all genders and ages groups. It does not take long before we get the chance to be present in two such meetings. The first one is with Mr. Shefki Imeri, representative of the Albanian Community from Donji Suvi Dol village, and the second with Mr. Mico Kragovic, representative of the Serb community from Gornji Suvi Dol village. We meet Mr. Imeri in his office in Southern Mitrovica while we meet Mr. Kragovic at his home in Gornji Suvi Dol village - Northern I The LMT Structure In all of Kosovo LMT’s have 4 Fied Houses (which are open to all the people of Kosovo 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). 21 - Field Offices 34 - LMT Teams 16 - Is the number of nations that have LMT teams in Kosovo. They are spread over the whole territory of Kosovo from Dragash to Leposavic and from Peja to Kamenica. If you wish to see a detailed map of the LMT teams and their locations then visit us at our web page at and follow the given link. Mitrovica. Although M. Sgt. Karletsis and his team have been in this area for only three weeks, both our hosts welcome him and his team as if they were lifelong friends and both meetings take place in a very friendly environment. The reason for this is very simple, although our hosts do not know this team, they have met their predecessors who were, in fact, from France. This makes us realise that although it is comprised of soldiers coming from different countries, KFOR is seen as one entity which has managed to preserve its impartiality and credibility among all communities living in Kosovo. The topic of both conversations is everyday life for the two communities and the problems they face, starting with electrical supply, freedom of movement, youth education, crime levels, KFOR, etc. On his behalf, Mr. Imeri said that he expects KFOR to continue cooperating with and helping the people of Kosovo especially in building bridges of communication and cooperation among the various communities, which all share one common wish, that of a better life. As for the importance of LMTs, this was most probably best expressed through the words of Mr. Kragovic when he said: "The LMTs and their work are very important because they are the link which enables KFOR commanders to be aware of everything that happens in Kosovo, any time any place." After these meetings, we continue our conversation with M. Sgt. Karletsis who tells us that although it is 3 PM, only half of the working day is over for him and his team. "Now we will go back to our office and prepare reports based on the information gathered in the field. We will read the reports ofLMTs from other areas, and perform other office duties. This means that our working day does not end until 8 PM, and sometimes even later." According to him, their work is worth the effort, as they are the ones who feel the pulse of the people of Kosovo, and as such are an important link in creating a safe and secure environment for all of Kosovo. UPITNIK ... UPITNIK ... UPITNIK ... UPITNIK ... UPITNIK Milena Cvetkovi} (18) Poslednjih decenija temperatura je u velikom porastu. Uzrok tog porasta temperatura jesu velika nau~na otkri}a. Razne {tetne materije uni{tavaju nam ozonski omota~, tako da su rupe na ozonskom omota~u ve}e. Taj problem je zato {to sada ozonski omota~ propu{ta ultraljubi~aste zrake, i mo`e do}i do pojave opasne bolesti kancera. O~ekujemo da nauka prona|e re{enje, ali i mi moramo ne{to preduzeti. Ekolo{ki pokreti poku{avaju da razviju svest kod ljudi kao npr. sloganom "misli globalno, deluj lokalno". Milena Cvetkovic (18) In recent decades, the temperature is in a large increase. The causes of the rise in temperature are the major scientific discoveries. Various pollutants destroy our ozone layer, so that the holes in the ozone layer get bigger. The problem is because the ozone layer now passes ultraviolet rays, and can come to the occurrence of dangerous diseases cancer. We expect that science finds a solution, but we need to take action. Environmental movements are trying to develop awareness among the people like with the slogan "Think globally, act locally." Milovan Stoiljkovi} (17) Globalno zagrevanje je jedan od najve}ih problema savremenog dru{tva. Neke dr`ave ovom problemu pristupaju veoma ozbiljno dok druge na svaki na~in poku{avaju da ovaj problem izbegnu. Na naru{avanje ozonskog omota~a najvi{e uti~u kisele ki{e, efekat staklene ba{te i nuklearna energija. Najve}i problem je u tome {to ljudi nisu svesni koliko je globalno zagrevanje ozbiljan problem. U svetu se vodi velika polemika o ovom problemu, i povremeno se odr`avaju sednice o globalnom zagrevanju, na kojima su mi{ljenja podeljenja. Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. Milo{ Ili} (18) Zaga|ivanje `ivotne sredine je sve ve}e. Malo je ljudi koji brinu o o~uvanju `ivotne sredine. @ivotnu sredinu zaga|uju duvanski dim, fabrike. Pojavljuju se ozonske rupe na zemljinom omota~u. I na taj na~in ultraljubi~asti zraci prodiru kroz ozonske rupe direktno na zemlju, i zbog toga padaju kisele ki{e. sun~evi zraci direktno prodiru ka zemlji i dolazi do pojave raka ko`e. Zbog preteranog globalnog zagrevanja dolazi do otopljavanja lednika na Artiku i Antartiku. Mislim da trebamo svi da se zala`emo za o~uvanje `ivotne sredine i okoline u kojoj `ivimo. Milos Ilic (18) Environmental pollution is increasing. There are few people who care about preserving the environment. Environment is polluted by tobacco smoke, factories. Ozone holes appear in the mantle. And so ultraviolet rays penetrate through the ozone hole directly on the Earths surface, and this is why acid rain is created. A Sun ray penetrates directly to the ground and it can cause skin cancer. Due to excessive global warming it comes to melting on glaciers on Arctic and Antarctica. I think that we should all strive for environmental protection and the environment in which we live in. Milovan Stoiljkovic (17) Global warming is one of the biggest problems of modern society. Some states approach this issue very seriously while others are in every way trying to avoid this problem. In destruction of the ozone layer most affect has acid rain, greenhouse gases and nuclear energy. The biggest problem is that people are not aware of how serious problem global warming is. The world takes a great debate about this issue, and occasionally meetings are held on global warming, on which opinions are not unanimous. QUESTIONNAIRE ... QUESTIONNAIRE ... QUESTIONNAIRE Uro{ Mihajlovi} (18) Jedan od najve}ih svetskih problema dana{njice predstavlja globalno zagrevanje. Zaga|uje se ono {to je ~oveku najpotrebnije za zdrav `ivot. Brojni automobile, fabrike koje ispu{taju {tetne gasove, nehigijena i bacanje otpadaka po prirodi ugro`avaju `ivotnu sredinu. Do kraja narednog veka nivo dna svetskog mora bi}e vi{i od 65 cm od dana{njeg, {to bi moglo izazvati potapanje obala u delovima velikih reka Amazona, Nila i drugih niskih terena na kojima danas `ivi petina ~ove~anstva. Postoji opasnost da bi se ozonski omota~ mogao ubrzo smanjiti za 50 %. Uros Mihajlovic (18) One of the world's biggest problems today is global warming. Polluted is what a man needs the most for a healthy life. Numerous cars, factories that emit harmful gases, unhygienic and throwing waste in the nature are endangering the environment. By the end of the next century, the sea level will be higher for 65 cm from the present, which could lead to engagement of large parts of the coast in the Amazon River, the Nile and other low ground where now lives one fifth of humanity. There is a danger that the ozone layer could quickly reduce by 50%. Velibor Tasi} (18) ^ovek i bi}e koje nije svesno kako uni{tava prirodu koji ga okru`uju, svojim postupcima naru{ava bogatstvo prirode. To su mnogobrojne fabrike koje ispu{taju izduvne gasove koji su {tetni po ozonski omota~. Posledice globalnog zagrevanja su: otopljavanje leda na severnom ledenom okeanu, tom prilikom se pove}ava nivo mora i dolazi do poplava koje odnose mnogo `ivota. Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. Danijel Anti} (18) Globalno zagrevanje nastaje podizanjem velikih fabrika koje zaga|uju prirodu i okolinu. Na taj na~in se naru{ava ozonski omota~, stvaraju se ozonske rupe i to je jedan od uzroka globalnog zagrevanja. Postoje ljudi koji se trude da se ljudskim delovanjem zaustavi globalno zagrevanje ne shvataju ozbiljnim problemom i protive se onima koji ho}e da zaustave globalno zagrevanje. Svaki pojedinac neposredno uti~e na prirodu samim tim i na globalno zagrevanje. Na za{titu od globalnog zagrevanja ne mo`e da uti~e samo jedna dr`ava, nego mora da u~estvuje ceo svet. Daniel Antic (18) Global warming occurs with rising of big factories that pollute the nature and the environment. In this way, the ozone layer is reduced; creating the ozone hole and this is one of the causes of global warming. There are people who do not understand the seriousness of the problem and oppose those who want to stop global warming. Each one is directly affects the nature thus to global warming. For the protection of global warming can not be a job for only one state, but the entire world participate. Velibor Tasic (18) Humans are not aware that they are destroying both nature and their surroundings, their actions violate the wealth of nature. There are numerous factories that emit exhaust gases that are harmful to the ozone layer. The consequences of global warming are on the ice melting in the Arctic Ocean, the increase in sea levels and flooding that will take many lives. ACROSS 1. Sidewalk __ 5. Craving 8. “Shane” star 12. “ .. ___ good night” (2 wds.) 13. Live 14. Mimic 15. Dessert offerings 16. Sharp sound 17. Actor Joel 18. Averred 20. Tint 22. Raised rails 23. Madden 27. Knot on a tree 30. Couple 31. Here and ___ 32. Mower’s target 33. Surgeons, e.g. (Abbr.) 34. Dull fellow 35. Gl entertainment center 36. Install carpeting 37. More reason- able 38. More lofty 40. Hat or frat follower 41. Acorn dropper 42. Humiliates 46. Additionally 49. Biblical judge 51. Flaring star 52. Put on pounds 53. Evil act 54. Hymn end 55. Flats (abbr.) 56. Golfer’s prop 57. E-mail option DOWN 1. Golfers’ toppers 2. Returned to earth 3. Pooch pest 4. Defunct airline 5. Cookout locales 6. Reconstruction ___ 7. Sister’s sons 8. Tavern order 9. Rainy mo. 10. Low grade 11. ___ spell 19. House addition 21. One (Sp.) 24. Soon 25. Clinton’s VP 26. Wide - spouted pitcher 27. Oversupply 28. Letters on a rocket 29. Army deserter (abbr.) 30. Effort 33. Duskiest 34. Monkeys’ treats 36. Grazing place 37. Sis, for one 39. “Crazy” birds 40. Author Thomas 43. Not all 44. ___ - steven 45. Shore feature 46. ___ Khan 47. Track unit 48. Hold session 50. Twist the truth MISLI POZNATIH O SNOVIMA FAMOUS THOUGHTS ON DREAMS Vi kontroli{ete Va{u budu}nost, Va{u sudbinu. O ~emu mislite, to Vam se i desi. Zabele`ite Va{e snove i ciljeve na papir, pokrenite proces da postanete osoba kakva najvi{e `elite biti. Stavite Va{u budu}nost u sigurne ruke: Va{e ruke. Mark Victor Hansen (1948) ameri~ki pisac You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands -- your own. Mark Victor Hansen (1948 - ), American Author Sanjaj kao da ima{ ve~nost. @ivi kao da samo ima{ dana{nji dan. James Byron Dean (1931 - 1955) ameri~ki filmski glumac Dream as if you have forever. Live as if you only have today. James Byron Dean (1931 -1955), American film actor Pre nego {to se Va{i snovi ostvare, morate ih odsanjati. Dr Joyce Brothers (1927) ameri~ki psiholog, televizijski i radio spiker Before your dreams can come true, you have to have those dreams. Dr. Joyce Brothers (1927), American Psychologist, Television and Radio Broadcaster Ako pravite zamkove u vazduhu, Va{ trud ne mora da bude izgubljen, tamo i treba da ostanu. Sada, postavite im temelje. Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862) ameri~ki esejista, pesnik If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Henry David Thoreau (18171862), American Essayist, Poet Ako ima{ san, daj mu {ansu da se ostvari. Richard M. DeVos (1926) ameri~ki biznismen Dvadeset godina od danas bi}e{ vi{e razo~aran stvarima koje nisi uradio, nego stvarima koje jesi. Zato ostavite se jalovog posla. Isplovite iz sigurne luke. Uhvatite vetrove trgovine u Va{a jedra. Istra`ujte. Sanjajte. Otkrivajte. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) (1835 - 1910) ameri~ki pisac i humorista If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen. Richard M. DeVos (1926-), American Businessman Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) (1835 - 1910), American author and humorist Da bismo postigli velike stvari, ne moramo samo da radimo na tome, ve} i da sanjamo i ne samo planiramo, ve} i verujemo. Anatole France (1844 1924) francuski pesnik, novinar i romanopisac To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Anatole France (1844 - 1924), French poet, journalist, and novelist Niko nema pravo da uni{tava Va{e snove. Marian Wright Edelman (1939) ameri~ki lobista u ime dece No person has the right to rain on your dreams. Marian Wright Edelman (1939-), American Lobbyist on Behalf of Children Mi pravimo velike snove. Svi veliki ljudi su sanjalice. Woodrow T. Wilson (1856 - 1924) 28. predsednik SAD We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. Woodrow T. Wilson (1856-1924), Twentyeighth President of the USA Vi{e volim snove o budu}nosti od istorije pro{losti. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826) 3. predsednik SAD I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Third President of the USA Kada sanjam, ja ne starim. Elizabeth Coatsworth (1893 - 1986) ameri~ka spisateljica, pesnikinja When I dream, I am ageless. Elizabeth Coatsworth (1893-1986), American Writer, Poet Ne sanjajte male snove, jer oni nemaju snagu da pomere srca ljudi. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749 - 1832) nema~ki pesnik, dramaturg, romanopisac Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832), German Poet, Dramatist, Novelist Ako mo`e{ da odsanja{, mo`e{ to i da uradi{. Uvek se seti da je cela ova stvar po~ela od jednog mi{a. Walt Disney (1901 - 1966) ameri~ki umetnik, filmski producent If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember this whole thing was started by a mouse. Walt Disney (19011966), American Artist, Film Producer Zdravo! Ja sam Stefan Stojanovi}, imam 15 godina, i u~enik sam "Gra|evinsko - saobra}ajne {kole". Redovno ~itam ovaj magazin, i zato sam re{io da vam napi{em ne{to o sebi. U svoje slobodno vreme najvi{e volim da slu{am muziku, i to moj najomiljeniji bend "Bijelo dugme". Osim muzike, privla~i me i sport, tako da kada god mogu igram fudbal i tenis. To su sportovi koje posebno izdvajam. Naravno, pored u~enja, provodim vreme i igraju}i igrice na kompjuteru. Eto, toliko od mene. Pozdravljam va{u redakciju! Stefan Stojanovi} Gra|evinsko - saobra}ajna {kola Gra~anica Pozdrav! Eto, i ja sam odlu~io da vam se javim, pa saznajte ne{to i o meni! Svoje slobodne sate koristim za odlazak u {etnju i igranje igrica na kompjuteru sa mojim drugovima. Uvek koristim i priliku da igram fudbal sa dru{tvom, a ina~e najvi{e volim da igram ko{arku, ali ve}ina njih voli da igra fudbal. Mnogo volim da slu{am "Rokere s Moravu", a od glumaca najvi{e volim Bred-a Pita. Ono {to bih `eleo da vi uradite jeste da objavite poster moje omiljene glumice Pamele Anderson. Unapred hvala! Branko Nici} Gra|evinsko - saobra}ajna {kola Gra~anica ]ao svima! Zovem se Milan, iz Kuzmina sam, a ina~e poha|am srednju {kolu u Gra~anici. Imam 15 godina, i mnogo volim da igram fudbal. Prelistam uvek va{ magazin, i mnogo mi se svi|a. U slobodno vreme slu{am muziku, a najvi{e volim da slu{am "Riblju ~orbu". Ima mnogo bendova koje volim da slu{am, ali oni su mi najomiljeniji. Svakako, imam omiljenih glumaca, a posebno izdvajam Petra Kralja. Ukoliko postoji {ansa za to, zaista bih voleo da u nekom narednom broju objavite poster folk peva~ice Seke Aleksi}. Milan @ivi} Gra|evinsko - saobra}ajna {kola Gra~anica Pozdrav od Marka! Puno toga bih hteo da vam ka`em, ali ipak opisa}u sebe u kratkim crtama. Pre svega, imam 15 godina, i najvi{e volim da se igram sa mojim drugovima. Najvi{e volim grudvanje, i zato se uvek obradujem snegu. Volim da gledam filmove, a od glumica mi se najvi{e dopada Angelina Jolie, tako da bih voleo da objavite njen poster. Od muzi~ara mi se najvi{e dopada M. Topalkovi}, ina~e jedan od Grandovih zvezda. Toliko za sada! Marko Jovanovi} Gra|evinsko - saobra}ajna {kola Gra~anica ]ao! Pridru`i}u se mojim drugovima iz odeljenja, i napisa}u vam ne{to o sebi. Ja sam petnaestogodi{njak koji mnogo voli sport, a najvi{e volim da se bavim fudbalom. Nekako su mi sport i muzika nerazdvojivi, pa }u pomenuti i moju najomiljeniju peva~icu, ~ije pesme uvek rado slu{am, a to je Dragana Mirkovi}. Naravno, imam i omiljenog glumca, a to je suprug poznate Angeline Jolie, Bred Pit. Posebno bih vas zamolio da mi ispunite `elju, tj. da u ovoj godini objavite poster poznatog glumca Jackie Chena. Milan Petiovi} Gra|evinsko - saobra}ajna {kola Gra~anica Hello! I am Stefan Stojanovic and I am 15 years old; I am a student of the Secondary School of Architecture and Transportation. I read this magazine regularly and that is why I have decided to tell you more about myself. In my free time I like to listen to music the most and my favorite band is "Bijelo Dugme". Beside music I also like sport and I play football and tennis whenever I have time. Of course, besides studying I also spend time playing video games. That's all from me, greetings to your editorial! Stefan Stojanovic Secondary School of Architecture and Transportation Gracanica Greeting! Hello, I decided to write so you can find out something about me, I spend my free hours going for a walk and playing video games with my friends. I use every opportunity to play football with my friends. I like basketball the most but most of my friends like football more. I like to listen to "Rokeri s Moravu" a lot and my favorite actor is Brad Pitt. I would like if you could publish a poster of my favorite actress Pamela Anderson. Thank you in advance! Branko Nicic Secondary School of Architecture and Transportation Gracanica Ciao to all! My name is Milan and I am from Kuzmin. I attend secondary school in Gracanica. I am 15 years old and I like to play football very much. I always browse the pages of your magazine and I like it a lot. In my free time I listen to music and I like "Riblja Corba" the most. There are many bands I like to listen to but this one is my most favorite. Of course, I have favorite actors as well and I would single out Petar Kralj. If there is a chance, I would like if you could publish a poster of folk singer Seka Aleksic in one of your future editions. Milan Zivic Secondary School of Architecture and Transportation Gracanica Greeting from Marko! I would like to tell you so many things but I will give you a short version of describing myself. I am 15 years old and I like to play with my friends the most. I like snowballing the most, and that is why I am always happy when it is snowing. I like to watch movies and I like Angelina Jolie among actresses and that is why I would like you to publish a poster of her. I like M. Topalkovic the most of all musicians, one of the Grand's stars. So much for now! Marko Jovanovic Secondary School of Architecture and Transportation Gracanica Ciao! I will join my friends from the class and write you something about myself. I am a 15 year old boy who likes a lot sport and football the most. Somehow, music and sport are inseparable for me so I will mention my favorite singer whose songs I can always listen to and that is Dragana Mirkovic. Of course, I have a favorite actor as well and that is a husband of famous Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt. I would like to ask you to fulfill my wish and in this year publish a poster of famous actor Jackie Chan. Milan Petiovic Secondary School of Architecture and Transportation Gracanica