Maj 2011 - Magazine For You


Maj 2011 - Magazine For You
Dragi moji ~itaoci,
Ponovo se sre}emo, i to
po 79. put, na stranicama
va{eg omiljenog magazina.
Verovatno se pitate kako
znamo da je ovo va{ omiljeni
magazin?! Odgovor je jednostavan: vi nam konstantno
pi{ete pisma u kojima nas
hvalite i poma`ete nam da
osmislimo naredna izdanja,
tako {to nas informi{ete o svojim omiljenim temama. Stoga
vam se mi kao redakcija magazina „For You“ zahvaljujemo
iz dubine srca na lepim re~ima
i prijatnim pismima! Tako|e
vas pozivamo da nastavite da
nam pi{ete, kako bismo bili {to
bli`i vama, tako {to }emo pisati
o va{im omiljenim temama.
Treba ista}i da smo spremni i
na kritike, i ako vi mislite da
postoji na~in da se ne{to
pobolj{a nemojte oklevati ve}
nam po{aljite svoje primedbe i
predloge. Ipak, to je najbolji
na~in da idemo u korak s vremenom i objavljujemo magazin, koji }e i dalje biti va{ omiljeni magazin.
A sada, da pre|emo na
ovomese~no izdanje, gde }ete
kao i obi~no mo}i da na|ete
puno interesantnih tema koje
su izabrane specijalno za vas.
Hajde da po~nemo sa
rubrikom „Muzi~ka kutija“ gde
}ete na}i ~lanak o „Omnibusima“ - jednom popularnom
bendu iz Mitrovice, dok }ete u
rubrici „Sportski ugao“ saznati
ne{to vi{e o takmi~enju u
snoubordingu „SBX Brezovica
2011“, koje je po prvi put
odr`ano na Brezovici. Tako|e,
u`ivajte i ~itaju}i najnovije
vesti iz sveta filma, a najnoviji
filmovi koje smo za vas izabrali
ovog meseca su: „Marsu su
trebale mame“ (Mars needed
Moms), „Druga `ena“ (The
other Woman) i „Va{e
Viso~anstvo“ (Your Highness).
Predla`emo vam da
obavezno pro~itate „Modu“ u
kojoj vam predstavljamo
mladu modnu kreatorku sa
Kosova Flutura-u Dedinja-u,
koja vam preporu~uje neke
sezone. U „Hi-Tech-u“ }ete
ovoga puta prona}i neke najnaprednije tehnologije koje }e
obele`iti 2011. godinu.
Zato, prelistajte „For You“,
jer vas o~ekuje mnogo interesantnih i zabavnih tema iz svih
krajeva sveta. Na kraju mi
ostaje samo da vam po`elim
puno uspeha u {koli, i nadam
se da }ete ovih lepih majskih
dana u`ivati ~itaju}i va{e omiljene pri~e u na{em magazinu.
@elim vam sve najbolje,
ostajte mi zdravo i dobro moji
dragi prijatelji!
Do slede}eg izdanja,
"For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani
Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For
You” magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: U~enik meseca:
Jovana i Du{an - roditelji
su nam najve}a podr{kaë
6-7: JRD i LMT-të, o~i i
u{i KFOR-a
8-9: For you fashion:
Flutura Dedinja Dizajnirano i naprevljeno
na Kosovuë
10-11: Music Box:
12-13: CONPRED svrha stalnog stru~nog
14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Crna Mamba
16-17: Poster:
18-19: Moviemania: Your
Highness; The other
woman; Mars needs
20-21: Sportski ugao:
SBX Brezovica Cup 2011
22-23: Hi-Tech:
Najnovije tehnologije
24-25: Kako funkcioni{e
va{a op{tina - [trpce?
26-27: Upitnik: Koje
internet stranice nej~e{}e
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: Jovana and Dusan our parents are our greatest support
6-7: JRDs and LMTs, eyes
and ears of KFOR
8-9: For you fashion:
Flutura Dedinja - Designed
and made in Kosovo
10-11: Music Box:
12-13: CONPRED - the
point in continuous and
professional education
14-15: Animal kingdom:
Black Mamba
16-17: Poster:
18-19: Moviemania:
Your Highness; The other
woman; Mars needs moms!
20-21: Sports corner: SBX
Brezovica Cup 2011
22-23: Hi-Tech: The hottest
new technologies of 2011
24-25: How does your
municipality functionStrpce
26-27: Questionnaire:
Which internet pages
you visit most frequently
and why?
228-29: Did you
know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
My dear readers,
Here we meet again for the
79th time through the pages of
your favourite magazine. You
probably wonder how we can tell
that this is your favourite magazine. The answer is very simple:
you keep sending us your letters
all the time in order to praise us
and to help us compile the coming editions by informing us
about your favourite topics.
Therefore, we as the editorial
office of the “For You” magazine
thank you from the bottom of our
hearts for your kind words and
pleasant letters and at the same
time we invite you to keep writing
to us because in this way, we will
be closer to you by writing about
your favourite articles. We should
also point out that we are open
for your critiques and if you think
that there is room for improvement, then please don’t hesitate
and send us your remarks and
suggestions. After all, this is the
only way for us to keep the pace
with time and publish a magazine
which will continue to be your
favourite magazine.
Now, let’s go back to this
month’s edition of the magazine,
where as usual, you will be able
to find lots of interesting topics,
which have been chosen especially for you. Let’s start with
“Music Box” column, where you
will find an article about one of the
most popular music bands in
Kosovo, “Omnibusi”, whereas in
the “Sports Corner” column, you
will be able to learn something
more about the snowboarding
competition “SBX Brezovica”,
which was held for the first time in
Brezovica. You will also enjoy
reading the latest news from the
world of movies, whereas the latest movies that we have chosen
for you for this month are: “Mars
needed Moms”, “The other
Woman” and “Your Highness”.
In the “Fashion” column, we
invite you to read an article about
the young Kosovo fashion designer Flutura Dedinja, where you will
be able to find her recommendations about the most fashionable
colours of the coming season,
whereas in the “Hi-Tech” column,
we invite you to read an article on
the most advanced technologies
of 2011. You will also be able to
find lots of other interesting and
entertaining topics from all around
the world and we invite you to
browse through the pages of our
magazine where you will be able
to find your favourite articles.
In the end, there is nothing
left for me to say but to wish
you lots of successes at school
and hope that you will enjoy
reading our magazine in those
beautiful days of May.
Until our next edition, all
the best and stay well my
dear friends!
'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and
financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view
of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR
accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of
these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name
of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or
malicious letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj
Journalists: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
ragi na{i |aci, ova rubrika nam je omogu}ila da vas
redovno upoznajemo sa dobrim i interesantnim
u~enicima na Kosovu. Samim tim, i mi sami upoznajemo sve vi{e pametnih i ambicioznih |aka, i jako nam je
drago {to ih ima mnogo. Naravno, bilo bi veoma dobro
kada bismo sve njih mogli da opi{emo u samom jednom
izdanju magazina, ali na`alost, za to nemamo dovoljno
prostora. I, zato vam preporu~ujemo da redovno ~itate ovu
rubriku, kako biste upoznali va{e vr{njake iz raznih sredina.
Ovoga puta smo „skoknuli“ do Donje Gu{terice, i tamo
prona{li dva dobra u~enika, sestru i brata, Jovanu i Du{ana
Mili}a. Oboje su u~enici Medicinske {kole „Vuk Karad`i}“ u
Lepini (istureno odeljenje). Petnaestogodi{nja Jovana je na
prvoj godini, smer medicinska sestra/aku{ersto ili babica,
dok je sedamnaestogodi{nji Du{an na zavr{noj ~etvrtoj
godini, smer medicinska sestra/tehni~ar. Oboje su se
opredilili za ovaj smer jer im se dopada rad sa ljudima, pre
svega le~enje i pomo} pacijentima. „Volim da budem babica, jer mi asistiramo u toku poro|aja, i ose}aj kada nekoj
`eni pomognete da donese
na svet jedno ljupko
stvorenje je neopisiv.
U`ivam posmatraju}i sve
te male bebe u kreveti}ima
(boksu), i zadovoljstvo mi
je da ih hranim ili
presvla~im. Drago mi je
{to }emo od slede}e
godine imati vi{e prakse, i
da }u se vi{e dru`iti sa
bebama“, uzbu|uju}e nam
je rekla Jovana.
Dok nam je ona s
odu{evljenjem govorila o
bebicama, njen brat nam je
obja{njavao za{to on
najvi{e voli da radi na internom odeljenju. „To me
posebno privla~i jer se na
tom odeljenju terapija
priprema odmah, i ja imam
mogu}nost da to propratim, nau~im, a potom i primenim.
Sre}emo se sa pacijentima koji imaju oboljenja kardiovaskularnog sistema, dijabetesa i onima sa visokim krvnim pritiskom“, rekao je Du{an, a pritom dodao da on tim bolesncima stalno meri pritisak, daje injekcije i infuziju, uz to
priprema razne terapije. Ova praksa }e mu svakako dobro
poslu`iti za dalje {kolovanje, obzirom da uskoro planira da u
Mitrovici upi{e Meidicinski fakultet, smer zdravstvena nega,
ina~e, ovo mu je najomiljeniji predmet u {koli. Nakon
zavr{etka ovog fakulteta, on }e mo}i da radi kao profesor
prakse ili glavni tehni~ar u nekoj bolnici.
Jovanina interesovanja se razlikuju od Du{anovih, jer bi
ona vi{e volela da bude modni kreator, a ukoliko bude imala
uslova za to, veruje da }e joj to biti profesija kojom }e se
jednoga dana baviti. „Tako|e bih volela da se bavim
manekenstvom ili uop{te modom, i zato redovno pratim kako
se obla~e slavne li~nosti kao {to je recimo Rihanna. A {to je
od svega najva`nije, roditelji nas uvek podr`avaju u svemu,
posebno kada je {kolovanje u pitanju.“
Put do uspeha je uvek te`ak, a nekada i {kolovanje zna
imati prepreke, kao {to su slaba finansijska situacija ili recimo daljina. Ovo dvoje u~enika sa svojim drugovima i drugaricama ustaju svakoga dana u pet ujutru, i autobusom idu
do Lapljeg Sela i ulaze u drugi autobus koji ih vodi do
Lepine, gde se i nalazi njihova {kola. ^asovi im po~inju u
6:30h, i traju do 11:15h, posle toga `ure da stignu prevoz, i
ponovo pre|u oko 20km puta do ku}e. Posle toga ru~aju,
odmaraju se i u~e sve dok san ih ne hvata, i jedino se
vikendom naspavaju. Naravno, uvek na|u vremena i za
sport, pa ~esto znaju da se okupe sa svojim vr{njacima u
selu i da igraju odbojku ili fudbal.
Njih dvoje znaju ~esto da se posva|aju zbog kompjutera, jer oboje vole da surfuju po Internetu ili da }askaju
sa prijateljima na Facebook-u. Vole svoj rodni kraj i ne bi
ga nikada napu{tali. Svim mladima preporu~uju da se
{koluju kako bi jednoga dana imali dobar posao i dobre
plate, {to zna~i i dobar `ivot.
Jovana i Du{an sa roditeljima
Jovana and Dusan
ur dear students, this column enabled us to present to
you good and interesting students from Kosovo on a
regular basis. Therefore, we also have the opportunity
to meet more of smart and ambitious students and we are glad
that they are numerous. Of course, it would be great if we could
describe all of them in a single edition of our magazine, unfortunately we don’t have enough space. That is why we are recommending to you to read this column regularly in order to meet
your peers with different backgrounds.
This time we "hopped" over to Donja Gusterica, and found
there two good students, a sister and a brother, Jovana and
Dusan Milic. Both are students of medical school "Vuk
Karadzic" in Lepina (outpost). Fifteen year old Jovana is in the
first year, a nurse/midwife or obstetrics department, while seventeen year old Dusan is in the final fourth year, a nurse/technician department. They both chose these categories because
they like working with people, and especially treatment and
helping patients. “I like to be midwife, because we are assisting
during childbirth and the feeling you have when you help a
woman to bring to the world a lovely creature is indescribable. I
enjoy watching all the little babies in cribs, and it is a pleasure
for me to feed them or change their dippers. I'm glad that next
year we will have more practice, and that I will hang out more
with babies”, excitedly told us Jovana.
While she all delighted talked about babies, her brother
was explaining to us why he loves to work the most in an
internal medicine department. “It attracts me particularly
because in that department therapy is prepared immediately
and I have the possibility to follow it up, learn and then
implement. We have patients who have cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and those with high blood pressure,” said
Dusan, and added that he constantly measures blood pressure of these patients, gives injections and infusions, and
prepares various therapies. This practice will certainly come
handy in his further education, as he is planning to enroll
Medical Faculty in Mitrovica soon, where he will study his
favorite subject - Health Care. After completion of this facul-
ty, he will be able to work as a professor
of practice or principal technician (head
nurse) in a hospital.
Jovana’s interests are different from
Dusan’s, because she would prefer to be a
fashion designer, and if someday she has
the proper conditions for it, she believes
that it will be her profession. “I would also
like to be involved in modeling and fashion
in general, which is why I regularly follow
how the celebrities such as Rihanna dress.
And what is most important of all, parents
always supported us in everything, especially when it comes to education. "
The road to success is always difficult,
and sometimes even education can have
obstacles, such as weak financial situation or perhaps the distance. These two
students get up every day at five in the
morning and with their peers go by bus to
Laplje Selo where they get into another
bus that takes them to Lepine where their
school is located. The classes begin at
6:30 am and last until 11:15 am. After the classes they have
to hurry up to get the transport, and re-travel 20km to the
house. After the lunch, they relax and study until they become
sleepy, and they get enough sleep only on weekends. Of
course, they always find time for sports and often gather with
their peers in the village to play volleyball or football.
The two are often known to get into a fight because of
the computer. They both love to surf the Internet or chat with
friends on Facebook. They love their home land and would
never leave. They recommended to all young people to educate themselves in order to have a good job and good
salaries one day, which means a good life.
z egzoti~ne zvuke latino
muzike kao {to su salsa,
merenga i ba}ata, studenti i
gra|ani Pri{tine imali su priliku, krajem marta, da poha|aju ~asove
Zumba plesa u prostorijama
Fakulteta za fizi~ko obrazovanje.
Kako nam je objasnio instruktor
Emilio Rivera, pripadnik KFOR-a,
Zumba je novi koncept, tj. jedna
vrsta aerobika pra}ena latino
ameri~kom muzikom sa ve`bama
koje vi{e li~e na plesne pokrete nego
na tradicionalne pokrete aerobika.
Cilj Zumbe je, kako gospodin
Rivera ka`e, da pozove sve gra|ane
Kosova da postanu deo novog pokreta, gde su svi jednaki. On je pozvao
sve ljude da se okupe uz zvuke
muzike, prenose}i poruku mira,
zdravog `ivota i blagostanja, bez
obzira na to ko su ili odakle su. Ovo
je istovremeno i razlog zbog kojeg
instruktor Rivera i njegovi plesa~i
Yarin Rivera i Crystal Gonzalez daju
~asove Zumbe, koji su otvoreni za
sve gra|ane iz svih op{tina na
Kosovu. [to se ti~e Zumbe ~asova u
Pri{tini, mo`emo re}i da je ova
aktivnost postigla veliki uspeh,
obzirom na veliki broj u~esnika, ali i
po njihovim veselim licima i entuzijazmu koji su pokazali na kraju
ve`be. Ovo nam je potvrdila i asistent
na Fakultetu za fizi~ko obrazovanje
(ples) Gentiana Beqa, koja je tako|e
poha|ala ~asove Zumbe. Ona je
izrazila veliko zadovoljstvo zbog
organizovanja ove aktivnosti, istakla
je i potrebu da se ovakve aktivnosti
{to vi{e odr`avaju jer nam one
omogu}uju da `ivimo zdravo, kao i da
pomognemo svom telu da se oslobodi negativne energije koju ima u sebi.
Ono {to je tako|e va`no je da su
pored studenata i gra|ana
Kosova, ~asove Zumbe
poha|ali i neki pripadnici
KFOR-a, tj. ~lanovi LMT-ija
(Liasion Monitoring Teams Tim za vezu i nadgledanje),
koji su direktno u~estvovali
u organizaciji ovih ~asova.
Pored mogu}nosti da se
trenira, dru`i i zabavlja
tokom ovih ~asova, tako|e
predstavljaju i savr{en
primer pove}anog nivoa
aktivnosti JRD-ija.
„JRD (Joint Regional
Detachment Centre Zdru`eni regionalni odredi
Centar) sada preuzimaju
regionalnu odgovornost i
bazirano na njihovim
izvorima, JRD }e nastaviti
rad KFOR-a u stvaranju
bezbednog okru`enja na
Kosovu,“ kazao je potpukovnik Kalevi Wikstrom
iz JRD Centar. On je
istakao da izmene u
strukturi KFOR-a tako|e
podrazumevaju i neke
promene vezane za
radne procedure svih
JRD-ija (Sever, Centar,
Istok, Zapad, Jug) po{to
smanjenje broja vojnika
u KFOR-u zahteva ve}i
nivo aktivnosti odgovaraju}ih JRD-ija.
To prakti~no zna~i da
}e JRD biti prisutni na
terenu koriste}i trenutnu
strukturu LMT-ija (mobilne
ekipe LMT-ija, regionalne
kancelarije i LMT terenske
ku}e). U isto vreme }e
izve{tavati direktno
komandanta KFOR-a o
mi{ljenju ljudi na Kosovu,
a informacije }e se skupljati kroz aktivnosti LMTija. No, najva`niji aspekt
njihovog posla je to {to }e JRD
pomagati u procesu re{avanja problema, tako {to }e aktivno ohrabrivati
i motivisati uklju~ene strane da ostvare kontakt i oforme platformu za
sastanke, obzirom da su komunikacija i dijalog najbolji na~in da se
osigura bolja i svetlija budu}nost za
sve ljude na Kosovu.
Potpukovnik Kalevi Wikstrom
ith the exotic sounds of the Latino music, such as
salsa, merengue, bachata, in the end of the
March, in the premises of the Faculty of Physical
Education, the students of this faculty, but also the citizens
of Pristina/Prishtina had the chance to attend “Zumba”
classes. Otherwise, as instructor Emilio Rivera explained at
the end, who is in Kosovo as a member of KFOR troops,
“Zumba” is a new concept, a type of aerobic followed by
Latino American music, the exercises of which resemble
more the movements of these dances, than the traditional
movements of aerobic itself. While, regarding the objective
of the “Zumba” lessons, Rivera said that through this activity he wants to invite all the citizens of Kosovo to become
part of a new move, where everyone is equal and to invite
them to come together with the sounds of music, thus conveying the message for peace, a healthy life and welfare,
regardless of who they are or where they are. This is also
the drive why instructor Rivera and his dancers Yarin
Rivera and Crystal Gonzalez are giving “Zumba” lessons
that are open for all the citizens in all the municipalities of
Kosovo. While as far as the organizational part in Pristina/Prishtina is concerned, based on the large number of
the participants, but also from their smiley faces and enthusiasm that they have
shown at the end of their exercise, we
can freely come to a conclusion that this
activity has had quite a success. This
was confirmed also by Gentiana Beqa,
Assistant of the Dancing subject within
the Faculty of Physical Education, who
was a participant in the “Zumba” classes. She expressed her great satisfaction
for the organizing and emphasized the
necessity to hold these kinds of activities, since they enable and help us to
live healthy, as well as help our body to
get rid of its negative energy.
Even more noteworthy was
that along the students and the
citizens of Kosovo, these
“Zumba” lessons were also
attended by some KFOR members, respectively members of
the LMTs (Liasion and Monitoring Teams), which had also
helped in organizing these lessons. In fact, in addition to offering a good chance for training,
socializing and entertainment
these “Zumba” lessons also give
a perfect example of the
increased activity level of the
JRD-C (Joint Regional
Detachment Centre).
“The JRD’s are now taking
on the regional responsibility
and based on their resources
the JRD’s will continue KFOR’s
work by creating a safe and secure environment (SASE)
in Kosovo,” said LTC Kalevi Wikstrom from JRD-C. He
further emphasized that the restructuring of KFOR will
entail some changes as regards the work procedures of
all JRD’s (North, Centre, East, West and South) as the
reduction of the number of KFOR soldiers requires a higher degree of activity on behalf of the respective JRD’s.
In practical terms this means that JRD’s will be
present in the field through the current LMT structure
(LMT Mobile Teams, Regional Offices and Field
Houses). At the same time they will report directly to
the KFOR Commander regarding the feedback from the
people living in Kosovo which is gathered through the
LMT activities. However the most important aspect of
their work is that the JRD’s will assist in the process of
problem-solving by proactively encouraging and motivating the involved parties to create contact surfaces
and meeting platforms. As communication and dialogue
are the best ways in securing a better and brighter
future for all the people living in Kosovo.
Šta nositi?
ajicu sa dugim ili
kratkim rukavima,
kratku suknju ili
dugu haljinu, crvenu bluzu,
plavu ili zelenu?! Ovo su
samo neke od dilema sa
kojima se suo~avamo
svakoga jutra. Razlog za
ovo je veoma jednostavan:
za ve}inu nas ode}a ne
slu`i samo da pokrije telo.
Danas je ode}a odraz
ukusa, karaktera pa ~ak i
na{eg duhovnog stanja
tog dana. Ima ~ak i onih
koji smatraju da je odevanje umetni~ki rad, i {to
je komad ode}e posebniji
to su spremniji da vi{e
plate za njega.
Takav trend je naravno
te{ko pratiti u zemljama kao
{to je Kosovo, ali ne i potpuno nemogu}e! To ne
zna~i da trebamo sve da
`rtvujemo kako bi imali neki
poseban komad ode}e.
[tavi{e, to ne zna~i da
moramo da idemo u inostranstvo kako bi imali
komad ode}e koji je dizajnirao neki modni dizajner. Sre}om, sada i na Kosovu
imamo obrazovane dizajnere koji su svojim talentom,
radom i kreacijama po~eli da zavre|uju po{tovanje
gra|ana Kosova. Neki od njih su uspeli da otvore svoje
modne studije i da imaju svoju modnu liniju. Jedna od
njih je 26-godi{nja Flutura Dedinja koju smo imali zadovoljstvo da upoznamo u njenom studiju koji se nalazi na
Bulevaru Majke Tereze u Pri{tini.
“Posao modnog dizajnera je luksuz i naravno mo`emo
da `ivimo bez njega. Me|utim, to nije glavni problem sa
kojim se mi kao modni dizajneri na Kosovu susre}emo. U
stvari, najve}i problem je bio nedostatak materijala ili lo{
kvalitet materijala, i jasno je da bez pravog re{enja u
pogledu materijala, dizajner ne mo`e da radi i da se
izrazi na pravi na~in,” obja{njava gospo|ica Dedinja koji
su glavni izazovi sa kojima se modni dizajneri na Kosovu
suo~avaju. To je razlog {to, kako ona ka`e, mora sama
da se bavi uvozom materijala, i to iz zemalja kao {to su
Francuska i Turska. Ali s druge strane je istakla da je
najve}a prednost to {to na Kosovu postoje bolje {anse
da se postane uspe{an dizajner. Po{to je to delatnost u
razvoju koja jo{ uvek nije dobro utvr|ena, postoji vi{e
prostora za svakog dizajnera da se prona|e, jer se ne
bavi svako istim stilom ili istom kategorijom mu{terija, {to
nije slu~aj u drugim velikim modnim centrima kao {to su
Pariz, London, Milano ili Njujork.
Na pitanje o modnom ukusu gra|ana Kosova,
gospo|ica Dedinja ka`e da ne prime}uje neku veliku razliku u odnosu na trendove u zapadnim zemljama. Prema
Flutura Dedinja
njenim re~ima, ode}a koja
se nosi u Pri{tini je
prose~na, jer na izbor uti~u
ekonomski uslovi.
Garderobu koja se nosi van
Pri{tine ocenjuje kao ne
tako dobru, ali istovremeno
isti~e da se to de{ava {irom
sveta. „U glavnim gradovima se svi obla~e dobro,
imaju dobar ukus kada je
ode}a u pitanju, i zato je to
metropola, dok predgra|ima
to nije slu~aj. ^ak i u zemljama kao {to je Francuska,
u predgra|ima `ive ljudi koji se ne obla~e sa ukusom.“
[to se ti~e trendova za prole}e i leto ove godine,
gospo|ica Dedinja skromno ka`e da svaka modna ku}a
ima svoj trend, a da ona ima samo jedan mali studio
na Kosovu i nije na njoj da govori o trendovima.
Me|utim, ona li~no svakoj `eni preporu~uje da nosi
haljine u jakim bojama, posebno jaku narand`astu koja
se, kako ona ka`e, mo`e primetiti „na kilometar“.
What to wear?
shirt or a T-shirt, jeans or pants, a miniskirt or a long dress, the red
blouse, the blue one, or the green one?! These are only some of the
dilemmas that we deal with as soon as we wake up in the morning.
The reason for this is quite simple: for most of us the clothing does not
serve only to cover the body. Today the clothes are an expression of taste,
character and even of our spiritual state on a particular day. There are even
those that consider clothing as an art work, and more special this piece of
clothing the more willing they are to pay a large amount of money.
Such a trend is surely very difficult to be followed by countries such as
Kosovo, but not entirely impossible! And it is not said that we need to sacrifice everything in order to ensure a special garment.
Furthermore, we should not even go abroad to get a hold of a
piece of clothing that has been created by a fashion designer.
Because now in Kosovo we have educated designers, who with
their talent, work and creation have begun to earn the respect
of the citizens of Kosovo. And
some of them have succeeded
in opening their fashion studios
and having their own clothing
line. One of them is the 26
year-old Flutura Dedinja, who
we had the pleasure to meet at
her studio, which is located at
the “Mother Theresa”
Boulevard, in Pristina.
“The work of a fashion
designer is a luxurious one, and
of course we can live without it,
too. Nonetheless, it is not the
key problem, with which, we as
fashion designers in Kosovo
should be facing. In fact, the
biggest problem is the lack of
materials or the poor quality of
the materials and it is clear that
without a proper solution in
materials, a designer cannot
work and express him/herself
properly,” this is how Ms.
Dedinja summarizes the main
challenges with what the clothing designers of Kosovo are
facing. This is the reason why
she says that she herself has to
take care of the importing of the materials, by bringing them from countries
such as France and Turkey. But, in the other hand, she emphasized that the
biggest advantage is that in Kosovo one has much better opportunities to
become a successful fashion designer. Because, being a branch under
development and still not well consolidated there is more room for every
designer to find themselves, since not everyone works in the same style
and for the same category of clientele, which does not occur in other big
fashion centers, such as Paris, London, Milan or New York.
Asked about the taste of clothes of the citizens of Kosovo, Ms.
Dedinja says that she does not notice any huge difference with the trends
of the western countries. According to her, the taste in clothes in Pristina
is an average, because it is also dictated from the economical conditions.
While the clothes outside Pristina she assesses as not that good, but
immediately points out that this happens in the entire world. “At the center, everyone dresses good, have a taste in clothes that is why it is
metropolis, while the suburb is not, as anywhere else. Even in the coun-
tries such as France, the suburb has people that
are not dressed as beautiful.”
As far as the trends are concerned for the
clothes during the spring and summer of this
year, Ms. Dedinja with modesty expressed that
each fashion house has its trends and that she
has only one small studio in Kosovo. However,
she personally suggests everyone to dress in
bright colors, especially the intensive orange,
and as she expressed, in order to be noticed
from a long distance.
onovo govorimo o muzici...i ponovo govorimo
o muzi~arima iz Mitrovice. A kako i ne bismo
kada ovaj grad odgaja najvi{e muzi~ara na
Kosovu. Ovoga puta govorimo o bendu „Omnibusi“
koji isklju~ivo radi autorske pesme. Ova ~etvorica
zgodnih momaka itekako su dobro poznati na{oj
publici, a posebno onoj `enskoj. Bend ~ine: Dejan
Pavi}evi} (vokal, ritam gitara), Danijel Spasojevi}
(solo gitara), Vanja Kosti} (bas gitara) i Edin
Radon~i} (bubnjevi). No, mi smo imali priliku da
razgovaramo sa dvojicom od njih, Dejanom i
Danijelom. Upoznajte „Omnibuse“...
4U: Kada i kako je nastao va{ bend?
Dejan: Na{a grupa je nastala 2007. godine pod
imenom „Soho“, da bi kasnije do{lo do promene
imena u „Omnibusi“. Ja sam do sada svirao sa
mnogim bendovima u Mitrovici sa kojima sam nastupao na raznim festivalima, kao {to je npr.
„Zaje~arska gitarijada. Tako|e sam imao priliku da
sa nekim ranijim bendovima nastupam sa poznatijim muzi~arima kao {to je Van Gogh, dok su neki
drugi ~lanovi nastupali sa Viktorijom.
Danijel: Nas je najvi{e spojio kafi} „Soho“ i
njegov vlasnik Miljan. Mi smo tu po~eli da radimo, i
gazda nam je jednom rekao: „Ba{ lepo {to ste svi
znate da svirate, pa za{to ne biste i osnovali jedan
bend?!“ Tako smo i po~eli da sviramo u „Soho“, a
onda smo se osamostalili.
4U: U Mitrovici je sve vi{e kvalitetnih
muzi~ara. Da li mislite da se va{ bend odvaja od
ostalih, i po ~emu?
Dejan: „Na{ bend se izdvaja po tome {to ima
autorske pesme na srpskom jeziku. Ima jo{ nekih
bendova koji rade autorske pesme, ali na
engleskom jeziku, tako da smo mi od retkih koji pi{u
tekstove na svom jeziku. Izdvajamo se po tome {to
sviramo artpop, kao {to je to nekada bilo osamdesetih, kao {to su to nekada radili Ekatarina Velika ili
David Bovie. Dakle to nije komercijalni pop ve}
umetni~ki. Mi nemamo komercijalne i plitke tekstove,
tipa „ja tebe volim, ti mene voli{„.“
Danijel: „Pre neki dan je Dejan gostovao na
lokalnom radiju, a ja sam se slu~ajno zadesio u jednoj
gvo`|ari u kojoj su slu{ali tu emisiju. Pri~ali su o
„Omnibusima“, zatim se javila neka slu{ateljka koja je
rekla da joj se najvi{e svi|a na{ stil odevanja. Ljudi
nam obi~no govore da se razlikujemo od ostalih, jer
smo mi originalni i iskreni. Va`imo za fine momke, kao
{to je to Bajaga bio, dakle u na{im tekstovima nema
psovki i ne govorimo ni o kakvoj vrsti nasilja.“
„4U“: Dva kvalitetna albuma su za vama, i jo{
uvek radite na promociji drugog albuma. Kakve
su reakcije publike?
Dejan: „Po{to ja pi{em tekstove, uglavnom su
miroljubivog sadr`aja, i sve su pisane u drugom licu
jednine. Tako da se njima mogu poistovetiti i mu{karci i
`ene. Mahom su ljubavne i na{a „politika“
je da smo protiv svih politika, i da smo
protiv rata i nasilja. Nastupali smo {irom
Kosova, a u Mitrovici redovno imamo
nastupe, i stalno nam se de{ava da
publika peva na{e pesme kao {to su
recimo „Gde si“, „^e`njo“, „Pro}i }e“ i
Danijel: „Mi koristimo neke moderne efekte i pomalo
eksperimenti{emo, tako da publika
dobro „prima“ na{e pesme. Recimo,
sviranje na gitari se kod nas ne zasniva na nekoj nau~enoj tehnici sviranja,
ve} imamo neke najjednostavnije akorde koje obra|ujemo i sami kreiramo.“
„4U“: Kakvu su planovi benda u
Dejan: „Trenutno radimo na nekim
spotovima za drugi album, i ve} krajem
godine planiramo da u|emo u studio i
snimimo pesme za tre}i album. I,
o~ekujemo da se pojavimo na nekim
najpoznatijim medijskim emisijama.“
Danijel: „Gostova}emo na svim
mogu}im festivalima i mestima, gde god
da nas pozovu.“
„4U“ Na kraju, koja bi bila va{a
poruka mladima na Kosovu?
Dejan: „Mladima bih poru~io da
prave svoje pesme, jer su to nekada
radile i najve}e zvezde na prostoru
Grupa „Omnibusi“ je nastala 2007. godine
biv{e Jugoslavije. Nikada nisu bili
pod imenom „Soho“, a kasnije je ime promenjeno
popularni oni koji su svirali tu|e pesme.“
u „Omnibusi“. Prvi album je snimljen 2007. u studiDanijel: „Neka se iskreno bave onime
ju „^e{njak“ u Kragujevcu. Dok je drugi album
{to vole, jer ako su nama, onda }e sigsnimljen po~etkom ove godine u studiju
urno i njima do}i neka jo{ bolja vremena. To govorim zato {to su
„Komandant Adam“ u Novom Sadu. Mo`ete ih
uslovi za bavljenje muzikom sada
slu{ati na
mnogo bolji nego {to su bili ranije.“
e are talking about music again…and
again about musicians from Mitrovica.
This is natural since this town raised
largest number of musicians in Kosovo. This
time we are talking about the band “Omnibusi”
that plays its own songs exclusively. These four
men are very well known to our audience,
especially the female one. The band consists
of: Dejan Pavicevic (vocals, rhythm guitar),
Danijel Spasojevic (lead guitar), Vanja Kostic
(bass) and Edin Radoncic (drums). However,
we had a chance to talk with two of them,
Dejan and Danijel. Meet the Omnibusi...
4U: When and how was your bend formed?
Dejan: Our group was formed in 2007 under the
name Soho, and later we changed the name to Omnibusi. So far I have played with many bands in
Mitrovica with whom I performed at various festivals,
such as, for example Guitar Festival in Zajecar (Zajecarska gitarijada). With
some previous bands I also had the opportunity to perform with famous
musicians such as Van Gog, while other members performed with Viktoria.
Danijel: We were brought together mostly thanks to cafe “Soho” and
its owner Milan. We started working there and our boss once said: “It is
really nice that all of you can play
some instrument, so why wouldn’t
you form a band?” So we started
playing in the "Soho", and then we
became independent.
4U: Number of good musicians in Mitrovica is increasing. Do you think that your
band is different from other
bands, and how?
Dejan: Our band is different
because we have our own songs
in Serbian language. There are
some other bands that have their
own songs but in English language, so we're of the few who write lyrics
in their own language. We differ because we play art pop as it was in
the eighties, in the way Ekaterina Velika or David Bowie once did. So
it's not commercial but artistic pop. We do not have the commercial and
shallow lyrics like “I love you, you love me too”.
Danijel: The other day, Dejan appeared on local radio, and I was
at that moment in a tool store where they listened to the show. They
talked about Omnibusi and there was a listener who said that she
likes our style of dressing most of all. People often tell us that we differ from others because we are genuine and honest. We have a reputation of fine young men, as Bajaga was. That is, in our texts, there is
no profanity or talks about any kind of violence.
4U: You have two high quality albums and you are still promoting
the second album. What are reactions of the audience?
Dejan: Since I write lyrics, they are mostly of peaceful content, and all
are written in second person singular. So both men and women can identify
with them. They are mostly love songs and our "policy" is that we are
against any policies and against war and violence. We have performed all
over Kosovo, and in Mitrovica we have regular performances, and it is constantly happening that the audience is singing our songs, such as for
example “Where are you”, “Desire”, “It will
pass” and “Dilemma”.
The Band Omnibusi was formed
Danijel: We use some modern effects
in 2007 under the name Soho, and
and experiment a little, so that the public
the name was later changed to
receives our songs well. For example,
Omnibusi. First album was recorded in
playing the guitar with us is not based on
2007 in Cesnjak Studio in Kragujevac,
a certain technique of playing; we rather
while the second album was recorded
process and create on our own some of
at the beginning of this year in
the easiest chords.
Komandant Adam Studio in Novi Sad.
4U: What are the band's plans
You can listen to their music at
for the future?
Dejan: We are currently working on
some videos for the second album,
and we are planning to get to a studio
and record songs for a third album at the end of the year already. We
also expect to appear on some famous media shows.
Danijel: We will perform at all possible festivals and places, wherever
people invite us.
4U: In the end, what would be your message to young
people in Kosovo?
Dejan: I advise young people to create their own songs, as once did
even the biggest stars in the former Yugoslavia. Those who played other
people's songs have never been popular.
Danijel: They should be involved in what they really love, because if
some better times (better conditions, situation) came for us, then they will
certainly live in even better times. I say this because the conditions to be a
musician are now much better than they were before.
Muhedin D`ezairi i Tahir Hod`a
rincip u~enja se {irom sveta, tokom ~itavog `ivota, smatra za najbolji na~in suo~avanja sa globalnim izazovima,
po~ev{i od iscrpljivanja prirodnih resursa pa sve do globalnog zagrevanja. U duhu ovog principa, pre izvesnog vremena
u Prizrenu je osnovan Centar za stalno stru~no usavr{avanje CONPRED. Glavni cilj ove nevladine organizacije su napredak i
razvoj obrazovnih kapaciteta za stalno usavr{avanje na
Kosovu. Izvr{ni direktor Tahir Hod`a i ~lan predsedni{tva
Conpred-a Muhedin D`ezairi rekli su nam da je ideja o osnivanju ove NVO nastala u `elji da se o`ivi medicinski simpozijum, koji je nekada tradicionalno odr`avan u Prizrenu.
“U organizaciji kosovskog Udru`enja za primenu ultrazvuka u
medicini (SHKAUM), u na{em gradu je od 2002. godine organizovan nau~ni simpozijum - ogranak medicinske ultrasonografije. Pri
svakom odr`avanju simpozijum okuplja oko 700 u~esnika sa
Kosova, Albanije, Makedonije i Crne Gore, a imali smo i predava~e
koji su do{li ~ak iz Japana, kao i iz drugih dr`ava, uklju~uju}i i SAD.
Renomirani evropski profesori i gosti iz Pakistana i Turske tako|e su
ranije prisustvovali. Danas se ovaj simpozijum,
na`alost, zbog finansijskih razloga ne
odr`ava,” nagla{ava g. Hod`a. On pored toga
obja{njava da organizovanje takvih aktivnosti
zahteva velika finansijska i ljudska ulaganja,
zbog ~ega su oni trenutno u procesu planiranja. Zato ~lanovi CONPRED-a poku{avaju da
uklju~e i biv{e “SHKAUM” aktiviste u organizovanje pomenutog. Sve se to dogodilo zbog
`elje da se doktorima na Kosovu stvore uslovi
za razmenu iskustava sa kolegama iz regiona i
sveta, kao i radi {to boljeg upotrebljavanja
ultrasonografije na Kosovu.
Gospodin D`ezairi je tako|e naglasio
da je jedan od ciljeva CONPRED-a, ustvari
proširenje svojih aktivnosti, kroz organizovanje doga|aja, seminara, radionica ili
nau~nih skupova, koji se moraju baviti i
drugim oblastima, ne samo medicinom. U
tom kontekstu, spomenuli su izlo`bu
fotografija “PIKA”, koju su ve} nekoliko
puta veoma uspešno organizovali.
“Prvo izdanje “PIKA” izlo`be smo organizo-
vali u oktobru 2010., a drugo u februaru ove
godine. Do kraja teku}e godine planirali smo da
organizujemo jo{ dva izdanja, jedan u junu i drugi
u novembru. Za prvu izlo`bu smo prikupili ukupno
50 fotografija, dok je interesovanje za drugu
izlo`bu bilo mnogo ve}e; imali smo 170 fotografija
u konkurenciji, od kojih je odabrano 100. Zbog
toga smo bili u obavezi da stvorimo deveto~lani
`iri, sastavljen od profesionalaca iz oblasti
fotografije, dizajna i umetnosti. Najva`nije za ovu
izlo`bu je to {to ona nema takmi~arski karakter, a
jedina glavna nagrada za u~esnike ja {tampanje i
predstavljanje njihovih fotografija javnosti,“ rekao
je g. D`ezairi. Njegov kolega g. Hod`a obja{njava
da je ideja za organizovanje takve izlo`be proistekla iz aktivnosti fotografa Kosova koji su ~lanovi
fotografskog internet servisa „Flickr“. Deo tog
servisa predstavlja oko 900 fotografa koji svakog
meseca organizuju takmi~enja u okviru kojih svaki
~lan postavlja svoje fotografije, dok ih ostali ocenjuju, i na kraju biraju pobednika mese~nog ciklusa.
Me|utim, prema re~ima gospodina Hod`e, lo{ deo
svega toga je to {to se sve to odigrava u virtuelnoj
stvarnosti, gde se ljudi li~no ne poznaju, i gde su
fotografije u malom formatu. A organizovanje „PIKA“
izlo`be, po prvi put omogu}ava svim entuzijastima
amaterske fotografije ili profesionalcima da svoje
fotografije posmatraju od{tampane na papiru. One
su sve prikazane na zidu, rame uz rame, i ono {to
je najva`nije je to {to to predstavlja podstrek za
susrete, razmenu iskustava, kao i posete va`nim
turisti~kim lokacijama kao {to je Prizren. Naziv ove izlo`be predstavlja
i njenu samu svrhu, a to je „PIKA“ (ta~ka), imaju}i u vidu da je ta~ka
osnovna jedinica digitalne fotografije. Tom prilikom su gospoda iz
CONPRED-a istakla posebnu zahvalnost sponzorima ove aktivnosti,
koji uklju~uju: [vajcarski program za kulturu, NVO „ATA“, preduze}e
„Xharra“, predstavnika kompanije FUJI za Kosovo i „Agroni foto“.
Pored toga, organizacija prvog izdanja „PIKA“ izlo`be je bila podr`ana
i od strane Udru`enja posmatra~a ptica na Kosovu „Finch“, koje je prihvatilo organizaciju uporedne izlo`be fotografija ptica Kosova.
Ideja za ovu izlo`bu je povratak tradicionalnim aktivnostima, {to
}e pomo}i napretku fotografije na Kosovu, uz postojanje konkretnih
planova za predstavljanje izlo`bi u inostranstvu, na kojima }e o~ima
sveta biti predstavljena nova strana Kosova.
Na kraju su g. Hod`a i g. D`ezairi savetovali sve da u~e
tokom ~itavog svog `ivota, i da se ~ak i kao amateri uklju~e u
svet fotografije. Na kraju krajeva, fotografija je kao hobi koja ljudima poma`e da vide svet na druga~iji na~in.
hroughout the world, the learning principle during the entire life
is seen as the best way in facing global challenges, beginning
from the exhaustion of the natural resources to the global warming. In the spirit of this principle, some time ago in the city of Prizren
was established the Center for Continuous and Professional
Education – CONPRED. The main goal of this NGO is the advancement and the development of the learning capacities for continues
learning in Kosovo. Mr. Tahir Hoxha and Mr. Muhedin Xhezairi,
Executive Director and the members of the headship of CONPRED
respectively, tell us that the initial idea about the establishment of this
NGO came to them from the wish to revive a medical symposium,
which used to traditionally be held in Prizren.
“Since 2002 under the organizing of the Kosovo Association for the
Application of the Ultrasound in Medicine (SHKAUM) in our city has
been held a scientific symposium from the Medical Ultrasonography
branch. Every time this symposium was held, it gathered about 700
participants from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro, and we
also had lecturer who came all the way from Japan and other countries,
including USA. Renowned European professors and guests from
Pakistan and Turkey used to attend, too. Unfortunately, today, mainly
for financial reasons, this symposium is no longer being organized,”
emphasized Mr. Hoxha. Furthermore, he explained that the organizing
of such an activity requires large financial resources, as well as human
ones, therefore for the moment they are in the planning process.
Therefore, the members of CONPRED are trying to include in this
organizing also the former SHKAUM activists. All this
has happened, due to the wish to create conditions
for the doctors of Kosovo to exchange their experiences with their colleagues from the region and the
world, as well as to benefit to the maximum from the
use of the ultrasonography in Kosovo.
At the same time, as Mr. Hoxha, Mr. Xhezairi
too, emphasized that the final goal of the CONPRED NGO, is in fact to expand their activity, by
organizing activities, seminars, work-shops, or scientific symposiums, which have to deal also with
other fields, not just medicine. Within the context of
these efforts, they mentioned the Photographic
Exhibition PIKA, an activity which they have quite
successfully organized twice, so far.
“We have organized the first edition of the PIKA
Exhibition in October of year 2010, while the second
edition was organized in February 2011. Whereas, by
the end of this year we have planned to organize two
more editions, one in June and
the other one in November. In the
first edition we have collected 50
photographs in total, from the
same amount of photographers.
While, the interest for the second
edition was much bigger. We had
170 photographs in the competition, out of which 100 were selected. Therefore we
were obligated to create a nine-member jury, comprised by professionals in the field of photography,
design and art. The most important for this exhibition
is, that it doesn’t have a competitive character and
the only and main reward for all the participants is
the printing and the presentation of these pictures
before the public,” said Mr. Xhezairi.
While, his colleague Mr. Hoxha tells that the idea
for organizing such an exhibition came from the
actions of the photographers of Kosovo, who are part
of the Flicker photo internet service. A part of this
service are around 900 photographers, who every
month organize competitions, within the framework of
which each member places his photographs and then
the other members give their evaluation, and this is
how the winner of a monthly cycle of photography is
chosen. However, according to Mr. Hoxha, the bad
part of this is that everything happens in the virtual
reality, the people do not know each other, and the
pictures are in a small format. While, the organizing of the exhibition PIKA
for the first time enables for all the enthusiasts of the amateur photography or professionals to see their pictures printed on paper. They all hang
on the wall side by side, but what’s the most important thing is that it
gives them a drive to meet, exchange experiences, as well as to visit
an important touristic point (site) such as Prizren. The name of this
exhibition is also an outcome of this, which is “PIKA” (point), having in
mind here the fact that the point is the key unit of digital photography.
On this occasion, the gentlemen from CONPRED emphasized that a
special gratitude in connection to this activity goes to the sponsors,
such as: Swiss Cultural Programme, “ATA” NGO, Xharra Company, the
representative of FUJI for Kosovo and Agroni Photo. Moreover, the first
edition of the “PIKA” exhibition was made possible also by the organization for bird observation in Kosovo “Finch”, which accepted to organize a following exhibition with pictures of birds of Kosovo.
In other words, the idea is for this exhibition to return to a traditional activity, which will help the advancement of photography in
Kosovo, while having concrete plans in the meantime for the presentation of these exhibitions also abroad, presenting this way before
the eyes of the world, a new side of Kosovo.
At the end, gentlemen Hoxha and Xhezairi advised everyone to try
and learn during their entire life, and why not to also engage in photography, even as an amateur. Because, ultimately photography is a
hobby that helps them to see the world in a different way.
rne mambe su brze, nervozne, smrtno otrovne, i u slu~ajevima ugro`enosti veoma agresivne. Krive su za brojne ljudske `rtve, a
afri~ki mitovi preuveli~avaju njihove sposobnosti do
legendarnih razmera.
Iz tih razloga, crna
mamba se u svetu
Kraljevstvo: Animalia
smatra za najsmKoleno: Chordata
rtonosniju zmiju.
Razred: Reptilia
Red: Squamata
Podred: Serpentes
Porodica: Elapidae
Rod: Dendroaspis
Vrsta: D.polylepis
Nau~no ime zmije je
Dendroaspis polylepis:
Dendroaspis zna~i “zmija
iz drveta” a Polylepis
zna~i “vi{eslojna”. Zima
je dobila naziv “crna mamba” zbog svojih mastilo-crnih
usta, a ne zbog boje tela. Tu fizi~ku osobinu zmija
prikazuje kada je ugro`ena.
Crne mambe `ive u savanama i stenovitim brdima ju`ne i
isto~ne Afrike. One predstavljaju najdu`e afri~ke zmije otrovnice, dosti`u}i i do 4,5 metara, iako je du`ina od 2,5 metra
prosek. Tako|e pripadaju najbr`im zmijama sveta, klize}i
brzinama do 20 kilometara na sat.
Crna mamba koristi svoju brzinu da izbegne opasnosti, ne
da bi lovila plen. Poznato je da je sposobna da razvije
brzine od oko 20 kilometara na sat, kre}u}i se tre}inom
svog tela izdignutim iznad zemlje. Prelaze}i velike razdaljine, crna mamba prelazi 11 do 19 kilometara na sat, ali
pri naletima brzina mo`e dosti}i brzinu od 23 kilometra na
sat, {to je ~ini najbr`om zmijom koja se kre}e po zemlji.
Stidljiva je i tajnovita, a pri sukobima uvek poku{ava da
pobegne. Kada je crna mamba priterana u }o{ak, ona imitira kobru {irenjem pro{irenja na vratu, i sik}u}i pokazuje
svoja crna usta. U slu~aju da taj poku{aj zastra{ivanja
napada~a ne uspe, crna mamba }e uzastopno napadati
velikih koli~ina
otrova. Crna
mamba je dnevna zmija. Iako
njen nau~ni naziv
naizgled ukazuje
na penjane uz
se retko
kre}e po
drve}u. Crne
mambe su stidljive i gotovo uvek }e poku{ati da pobegnu ako se suo~e sa opasno{}u. Me|utim, kada su saterane u }o{ak, one izdi`u
svoju glavu, ponekad i tre}inu svog tela iznad tla, {ire svoj
vratni zalistak koji li~i na kobrin, i sik}u}i {ire svoja crna
usta. Ako napada~ ne odustane, mamba }e neprestano
napadati, i svakim napadom }e ubrizgavati velike koli~ine
jakih neuro i kardio toksina (otrova).
Lov i plen
Crna mamba je grabljivica iz zasede, koja ~eka da plen
pri|e bli`e. Ako plen poku{a da pobegne, crna mamba }e
nastaviti da ga ujeda serijom napada. Pri lovu, crna mamba
je poznata po tome {to izdi`e veliki deo svog tela iznad tla,
otprilike 48 centimetara. Ona posle ugriza otpustiti ve}i plen,
ali }e manji, kao {to su ptice ili pacovi, dr`ati u zubima sve
dok se plen ne zaustavi. Crne mambe su poznate po tome
{to love galago polumajmune, {i{mi{e i manje koko{ke.
Otrov crne mambe se uglavnom sastoji od neurotoksina sa
LD50 u koli~ini od 0.25mg/kg—0.32 mg/kg. Njen ugriz ubrizgava prose~no otprilike 100-120 mg otrova; me|utim, mo`e
ubrizgati ~ak do 400 mg. Stopa smrtnosti od tih ujeda
dosti`e skoro 100%, osim u slu~ajevima kad je `rtva odmah
le~ena protiv otrova. Ujedi crne mambe mogu ubiti ljudsko
bi}e u roku od 20 minuta, ali se smrt obi~no javlja nakon 3060 minuta, ponekad i u roku od 3 sata. Faktor smrtnosti zavisi od zdravlja, veli~ine, uzrasta, psiholo{kog stanja osobe,
dubine ujeda jednog ili oba zuba zmije, koli~ine ubrizganog
otrova, mesta ujeda, i njegove blizine ve}im krvnim sudovima. Zdravlje zmije i vreme koje je proteklo od prethodnog
kori{}enja toksi~nog mehanizma je tako|e va`no. Simptomi
pri ujedu na koje trebamo obratiti pa`nju su brzo pojavljivanje vrtoglavice, ka{lja ili ote`anog disanja, i nepravilan
rad srca. U ekstremnim slu~ajevima, kada je `rtva primila
veliku koli~inu otrova, do smrti mo`e do}i u roku od sat vremena, i to od respiratornih problema ili sr~anog udara.
Otrov crne mambe je tako|e poznat po tome {to izaziva
paralizu. Smrt nastupa zbog gu{enja usled paralize respiratornih mi{i}a. Me|utim, retki su takvi slu~ajevi kada crna
mamba ugrize ljude, jer je ona zmija koja radije izbegava
sukob sa ljudima, i vrlo retko se pojavljuje.
lack mambas are fast, nervous, lethally
venomous, and when threatened, highly
aggressive. They have been blamed
for numerous human deaths, and African
myths exaggerate their capabilities to legendary proportions. For
these reasons, the
black mamba is widely
considered the world’s
deadliest snake.
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
The snake's scientific name is
Family: Elapidae
Dendroaspis polylepis:
Genus: Dendroaspis
Dendroaspis meaning “tree
Species: D.polylepis
asp” and Polylepis meaning
“many scaled”. The name
“black mamba” is given to the
snake not because of its body color but because of its ink-black
mouth. It displays this physical attribute when threatened.
Black mambas live in the savannas and rocky hills of southern and
eastern Africa. They are Africa’s longest venomous snake, reaching
up to 4.5 meters in length, although 2.5 meters is more the average.
They are also among the fastest snakes in the world, slithering at
speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour.
The black mamba uses its speed to escape threats, not to hunt
prey. It is known to be capable of reaching speeds of around 20
kilometers per hour, traveling with up to a third of its body raised off
the ground. Over long distances the black mamba travels 11 to 19
kilometers per hour, but in short bursts it can reach a speed of 23
kilometers per hour, making it the fastest land snake. It is shy and
secretive; it always seeks to escape when a confrontation occurs. If
a black mamba is cornered it mimics a cobra by spreading a neckflap, exposing its black mouth, and hissing. If this attempt to
scare away the attacker fails, the black mamba will strike repeatedly, injecting large amounts of venom. The black mamba is a
diurnal snake. Although its scientific name seems to be indicative
of tree climbing, the black mamba is rarely an arboreal snake.
Black mambas are shy and will almost always seek to
escape when confronted. However, when cornered,
these snakes will raise their heads, sometimes
with a third of their body off the ground, spread
their cobra-like neck-flap, open their black
mouths and hiss. If an attacker persists, the
mamba will strike not once, but repeatedly,
injecting large amounts of potent neuro and
cardio toxin with each strike.
Hunting and prey
As stated, the black mamba is diurnal. It is an
ambush predator that waits for prey to get close. If
the prey attempts to escape, the black mamba will follow up its initial bite with a series of strikes.[6] When
hunting, the black mamba has been known to raise a large
portion, approximately 48 centimeters, of its body off the
ground. The black mamba will release larger prey after biting it,
but smaller prey, such as birds or rats, are held onto until the prey's
muscles stop moving. Black mambas have been known to prey on
babies, bats,
and small chickens.
The venom of the black mamba consists mainly of neurotoxins with
an LD50 of 0.25 mg/kg—0.32 mg/kg. Its bite delivers about 100–120
mg of venom on average; however, it can deliver up to 400 mg. The
mortality rate from its bites can be nearly 100%, unless the snakebite
victim is promptly treated with anti venom. Black mamba bites can
potentially kill a human within 20 minutes, but death usually occurs
after 30–60 minutes, sometimes taking up to three hours. The fatality
factor depends on the health, size, age, psychological state of the
human, the penetration of one or both fangs from the snake, amount
of venom injected, location of the bite, and proximity to major blood
vessels. Health of the snake and the interval since it last used its
venom mechanism is also important. If bitten, common symptoms for
which to watch are rapid onset of dizziness, coughing or difficulty
breathing, and erratic heartbeat. In extreme cases, when the victim
has received a large amount of venom, death can result within an
hour from respiratory or cardiac arrest. Also, the black mamba's
venom has been known to cause paralysis. Death is due to suffocation resulting from paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
However, humans
bitten by black
mambas are rare, as
the snake would
rather avoid confrontation with
humans, and their
occurrences are
Uloge: James Franco,
Danny R. McBride, Natalie
Portman, Zooey
Deschanel, Justin Theroux
Re`iser: David Gordon
Studio: „Universal
@anr: Komedija
roz istoriju su pri~e o viteštvu ulepšavale legende o hrabrim, lepim vitezovima koji spasavaju
fine dame, ubijaju zmajeve i pobe|uju zlo.
Me|utim iza mnogih heroja se nalazi smotani mla|i
brat koji samo pokušava da izbegne te zmajeve, zlo i
probleme uopšte. Film prikazuje dva princa na hrabrom
zadatku da spasu svoju zemlju, a moraju da spasu
princezu koja je i naslednikova verenica pre nego što
je njihovo kraljevstvo uništeno. Thadeous je proveo
ceo `ivot gledaju}i svog savršenog starijeg brata
Fabious-a kako odlazi na viteška putovanja i osvaja
srce svog naroda. Umoran što je zaobi|en kada je u
pitanju avantura, obo`avanje i tron, on se odlu~io za
`ivot teškog pi}a i lakih slu`avki. Me|utim kada
Fabious-ovu budu}u mladu Belladonna-u kidnapuje zli
~arobnjak Leezar, kralj daje svom propalom sinu ultimatum: da bude muškarac i pomogne da se ona spase
ili }e ga se odre}i.
Thadeous nevoljno kre}e u
svoj prvi pohod, pridru`uje
se Fabious-u u pra}enju
tragova preko opasnih
stranih predela kako bi
Starring: James Franco,
oslobodili princezu. Sa
Danny R. McBride, Natalie
Isabel-om - neuhvatljivom
Portman, Zooey
ratnicom koja i sama ima
opasan problem, bra}a
moraju da pobede strašna
stvorenja i izdajni~ke vitezove pre nego što do|u do
Belladonna-e. Ako
Thadeous mo`e u sebi da
prona|e heroja, mo}i }e da
pomogne svom bratu da
spre~i uništenje svoje zemlje. Ako ne uspe ne samo da
}e umreti kao kukavica ve}
}e gledati dolazak novog
mra~nog doba iz sedišta u
prvom redu.
hroughout history, tales
of chivalry have burnished the legends of
brave, handsome knights who
rescue fair damsels, slay dragons and conquer evil. But
behind many a hero is a goodfor-nothing younger brother trying just to stay out of the way
of those dragons, evil and trouble in general. Movie shows
two princes on a daring mission to save their land, they
must rescue the heir apparent
fiancée before their kingdom is
destroyed. Thadeous has
spent his life watching his perfect older brother Fabious
embark upon valiant
journeys and win the
hearts of his people.
Tired of being passed
over for adventure,
adoration and the
throne, he's settled for
a life of wizard's
weed, hard booze
and easy maidens.
But when Fabious'
bride-to-be, Belladonna
Deschanel, Justin Theroux
Director: David Gordon
Studio: Universal Pictures
gets kidnapped by the evil wizard Leezar, the king gives his
deadbeat son an ultimatum:
Man up and help rescue her or
get cut off. Half-assedly
embarking upon his first quest,
Thadeous joins Fabious to trek
across the perilous outlands
and free the princess. Joined
by Isabel - an elusive warrior
with a dangerous agenda of
her own-the brothers must
vanquish horrific creatures and
traitorous knights before they
can reach Belladonna. If
Thadeous can find his inner
hero, he can help his brother
prevent the destruction
of his land. Stay a
slacker, and not
only does he
die a coward,
he gets front
row seats
to the
dawn of
an all-new
ne ispadnu onako
Uloge: Natalie Portman,
kako ste
Scott Cohen, Charlie
planirali, a
Tahan, Lisa Kudrow,
u filmu
Lauren Ambrose,
Anthony Rapp
Re`iser: Don Roos
Studio: „IFC
postaje zla
Pošto je
uspela da Jacka odvoji od njegove `ene Carolyn,
biva upletena u unakrsne
struje nove hibridne
porodice. Nepodnošljivi
gubitak bebe za koju su
se ona i Jack nadali da
}e zacementirati njihov
novi brak, zasenjuje
svaki njen pokušaj da
se pove`e sa tvrdoglavim malim posinkom
Starring: Natalie Portman,
Scott Cohen, Charlie Tahan, Lisa
Kudrow, Lauren Ambrose,
Anthony Rapp
Director: Don Roos
Studio: IFC Films
Genre: Drama
amilies never turn out according to plan, and in The Other Woman, Emilia finds herself the shunned
stepmother. After winning Jack away from his wife Carolyn, she finds herself immersed in the crosscurrents of a new hybrid family. But shadowing Emilia's every attempt to connect with her stubborn, precocious stepson William is the unbearable loss of a baby she and Jack had hoped would cement their new marriage.
ilo ne razume šta je to tako va`no
u vezi mama? One te samo maltretiraju tako {to te teraju da
jede{ povr}e. Ipak, obo`avaju ih
širom sveta! No, mo`da
~ak i širom galaksije, jer
Julene Renee
evo sti`u neki Marsovci i
Re`iser: Simon Wells
`ele samo jednu stvar:
Studio: „Walt Disney
mame. Posebno Milovu
mamu. Ko }e bolje da ih vozi
Uloge: Seth Green,
@anr: animacija /
na fudbalski trening i pica
Joan Cusack, Dan
nau~na fantastika /
`urke? To je prili~no dug put koji
Fogler, Mindy Sterling,
treba da se pre|e samo zbog
mame – da li je mogu}e da Milo
ne vidi nešto posebno? Ovaj
film je kao jedna zabavna i opojna
Julene Renee
knjiga koja govori o tome kako
Director: Simon
jedinstvena ljubav koja povezuje
naše porodice mo`e biti zaneStarring: Seth
Studio: Walt
marena u `urbi i gu`vi svakodGreen, Joan
Disney Pictures
nevnih `ivota...posebno malih
Cusack, Dan Fogler, Genre: Animation /
nezadovoljnih de~aka.
Mindy Sterling,
Sci-Fi / Adventure
ilo doesn’t get it: What’s the big deal about moms?
They’re just slave driving broccoli bullies. Yet they
are worshipped the world over! Perhaps even the
galaxy over-because here come Martians and they’re after
one thing only: moms. Milo’s mom in particular. Who better
to drive them to soccer practice and to pizza parties? That’s
quite a long way to come for a
mom-could it be that Milo has been
overlooking something special? This
movie comes as a funny, poignant book
about how the unique love that binds our families can
be overlooked in the rush and tumble of everyday
lives ... especially those of disgruntled little boys.
Srbije. Dok su sa Kosova u~estvovali Ardijan Grazhda, Besim
Smaili, Faton Morina, Taulant Qerkini, i dr.
Dvadesetpetogodi{nji Aljo{a je rekao da je bio jako zadovoljan takmi~enjem, obzirom da se ovako ne{to po prvi put
organizovalo na Brezovici. „Nadam se da }e ovaj ski-centar
u budu}nosti funkcionisati jo{ bolje, da }e imati vi{e
ovakvih takmi~enja i dru`enja, a ja }u sugurno do}i na
Brezovicu kad god mi se uka`e prilika za to,“ izjavio je
pobednik Aljo{a Vu~kovi} iz Slovenije.
Par dana pred samu trku, vetar i ki{a su otopili dosta snega,
tako da se staza morala izmestiti, i njen start je bio ispod staze
„Lavlja vrata“. Uprkos preprekama koje su imali zbog lo{ih vremenskih uslova, organizatori i takmi~ari nisu odustajali, ve} su
radili na sre|ivanju nove. „Meni je bilo jako srda~no i prijateljski, to {to su i sami takmi~ari zasukli rukave i radili u izradi nove
staze. Bezbednost takmi~ara nam je bila na prvom mestu, i
zato smo napravili novu stazu, kako ne bi do{lo do nekih
povreda“, izjavio je ~lan „Scardusa“, Sr|an Slavkovi}.
Dru{tvo ekstremnih sportova „Scardus“ (Scardus - latinski
naziv za [ar planinu) je osnovano 2010. godine i snoubord
Pobednici takmi~enja
cross takmi~enje je njihov projekat prvenac. Osniva~i ove
a Brezovici je marta meseca po prvi put
organizacije su Dren Maliqi, Renato Laqi i Sr|an Slavkovi}, a
odr`ano snoubord kros takmi~enje
pritom imaju i ~lanove iz celog regiona. „Ve} godinama se
disciplina je trka na
pod nazivom „SBX Brezovica cup
dru`imo i skijamo na Brezovici, i najzad smo re{ili da
snoubordu u kojoj se trkaju tri ili
2011“, koje je organizovalo Dru{tvo
to zaokru`imo jednom pri~om koja nosi ne{to vi{e
{est takmi~ara paralelno. Prakti~no
ekstremnih sportova „Scardus“, sa cilod ~istog zadovoljstva i u`ivanja, ve} podrazumese ne defirencira koje br`i i ko je gori.
jem da se ovoj planini povrati ugled
va i neke akcije koje }e popularizovati ovu planTako da takmi~ari prilikom spu{tanja nailaze
koji je nekada imala u svetu zimskih
inu,“ izjavio je gospodin Slavkovi}.
na odre|ene prepreke gde dolazi do izra`aja i
sportova, ali i da se lepote i potenPrema njegovim re~ima ovaj doga|aj
njihova tehnika, a ne samo brzina. Ova disciplina
cijali ove planine predstave novim
u saradnji sa Ministarstvom
zahteva veliku preciznost jer staza nije toliko
generacijama. Visoki nagradni
za kulturu, omladinu i sport, nekoliko nevla{iroka i kada krenu ~etiri takmi~ara brzinom od
fond od 5000 evra privukao je
dinih organizacija, i uz pomo} donatora. Cilj
70/80km na sat na stazi koja je {iroka 10 ili 20m.
neke od najboljih snoubordera iz
„Scardusa“ je da ovo takmi~enje postane
Ova disciplina sadr`i elemente skoka, slobodnog
regiona, a koji ve} znaju da je
tradicionalno i da se odr`ava svake godine.
stila, slobodne vo`nje i spusta. S obzirom da
Brezovica veoma dobra planina za
„Sada smo stekli veliko iskustvo i mnogo
zahteva izuzetnu koncentraciju, osnovna
znanja akrobatike i dobru taktiku, ve}ina
ekstremno skijanje.
toga smo nau~ili, tako da slede}e godine
stru~njaka upravo ovu disciplinu
Od 20 prijavljenih, njih 15 je u{lo u
o~ekujem da sve to bude uspe{nije. Drago mi
smatra jedinim pravim
finale i takmi~ilo se na stazi du`ine 450m,
je da su mnogi videli da se ovako ne{to mo`e
podeljenoj na ~etiri deonice (u skladu sa
organizovati i na Kosovu, pre svega na
standardima FIS – Iternational Ski Federation).
Brezovici,“ za kraj je izjavio g-din Slavkovi}.
Pobednik takmi~enja (3000 evra) bio je Aljo{a
„SBX Brezovica cup 2011“ takmi~enje je bilo
Stefanovi} iz Slovenije, drugo mesto (1300 evra) je osvojio Miljan
otvoreno za sve one koji su bili voljni da u~estvuju, a ovoga
Bo{kovi} iz Srbije, dok je tre}e mesto (700 evra) pripalo Nikoli
puta su se okupili ljudi iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Srbije, BJR
Vrhovecu iz Hrvatske. Pored njih u trci je u~estvovalo vi{e profesionalMakedonije i Kosova. Nadajmo se da }e ovo takmi~enje u
nih snoubordera kao {to su Aleksandar Ka~arski iz BJR Makedonije,
budu}nosti okupljati ljude ne samo iz
Jurica Stankovi}, Neboj{a Golubovi} i
regiona, ve} iz celog sveta.
Slobodan Vasiljevi} iz
n Brezovica, in March, for the first time was held a snowtrack in order to
board cross competition called "SBX Brezovica Cup 2011", avoid injuries,“ said
organized by the Society of Extreme Sports "Scardus",
a member of
with the aim to restore the reputation this mountain once had
“Scardus”, Srdjan
in the world of winter sports, but also to present the beauty
and potential of these mountains to a new generations. High
Society of
prize money of 5,000 Euros has attracted some of the best
Extreme Sports
snowboarders in the region, which already know that
“Scardus” (Scardus
Brezovica is a very good mountain for extreme skiing.
- Latin for Sar
Of the 20 applicants, 15 entered the finals and competed on
Mountain) was
the 450m long track divided into four sections (in accordance
founded in 2010
with the standards of FIS - International Ski Federation). Winner
and the snowboard
of the competition (3,000 Euros) was Aljosa Stefanovic from
cross competition is
Slovenia, second place (1,300 Euros) won Miljan Boskovic from
their debut project.
Serbia, while the third prize (700 Euros) went to Nikola Vrhovec
The founders of the
from Croatia. Besides them, the race was attended by more pro- organization are
fessional snowboarders like Aleksander Kacarski from FYROM,
Dren Maliqi, Renato
Jurica Stanković, Nebojsa Golubovic and Slobodan Vasiljevic
Laqi and Srdjan
from Serbia, while participants from Kosovo were Ardian
Slavkovic, and they
Grazhda, Besim Smaili, Faton Morina, Taulant Qerkini, etc.
have members from
Twentyfive-year-old Aljosa said he was very pleased with
across the region.
the competition, considering that something like this was
“We are socializing
Srdjan Slavkovic (Scardus)
organized in Brezovica for the first time. „I hope that this ski
and skiing in
resort will work even better in the future, that there will be
Brezovica for years now and finally we decided to round up a
more of these competitions and socializing, and I will certainstory that bears more than just pure pleasure and enjoyment,
ly come to Brezovica whenever I get an opportunity, “said
and at the same time includes some actions that will popularize
winner Aljosa Vuckovic from Slovenia.
this mountain," said Mr. Slavkovic.
Just a couple of days before the race, wind and rain melted
He said this event was organmuch of the snow, so the track had to be relocated, and its start
ized in cooperation with the
Snowboarding discipline
was below the track „Lion Gate“. Despite the obstacles they
Ministry of Culture, Youth
is a race on a snowboard in
had to face due to bad weather, the organizers and the
and Sports, several
which are racing three or six competicompetitors were not giving up, but rather working on
tors at the same time. Practically it doesn’t
arranging new tracks. „I thought it was very kind and
organizations, and
matter who is faster or who is worse. During
the race competitors meet certain obstacles
friendly that the competitors themselves pulled their
with the assistance
where their techniques, and not just speed, count.
sleeves up and worked on arranging the
of donors.
This discipline requires great precision because the
new tracks. Safety of
Goal of “Scardus”
four competitors are moving at speed of 70/80km per
competitors is
is that this compehour on a track that is wide only 10 or 20m.
our priority,
tition becomes a
This discipline includes elements of jumping,
so we
traditional one and
freestyle, free riding and downhill snowboarding.
made a
to be held every
Given that it requires exceptional concentration,
year. “Now we have
a basic knowledge on acrobatics and good
gained a great experitactics, most experts considered this
ence and we have
very discipline as the only real
learned a lot, so I expect
all this to be more successful next year. I am glad that
many saw that such things could be
organized in Kosovo, especially in
Brezovica,” said at the end
Mr. Slavkovic.
“SBX Brezovica Cup 2011”
contest was open to all those
who were willing to participate,
and this time gathered people
from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia,
FYROM and Kosovo. Let us
hope that this competition will in
the future bring together people
not only from the region, but from
all over the world.
SUR40 za Majkrosoft Surfejs
vaj stoni kompjuter sadr`i
sve bitne karakteristike
proizvoda – iskustvo
multi-dodira, sposobnost da prepoznaje
prste, ruke i druge predmete – i fleksibilnijeg je
formata. Gornja strana
sprave je prekrivena jakim
Korning Gorila staklom.
Ima multi-jezgroviti AMD
procesor i novu tehnologiju koju Majkrosft naziva
“Pikselsens” koji vidi predmete na površini.
Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft
his tabletop computer incorporates all the key features of
the original Surface product-multi-touch experience, the ability to
recognize fingers,
hands and objects--and a more
flexible form. The top of the
device is coated with Corning's
rugged Gorilla glass. Inside it
relies on a multicore AMD
processor and a new technology
Microsoft calls “PixelSense” to
“see” objects on its surface.
nPauer PEG
va spravica
energiju dok
se kre}ete i
Stavite PEG
u va{ ranac,
kofer ili tašnu i hodajte.
Dok se kre}ete NPauer
PEG sakuplja i skladišti
kineti~ku energiju koju vi
stvarate i pretvara je u
energiju koja mo`e da dopuni više od 3000 ru~nih
sprava, kao što je na primer
vaš mobilni telefon, MP3 plejer ili kameru.
nPower PEG
his gadget generates electricity as
you walk and
move around.
Place the PEG in
your backpack, briefcase or handbag, and
walk. As you move the
nPower PEG harvests
and stores the kinetic
energy that you're
already generating and
converts it into usable
power for recharging
more than 3,000
handheld devices,
such as your cellphone,
MP3 player or camera.
Sajam potroša~ke elektronike
pokazao je mnogo
novih sprava koje bi
zadovoljile svaku
Motorola ZUM
otorola tvrdi da “ZUM redifiniše iskustvo koriš}enja
tabletnih ra~unara, I ovo je prvi tabletni ra~unar
koji koristi Android 3.0 Hanikomb operativni sistem,
mo}an Guglov operativni sistem stvoren posebno za
tabletne ra~unare.” ZUM ima ekran od 10.1 in~a,
podr`ava Fleš, 3G be`i~nu mre`u koja se mo`e poja~ati
na $G LTE, ima kameru spread i otpozadi, kamkoder i
Nvidia Tegra dvo-jezgroviti procesor.
Motorola XOOM
otorola says “XOOM is redefining what a tablet experience
can be as the world's first device to run Android 3.0
Honeycomb, Google's powerful operating system designed
specifically for tablets.” XOOM has a 10.1-inch screen, supports Flash, 3G wireless access that can be upgraded to 4G
LTE, front- and rear-facing cameras, a camcorder and
Nvidia Tegra dual-core processor.
Motorola Atriks 4G Smartfon
oto ka`e da je Atriks 4G najja~i
“smartfon” ove godine i prvi je
telefon sa dvo-jezgrovitim procesorom
AT&T. Android telefon poseduje
HTML5 podršku, dva procesora od 1
GHz i 1 GB RAM-a. Atriks 4G mo`e
da otvara sve HD snimke i svaki mejl
ata~ment. Kada sklopite telefon pretavara se u mali laptop.
Soni Sajber-šut DSC-VX10/B
vo je a`urirana verzija popularnog Sonijevog Sajber-šuta
koji vam omogu}ava da slikate u 3D-u.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX10/B
his update to Sony's popular Cyber-shot line
lets you shoot in 3-D.
Motorola Atrix 4G Smartphone
oto says Atrix 4G will be the most powerful new smartphone this
year, and it's the first dual core processor phone from AT&T. The
Android phone has HTML5 support, two 1 GHz processors, 1 GB of
RAM. Atrix 4G can also view HD video and show any e-mail attachment. When you dock the phone it turns into a small laptop.
Electronics Show
boasted a bevy of new
gadgets and gizmos
to satisfy any
tech craving.
Tošiba 3D TV za koji nisu potrebne nao~are
ošiba je predstavila najnoviji TV na SPE 3D TV za koji
nisu potrebne nao~are. Ta firma je predstavila televizore
sa ekranima od 56 in~a i 65 in~a. Postoji samo par ta~aka ispred televizora
gde se efekat mo`e zapravo uo~iti.
Toshiba Glasses-Free 3-D TVs
oshiba demoed the boldest new set at CES: a glasses-free 3-D TV. The company demoed 56-inch and
65-inch TVs. There are only a
few spots in front of the TV
where the effect works, though.
Nintendo 3DS proširena stvarnost
rednja kamera 3DS-a uperena u obi~nu kartu na stolu,
sa udaljenosti od 30 cm, prikaza}e 3D crtani na
površini karte ukoliko se posmatra preko ekrana 3DS-a.
Nakon što se 3DS koristi da bi se upucale mete koje su se
kasnije pojavile na površini karte, glavni zmaj }e se pojaviti kao deo igre.
Nintendo 3DS's Augmented Reality
ointing the 3DS' front-facing cameras at a regular
playing card on a table and holding it about a foot
from the card, a 3-D cartoon box popped up on top of the
card as viewed through the
screen. After using the 3DS to
shoot at the targets that later
popped up on the surface of
the table, a boss dragon
appeared for gameplay.
Gril je termometar za kuvanje
funkcioniše na osnovu
be`i~nog Blututa koji
funkcioniše u sklopu vašeg
iFon-a ili iPad-a. Stavite sensor u meso i sinhronizujte
mati~nu jedinicu sa iGad`etom vašeg izbora i mo`ete
pratiti kako se vaša
hrana sprema i na
udaljenosti od
600 metara.
he iGrill is a
Bluetooth-enabled wireless
cooking thermometer that works with your
iPhone or iPad. Stick the sensor in your meat and sync the
base station with your iGadget of choice, and you can monitor
your food from up to 200 feet away.
LG TV debljine
G se
pohvalio sa
najtanjim TV-om
na svetu OLED, širok je
svega 2.9
milimetara. Ima
ekran od 31 in~a
sa punim HD 1920 puta
1080 displejom.
Kvalitet slike je
izvanredan, ali je
sprava sama po sebi jo{
LG Pencil-Thin TV
G boasts that it's the world's slimmest
OLED TV at just 2.9 millimeters thick. It has a 31-inch screen
with a full-HD 1920-by-1080 display. The picture quality is gorgeous,
but not as much as the device itself.
Ludakris slušalice
udakris je najnoviji hiphop umetnik koji je izbacio liniju svojih slušalica,
nazvanim “Soul od
Ludarkisa”. Svih pet modela u
ovoj liniji obe}avaju da }e
posti}i “dubok bas bez `rtvovanja jasno}e zvuka.”
Ludacris Headphones
udacris is the latest hip hop
artist to launch his own
headphone line, called Soul by
Ludacris. All five models in the
line promise to “deliver deep bass
without sacrificing clarity.”
ao {to smo vam ve}
obe}ali, od ovog
izdanja, zapo~eli
smo seriju intervjua sa
predsednicima kosovskih
op{tina; tako|e i sa
gra|anima, da bismo iz
prve ruke saznali kako
funkcioni{e jedna op{tina.
Ovom prilikom vam predstavljamo Op{tinu [trpce.
Prema statutu Op{tine
[trpce, „svako selo ima
seoskog lidera koji se
bira u skladu sa op{tinskom uredbom o
seoskim izborima. Taj
lider je glavna kontakt
osoba, odgovorna za
komunikaciju sa op{tinskim organima. Seoski
lider prikuplja predloge
putem konsultacija sa
stanovnicima sela oko
rada i aktivnostima
op{tine koje su u vezi sa
njihovim selom.
Skup{tina op{tine mo`e
selima i njihovim organima preneti odre|ene odgovornosti i obezbediti sredstva
tim organima, srazmerno prenetim odgovornostima i
aktivnostima.“ ~lan 12, tre}i deo, poglavlje I-I.
„Jedna od bitnijih stvari, {to je i karakteristika ovog
na{eg rukovodstva i mene kao gradona~elnika jeste
transparentnost u radu. To zna~i da mi imamo redovne
sastanke sa predstavnicima svih sela koja se nalaze u
na{oj op{tini. Mislim da je efikasnost klju~ svega, i
op{tina se trudi da uvek {titi interese gra|ana,“ rekao je
gradona~elnik [trpca Bratislav Nikoli}.
Prema njegovim re~ima, ova ~injenica je podigla nivo
saradnje izme|u op{tine i me{tana. A za dalje pro{irenje
zakonom predvi|enih odgovornosti, op{tina }e formirati dve
Kancelarije za usluge, kako bi se te usluge pru`ile {to bli`e
njenim gra|anima. Tako da }e te dve kancelarije biti otvorene
u dva najve}a sela koja su i najudaljenija od same op{tine, u
Brodu i Sevcu. To zna~i da }e ljudi iz pomenutih sela, kao i
okoline, mo}i da u tim kancelarijama dobijaju razna dokumenta, kao {to su izvod ro|enih, gra|evinska dozvola, itd.
Ono {to je tako|e bitno za me{tane [trpca da znaju je da
predsednik ove op{tine svakog ~etvrtka odr`ava sastanke sa
gra|anima, ne bi li se li~no informisao o njihovim problemima, a
kao najve}i problem on iznosi nezaposlenost. „Jedan od prioriteta
nam je da otvorimo {to vi{e radnih mesta, i zato imamo u planu
da privu~emo {to vi{e investitora koji }e ulagati u na{u op{tinu.“
Dok investitori ne do|u, Op{tina ima za zadatak da uradi infrastrukturu u svim selima, {to zna~i da }e svako selo imati kanalizaciju, vodovod i put. „Op{tinsko rukovodstvo se pre svega
fokusiralo na rad i ulaganje, i nemamo mnogo vremena da se
bavimo pro{lo{}u, ve} razmi{ljamo o svetlijoj budu}nosti za sve
nas koji `ivimo ovde“, kazao je predsednik op{tine. Neki od bitnijih projekata su „balon sala“ ili stadion u Sevcu, Dom kulture u
Gospodin Bratislav Nikoli}
Drajkovcu, zatim izgradnja bolnice i 60 stanova za interno raseljena lica, mlade bra~ne parove i socijalno ugro`ene porodice.
Op{tina putem lokalnih medija, kao i preko svog
zvani~nog sajta, informi{e me{tane o
novom na~inu funkcionisanja op{tine, projektima, kao i o njihovim gra|anskim pravima. Tako da se sada sve vi{e
gra|ana obra}a op{tini za pomo}, jer se op{tina sa nekim
novim ovla{}enjima, koja su pre{la sa centralne na lokalnu
vlast, pribli`ila gra|anima. Op{tina [trpce je ve} postoje}a,
tako da je ve}ina tih odeljenja postojala; ono {to je novo, a do
sada nisu imali u sklopu op{tine, jesu ovla{}enja za zdravsto
i obrazovanje. Obzirom da je [trpce planinski deo okru`en
{umama, to zna~i da je op{tina imala potrebu za jednim
Odeljenjem za {umarstvo, koje }e uskoro i dobiti.
Nakon razgovora sa predsednikom op{tine, pitali
smo me{tane koliko su upoznati sa radom lokalne
vlasti. Gospodin [aban Murtezi iz sela Brod nam je
kazao da redovno dolazi u ovu op{tinu kako bi predao
potrebna dokumenta za penziju. „Kad god do|em ovde,
odmah zavr{avam svoje obaveze i nikada me ne ostave
da ~ekam dugo. To je jedino {to znam kada je rad
op{tine u pitanju“, rekao je on.
Jo{ jedan od me{tana, gospodin Zvonko Jani}ijevi},
izjavio je da jedino novo {to prime}uje u [trpcu je infrastruktura. „Vidim da se realizuju neki novi projekti, pravi se
vodovod, kanalizacija, a sre|uje se i centar grada. Ose}aju
se neke pozitivne promene. Svi mi ovde zajedno `ivimo i
sara|ujemo bez ikakvih problema.“
Svima je dobro poznato da je [trpce multietni~ka
op{tina, i verujemo da }e u budu}nosti nastaviti da
bude prepoznatljiva po dobrom radu i jo{ boljem
funkcionisanju lokalne samouprave.
s we promised, starting from this edition,
our team started with interviews with
Kosovo Municipality Mayors, but with citizens as well, to see from the first hand how a
municipality functions. This time we will present
to you the municipality of Štrpce.
According to the statute of Štrpce municipality,
"every village has a village leader who is elected
in accordance with the Regulation on village
elections. The leader is the primary contact person responsible for communication with municipal authorities. Village leader collects proposals
through consultations with villagers about the
work and activities of the municipality that are
related to their village. Municipal Assembly may
hand over certain responsibilities to villages and
their bodies, securing them means, in proportion
to delegated responsiblities and activities,“
Article 12, Part III, Chapter I-I.
"One of the more important things, which is
also the characteristic of our management and
me as mayor, is transparency in the work. This means that we
have regular meetings with representatives of all villages that
are in our municipality. I think that effectiveness is the key to
everything, and the municipality is always trying to protect
interests of the citizens," said Mayor of Strpce Bratislav
According to him, this fact has raised the level of cooperation between the municipality and the villagers. And to further
extend responsibilities that have been provided by the law,
municipality will establish two offices for services, in order to
offer services as close to its citizens. So these two offices will be
opened in the two largest villages which are also the farthest
ones from the municipality, located in Brod and Sevce. This
means that people from these villages, as well as from the
region, will be able to receive various documents such as birth
certificates, building permits, etc... in these offices.
What is also important for the villagers Strpce is to know that
president of the municipality holds meetings with citizens every
Thursday, in order to personally familiarise with their problems,
and he points out unemployment to be the biggest problem. "One
of our priorities is to open as many jobs, which is why we are planning to attract as many investors who will invest in our municipality". While investors do not come, the municipality has a duty to
construct the infrastructure in all villages, which means that every
village will have sewage systems, water and road. "Municipal management is primarily focused on work and investment, and we do
not have much time to deal with the past, but we are thinking
about the brighter future for all of us who live here," the Mayor
said. Some of the more important projects are the "bubble hall" or
a stadium in Sevce, Culture centre in Drajkovac, then the construction of a hospital and 60 apartments for internally displaced
persons, young married couples and socially endangered families.
Municipalities is using local media, as well as its official website to inform citizens about new ways of
functioning of the municipality, projects, as well as their civil rights.
So now, more and more citizens address the municipality for help,
because the municipality has become close to its citizens after
receiving some new authorities, which have been transferred from
the central to the local government. Strpce municipality already
exists, so that most of these departments have been there; and
what is new and has been there within the municipality, are authorities for health care and education. Given that [trpce is a mountainous area, surrounded by forests, this means that the municipality
had a need for a Department of Forestry, which it will soon get.
After talking to the mayor of the municipality, we asked locals
how familiar are they with the work of local authorities. Mr.
Shaban Murtezi from the vilage of Brod told us that he regularly
comes to this municipality to submit necessary
documents for his pension. "Whenever I come
here, I immediately finish my duties and they
never let me wait for too long. It's the only thing I
know when it comes to municipal work," he said.
Another one of the villagers, Mr. Zvonko
Janjicijevic, said that the only new thing that he
notices in Strpce is the infrastructure. "I see
that some new projects are implemented,
water-system is being constructed, sewage,
and the down-town area is tidied up. Some
positive changes are felt. We all live together,
cooperating without any problems“.
Everyone is well aware that Strpce is a
multi-ethnic municipality, and we believe that
it will keep on being recognised in the future
for their good work and even more efficient
functioning of local government.
Marija Kosti} (14)
Danas je Internet postao svakodnevnica, i zahvaljuju}i nekim
socijalnim mre`ama kao {to je Facebook, uspevam da ostvarim kontakt sa mnogim prijateljima i ro|acima. Tako da mi je
ovo najomiljenija Internet stranica koju naj~e{}e pose}ujem.
Ona mi slu`i za upoznavanje, dopisivanje i pra}enje nekih
novih de{avanja. Na drugom mestu se nalazi You Tube koji
tako|e ~esto pose}ujem, i to uglavnom zbog slu{anja nekih novih ili
starih pesama. Tu su svakako i Skype i Twitter, kao i neke {kolske
stranice sa kojih ~esto „skidam“ materijial za u~enje.
Blagojevi} Sofija (14)
Mislim da je nemogu}e zamisliti dan bez Interneta ili kompjutera, jer je to najbr`i vid
komunikacije i informisanosti.
Postoji mnogo stranica
koje pose}ujem iz
raznoraznih razloga, ali
najvi{e koristim
Facebook, You Tube i
Skype. Facebook, zato
{to sam u stalnom kontaktu sa prijateljima i
porodicom; You Tube, zato
{to uvek mogu da odledam i
odslu{am neki omiljeni video
spot; a Skype isklju~ivo koristim za gledanje sa rodbinom.
Svakako moram da pomenem da ponekad Internet koristim za neki doma}i zadatak ili
neke {kolske ve`be.
Blagojevic Sofija (14)
I think it is impossible to imagine a day without internet or a
computer, because it is the
fastest way of communication
and getting information.
There are many pages
that I visit for various
reasons, but most of all
– I use Facebook, You
Tube and Skype. I use
Facebook because I’m
in constant contact with
friends and family; You Tube,
because I can watch or listen to
one of my favourite music
videos; and I use Skype to see
my relatives. Of course, I have
to mention that I sometimes use
internet when I’m working on
some of my homework or some
school exercises.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
Marija Kostic (14)
Internet has become a part of everyday’s lives, and thanks
to some social networks like Facebook, I manage to keep
contact with many friends and relatives. So, that is my
favourite internet page, which I visit most often. It serves
me to meet, exchange messages and follow some new
events. On the second place is YouTube, which I also frequently visit, mainly to listen to some new or old songs. There
are also Skype and Twitter, as well as some school-related
pages from which i often download studying material.
Nemanja Proki} (14)
Jedna od omiljenih Internet stranica mi je Facebook, tako da
dosta svog slobodnog vremena provodim dopisuju}i se sa
mojim drugarima. Smatram da je face jako koristan zato {to
vam omogu}ava kontakt sa mnogo ljudi koje poznajete, ali
niste u prilici da se uvek vi|ate ili ~ujete sa njima. Tako|e,
~esto pose}ujem i You Tube jer na njemu mogu na}i mnogo
zanimljivih emisija razli~itog karaktera, a
koje recimo ne mogu kad god po`elim da
odgledam na televiziji.
Nemanja Prokic (14)
One of my favourite internet pages is
Facebook, therefore I spend much of my
free time communicating with my friends. I think that Face is
very useful because it allows you to achieve contact with many
people that you know, but you are not able to always see of
hear. I also visit You Tube because you can find many interesting shows of different kind there, shows that i can’t see on television whenever I want, for instance.
Nikola Tali} (13)
Ja Internet ne koristim samo zabave radi, ve} i zbog
{kole jer tu uvek mogu na}i dosta korisnih informacija. Pose}ujem mnogo stranica, a najomiljenije su mi
Facebook i You Tube. Na face-u komuniciram sa
drugovima i drugaricama, igram igrice i informi{em
se o nekim mojim omiljenim fudbalerima. A, You
Tube mi uglavnom slu`i kako bih slu{ao i gledao
najnovije muzi~ke spotove. Postoji jo{ jedan sajt koji
stalno pose}ujem, a to je „Gledajonline“, na kojem uvek ima
novih doma}ih i stranih filmova.
Milan Stojkovi} (13)
Kao i svi moji vr{njaci i ja ~esto
surfujem po Internetu, i zaista
mislim da je danas te{ko zamisliti `ivot bez Interneta. Facebook
vam recimo poma`e da
odr`avate kontakt sa
mnogo ljudi, sa prijateljima, porodicom, itd.
Ponekad mi se de{ava
da me kontaktiraju neki
drugari koje nisam video
nekoliko godina, i mislim
da je face upravo zbog toga
najbolji – zbog kontakta. Pored
te Internet stranice pose}ujem i
You Tube zbog raznih interesovanja, i ne verujem da postoji i
jedna mlada osoba koja do
sada nije posetila ove stranice.
Milan Stojkovic (13)
As my fellow friends I too frequently surf the internet, and I
truly think that it is difficult to
imagine today’s life with internet.
For instance, Facebook
helps you to maintain
contact with many people, with friends, family,
etc. It sometimes happens that I’m contacted
by friends that I haven’t
seen for many years,
and that is why I think that
Facebook is the best – for all
those contacts. Next to that
page, I visit you Tube for various
topics, and i doubt that there is
an existing young person that
has never visited these pages.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
Nikola Talic (13)
I don’t use the Internet only for entertainment, but
also for school, because i can find many interesting
information there. I visit many pages, and my
favourite ones are Facebook and You Tube. On Face
I communicate with friends, play games and get information on some of my favourite footballers. And I use
You tube mainly to listen and watch newest music
videos. There is another website that I frequently
visit, and that is „Gledajonline“, where there are always new
domestic and foreign films.
Aleksandra Smilji} (13)
U poslednje vreme Internet nam je ovde postao najbolji vid komunikacije koji
je svakako najbr`i i najeftiniji. U ovim ruralnim sredinama, kao {to je Suvi Do,
Internet je jedina razonoda koju mi mladi imamo. Po{to u {koli nemamo neku
veliku biblioteku, onda na Internetu pronalazim neke zanimljive knjige za ~itanje. Ovde ~ak i nemamo mnogo ~asopisa koje
mo`emo kupiti na nekom kiosku, tako da na netu
uvek mogu prona}i neke zanimljivosti iz sveta poznatih ili mode. Naravno, kao i ve}ina, i ja koristim
Facebook i You Tube komunkacije i zabave radi.
Aleksandra Smiljic (13)
Lately, internet has become the best means of
communication here, and certainly the quickest and cheapest. In these
rural areas, as Suvi Do is, internet is the only entertainment that we young
have. Since we don’t have a large school-library, I then find some interesting books to read on the internet. Here, we don’t even have many magazines to buy at a kiosk, but I can find on the net some interesting information from the world of the famous or fashion. Of course, as many do, I use
Facebook and You Tube for communication and entertainment.
Zdravo draga redakcijo,
Javljam Vam se iz Preoca, i nadam se
da }ete objaviti ovo moje pisamce. Htela
bih da Vam ka`em ne{to o mojim
interesovanjima, kao npr. moj omiljeni
film je „Pirati sa Kariba“. Od glumica
najvi{e volim [eherezadu koja glumi u
turskoj istoimenoj seriji, ili kako joj je
pravo ime Berguzar Korel, i ovom prilikom Vas molim da objavite njen poster.
U slobodno vreme uglavnom u~im ili
slu{am muziku, a najvi{e volim da
slu{am na{u pop peva~icu Anu Nikoli}.
Tako|e volim da se bavim i sportom,
mada ovde nemamo ba{ mnogo uslova
za to, tako da najvi{e igram odbojku.
Emilija Filipovi}
O.[. „Miladin Miti} - Preoce
sportom, pre svega odbojkom.
Esra Tosuni
O.[. „9. Maj“- Draga{
Htela bih da Vam ka`em da mi se
mnogo dopada magazin „For You“.
Samo tako nastavite! @elela bih da u
narednom broju objavite poster najboljeg
peva~a Dina Merlina, ukoliko je to
mogu}e. Omiljena peva~ica mi je
Rihanna, a film „Fanaa“. [to se glumica
ti~e, najvi{e volim Songul Oden koja igra
glavnu ulogu u turskoj seriji „Gumu{„.
Slobodno vreme uglavnom provodim
surfuju}i po Internetu ili bave}i se nekim
Javljam Vam se iz Draga{a u `elji da
Vam se predstavim u nekoliko re~enica.
Najomiljeniji glumac mi je Rado{ Baji}
koji je autor i glavni lik u poznatoj srpskoj TV seriji „Selo gori, a baba se
~e{lja“. Film koji uvek volim da
odgledam je „Pirati sa Kariba“ u kojem
glavnu ulogu igra Johnny Depp.
Tako|e, volim da slu{am muziku, a
najomiljeniji bend mi je „Zana“, dok od
narodnjaka slu{am Radu Manojlovi}. U
Ja sam Nikola, a moja interesovanja su
slede}a: volim da slu{am Cecu i narodnu muziku; film koji mi se najvi{e dopada je „Sam u ku}i“, a omiljeni glumac mi
je Rado{ Baji}; i kada je sport u pitanju, po meni je fudbal neprevazi|en.
Svoje slobodno vreme provodim sa
mojim najboljim drugovima. ^esto
igramo fudbal, ponekad odbojku ili
ko{arku. Ipak, za mene je u~enje na
prvom mestu. Toliko od mene!
Nikola Ili}
O.[. „Miladin Miti}“ - Preoce
slobodno vreme u~im strane
jezike, i ponekad sa dru{tvom
igram odbojku.
Samela Sahtijari
O.[. „9. Maj“ - Draga{
Zovem se Marija, imam 11 godina i
`ivim u Preocu. Htela bih da Vam
ka`em da ste za svaku pohvalu!
Redovno ~itam Va{ magazin, pa sam
zato i re{ila da Vam se javim. Slobodno
vreme uglavnom provodim u~e}i i u
dru{tvu mojih drugarica. Mnogo volim
da slu{am muziku, a posebno moju
omiljenu folk peva~icu Seku Aleksi}.
Nakon {to zavr{im {kolske obaveze,
uvek odgledam neki dobar film, a do
sada mi se najvi{e dopao „Sam u
ku}i“. Trenutno pratim jednu tursku
telenovelu „Gumu{„, i mnogo mi se
svi|a glavna junakinja Songul Oden.
[to se sportova ti~e, posebno mi se
dopadaju tenis i odbojka.
Marija Fili}
O.[. „Miladin Miti}“ - Preoce
Eto, i ja re{ih da se pridru`im mojim
drugaricama, i da Vam ka`em ne{to o
sebi. Slobodno vreme provodim sa
uglavnom su
to duge {etnje u na{oj prelepoj prirodi.
Ponekad se okupimo i zajedno igramo
ko{arku, a de{ava se i da mi devoj~ice
igramo fudbal sa na{im {kolskim drugovima. Moja interesovanja su
uglavnom sli~na mojim vr{njacima,
volimo da slu{amo dobru muziku i da
gledamo dobre filmove. Ja pre
svega volim da slu{am stranu
peva~icu Inna-u, a najomiljeniji film
mi je indijski „Fanaa“. Kada su glumci u pitanju, najvi{e volim zvezde
meksi~kih telenovela kao {to su
William Levy i Gabrijela Spani} koja
vodi poreklo sa na{ih prostora.
Almeida Abidini
O.[. „9. Maj“ - Draga{
Hello dear editorial office,
I’m writing to you from Preoce, and
hope that you will publish my short letter. I would like to tell you something
about my interests, such a my favourite
film being „Pirates of the Caribbean“.
From actresses i like Sherezad who
stars in the similarly called Turkish
series. Actually her real name is
Berguzar Korel, and i want to use this
oportunity to ask you to publish her
poster. My free time i mostly spend in
studying or listening to music. I prefer to
listen to our pop-singer Ana Nikolic. I
also like to engage in sport activities,
but since we don’t have many conditions for it, I mostly play volleyball.
Emilija Filipovic
Primary School „Miladin Mitic“ - Preoce
I wish to tell you that I really like „For
You“ magazine. Keep it up! I would like
you to publish the poster of the best
singer Dino Merlin in your next issue, if
it is possible. My favourite female singer
is Rihanna, and the film is „Fanaa“. As
far as actresess are concerned, my
favourite one is Songul Oden, who
plays the lead role in the Turkish series
„Gumus“. I mostly spend my free time
while surfing on the internet or playing
some sports, above all – volleyball.
Esra Tosuni
Primary school „9. May“ - Dragas
I’m Nikola and my interests are following: I like to listen to Ceca and folk
music; film that i like the most is „Home
alone“, and my favourite actor is Rados
Bajic; when it comes to sport, i find football irreplaceable. I spend my free time
with my best friends. We often play
football, sometimes volleyball and basketball too. Still, studying comes first for
me. That would be all from me!
Nikola Ilic
Primary school „Miladin Mitic “Preoce
I’m writing to you from Dragas, with the
wish to introduce myself in few sentences. My favourite actor is Rados
Bajic, who is an author and the main
character in a well known TV series
„Selo gori, a baba se ceslja“. The film
that i always like to see is „Pirates of the
Caribbean“ with Johnny Depp playing
the main role. I also like to listen to
music, and my favourite band is „Zana“.
From the folk-music scene i like to listen
to Rada Manojlovic. During my free
time i study foreign languages,
and sometimes play volleyball
with my friends.
Samela Sahtijari
Primary school „9. Maj“ - Dragas
My name is Marija, i’m 11 years old,
and I live in Preoce. I would like to tell
you that you’re to be applauded! I regularly read your magazine, which is why
i have decided to get in touch with you.
I spend my free time mostly studying
and with my friends. I really like to listen
to music, especially my favourite singer
Seka Aleksic. After finishing my school
work, I always watch a good film, and
so far hugely liked „Home Alone“. I’m
currently watching one Turkish telenovella „Gumus“, whose main actress
Songul Oden i like a lot. As far as
sports is concerned, I particularly like
tennis and volleyball.
Marija Filic
Primary school „Miladin Mitic“ Preoce
Well, I’ve too have decided to join my
friends and tell you something about
myself. I spend free time with my
friends, mostly taking long walks in our
We sometimes get
together and play basketball, and it also
happens that we girls play football with
our school friends. My interests are
prettymuch similar to what my fellow
friends like, we like to listen to good
music and to watch good films. Above
all, I like to listen to a foreign signer
called Inna, and my favourite film is an
Indian one called „Fanaa“. When actors
are concerned, most of all i like stars of
Mexican telenovellas like William Levy
and Gabrijela Spanic, which orginiates
from our regions.
Almeida Abidini
Primary school „9. May“
- Dragas