Januar 2014


Januar 2014
Zdravo, dragi naši ~itaoci!
Ovaj uvodnik `elim zapo~eti iskrenim `eljama
u novoj 2014. godini. Nadam se da ste se
fantasti~no proveli tokom praznika, i da ste
iskoristili priliku da provedete vreme sa svojim
najdra`ima. Tako|e, nadam se, da ste iskoristili
priliku da tokom praznika svojim najmilijima
ka`ete koliko ih volite i koliko vam zna~e, jer na
kraju krajeva, za to praznici i slu`e.
Sada kada su praznici i zimski raspust za
nama, i mi smo se vratili svome poslu za vas.
U va{im rukama se nalazi najnoviji broj va{eg
omiljenog magazina. Usu|ujem se da ka`em
omiljeni, oslanjaju}i se na va{a mnogobrojna
pisma. @elim da vas ohrabrim da nam i dalje
pišete, i ka`ete šta biste `eleli da vidite u
magazinu For You.
A sada, prelistajmo lagano najnovije izdanje, i
prvo u ovoj godini. Titulu “[kola meseca”
}e ovog meseca poneti Osnovna škola „Shtjefen
Gjeqovi“ na hrvatskom jeziku u Janjevu, dok }ete
u Modi prona}i savete kako da stvorite svoj stil.
U rubrici Music Box mo}i }ete da pro~itate vi{e
o Elitnim odredima. [to se ti~e sporta, mo}i }ete
da pro~itate ~lanak o multietni~kom Fudbalskom
klubu „Besa“ u Pe}i. „Ko je va{ najbolji prijatelj/
ica i za{to“ je pitanje u ovom Upitniku. Kao
i obi~no, mo}i }ete da pro~itate najnovije
informacije iz sveta filma i sveta moderne
Do tada – budite nam zdravi!
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha, Merita Gjoni
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Osnovna [kola „Shtjefen
Gjeqovi“ u Janjevu
6-7: Zaustavite ekološke
8-9: For you fashion:
Stvorite svoj li~ni stil
10-11: Music Box: Elitni
12-13: Bolja
organizovanost gra|ana,
ve}a bezbednost
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 10 najlep{ih
`ivotinja na svetu
16-17: Poster: Elitni
American Hustle; Inside
Llewyn Davis; Saving Mr.
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Fudbalski klub „Besa“
u Pe}i
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Razmi{ljajte
26-27: Upitnik: Ko vam je
najbolji drug/arica?
28-29: Verovali
ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
Hello my dear readers!
In the very beginning, I would like to send to all of you
my warmest greetings for the New Year 2014! I hope
that you have enjoyed the holiday season and that you
have been able to spend some time with the dearest
members of your family and that you have used the
holiday season to tell them how much you love them
and how much they mean to you. After all, that is what
the holidays are for!
As the winter and season holiday is over; we have
also resumed our efforts to your benefit. As a result
you have in your hands the latest edition of your
preferred magazine. I say your favorite, as we receive
lots of your letters in our office. I encourage you to
keep writing to us and tell us what you would like to
read in magazine For You.
And now, let’s see the content of the latest edition of
the “For You” magazine! The title of the “School of the
Month” goes to the Primary School “Shtjefen Gjeqovi”
in Janjevo, whereas in the “Fashion Corner”, you will
be able to learn how to create your own personal
clothing style. In the “Music Box”, you will be able to
read an interview with “Elitni Odredi”. As far as sport
is concerned, you will be able to read an article on
the Football Club “Besa” from Peja. “Who is your best
friend and why?”, was the question in this month’s
questionnaire. As usual, you will be able to read about
the latest from the world of film, as well as the latest
news from the Hi-tech world. And now, it’s time for you
to start browsing through your favourite magazine and I
invite you to our next meeting in February.
Until then, stay well!
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Primary school
“Shtjefen Gjeqovi” in
6-7: Stop environmantal
8-9: For you fashion:
Creating your personal
10-11: Music Box: Elitni
12-13: Organization
of citizens improved,
community safety
14-15: Animal kingdom:
Top 10 most beautiful
animals in the world
16-17: Poster: Elitni
18-19: Moviemania:
American Hustle; Inside
Llewyn Davis; Saving Mr.
20-21: Sports corner:
Football club „Besa“ in
24-25: Think positive
26-27: Questionnaire:
Who is your best friend
and why?
28-29: Did you
know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha, Merita Gjoni
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
for you 3
škola meseca
direktor {kole Olga Guci}
vo je jedna od {kola na Kosovu koja je primer
multietni~nosti, dobre saradnje i tolerancije,
a nalazi se u isto~nom delu Kosovske kotline,
nekada{njem rudarskom mestu - Janjevu. U njoj je oko
600 u~enika Albanaca, Hrvata, Roma i Bo{njaka. Njih
76 poha|a nastavu na hrvatskom jeziku. V.d. direktor
O[ „Shtjefen Gjeqovi“ Olga Guci} ka`e da je sve to
dobro uskla|eno, ne samo u {koli ve} u celoj okolini.
I to nije nikakva novina, jer je ovaj gradi} oduvek bio
Istakla je i odli~nu saradnju sa direktorom Bajramom
Gashijem koji je zadu`en za celu
{kolu, dok je ona odgovorna za
nastavu na hrvatskom. „Radimo
u dve smene, i atmosfera u {koli
je na jednom zavidnom nivou.
Deca se dru`e, koriste istu {kolu,
hodnike i toalete. Nemamo nikada
nikakvih problema ni me|u decom
ni me|u nastavnim osobljem“.
Uz to je dodala da u {koli do
sada nije zabele`en nijedan vid
vr{nja~kog nasilja, kao {to je to
slu~aj u mnogim {kolama.
Objasnila nam je da
{kola ima osnovni materijal za
rad, dok kabinete i fiskulturnu
salu, na`alost, nemaju. Uslovi
za rad su bolji nego {to su bili,
ali uvek pone{to zafali. Imaju
osam u~ionica, zbornicu i jednu
kancelariju, taman koliko im je i
potrebno. Me|utim, ono {to njima
zaista predstavlja veliki problem
4 for you
u radu je ~injenica da ve}ina dece dolazi
iz mnogobrojnih siroma{nih porodica.
Naravno, ne zato {to su siroma{ni,
ve} zato {to su roditelji preokupirani
nekim drugim problemima, i {kola im
je u zadnjem planu. „Dosta je te{ko
raditi sa decom iz takvih porodica jer
njihovi roditelji, a samim tim ni deca,
nisu zainteresovani za rad i {kolovanje.
Uzalud je {to mi radimo u {koli sa njima,
kada nemamo povratnu informaciju, jer
deca ne rade doma}e zadatke“.
Gospo|a Guci} je ovom prilikom
naglasila koliko je va`na uloga svakog
roditelja u obrazovanju i vaspitavanju
dece, jer nije dovoljan samo rad
nastavnika u {koli. Roditelji su ti koji
najvi{e mogu uticati na svoju decu, na
njihov razvoj i njihovu budu}nost. Jer,
samo obrazovanjem mogu imati bolju i
uspe{niju budu}nost.
Obzirom da smo zakora~ali u novu
godinu, g-|a Olga gaji nadu da }e
imati vi{e u~enika, kao i da }e se
pove}ati svest kod roditelja i u~enika o
va`nosti obrazovanja. Po`elela je svim u~enicima na
Kosovu sre}nu Novu godinu, zdravlje, ljubav i sre}u u `ivotu, i bolji uspeh u {koli. „Radite, u~ite, pi{ite,
~itajte - obrazujte se! Time }ete osigurati sebi i budu}im
generacijama bolje sutra“.
Naravo, i na{a redakcija se pridru`uje ~estitkama.
\aci, sre}na vam Nova godina! Sve {to niste mogli
u prethodnoj godini, ostvarite to u ovoj! Sledite svoje
snove, borite se za njih. A {to vi{e budete ~itali i u~ili u
{koli, to }e vam biti lak{e da „dohvatite va{u zvezdu“.
school of the month
his is one of the schools in Kosovo that is an example
of multi-ethnicity, good cooperation and tolerance,
and is located in the eastern part of Kosovo valley,
a former mining town - Janjevo. It has about 600 students
Albanians, Croats, Bosniaks and Roma. 76 of them attend
classes in Croatian language. Acting Director of the PS
“Shtjefen Gjeqovi” Olga Gucić says it’s all well harmonized,
not only in school but in the whole area. And this is not
new, because this town has always been multi-ethnic.
She highlighted the excellent cooperation with Director
Bajram Gashi who is in charge of the whole school, while
she is responsible for teaching in
Croatian. “We are working in two
shifts, and the atmosphere in the
school is at a high level. Children
socialize and use the same school
corridors and toilets. We never have
any problems among the children or
the teaching staff. “She also added
that the school has no record of any
form of bullying, as is the case in
many schools.
She explained that the school
has a basic material for the work,
while, unfortunately, they do not
have the cabinets and the gym.
Working conditions are better than
they were, but still, there is always
something they run short of. They
have eight classrooms, a staff
room and an office, just as much
as they need. However, what a big
problem really is in their work is the
fact that most of the children come
from numerous poor families. Of course,
the problem is not that they are poor, but
because the parents are preoccupied with
other problems and school is for them
in the last place. “It is difficult to work
with children from such families as their
parents, and consequently their children,
are not interested in work and education.
What we do in school with them is in vain
if we do not have feedback, because
children do not do their homework.”
Mrs Gucić on this occasion stressed
the important role of each parent in the
education and upbringing of children,
because the work of teachers in the school
alone is not sufficient. Parents are the
ones who can influence their children,
their development and their future most,
because only through education they can
have a better and more successful future.
Since we stepped into the New Year,
Mrs Olga hopes they will have more
students, and that awareness among
parents and students about the importance
of education will increase. She wished
to all the students in Kosovo happy New Year, health,
love and happiness in life, and better performance at
school. “Work, study, write, read - educate! This way
you will ensure better tomorrow for yourself and future
Naturally, our editorial joins these wishes. Students,
Happy New Year! Everything that you could not achieve in
the previous year, achieve in this one! Follow your dreams,
fight for them. And the more you read and learn in school, it
will be easier for you to “reach your star.”
for you 5
Svakoga dana ~ujemo i
vidimo da se priroda uništava!
Da se šume seku i razre|uju,
da se naše vode (reke i jezera)
zaga|uju, da se broj deponija
pove}ava, da postoje pretnje
po sva~ije zdravlje zbog
velikog zaga|enja. Svako
od nas se mora zapitati šta
mo`e u~initi kako bi o~uvao i
zaštitio prirodu od uništenja?!
vako od nas mora da se
bavi o~uvanjem prirode,
jer svi mi svakoga dana,
posredno ili neposredno,
uti~emo našim delima na
prirodu. Mo`emo štedeti vodu,
smanjiti ra~une za struju,
pravilno prikupljati i reciklirati
otpad, itd. U današnje vreme,
i deca kao i odrasli se brinu
zbog uništavanja prirode, jer se
uobi~ajeni prostor za aktivnosti
u prirodi smanjuje sve više i
više, voda se zaga|uje, šume
se uništavaju, i vazduh se
zaga|uje. Kako bi spre~ili ove
6 for you
pojave, moramo podi}i svest o
tim pojavama, moramo promeniti
kulturu i ponašanje gra|ana po
ovim pitanjima i o ekološkom
zna~aju ovih pojava.
Razna istra`ivanja i analize
koje su sprovedene do sada na
Kosovu ukazuju na to da gra|ani
nisu dovoljno svesni o va`nosti
prirode i ovih pojava u prirodi.
Moramo paziti na uticaj svih nas
na na{u okolinu. Videli smo ljude
koji su po~inili zlo~in na `ivotnu
okolinu, trebamo znati koliko
ova vrsta ignorisanja `ivotne
sredine zapravo uni{tava na{u
zemlju. Policijska direkcija
za zajednicu, poku{ava da
sre~i negativni stav medju
nekim ljudima, poku{avaju}
i da im uputi poruke kroz svest
o ekolo{kim problemima koji
sve nas pogadjaju. Jedinica za
istra`ivanje ekoloških zlo~ina
je izdala pamflet o podizanju
svesti kod gra|ana uklju~enim u
ekološkim zlo~inima.
Pamflet pru`a informacije
za sve one koji su spremni da
za{tite zaštite prirodu, {to ih
~ini svesnima o nekim osnovnim
na~elima za za{titu prirodnih
resursa. Postoje tako|e i
informacije o krivi~nim delima
koje zakon definiše kao ekološke
zlo~ine. Budu}a pokoljenja }e
`iveti u prirodi na koju smo mi
uticali i na koju i dalje uti~emo,
bilo da li je štitimo i ~uvamo ili
je uništavamo. Jednoga dana,
naši naslednici }e nas pitati šta
smo zapravo uradili kako bismo
sa~uvali prirodu u kojoj oni `ive!
Kako bi garantovali budu}nost za slede}a pokolenja i
da bi sa~uvali `ivotnu sredinu
od o{te}enja, moramo spre~iti
ovu situaciju, da ne postane
jo{ gora. Trebamo delati sada,
da promenimo na{e opho|enje
prema prirodi, kako bismo
pomogli u o~uvanju `ivotne
sredine. Moramo po~eti odmah,
i to recikliranjem, {tednjom vode
i struje, kao i da ne zaga|ujemo
na{e lepe reke i {ume.
Every day we hear and see
how our environment is being
destroyed! How the forests are
being cut down and damaged,
water pollution both in rivers and
lakes, has increased. Our landfill
sites are full, threats to everyone’s
health because pollutions are
present. Every one of us must
ask ourselves what we can do
to conserve and protect the
environment from being destroyed!
nvironment conservation and
protection must be part of all
we do. Because of our actions
or inactions, directly or indirectly, we
make an impact on our environment.
We can save water, reduce the use of
electricity power, use the proper waste
collection facility and recycling more
trash. Today, adults, and also many
children are fearful of environmental
destruction. We see many areas we
normally go to for outdoors activities
are slowly disappearing. Our air and
water is being polluted, the forests are
being destroyed. In order to prevent
this from happening, we must lift
people’s awareness on the situation
and look at culture and behavior
issues on environmental matters.
Various studies and environmental
analyses conducted in Kosovo
indicate that the people are not
sufficiently aware about the
importance of the environment and its
protection. We must look at the impact
all of us have on our environment.
We have seen people committed
environmental crime, we will see just
how much this type of environmental
ignorance is actually destroying our
country. The Police Directorate in the
Community, who is also responsible
for the Prevention of environmental
crime, is trying to prevent the negative
attitude that’s out there among some
people by trying to get the message
across through awareness of
environmental problems that affects
us all. The Unit for Environmental
Crime Investigation have published
an awareness leaflet in an attempt
to raise awareness among people
involved in this type environmental
crime. The leaflet provides information
for all those who are willing to protect
the environment, making them aware
of some essential principles for the
protection our natural resources.
There is also information about
criminal acts and what is considered
an environmental offence. By doing
this, our children who will be enjoying
the environment that we have saved,
will continue to have a positive impact
on protecting and conserving our
environment. One day our children will
ask us, what we did to help protect
the environment, we can tell them.
In order to guarantee the future
of the next generation and save the
environment from damage, we must
prevent this situation from getting
worse. We should act now, change
our behavior, and help preserve the
environment. We must start now, by
recycling, saving water and power,
and pledge not to pollute our beautiful
forests and rivers.
for you 7
ada ste tinejd`er najbitnije
vam je da se uklapate a ne
da štr~ite, zar ne? Mi se
ne sla`emo sa tim! Naravno, vi
ne `elite da budete ona devojka
sa dre~avom ru`i~astom kosom
ali zasigurno `elite da budete
ono što jeste! Šta mo`ete da
u~inite kako bi se razlikovali od
mase – ali da se uklapate u vaše
društvo? Evo par ideja za li~ni
stil obla~enja jedne tinejd`erke.
Zapo~nite izdgradnju svog
li~nog stila obla~enja kroz sitne
detalje i dodatke.
Utvrdite šta je za vas
Prvi korak u stvaranju svog li~nog
stila jeste da utvrdite šta vas zanima.
Šta volite o sebi? Da li imate prelepu
kosu? O~aravaju}i osmeh? Lepu
ko`u? Kristalno plave o~i? Duge
noge? Najlakše je da poradite na
onim osobinama na koje se ponosite
i da izaberete stil koji te osobine
Obujte par cipela
Ne}ete biti doterani ukoliko
niste obu~eni od glave do pete.
Obujte par ravnih šarenih cipela,
trakastih sandal, toplih ~izama ili
dre~avih patika. Ovo je lak na~in
da izmenite vaš izgled i dodate
savršeni detalj.
Igrajte se sa vašom kosom
Vaša kosa je mo`da neiskoriš}
en izvor vašeg li~nog stila!
Eksperimentišite. Peglajte.
Uvijajte. Zalizujte. Gore, dole,
na stranu. Naj~eš}e vezujete
kosu? Pokušajte
sa pun|om!
Pretra`ite Internet
za razne stilove
frizura. Iznenadi}
e vas broj frizura
koje }ete prona}i.
[minkajte se!
Nosite šminku
koja odgovara
vašem tenu i tipu
Dodaci su brzi na~in da stvorite
svoj stil. Ne mo`ete pogrešiti
ukoliko opašete sjajan kai{,
stavite perlastu narukvicu ili
stavite savršenu ogrlicu. Dodaci
za kosu su tako|e lepi. Naravno
~uvajte se prekomernog koriš}
enja dodataka. Manje je vi{e.
Stil vaših dodataka ne treba da
bode o~i!
Dodajte šmek prošlih vremena
Staro je opet novo. Pretra`ite
radnje koje dr`e staromodnu
robu blizu vas i kupite ne tako
skupu jaknu, prelep nov~anik ili
par min|uša iz sedamdesetih
godina. Uklopite staromodni
odevni predmet sa vašom
novom, modernom školskom
garderobom. Tada }e vaš
dosadašnji stil imati lep šmek
Stavite šešir!
Nije svakome lagodno kada nosi šešir,
ali ukoliko vama jeste onda imate
dobitni stil odevanja. Postoje razne
vrste odevnih predmeta koje se nose
na glavi, od marama, rajfova pa sve do
ka~keta. Nosite ih! Mnogi ih ne nose!
8 for you
ko`e. Kada imate osnovnu šminku na
licu, budite hrabri – eksperimentišite
sa bojama i stilovima koje
naglašavaju vaše omiljene crte lica.
Razmislite o ljubi~astoj maskari kako
bi istakli o~i ili izaberite unikatni roze
sjaj za usne.
Vaš li~ni stil je onaj po
kome }e vas prepoznavati.
Neka to bude boja ili miris.
Mo`da je to va{a ljubav
prema šeširima ili vaš
talenat za kombinovanje
stilova. Ko zna – mo`da
imate smisla za odabir
sjajnih ~arapa. Dokle
god vas vaš stil ~ini sre}
nima, samouverenima,
i što je najbitnije, ukoliko se ose}ate
udobno, onda ste na putu da prona|ete
svoj li~ni stil. Vaš li~ni stil }e u~initi da
se ose}ate dobro i da vas prime}uju.
Zapo~nite i vi neki trend!
(Izvor: www.beinggirl.com)
our teen years are all about fitting in, not standing
out, right? We disagree! Sure, you’re not trying to
be that girl with the hot-pink hair, but you want to
be yourself! What can you do if you want to stand out
- but still fit in with all your friends? Here are ideas for
how to have your own personal teen girl style through
little details and finishing touches that will get you
started in developing your own personal style.
Accessories are
style’s quick fixes.
You can’t go
wrong if you throw
on a terrific belt,
a great beaded
bracelet or the
perfect statement
necklace. Hair
are also a nice
addition. Beware,
however, of overaccessorizing.
Less is more. Your
accessory style
shouldn’t scream!
Determine Your Thing
The first step to developing your own
style is to know what you’re all about.
What do you like about yourself? Do
you have great hair? Charming smile?
Beautiful skin? Crystal-blue eyes?
Long legs? It is easiest to work around
those characteristics that make you
feel good about yourself and choose a
complementary style.
Add a Vintage
What’s old is new
again. Research
the vintage shops
near you and pick
up an inexpensive
jacket, a whimsical
purse or a pair of
earrings from the
1970s. Combine a
vintage item with
your new, trendy
school clothes, and your same old style
has a cool vintage look.
Put On a Hat!
Not everyone can wear hats and feel
comfortable, but if you can, you have
a winning style. There are so many
varieties of head accessories from
bandanas to head bands to baseball
caps. Do it up! Not many can!
Slip On a Pair of Shoes
Your look isn’t complete unless you’re
covered from head to toe. Slip on a pair
of colorful flats, strappy sandals, warm
boots or bright running shoes. It’s an
easy way to change your look and the
perfect final touch.
Play with Your Hair
Your hair may be your untapped center
of style! Experiment. Straighten. Curl.
Tease. Up, down, to the side. Usually
go for a low pony tail? Try a top knot
bun! Look online for how to pull these
off. You’ll be surprised to see how many
different looks you can come up with.
Make it Up!
Wear makeup that complements your
skin tone and your skin type. Once you
have a basis for your face, you can be
daring — experiment with colors and
styles that highlight your favorite features.
Consider a purple eye shadow to make
your eyes pop or pick a signature pink lip
gloss color.
Your own personal style is the signature
you become known for. Make it a color
or a scent. Maybe it’s your love of hats
or your talent for mixing styles. Who
knows - maybe you have a knack for
awesome socks! As long as it makes you
happy, confident and, most importantly,
comfortable, you’ll find what style works
for you. Your style will make you feel good
about yourself and get you noticed. You
may even start some trends of your own!
(Source: www.beinggirl.com)
for you 9
music box
tkako su se pojavili na muzi~koj sceni ne prestaju da
ni`u uspehe. Iako potpuno razli~iti, Relja Popovi} i
Vladimir Matovi}, prijatelji su od malih nogu, koji odli~no
funkcioni{u i u poslu, a dokaz tome jeste upravo njihov bend, koji
se izdvojio originalnim tekstovima, zanimljivim spotovima i jo{
nekim talentima, neophodnim za opstanak u svetu {ou-biznisa.
Hip-hop i R’n’B grupa Elitni Odredi oformljena je 2005. i od
samog starta broji tri ~lana, to su Drima (Relja Popovi}), Wonta
(Vladimir Matovi}) i Grubo (Vladan Paunovi}). Ova jako perspektivna grupa ve} je svoju publiku oduševila hitovima kao što su
„Moja jedina“ feat. Padrino (Prod. Grubo) i „Mo`e skuplje“ feat.
El Prezidente (Prod. Grubo i El Prezidente).
U samom po~etku ~lanovi ove grupe su snimali pesme
ikslju~ivo za sebe, a kasnije, kada se pokazalo da to dobro
rade, po~eli su istim tempom i kvalitetom da snimaju pesme
za širu publiku, koju su prona{li i pridobili kroz dva prethodno
pomenuta hita, koja mo`ete ~uti na skoro svakoj `urci. Od
njihovog nastanka pa do danas došlo je do odre|enih promena,
te se i sastav grupe promenio zbog razli~itih ambicija i ciljeva...
Grupu danas ~ine dva ~lana, Vladimir Matovi} i Relja Popovi}.
Naravno, kao i svaka druga muzi~ka grupa tog stila i Elitni
odredi su prošli kroz razne uspone i padove... Kao mladi (sa
18-19 godina), zapo~inju jednu jako uspešnu karijejru muzi~kog
`anra. Danas svojim iskustvima i svojim jedinstvenim stilom
osvajaju publiku širom Balkana, i to ih ~ini uspešnijim u odnosu
na ostatak R’N’B i REP grupa u Srbiji.
10 for you
Put do
- 2006. izdavanjem
jedinstvene pesme
„Moja jedina“ grupa
je stekla {iroku popularnost.
- 2001. su izdali
svoj prvi studijski
album pod nazivom
„Oko sveta“, koji je
predstavljao prekida~
hip-hopa do vi{e
R’n’B orijentisane
vrste muzike.
- Odr`ali su veliki broj
koncerata {irom Srbije, BiH i Makedonije,
ali ~esto odlaze i u
inostrane klubove.
Tako|e su nastupali
i kao predgrupa na
koncertu 50 Cent-a prilikom njegovog koncerta u Beogradu.
- Veiliki uspeh su postigli sa pesmom „Beograd“ koju izvode zajedno sa DJ [onetom i Anabelom. Danas ta pesma ima preko
20 miliona pregleda na YouTube-u.
- U leto 2012. snimili su su svoju najuspe{niju pesmu „ Ne ko~i“
koja danas broji oko 24 miliona pregleda na YouTube-u.
- Krajem 2012. iza{ao je spot pesme „Ljubavi moja“ koju su
otpevali zajedno sa Dadom Polumentom, a mnogi ka`u da je to
njihova najlep{a pesma.
- Tokom ove godine nisu mnogo radili na novim pesmama sve
do jeseni kada je iza{ao hit „Zapali grad“, koji je za dva meseca
skupio pet miliona pregleda na YouTube-u.
- Gotovo cela balkanska estrada `eli da snimi pesmu s Elitnim
odredima. To pokazuje koliko je ova grupa cenjena i uspe{na u
ovo doba raznolikih muzi~kih ukusa.
2008. Rane 2
2009. Sad i zauvek
2010. Oko sveta
Izvor: http://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0%BB%D0%B
ince they first appeared on the music scene they
have scored success after success. Relja Popović
and Vladimir Matović are friends since their earliest
years; they also function well as work colleagues. Proof of
this is their band, which has made a name for itself through
their unique texts, interesting videos and some other talents,
needed to survive in the world of show-business.
The Hip-Hop and R’n’B band Elitni odredi was formed in
2005. From the beginning it had three members: Drima
(Relja Popović), Wonta (Vladimir Matović) and Grubo (Vladan
Paunović). This promising group has already enchanted their
audience with hits such as My Only One (“Moja jedina“) feat.
Padrino (Prod. Grubo) and Can it be More Expensive (“Može
skuplje“) feat. El Prezidente (Prod. Grubo and El Prezidente).
At the very beginning, the band members recorded songs
exclusively for themselves. Later on, when they saw that
they were good at it, they started recording, at the same and
of the same quality, songs for the wider public. They found
and won over their audience with the two abovementioned
hits, which are played at almost every party. From their beginnings up to now, there were certain changes. The makeup
of the band changed because of different personal ambitions
and goals...
Today, the band consists of two members, Vladimir Matović
i Relja Popović. Of course, as every other band in that
genre, the Elitni odredi went through various successes and
failures... As young men (18-19 years old) they began a very
successful career in this musical genre. Today, with their experiences and unique style they are winning over the hearts
of many throughout the Balkans, this sets them apart from
the other R’N’B and REP bands in Serbia.
music box
Path to success
- In 2006 they published the unique song
“Moja jedina“ and the band received public
- IN 2001 they published their first solo album titled Around the World (“Oko sveta“),
which was a move from Hip-Hop towards
a more R’n’B oriented style of music.
- They held numerous concerts throughout Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
They also star in many clubs abroad. They
were also the opening act of 50 Cents’
concert in Belgrade.
- They achieved great success with the
song Belgrade (“Beograd“), which they
sung together with DJ Šone and Anabela.
Today, this song has had more than 20
million views on YouTube.
- In the summer of 2012 they recorded
their most successful song Don’t Brake
(“Ne koči“), which has had about 24 million
views on YouTube to date.
- At the end of 2012 the video of their song
My Love (“Ljubavi moja“) came out. They
sung this song together with Dado Polumenta and many claim that this is their
most beautiful song yet.
- During the current year, they did not work
much on creating new songs all the way
up to the autumn. In the autumn, their hit
dubbed Set the City on Fire (“Zapali grad“)
came out, which in two months had five
million views on YouTube.
- Almost all the actors on the Balkan music scene want
to record a song with the Elitni odredi. This proves how
well respected and successful this band is, in these
times of different tastes in music.
2008. Wounds 2 (“Rane 2“)
2009. Now and Forever (“Sad i zauvek“)
2010. Around the Worl (“Oko sveta“)
Source: http://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0%BB%D
for you 11
Kosovska policija je dobro
struktuirana i organizovana
organizacija za sprovo|enje
zakona, istraga i otkrivanje
razli~itih krivi~nih dela, i gonjenje
njihovih po~inilaca. Njihova misija
pru`anja sigurnog i bezbednog
okru`enja, ne mo`e biti potpuno
uspešna i efikasna bez stalne
podrške gra|ana, ~iji je doprinos
javnoj bezbednosti od klju~ne
okalni odbor za javnu
bezbednost (LOJB), kao
bezbednosni forum, je
savetodavno telo od velike pomo}
i za policiju i gra|ane Kosova.
LOJB okuplja predstavnike lokalnih
zajednica razli~itih nacionalnosti,
koje integri{e u grupama u zajednici
a koje obuhvataju pripadnike policije,
opštinske i školske zvani~nike,
predstavnike roditelja, mlade i
sve ljudi dobre volje koji rade na
poboljšanju bezbednosti i dobrobiti
zajednica. Ovaj forum je osnovan
na nivou lokalnih zajednica, naselja
ili sela na podru~ju opština u skladu
sa Zakonom o policiji i nadzorom
pod generalnog direktora Kosovske
policije. Sprovo|enjem Strategije i
Akcionog plana 2012-2016 za “rad
12 for you
policije u zajednici”, kao i sektorskim
razgrani~enjem, cilj je da se ovakav
bezbednosni forum uspostavi bar u
svakom policijskom sektoru. Svrha
LOJB je okupljanje i organizovanje
gra|ana je poboljšanje me|usobne
komunikacije sa policijom u
oblasti, kao i da se prona|u
zajedni~ka rešenja za razli~ite
probleme na lokalnom nivou, u cilju
ja~anja bezbednosti u zajednici
i spre~avanje pojave ilegalnih
Novi ~lanovi LOJB imaju nove
ideje za pobolj{anje bezbednosti
i unapre|enju kvaliteta `ivota
na Kosovu. Postoje 33 Lokalna
odbora za javnu
bezbednost (LOJB),
koja ve} funkcioni{u
na Kosovu. Kao
rezultat uspeha
LOJB-a, podnet je
veliki broj zahteva
od strane policijskih
stanica i samih
gra|ana da se
uspostave LOJB u
njihovim oblastima.
Tako su u
aprilu ove godine
na inicijativu
komandanta ‘Ju`ne’
Policijske stanice u Prištini
i lokalnog stanovništva, u
bliskoj saradnji sa Odeljenjem
za prevenciju i rad policije
u zajednici i generalnog
direktora Kosovske
policije, uspostavljena dva
lokalna odbora za javnu
bezbednost (LOJB). ^lanovi
novooformljenog LOJB
su u oktobru i novembru
pro{le godine prošli obuku
za izgradnju partnerstva,
identifikovanje i rešavanje
problema, izradu projekata
i razvijanje komunikacijskih
veština. Ovi LOJB su ovlaš}eni od strane Misije OEBS-a
na Kosovu, u tesnoj saradnji
sa Odeljenjem za prevenciju i
rad policije u zajednici.
Program obuke kojem
su prisustvovali ~lanovi
ovih LOJB, uglavnom se
odnosio na teme iz Strategije
i Akcionog plana 20122016 - ‘Rad policije u zajednici’,
izgradnja partnerstva, identifikovanje
i re{avanje problema, izrada
projekata i ve{tine komunikacije.
U budu}nosti, ovi bezbednosni
forumi }e jo{ više sara|ivati sa
policajcima, a iste odgovornosti }e
preneti Opštinskom bezbednosnom
forumu, kao što je Opštinski savet
za bezbednost zajednice (OSBZ).
Kosovska policija poziva sve
gra|ane Kosova da saradjuju sa
policijskim slu`benicima u cilju
stvaranja bezbednijeg okru`enja,
reda i blagostanja za sve.
Kosovo Police is
a well-structured and
organized institution
whose mission is
to enforce the law,
investigate criminal
acts, and prosecute
offenders. Its mission
of providing a safe and
secure environment will
not be fully successful
and effective without
the ongoing support of
citizens, who are key
contributors to public
ocal Public Safety
Committees (LPSC),
are security forums
that are very helpful to
the police and the citizens
of Kosovo. LPSC’s bring
together members of
different nationalities
and integrate them
into community groups
comprising police officers,
local officials, school
representatives, parents,
young and old, and anyone
else interested in improving
the safety and welfare
of the community. This
forum was established
in local communities,
neighborhoods and villages
under supervision of the
Police and the direction
of the General Director
of Kosovo Police. With
the implementation of the
Strategy and Action Plan
2012-2016 on “Community
Policing” and sectorial
delegation, the aim is to
establish a security forum
in every police sector. The
purpose of the LPSC is
to gather and organize
citizens to improve
communication with the
police in the area and to
find common solutions to
various problems at the
local level, with the aim
of enhancing community
safety and preventing
occurrences of illegal
New members of
LPSC have new ideas for
improving the security and
quality of life in Kosovo.
There are 33 Local Public
Safety Committees (LPSC)
already operating in
Kosovo. As a result of the
success shown by other
LPSC’s, many requests
have been made by police
station commanders and
citizens to establish other
LPSCs in their respective
In April of this year, at
the initiative of the ‘South’
Police station commander
in Prishtina as well as
local residents working in
close cooperation with the
Department of Prevention
and Community Policing
and the General Director
of Kosovo Police,
two Local Public
Safety Committees
(LPSC) were
Members of these
newly formed
LPSC’s in October
and November
of this year, were
trained in building
identifying and
solving problems,
drafting projects
and developing
skills. These
LPSC’s were
certified by the
OSCE Mission in
Kosovo in close
cooperation with
the Department
of Prevention
and Community
Policing. The
training program
attended by
members of these
LPSCs is mainly
related to topics of the
Strategy and Action Plan
2012-2016 on “Community
Policing”, building
partnerships, identifying
and solving problems,
drafting projects and
communication skills.
In the future, these
security forums will
cooperate even more
with police officers
and will transfer same
responsibilities to the
Municipal Safety Forum,
such as the Municipal
Council for Community
Safety (MCCS).
Kosovo Police
encourages all citizens
of Kosovo to cooperate
with police officers
in order to provide
an environment with
enhanced Security,
Order and Welfare for all.
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
10 najlepših
životinja na svetu
5. Meka
koralna pauk
Meka koralna
pauk kraba pripada
monotipskom rodu, što zna~i
da nema srodnih vrsta. Raste
do 2 cm, a ima sposobnost da
kamuflira svoju spoljašnjost
jarkih boja, kako bi se stopila
sa koralima koji ~ine njeno
stanište. Ova kraba mo`e biti
crvene boje, a mo`e
promeniti boju i
u belu, `utu i roze.
5. Candy Crab
The candy crab
belongs to a monotypic
genus, meaning it has no
closely related species. It
grows to 2 cm long, and has
brightly colored camouflage
to match the coral that forms
its habitat. As well as red, the
crab can turn white, yellow
and pink.
4. Lastorepi
kolibri najviše
voli poluotvorene
ili šumske oblasti, kao i primorska
podru~ja i vrtove, ali izbegava guste
kišne šume. Ovi kolibri imaju dug ra~vasti
rep koji ~ini polovinu tela ove ptice duge
16 cm. Njihovo perje je mešavina
zelene, plave i ljubi~aste boje, a
frekvencija mahanja krilima je oko
20 zamaha u sekundi, što im omogu}
ava da lebde dok se hrane cvetnim
nektarom. Agresivni su prema drugim
pticama. Kolibri }e saletati i
obrušiti se ~ak i na
ptice veli~ine
vet prirode je veli~anstven sa
svojim prelepim `ivotinjama
koje otkrivaju ~uda evolucije.
Ta lepota nije ograni~ena samo na
stotine `ivotinja koje se lako mogu
identifikovati. Bilo radi opstanka
ili parenja, prirodna selekcija je
podarila mnogobrojna stvorenja sa
neobi~nim anatomskim adaptacijama i
spektakularnom lepezom boja!
3. @aba
@aba otrovna strela
mo`e da naraste od 1.5 do 6 cm
u du`inu. Domoroda~ki narodi su koristili otrove
koje ova `aba izlu~uje, tako što su u njih umakali
vrhove svojih strela, po ~emu su i nazvali ove `abe.
Njihove izlu~evine bi se u budu}im medicinskim
istra`ivanjima mogle koristiti za opuštanje miši}
a, suzbijanje apetita i kao stimulator srca. Njihove
jarke boje formiraju “aposemati~ne šare” ~ija je
svrha da odbiju grabljivca upozoravanjem na
4. Swallow Tailed
The swallow tailed hummingbird
prefers semi-open areas or
woodland, coastal regions, and
but will avoid dense rainforest.
It has a long forked tail that
comprises half of the bird’s 16 cm
length. Its plumage is a mixture
of green, blue and purple, and its
wings flap at approximately 20 beats per
second, allowing it to hover while
feeding on flower nectar. They
are aggressive towards other
birds, and will `dive-bomb’ or
pester birds as large as hawks!
.... (Nastavak ~lanka iz prethodnog izdanja)
14 for you
Top 10 most beautiful
animals in the world
animal kingdom
he natural world is resplendent with beautiful animals
that reveal the wonders of evolution. Beauty is not
limited to the hundreds of animals that we can readily
identify. Whether for survival or mating, natural
selection has endowed many creatures
with unusual anatomical adaptations
and spectacular panoplies of color!
2. Tigar
Tigar je najve}a i najlepša vrsta divljih
ma~aka. Ove `ivotinje mogu da porastu do
3.3 metra u du`inu, i da dostignu te`inu od
preko 300 kg. @ivotni vek im je do 26 godina, mada je svih
6 podvrsta ugro`eno, i njihov ukupan broj iznosi manje
od 4,000 jedinki. Prugasto krzno im slu`i kao kamufla`a
u njihovom
njihovu toksi~nost.
staništu sa
3. Poison Dart Frog
The poison dart frog grows from 1.5
to 6 cm in length. Indigenous people
used the frog’s toxic secretions to
poison the tips of blow-darts, giving
the frog its name. The secretions
could be used as muscle relaxants,
appetite suppressants, and heart
stimulants in future medical
trials. Their bright colors form
`aposematic patterns’, which
serve to warn off predators by
suggesting an unpalatable
visokom travom i šumovitim oblastima. Ko`a ispod njihovog
krzna je tako|e na isti na~in prugasta.
2. Tiger
The tiger is the largest and most eye-catching of all the big
cats. They can grow up to 3.3 meters in length, and can weigh
over 300 kg. Tigers have a lifespan up to 26 years, though
all 6 subspecies are endangered, with a total population of
less than 4,000. Their striped fur serves as camouflage in
their natural habitat of long grasses and wooded areas.
Underneath the fur, their skin is
striped in the same
1. Magadaskarski
zalazak sunca
Moljac Madagaskarski zalazak
sunca je pripadnik reda
Lepidoptera sa jedinstvenim
šarama, koji je veoma tra`en
od strane kolekcionara.
^esto asimetri~ne šare
poti~u od opti~kog mešanja
boja i rasipanja svetlosti sa
zakrivljenih, delimi~no reflektuju}
ih ljuspica na krilima moljca. Ova
vrsta moljca ima raspon krila do
11 cm, i ~esto biva pomešan sa
leptirima zbog svoje boje, repa, i
navike da odmaraju sa vertikalno
uzdignutim krilima.
1. Sunset
sunset moth is a
uniquely colorful
lepidopteron that
is sought after
by collectors.
The often
asymmetrical pattern of its colors is caused
by the optical interference and scattering
of light by curved, partially reflective scales
on the moth’s wings. Sunset moths have a
wingspan up to 11 cm, and are often mistaken
for butterflies due to their color, tails, and
habit for resting with their wings vertical.
(Source: www.wunderground.com)
... (continued from previous edition)
for you 15
Uloge: Christian Bale,
Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy
Renner, Amy Adams,
Louis C.K., Alessandro
Nicola, Elisabeth Röhm,
Michael Peña, Jack
Re`ija: David O. Russell
@anr: Komedija/Drama
Studio: Columbia Pictures
ikcija smeštena u primamljivom svetu jednog od najve}ih skandala koji su potresli
ameri~ku naciju, Ameri~ka prevara je pri~a
o brilliantnom prevarantu Irvinu Rozenfeldu, koji je
zajedno sa svojim jednako spretnom i zavodljivom
partnerkom, prevarantkinjom Engleskinjom Sidni
Proser, prisiljen da radi za divljeg FBI agenta
Ri~ija DiMasa. DiMaso ih uvodi u svet mo}nika i
mafije D`erzija, svet koji je opasan koliko i primamljiv. D`eremi Rener igra Karmajna Polita,
strastvenog, nestabilnog politi~ara iz Nju D`erzija
koji je rastrzan izme|u prevaranata i federalne
policije. Irvinova nepredvidiva `ena Rozalin mogla
bi da bude baš ta koja }e povu}i konce i
u~initi da se sve sruši. Kao i u prethodnim
filmovima Dejvida O. Rasela, Ameri~ka
prevara prevazilazi `anr, zavise}i od sirovih
emocija, gde junaci igraju na `ivot i smrt.
Cast: Christian Bale,
Bradley Cooper, Jennifer
Lawrence, Jeremy Renner,
Amy Adams, Louis C.K.,
fictional film set in the
alluring world of one
of the most stunning
scandals to rock our nation, American Hustle tells
the story of brilliant con
man Irving Rosenfeld, who
along with his equally cunning and seductive British
partner Sydney Prosser is
18 for you
Alessandro Nicola, Elisabeth Röhm, Michael Peña,
Jack Huston
Director: David O. Russell
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Studio: Columbia Pictures
forced to work for a wild
FBI agent Richie DiMaso.
DiMaso pushes them into
a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia that’s
as dangerous as it is enchanting. Jeremy Renner
is Carmine Polito, the
passionate, volatile, New
Jersey political operator
caught between the con-
artists and Feds. Irving’s
unpredictable wife Rosalyn
could be the one to pull
the thread that brings the
entire world crashing down.
Like David O. Russell’s
previous films, American
Hustle defies genre, hinging on raw emotion, and
life and death stakes.
Uloge: Tom Hanks, Emma
Thompson, Colin Farrell, Paul Giamatti, Jason
Schwartzman, Ruth Wilson, B.J. Novak, Bradley
Whitford, Rachel Griffiths,
Kathy Baker
Re`ija: John Lee Hancock
@anr: Drama
Studio: Walt Disney
ada su ga }erke
preklinjale da napravi
film prema njihovoj omiljenoj knjizi – Meri
Popins od P.
L. Trevers, Volt
Dizni im
je dao
obe}anje da }e to u~initi –
obe}anje za koje nije mogao
ni da pretpostavi da }e mu
trebati 20 godina da ga
ispuni. U svom poduhvatu
da dobije prava, Volt se
suprotstavlja mrzovoljnoj,
beskompromisnoj spisateljici
koja nema nikakvu nameru
da se odvoji od svoje
voljene, magi~ne dadilje i
da dozvoli da je holivudska mašinerija oblikuje po
svojoj volji. Ali, Travers
tokom vremena
gubi kontrolu nad
autorskim pravima.
Tek kada bude
zašao u sopstveno
detinjstvo, Volt }e otkriti istinu o duhovima
koji je opsedaju i
zajedno }e osloboditi
Meri Popins, da bi na
kraju snimili jedan od
najdirljivijih filmova u
istoriji kinematografije.
he made them a
promise--one that he
didn’t realize would
take 20 years to keep.
In his quest to obtain
the rights, Walt comes
up against a curmudgeonly, uncompromising writer who has
absolutely no intention
of letting her beloved
hen Walt Disney’s
magical nanny get mauled by
daughters begged
the Hollywood machine. But,
him to make a
as Travers becomes increasmovie of their favorite book,
ingly immovable the rights
P.L. Travers’ Mary Poppins,
begin to move further
away from his grasp. It
is only when he reaches
into his own childhood
Cast: Tom Hanks, Emma Thompthat Walt discovers the
son, Colin Farrell, Paul Giamatti,
truth about the ghosts
Jason Schwartzman, Ruth Wilson,
that haunt her, and
B.J. Novak, Bradley Whitford, Ratogether they set Mary
chel Griffiths, Kathy Baker
Poppins free to ultiDirector: John Lee Hancock
mately make one of the
Genre: Drama
most endearing films in
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
cinematic history.
Uloge: Oscar Isaac, Carey
Mulligan, John Goodman, Garrett Hedlund, Alex Karpovsky,
nutar Levina Dejvisa“
prati jednu nedelju u
`ivotu mladog kantri
peva~a dok se probija na
kantri sceni Grini~ Vilid`a
(Greenwich Village) 1961. godine. Sa gitarom pod rukom,
š}u}uren usred neumoljive
njujorške zime, glavni junak
se bori da uspe kao muzi~ar
Adam Driver, Justin Timberlake, F. Murray Abraham
Re`ija: Joel Coen & Ethan
@anr: Drama
Studio: CBS Films
protiv naizgled nepremostivih
prepreka – pri ~emu je on sam
odgovoran za neke od njih.
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, John Goodman, Garrett
Hedlund, Alex Karpovsky, Adam
Driver, Justin Timberlake, F. Murray Abraham
Director: Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Genre: Drama
Studio: CBS Films
nside Llewyn
Davis follows a
week in the life
of a young folk
singer as he navigates the Greenwich Village folk
scene of 1961.
Guitar in tow,
huddled against
the unforgiving
New York winter,
he is struggling
to make it as a
musician against
obstacles - some
of them of his
own making.
for you 19
sportski ugao
je jedan od onih
koji razbijaju sve
tabue i predrasude, samim tim
{to igra u jednom
klubu u kojem su
ve}ina Albanci,
a ima i nekoliko
Bo{njaka. „Dobro
se dru`im sa svima, jer su me svi
dobro prihvatili.
Imao sam jednog
dobrog druga Albanca, me|utim,
nedavno je
pre{ao u drugi
klub, i njegovo
mesto je sada
zamenio Azren.
Nau~io sam da se
na albanskom sa
Erol, Milo{ i Pashtrik
njima“, rekao je
rol {utira loptu Pash„mali“.
triku, Pa{trik Milo{u i
On igra desno krilo, broj
goooo. Zovu ga „mali“
7 ili 9, nalazi se me|u boljim
a de~ko je 1.78 cm. „Kada
igra~ima u njegovoj kategoriji,
je do{ao u na{ klub bio je
a dobrog fudbalera svi vole.
mnogo mali, i od tada mu je
Mo`e da pimpuje loptu do
ostao taj nadimak,“ opisuje
160 puta. „Chelsea“ je klub
nam Milo{a A{anina jedan od
za koji navija, dok mu je
trenera ovog kluba Kahraman Fernando Torres najomiljeniji
Milo{, ve} dve godine, tri
do ~etiri puta nedeljno, biciklom putuje oko 10 km dnevno
iz Brestovika do Pe}i, samo
da bi trenirao fudbal. Pored
toga putuje i u Gora`devac u
{kolu. Ni{ta ga ne spre~ava
da bude redovan na treninzima, jer on ima jedan san i cilj
– a to je fudbal.
Ovaj ~etrnaestogodi{njak
20 for you
fudbaler. „Ja li~no najvi{e
volim kontakt s loptom, tada
sam najsre}niji. I zato bih
apelovao na sve mlade da se
bave sportom, jer u zdravom
telu je zdrav duh. Plan mi
je da budem u ovom klubu
dokle god to budem mogao,
pre svega zato {to volim
fudbal, tako|e, zato {to je i
trener veoma dobar“.
^etrnaestogodi{nji Pash-
trik Ademaj igra desno
krilo, odbrambeni igra~,
pozvao je sve vr{njake
da do|u u njihov klub
i vide kako je dobro
biti sportista: „Uputio
bih poruku mladima,
iako nisu ista vera ili
nacija, treba da se dru`e
me|usobno jer nema
ni~eg lo{eg u tome da
se dru`i{ sa nekim koje
druge nacije. Meni je
drago da igram i sa
Bo{njacima i sa Srbima, i
zaista se dobro provodimo
i na treninzima i na utakmicama“.
Njihov drug,
trinaestogodi{nji Erol [aljunovi}, odbrambeni igra~,
deli isto mi{ljenje sa Milo{em
i Pashtrikom. „Jako sam
zadovoljan i sre}an {to sam
~lan ovog kluba. Trener je
jako dobar i po{ten ~ovek, on
nam je velika motivacija. Sa
svima se dobro sla`em, i moji
roditelji su jako zadovoljni
zbog dobrog odnosa koji mi
imamo u ovom klubu“.
Svi nam toliko ishvali{e
trenera Kahramana Loxhu,
koji ve} 25
godina trenira,
te je bio red
da ~ujemo i
njegovo cenjeno mi{ljenje o
klubu i fudbalerima. „U
klubu imamo tri
generacije, od
mla|ih pionira
do kadeta. Jako
sam zadovoljan
svima, neko
je bolji a neko
lo{iji, uglavnom,
ovde su da
igraju i da nau~e da igraju.
Mi sve prihvatamo na isti
na~in, jer u sportu ne postoje
politika, vera ili nacija. Ili si
dobar fudbaler ili nisi, u tome
je razlika. Milo{a smo svi
dobro prihvatili, i ~inimo sve
da se on ose}a jednakim. On
ima kvaliteta da bude dobar
fudbaler, jer ima brzinu i visinu, samo mu jo{ fali o{trina,
a to }e nadam se vremenom
Milo{ sa ocem Nikolom
Pitali smo i Milo{evog
oca, gospodina Nikolu
A{anina, da nam ispri~a {ta
ga je inspirisalo da svog
jedinca sina upi{e u jedan
albanski klub. „On je jednostavno hteo da se bavi
fudbalom. A trener Kahraman
va`i za najboljeg u Pe}i, zato
su on i ovaj klub bili moj izbor.
Zato bih savetovao sve zainteresovane za fudbal da do|u
u ovaj klub, jer moj sin nikada
nije imao problema“.
„Mali“ Milo{e, nadam se
da }e{ kad odraste{ uraditi
„velike stvari“, a na dobrom si
putu. Neka tvoj talenat, volja
i hrabrost, budu inspiracija
mladima na Kosovu. A, ostali
sportski klubovi, neka slede
primer FK „Besa“ - da budu
“uto~i{te“ svih mladih koji `ive
na ovom prostoru.
sports corner
good friend who was
Albanian; however he transferred
to another club
recently, now Azren
has taken his place.
I have learnt how
to communicate in
Albanian with them“,
“Kid“ says.
He plays the
right wing position,
under number 7 or
9. He is one of the
Fudbaleri sa trenerom Kahraman-om Loxha-om
better footballers in
his category and a
rol passes the ball to Pashtrik,
good footballer is
Pashtrik passes it to Miloš and
liked by all. He can bounce the ball 160
e have a goaaal. They call him
„Kid“, although he is 178cms tall. „When
he joined our club, he was very small
and since then we have been calling him
„Kid“,“ this is how one of the coaches of
this club, Kahraman Loxha, describes
Miloš Ašanin to us.
For the past two years, three to four
times every week, Miloš cycles 10km from
Brestovik to Peć, in order to train football.
He also travels to school in Gorazdevac.
Nothing can stop him from attending football trainings regularly, as he has only one
dream and one goal-football.
Since he plays in a club made up of
mostly Albanians and a few Bosniaks, this
fourteen-year-old is one of those people
who tear down all taboos and prejudices.
times. He supports “Chelsea“ and his
“I get along well with everyone, since
favourite footballer is Fernando Torres.
everyone has accepted me. I had a very
“I personally like contact with the ball the
most, I am the happiest when I have the
ball. This is why I would call upon all the
youth to play sports, since a healthy spirit
can be only found in a healthy body. I
plan to stay in this club as long as I can,
formeost because I love football and
because the coach is very good“.
Fourteen-year-old Pashtrik Ademaj
plays the right wing position, a defense
player. He called upon all his peers to visit
their club and see for themselves how
good it is to be a sportsperson: “I would
send out the message to all the youth,
that although they may not be of the
same religious confession or of the same
nation, they should make friends amongst
themselves. There is nothing wrong with
having a friend who is from a different
nation. I am glad that I play with Bosniaks
and Serbs. We really have a good time at
trainings and matches“.
Their friend, thirteen-year-old Erol
Šaljunović, a defence player, shares the
same opinion as Miloš and Pashtrik. “I
am extremely satisfied and
happy that I am a member of
this club. The coach is a very
good and honest man, he
motivates us. I get along well
with everyone. My parents are
also satisfied with the good relationships
we have in this club“.
Everyone had words of praise for the
coach Kahraman Loxha. He has been
coaching for the last 25 years. It was time
that we hear his opinion of the club and
footballers. “We have three generations
of footballers in the club, they range from
the young pioneers to the cadets. I am
satisfied with all of them. Some of them
are better than the others, but the main
point is that they are all here to play and
to learn how to play. We accept everyone
in the same manner, there can be no
politics, religion or nationality involved
in sports. There is only one difference
amongst players, either you are a good
footballer or you are not. We have all accepted Miloš in a good way, and we are
doing everything for him to feel equal with
the others. He possesses the necessary
qualities to become a good footballer.
He has the needed speed and height, he
just lacks sharpness, which I hope he will
learn with time“.
We also asked Miloš’s father, Mr.
Nikola Ašanin, to tell us what inspired
him to enrol his only son in an Albanian
club. “Simply, he wanted to play football.
Coach Kahraman is one of the best in
Peć that is why he and his club were
my choice. That is why I would advise
all those who are interested in football,
to join this club, my son never had any
problems in this club“.
To the “kid“ Miloš, I hope that when
you grow up, you will achieve “great
things“. You are already on the right track
to achieve them. May your talent, willpower and courage be an inspiration to
all the youth in Kosovo. May all the other
sports clubs follow the example set by FC
“Besa“ – let them be a haven for all the
young people who live in these parts.
for you 21
Hi - Tech
TC je predstavio ~etiri nova pametna telefona iz njihove
Desire serije. Kompanija je uvela dva nova ure|aja
srednje klase, Desire 501 i 700, a istovremeno je najavila
modele Desire 300 i 601 sa podrškom za dve sim kartice.
HTC Desire 501 dolazi
sa 4,3-in~nim WVGA
(480x800 piksela)
ekranom. Pokre}e ga
dvojezgreni 1.15GHz
procesor sa 1GB RAM
memorije. Ovaj pametni telefon poseduje
jednu zadnju kameru od
8 megapiksela, ali nema
prednju kameru. Ovaj
model je dostupan u srebrnoj, roze i crnoj boji.
S druge strane, Desire
700 je opremljen sa Full
HD 5-in~nim ekranom,
ali sa razo~aravaju}om
rezolucijom od 960 x 540
piksela. Pokre}e ga dvojezgreni 1.2GHz procesor,
ima 1GB RAM memorije,
okviru BlackBerry-jevog projekta koji ima za
cilj da privu~e što više ljudi da koriste njihovu
BBM platformu, kompanija BlackBerry iz
Vaterloa je u utorak zvani~no lansirala društvenu
mre`u BBM Channels, što je servis sli~an Tviteru koji
omogu}ava kompanijama i poznatim li~nostima da
se direktno pove`u sa svojim fanovima. Kompanija
je najavila da }e njihova društvena mre`a u po~etku
integrisati svoje usluge sa BBM messaging koji }e
se uskoro pojaviti na telefonima u Africi, Indiji, Indoneziji, Ju`noj Americi i Bliskom istoku. Sa preko 80
miliona ljudi koji koriste BBM messaging, BlackBerry
je dizajnirao i BBM Channels kako bi ostvario prihod
od servisa za razmenu poruka, koji je trenutno bez
22 for you
8GB interne memorije i ulaz za mikro SD karticu, mesto za dve
sim kartice, zadnju kameru od 8 megapiksela i slabu prednju
kameru. HTC Desire 700 je dostupan u crnoj boji.
DESIRE 501 AND 700
TC has introduced four new Smartphones from their Desire series. The
company has introduced two new middle
rank devices, Desire 501 and 700, and at the
same time announced the dual-SIM Desire 300
and 601 models.
The HTC Desire 501 comes with a 4.3-inch
WVGA (480x800) display. It is powered by
a 1.15GHz dual-core processor with
1GB of RAM. The smartphone sports an
8-megapixel rear camera but has no
front camera. This model is available
in silver, pink and black colour.
On the other hand, Desire 700 is fitted
with full HD 5 inches display but with disappointing resolution of 960 x 540 pixels.
It is powered by dual core 1.2GHz processor,
1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory and microSD
port, two SIM slots, 8-megapixel rear camera
and a weak frontal camera. HTC Desire 700 is
available in black colour.
reklama. O~ekuje se
da }e ova aplikacijadruštvena mre`a u narednim mesecima da se pojavi
i na iOS i Android ure|ajima. Prema poslednjim
informacijama, ove konkurentske platforme obe
trenutno imaju oko 20 miliona korisnika BBM-a.
s part of the BlackBerry projects to attract
more people to their
BBM platform, BlackBerry
Company from Waterloo on
Tuesday officially launched
the BBM Channels social
network, which is a service
similar to Twitter that enables
companies and celebrities
to connect directly with fans.
The company announced
that their social network will
initially integrate its services
for BBM messaging which
will soon appear in some
handsets in Africa, India,
Indonesia, Latin America
and Middle East. With over
80 million people using BBM
messaging, BlackBerry designed the BBM Channels to generate revenues from messaging service,
which currently is ad-free. The social network
application in the coming months is expected to appear for iOS and Android devices, which according
to the latest information, both competing platforms
currently have about 20 million BBM users.
ompanija Acer
najavila je svoj novi
model Chromebook
laptopa C720P sa touch
podrškom (touchscreen),
sa 11,6-in~nim HD LED
backlit ekranom osetljivim na dodir rezolucije
1366×768 piksela, sa 32GB
SSD, i potencijalni radni vek
baterije do sedam i po sati.
Pokre}e ga Intel Celeron
2955U procesor (baziran
na novom Intel Haswell ~ipu), a dolazi
sa 2GB DDR3
RAM memorije,
kao i 802.11 a/b/g/n
WiFi podrškom.
Baš kao i Google-ov
Pixel Chromebook,
ovaj model obe}ava
impresivno iskustvo sa
ekranom osetljivim na
dodir, omogu}avaju}i korisnicima da klik}u i
zumiraju kroz Google-ov
operativni sistem, tako da
je ovo prvi niskobud`etni
touchscreen model.
(Izvor: www.ameble.com)
Hi - Tech
okia Lumia 525 novi pametni telefon
srednje klase je sada i zvani~no na
tr`ištu. Prednost ovog modela je što
ima 1GB RAM memorije, što je duplo više
od 512 MB RAM-a što je slu~aj kod drugih
Lumia niskobud`etnih pametnih telefona
Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 620 i
Nokia Lumia 625).
cer has announced its
new model of
Chromebook laptop
C720P touch (touchscreen), with 11.6
Ostale karakteristike Lumia 525 su identi~ne
kao kod modela Lumia 520. Nokia Lumia
525 dolazi sa Windows Phone 8 platformom
uz Lumia black update. Poseduje WVGA
IPS LCD 4-in~ni ekran (480 × 800 piksela)
gustine od 235 ppi, a pokre}e ga dvojezgreni Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 procesor takta 1GHz sa 1GB RAM memorije.
Opremljen je sa 8GB interne memorije, koja
se mo`e proširiti do 64GB putem slota za
mikro SD karticu, a svi Lumia modeli dolaze
sa 7GB slobodnog prostora na SkyDrive
plus. Zadnja kamera ima 5 megapiksela,
bez blica ili frontalne kamere. Ovaj
ure|aj ima bateriju od 1430 mAh,
koja prema re~ima kompanije,
podr`ava do 17 sati razgovora.
Wi-Fi, AGPS, A-
with 1366
× 768 resolution, 32GB SSD drive, an
estimated 7.5 hours of battery
life. It is powered by Intel Celeron processor 2955U (based
on the new Intel Haswell
chip), 2GB DDR3 memory
and support WiFi network
802.11 a/b/g/n. Just like
Google’s Pixel Chromebook,
this model promises impressive touch experience, allowing users
to click, zoom-in
and out through
Google operating
system, so this
is the first
GLONASS i podršku za 3G Internet.
okia Lumia 525 new middle ranking is now official. The benefit of
this model is that the Smartphone
includes 1GB of RAM, which is twice as
much RAM of 512MB included in other
Lumia low budget Smartphone’s (Nokia
Lumia 520, Nokia Lumia 620 and Nokia
Lumia 625). Other features of Lumia 525
are identical to the Lumia 520. Nokia Lumia
525 comes with Windows Phone 8 with
Lumia black update. It includes WVGA SPI
LCD 4-inch display (480 × 800) at 235 ppi;
it is powered by dual-core 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor with 1GB
of RAM. It is fitted with 8GB of internal storage, which can be extended up to 64GB
through microSD slot, and all Lumia models
come with 7GB free space on SkyDrive
plus. The rear camera is 5 megapixels, no
flash or frontal camera. It
has a 1430 mAh battery,
which according to the
company, supports up to
17 hrs of talk time. It is fitted with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
and 3G connectivity.
~igledno je da gigant
Samsung vrši velika
ulaganja u digitalne
kamere, pa je tako uveo novi
ure|aj na ameri~ko tr`ište. To
je Samsung Galaxy NX kamera
sa 4,8-in~nim HD LCD ekranom,
kamerom od 20,3 megapiksela,
1,6 GHz QuadCore procesorom,
2 GB RAM memorije, baterijom od
4360mAh, koji radi na Android 4.2
Jelly Bean operativnom sistemu.
t is apparent that the giant
Samsung is making a major in-
vestment in the
camera, introducing
a new device in the U.S. market.
This is the Samsung Galaxy NX
camera with 4.8 inch HD LCD
display, 20.3 megapixel camera,
1.6 GHz quadcore processor, 2
GB RAM, 4360mAh battery, which
runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
operating system.
(Source: www.ameble.com)
for you 23
ma dana kada ujutro ustanete, i pomislite kako stvari
ne idu tokom kakvim biste vi `eleli da teku. Ose}ate se
usamljenima iako su svi oko vas. ^ini vam se kao da su
vas svi napustili i razo~arali, i najte`e vam pada kada ose}ate
da ste sami sebe razo~arali.
I, onda ka`ete sebi: „Bi}e bolje!“. Sigurno }e biti bolje,
ako vi `elite da bude bolje, ako radite na tome da bude bolje.
Prvo, morate najvi{e verovati u sebe. Prepreka i promena }e
u `ivotu uvek biti, na vama je da ih prihvatite pozitivno i da im
se prilagodite. Tada }ete znati ko ste i koliko ustvari mo`ete.
Ponekad }e vam te{ko, ali ujedno }ete biti ponosni na sebe
jer saznajete da uvek mo`ete vi{e, i uvek mo`ete bolje.
Tako da, kada vam nai|u takvi dani, neo~ekivani izazovi
i odgovornosti, najva`nije je da budete prisebni i da verujete
u sebe i svoje snove. Ti izazovi nikada ne trebaju biti
prepreka, ve} polet za ispunjavanje va{ih ciljeva. Nikad se
ne fokusirajte na prepreke, ve} na re{enje. Umesto da igrate
ulogu gubitnika, mislite na to da ste pobednik. Poebednici
postajemo iz svake nastale te{ke situacije, koja nas ~ini
bogatijima za iskustvo vi{e.
24 for you
Slede}a pri~a oslikava upravo to: Jelena je dugo bila ljubomorna na svoju
stariju sestru Milicu, kojoj je sve i{lo
od ruke. Milica je bila |ak generacije,
najbolja odbojka{ica u klubu, najbolja
pozori{na glumica, pomagala je
roditeljima u ku}nim poslovima, jednom
re~ju u svemu je bila dobra. Jelena
je uvek poku{avala da sabotira svoju
sestru, ali bezuspe{no. Jednom je
~ak i sakrila njen kostim pred samu
pozori{nu predstavu. Milica je bila
ljuta, ali se odmah sna{la, s malo
improvizacije dobila je sli~an kostim.
Ona nikada ne odustaje. Bila je
pozitivna, i svojim naporima je uspela
da izgladi situaciju.
Jelena se ~esto seti svoje bake
Blagice, koja je imala samo ~etiri
razreda osnovne {kole, a koja je
bila jako mudra. Verovala je da je
najva`nije da ~ovek mo`e pogledati
sebe u ogledalo, i da se ne pla{i
toga, jer je najva`nije “pogledati
sebe u o~i“. „Drago moje dete, da li
si ikada poku{ala da postane{ dobra
odbojka{ica ili glumica, kao {to je to
tvoja sestra?! Ne mo`e{ postati neko
i ne{to samo ako ima{ `elju, za sve
je potreban rad i upornost. Sede}i na
jednom mestu, ne}e{ ni{ta posti}i.
Ujutro kada ustane{, reci sebi, “JA TO HO]U, I JA TO
MOGU”. Jelena je tada shvatila: “uradi}u sve {to je potrebno
kako bih postigla to”.
@ivot se sastoji od izbora, ili `elimo pozitivno razmi{ljati
ili ne `elimo, izbor je na nama. U svakoj situaciji je izbor,
jer vi birate kako }ete reagovati. Dakle, koji je najbolji
na~in za pozitivan `ivot? Uvek budite dobrog raspolo`enja,
bez ikakvih negativnosti u sebi. Da li je Jeleni bilo bolje da
sedi ku{i i bude ljubomorna na sestru, ili da se kona~no
pokrene i u~ini ne{to za sebe? Jelena je je odlu~ila
da postane pozitivna id a se pridru`i svojoj sestri. Kao
rezultat, postale su bolje prijateljice.
Jelena je napokon shvatila da jedino ona mo`e kontrolisati
svoju sudbinu, i zato je rekla sebi: “`elim promene, `elim
napred, `elim biti kao Milica”. I uspela je u tome, postal je
pobednik i dobar primer svojim vr{njacima i drugovima. Pratite
va{e srce i sledite svoje snove. Nemojte posustajati! Postavite
sebi vredne ciljeve, sledite svoje snove, radite naporno, i
imajte pozitivan stav, i uspe{no }ete prevazi}i sve.
here are days when you wake up in the morning and you
think to yourself: Why don’t things always go the way I
want them to? You might feel lonely, even though people
are all around you. You might feel abandoned and feel as if
others are disappointed in you. And worst of all, you might feel
disappointed in yourself.
It’s times like these when you say to yourself “life will be
better!” Well, life can be better if you want it to be better, and
then you work to make it better. First, you need to believe in
yourself. There will always be obstacles and challenges in life,
so it’s up to you to accept these changes positively, and to
adapt to different situations. Then you will know who you are
and how much you can withstand. Sometimes it will be hard,
but in the end you will be proud of yourself because you will
find that you can always do more, and can always do better.
So, when days come along with unexpected challenges,
the most important thing to do is to be calm and believe
in yourself and your dreams. Challenges should not be
seen as an obstacle, but instead a source of motivation
for meeting your goals. Never focus on the obstacle, but
instead on the solution. Rather than play the role of a
loser, we should focus our thoughts on being a winner. We
become winners from evercoming difficult situations, which
make us wiser from our experience.
A story illustrates this point: Jelena had long been jealous
of her older sister, Milica, because everything seemed to
go her way. Milica was the best student at school, the best
volleyball player on the team, and the best
actress in drama class. She even helped her
parents with housework. She seemed to be
good at everything. She was always trying to
make her sister look bad, but to no avail. Once,
she even hid Milica’s costume just before a
performance. Even though Milica was angry, she
made the best of the situation, and with a little
improvisation she made another costume. She
never gave up. She was positive, and with hard
work made the best of her situation.
Jelena was approached by her grandmother
Blagica. Even though she only had four years
of primary school education, Blagica was wise.
She believed that when any person looks in
the mirror, they shouldn’t be afraid of what they
see, because it is important to “look yourself in
the eye.” “My dear child,” she said, “have you
ever tried to become a good volleyball player or
actress, just like your sister? You can’t become
someone or something just because you just
feel like it. You must work towards it - you
must work and persevere when necessary. By
just sitting in one place, you will not achieve
anything. In the morning when you wake up, say to yourself,
“I WANT IT AND I CAN DO IT.” Jelena finally began to
realize that “she would do whatever she had to do in order to
accomplish this.”
Life consists of choices - either we want something, and
we think positively about it or we don’t - the choice is ours. In
every situation there is a choice, and it is up to you how you
will choose and how you will react. So, what is the best way
to live a positive life? Always be in a good mood, and never
have a negative attitude. Was it better for Jelena to sit at
home and be jealous of her sister, or to get out there and do
something for herself? Jelena finally decided to be positive
and to join her sister and share in her success. As a result,
they became better friends.
Jelena finally realized that only she could control her
destiny, so she finally told herself: “I want change, I want to
move forward, I want to be like Milica.” And she did, and she
succeeded and became a winner and a positive example
for her peers and friends. Follow your heart and follow your
dreams. Do not give up! Set a worthwhile goal, follow your
dream, work hard, and have a positive attitude, and you will
overcome and succeed.
for you 25
Roksana Garip (13)
Moja najbolja drugarica je Na|ija. Ona
ima 12 godina. Kada
idemo negde zajedno,
uglavnom pri~amo o
sebi. Nikad se nismo
posva|ale. Igramo zajedno i ko{arku. Ona je
veoma dobra i moderna.
Idemo redovno jedna
kod druge. Kada imamo
neke svadbe zajedno pravimo frizure.
Roksana Garip (13)
My best friend is Nađija. She is 12 years old. When
we go somewhere together we usually talk about
ourselves. We’ve never had a fight. We also play
basketball together. She is very nice and modern. We
regularly visit each other. When we have weddings to
attend we do each other’s hair.
Marija Cirimoti} (11)
Tijana je moja najbolja drugarica. Ona tako|e ima 11
godina. Veoma mi je draga,
zato {to sa njom provodim
mnogo vremena. Kada imamo
neki problem, zajedno ga
re{avamo, i jedna drugoj uvek
mo`emo da ispri~amo neku
tajnu. Kao sestre smo, jako
se volimo, i ~esto zajedno
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Ko vam je najbolji
radimo doma}e zadatke.
Marija Cirimotic (11)
Tijana is my best friend. She is also 11. I am very fond
of her because we spend a lot of time together. When
we have a problem we sort it out together, and we can
always tell a secret to each other. We are like sisters,
we love each other very much, and we often do our
homework together.
Gardijan Garip (12)
Moj najbolji drug je Suat. Sa njim provodim
najlep{e dane. Igramo
zajedno fudbal i ko{arku.
Kada god imam ne{to
da radim kod ku}e, on
obavezno do|e da mi
pomogne. Isto tako, kada
je njemu potrebna neka
pomo}, uvek sam mu na
usluzi. Svakog dana smo
zajedno, pravimo
frizure, gledamo TV, i
igramo igrice.
Gardijan Garip (12)
My best friend is Suat. I spend my most beautiful
days with him. We play football and basketball together. Whenever I have something to do at home,
he makes sure to come to help me. Likewise,
when he needs help I am always at his service.
We are together every day, we make different
hairstyles, watch TV and play games.
Tijana Beri{i} (11)
Marija Pali} je moja
najbolja drugarica. Ona je
veoma lepa, ima zelene
o~i i lepu dugu kosu. Ja se
sa njom dru`im, pre svega,
zato {to je mnogo dobra.
Stalno se igramo i pose}
ujemo. Idemo zajedno u
{kolu, {etamo, i poveravamo. Veoma je iskrena i
zbog toga je volim.
Tijana Berisic (11)
Marija Palić is my best friend. She is very pretty. She
has beautiful green eyes and nice, long hair. I am
friends with her first of all because she is a very nice
person. We regularly play together and visit each
other. We go to school together, walk together, and
confide in each other. She is very sincere and that’s
why I love her.
Sujela Garipi (10)
Sandra Ga{i je moja drugarica
koju posebno volim. Idemo zajedno da igramo odbojku, kada
nam u~iteljica zada neki doma}i
zadatak, mi ga zajedno radimo,
kod nje ili kod mene. Vi|amo se
svakoga dana i u {koli i posle
nje. ^ak i u {oping volim da
idem samo sa njom, posebno
Who is your best friend
and why?
kada kupujemo {kolski pribor.
Sujela Garipi (10)
Sandra Gashi is a friend of mine who I particularly
love. We go to play volleyball together, and when our
teacher gives us homework we do it together, at her
place or mine. We see each other every day at school
and after school. I even like to go shopping only with
her, especially when we buy school equipment.
Marija Pali} (8)
Marija i Tijana su drugarice koje ne mogu da odvajam, jer ih obe jako volim i
cenim. Mi zajedno vozimo
bicikle, i igramo se sa
lutkama. Ponekad nam se
~ak desi i da se posva|amo
oko ne~ega, ali se odmah
pomirimo, i to bude jako
sme{no. [to najva`nije,
iskrene smo.
Marija Palic (8)
Marija and Tijana
are two friends who
I cannot separate because I really love and
appreciate both of them. We ride bicycles together, and play with dolls. Sometimes it even
happens that we fight about something, but we
immediately make peace, and we laugh at it together. What is most important, we are sincere
with each other.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
Verovali ili ne ...
keani prekrivaju
70 odsto zemljine
površine, ali mi
znamo vrlo malo o njima,
pogotovu malo znamo
o njima u pore|enju sa
našim poznavanjem kopna – ili ~ak u pore|enju
sa našim poznavanjem
Marsa ili Venere. Uzmite
u obzir slede}e: mi smo
pune ~etiri godine sleteli
na Mesec pre nego što
smo videli najve}i planinski lanac na zemlji,
koji le`i ispod okeana.
@ivot u okeanima naše
planete, ~ak iako znamo
vrlo malo o njemu, je
neuporedive lepote i
zagonetnosti. Šta vise,
ono što nas `ivot u
okeanima mo`e nau~iti
o našoj planeti je van
svake zamisli. Kako bi
vam dali ideju o brojnim
iznena|enjima koja le`e
u okeanima i kako bi vas
naveli da saznate vise o
njima, predo~avamo vam
nekoliko zanimljivih podataka o `ivotu koji le`i
ispod površine okeana.
• Da li ste znali da 94
odsto `ivota na zemlji je
podvodan? Tako da mi koji
`ivimo na kopnu smo vrlo
28 for you
mala manjina me|u `ivim
• Oko 70 odsto naše
planete prekrivaju okeani,
sa prose~nom dubinom
od 3 779 m. Pošto fotoni (svetlost) ne mogu
da dopru dublje od 100 m
ispod površine vode, ve}ina naše planete se nalazi
u stalnom mraku.
• Duboko more jeste
najve}i muzej na svetu:
ima više istorijskih ostataka u okeanima nego
u svim muzejima na svetu
• Mi smo istra`ili
manje od 5 odsto zemljinih
okeana. ^injenica je da
imamo bolje karte Marsa
nego okeanskog dna.
• Najdu`i planinski
lanac na zemlji nalazi se
pod vodom. Naziva se
Sred-okeanski venac, ovaj
planinski lanac se prostire
sredinom Atlantskog
okeana sve do Indijskog i
Tihog okeana. Duga~ak je
preko 56 330 km, vrhovi
ovih planina su viši nego
oni u Alpama i ~ini 23
odsto zemljine ukupne
• Mi smo poslali ronioce
da istra`uju Sred-okeanski
venac tek 1973. godine
– ~etiri godine nakon što
su Nil Armnstrong i Baz
Aldrin prošetali Mesecom
– to se dogodilo kada
je francusko-ameri~ka
ekipa od sedam ronioca se
spustila u francuskoj podmornici Arhimed na dubinu
od 2743 m stopa kod Sredokeanskog venca.
• U okeanu ima niz
neobi~nih geografskih pojava, kao što su stubovi visoki nekoliko spratova, kao
i dimnjaci koji ispustaju
sumpornu kiselinu. Na dnu
okeana u blizini Meksi~kog
zaliva postoje bazeni soli,
a podvodni vulkani izbacuju mulj i metan, a ne lavu.
• Ove ~udesne formacije nisu puste. Podvodni
topli izvori izbacuju vodu
temperature od 650 stepeni po Ferenhajtu. Na ovoj
temperaturi se topi olovo,
ali na ovoj temperature
vrvi od `ivota, od glista
dugih po 3 m do ogromnih
školjki, koje `ive bez digestivnih sistema.
• Mnoga pravila koja
va`e na kopnu, obrnuta su
u okeanu, neka od njih ~ak
i bukvalno. Ispod površine,
u blizini popularnih pla`a,
postoje podvodna jezera,
vodopadi, ~ak i jezera
okrenuta naopa~ke!
• Ve}ina `ivih stvorenja
u okeanu, kao i na kopnu,
nije vidljivo golim okom.
Na primer, ukoliko ste
ikada progutali jedan mililitar okeanske vode, znajte
da ste progutali milion
bakterija i 10 miliona virusa – manje ili više. Nema
razloga da brinete zbog
toga, kupa~i širom sveta
progutaju okeansku vodu,
bez ikakvih negativnih posledica.
• Na hidrotermalnim
izvorima `ive meduze
duge od 42,5 m do 48,5 m.
Oni se hrane kroz proces
hemosinteze (kao fotosinteza samo prilago|ena uslovima bez imalo sun~eve
svetlosti) gde pretvaraju
hidrotermalnu vodu u
proste še}ere koje koriste
kao hranu. Najzanimljiviji
su ekstremi na kojima meduze `ive. Tempereture u
blizini izvora se drasti~no
razlikuju, tako da pri vrhu
meduze `ive na temperaturi od 37 stepeni dok se
njihovi krajevi (kod samog
izvora) kr~kaju na 392 stepena – sre}ni kao školjke
ili bolje re}i sre}ni kao
• Ekstremne temperature nisu jedina prepreka
`ivotu, ali zakoni pod vodom se razlikuju od onih
iznad vode. Najve}a prepreka za ljude koji istra`uju
velike dubine okeana jeste
izuzetno veliki pritisak
vode na ronioce – ali ipak,
ne na dubinama gde bi pritisak vode smrskao Titanik
kao konzervu koka-kole,
rakovi, gliste i hobotnice
`ive svoj svakodnevni
• ^ak i nama poznata
stvorenja iz okeana,
poseduju zanimljive i
iznena|uju}e odlike i
navike. Da li ste znali da
brzina kretanja hobotnice
nikada ne prevazilazi
brzinu talasa u kojima se
kre}e? Ista ta hobotnica
poseduje neverovatne
sposobnosti kamufla`e
– mo`e da menja svoju
boju, oblik i teksturu, šare i
odsjaj – kako bi se uklopio
sa svojim okru`enjem.
Did you know...
he oceans may
make up 70 percent of the Earth’s
surface, but we know
very little about them,
especially compared to
our knowledge of the
Earth’s land spaces - or
even those of Mars and
Venus. Consider this: We
made it all the way to the
moon a full four years
before we saw the largest
mountain range on Earth,
lying below the oceans’
surface. Life in the oceans
of this planet, even the
very little we know about
is unrivaled in its beauty
and strangeness. Furthermore, the promise of what
it may teach us about
the planet we live on
stretches the imagination.
To give you an idea of the
numerous surprises that
dwell in the oceans, and
hopefully make you eager
to learn more, here are
some fun tidbits about the
awe-inspiring world that
lies below the oceans’
• Did you know that 94
percent of life on Earth is
aquatic? That makes us
land-dwellers a very small
• About 70 percent of
the planet is ocean, with an
average depth of more than
12,400 feet. Given that photons (light) can’t penetrate
more than 330 feet below
the water’s surface, most of
our planet is in a perpetual
state of darkness.
• The deep sea is the
largest museum on Earth:
There are more artifacts
and remnants of history in
the ocean than in all of the
world’s museums, combined.
• We have only explored
less than 5 percent of the
Earth’s oceans. In fact, we
have better maps of Mars
than we do of the ocean
• The longest mountain
range in the world is under
water. Called the MidOceanic Ridge, this chain of
mountains runs through the
middle of the Atlantic Ocean
and into the Indian and Pacific oceans. It runs more
than 35,000 miles long, has
peaks higher than those in
the Alps and it comprises 23
percent of the Earth’s total
• We didn’t send divers down to explore the
Mid-Ocean Ridge until
1973 - four years after
Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin walked on the moon
- when a French-American
crew of seven entered the
9,000-foot-deep Great Rift
in the French submersible
• The ocean boasts an
array of unusual geographic
features, such as pillars that
reach several stories high
and chimneys that send up
sulphuric acid. In the oceanfloor neighborhood of the
Gulf of Mexico, brine pools
mark the floor, along with
underwater volcanoes that
spew mud and methane,
rather than lava.
• These wonderful for-
mations aren’t barren, either. Underwater hot springs
that shoot water that’s 650
degrees Fahrenheit - hot
enough to melt lead - boast
a profusion of life, from 10foot tall tubeworms to giant
clams that function without
digestive systems.
• Many of the rules that
apply on land are turned
upside down in the ocean,
some literally. Beneath the
surface, often not far from
popular vacation beaches
are underwater lakes,
waterfalls and even upsidedown lakes!
• Much of the life in
the oceans, as on land, is
invisible to the naked eye.
For instance, if you’ve ever
swallowed a milliliter of
ocean water, know that you
also gulped 1 million bacteria and 10 million viruses give or take a few. No need
to worry though, swimmers
around the world swallow
some ocean water during
their ventures into the water,
without ill effects.
• Also living on hydrothermal vents are 140- to
160-foot long jellies, which
use a process called chemosynthesis (think photo-
synthesis, but adapted to
zero sunlight) to convert
the hydrothermal water into
simple sugars for food. Most
striking are the extremes in
which the jellies live. Temperatures vary drastically
near the vents, so while the
tops of the jellies enjoy lows
of 37 degrees, their bottoms
(at the vent) bask in a toasty
392 degrees — happy as
clams, or jellies, rather.
• Extreme temperatures
aren’t the only seeming
barrier to life, but again, the
laws below the surface differ from those above. The
immense pressure of the
water on a human diving to
greater depths is one of the
biggest hurdles to exploring the deepest parts of the
oceans - yet, at depths that
would crush the Titanic like
a Coke can, crabs, octopuses and tubeworms go about
their business.
• But even the more
familiar ocean creatures
have interesting and unexpected traits and habits. Did
you know that an octopus’s
speed of travel never exceeds that of the surrounding waves? That same
octopus employs amazing
camouflaging talents changing color, shape, and
even its texture, pattern and
brightness - to blend in to its
for you 29
30 for you
Omiljeni bend mi je Riblja
~orba, ~iji poster bih voleo da
objavite. Film koji najvi{e volim
je „Mrak“, a od glumaca mi se
najvi{e dopada Robert Davi.
Omiljeni sport mi je fudbal.
Vreme van {kole provodim
radno. Po povratku iz {kole
odmorim malo, i pravac na
posao, tako da nemam mnogo
slobodnog vremena.
Stefan Jovanovi}
Gimnazija „Pri{tina
Laplje Selo
„Hurts“ mi je najomiljenija grupa,
a od filmova mi se dopadaju:
„The Great Gatsby“, „The
Lord od the Rings“ i „Pride
and Prejudice“. Voleo bih da
objavite poster „The Originals“.
Slobodno vreme uglavnom
provodim kod ku}e. Volim da
~itam romane, kao i da gledam
omiljene serije (The Originals).
A subotom se obi~no nalazim sa
Katarina Gigi}
Gimnazija „Pri{tina
Laplje Selo
U slobodno vreme volim da
~itam. Omiljena knjiga mi je
„Tvr|ava“, Me{e Selimovi}
a. Rihanna mi je najomiljenija
peva~ica, dok mi se od filmova
dopadaju „Safe Heaven“ i
„Pride and Prejudice“. Za
najboljeg glumca smatram
Johnny Depp-a. Zamolila bih
Vas za poster glumca Josh-a
Duhamel-a. Omiljeni sportovi su
mi ko{arka i odbojka.
Tamara Vu~i}
Gimnazija „Pri{tina
Laplje Selo
Opisa}u jedan moj radni dan.
Svaki po~inje alarmom u {est
ujutru, i u {koli sam do 12. Onda
skoknem do kancelarije u kojoj
radim. Uvek na|em vremena i
za probe u teatru „Geto“. Za
ljubav, u~enje i ~itanje uvek
se na|e vremena, ipak je to
najva`nije. Omiljeni peva~ mi je
Mar~elo, ~iji poster bih volela da
Dragana Vasi}
Gimnazija „Pri{tina
Laplje Selo
Jako mi se svi|a magazin.
Slobodno vreme volim
da provodim s dru{tvom,
porodicom, ~itaju}i knjige, i
naravno, sa mojim de~kom.
Prljavo kazali{te je najbolji bend
ikada, uvek mogu i volim da ih
slu{am. Volela bih poster „The
Originals-a“. Omiljeni film mi je
„ 3 MSC“, a od glumaca mi se
posebno dopada Johnny Depp.
Ru`ica Trifunovi}
Gimnazija „Pri{tina
Laplje Selo
Magazin mi se dopada. Volim
da provodim dosta vremena
sa dru{tvom, i da {etam.
Omiljeni sport mi je odbojka.
Od peva~ica mi se najvi{e
dopadaju Rihanna i posedbna
Lana Del Rey, ~ije postere bih
volela da objavite. „The Wrong
Turn“ je film koji mi se najvi{e
svi|a. Jean Claude Van Damme
je jedan od neprevazi|enih
Katarina Vu~i}
Gimnazija „Pri{tina
Laplje Selo
for you 31
My favourite band is Riblja
Čorba. I would like if you would
publish their poster. The film I
like the most is “Darkness“. My
favourite actor is Robert Davy.
My favourite sport is football.
I spend my time free time
working. After school, I rest for
abit and go straight to work,
that is why I do not have much
leisure time.
Stefan Jovanovic
“Pristina“ Grammar School
Laplje Selo
„Hurts“ is my favourite group.
The films I like are: “Veliki
Getsbi“, “Gospodar prstenova“
i “Pride and prejudice“. I
would like you to publish “The
Originals“ poster. I spend my
free time, mostly at home.
I like reading novels, as ell
as watching my favourite TV
series (The Originals). I hang
out with my friends usually on
Katarina Gigic
“Pristina“ Grammar School
Laplje Selo
I like reading in my free time.
My favourite book is “The
Fortress“ by Meša Selimović.
Rihanna is my favourite
singer. As far as movies
are concerned, I like „Safe
Heaven“ and „Pride and
Prejudice“. I consider Johnny
Depp to be the best actor. I
would like to ask you to publish
Josh Duhamel’s poster. My
favourite sports are basketball
and volleyball.
Tamara Vucic
„Pristina“ Grammar School
Laplje Selo
I will describe my usual
working day. Every day starts
with the alarm clock going off
at six in the morning. I am at
school my 12 at midday. Then I
go to the office in which I work.
I always find time for
theatre rehersals at the
“Ghetto“ theatre. You can
always find time for love,
studying and reading, since
these are the most important
issues. My favourite singer is
Marcello and I would like you
to publish his poster.
Dragana Vasic
“Pristina“ Grammar School
Laplje Selo
I really like your magazine.
I like spending my free time
together with my friends,
family and ith my boyfriend,
ofcourse. I also like reading
books. Prljavo Kazalište is my
favourite band ever. I would
like if you would publish a
poster of the “The Originals“.
My favourite film is “3 MSC“. I
particularly like Johnny Depp.
Ruzica Trifunovic
“Pristina“ Grammar School
Laplje Selo
I really like your magazine. I
like spending most of my free
time with my friends and going
for walks. My favourite sport
is volleyball. The singers I like
the most are Rihanna and
Lana Del Rey. I would like you
to publish their posters. “The
Wrong Turn“ is the movie I like
the most. Jean Claude Van
Damme is one of the greatest
actors of all time.
Katarina Vucic
“Pristina“ Grammar School
Laplje Selo