Januar 2011 - Magazine For You


Januar 2011 - Magazine For You
Neka vam ljubav i smeh
ispune vaše dane,
I ugreju vam srca i
Neka vaši najbolji i
najverniji prijatelji budu
tu uz vas,
Neka vaš `ivot bude
blagosloven ve~nom
Sre}na nova 2011.
godina !
Poštovani ~itaoci,
Ovu srda~nu `elju vam
na po~etku ove godine
šalje osoblje ~asopisa
"For You". Na po~etku
smo devete godine zajedni~kog dru`enja, i tom prilikom vam kao i na
po~etku svake godine,
obe}avamo da }emo nastaviti sa našom najve}om
obavezom da bi vam
~asopis "For You" i dalje
bio prijatelj, koji }e vas
informisati, podu~avati i
zabavljati. Od vas o~ekujemo
posve}enost obrazovanju,
i radu pri razvijanju svetlije
najva`niji aspekti mir, tolerancija i znanje.
Što se ti~e ~asopisa,
poruku za vas: "Pišite
nam i recite šta biste `eleli
da pro~itate u našem i
vašem ~asopisu. Jer, na
kraju ne zaboravite da
smo tokom prethodnih
devet godina bili tu radi
vas, i bi}emo tu dokle god
vi to `elite. Obe}avamo
vam da }emo i dalje raditi
samo za vas.
Što se ti~e izdanja koje
imate u vašim rukama,
mogu da vam ka`em da
unutra, kao i obi~no,
mo`ete na}i novosti iz
sveta muzike, filma,
sporta, tekstove o svetskim zvezdama, i tako
dalje. Me|utim, ipak }ete
morati da prelistate ~itav
~asopis kako bi ste saznali
više o svim tim novostima.
Ovoga puta, umesto
mog potpisa `elim vam
Sre}nu Novu 2011.
"For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj
Novinari: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanji`a
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani
Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For
You” magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina
2-3: Uvodnik;
4-5: U~enik meseca:
Od malena humanistaë
6-7: LMT - Va{ partner
za bezbedno i sigurno
8-9: For you fashion:
Krzno od glave do pete
10-11: Music Box:
Emina Jahovi}
12-13: LOJB - putovanje se nastavlja...
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 10 najlep{ih
riba na svetuë
16-17: Poster:
Kalendar 2011
18-19: Moviemania:
The tourist;
Unstoppable; The
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Sa{a Ili} uskoro na
22-23: Hi-Tech: ^uda
koja je stvorio ~ovek
24-25: Poseta mla|ih
beogra|ana Pri{tini
26-27: Upitnik: Skijanje
ili plivanje ... zima ili
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma
May Love and Laughs
fill your days,
And warm your hearts
and homes,
May your best and most
loyal friends be with
you on your way,
May your life be blessed
with everlasting happiness!
Happy New Year 2011!
2-3: Editoriali, index
4-5: Student of the
month: Humanist since
the early days
6-7: LMT - Your partner
for a safe and secure
8-9: For you fashion:
Fur from head to toe
10-11: Music Box:
Emina Jahovic
12-13: LPSCs-The jorney continues ...
14-15: Animal kingdom: 10 most beautiful
fish in the world
16-17: Poster:
Calendar 2011
18-19: Moviemania:
The tourist;
Unstoppable; The
20-21: Sports corner:
Sasa Ilic in Mount
Everest soon
22-23: Hi-Tech: Manmade marvels
24-25: Belgrade youth
visit to Pristina
26-27: Questionnaire:
Skiing or swimming summer or winter?
228-29: Did you
know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
Dear readers,
This cordial wish is
addressed to you at the
beginning of this year by the
entire staff of the For You
Magazine. Thus, we are
beginning the ninth year in a
row of our socializing, and
on this occasion, as any
beginning of a year, we
promise you that we will
continue our utmost commitment, in order for the For
You magazine to be a friend
of yours in life, who will
inform, teach and entertain
you. While on your behalf,
we expect for your highest
commitment in your studies
and that you will work to
build a better future for you,
the main pillars of which will
be peace, tolerance and
As far as the magazine
is concerned, as in any new
beginning of a year, I have
only one message to convey to you: "Write to us and
tell us what you would like
to read in our and your
magazine. Because ultimately, do not forget that all
these nine years, we have
been here for you, and we
will be here for as long as
you need us to, and we
promise that we will continue to work in being as close
to you as possible.
In regards to the edition
that you have in your hands,
I can say that as usual,
inside, you can find the novelties from the world of
music, film and sports, as
well as the world-renowned
showbiz stars, and so on.
However, in order to find out
what those novelties are,
you should flip the pages of
the magazine.
This time, in the end,
instead of my signature I am
wishing you the
Happy New Year 2011!
'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and
financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view
of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR
accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of
these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name
of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or
malicious letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
Na|a Grbu{i}
ragi moji, nedavno smo bili u Suvom Dolu
(Lpiljan), gde smo posetili istureno odeljenje
Osnovne {kole "Bra}a Aksi}". Tamo nas je toplo
do~ekala u~iteljica Jovanka Stoli}, koja nam je ishvalila
jednu od u~enika Na|u Grbu{i}. "Ako nekog `elite da
intervjui{ete, onda neka to bude Na|a, jer je ona najbolja u ovoj {koli. Komunikativna je, i uvek spremna da
pomogne drugarima u nevolji; ako neko nema svesku ili
olovku, ona je tu uvek da u~ini dobro delo i da pomogne
svojim vr{njacima."
Od svega re~enog najvi{e nam se dopala misao,
"kada neko nema svesku ili olovku,
ona je uvek ta koja pozajmljuje
svoje stvari". A, ako je prema staroj
izreci "Po jutru se dan poznaje!",
onda zasigurno ispred nas stoji
budu}i "Humanista". "Ja se uvek
lo{e ose}am kada vidim da neko
nema osnovni {kolski pribor, i onda
se trudim da podelim ono {to imam
i koliko imam", rekla je Na|a,
u~enica ~etvrtog razreda ove
U~iteljica Jovanka ka`e da je
ona izuzetno inteligentna, {to govore i njene petice, a posebno ima
dara za matematiku i srpski jezik.
"Na ~asovima je dobra, snala`ljiva i
po{tena jer nikad ne prepisuje od
drugih. Ona i Jovan Dimi} su
najbolji |aci u ovom razredu. Oni
su ti koji uvek poma`u slabijim
u~enicima." Kako nam je Na|a
rekla, najinteresantnije joj je kada se posle
{kole svi okupe i rade doma}e zadatke ili se
presli{avaju. "Kada neko iza|e ispred table
da odgovara, onda ja poma`em sa strane, ili
dok neko ~ita, obavezno ga ispravljam ako
pogre{i, jer na taj na~in svi mogu da nau~e
pravilno izra`avanje."
Na|a jo{ uvek nije i{la na {kolska
takmi~enja, ali se nada da }e joj se i to ostvariti u skorijoj budu}nosti. No, postoji jo{ ne{to
o ~emu ma{ta, a to je da jednoga dana
postane profesionalna odbojka{ica. "Jo{ uvek
ne znam ~ime }u se baviti kad odrastem, ali
ono {to trenutno `elim je odbojka. U blizini
imamo jedan teren na kojem redovno igram
odbojku ili tenis sa mojom sestrom."
Ona u slobodno vreme ~ita knjige,
uglavnom su to {kolske lektire, ali postoji
jedna knjiga pod nazivom "Nina" koje }e se
uvek se}ati. Prema njenim re~ima, knjiga
"govori" pri~u o devojci Nini koja je mnogo
tugovala, jer je bila dete razvedenih roditelja.
"^ak i kada gledam neki film ili ~itam neku
takvu tu`nu knjigu, ja se uvek dobro
ispla~em. To je ja~e od mene, ne mogu da
podnesem kada je neko nesre}an."
Pored svih obaveza, ima i hobi, tj. skupljanje razli~itih zna~ki, a ve} ima jednu kolekciju starih
zna~ki koju joj je poklonio njen otac. "I moj deda pravi
zna~ke, tako da mi je nedavno i on poklonio jednu, sada
najlep{u od svih... zna~ku sa likom moje majke." Saznali
smo jo{ jednu jako dirljivu Na|inu vrlinu, a to je da mnogo
voli decu mla|u od sebe, a posebno bebe.
A, kada je re~ o deci, u~enica ovog meseca Na|a
Grbu{i}, povodom novogodi{njih praznika, upu}uje deci na
Kosovu poruku: "Molim vas, nikad se ne sva|ajte! U~ite, i
samo u~ite! Jednoga dana svima nama }e se itekako
dobro isplatiti to {to smo bili vredni |aci."
Na|a sa svojim drugarima
y darlings, we have
recently been in Suvi
Do (Lipljan), where
we visited the outpost of the
elementary school "Braca
Aksic". There, we were
warmly greeted by a teacher
Jovanka Stolic, which had
wonderful words of praise for
one of her students Nadja
Grbucic. "If you wish to interview someone, then let it be
Nadja, because she is the
best one in this school. She
is communicative and always
ready to help friends in trouble; if someone doesn't have
a notebook and a pencil, she
is always there to do a good
deed and help her peers".
From everything that has
been said, we liked the most
the thought "when someone
does not have a notebook or
a pencil, she is always the
one who lends her stuff."
Na|a sa u~iteljicom Jovankom Stoli}
And, as the old saying goes
"morning shows what the day will be", then we certainly have
thing else that she is dreaming of, and that is to one day
here in front of us a "humanist." "I always feel bad when I see
become a professional volleyball player.
that someone doesn't have basic school necessities, and then
"I still do not know what I will be when I grow up, but
i try to share what I have and as much as i have," said Nadja,
what I currently want now is volleyball. Nearby, we have
a fourth grade student of this school.
the ground on which I regularly play volleyball or tennis
Teacher Jovanka says she is extremely intelligent, which is
with my sister". She is reading books during her free time,
shown by her highest grades, and especially has a gift for
those are mostly school-related books, but there's also a
mathematics and Serbian language. "She behaves well during
book called "Nina" that she will always remember of.
lectures, she is resourceful,
According to her, the book tells "a story
and honest because she
about a girl called Nina, which had been
never copied from others.
very sad, because she was a child of
She and Jovan Dimic are
divorced parents. "Even when I watch a
best students in this class.
movie or read such a sad book, I always
They are the ones who
cry. It's stronger than me, I can not
always help the weaker stustand when someone is unhappy".
dents. "As Nadja has told us,
In addition to all her duties, she also
for her it is most interesting
has a hobby, that is - collection of different
when they all gather together
pins (badges), and already has a collecafter school and work on their
tion of old pins that her father has given to
homework or go through lather. "My grandfather produces pins, so he
est lessons. "And when
also gave me one, now the most beautiful
someone comes out in front
of all ... pin with an image of my mother".
of the blackboard to answer
We have found another very touching
questions, then I help from
virtue that Nadja has, and that is that she
aside, or when someone is
loves children that are younger than herreading, I always correct him
self, and especially babies.
if he is wrong, because that
And when it comes to children, the
way everyone can learn propstudent of this month, Nadja Grbucic,
er expression."
sends the following message to Kosovo
Nadja has still not attendchildren regarding forthcoming
ed any school competitions,
newyear's holidays: "Please, never
but hopes that she will
argue! Study, and study only! One day,
accomplish that in the near
our hard work from our student's days
future. But, there is somewill certainly pay itself out".
rvi LMT timovi (Timovi za vezu i monitoring) KFOR-a su
po~eli sa radom na Kosovu marta 2004. godine. Ti timovi na Kosovu, ~iji koncept i rad su po prvi put bili
uklju~eni u mirovnu misiju EUFOR-a u Bosni i Herzegovini,
predstavljaju o~i i uši KFOR-ovih komandnih struktura, koje
tako primaju informacije iz prve ruke kako od samih gra|ana,
tako i od razli~itih drugih struktura vezanih za opštu bezbednosnu situaciju na Kosovu. Na taj na~in, LMT timovi poma`u
u donošenju odluka u skladu sa stvarnom situacijom na
terenu. S’ druge strane, ti timovi predstavljaju veoma dobro
sredstvo za slu`bu svim gra|anima Kosova, bez obzira na
uzrast, pol ili njihovu etni~ku pripadnost.
Potpukovnik Kris Volmut iz LMT odseka za koordinaciju u
glavnom štabu KFOR-a u Prištini, naglašava da gra|anima
treba biti jasno da postoji ogromna razlika izme|u rada LMT
timova i CIMIC aktivnosti (civilno-vojne saradnje);
zato što je CIMIC uklju~en u razli~ite aspekte `ivota
s ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta `ivota lokalnog
stanovništva. Ali danas, u vidno poboljšanoj situaciji,
CIMIC operacije unutar KFOR-a su ugašene. To uz
smanjenje ukupnog broja vojnika KFOR-a ~ini LMT
misiju vidljiviju u sveukupnom okviru, pošto na njima
le`e neki zadaci koje trebaju ispuniti.
Prvi cilj je vezan za ispunjenje same misije
KFOR-a, pri obezbe|ivanju sigurnog i bezbednog
okru`enja za sve gra|ane Kosova. "Ta~no je da }e
KFOR smanjiti broj svojih vojnika na Kosovu, ali }e
te preostale snage s druge strane biti pokretljive.
Istovremeno, zemlje koje pru`aju podršku KFOR-u }e
imati vrlo sposobne jedinice, koje }e biti spremne da
se po potrebi i u vrlo kratkom vremenskom periodu
rasporede na Kosovu. LMT timovi }e baš zbog toga
biti klju~ni faktor za razumevanje potreba i bezbednosne situacije u bilo koje doba i bilo koje mesto na
Kosovu," dodaje pukovnik Volmut. Me|utim, on
naglašava da }e LMT timovi nastaviti da stvaraju
vezu izme|u stanovništva i razli~itih lokalnih i
me|unarodnih institucija, kao što su to ranije radili,
da bi rešavali probleme i brige sa kojima se suo~ava
stanovništvo u svom svakodnevnom `ivotu.
To su upravo razlozi zbog kojih }e broj LMT
timova i njihivoh pripadnika kao i njihova
trenutna organizaciona struktura ostati isti,
uprkos smanjenju ukupnog broja pripadnika
KFOR-a. Tako }e i dalje postojati 34 LMT
tima, koji }e biti raspore|eni u pet zona
odgovornosti, a jedina razlika po re~ima
pukovnika Volmuta }e biti nacija i uniforma
vojnika tih timova, koja }e se menjati u
nekim mestima u skladu sa specifi~nim
odlukama vezanim za delimi~no ili potpuno
povla~enje sa Kosova koje budu donosile
zemlje u~esnice KFOR-a. Terenske kancelarije koje se nalaze u zgradama opština }e i
dalje biti otvorene, dok se broj LMT terenskih ku}a za sada ne}e menjati, ali }e u
slu~aju zatvaranja razli~itih kampova KFORa mo`da do}i do potrebe pove}anja broja
LMT terenskih ku}a. Va`nost terenskih
kancelarija i terenskih ku}a le`i u tome što
one pru`aju priliku pripadnicima LMT timova
da provedu što je više mogu}e vremena
me|u gra|anima i time zaista osete puls
`ivota stanovništva na Kosovu.
Pukovnik Volmut na kraju uverava sve gra|ane Kosova
da }e LMT timovi nastaviti da posve}eno i profesionalno
obavljaju svoj posao, bez obzira na uzrast, pol ili nacionalnu pripadnost stanovništva. On istovremeno savetuje svima
da bez ustru~avanja pri|u LMT timovima, zato što }e u
njima na}i ozbiljne partnere koji ne zaboravljaju njihove
probleme i brige, nego ih prenose višim instancama. Po
njegovim re~ima, ~injenica da gra|ani imaju mogu}nost da
budu u direktnom kontaktu sa KFOR-om je ~esto uticala na
razli~ite lokalne uprave da sa puno pa`nje tretiraju probleme gra|ana. Zato saradnja sa LMT timovima predstavlja
doprinos stvaranju mirnog i bezbednog okru`enja za sve
koji `ive na Kosovu, i istovremeno mo`e dovesti do ozbiljnijeg rešavanja problema gra|ana.
he first KFOR LMTs (Liaison and Monitoring Teams) started
its operation in Kosovo in March 2004. These teams were
implemented for the very first time in the EUFOR peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo they
are the eyes and ears of the KFOR commanding structures for
receiving first hand information from the citizens' themselves, but
also from different leading structures relating to the general security situation in Kosovo. This way, LMTs help the decisions that
are taken to be in compliance with the real situation on the
ground. However, on the other hand, these teams are very good
means in service of all the citizens of Kosovo, regardless the age,
gender or their ethnic background.
Lt. Col. Chris Wohlmuth, from the LMT Coordination Cell within
HQ KFOR in Prishtinë/Pristina, emphasizes that the citizens should
be aware that there is a huge difference
between the work of LMTs and CIMIC activities
(Civilian Military Cooperation), since the latter
ones have invested in different spheres of life,
aiming to improve the quality of life of the local
population. But, today, in a visibly improved situation, CIMIC operation within KFOR has been
shutdown. This together with the reduction of
the general number of KFOR troops makes the
LMT mission to be seen in a total new outlook,
since they will have some goals to fulfill.
The first goal has to do with the accomplishment of the KFOR mission itself, in
ensuring a safe and secure environment for
all the citizens of Kosovo. "It is true that
KFOR will reduce the number of its soldiers
in Kosovo, but on the other hand, the remaining force will be more mobile. At the same
time, the troop contributing countries in
KFOR will have highly capable (readiness)
units, which when needed will be ready to
deploy in Kosovo, in a short period of time.
Exactly in this direction, the LMTs will be a
key factor to understanding the needs and the security situation,
at any time and anywhere in Kosovo," Lt. Col. Wohlmuth added.
However, he emphasized that as it has been done so far and in
the future as well, the LMTs will continue to create a connection
between the population and different local and international institutions, in order to treat the problems and the concerns which
the citizens face in their daily lives.
These are precisely the reasons why despite the reduction of the
overall number of the KFOR members, the LMTs' number and their
members' will remain the same, as well as their current organizational structure. Thus, 34 LMT teams will continue to exist, which
will be distributed in five areas of responsibilities, and the only difference, according to Lt.Col. Wohlmuth will be the nationality and
uniform of the soldiers of these teams, which will change in some
areas based on the special decisions of the troop contributing
countries for a partial or full withdrawal from Kosovo. Whereas, the
field offices that operate in the buildings of municipal assemblies
will continue to be open, while as far as the number of the LMT
field houses is concerned, for the moment it will not change, but in
case of the closing of the different KFOR camps, if it is needed, the
LMTs will also increase the number of the field houses. The importance of the field offices and the field houses is that they give an
opportunity to the LMT members to spend as much time as possible amongst the citizens and thus enable them to truly feel the
pulse of the life of the population in Kosovo.
At the end, LTC Wohlmuth, ensured all the citizens of Kosovo
that regardless of age, gender or national background, the LMTs
will continue to do their job with commitment and professionalism.
At the same time, he advised everyone to not hesitate, but to
approach the LMTs, since in these teams, they will find a serious
partner, who does not forget their problems and concerns, but
reports them to higher authorities. According to him, the fact that
the citizens have the possibility to be in direct contact with KFOR
has often had an impact on the different local authorities to treat
with much attention the problems of the citizens. Therefore the
cooperation with LMTs means a contribution in the creation of a
peaceful and safe environment for everyone who lives in Kosovo
and at the same time it can also result in a more serious addressing of the problems of the citizens in particular.
gde god da se pojavite u njima, svi pogledi }e biti uprti u vas.
Ukoliko vam je ose}aj krzna na ko`i suviše drag da biste ga se odrekli
kada skinete bundu, dizajneri imaju pravo rešenje! Haljine i tunike sa
"krznenim" aplikacijama zadr`a}e `eljenu meko}u, ali i luksuz.
Nezaobilazni "dlakavi" detalji, naro~ito tokom zime, svakako su i razli~ite
kape i šubare. Ne samo što }e ~uvati vašu frizuru od jakih naleta vetra
tokom hladnih dana i raznih padavina, ve} }e ne`no uokviriti lice i
doprineti romant~nom izgledu. U skladu sa bojom kose mo`ete birati
modele koji }e se utapati ili pak kontrastom isticati vašu nijansu kose.
Fendi je modna ku}a ekstrema: glamurozno krzno i male `enske
tašne, šik prošlost i moderna, cool budu}nost. Karl Lagerfeld je napravio
mali iskorak ovom kolekcijom. Mekim krznom i antilopom, naglašava se
`enstvenost i umiruje agresivni stav na koji smo navikli
od ove ku}e. Topla paleta nijansi boja jeseni,
preto~ena je u široke suknje, kapute od
kašmira, haljinu od šifona ukrašenu svilenim vezom i ta divna krzna. Ova
kolekcija se mo`e
nazvati "retro
Temperatura se spustila u modnim centrima
zapadne hemisfere, pa je u modi opet pravo
krzno. Taj skupoceni materijal je, bez obzira
na proteste društava za zaštitu `ivotinja,
ponovo sveprisutan - od ode}e, preko nakita
i kapa, pa sve do obu}e.
ekada davno, upotreba krzna bila je
ograni~ena i od njega se pravila
isklju~ivo ode}a, najviše kaputi i jakne.
Zatim je prešlo i na obu}u. Danas, krzno mo`e
biti na skoro svim modnim detaljima.
Najtradicionalniji i ujedno najluksuzniji oblik
u kojem se krzno javlja je bunda. Taj komad
ode}e prošao je dug put transformacije od prostog ogrta~a pe}inskog ~oveka, koji je slu`io
samo da zadr`i toplotu tela, do jednog od
klju~nih simbola presti`a. Dizajneri za ovu
sezonu poru~uju da je vreme da se oslobodimo
svih stega prilikom izbora krojeva i boja bundi od onih kratkih, koje jedva dopiru do struka, do
izuzetno dugih koje dose`u do poda. Osim
klasi~nih i o~ekivanih crnih, zimske dane podjednako dobro mogu ugrejati i ru`i~asti i
narand`asti primerci. Tašne, pa i torbe su
napokon do~ekale da i one budu ukrašene
skupocenim i mekim materijalom. Budu}i da je
rizik od previše "~upavog" izgleda suviše velik
ukoliko tako "oki}ene" tašne kombinujemo sa
bundama, modni poznavaoci savetuju da ih bez
brige nosimo uz ko`ne jakne ili vunene kapute,
jer daju pe~at elegancije.
Prisustvo krzna na nakitu ~ini se neverovatnim, ali najnoviji modni detalji poznatih kreatora
razuveravaju sve neverne Tome. Protkane zlatnim nitima i satenskim trakama, ogrlice izgledaju vrlo luksuzno i nosive su uz veliki broj odevnih kombinacija. ^izme sa ovim skupocenim
materijalom nešto je na šta smo navikli, ali
takve sandale definitivno privla~e pa`nju.
Nedoku~ivo je kakvim vremenskim prilikama je
namenjena takva obu}a, ali jedno je sigurno -
Temperatures have gotten
lower in fashion-centres of
the western hemisphere,
which made fur popular
again. That expencive fabric is, despite protects from
animal-protection societies, again omnipresent from clothes to jewlery
and hats, and further
down to shoes.
while ago,
the use of
fur was
limited and it
was only used
to creat
coats and jackets. It then
moved to shoes. Today, fur
can be on almost every fashion detail.
The most traditional and luxurious form where fur is found is
the coat. That piece of clothing
went a long way of transformation from a simple caveman's
overcoat, which was used
only to maintain body heat,
to one of the key symbols
of prestige. Designers
for this season
announce that it is
time to get rid of all
constraints when
choosing patterns and colors of coats -
having them short, which barely reach the waist, or to
extremely long ones that reach
to the floor. Besides those
classical and expectedly black
(coats), winter days can be
similary warmed up by pink
and orange kinds. Purses and
bags have finally welcomed to
be decorated with this precious
and soft material. Since there
is the risk of having a way too
"hairy" look when we combine
such "decorated" bags with
coats, fashion experts advise
that they can freely be worn
with leather jackets or woolen
coats, because they give the
impression of elegance.
Presence of fur on jewelry
seems incredible, but the latest
fashion details of well-known
designers reassure everyone
that doubts it. Interwoven with
golden thread and satin ribbons, necklaces look very luxurious and are wearable with
the large number of clothing
combinations. Boots with this
precious material are something that we are accustomed
with, but such sandals definitely attract attention. It is impossible to imagine what kind of
weather do those shoes fit, but
one thing is certain - wherever
you show up in them, all eyes
will be upon you.
If feeling of fur on
your skin is way too precious
for you to give it up when you
remove the coat, designers
have thought of the right solution! Dresses and tunics with
"fury" applications will keep the
desired softness, and also luxury. Unavoidable "hairy"
details, especially during winter, certainly include various
capsand winter-hats. They will
not only protect your hair from
strong gusts of wind during the
cold days and various rain and
snowfalls, but will gently frame
your face and contribute to the
romantic look. In accordance
with the color of your hair you
can select models that will fit
or point your your shade of
hair through contrast.
Fendi is the fashion house of
extremes: glamorous fur and
small handbags, chic past and
modern cool future. Karl
Lagerfeld has made a small
step forward with this collection. Through soft fur and
suede, he is emphasizing
femininity and calming down
aggressive attitudes that have
been used to see in this fashion house. Warm palette of
autumn colors, has been converted into wide skirts, cashmere coats, chiffon dresses
decorated with silk embroidery and that beautiful fur.
This collection could be called
"retro subtlety".
pozori{tima pevala Ana Sofrenovi}. Kada je otpevala pesmu, svima se
jako dopalo i mnogi su po~eli da je nagovaraju da nastavi sa muzikom.
Muzi~ku karijeru po~inje na crnogorskom festivalu Zlatna staza, gde je
pobedila s pesmom "Samo ti, moja muziko". Još tada je znala da }e se
baviti pevanjem, a ~asovi gitare i solfe|a su joj mnogo pomogli u prvim
estradnim koracima. Posle toga se pojavljuje na, tako|e crnogorskom festivalu "Sun~ane skale" s pesmom "Uzalud se budim" i osvaja tre}e mesto.
Na tom istom festivalu u~estvovala je i naredne godine, s pesmom "Voljela
te il' ne voljela". Onda dolazi i do saradnje sa eminentnim umetnikom
Dinom Merlinom koji je napisao sve pesme za njen prvi album. Na srpsku
scenu u{la je na velika vrata, zahvaljuju}i izme|u ostalog i saradnji sa
menad`erom Ganetom Pecikozom. Posle ne toliko zapa`enog debi albuma "Osmi dan" Emina je postala pop princeza sa drugim albumom
"Radije ranije", izdatim u jesen 2006. godine koji je osvojio Srbiju, Crnu
Goru i BiH. Emina je ve}inu svojih pesama sa drugog albuma sama
napisala i komponovala, {to je bio slu~aj i za njeno tre}e studijsko izdanje
koje je iza{lo na jesen 2008. Posle duge ~etiri godine pripremanja, svetlost dana je ugledao i Eminin ~etvrti album "Vila" koji je izdat za PGP-RTS.
Velika ~ast ukazana je Emini, kada je dobila poziv da u~estvuje u
takmi~enju "3 pa 1 za Oslo", kao kandidat ~ija bi pesma bila predstavnik
Srbije na Eurosongu. Svojim glasom, harizmom i celokupnim nastupom
o~arala je sve koji su pratili ovaj {ou, ali se na`alost nije domogla pobede i zauzela 2. mesto. Bez obzira na to njena pesma "Ti kvariigro" sa
veoma veselim i ritmi~nim tonovima postala je veliki hit. Autori ove
pesme su poznati umetnici na{e estrade: Goran Bregovi}-kompozitor i
Marina Tucakovi}- tekstopisac.
Emina Jahovi} je pro{le godine uplovila i u gluma~ke vode, tuma~i
glavnu junakinju u visokobud`etnoj turskoj seriji "Polje lala". A, sigurno }e
je tek sada, nakon gluma~kog anga`mana sve vi{e porediti sa Penelope
Kruz. Peva~ica ka`e da bi kruna njene karijere bio duet sa Zdravkom
^oli}em, a za sada je snimila duetske pesme sa Sašom Kova~evi}em,
Dinom Merlinom i turskom koleginicom Izel.
anosna brineta iz Novog Pazara, koju od po~etka karijere porede
sa {panskom oskarovkom Penelopom Kruz, jer fizi~ki zaista
podse}a na nju, osvojila je publiku {irom Balkana atraktivnim izgledom i umiljatim glasom. A zahvaljuju}i dobrim poslovnim potezima i
saradnji sa "estradnim vukovima" Dinom Merlinom, Ganetom Pecikozom i
Harijem Varešanovi}em, uspela je da opstane na sceni iako
je ~esto pravila duge pauze u karijeri... re~ je o pop
peva~ici Emini Jahovi}.
U `ivotu mlade Novopazarke sve se odvijalo
filmskom brzinom. Odrasla je u patrijarhalnoj sredini, ali se još kao trinaestogodišnjakinja suo~ila sa
gubitkom oca Nusreta, koji je podlegao sr~anom
udaru. Sa sedamnaest je uplovila u brak koji je
kratko trajao. Danas, fatalna brineta, za kojom
uzdišu mnogi muškarci, udata je za tursku
peva~ku zvezdu Mustafu Sandala sa kojim ima
sina Jamana, ina~e ona je sestra poznatog
ko{arka{a Mirsada Jahovi}a. Osim muzike,
Emina izuzetno vodi ra~una o garderobi, pa
je oduvek va`ila za devojku od stila koja
nosi veoma skupe i unikatne komade
garderobe, a pritom je bila i za{titno lice
makedonske modne linije "Kara".
Ro|ena je 15. januara 1982.
godine u Novom Pazaru. Kao i svi
drugi ro|eni u horoskopskom znaku
Jarca, i ona je od malih nogu bila uporna
u radu i tvrdoglava u svojim stremljenjima. Imala je `elju da bude glumica, ali je
muzika ipak preovladala. Klju~ni trenutak je
bio kada je u pozori{tu radila na predstavi
"Galeb". Trebalo je da otpeva numeru "Ka`i
za{to me ostavi", koju je u beogradskim
he breath-taking brunette from Novi Pazar has been compared with the Spanish Oscar-winner Penelope Cruz, since
the beginning of her career. Indeed she physical looks like
her, she won her audience throughout the Balkans with her attractive appearance and sweet voice. Owing to wise business moves
and cooperation with "public scene wolves" Dino Merlin, Gane
Pecikoza and Hari Varesanovic, she managed to survive on scene
although she made long breaks in her career… we are talking
about pop singer Emina Jahovic.
The life of the young woman from Novi Pazar unfolded at
movie-like speed. She grew up in a patriarchal environment, but at
the age of thirteen she had to face the loss of her father Nusret,
who succumbed to a heart attack. At seventeen she entered into a
short lived marriage. Today, the "femme fatale" brunette, after
whom many men let off sighs, is married to the Turkish singer,
Mustafa Sandal, with whom she has a son, Jaman, otherwise she
is the sister of popular basketball player Mirsad Jahovic. Apart
from music, Emina pays a great deal of attention to her wardrobe,
and has always been known as a stylish girl who wears very
expensive and unique pieces of clothing, adding to this she was
the front page face of the Macedonian fashion line "Kara".
She was born on the 15th of January 1982, in Novi Pazar. As
all the others born in zodiac sign of Capricorn, she too was hard
working and strong headed when it came to her goals, even as a
child. She wished to be an actress but music took over. The crucial
point was when she was working on a theatre play "Seagull". She
needed to sing the song "Tell me why you left me", which was
sung by Ana Sofrenovic in the Belgrade theatres. When she sang
the song, everyone was delighted and many of them tried to convince her to take up music.
Her music career started at the Montenegrin festival "Golden
Paths", where she won with the song "Only You, My Music". Even
then she knew she will be a singer and guitar and solfeggo lessons
helped her a great deal during her first steps towards the public
scene. After that she appeared at another Montenegrin festival
"Sunny Scales" with the song "I Wake up In Vain" and took third
place. She goes on to take part at that same festival the next year
with the song "Whether I Love You or Not". After this she goes on
to cooperate with the prominent artist Dino Merlin, who wrote the
songs for her first album. She entered the Serbian scene in a big
way, thanking to her cooperation with, amongst others, her manager Gane Pecikoza. After her not so well noticed debut album "The
Eight Day", Emina became a pop princess with her second album,
which came out in the autumn of 2006, "Rather Earlier" which conquered Serbia, Montenegro and BaH. Emina wrote and composed
the majority of her songs from the second album, which was the
case with her third studio publication, which came out in the
autumn of 2008. After a long four years of preparations, Emina's
fourth album "Fairy" saw the light of day, it was published by PGPRTS.
A great honour was bestowed upon Emina when she was
called to take part in the "3 then 1 for Oslo" competition as a candidate whose song would represent Serbia at the Eurosong contest. With her voice, charisma and overall presentation she delighted everybody who followed this show, unfortunately she did not
win and took 2nd place. Regardless of this, her song "You spoil
sport" with light and rhythmical tones became a great hit. The
authors of this song are well known artists on our scene: Goran
Bregovic - composer and Marina Tucakovic - songwriter.
Emina Jahovic tested the acting waters; she is interpreting the
main female role in a Turkish high-budget series "Field of tulips".
Surely after her acting engagements, she will be compared to
Penelope Cruz even more. The singer says that the pinnacle of her
career would be a duet with Zdravko Colic, up to know she has
recorded duets with Sasa Kovacevic, Dino Merlin and her Turkish
colleague Izel.
ao što je obe}ano tokom
uspostavljanja Lokalnih Odbora
za Javnu Bezbednost (LOJB),
u ulici Abdula Preševa u Gnjilanu i u
selu Poneš, tako|e u opštini Gnjilane,
~lanovi tih zajednica su se sastali
tokom oktobra na uobi~ajenom sastanku. Me|utim, okolnosti su ovog
puta bile potpuno druga~ije, zato što
su se te novoformirane zajednice susrele u Vu~itrnu radi odr`avanja obuke
koja je trajala nekoliko dana, i koja je
bila vezana za prirodu rada tih zajednica. Uz to, imali su priliku da nau~e
kako da razgovaraju i sara|uju da bi
odredili najva`nije probleme zajednica
u kojima `ive. Istovremeno su nau~ili
kako da pripreme nacrt uspešnog
predloga projekta, koji bi im omogu}io
da predstave svoje probleme razli~itim
donatorima, koji mogu ulagati sredstva
radi prevazila`enja tih problema.
Zatim su tokom pripreme nacrta tih
projektnih predloga nau~ili kako da
umanje troškove koriste}i lokalne
kapacitete, i time stvore preduslove za
što skorije iznala`enje osnovnih sredstava za ispunjenje datog projekta. Tu
nije bio kraj putovanju ~lanova LOJB.
Predstavnici koje su oni izabrali su
imali šansu da u novembru, po prvi
put, u~estvuju u radu Izvršnog odbora
Posebno svojstvo ovog sastanka,
~etvrtog po redu i poslednjeg za pro{lu
godinu, je da je po prvi put u potpunosti organizovan od strane jednog od
LOJB iz Gornjeg Kara~eva, u opštini
Kamenica. Mo`e se re}i da je ovom
prilikom najva`nije iskustvo tih mladih
osoba bilo da iz blizine uvide va`nost
njihovog rada i posve}enosti u LOJB.
To su na najbolji na~in prikazali
uva`eni u~esnici koji su na sebe
preuzeli zadatak rada ovog sastanka,
na kome su u~estvovali generalni
direktor Kosovske policije Rešat
Malji}i, Direktor za red i javnu bezbednost pri OEBS-u Karsten Tvelvmajer,
predstavnik Ministarstva unutrašnjih
poslova Eliza Hod`a, @aklin Dejvis
Moran iz Ministarstva pravde SAD - pri
programu ICITAP, Ulf Bakman iz
švedske ambasade u
Skoplju, razne NVO, predstavnici lokalnih organa
vlasti u Kamenici, kao i njihove kolege iz ostalih LOJB
širom teritorije Kosova.
Tokom sastanka, prisutni su razgovarali o va`nosti
koju LOJB ima u stvaranju
sigurnog i bezbednog
okru`enja za sve
stanovnike Kosova, kao i
istovremeno u podsticanju
saradnje u zajednicama u
kojima `ive, tra`e}i rešenja
za `ivotne probleme sa kojima se suo~avaju. Ovom prilikom, vredi istaknuti re~i
generalnog direktora KP
Rešata Malji}ija koji je
izrazio veliko zadovoljstvo
zbog organizacije i rada
LOJB, što suštinski predstavlja polaznu ta~ku pri
stvaranju demokratskog
društva u kome preovladava vladavina prava. Na~in
da se to postigne je kroz
saradnju gra|ana sa policijom, spre~avaju}i i bore}i
se protiv svih negativnih
pojava u društvu. Prema
njegovim re~ima, LOJB
trenutno igraju veoma
zna~ajnu ulogu, zbog ~ega
im je on obe}ao maksimalnu podršku institucija kojima upravlja.
Nakon toga su re~
preuzeli i neki od ~lanova
LOJB koji su predstavili
razli~ite projekte koji su u
me|uvremenu ve} ispunjeni
u mestima u kojima `ive i
rade. Na kraju se u~esnicima obratio i na~elnik
Odseka za red i javnu
bezbednost pri OEBS-u
Sergej Sidorov, koji se zahvalio svim prisutnima i
podsetio sve pripadnike
LOJB-a da polako dolazi
vreme kada }e oni postati
nezavisniji u svom radu,
preuzimaju}i odgovornosti za nastavak
funkcionisanja. Kao dobar primer je dao
uspešnu organizaciju ovog sastanka. U
me|uvremenu ih je uverio da }e OEBS
uvek biti spreman da pru`i pomo} i
iskustvo u ovoj oblasti. Slede}i sastanak ovog Izvršnog odbora je zakazan
za po~etak 2011. godine u Mušnikovu.
Drugim re~ima, putovanje se
g. Gazmend Preteni
s it was promised on the occasion of the establishment of
Local Public Safety Committees (LPSC) in the street
"Abdullah Presheva" in Gjilan/Gnjilane and in the village of
Ponesh, Municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane, during the month of October
the members of these councils were gathered at a regular meeting.
However, this time the circumstances were totally different, since
these newly-formed Councils came together in Vushtrri/Vucitrn for a
few-days training in connection to the nature of work of these councils. Along this, they had the opportunity to learn how to discuss and
cooperate in order to appoint the most crucial problems in the community where they live. At the same time, they learned how to draft
a successful project proposal, which would enable them to present
these problems before different donors, who are able to invest to
overcome those problems. Furthermore, during the drafting of these
project proposals they learned how to decrease their expenditures
as much as possible by using the local capacities, thus creating preconditions to find as soon as possible the essential funds for the
implementation of the project in question. The journey of the members of LPSC did not end at this point. In November, the representatives chosen by them had the chance for the
very first time to participate in the works of the
Executive Council of LPSC.
The special feature of this meeting, which
was the fourth in a row and the last for this year,
was that this time for the very first time it was
entirely organized by one of the LPSC, respectively the one of Karaceva e Eperme/Gornja
Karaceva, Municipality of Kamenica. On this
occasion, it can be said that the most important
experience of these young members of these
councils, was to highlight the importance of their
work and commitment in LPSC. This was best
demonstrated by the distinguished participants
that took part in the carrying out of the works of
this meeting, where Reshat Maliqi, General
Director of KP, Carsten Twelvmeier, Director for
Order and Public Safety within OSCE, Elisa
Hoxha representative of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs, Jacqueline Davis Moran from the US
Justice Department - the program ICITAP, Ulf
Backman from the Swedish Embassy in Skopje,
different NGOs, representatives of the
local governance in Kamenica, as well
as their colleagues from other LPSC
throughout the entire territory of
Kosovo, participated.
During the works of the meeting, the
participants discussed about the importance that LPSC has in the creation of a
safe and secure environment for all the
residents of Kosovo, and at the same
time also for the encouragement of
cooperation in the communities where
they live, to find solutions for the problems in life, which they face. On this
occasion, it is worth pointing out the
words of the KP General Director, Mr.
Reshat Maliqi, who expressed his great
satisfaction with the organizing and the
work of LPSC, as an essential starting
point in the creation of a democratic
society, where the rule of law prevails.
The way to achieve this is through cooperation of the citizens with the police in
preventing and fighting all the negative
phenomena in the society. At this point, according to him, the LPSC
play a very significant role and in this regard he promised the maximum support for their work, by the institutions that he leads.
Afterwards, among those that took the stand were also some
LPSC' members, who presented different projects that were implemented in the places where they live and operate. At the end, the
one to address the participants was also the OSCE Chief of the
Department for Order and Public Safety, Mr. Sergey Sidorov, who
thanked all the present for their contribution in organizing this
meeting, and also reminded all the LPSC' members that the time is
coming for them to become more and more independent in their
work, and to take over the responsibilities for the continuance of
their functioning. As a good example, he took the successful organizing of this meeting. Meanwhile, he assured them that OSCE
would always be ready to offer its help and experience in this field.
The next meeting of this executive Council was set to be held at
the beginning of 2011, in Mushnikovë/Musnikovo.
In other words, the journey continues…
ostoje dva tipa ove vrste: standardna mandarina i
psihodeli~na mandarina. Standardne mandarine
obi~no imaju boje i {are nagla{enije nego
psihodeli~ne mandarine. One se hrane mikro-ki~menjacima koji `ive na i u koralnim stenama. Ukoliko ih
`elimo ~uvati u akvarijumu moramo imati lepo
koralno kamenje, oko mesec dana, kako bi se
ribe prilagodile novom okru`enju.
Mandarin fish
here are 2 varieties of this species:
Mandarin fish standards and
Psychedelic Mandarin. The standards usually have a
color pattern and wrote better than psychedelic. They just eat the
micro-invertebrates living on coral rocks. In order to keep in the
aquarium home, we need to have pretty coral rocks in the aquarium for a month to allow the fish to adapt to his new environment.
Disk riba
vo je
slatkovodna vrsta ribe,
a mo`da ~ak
i najlep{a
his fish is a freshwater
fish species which may
be the most beautiful
freshwater fish.
Mavarski idol
vu ribu je te{ko o~uvati u
ku}nom akvarijumu.
Moorish Idol
his fish is hard to be
preserved in the home
Riba lav
va riba se tako|e zove i riba zebra. Poseduje otrov koji se nalazi u {iljcima na
le|ima i koji mo`e da izazove veliki bol, veoma je efektivan tako da ljudi koji ~uvaju
ovu vrstu u akvarijumu, moraju biti
vrlo pa`ljivi kada
~iste akvarijum.
his fish is
also called
Zebra fish. It has
a spine in great
painful poison
and quite effective. People who
keep it certainly
must be careful if
you want to clean
the aquarium.
Koi (japanski
ostoji puno
japanskog {arana u pogledu
boje (oko 100). Koi mogu da
imaju narand`astu, crvenu,
belu, zlatnu ili crnu boju. Neki
obo`avatelji japanskih {arana
su spremni da plate hiljade
dolara za primerak koji ima
neuobi~ajene {are.
here are many color variations
of Koi fish (approximately 100).
Koi can have orange, red, white,
gold, or black. Some Koi enthusiasts willing to pay thousands of
dollars for a koi, only to find koi
that have rare color pattern.
Regal Tang
hese fish belong to the family Surgeonfish, propertied small knife
from the lime can be hidden wrote in front of its tail fin. This small
knife is used primarily for defense system against predators.
Regal Tang
va vrsta ribe spada u porodicu riba koja se naziva "ribe
hirurzi", a poseduju bodlje na bokovima koje podse}aju na
hirur{ki skalpel, i mogu da ih sakriju ispod repnog peraja. Ovaj
no`i} predstavlja odbrambeni sistem protiv grabljivica.
Coral Beauty
hese fish belong to the
angelfish. These fish can be
kept in home aquariums and can
survive well in
the original
Koralna riba an|eo
(koralna lepotica)
va vrsta spada u
"an|eoske ribe". Mo`e
da se ~uva u ku}nom akvarijumu i dobro pre`ivljava u
prirodnim stani{tu.
African Cichlids
ish is pronounced as
"Sick-Lids". This fish is
found in 3 lakes in Africa:
Malawi, Tanganyika,
and Victoria.
species in Lake
Victoria the number
is less diverse and less colorful than others. They usually grow to 6-7 inches, with the
exception of Frontosoa species,
which can grow to 12-14 inches.
These fish are freshwater fish
that can be easily maintained
in a home aquarium.
o named because its mouth chip form part bird. This
fish uses its mouth that alike the bill to break and eat
the small invertebrates living in the area of
coral. Usually they will eat the whole
coral or sea sand and sky chewing invertebrates in it, then
discard the rest.
Afri~ke ciklide
va vrsta ribe
se mo`e na}i
u tri afri~ka jezera:
Malavi, Tanganjika i
Viktorija. Veliki broj vrsta
u jezeru Viktorija je manje
Flame Angel
his fish has a close relationship with the Coral Beauty.
The same nature as the
Coral Beauty, but its not
'as firm as' Coral
va riba je u
bliskoj vezi
sa koralnom lepoticom.
Iste je prirode kao koralna
lepotica, ali nije tako
Papagaj riba
azvana je ovako
jer ima oblik usta
kao pti~iji kljun koja
koristi da bi razbila i
pojela male ki~menjake koji `ive u
oblasti korala.
Obi~no pojede
ceo koral ili
pesak, `va}u}i
ki~menjake u njemu, a zatim
odbaci ostatak.
raznolik i
raznobojan, nego li neke
druge vrste. Obi~no rastu
od 15-18 cm, sa
izuzetkom vrste
Frontosoa koja mo`e da
poraste i od 30 do 36 cm.
Ovo je slatkovodna
riba koja mo`e lako
da se ~uva u
Starring: Angelina
Jolie, Johnny
Depp, Paul
Bettany, Rufus
Sewell, Timothy
Dalton, Steven
Director: Florian
Henckel von
Studio: Columbia
Genre: Thriller
Uloge: Angelina
Jolie, Johnny
Depp, Paul
Bettany, Rufus
Sewell, Timothy
Dalton, Steven
Re`iser: Florian
Henckel von
@anr: triler
ohnny Depp glumi ameri~kog turistu
koga {aljivi odnos sa strankinjom vodi
u mre`u intriga, romanse i opasnosti
u filmu "Turista". Tokom neplaniranog
puta u Evropu na koji odlazi kako
bi zale~io slomljeno srce,
Frenk neo~ekivano po~inje da
flertuje sa svojom novom poznanicom Elise-om, izuzetnom
`enom koja namerno ukr{ta
put sa njim. U prelepom
Parizu i Veneciji njihova
burna romansa se brzo
razvija, dok nesvesno
upadaju u smrtonosnu
igru ma~ke i mi{a.
ohnny Depp stars as an
American tourist whose
playful dalliance with a
stranger leads to a web of
intrigue, romance and danger
in The Tourist. During an
impromptu trip to Europe to
mend a broken heart, Frank
unexpectedly finds himself in
a flirtatious encounter with
Elise, an extraordinary woman
who deliberately crosses his
path. Against the breathtaking
backdrop of Paris and Venice,
their whirlwind romance quickly evolves as they find themselves unwittingly thrust into a
deadly game of
cat and
Glume: Denzel Va{ington,
Kris Pajn, Rozario Doson,
Kevin Dan
Re`iser: Toni Skot
Scenarista: Mark
Studio: 20th Century Fox
@anr: Akcija / Triler
Denzel Vašington i
Kris Pajn glume u
ovom akcionom trileru
koji je re`irao Toni
Skot. Zaplet uklju~uje
dva voza~a lokomotive koji se udru`uju
da bi zaustavili
odbegli voz pun
Scenarista filma
"Umri Muški 4" Mark
Bombak je za produkciju "20th Century
Fox" napisao scenario
ovog filma u kojem
glumi i Rozario Doson.
Director: Tony Scott
Screenwriter: Mark
Studio: 20th Century
Genre: Action / Thriller
Starring: Denzel
Washington, Chris Pine,
Rosario Dawson, Kevin
enzel Washington and
Chris Pine star in this action
thriller from director Tony
Scott. The plot surrounds two locomotive operators who team up to
stop a runaway train filled with
explosives. Live Free or Die Hard's
Mark Bomback provides the script
for the 20th Century Fox production, co-starring Rosario Dawson.
Starring: Elle Fanning,
John Turturro, Nathan Lane,
Charlie Rowe, Frances De
La Tour, Richard E. Grant
Director: Andrei
Studio: Freestyle Releasing
Genre: Family /Drama
Uloge: Elle Fanning, John
Turturro, Nathan Lane, Charlie
Rowe, Frances De La Tour,
Richard E. Grant
Re`iser: Andrei Konchalovsky
Studio: "Freestyle Releasing"
@anr: porodi~na drama
"Krckalica za orahe" u trodimenzionalnom formatu prati
`ivot devetogodi{nje Mary, ~iji
dosadni Bo`i} u Be~u iznenada biva ispunjen uzbu|enjem
i avanturom sa dolaskom voljenog ujaka Albert-a i njegove za~arane krckalice za
orahe. Na Bo`i}no ve~e
Mary-in novi prijatelj "krckalica za orahe" ili "En-si"
(Nutcracker-NC) o`ivljava, i
vodi je na ~udesno putovanje
u svoj magi~ni svet vila,
he Nutcracker in 3D
follows nine-year-old
Mary whose dull
Viennese Christmas is suddenly filled with excitement
and adventure following the
arrival of her beloved Uncle
Albert and his gift of an
enchanted nutcracker. On
Christmas night, Mary's new
friend, The Nutcracker or
"NC," comes to life and
takes her on a wondrous
{e}ernih {ljiva i drugih
bo`i}nih igra~aka koje
o`ivljavaju. Mary
uskoro saznaje da
se ovo fantasti~no
kraljevstvo suo~ava sa
opasno{}u, koju
predstavlja tiranska vladavina
zlog kralja pacova i njegove
majke. Kada
En-si postaje
talac, Mary i
journey into his magical
world of fairies, sugarplums,
and other Christmas toys
which come to life. Mary
soon realizes that this fantastical kingdom is facing
danger from the tyrannical
rule of the evil Rat King and
his devious mother. When
NC is taken hostage, Mary
and her newfound toy friends
must uncover the secret of
the Rat King to rescue NC
and his kingdom.
njeni novi prijatelji-igra~ke,
moraju da otkriju tajnu
kralja pacova kako bi
spasili En-si-ja i
njegovo kraljevstvo.
ne`ni bregovi i doline, prve grudve i grudvanja, prve
klizaljke, i klizanja, prvi drhtaji na vetru, a tek prve skije i
skijanje, u nama su i uvek ih se rado se}amo. Zimski dani
nas odmah asociraju na planinu i skijanje, pa smo s' toga na{li za
shodno da vam u ovom januarskom izdanju predstavimo profesionalnog skija{a Sa{u Ili}a sa Brezovice ([trpce).
Sa{a Ili} je ro|en 1972. godine u [trpcu. Sportom se bavi od
malih nogu, a skijanje je nau~io od svoje ~etvrte godine, onda
kada ga je otac odveo po prvi put na Brezovicu, gde je i napravio
svoje prve skija{ke korake. On je kraj sebe imao odli~nog u~itelja
od kojeg je u~io ve{tine skijanja, starijeg brata koji zavr{io srednju skija{ku {kolu u Sloveniji, gde je bio sedmostruki prvak
Jugoslavije, a bio je i slika
Olimpijade 1992. O`enjen je, ima
dvoje dece Saru (8) i Velimira (11).
^lan je Ski-kluba "Brezovica" gde je
i napravio prve sportske rezultate:
• Vi{egodi{nji prvak Kosova u
svojoj kategoriji;
• Vice {ampion u slalomu u doba
krnje Jugoslavije i tre}i u veleslalomu
• Drugi u Srbiji
• Ima stotinak medalja sa raznoraznih takmi~enja
Kao i svaka osoba koja se bavi
poslom koji voli, tako i Sa{a s
odu{evljenjem govori o skijanju:
"To je specifi~an sport, jer skijate
kao da se vozite na snegu na
dvema nogama, dok drugi sportovi
to ne mogu da priu{te. U trenutku
kada stanem na skije, zaboravljam
na sve probleme, i tokom cele zime
sam na Brezovici, jer gore na
planini je pravi raj."
Na{ sagovornik je nakon
prestanka profesionalnim bavljenjem
skijanja, otkrio jo{ jedan sportski
izazov - alpinizam, koji je kako ka`e jako
skup i rizi~an sport. "Imao sam ekspidiciju
2004. godine na Himalajima kada sam se
popeo na jedan vrh od 5.500 m u Nepalu.
Naredne godine sam bio na Kavkazu gde
sam osvojio vrh od 5.800 m." Njemu je, kao
i ve}ini alpinista, san da osvoji najvi{i
planinski vrh na svetu - Mont Everest.
Sa{a nam je rekao da se `elja za ovim
ekstremnim sportom verovatno javila iz
razloga {to `ivi na planini, a jo{ od malih
nogu se penjao po planinama gde je osvajao lokalne vrhove. Sada naravno `eli da
se posveti nekim ja~im izazovima, kao {to
su Himalaji. "Jednom ko ode na Himalaje i
vidi one vrhove, on se uvek tamo vra}a i
pored rizika, a onda ~ovek ima `elju da
osvaja samo ve}e vrhove."
Tokom njegove sportske karijere bilo je
raznih preloma do povre|ivanja ki~me, ali
to ga nije zaustavilo da se i dalje bavi skijanjem, a sada i alpinizmom. Iako se nekada bavio ekstremnim skijanjem - skakaju}i
sa stene, u budu}nosti }e se ovim sportom
baviti indirektno, tako {to }e obu~avati sve
zainteresovane u njegovoj privatnoj ski{koli. Svakako smo se dotakli i pri~e o ski-centru na Brezovici,
za koji nam je rekao da je to staza koja mo`e da pru`i jaka
zadovoljstva skija{ima raznih profila: "Imamo staze za
po~etnike, profesionalce i za one koji vole ekstremno skijanje,
gde je u`ivanje mnogo ve}e od skijanja po ure|enim stazama."
Milan Maver, slovena~ki novinar i dugogodi{nji predsednik
Saveza ski instrukora Slovenije, u knjizi "Skijajte s u`itkom",
opisuje skijanje kao poeziju, izme|u ostalog ka`e: "@elja ~oveka
da poleti stara je koliko i njegovi snovi. Iako skija{ nogama dodiruje tlo, taj dodir je lagan i ne`an." I mi vam toplo preporu~ujemo
smu~ke (skije) i pravac Brezovica na ~asove kod Sa{e Paje Ili}a!
nowy hills and valleys, the first snowball and snowball
fight, the first skates, and skating, the first trembling
in the wind, and the first skis and skiing, are within us
and it is always nice to remember them. Winter days instantly remind us of mountains and skiing, so we found it necessary to present to you a professional skier Sasa Ilic from
Brezovica in our January edition.
Sasa Ilic was born in 1972, in Strpce. He is engaged in
sports since his childhood, and he had learn to ski at the
age of four when his father took him for the first time to
Brezovica, when he made his first ski steps. He had a great
teacher who taught him the skills of skiing, an older brother
who graduated from a ski high school in
Slovenia, where he was a seven times
champion of Yugoslavia, and he was
also in the Olympics
in 1992.
He is married and has with two children, Sarah (8) and Velimir (11). He is a
member of the Ski Club Brezovica where he made his first sports scores:
• Several times a champion of Kosovo in his category;
• Vice champion in slalom at the time of the rump Yugoslavia and the
third in giant slalom
• Second in Serbia
• There are hundreds of medals from various competitions
Like any person engaged in business that he loves, Sasa is also enthusiastically talking about skiing: "It is a specific sport, because you are skiing like you
are driving in the snow on two legs, while other sports can not give you that. The
moment I get on skis, I forget all the problems, and throughout the winter I am in
Brezovica, because up on the mountain is a paradise."
Our interlocutor, after quitting the professional skiing, found another sports challenge - climbing, which he says is a very expensive and risky sport. "I had expedition in 2004 in the Himalayas when I climbed on the top of one of the peaks of
5500m in Nepal. The following year I was in the Caucasus, where I won the peak
of 5,800 m." He, like most climbers, has a dream to conquer the highest mountain peak in the world - Mount Everest. Sasha told us that he has the love for
these extreme sports probably because they lived on a mountain, and from an
early age he was climbing in the mountains where he conquered the local peaks.
Now of course, he wants to take on some more difficult challenges, such as the
Himalayas. "One who goes to the Himalayas and sees those peaks, always goes
back despite the risk, and then has the desire to win only higher peaks."
During his sporting career, he had various fractures up to the injury of the
spine, but it did not stop him to stay engaged in skiing, and now mountaineering. Even though he was into extreme skiing - jumping off cliffs, in the future
he will be engaged in this sport indirectly, so he will train all interested people
in his private ski-school. Certainly we had to touch the subject of the skiresort in Brezovica, for which he told us is the ski track that can provide
strong satisfaction to skiers of different profiles: "We have trails for beginners,
professionals and for those who like extreme skiing, where they get to enjoy
much more than they would with skiing on groomed trails."
Milan Maver, Slovenian journalist and a long-time president of the
Association of Slovenian ski instructors in the book "Ski with pleasure" described skiing as poetry, and among other said: "The desire of
man to fly is as old as his dreams. Although skier touches the ground
with his feet, the touch is light and gentle." And we recommend you to get skis and go straight to Brezovica to
take classes with Sasa Ilic Paja!
^uda koje je stvorio ~ovek:
Brana Tri kanjona
Najvi{a hidroelektri~na brana
na svetu se nalazi u kineskoj
provinciji Hubei, i u sebi sadr`i
rezervoar duga~ak 562.5km
unutar impresivnog betonskog
bloka duga~kog 2,335 m.
Razmera ovog kontroverznog
projekta je toliko velika da je
dovela do raseljavanja miliona
ljudi, potapanja hiljade lokacija
kulturne ba{tine u reonu Tri
kanjona, uzrokuju}i nezamislivu {tetu `ivotnoj sredini
regiona. Izgradnja je po~ela
1994. godine, a o~ekivani
datum po~etka punog rada
brane je 2011. godina.
Man-Made Marvels: Three
Gorges Dam
Located in China's Hubei
Province, this largest hydroelectric power station in the world
contains a 375-mile-long reservoir within its impressive 7,661foot concrete bulk. The scale of
the controversial project is so
huge that it has displaced millions of people, submerged
hundreds of cultural sites in the
Three Gorges area and precipitated an untold amount of damage on the regional environment. Construction began in
1994, but the dam is not
expected to become fully operational until 2011.
^uda koje je stvorio
~ovek: Panamski kanal
Kao jedan od najte`ih
in`enjerskih poduhvata koji
je ikada obavljen,
Panamski kanal je duga~ak
81,62 km, povezuje
Atlantski i Tihi okean.
Izgradnju je zapo~ela
Francuska 1880. godine,
ali su je dovr{ile
Sjedinjene Ameri~ke
Dr`ave 1914. Kanal
drasti~no smanjuje transportne udaljenosti izme|u
Njujorka i San Franciska
sa 22,530 km putovanja
oko rta Horn, na 9,500 km
pri putovanju kroz sam
kanal. Tokom faze
ameri~ke izgradnje, 161
milion kubnih metara zemlje i stena je uklonjeno
za 10 godina pre zavr{etka
izgradnje kanala.
Man-Made Marvels: Panama Canal
One of the most difficult engineering endeavors ever attempted, the Panama Canal is a 50.72-mile-long passage between the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans that was begun by France in 1880 but completed by the U.S. in 1914. It drastically reduced shipping distances
between New York and San Francisco, from 14,000 miles around Cape Horn to 6,000 when passing through the canal. During the
American construction phase, 211 million cubic yards of dirt and rock were scraped away over 10 years to finish the canal.
^uda koje je stvorio ~ovek:
Aka{i-Kaikjo most
Poznat je i pod imenom
Biserni most - ova konstrukcija
premo{}uje more izme|u
japanskih ostrva Hon}u i Avaji.
Po svom otvaranju 1998.
godine, Biserni most je postao
najdu`i vise}i most na svetu,
sa centralnim rasponom od
1,99 km u du`ini‚ {to ga ~ini
du`im za 402 m od mosta koji
je prethodno dr`ao rekord.
Ukupan trodelni raspon mosta
je duga~ak vi{e od 3,657 km.
^uda koje je stvorio ~ovek:
Boing 787 Drimlajner je po prvi
put uzleteo 15. decembra 2009.
godine. Drimlajner je prvi komercijalni avion koji je izgra|en,
ve}inom, od lakih legura ugljenika. Ta me{avina materijala je
lagana, izdr`ljiva, ne r|a i nije
podlo`na na zamor metalnih
materijala. Kori{}enje takvih
konstrukcija tako|e umanjuje
finansijske i ekolo{ke tro{kove
izgradnje novog aviona.
Isporuka prvog Drimlajnera kompaniji "Ol nipon ervejz" (All
Nippon Airways) o~ekivana je
krajem 2010. godine.
Man-Made Marvels: The
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner
took off on its long-awaited first
flight on Dec. 15, 2009. The
Dreamliner is the first commercial airplane that's mostly built
from carbon-reinforced plastic.
This composite material is light
and strong and won't corrode
or be susceptible to metal
fatigue. Using this kind of construction also reduces both the
financial and environmental
costs of building a new plane.
The first Dreamliner is expected to be delivered to All
Nippon Airways in late 2010.
^uda koje je stvorio ~ovek:
Huverova brana
Da li planirate posetu Las
Vegasu? Razmislite i o poseti
Huverovoj brani. Ona
premo{}uje reku Kolorado
izme|u Arizone i Nevade, na
udaljenosti otprilike 48,28 km
jugoisto~no od Feniksa.
Masivna brana, izgra|ena
izme|u 1931. i 1936. godine,
duboka je 221.41 m, {to
uklju~uje dubinu od njenog
kamenog dna do puta na
samom vrhu brane. Huverova
brana svake godine prose~no
proizvodi oko 4 milijarde kilovat-sati hidroelektri~ne energije, koju koriste Nevada,
Arizona i Kalifornija - {to je
dovoljno za 1.3 miliona
Man-Made Marvels:
Akashi-Kaiky? Bridge
Also known as the Pearl
Bridge, this structure
spans the strait between
the islands of Honshu
and Awaji in Japan.
Upon its opening in
1998, the Pearl Bridge
became the longest suspension bridge in the
world, with a center span
measuring 6,532 feet in
length - making it a full
quarter-mile longer than
the previous record-holder. The entire three-span
bridge is more than
12,000 feet long.
Man-Made Marvels:
Hoover Dam
Visiting Las Vegas?
Consider a side trip to
Hoover Dam. It spans the
Colorado River between
Arizona and Nevada,
about 30 miles southeast
of Sin City. The massive
dam, built between 1931
and 1936, is 726.4 feet
deep, from foundation
rock to the roadway on
the crest of the dam.
Hoover Dam generates,
on average, about 4 billion kilowatt-hours of
hydroelectric power each
year for use in Nevada,
Arizona and California enough to serve 1.3 million people.
Kreshnik Sylejmani (prvi s’leva)
direktorka YIHR Maja Mici}
edavno je u Pri{tini boravilo
nekoliko mladih Beogra|ana, koji zahvaljuju}i
(YIHR) Inicijativi mladih za ljudska
prava ~esto dolaze na Kosovo i
obrnuto, mladi sa Kosova ~esto
pose}uju Beograd.
Tokom njihove posete od tri dana,
pored ostalih institucija, posetili su i
Fond za humanitarno pravo gde je ih
je do~ekao gospodin Kreshnik
Sylejmani, koji smatra da su ovakvi
susreti omladine iz regiona izuzetno
korisni. "Mi redovno organizujemo sastanke sa mladima i raznim organizacijama na kojima prete`no pri~amo o
unapre|ivanju na{ih odnosa, kao i o
problemima sa kojima se svakodnevno
susre}emo. Ono {to je najva`nije
jeste da komunikacija izme|u nas
postoji, i svakim danom se
Isto mi{ljenje deli i direktorka YIHR
(Youth Initiative For Human Rights) u
Srbiji Maja Mici} koja nije po prvi put
u Pri{tini. "Mi smo posebno ponosni,
jer se sve ne zavr{i na vizitingu koji
mi organizujemo i pod na{im
pokroviteljstvom, nego se upravo te
veze izme|u mladih ljudi nastavljaju
na osnovu njihove inicijative. Imamo
mlade koji dolaze u Beograd na
"Dane Sarajeva", a imamo i one koji
dolaze ovde kod svojih prijatelja na
prizrenski "Doku fest"."
Gospo|ica Mici} je izjavila za na{
magazin, da joj je jako zanimljivo {to
ovde postoji neka nova energija, jer
ima puno mladih ljudi, a njena impresija sa ove posete je Etnografski
muzej. Tako|e je pozvala sve mlade
da me|usobno komuniciraju i
sara|uju: "Mi imamo masu zajedni~kih
stvari i problema, ali je najva`nije da
sara|ujemo. Mladima iz Srbije bih
poru~ila da je lako do}i na Kosovo, i
da im je potrebna samo dobra volja da
bi do{li ovde. Mo`da }emo upoznavanjem otkriti masu zajedni~kih i razli~itih
stvari, ali je najva`nije to {to upoznajemo jedni druge."
Jo{ jedan od posetilaca bio je i
apsolvent na Pravnom fakultetu u
Beogradu Du{an Kanazir, koji je po
prvi put video Pri{tinu. On nam je
rekao da su Beograd i Pri{tina u
su{tini sli~ni gradovi: "Zapalo mi je za
oko koliko ima kafi}a, restorana i
drugih mesta za provo|enje slobodnog
vremena. Mislio sam da Beograd ima
najvi{e kafi}a po glavi stanovnika, ali
smatram da nas je Pri{tina u tome
pobedila," rekao je Du{an. Uz to je
dodao da je bio jako iznena|en gostoprimno{}u, i zato se nada da }e mu se
ponovo ukazati prilika da poseti
Pri{tinu, jer bogatstvo je upoznati nove
ljude: "Oni su mene iznendaili svojom
otvoreno{}u, toplom dobrodo{licom i
zaista su nam u~inili lepim ovih nekoliko dana. U isto vreme, to su mladi
ljudi koje ja smatram prijateljima, jer
su uradili i vi{e nego {to sam ja o~ekivao, i to je svakako pozitivno."
"Viziting" je program sa kojim je
Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava
(YIHR) prvo po~ela 2003. godine, i to
im je nekako "~edo inicijativa" na koju
su oni posebno ponosni. Koordinator
ovog projekta pri YIHR u Pri{tini Ferid
Murseli izjavio je, da je do sada 2000
ljudi pro{lo kroz ovaj program, koji je
pre svega usmeren na razbijanje predrasuda i upoznavanje mladih iz
susedstva. "U sklopu ovog programa,
organizujemo posete za tri do pet
osoba iz celog regiona. To su ljudi koji
nisu imali prilike da posete Pri{tinu ili
Beograd, i sam program je otvoren za
sve mlade koji su zainteresovani,
radoznali i `ele da upoznaju susede."
YIHR je i na samom osnivanju
po~ela da funkcioni{e kao regionalna organizacija, a kancelarija u
Pri{tini je bila prva od kancelarija u
regionu koju je Inicijativa u
Beogradu otvorila. Danas, sve one
funkcino{u kao samostalne organizacije, tako da sada imaju mre`u
kancelarija za ljudska prava.
Dusan Kanazir
ecently several young people from
Belgrade visited Prishtinë/Pristina,
these young people often come to
Kosovo and vice versa. Young people from
Kosovo often visit Belgrade, owing to the
commitment of the Youth Initiative for
Human Rights (YIHR).
During their three day visit, amongst
other institutions, they visited the
Humanitarian Law Fund, where they were
greeted by Mr. Kreshnik Sylejmani, who considers these regional youth meetings as
extremely useful. "We organise meetings
regularly with the youth and various other
organisations, we mostly talk about bettering
our relations, as well as about problems we
Ferid Murseli (first from the left)
meet on an everyday basis. What is most
important is that communication between
us exists and it is getting better everyday."
The same opinion is shared by the
Director of the Youth Initiative for Human
Rights (YIHR) in Serbia, Maja Micic, who
visited Prishtinë/Pristina for the first time.
"We are especially proud because the
visits we organize under our auspices
are not the end of these activities. The
connections between young people are
continued on their own initiative afterwards. We have youths visiting Belgrade
during the "Sarajevo Days" and here we
have those visiting their friends during
the "Doku Fest" in Prizren.
Miss Micic stated for our magazine that
it is very interesting that a kind of new
energy exists here, because there are a lot
of young people. The greatest impression
she will take away from this visit is from
the Ethnographic Museum. She also called
upon all the young people to communicate
and cooperate amongst themselves: "We
have a heap of common issues and problems but it is most important that we cooperate. To the youth of Serbia I would like to
say that it is easy to come to Kosovo.
Maybe through getting to know each other,
we will discover many similar and dissimilar
issues we have but the most important thing
is that we are getting to know each other."
Another visitor was a final year student
from the Law Faculty in Belgrade, Dusan
Kanazir, who saw Prishtinë/Pristina for the
first time. He told us that Belgrade and
Prishtinë/Pristina are in essence very similar
cities: "I noticed many cafés; restaurants and
other places to spend your free time. I
though Belgrade had the highest number of
cafés per capita but I think Prishtinë/Pristina
overtook us", Dusan said. He added that he
was surprised by the hospitality and hopes
that he will have another opportunity to visit
Prishtinë/Pristina, since it is precious to meet
new people: "They surprised me with their
openness, warm welcome and they really
made these few days beautiful. At the same
time I consider these young people to be my
friends, as they have done more than I
expected and this is positive indeed."
"Visiting" is a program which the Youth
Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) launched
in 2003; this is a kind of "child initiative" for
them, which they are especially proud of.
The Coordinator of this YIHR project in
Prishtinë/Pristina, Ferid Murseli, stated that
up to now 2000 people passed through this
program, which is focused on tearing down
prejudices and meeting young people from
the surrounding areas. "As a part of this project, we organise visits for three to five people from the region. These are people who
did not have the opportunity to visit Belgrade
or Prishtinë/Pristina. The program is open for
all the young people who are interested,
curious and wish to meet their neighbours."
YIHR from its beginning has been a
regional organisation and the
Prishtinë/Pristina Office was the First that
was opened by the Initiative in Belgrade.
Today, they operate as independent
organisation thus now they have a network of human rights' offices.
Jovana Tana{ovi} (16)
[to se mene li~no ti~e,
vi{e volim skijanje i sneg.
Nekako mi je
to najinteresantniije.
Verujte da je
jako uzbudljivo
igrati se sa
dru{tvom po
snegu. Uvek se
sastajemo na jednom
brda{cu iza jedne stare
ku}ice, i ludo se
provodimo. Naravno,
zima ima svojih ~ari i
zbog praznika kojima
se svi radujemo.
Jovana Tanasovic (16)
As far as I'm personally
concerned, I prefer skiing and
snow. Somehow,
it is much more
interesting. Trust
me - it is
extremely exciting
playing with your
friends in the
snow. We always
meet at one little hill
behind and old house,
and are having a jolly
great time. Sure, winter
has its charms due to
various holidays that we
all look forward to.
Marija Mladenovi} (15)
Ja vi{e volim plivanje i odlazak na
bazen i more. Leto mi je najlep{e zbog
dugih sun~anih dana, lepog vremena i
odlaska na more. Nau~ila sam plivanje
od svoje devete godine, a najvi{e
volim da ronim; ina~e, sestra me je
u~ila da plivam.
Maja \eki} (16)
Iz razloga {to vi{e volim da plivam, samim tim
preferiram leto. Zimu nikako ne volim zbog hladno}e, i ne svi|a mi se jer je dan kra}i, a no}
du`a. Zbog toga nikad i
ne idem na zimovanje, a
uz to ne znam ni da skijam. Po meni je zima jako
depresivno godi{nje doba.
Maja Djekic (16)
Since I love to swim, I logically prefer summer. I
don't like winter at all, because of its coldness, and
I don't like when days get shorter and nights
become longer. That is why I never visit winter
resorts; besides that I still don't know how to ski. I
think that winter is a very depressing season.
Marija Mladenovic (15)
I prefer swimming and going to the sea and
swimming pools. Summer is the prettiest season
due to its long sunny days, beautiful weather
and sea-holidays. I have learned how to swim
when I was nine years old, and I prefer to dive. I
have to mention that it was my sister who has
taught me how to swim.
Dragi ~itaoci,
Ne zaboravite da magazin "For You" u `elji da bude bli`i vama sa najnovijim informacijama, kao i
da postane deo globalne porodice modernih medija, sada ima i elektronsku verziju na na{oj
Internet strani www.magazineforyou.com. Posetite nas na ovoj adresi gde }ete na}i vi{e vesti i
informacija a`uriranih prema poslednjim de{avanjima na Kosovu, kao i najnovije iz:
Tu sada mo`ete pro~itati: ne{to o ekipi LMT (Liaison Monitoring Team - Tim za vezu i
monitoring); neke detalje iz biografije poznate pop peva~ice Emine Jahovi}; vi{e o
na{em skija{u Sa{i Ili}u; i jo{ mnogo drugih informacija. I... {ta ~ekate, posetite
www.magazineforyou.com gde }ete provesti ugodne trenutke, tako|e znajte da je ovo
adresa na kojoj }emo se ~e{}e sretati u budu}nosti.
Marija Stankovi} (15)
Mislim da mi se ipak vi{e dopada plivanje, zato {to je bolje od skijanja.
Brat me je nau~io da plivam, a skijanja
me je nekako strah. Volim kada je lepo
vreme i kada mogu ceo dan da provedem na bazenu. I, zato je leto zakon!
Jer, tada sam u svom elementu, i
ose}am se poletno!
Stefan Krsti} (17)
Meni skijanje nikako
ne ide od ruke, i valjda zbog toga vi{e
volim plivanje. Naravno,
leti mogu
satima da
umesto da
stalno budem
u zatvorenom
prostoru zbog
hladno}e. Da mogu,
menjao bih zimu za
leto, jer volim sunce i
Stefan Krstic (17)
I just can't learn how to
ski, and that may be reason why I prefer swimming. Sure, I can
sit for days outside during summer times,
instead of constantly being
inside in the
closed space due
to cold temperatures (outside). If
I could, I would swap winter for summer times,
because I like the sun
and the heat.
Marija Stankovic (15)
I think I prefer swimming more, because it is
better than skiing. My brother has taught me
how to swim, and I'm somehow afraid to ski.
I Like when the weather is nice, and when I
can spend whole days at the swimming pool.
Also, summer - rules! Also, during those
(summer) days, I'm in my own element, and
feel enthusiastic!
Tijana Milivojevi} (17)
Volim oboje! Dopada mi se i skijanje i plivanje
- hladno}a i topli letnji dani. Leto volim zbog
odlaska na more, a zimu zbog skijanja na
Brezovici. A, najlep{e se
ose}am tokom
novogodi{njih praznika. I
leto i zima imaju neke
svoje specifi~ne ~arolije.
Tijana Milivojevic (17)
I like both! I like skiing and
swimming - coldness and warm summer days. I
like summer because of sea-holidays, and winter for skiing in Brezovica. But, I feel the best
during new-year's holidays. Both summer and
winter have their own specific wonders.
Dear readers,
Be aware that Magazine For You with the wish to be as close as possible to you with the latest news as well as the wish to be part of the world family of modern media now has also its
electronic version at our web page at: www.magazineforyou.com. Visit us at this address
and there you will find more news and up to date information on the latest developments in
Kosovo as well as the latest from:
There you can read about the LMT teams (Liason and Monitoring Teams), some
sequences from the biography of famous singer Emina Jahovic and our skier
Sasa Ilic and much more information. Tell me, what are you waiting for go to
www.magazineforyou.com and there you will spend pleasant moments since this
is our meeting point of the future.
Zdravo dragi moji,
Eto i mene da Vam se javim! Zovem
se Tamara, imam 12 godina, i `ivim
u Lipljanu. Moja omiljena peva~ica je
Radmila Manojlovi}, i svaka njena
pesma mi se jako dopada. Od glumica najvi{e volim Slobodu Mi}alovi}
koja je bila glavni lik u seriji "Ranjeni
orao". I svakako bih volela da
objavite Radmilin ili Slobodin poster.
U slobodno vreme volim: da igram
raznorazne igrice na kompjuteru; da
idem kod mojih najboljih drugarica;
da u~im, gledam TV ili igram odbojku.
Tamara Milosavljevi}
O.[. "Bra}a Aksi}"
Ja sam Nikola iz Lipljana. Hteo bih
da Vam ka`em ne{to o mojim
interesovanjima, kako biste lak{e
ure|ivali magazin "4U". Pre svega,
mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, a
najvi{e grupu "Elitni odred". Kao i
ve}ina de~aka, volim da se bavim
sportom, i to meni najomiljenijim fudbalom. Svoje slobodno vreme
provodim za kompjuterom, igraju}i
se sa dru{tvom, i sviraju}i sintisajzer,
itd. Srda~an pozdrav!
Nikola Trifi}
O.[. "Bra}a Aksi}"
Javljam se u nadi da }ete objaviti i
moje pisamce. @elim da znate da
najvi{e volim muzi~ku grupu
"Rebelde", i njihove pesme su mi
NAJ. Omiljena glumica mi je
Sloboda Mi}alovi}, a zamolila bih
vas kada biste objavili poster Justin-a
Biber-a. Ve}inu vremena provodim
na Facebook-u, a ponekad volim sa
mojim najboljim drugaricama da
igram tenis ili odbojku.
Petranka Jorgi}
O.[. "Bra}a Aksi}"
Pozdrav redakciji,
Na po~etku bih da Vas zamolim,
ukoliko mo`ete, da objavite poster
mog najomiljenog glumca Antonio-ija
Banderas-a. Mnogo volim da gledam
njegove filmove, a tako|e volim i da
slu{am muziku, a najvi{e
slu{am "Grand" hitove i Radmilu
Manojlovi}. Nakon {to zavr{im
doma}e zadatke, igram igrice na
kompjuteru ili iza|em napolje da
igram fudbal sa drugarima.
Nikola Milosavljevi}
O.[. "Bra}a Aksi}"
Zovem se Miljana. Slobodno vreme
provodim ~itaju}i knjige, a nekada
sam trenirala tenis, me|utim, vi{e
nemam uslova za to. Svakako, uvek
na|em vremena da posetim moje
dobre drugarice sa kojima mogu da
pri~am o svemu. ^esto }askamo o
omiljenim glumicama, kao {to je
Angelina Jolie ili o muzici, gde je
neizostavna grupa "Rebelde", ~ijie
postere uvek skupljamo. Eto, toliko o
meni i mojim drugaricama!
Miljana Svojevi}
O.[. "Bra}a Aksi}"
Moj omiljeni peva~ je Milan Sta-
i redovno
slu{am njegove
pesme. [to se glumaca ti~e, ne
bih mogao da ne pomenem
Chuck-a Norris-a. A bio bih Vam
jako zahvalan, kada bih u nekom
od izdanja ovog magazina, video
poster Du{ana Svilanovi}a. U ku}i
sam uvek aktivan, i volim u svemu
da poma`em svojim roditeljima,
kao i oni meni. Tako|e, kada sam
slobodan, volim da igram fudbal ili
rukomet, a naravno tu su i kompjuterske igrice.
Petar Kosti}
O.[. "Bra}a Aksi}"
Hello, my darlings,
Time has come for me to write!
My name is Tamara, I'm 12 years
old, and live in Lipljan. My
favourite singer is Radmila
Manojlovic, and I like all her
songs. From actresses I like Sloda
Micalovic, who played the leading
role in the series "Ranjeni Orao".
For that reason, I would like you to
publish Radmila's or Sloboda's
poster. During my free time I like:
to play various games on the computer; to visit my best friends; to
study, watch TV or play volleyball.
Tamara Milosavljevic
Primary school "Braca Aksic"
I'm Nikola from Lipljan. I would like
to tell you more about my interests, in order for you to easier edit
your magazine "4U". Above all, I
really like to listen to the music...
mostly the band "Elitni odred". As
the largest number of boys, I like
to play sports, and my favourite is
- football. I spend my free time by
the computer, hanging out with my
friends, and playing the synthesizer, etc… I'm sending you warm
Nikola Trific
Primary school "Braca Aksic"
I'm writing you with the hope that
you will publish my little letter. I
want to tell you that my favourite
music band is "Rebelde", and their
songs are fantastic to me. My
favourite actress is Sloboda
Micalovic, and I would like to ask
you if you could publish the poster
of Justin Bieber. I spend most of
my time on Facebook, and sometimes like to play tennis or volleyball with my best friends.
Petranka Jorgic
Primary school "Braca Aksic"
Hello to the editorial office,
Firstly, I would like to ask you, if
you could, to publish the poster of
my favourite actor Antonio
Banderas. I quite like watching his
films. I also like to listen to music,
mainly to "Grand" hits and
Radmila Manojlovic. After I
finish my homework, I play
computer games, or go out to
play football with my friends.
Nikola Milosavljevic
Primary school "Braca Aksic"
My name is Miljana. I spend my
free time reading books. I used to
train tennis, but have no conditions to continue it any more.
Sure, I always find time to visit me
good friends, with whom I talk
about this and that. We often chitchat about our favourite actresses, among which is Angelina
Jolie, or about music, where we
can't avoid the band "Rebelde"
whose posters we always collect.
Well, that would be all about me
and my friends!
Miljana Svojevic
Primary school "Braca Aksic"
My favourite signer is Milan
and I regularly
listen to his songs. As far as
actors are concerned, I can't avoid
mentioning Chuck Norris. I would
also be very grateful to you if you
could publish the poster of Dusan
Svilanovic. I'm always active at
home, I love helping my parents in
everything they need, and they
help me. I also like to play football
or handball when I'm free… of
course - there are the unavoidable
computer games too.
Petar Kostic
Primary school
"Braca Aksic"