Jun 2013 - Magazine For You


Jun 2013 - Magazine For You
Zdravo dragi ~itaoci,
I ovog meseca se ponovo sre}emo, ali, ovoga
puta na druga~iji na~in obzirom da ste ve} na
letnjem raspustu. Ipak, nadamo se, gde-god vi
provodili ove vrele letnje dane, da }ete se dru`iti i
zabavljati sa nama. Zato smo, kao i uvek, pripremili
mnogo novih i interesantnih tema za vas. U
nastavku vam ih i predstavljamo:
U ovom broju smo posetili Srednju {kolu
“Gora`devac” kod Pe}i, gde smo saznali vi{e
o obrazovanju i `ivotu mladih u Gora`devcu.
Za obo`avaoce muzike pripremili smo ~lanak o
svetskom muzi~kom fenomenu Justin-u Bieber-u,
“The world is mine”.
@ivotinjsko carstvo vam predstavlja 10 “najsla|ih”
`ivotinja na svetu. U Moviemania-iji, vas o~ekuju
filmovi najnovije produkcije: “Love is all you
need”, “Iron Man 3” i “The Bling Ring”. Sportska
rubrika ovog broja je posve}ena istorijskoj sezoni
Fudbalskog kluba “FC Bayern Mynchen”, ([ampion
Bundeslige, pobednik Nema~kog kupa i najva`nije
Evropske Lige [ampiona).
A, {ta porodica predstavlja na{im mladima
saznajte u Upitniku. Tako|e vas pozivamo da
pa`ljivo pro~itate socijalne teme “Gre{ke i neuspesi
– na{i najbolji u~itelji”, “Zlatni trenuci” i “Anine
nao~are”. Ne}e nedostajati ni novosti o tehnologiji
koje vreme ne mo`e da izbri{e, kao i neke
neverovatne ~injenice.
Sve ovo vas o~ekuje u najnovijem izdanju
magazina. Pa`ljivo ~itajte, polako listajte, i na}i
}ete se u svetu va{ih snova.
Ja vam nudim ponovni susret u septembru
mesecu. Do tada, sve najbolje!
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha, Merita Gjoni
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Srednja {kola u
6-7: Anine nao~are
8-9: For you fashion:
Maturske haljine
moderne u 2013.
10-11: Music Box:
Justin Biber - “The
world is mine”
12-13: Zlatni trenuci
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 10 najsla|ih
`ivotinja na svetu
16-17: Poster: Justin
Love is all you need;
Iron man 3; The bling
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Tre}a sre}a
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Greške i
neuspesi – najve}i
26-27: Upitnik: [ta je
28-29: Verovali
ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Gorazdevac
high school
6-7: Anna’s eyeglasses
8-9: For you fashion:
Prom dress trends 2013
10-11: Music Box:
Justin Biber – “The
world is mine”
12-13: Golden
14-15: Animal
kingdom: Top 10 cutest
animals in the world
16-17: Poster:
Justin Biber
18-19: Moviemania:
Love is all you need;
Iron man 3; The bling
20-21: Sports corner:
Third time’s the charm
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Mistakes and
failures – the ultimate
26-27: Questionnaire:
What does family mean
to you?
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’
Hello dear readers
We are meeting again this month but, this time our
meeting is a little bit different since you have already
started your summer holidays. However, we hope
that wherever you are spending these summer days
we will accompany and entertain you. That is why as
always we have prepared especially for you many
new materials. Some of them are:
This month we visited Secondary school
“Gorazdevac close to Pec where we find out
more about education and young’s people life in
Gorazdevac. For the music fans we have prepared an
article for the world music phenomenon Justin Bieber
“The world is mine”.
In Animal Kingdom we give you 10 cutest animals
in the world. In Moviemania, latest movies from
international production: “Love is all you need”, “Iron
Man 3”, “The Bling Ring”. The sports column this
time is dedicated to the historical season of “FC
Bayern Munich” football club, Bundesliga Champion,
Winner of German Cup and most important Winner of
Champions League.
What is family to our youth, you will find out in our
questionnaire. As always we invite you to carefully
read our social topics “Mistakes and Failures –
Our Best Teachers”, “Golden Minutes” and “Ana’s
Eyeglasses”. We will also have celebrity news,
technologies that time cannot erase and some
incredible truths.
All this, only for you in the latest edition of our
magazine. Read it carefully, browse through its pages
and you will find yourself in the world of your dreams.
I invite you to meet again in September, until then
all the best.
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha, Merita Gjoni
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
for you 3
škola meseca
direktor {kole @arko Porti}
spratismo jo{ jednu generaciju u~enika, kako {kole, tako
i na{ ~asopis koji mese~no prati de{avanja u {kolama.
Maturantima je prioritet fakultet, a ostalima nova {kolska
godina nakon du`eg odmaranja. Korak po korak, i {kolovanje
pro|e za tili ~as.
Verujte, rado }ete se se}ati svih dogodov{tina u {koli, i onih
lo{ijih i onih boljih. Jednoga dana }e vam sve biti simpati~no.
To bar mi, koji smo zavr{ili {kole, iz iskustva govorimo. I ~esto
}ete ~uti od starijih „eh, da nam je da se vratimo u {kolu“.
Tako }ete i vi govoriti jednoga dana.
Upravo smo o {koli, u~enicima i maturantima, porazgovarali
i sa direktorom Srednje {kole u Gora`devcu, @arkom Porti}em. A, kada razgovarate sa nekim ko voli svoj posao, onda
pri~i nikad kraja, {to je bio slu~aj sa gospodinom @arkom,
koji je posebno `eleo da istakne pozitivnu atmosferu u
{koli. „Imamo zaista dobru saradnju sa svima: roditeljima,
u~enicima i nastavnicima. U na{oj {koli vladaju dobra
komunikacija, me|usobno
razumevanje, tolerancija i
po{tovanje, na {ta sam posebno
Kada smo pomenuli naziv {kole,
rekao nam je da je najbolje re}i
Srednja {kola „Gora`devac“ jer
su u njoj sme{tene tri srednje:
Gimnazija, Ekonomsko-trgovinska
i Tehni~ka {kola. Profesori
uglavnom dr`e predavanja u
svakoj od njih obzirom da imaju
svega 60tak u~enika sa jo{ jednim
odvojenim odeljenjem u obli`njem
Osojanu. Zastupljeni kadar je
uglavnom iz Gora`devca, jer su to
sve nekada{nji u~enici iste {kole,
koji su zavr{ili fakultete i ostali u
svom kraju.
„Nama je jako drago {to veliki
broj na{ih u~enika zavr{ava
4 for you
fakultete, i nakon toga se vra}a svom rodnom
mestu. Voleli bismo da imamo vi{e institucija ili
vi{e radnih mesta u na{oj sredini, kako bi svi ti
mladi imali neko zaposlenje. Neki od njih rade kod
nas u {koli, ali, mnogo je onih koji zavr{e studije,
ali su godinama bez posla“, dodaje g. Porti}.
Da {kola ima tradiciju govori nam ~injenica
da Gimnazija u septembru slavi sto godina
postojanja. Iako rade u te{kim uslovima, jer su
~esto bez elektri~ne energije, u~enici iz ove {kole
ponesu dobro znanje. U~ionice su dosta sku~ene,
solidno okre~ene, ipak, besprekorno ~iste. Jednu
od njih su nedavno obnovili, u kojoj }e se odr`avati kabinetska nastava. „Savremena nastava
diktira rad na ra~unaru, na {ta se mi jo{ uvek
ne mo`emo pohvaliti, jer nemamo ni prostor
ni potrebna u~ila. Sada smo sredili jednu
u~ionicu, odnekle smo po~eli, i nadam se da
}emo uskoro dobiti jo{ neku donaciju kojom
}emo urediti vi{e u~ionica“.
Ud`benik, tabla, kreda i sun|er su jedini
elementi kojima se koriste i u~enici i profesori.
Ali, mogu se pohvaliti dobrom fiskulturnom salom
u kojoj se ne odr`avaju samo ~asovi fizi~kog, ve} i kulturnoumetni~ki programi. „U maju smo imali jednu priredbu na kojoj
je prisustvovalo mnogo gostiju, kojima smo pokazali da i mi
mo`emo {to{ta da poka`emo, iako nismo profesionalci jer
nemamo dovoljno uslova. Zato, imamo volju, dobre u~enike i
profesore, a posebno bih istakao folklor. Dramska i folklorna
sekcija su jako uspe{ne jer za kratko vreme uspeju da
organizuju ne{to dobro i kvalitetno “.
Za kraj smo pomenuli i matursko ve~e – doga|aj koji je u
visokom stilu obele`en i u Gora`devcu. Mladi su se pripremali
kao i svi njihovi vr{njaci u nekom velikom gradu. Prodefilovali
su centrom, gde su ih posmatrali i veliki i mali. Odneli su sa
sobom „deo“ {kole u srcu. ^eka ih radno leto zbog prijemnog
ispita na fakultetu. A, ostale... njih ~eka nova {kolska godina.
Na{a preporuka je da se ne ulenjite tokom raspusta ve}
da iskoristite slobodno vreme za ~itanje knjiga. Jer, sve {to
nau~ite danas, valja}e vam za sutra.
school of the month
e’ve just said goodbye to yet another generation
of students, as well as to our monthly magazine
which follows schools happenings. For school
graduates College is a priority, while for the rest it is
a new school year after a long rest. Step by step, and
school days go by in no time.
Believe me, one day you will be happy to remember all the
school adventures, the good ones as well as the bad ones.
One day everything will seem amusing. That is what at least
we, who finished schools, say from experience. And you will
often hear older people saying “ah, if we could go back to
school.” You will speak the same one day.
The school, the students and high school graduates
were the topics we spoke about with the Goraždevac
High School Principal Žarko Portić. And when you talk to
someone who loves their job, then the story never ends,
as was the case with Mr. Žarko, who wanted to above all
emphasize the good atmosphere in the school. “We have
a really good cooperation with everyone: parents, students
and teachers. In our school there is a good communication,
mutual understanding, tolerance and respect, of which I am
particularly proud.”
When we mentioned the name of the school, he told us that
the best way to pronounce it is “Goraždevac” High School
because it houses three high schools: Lyceum,
Economics and Trade School and Technical School.
Teachers in general hold classes in all of them as
they have only around 60 students including one
more separate department in nearby Osojane. The
teachers are mostly from Goraždevac, because
they are all former students of the same school who
graduated from a university and remained living in
their hometown area.
“We are very pleased that many of our students
finish university studies and then return to their
hometown. We would like to have more institutions or
more jobs in our community, so that all those young
people could have some kind of employment. Some
of them are working in our school, but there are a lot
of them who completed university studies, but have
been without a job for years,” added Mr. Portić.
That the school has a tradition shows the fact
that in September the Lyceum is celebrating
hundred years of existence. Although
they are working in difficult conditions,
because they are often without
electricity, students leave this school
with good knowledge. The classrooms
are rather cramped, properly painted,
and yet impeccably clean. One of
them has recently been renovated,
and it will be used for workshop
teaching. “Modern teaching dictates
computer work, and this is something
we still cannot boast of, as we have
neither the space nor the necessary
teaching aid. We have arranged one
classroom for now, we started with
something, and I hope that we will
soon get more donations to arrange
more classrooms.”
Textbook, blackboard, chalk and sponge are the only
elements used by both students and teachers. However, I
can boast about a good gymnasium where not only physical
education classes are held, but arts and culture events as
well. “In May, we had an event attended by many guests,
and we showed them that we can show many things,
although we are not professionals because we do not have
enough conditions. But we have the will, good students and
teachers, and I would particularly emphasize the folklore.
The school drama and folklore societies are very successful
because in a short time they manage to organize something
good and high-quality.”
To conclude with, we mentioned the prom - an event that is
celebrated in high style in Goraždevac as well. Young people
prepared themselves same as their peers in big cities. They
paraded through the center, where they were observed by
both the big ones and the little ones. They took with them a
“part” of the school at hearts. They are facing a working
summer due to university entrance exams. As for others ...
they are facing a new school year.
Our recommendation is that you shouldn’t get lazy during
holidays but use free time to read books. For everything you
learn today will benefit you tomorrow.
for you 5
og dana je Ana od svojih roditelja dobila nove nao~are
sa dioptrijom, toliko im se obradovala jer su to bile prve
modernije nao~are, nalik onim Anastasijinim koja je ina~e
poznata ameri~ka peva~ica. Stavila je nove nao~are, baka joj je
isplela konjski rep, i sva sre}na Ana je po{la u {kolu.
Nestrpljivo je ~ekala {ta }e joj drugarice re}i zbog modernih
nao~ara. Pomalo je bila i upla{ena jer su je devoj~ice ve} godinu
dana zadirkivale, nazivale su je raznim pogdrnim imenima zbog
tih nao~ara. Nadala se da }e je sada {kolske drugarice bolje
prihvatiti i da je vi{e ne}e nazivati }oravom.
Kada je u{la u u~ionicu mnoge su potr~ale ka njoj, jer
su prepoznale Anastasijin oblik nao~ara, po~ele su da ih
isprobavaju. Ali, jedna od njih Jelena ipak je re{ila da vre|a
Anu zbog nao~ara. Ana je poku{ala da je ignori{e,
nije okretala glavu, ali, ova je po~ela da je ~upa
za kosu, i tu je nastala tu~a. Ostale devoj~ice su
napravile krug i navijale. Bilo je to kao u filmovima.
Sre}om, nai{ao je neko od starijih u~enika i uspeo
ih je razdvojiti.
Anine nao~are su le`ale polomljene na podu,
po~ela je da pla~e jer nije mogla dobro videti bez
njih. Svi su po~eli da grde Jelenu, za{to i kako je
mogla tako ne{to uraditi? [ta ju je navelo na to?
O ~emu je razmi{ljala? ]utala je, nije znala {ta da
ka`e. Obe su plakale, Anu su odveli ku}i, a Jelenu
kod {kolskog psihologa.
Nakon dugo konsultacija, Jelena je priznala
da je zapravo bila ljubomorna na Anu koja je i sa
nao~arima za dioptriju bila toliko lepa. Kada je Ana
~ula da njena drugarica zapravo smatra da je ona
lepa, re{ila je da joj oprosti incident.
Ali, Jelenu je sada kopkala savest. Morala
je u~initi ne{to, morala se nekako iskupiti Ani,
njenim roditeljima, celom odeljenju i {koli. Oti{la
je ku}i, pokupila je sve svoje pli{ane igra~ke i
garderobu koju nije nosila, odnela ih je u prodavnicu
polovnjaka gde ih je prodala. No, trebalo je jo{
novaca za Anine nove nao~are, a morala ih je
skupiti sama, jer je `elela da svima poka`e da se
iskreno pokajala zbog svega onoga {to je priredila.
U kom{iluku je `ivela bogata starija gospo|a
koja je uvek davala deci d`eparac ukoliko bi je
poslu{ali do prodavnice, pekare ili obu}ara. Jelena
joj je hrabro pokucala na vrata, i ponudila se ovoj
dami, na {ta je ona pristala. Danima joj je kupovala
novine, jogurt i hleb, i tako zara|ivala novac.
Kada je skupila dovoljno para oti{la je sa svojim
roditeljima, koji nisu znali njene namere, kod Ane.
Iz d`epa je drhte}i izvadila kovertu s novcem, i
uru~ila ga je Aninim roditeljima. „Nadam
se da }e ovo uspeti da vrati kredit
koji ste uzeli zbog Aninih nao~ara,
to jest zbog mene?!“ Svi su bili
zapanjeni kada su ~uli kako je
Jelena sakupila novac. Bili su ponosni
zbog njenog iskrenog pokajanja.
Gre{ke se de{avaju, i svi mo`emo
u~initi ne{to zbog ~ega }emo se kajati do
kraja `ivota. Ali... isto tako mo`emo ispraviti
te gre{ke, te se mo`emo ponositi tim svojim
postupkom do kraja `ivota. Na gre{kama u~imo,
samo da ih ne ponavljamo.
6 for you
na was extremely happy the day she received her new
prescription eyeglasses because they were her first
modern spectacles, similar to those that Anastasia,
well known U.S. singer, currently wears. She put on her new
eyeglasses, her grandma put her
hair in a ponytail, and Ana happily
went to school.
She was anxiously waiting to
see what her friends would say
about the modern eyeglasses. She
was also a bit scared because for
the past year the girls had teased
her, calling her various derogatory
names because she was wearing
eyeglasses. She hoped that
her classmates would be more
accepting of her now and no longer
call her the blind one.
When she entered the classroom many
classmates ran to her and began to try them
on because they recognized Anastasia’s form
of eyeglasses. However, one of them, Jelena,
decided to insult Ana for the eyeglasses. Ana
tried to ignore Jelena, but the girl began to pull
Ana’s hair, which started a fight. The other girls
made a circle and cheered like in the movies.
Fortunately, some of the older students came
along and managed to separate them.
Ana’s glasses were lying broken on the
floor; she started crying because she could
not see well without them. Everyone began
to scold Jelena. Why and how she could do
such a thing? What led her to it? What was she
thinking? She was silent and did not know what
to say. Both crying, Ana was taken home, and
Jelena to see the school psychologist.
After long consultation, Jelena admitted that she was
actually jealous of Ana who was, even with spectacles, very
beautiful. When Ana heard that her friend actually thought
she’s beautiful, she decided to forgive her for the incident.
Jelena was bothered by her conscience. She had to
do something; she had to somehow make it up to Ana, her
parents, the whole class and the school. She went home,
gathered her stuffed toys and goods that she did not use
and sold them at a second-hand store. However,
more money was needed to purchase Ana’s new
eyeglasses and she had to collect it herself, because
she wanted to show Ana and everyone else that she
sincerely repented for all that she had done.
In the neighbourhood lived a rich old lady who gave
children pocket money if they went to the grocery store,
bakery or
cobbler to
run errands
for her.
Jelena boldly
knocked on
her door, and
offered her
help to this
lady, who
agreed. For
days she
bought and
yogurt and
money in that
way. When
she gathered
enough money she went with her parents, who did not know
her intentions, to Ana’s place.
Trembling she pulled out the envelope with the money
from her pocket and gave it to Ana’s parents. “I hope
that this is enough money to repay your loan for Ana’s
eyeglasses that were broken because of me?!” They were
all amazed when they heard that Jelena had raised the
money. At the same time they were proud of her sincere
Mistakes happen, and we are all capable of doing
something that we will regret for life. However, we can
also correct those mistakes, instilling pride in our actions
that last a life time. We learn from mistakes, as long as
we do not repeat them.
for you 7
erovatno ste ve} po~ele da prelistavate modne
magazine i blogove, i obilazite radnje u potrazi
za inspiracijom za va{u matursku haljinu iz
snova. Ove sezone, kao i prethodne, peplum (dodatni
volan/karner oko struka), visoki dekolte i bogati ukrasi
}e biti popularni kada su u pitanju moda i maturske
haljine. Me|utim, u slu~aju da `elite da poka`ete svoju
divlju prirodu, hajde da otkrijemo kako se nose glavni
trendovi maturskih haljina 2013. da bi izgledale tako
dobro da „svi zinu“.
Ne postoji bolji na~in da svom izgledu
dodate `enstvenost, senzualnost
i delikatnost od ~ipke. Ako `elite
krajnje slatku haljinu, odlu~ite se za
jednobojnu haljinu. Ukoliko `elite da
izgledate dramati~no i u stilu, odlu~ite
se za haljinu sa ~ipkom u kontrastnoj
boji, na primer, elegantnu crno-belu
Top ukrašen šljokicama
Iako smo navikli da mislimo da je
ukrašavanje još bolje kada je u pitanju
idealna maturska haljina, pokušajte
da je ne zatrpate dekorativnim
elementima. Umesto da izaberete
haljinu koja je cela ukrašena,
razmislite o onoj kod koje je ukrašen
samo gornji deo. Setite se, vi ste ta
koja treba da bude u centru pa`nje, ne
vaša haljina.
Ne morate biti isklju~ivo mršavi da
bi ste nosili peplum mini haljinu na
vašu maturu pošto lepo izgleda na
devojkama razli~itih konstitucija.
Pored toga što vam otkriva noge,
peplum daje utisak lepe figure
peš~anog sata.
Asimetri~ni dekolte
Probajte da u svoju matursku ode}u uvedete neku novinu. Na primer,
izaberite haljinu sa asimetri~nim
dekolteom umesto obi~nim: ne}e vam
drasti~no promeniti izgled, ali }e joj
ipak dodati zanimljiv momenat i
naglasiti vaše obline.
Vinta` haljina sa resama
Prigrlite jedan od najboljih perioda
u `ivotu tako što }ete obu}i retro
haljinu sa resama sa slo`enim
detaljima i razigranim ivicama za
8 for you
vaše matursko
ve~e. Stvari,
vinta` je
neprolazan i
krajnje šik tako
da }ete mo}i
da je nosite par
Šta mo`e biti
intrigantnije od
pokazivanja gole
ko`e na neobi~nim
mestima? Samo
imajte na umu
da je ovo školski
doga|aj i dr`ite se
podalje od haljina
koje otkrivaju
Sloj šifona mo`e vašoj maturskoj
haljini dati notu šika i elegancije
i u~initi da izgleda kao ruho
odgovaraju}e za crveni tepih.
Razmislite o donjem delu koji je
napred kra}i a pozadi du`i, što je još
uvek trendi opcija, ili obucite haljinu
sa iluzijom suknje.
Haljine sa ombre efektom su savršena
prilika da se izdvojite iz gomile a
da pritom ne preterate ni u ~emu.
Štaviše, mo`ete delovati hrabro za
svoje matursko ve~e i bez neobi~nih
silueta i divljih printova. Odgovaraju}
e nijanse kao što su ljubi~asta i roze ili
zelena i `uta }e vašoj ode}i dati notu
romantike, dok su kontrastne boje
kao što su crna i crvena idealne za
postizanje oštrijeg izgleda.
(Izvor: www.millionlooks.com)
ou have probably already started looking
through fashion magazines, stores and blogs
in search for inspiration for your dream prom
dress. This season just like the previous ones
peplum, high neckline and rich embellishment are
going to be popular in the prom dress fashion.
However, in case you want to demonstrate your
wild nature, let’s find out how to wear the
key prom dress trends 2013 for the die-for
looks that will make everyone’s jaws drop.
There is no a better way to
add femininity, sensuality
and delicateness to your
look than lace. If you are
looking for an utterly sweet
dress, consider opting for
one-color dress. In case
you want to bring drama
and style to your look,
opt for the dress with lace
in contrasting color, for
instance, the classy black
and white combination.
Sequin-Embellished Bustier
Even though we used to think
that more embellishment is
better when it comes to
the ideal prom dress,
try not to overload your
outfit with the decorative
elements. Rather than
opting for a dress with
overall embellishment,
consider going for the
one with ornate top only.
Remember, you are the
one who are supposed
to be in the spotlight,
not your dress.
You shouldn’t be
necessarily thin for
wearing a peplum mini
dress to your
prom since it
looks flattering
on girls with
different body
types. Besides
flashing your
legs, peplum
gives an
of a beautiful
Try to introduce
unusual into
your prom outfit.
For instance,
choose a
dress with
neckline instead
of the regular
one: it won’t
change your look
but still add
an interesting
twist to it and accentuate your
unexpected places? Just keep
in mind that this is a school
event and stay away from the
dresses that show too much.
A layer of chiffon can to add
a touch of chic and elegance
to your prom dress and make
it look like a red carpetappropriate attire. Consider
opting for the bottom that is
higher at the front and lower at
the back, which still remains a
trendy option, or wear a dress
with an illusion skirt.
Flapper Dress with Vintage
Embrace one of the best
periods in life by wearing the
flapper dress with intricate
detailing and playful fringe
for your prom night. In fact,
vintage is timeless and utterly
chic, so you will be able to
wear it a few times.
Dresses with ombre effect are
a perfect chance to stand out
from the crowd without going
overboard. In fact you may
look bold on your prom night
without opting for a dress with
unusual silhouette or wild
prints. The related hues like
purple and pink or green and
yellow will bring a romantic
touch to your outfit, while
contrasting colors of black and
red are ideal for adding an
edgy feel.
What could be more intriguing
than flashing naked body at
for you 9
music box
tinejd`erskog pop zvuka
njegovih prethodnih izdanja,
a sadr`i elemente dens-pop i
R&B `anrova. Film, eksperimentalno nazvan Believe 3D
koji dokumentuje Believe
turneju, ušao je u produkciju
2012. godine, a o~ekuje se
da bude objavljen tokom
2013. Film }e biti nastavak
filma Justin Bieber: Never
Say Never.
ustin Bieber je
ro|en 1994. u
Londonu, Ontario,
Kanada, kao sin samohrane majke. Još kao
mali osvojio je drugo
mesto na lokalnom
takmi~enju talenata da
bi kasnije postao YouTube fenomen. Potpisao
je ugovor sa Usher-om i
postao prvi solo izvo|a~
koji je imao ~etiri singla u
Top 40 pre objavljivanja
debi albuma. Njegov
album “My World” je
dostigao platinasti tira` u
nekoliko zemalja. Bieber
`ivi i radi u Atlanti.
Justin Bieber je ro|en 1.
marta 1994. u Londonu, Ontario, Kanada, a podigla ga
je samohrana majka u malom gradu Stratfordu. Biber,
~iji se debitantski album
“My World” u prodavnicama
pojavio u novembru 2009,
predstavlja pravi uspeh
preko no}i, pretvorivši ga od
nepoznatog, neškolovanog
peva~a ~ija je majka na
YouTube postavljala video
klipove svog de~aka kako
peva, u obe}avaju}u super
zvezdu sa ugovorom, i to
za samo dve godine. Bieber
se oduvek interesovao za
muziku. Majka mu je za
drugi ro|endan poklonila
10 for you
bubnjeve, a kako on ka`e,
“lupao sam u sve što sam
mogao da dohvatim”. Ali tek
ga je nepoznato takmi~enje
talenata u njegovom rodnom gradu, na kome je
12-godišnji Biber završio
na drugom mestu, lansiralo
na put ka svetskoj slavi. On
i njegova majka su po~eli
da postavljaju video klipove Bieberovih izvo|enja
pesama Stevie Wonder-a,
Michael Jackson-a, i NeYo-a na YouTube-u kako
bi njegovo pevanje mogla
videti familija. U roku od
samo nekoliko meseci, on je
postao Internet senzacija sa
velikim brojem obo`avalaca
i ambicioznim menad`erom,
koji je za tinejd`era pripremao put u Atlantu, gde bi
trebalo da razmotri potpisivanje ugovora sa diskografskom ku}om. U Atlanti, Bieber
je imao sre}u da upozna
Usher-a, koji je na kraju
potpisao ugovor za mladog
Vrhunci karijere
Ubrzo nakon što je objavljen u maju 2009. godine,
Bieberov prvi singl “One
Time” je zabele`io platinasti tira` u njegovoj rodnoj
Kanadi. Njegov album “My
World” postigao je isti toliki
uspeh, prodavši se u više od
137.000 primeraka u roku od
nedelju dana, nakon što se
našao u prodavnicama. On
se probio u Billboard Top 10
po~etkom 2010. godine sa
singlom “Baby” koji izvodi
sa Ludacris-om. Zatim je
ubrzo objavio “My World
2.0” (2010) koji je njegovom
rastu}em broju fanova ponudio deset novih pesama.
2011. godine Bieber se
pojavljuje i u bioskopima u
koncertnom dokumentarcu
“Never Say Never”. Njegovi
fanovi su pohrlili u bioskope
kako bi ga uhvatili u akciji
na sceni i zavirili u njegov
`ivot iza scene. U filmu koji
je na blagajnama zaradio
više od 73 miliona dolara,
gostovali su i Kanye West,
Miley Cyrus i Bieberov
muzi~ki mentor Usher.
Iste godine, Biber je izdao
album sa njegovom verzijom
prazni~nih klasika, kao što je
“All I Want For Christmas Is
You”, duet sa Mariah Carey.
Bieberov najve}i hit do sada
je “Boyfriend” iz aprila 2012.
godine. Pesma se pojavljuje
na njegovom poslednjem albumu “Believe” objavljenom
u junu.
Njegov tre}
i studijski album, Beilieve,
izdat je 19.
juna 2012.
godine za
izdava~ku ku}u
Island Records.
Ovaj album
je obele`en
odstupanjem od
Li~ni `ivot
Tinejd`erski idol Justin
Biber slomio je srca mnogih
devojaka - fanova 2010. godine kada je po~eo da izlazi
sa tevizijskom glumicom i
peva~icom Selenom Gomez.
Gomezovoj nije bilo lako
da bude njegova devojka,
jer je u nekoliko navrata
morala da se suo~i sa napadima njegovih posve}enih
obo`avalaca. Na Twiteru su
se ~ak pojavile i pretnje smr}
u Gomezovoj nakon što je
par fotografisan dok se ljube
na odmoru 2011. godine.
Još kao tinejd`er, Bieber je
pre`iveo svoj prvi javni skandal. Jedna `ena je podnela
tu`bu protiv njega 2011.
godine tvrde}i da je on otac
njenog deteta. Me|utim,
DNK test je pokazao da
mlada pop zvezda nije otac
deteta a `ena je povukla
tu`bu. Biber peva o ovom
skandalu u pesmi “Marija”.
Poznat kao: peva~
Ime na ro|enju: Justin
Drew Bieber
Datum ro|enja:
1. mart 1994.
Mesto ro|enja:
London, Ontario, Kanada
Slavu stekao:
“One Time”
music box
orn in 1994 in
London, Ontario,
Canada, to a
single mother, Justin
Bieber took second place
in a local talent competition at a young age and
later turned into a YouTube phenomenon. He
signed a record contract
with Usher and became
the first solo artist to have
four singles enter the Top
40 before the release of a
debut album. His record
“My World” has gone
platinum in several countries. He lives and works
in Atlanta.
Born on March 1, 1994, in
London, Ontario, Canada,
Justin Bieber was raised by a
single mom in the small town
of Stratford. Bieber, whose
debut album, “My World”, hit
stores in November 2009, is a
true overnight success, having gone from an unknown,
untrained singer whose mother posted YouTube clips of
her boy performing, to a budding superstar with a big-time
record deal, all in just two
years. Bieber always had
an interest in music. His
mother gave him a drum kit
for his second birthday and,
as he tells it, he was: “basically banging on everything
I could get my hands on.”
But it was an obscure talent
contest in his hometown, in
which the 12-year-old Bieber
finished second that put him
on the road to superstardom.
As a way to share his singing
with family, Justin and his
mom began posting clips of
Bieber performing covers of
Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, and Ne-Yo on YouTube.
Within months, Justin was
an Internet sensation, with a
large following of fans, and an
eager manager arranging for
the teenager to fly to Atlanta
to consider a record deal.
There, Bieber had a chance
meeting with Usher, who
eventually signed the young
singer to a contract.
Career Highlights
Bieber’s first single, “One
Time,” went certified platinum in his native Canada
shortly after its release in May
2009. His album “My World”
matched that success, selling
more than 137,000 copies
within a week of hitting stores.
Bieber broke into the Billboard
Top 10 in early 2010 with
“Baby,” which also featured
Ludcris. Bieber soon released
“My World 2.0” (2010), which
offered his growing fan base
ten new songs. In
2011, Bieber took to
the big screen in the
concert documentary ‘Never Say Never’. His fans crowded
movie theaters to
catch him in action on
stage and get a glimpse of
his life behind the scenes.
The movie, which eventually earned more than $73
million at the box office,
also had guest appearances by Kanye West,
Miley Cyrus and Bieber’s
musical mentor Usher.
That same year, Bieber
released an album
featuring his own take
on such holiday classics as “All I Want For
Christmas Is,” his duet
with Mariah Carey.
Bieber had his biggest hit single to date
in April 2012 with
“Boyfriend.” The
song appears on
his latest album
in June.
Famous as: Singer
Birth place: London,
Birth name: Justin
Ontario, Canada
Drew Bieber
Claim to fame:
Birth date: March
Single “One Time”
His third
01, 1994
Personal Life
was released on June 19,
Teen idol Justin Bieber
2012, by Island Records. The
broke the hearts of many
album marks a musical depar- of his young female fans in
ture from the
2010 when he started dating
teen pop sound
television actress and singer
of his previous
Selena Gomez. It hasn’t
releases, and
been easy for Gomez to be
Bieber’s girlfriend. She has
elements of
been accosted by some of
dance-pop and
his devoted followers. There
R&B genres. A
were even death threats
film, tentatively
against her posted on Twitter
titled Believe
after the pair was photo3D and docugraphed kissing while on vamenting the
cation in 2011. While still only
Believe Tour,
in his teens, Bieber has surentered produc- vived his first public scandal.
tion in 2012
A woman filed suit against
and is expected Bieber in 2011, claiming that
to be released
he was the father of her child.
sometime in
But a DNA test proved that
2013. The film
the young pop star was not
will be a followthe father and the woman
up to Justin
dropped her lawsuit. Bieber
Bieber: Never
sang about the scandal in the
Say Never.
song “Maria.”
for you 11
ivot je nepredvidiv, i svi se mi jednoga
dana mo`emo na}i u neprijatnoj situaciji,
kao na primer: neko izgubi svest, neko
krvari, ili je do`iveo neku te`u povredu. U~enje
prve pomo}i poma`e ljudima da odgovaraju
hitnim slu~ajevima. Tim razlogom je organizovan
jednodnevni kurs prve pomo}i u {koli Naum Ve}
ilhard`i u selu Mohlan, u opštini Suva Reka. Ovaj
kurs je jedinstven, u smislu da je organizovan
samo za `ene, uglavnom majke, jer obi~no su one
te koje prve pru`aju prvu pomo} u slu~ajevima
kada se deca ili odrasli povrede tokom leta. Ovaj
kurs je za`iveo na zahtev austrijske humanistkinje,
sestre Johane Švab. Njoj su pomogli radnici NVO
„Caritas Kosovo“, koji deluju u tom kraju. 150
devojaka i `ena iz sela Mohlan i obli`njih sela, je
poha|alo kurs. Ovo pokazuje da je organizovanje
ovakvog kursa bilo od stvarne va`nosti.
“Mi smatramo da je va`no najjednostavnije
demonstrirati pru`anje prve pomo}i stanovnicima
seoskih sredina. Pošto predstoje topli dani, ujedi
krpelja i zmija }e postati u~estaliji. Tako|e bi}e i više
razli~itih povreda jer ljudi provode više vremena u
prirodi, na bazenima i u šumama. Drugim re~ima,
rizik od povreda je mnogo ve}i. Tako da smo
upoznali ove `ene sa merama opreza i pru`anja
pomo}i u ovim slu~ajevima, jer brzo i profesionalno
ukazivanje prve pomo}i mo`e predstavljati razliku
12 for you
`ivota i smrti“, ka`e
doktor Hadi Hasanaj, predava~ na
ovom kursu. On je dodao da su pokazne ve`be
u pru`anju prve pomo}i bile proste, kao što je
provera osnovnih `ivotnih funkcija, o`ivljavanje
metodom usta na usta, polaganje `rtve u le`e}i
polo`aj, previjanje rana i na kraju brzo reagovanje u
obaveštavanju hitne pomo}i.
“Bila je `elja naših `ena da nau~e više o
pru`anju prve pomo}i, {to je dokazao i veliki broj
polaznica kursa. One su pokazale interesovanje
i `elju da nau~e kako da konkretno i jednostavno
reaguju, kako bi pomogle svojim ~lanovima
porodice, ukoliko to bude potrebno“, ka`e
nastavnica engleskog jezika Šuhreta Salauka.
Gospo|a Salauka je volonterka koja je pomogla u
organizaciji ovog kursa; ona je delila pozivnice i
besplatno prevodila za polaznice kursa.
Majka troje dece, Hasime Daka, je vrlo zadovoljna
ovim kursem. “Ja, kao i svaka druga majka, sam
`elela da poha|am {to više ovakvih i sli~nih kurseva,
kako bi nau~ila da pru`am pomo} svojoj deci. Na
kursu, pogotovu tokom prakti~ne obuke, imali smo
dve profesionalne lutke na kojima smo ve`bali
osnovno pru`anje prve pomo}i. Na kraju obuke,
podelili su nam zavoje za previjanje rana“.
Treba napomenuti da sestra Johana Švab ne
poma`e seljanima po prvi put. Izgradnja nove
osnovne škole u selu je završena prošle godine, a
deo novca za ovaj projekat je upravo ona obezbedila,
prikupljaju}i novac u Austriji.
Na kraju, svi naši sagovornici su imali poruku
za mla|e ~itaoce For You magazina: “Pomozite
osobama u nevolji, pru`ite ruku starijima, jer do}i }
e vreme kada }ete i vi biti na njihovom mestu, zato
nikada ne okre}ite le|a ljudima u nevolji“.
ife is unpredictable and
we all may someday find ourselves in
an unfavourable situation where someone has passed
out, is bleeding or suffered another severe injury. Teaching
first aid will help people respond to emergencies and
help those in need. This is why a one-day first aid course
was organised at the primary school “Naum Veqilharxhi”
in the village of Mohlan, municipality of Suhareka. What
made this course unique is that it was solely organised for
women, namely mothers, since they usually are the first
to have the opportunity to offer first
aid for various injuries to children or
adults in the summer season. It all
started at the request of the Austrian
humanist, Sister Johanna Shwab, who
was also supported by the “Caritas
Kosovo” employees, who operate in
this region. The participation of 150
women and girls from the village of
Mohlan, including some from other
villages in the surrounding areas,
demonstrates that providing the
course was really beneficial.
“In our opinion it is very important to
demonstrate in the simplest mode the
offering of the first aid to the residents
of rural areas. Since we are on the
verge of warm days, tick and snake
bites may be quite present now. Also the
most common are different injuries and
accidents, as people spend most of their time out in the nature,
pools, woods, etc. In other words, the risk of having injuries is
much greater. Therefore we explained to these women how
to carefully treat injuries, because offering first aid in a quick
and professional way could make the difference between
life and death,” said doctor Hadi Hasanaj, who was the
lecturer at the above mentioned course. He further added
that first aid demonstrations have been very simple, such
as checking vital life signs, mouth to mouth resuscitation,
laying down the person very carefully on the floor, then
bandaging of wounds and finally a quick reaction to call
the nearest ambulance.
“It was the wish of our women to learn more about
first aid and definitively the great number of participants
has demonstrated this. They showed interest and were
willing to be taught how to react concretely and in the
simplest way in order to help their family members,
if needed,” said Shyhrete Sallauka, an English
Language teacher. It should be noted that Mrs.
Sallauka is another volunteer who helped organise
this course, since she distributed invitations and
even offered translation free of charge
to the participants.
Hasime Daka, mother of three, is
very happy after participating in this
course. “I, just like any other mother,
wanted to have more similar projects
organised because this is how we learn
best to help our children. During the
course, particularly during the practical
part of the course, we had two professional
dolls and we learned the basic rules of
offering first aid. At the same time, at the
end of the course we were given free
bandage for injuries.”
It should be noted that this is not the
first time that Sister Johanna Shwab has
helped the villagers. In fact, the construction
of a new elementary school facility for this
village was completed last year and a portion
of the money for the project was donated by Sister Johanna,
who had collected the money in Austria. At the end, all our
interviewers had a message for the For You magazine young
readers: “help a person in need, extend your hand to the
elderly, because the time will come when you will be in their
position, so never turn your back on people in need.”
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
10 najsladih
životinja na
spadaju u
veliku porodicu glodara
male ili srednje
veli~ine koja se
naziva Sciuridae.
U ovu porodicu
spadaju arborealne
veverice, kopnene
veverice, kanadske
veverice, mrmoti, lete}e
veverice i prerijski psi.
quirrels belong to a large family of small or medium-sized
rodents called the Sciuridae. The family includes tree
squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including
woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs.
ili ku}na ma~ka je obi~no
mali, pripitomljeni, sisar meso`der.
^esto je nazivaju ku}
na ma~ka, kada se ~uva
kao ku}ni ljubimac, ili
jednostavno ma~ka,
kada nema potrebe da
je razlikujemo od drugih
ma~aka. Ljudi cene ma~ke
zbog dru`enja i njihove
sposobnosti da love gamad
i doma}e šteto~ine.
Damani ili pe}inari
aman je svaka vrsta
malog zdepastog
sisara biljojeda u redu
Hyracoidea. Damani su
okruglasta stvorenja sa
gustim krznom i kratkim
repom. Ve}ina je duga
od 30 do 70 cm i teška
od 2 do 5 kg. ^esto ih
mešaju sa glodarima,
a oni su ustvari u
bli`em srodstvu sa
14 for you
Domestic cat
he dome-stic cat
is a small, usually
furry, domesticated, and
carnivorous mammal. It is
often called the housecat
when kept as an indoor pet,
or simply the cat when there
is no need to distinguish it
from other felids and felines.
Cats are valued by humans
for companionship and their
ability to hunt vermin and
household pests.
hyrax is
any species
of fairly small,
mammals in the
order Hyracoidea.
Hyraxes are wellfurred, rotund
creatures with short
tails. Most measure
between 30 and 70
cm long and weigh
between 2 and
5 kg. They
are often
mistaken for
rodents, but
in actuality
are more
related to
popularno imati kozu kao
Doma}a koza
oma}a koza je podvrsta
koze koja je nastala
pripitomljavanjem divlje koze
iz jugozapadne Azije i isto~ne
Evrope. Koze su jedne od
najstarijih pripitomljenih vrsta
i koriste se zbog njihovog
mleka, mesa, dlake i
ko`e u ve}em
delu sveta.
U 20.
je bilo
Domestic goat
he domestic goat is
a subspecies of goat
domesticated from the
wild goat of southwest
Asia and Eastern Europe.
Goats are one of the oldest
domesticated species, and
have been used for their
milk, meat, hair, and skins
over much of the world.
In the 20th century, they have
gained popularity as pets.
uvijen belim zavojem. Njihova
lica su bleda i na ~elu imaju
beleg bele boje.
Common marmoset
he common marmoset is a
New World monkey. They
are very small monkeys with
relatively long tails. Males
and females are of similar
size with males being slightly
larger. Males have an average
height of 188 mm and females
185 mm. The pelage of the
marmoset is multicolored, being
sprinkled with brown, grey,
and yellow. It
also has white
ear tufts
and the tail
is banded.
Their faces
have pale
skin and
have a white
blaze on the
Marmoset ili
repati majmun
bi~ni marmoset je majmun iz
Novog Sveta. To su veoma
mali majmuni sa relativno dugim
repovima. Mu`ijaci i `enke
su sli~ne veli~ine s tim što su
mu`ijaci malo ve}i. Prose~na
visina mu`ijaka je 188 mm, a
`enki 185 mm. Dlaka marmoseta
je višebojna, prošarana sme|om,
sivom i `utom.Tako|e ima bele
uši i rep koji izgleda kao da je
top 10 cutest animals
in the world M
prase (eng.
pig) koje
se naziva
i zamor~e
je vrsta glodara koja pripada
porodici Caviidae i rodu Cavia.
Uprkos njihovom opšte prihva}
enom imenu, ove `ivotinje ne
spadaju u porodicu svinja niti
su iz Gvineje. Morska prasad
su krupna za glodare i te`e od
700 do 1200 g, a
du`ine su od 20
do 25 cm. Obi~no
`ive od ~etiri do
pet godina, ali
mogu da `ive i do
osam godina.
Guinea pig
he guinea pig,
also called the
cavy, is a species
of rodent belonging
to the family Caviidae and
the genus Cavia. Despite
their common name, these
animals are not in the pig
family, nor are they from
Guinea. Guinea pigs are
large for rodents, weighing
between 700 and 1200 g,
and measuring between 20
and 25 cm in length. They
typically live an average of
four to five years, but may
live as long as eight years.
animal kingdom
Angolski talapoin
ajmuni talapoini su najmanji
majmuni Starog Sveta i
skoro je sigurno da su evoluirali
od krupnijeg predaka tako što
su se smanjili. Njihovo krzno je du` lea prošarano `utom i crnom, a du`
stomaka belom ili sivo-belom. Glava im je okrugla sa kratkom njuškom i
glatkim licem. Nos im je crn i ko`a koja im uokviruje lice je tako|e crna.
Kod mu`ijaka je skrotum roze boje po sredini, a sa strane plave.
oala je
biljojed koji
`ivi na drve}
u i poreklom je
Miopithecus talapoin
iz Australije, i
alapoin Monkeys are the smallest Old World monkeys and almost
jedini je postoje}
certainly evolved from a larger-bodied ancestor by dwarfing. Their fur
i predstavnik
is coarsely banded yellow-and-black dorsally and white or greyish white
porodice Phasventrally. Their head is round and short-snouted with a hairless face. Their
colarctidae. Du`ina
nose is black and the skin bordering the face is also black. In males, the
tela koale je 60-85
scrotum is coloured pink medially and blue laterally.
cm, a te`i 4-15 kg.
Njena boja varira
od srebrno sive
do ~okoladno sme|e. Koale iz severnja~kih
populacija su obi~no manje i svetlije
boje od svojih kolega u ju`nja~kim
populacijama. Mogu}e je da su
ove varijacije odvojene
podvrste, ali se ta tvrdnja
edgehogs are
e`evi se lako
easily recognized
prepoznaju po
he koala is
by their spines, which
bodljama koje su šuplje
an arboreal
are hollow hairs made
dlake koje keratin
stiff with keratin.
~ini krutim. Njihove
marsupial native
Their spines are not
bodlje nisu otrovne niti
to Australia, and
poisonous or barbed
bodljikave, i za razliku
the only extant
and, unlike the quills
od bodlji bodljikavog
of a porcupine, cannot
of the family
easily be removed from
se lako odstraniti sa
the hedgehog. However,
je`a. Me|utim, bodlje
The koala has
spines normally come
obi~no otpadaju kada
a body length of 60–85
out when a hedgehog
je` odbacuje prve
cm and weighs 4–15 kg.
sheds baby spines and
male i mekane bodlje i
Pelage colour ranges from silver grey
replaces them with adult
to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern zamenjuje ih odraslim
spines. This is called
pravim bodljama.
populations are typically smaller and lighter
“quilling”. When under
Me|utim je` mo`e da
in colour than their counterparts in the more
extreme stress or during
southern populations. It is possible that
sickness, a hedgehog
pod velikim stresom ili
these variations are separate subspecies,
can also lose
but this is disputed.
Merkati ili indijski mali mungosi
erkati ili surikati, Suricata suricatta, su mali sisari koji
pripadaju porodici mungosa. Grupa mungosa se naziva “rulja”,
“banda” ili “klan”. Klan merkata ~esto ~ini 20 jedinki, ali neke super
porodice imaju i 50 ili više ~lanova. Prose~ni `ivotni vek merkata u
zato~eništvu je 12-14 godina, a u divljini polovina od toga.
he meerkat or suricate, Suricata su-ricatta, is a
small mammal belonging to the mongoose family.
A group of meerkats is called a “mob”, “gang” or “clan”.
A meerkat clan often contains about 20 meerkats, but
some super-families have 50 or more members. In
captivity, meerkats have an average life span of 12–14
years, and about half this in the wild.
for you 15
is All
Cast: Pierce Brosnan, Paprika
Steen, Kim Bodnia, Christiane
Need is a
Trine Dyrholm
Director: Susanne Bier
set in SorGenre: Comedy/Romance
Studio: Sony Pictures Classics
Italy. It’s a
story about
a group of people all seeking love, about
passion and happiness, about jealousy and
loneliness. First and foremost, it’s a story
about having the courage to change your life,
even when you think it’s too late. Love is All
You Need invites audiences to the picturesque
Sorrento to attend a wedding along with two
Danish families. On Patrick,
the grooms’, side we encounter the groom’s English father
Phillip. Philip is a successful
businessman and a widower.
On Astrid, the bride’s, side we
have the bride’s mother, Ida.
She is a charming, talkative
hairdresser who recently won
a battle with breast cancer but lost her hair in the process.
Adding insult to injury, Ida’s
husband, the boastful windbag
Leif, just left her for the much
younger, and in all aspects blonde, Thilde.
The fates of Ida and Phillip are about to intertwine, as they embark for Italy to attend their
children’s wedding.
Uloge: Pierce Brosnan, Paprika
Steen, Kim Bodnia, Christiane
Trine Dyrholm
Re`ija: Susanne Bier
@anr: Romanti~na komedija
Studio: Sony Pictures Classics
ubav je sve” je
romanti~na komedija
smeštena u Sorentu,
Italija. To je pri~a o grupi ljudi koji
tra`e ljubav; o strasti i sre}i; o ljubomori i usamljenosti; a pre svega,
to je pri~a o hrabrosti da promenite
svoj `ivot ~ak i kad mislite da je
prekasno. Ova pri~a vodi gledaoce
na svadbu u `ivopisni Sorento,
zajedno sa dve danske porodice.
Na Patrikovoj, mlado`enjinoj
strani, susre}emo se sa englezom Filipom, mlado`enjinim
ocem. Filip je uspešan biznismen
i udovac. Na Astridinoj, mladinoj
strani imamo mladinu majku Idu.
Ona je šarmantna,
pri~ljiva frizerka
koja je nedavno
dobila bitku sa
rakom dojke - ali u
tom procesu izgubila kosu. Da bi dodali so na ranu Idin
mu`, hvalisavi i
brbljivi Lif, ju je upravo napustio zbog
mnogo mla|e, i u
svim aspektima
plavuše - Tilde.
Sudbine Ide i Filipa po~inju da se
prepli}u nakon što oni kre}u na
put za Italiju, gde }e prisustvovati
ven~anju svoje dece.
prate kretanje svojih meta, a zatim provaljuju u njihove ku}e
i kradu njihovu dizajnersku ode}u i drugu imovinu. Opa`aju}
i naivnost mladih kao i greške koje smo i sami pravili kada
smo bili mladi, koji su još više naglašeni postoje}om kulTHE BLING RING
Uloge: Emma Watson, Leslie Mann, Taissa Farmiga,
Israel Broussard, Katie
ling Ring” je pri~a o grupi tinejd`era opsednutih
modom i slavnim li~nostima koji plja~kaju ku}
e poznatih u Los An|elesu. Oni preko Interneta
18 for you
Chang, Claire Pfister, Georgia Rock, Maika Monroe
Re`ija: Sofia Coppola
@anr: Drama
Studio: A24
turom slavnih i opsesijom luksuznim brendovima, kroz pripadnike Bling Ringa vidimo iskušenja kroz koja gotovo svaki
tinejd`er mora da pro|e. Pri~a koja po~inje kao tinejd`erska
zabava, otima se kontroli i ostavlja nas sa otre`njuju}im
uvidom u našu kulturu danas.
Uloge: Robert Downey
Jr., Don Cheadle,
Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben
Kingsley, Guy Pearce,
James Badge Dale, William Sadler, Rebecca
Hall, Paul Bettany, Dale
Dickey, Spencer Garrett,
Ty Simpkins, Jon Favreau
Re`ija: Shane Black
@anr: Akcija/Avantura/
Studio: Walt Disney
Marvelovom “Iron Man
3” drzak, ali brilijantan
industrijalac Toni Stark
(Tony Stark)/Iron Man se bori
protiv neprijatelja ~iji dometi
ne poznaju granice. Nakon
Cast: Emma Watson, Leslie Mann,
Taissa Farmiga, Israel Broussard, Katie
što se Stark na|e u situaciji gde je njegov li~ni svet
uništen u rukama njegovog
neprijatelja, on kre}e u mu~nu
potragu za krivcima. Ovo putovanje }e na svakom koraku
testirati njegovu hrabrost.
Sa le|ima uza zid, Stark je
ostavljen da pre`ivi od strane
svojih ure|aja, oslanjaju}i se
na svoju genijalnost i instinkt
da zaštiti one koji su mu
najbli`i. Dok se bori za svoj
na pitanje
koje ga
je tajno
proganjalo: da li
~ovek ~ini
odelo ili
odelo ~ini
arvel Studios’ Iron
Man 3 pits brashbut-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man
against an enemy whose
reach knows no bounds.
When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at
his enemy’s hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest
to find those responsible.
This journey, at every turn,
will test his mettle. With
his back against the wall,
Stark is left to survive by
his own devices, relying on
his ingenuity and instincts
to protect those closest to
him. As he fights his way
back, Stark discovers the
answer to the question that
has secretly haunted him:
does the man make the
suit or does the suit make
the man?
Hall, Paul Bettany, Dale
Dickey, Spencer Garrett, Ty
Simpkins, Jon Favreau
Director: Shane Black
Genre: Action/Adventure/
Comic Book
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Cast: Robert Downey Jr.,
Don Cheadle, Gwyneth
Paltrow, Ben Kingsley, Guy
Pearce, James Badge Dale,
William Sadler, Rebecca
Chang, Claire Pfister,
Georgia Rock, Maika
Director: Sofia
Genre: Drama
Studio: A24
he Bling Ring tells the story of a group
of teenagers obsessed with fashion
and celebrity that burglarize celebrities’ homes in Los Angeles. Tracking their
targets’ whereabouts online, they break-in
and steal their designer clothes and possessions. Reflecting on the naiveté of youth
and the mistakes we all make when young,
amplified by today’s culture of celebrity and
luxury brand obsession, we see through the
members of the Bling Ring temptations that almost any teenager would feel. What starts out as teenage fun spins
out of control and leaves us with a sobering view of our culture today.
for you 19
sportski ugao
gra~i Bajern Minhena su
bili finalisti u tri od poslednja ~etiri finala Lige
šampiona. 2010. su izgubili
od Intera. U 2012. uprkos
~injenici da su finalnu utakmicu igrali na svom stadionu Allianz Arena, ponovo
su izgubili, ovog puta od
^elsija. Ipak, ~inilo se da }e
ove godine utakmica u finalu
biti “tre}a sre}a”. Ovog puta
pobeda je bila još sla|a
jer je pra}ena izuzetnim
trijumfom nema~kih timova
• Bajern iz Minhena prvi
nema~ki tim kome je pošlo za
rukom da u istoj sezoni osvoji
Bundesligu, Ligu šampiona i
Kup Nema~ke.
• Tokom ove sezone, Bajern
Minhen je izgubio samo dva
me~a u Ligi šampiona (protiv
Arsenala i BATE Borisov).
• Borusija iz Dortmunda je
osvojila Ligu šampiona samo
jednom, i to 1997. kada je u
finalu porazila Juventus rezultatom 3:1.
20 for you
u najve}em fudbalskom turniru, Ligi
šampiona. Po prvi
put u istoriji ovog
takmi~enja, finale je odlu~eno izme|u
dva nema~ka fudbalska
kluba: Bajerna iz Minhena
i Borusije iz Dortmunda.
Ipak, s druge strane, Bajern
je bio trostruki pobednik jer
je završio sezonu pobedom
u nema~kom šampionatu
(Bundesliga) i Kupu
Kao što bi se iz svega
ovoga i moglo o~ekivati, to
je bila utakmica puna ritma
u kojoj su se svi igra~i, u
tipi~no nema~kom
stilu, borili za svaki
udarac i na svakom
pedlju terena. Napokon, Arjen Robben je presudio. Iako ga je tokom ~itave
karijere pratio epitet igra~a
koji podbaci na velikim utakmicama, Robben je kona~no
uspeo da prevazi|e sve pritiske i postigao pobedonosni
gol u gotovo poslednjem
minutu me~a. Na kraju jedne
tako senzacionalne sezone, mi }emo naš sportski
kutak posvetiti fudbalu i
petostrukom osvaja~u Lige
šampiona – FK Bajernu iz
• Igra~ odbrane Mats Hummles, koji je igrao za Borusiju
Dortmund, prešao je da igra za
Bajern Minhen 2009. god.
slu~aja je bilo nerešeno, dok su
u ostale tri utakmice izgubili.
• Ovom pobedom, Bajern iz
Minhena je postao petostruki
prvak Lige šampiona, i time se
izjedna~io sa Liverpulom kao
tre}im najuspešnijim timom u
ovom takmi~enju. Milan dr`i
drugo mesto, dok je Real Madrid prvi.
• Iako je u prethodnoj sezoni
Borusija Dortmund pobedila
Bavarce sa 5:2 u finalu Kupa
Nema~ke, ove godine nisu
uspeli da dobiju nijedan od pet
me|usobnih me~eva. U dva
• Bajern iz Minhena je postavio
rekord u nema~koj
nakon što je bio
prvi tim u istoriji
koji je uspeo da
bude proglašen
šampionom šest
nedelja pre kraja prvenstva.
• Tokom ~itave sezone 20122013, Bajern je izgubio samo
jedan me~, dok je u ~etiri ostale
utakmice rezultat bio nerešen.
• U ovoj savršenoj sezoni, Bavarci iz Bundeslige su sakupili
91 poen,
postigli su 98
golova a
primili samo
18. Drugi na rang
listi je Dortmund sa
samo 66 bodova.
sports corner
ayern Munich players were the finalists in three
of the last four finals of the Champions
League. In 2010 they lost to Inter. In 2012,
despite the fact that the final match was played
at their Allianz Arena stadium, they lost again
this time to Chelsea. But this year’s final match
seemed to be their “third time’s the charm”. This time
the victory was even sweeter because it was followed
by a remarkable triumph of the German teams in the
biggest football tournament of Champions League. For
the first time in the history of the competition, the final
match was decided between two German football clubs:
Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund. Yet, on the
other hand, Bayern was a triple winner because it
ended this season with victories in German Championship (Bundesliga) and the German Cup as well.
As to be expected from all this, it was a game
full of rhythm in which all players, in the typical
German way, fought for every kick and in every
inch of the field. Finally, Arjen Robben made the
difference. Followed by
the epithet throughout his
career as a player who
chokes in big matches,
Robben finally managed to
overcome all the pressure
and scored the winning
goal at almost the last
minute of the match. At the
end of such a tremendous
season, we are going to
dedicate our sports corner
to football and the now
five times winner of the
Champions League – FC
Bayern Munich.
League and the
German Cup.
• During this
season, Bayern
Munich lost only two
matches in the Champions League (against Arsenal and BATE Borisov).
• Bayern Munich is the
first German team,
which manages in a
single season to win
the German Championship, Champions
• Borussia Dortmund has
won the Champions League
only once in 1997, when it
defeated Juventus in the final
match with result 3-1.
• Defender Mats Hummles,
came to Borussia Dortmund
from Bayern Munich in 2009.
• With this victory, Bayern
Munich became a five-timechampion of the Champions
League equaling Liverpool
as the third most successful team in this competition.
AC Milan holds the second
place, while Real Madrid is
the first.
• Although in the previous
season Borussia Dortmund
won against Bavarians 5-2 in
the final of the German Cup,
this year they failed to win
in any of the five matches
between them. In two cases
they had a tie, while in three
others they lost.
• Bayern Munich has set a record in the German Bundesliga
after being the first team in the
history to be declared champions six weeks before the end
of the championship.
• Throughout the 2012-2013
season, Bayern has lost only
one match, while in four other
matches it had a tie.
• In this perfect season of
Bundesliga the Bavarians have
collected a total of 91 points;
they scored 98 goals and
received only 18. The second
in the rank list is Dortmund with
only 66 points.
for you 21
Hi - Tech
rema pisanju
kompanija Samsung
bi do kraja ovog meseca
trebala da lansira svoj novi
proizvod, Galaxy S4 Zoom
(SM-C1010), sa digitalnom
kamerom od 16 megapiksela. Ovaj ure|aj se zapravo smatra
prvim telefonom sa digitalnom kamerom tako visokog kvaliteta koji je Samsung do sada proizveo. Pre izvesnog vremena,
Samsung je lansirao Samsung Galaxy digitalni fotoaparat sa
17 megapiksela i senzorom koji snima fotografije do rezolucije od 16.3 megapiksela. O~ekuje se da }e S4 Zoom imati
isti integrisani senzor i HD Super AMOLED displej. Galaxy S4
Zoom bi trebalo da pru`i 8 GB interne memorije uz micro SD
karticu koja korisnicima pru`a mogu}nost da prošire memoriju ure|aja do 64 GB. Prema pisanju veb sajta, ure|aj }e
imati i Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, A-GPS i operativni sistem Android Jelly Bean, kao i Samsungov
TouchWiz Nature UX. Još uvek ne postoje
konkretne informacije o procesoru telefona, ali prema pisanju sajta postoje
indicije da }e to verovatno biti quadcore procesor.
ccording to
Samsung Company is expected to launch its new product
obro poznati servis
Viber koji se koristi za
razmenu kratkih poruka
i pozive preko VOIP-a (Voice
over IP) dostupan za smart mobilne telefone, lansirao je i novu
aplikaciju za desktop ra~unare.
Viber desktop aplikacija verzija 3.0
korisnicima donosi odre|ene dodatke za
usluge, pru`aju}i im mogu}nost da koriste aplikaciju i na desktop ra~unarima. Aplikacija
Viber se ne mo`e instalirati bez
(Izvor: www.ameble.com)
22 for you
Galaxy S4
Zoom (SMC1010) with a 16-megapixel camera by the end of this month. This in fact is considered to be the first phone with such high quality camera that
Samsung has produced so far. Some time ago Samsung
launched Samsung Galaxy Camera with 17
megapixels with a sensor that captures
images up to 16.3 megapixels resolution. S4 Zoom is expected to have
the same integrated sensor, and 4.3
inch HD Super AMOLED display. The
Galaxy S4 Zoom is expected to offer
8 GB of internal storage, along with
a microSD card that will allow users
to expand the device memory up to
64 GB. It will also have Bluetooth 4.0,
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, A-GPS and run
Android Jelly Bean with Samsung’s
own TouchWiz Nature UX layer on top,
as per the website. There is no specific
information on the processor that powers the phone but the site suggests that
it’s likely to be quad-core processor.
aktivnog broja. Ova aplikacija omogu}ava sinhronizovanje
poruka izme|u smart telefona i desktop ra~unara, tako da
sve vaše poruke budu prikazane na obe platforme. Ukoliko
se poruka obriše na jednoj platformi, ona }e tako|e biti
obrisana i na drugoj platformi.
he well-known service
Viber, used for immediate messaging and calling
through VOIP (Voice over IP) for
smartphones, has now launched
another application for Desktop
too. Viber Desktop App 3.0 version brings to users same adds
for services, providing an application to be used in desktop computer.
Viber app cannot be installed without an
active number. The application enables synchronizing your
messages through
the smartphone and
desktop app, so all your
messages are displayed
in both platforms. If messages are deleted in one
of the platforms they
are deleted from the
other platform too.
APP 3.0” FOR
Hi - Tech
4 SPREMAN ZA 2014.
axis i EA
su danas
najavili igru Sims
4, koja je trenutno
u fazi razvoja a
bi}e lansirana za
PC i Mac ra~unare
2014. godine. Sims
4 slavi srce i dušu
samog Sims serijala, pru`aju}i
igra~ima dublju
povezanost sa
i najfascinantnijim Simsom ikada u ovom offline do`ivljaju za
jednog igra~a. Sims 4 podsti~e igra~e da personalizuju svoj svet
uz pomo} novih i intuitivnih alata u isto vreme pru`aju}i im mogu}nost da bez napora podele svoju kreativnost sa prijateljima
i fanovima. Sims franšizu pokre}e strast i kreativnost milliona
fanova širom sveta. Njihova neprekidna posve}enost ovoj franšizi
rasplamsava kreativnosti tima u Sims Studiu, podsti~u}i ih da stalno usavršavaju i uvode novine u jednu od najuspešnijih simulacija
Printer zasigurno pred-
stavlja poslednji
talas budu}e
tehnologije. 3D
Printer se koristi za kreiranje
raznih vrsta naprava, igra~aka, inovacija
i prototipova opreme dizajnirane u skladu
sa potrebama. Kada se 3D Printer prvi put
pojavio, ovi ure|aji su bili veoma skupi,
desetine hiljada dolara, što je spre~ilo da
stignu do ve}ine potroša~a i malih preduze}a. Sre}om, njihova cena je zna~ajno
pala i 3D Cube Printer je sada jedan od ure|aja lansiranih od strane Staples-a koji se mogu kupiti preko Staples.com sajta za oko 990 evra. Štampa~ radi
na Windows i Mac platformama i dolazi sa
25 besplatnih šablona za kreiranje 3D
predmeta. Staples je tako|e obezbedio
i kertrid`e i
na svetu, koja je prodata u više od 150 miliona primeraka širom
sveta. Maxis i EA ovog puta igra~ima i fanovima nude ekskluzivnost da igru u~ine atraktivnijom tako što }e ih uklju~iti u njen
razvoj. Ova mogu}nost im se pru`a kroz direktnu komunikaciju sa timom koji radi na razvoju softvera za Sims4.
axis and EU published today “The
Sims 4” game, which is underway
now and will be launched for PC
in 2014. “The Sims 4” celebrates
the heart and soul of the Sims themREADY FOR selves, giving players a deeper connection with the most expressive, surprising
and charming Sims ever in this singleplayer offline experience. “The Sims 4”
encourages players to personalize their “world”
with new and intuitive tools while offering them the ability to effortlessly share their creativity with friends and fans. The Sims
franchise is fuelled by the passion and creativity of its millions
of fans around the world. Their continued devotion to the franchise ignites the fire of creativity of the team at The Sims Studio, driving them to continually improve and innovate on one
of the world’s most successful simulation game that has sold
more than 150 million copies worldwide. Maxis and EA this
time offer to the players and fans the exclusiveness to make
the game more attractive by involving them in developing it
while in progress.
They will do this
by direct communication with the
team of software
developers of “The
When 3D Printer debuted, they were so expensive, tens
of thousands of dollars, preventing the device to reach
most of consumers
and small businesses. Fortunately,
their price dropped
considerably and 3D
Cube Printer is one
of those which are
launched by Staples and available
through Staples.com
for around €990.
The printer works for
Windows and Mac and comes with 25 free templates for
creation of 3D articles. Staples also provide cartridges and the printer.
is for sure
the latest
wave of future technology. 3D Printer is used
to create all kind of gadgets, toys, innovations and
prototypes of equipment
(Source: www.ameble.com)
projecting as needed.
for you 23
vi znamo da su greške i neuspesi, nekad ve}
i a nekad manji, neizbe`ni u sva~ijem `ivotu.
Ipak, ~esto smo svedoci kako strah od greške
ili neuspeha postaje uzrok njihovog materijalizovanja.
Imaju}i ovo u vidu, postavlja se pitanje kakav stav treba
zauzeti prema greškama i neuspesima. Da li treba ulo`iti
napor kako bi se greške izbegle? Da li su naše greške
zaista štetne? Da li je bolje uopšte ne probati nešto
novo i tako izbe}i greške ili se upustiti u nešto novo i
napraviti grešku? Ovakva pitanja mogu i}i u beskraj.
U principu, najšire prihva}en društveni standard u
svetu je stvaranje ambijenta u kome greške ne postoje.
Me|utim, prema drugoj, veoma uspešnoj teoriji u
psihologiji koju sna`no podr`avaju poznati psiholozi,
koji sprovode brojne studije u tom smislu, insistira na
tome da su greške u našem `ivotu nu`nost, i najbolji
na~in da se nešto nau~i. Svoje izjave potkrepljuju
rezultatima dobijenim nakon niza godina istra`ivanja
i eksperimenata. Osim toga, ova teorija je naišla na
podršku me|u vizionarskim i uglednim li~nostima, kao
što je nedavno preminuli Steve Jobs, koji je verovao da
su prava otkri}a mogu}a tek izvan okvira o~ekivanog.
Još jedan veliki pristalica ove teorije je i profesor i
autor knjige “Blistave greške” (Brilliant Mistakes), Paul
Schoemaker. U knjizi on osporava negativnu stigmu
koja prati greške i neuspehe. Prema njegovim re~ima,
korist od grešaka je dugoro~no mnogo ve}a od gubitaka.
Me|utim, postavlja se pitanje kako je to mogu}e?
Zapravo, jedan od najjednostavnijih argumenata u
prilog ovoj teoriji je na~in kako u~imo da hodamo. Niko
ne hoda pravilno iz prvog pokušaja. Me|utim, posle
24 for you
svakog pada ponovo
ustajemo i sopstvenim
nogama kre}emo napred,
pokušavaju}i da ispravimo
prethodnu grešku. Drugim
re~ima, ova teorija ne
ka`e da treba da veli~amo
greške i osrednjost, ali
je sigurno da }e nam
lekcije nau~ene iz naših
kao i tu|ih grešaka dati
smelosti da pokušamo da
postignemo prethodno
nezamislive rezultate.
Poslovica ka`e: “Rim nije
stvoren za jedan dan”, u
smislu da nijedan veliki
uspeh nije postignut posle
prvog pokušaja i bez
grešaka. Naprotiv, iza
svakog uspeha i postignu}
a krije se na stotine
grešaka i neuspeha koji su
stvorili osnovu za u~enje
i razvoj. Drugim re~ima,
greške i neuspesi ne bi
trebalo da nas uplaše i da
nas spre~e da se upustimo u nešto novo. Oni bi trebalo
da nam poslu`e kao lekcija o tome kako da postupimo u
budu}nosti, da bismo izbegli iste posledice.
Da se vratimo na Steve-a Jobs-a , koji se danas u
celom svetu smatra genijem, ali koji je ustvari za `ivota
napravio mnogo grešaka, zbog ~ega ga je 1985. godine
firma Apple otpustila. 1996. godine on se vra}a u Apple
i spašava ~itavu firmu od bankrota, pretvorivši je u
jednu od najuspešnijih kompanija na svetu, a usput je
napravio i revoluciju u tehnologiji telekomunikacija. U
jednom od svojih govora 2005. godine je izjavio da je
otpuštanje s posla bila najbolja stvar koja je mogla da
mu se desi, jer mu je pomogla da se oslobodi pritiska
da bude uspešan kao i da ponovo postane po~etnik. A
što se ti~e onih koji vole sport, mo`emo pomenuti slu~aj
legendarne košarkaške zvezde svih vremena Michael-a
Jordan-a. Kada je prvi put pokušao da se upiše u
košarkaški tim u srednjoj školi, on nije bio prihva}en jer
nije bio dovoljno visok. Ve`banjem i posve}eno{}u, on
je postao najbolji ko{arka{ svih vremena.
Ovo su samo neki od primera koji pokazuju da je
ispravan stav prema greškama taj da }emo svi pre ili
kasnije napraviti grešku i do`iveti neuspeh. Razlika
je samo u tome da li }emo pokušati da sakrijemo i
ignorišemo greške, ili }emo ih analizirati, i u~iti na
njima. Ako uradite ovo drugo, potencijal za u~enje je
beskona~an. I na kraju, ne treba da izgubimo iz vida
da smo svi mi ono što jesmo ne samo zahvaljuju}
i onome što smo postigli, ve} i kao posledica grešaka
i neuspeha koje smo do`iveli na našem predivnom
putovanju koje zovemo - `ivot.
e all know that mistakes and failures, big and
sometimes smaller, are inevitable in everyone’s
lives. Yet, often we are witnesses to how the
fear from making a mistake or failing are a source of their
occurrence. Consequently, for these reasons, the question
is about what attitude we should keep towards mistakes
and failures. Should we make efforts not to make mistakes?
Are our mistakes truly damaging? Is it better not to try
something new and avoid mistakes or try something new
and make a mistake? Such questions can be endless.
In general, throughout the world the most accepted
social standard is the creation of an environment where
there are no mistakes. However, another very prominent
theory of psychology supported by famous psychologists
that have conducted numerous studies in this regard, insists
that mistakes in our lives are a necessity and the best way
to learn. They base these statements on their results after
many years of research and experiments. Moreover, this
theory has also found support among visionary and eminent
personalities as it was the recent late Steve Jobs, who
believed that the true discoveries can only begin outside
the realm of what is expected. Another strong supporter of
this theory is the professor and author of the book “Brilliant
Mistakes”, Paul Schoemaker. In the book he challenges the
negative stigma that is attached to mistakes and failures.
According to him, the benefit from mistakes in the long-term
greatly outweighs the losses. But how is this possible?
In fact, one of the simplest arguments in favor of this
theory is how everyone learns to walk. Nobody walks
properly on their first attempt. After every fall toddlers stand
up again on their own feet and move, trying to improve
the previous mistake. In other words, this theory does not
state that we must
praise mistakes
and mediocrity, but
surely the lessons
learned from our
mistakes and the
mistakes of others
will enable us to
challenge ourselves
to achieve previously
results. A proverb
says: “Rome was
not built in a day”,
in the sense that no
great achievement
is achieved in the
first attempt without
mistakes. On the
contrary, behind
every success and
achievement hides
hundreds of mistakes
and failures that
have created the
basis for learning and
development. In other words, mistakes and failures should
not intimidate us and keep us from trying something new.
They should serve as lessons on how to act in the future, in
order not to experience the same consequences.
Allow us to return again to Steve Jobs, who
throughout the world today, is considered a genius.
We know that in fact, during his life, he made many
mistakes resulting in Apple firing him in 1985. In 1996
Jobs returned to Apple and saved the entire company
from bankruptcy, transforming it into one of the most
successful companies in the world, and along the way
revolutionized telecommunications technology. In one
of his speeches in 2005, Jobs stated that the dismissal
from work was the best thing that had happened to him,
since it enabled him to escape from the pressure of being
successful and become a beginner again. Similarly, for
those who like sports, we can mention the case of the
star basketball player Michael Jordan. The first time he
tried out for the basketball team in high school, Jordan
was cut from the team because he was not tall enough.
Through practice and dedication he became arguably the
best basketball player of all time.
These are only some of the examples that demonstrate
that the right stance towards mistakes is that all of us, in
one moment or another will make a mistake and fail. The
difference is whether we will try to hide and ignore these
mistakes, or if we will analyze and learn from them. If you
choose the latter, the potential for learning is endless.
Ultimately, let us not forget that we become who we are
not only as a result of our accomplishments, but also as
a consequence of the mistakes and failures that we have
experienced on our wonderful journey we call life.
for you 25
Daki} (17)
Porodica je ne{to
i najdragocenije, i pravi je oslonac
u na{em
Ona se ne
mo`e kupiti
novcem, jer
je to Bo`ji dar. Na svoju porodicu mo`emo
uvek da ra~unamo, ona je saputnik na
svim putevima koje `ivot diktira. Mesto
gde odzvanja smeh, gde se slivaju suze,
gde te ~vrsta ruka gura kroz `ivot - to je
Bojana Dakic (17)
Family is something most valuable and
precious, and a real foothold in our
lives. It cannot be bought with money,
because it is a gift from God. We can
always count on our family; it’s a companion on all roads that life dictates.
A place where laughter echoes, where
tears are flowing, and where a firm
hand leads you through life – that’s
what family is.
Petrovi} Mladena (17)
Ona je izvor ljubavi, topline i razumevanja, rasadnik vaspitanja,
osnovnog obrazovanja i po{tovanja.
Uto~i{te kome se uvek, pre ili kasnije,
svi vra}aju: oni najja~i, naizgled samostalni i sebi dovoljni, i oni maju{ni,
jo{ nespremni da svojim nejakim
krilima odlepr{aju u svet. Porodica je
bogatstvo koje nema cenu.
Petrovic Mladena (17)
It is the source of love, warmth and understanding, a breeding
ground of upbringing, primary education and respect. A refuge
that always, sooner or later, everyone returns to: those strongest, seemingly independent and self-sufficient, and those tiny
ones, still unready to fly into the world with their frail wings. Family is wealth that is priceless.
Bosiljka Vukani} (16)
Za mene porodica predstavlja oslonac na mom putu ka boljoj budu}
nosti, mojoj ali i moje budu}e porodice. Sve {to posedujete ne vredi
ako nemate sa kime da podelite, ako
nemate nekog sa kime delite sre}u,
tugu i sve {to vas zadesi. A porodica
}e uvek biti tu, bez obzira na to kakvi
ste ili da li je zaslu`ujete.
Bosiljka Vukanic (16)
For me, family is a support on my way to a better future for me
and my future family. Everything you own is worthless if you do
not have anyone to share it with, if you do not have someone with
whom you share happiness, sadness and everything that befalls
you. And family will always be there for you no matter who you are
or whether you deserve it.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
mi je uvek
sve, to je
moj svet
koji me
~uva od
svih negativnih uticaja. Mo`e{ imati sve, ali bez porodice
nema{ ni{ta. To je mesto gde nau~i{
da `ivi{, a onda kada stvori{ svoju u~i{
i druge kako da `ive, budu ljudi i budu
sre}ni. Porodica je tvoj stub, oslonac i
tvoja mirna luka...
Andjela Bukimiric (18)
My family has always meant everything
to me; it’s my world that keeps me from
all negative influences. You can have it
all, but without family you have nothing.
This is where you learn how to live, and
when you create your new family then
you teach others how to live, be good
people and be happy. Family is your pillar of support and safe haven....
Marija Daki} (16)
Porodicu ~ine ljudi koji te
vole bezuslovno, bez obzira na tvoje mane, koji su tu
i kada leti{ i kada pada{,
koji dele sa tobom i sre}u i tugu, koji ti uvek
pru`aju podr{ku, i ulivaju samopouzdanje.
Porodica je za mene jedini i pravi oslonac u
`ivotu. Pokreta~ i saputnik na svim lo{im i
dobrim putevima koje `ivot diktira.
Marija Dakic (16)
Family consists of people who love you unconditionally, no matter what your
flaws are, people who are there when you fly and when you fall, who share
with you both happiness and sadness, who always give you encouragement
and instil confidence. Family is for me the only and true mainstay in my life,
an initiator and a companion in all bad and good roads that life dictates.
An|elko Zdravkovi} (17)
Mnogo stvari }u u `ivotu imati i nemati,
ali porodicu }u uvek imati bez obzira na
okolnosti. Za mene je porodica svetinja.
Sve moje obrazovanje i vaspitanje poti~e
iz porodice. Porodica predstavlja bogatstvo, predstvalja sre}u. Sve {to imam ne
bi vredelo ako ne bi bilo porodice sa kojom
bih to podelio. To je znak da nikada ne}u
biti sam, jer me ona nikada ne}e napustiti.
Andjelko Zdravkovic (17)
Lots of things in life I will have and not have, but I will always have
family no matter what the circumstances are. For me, family is sacred.
All of my education and upbringing comes from my family. The family
is wealth and happiness. All that I have would do no good if there was
no family with whom I would share it. It’s a sign that I will never be
alone, because it will never leave me.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
• Konji i krave spavaju
• Horses and cows
sleep while standing up
• D`inovska
arkti~ka meduza
ima pipke koji mogu
da dostignu du`inu
od preko 36 m.
• Plavi kit
mo`e da proizvede najja~i zvuk
me|u svim `ivotinjama. Na 188 decibela,
zvuk se mo`e registrovati na
daljini od preko 800 km.
• The blue whale can produce the
loudest sound of any animal. At
188 decibels, the noise can be
detected over 800 kilometres away.
• Giant Arctic jellyfish
have tentacles
that can
reach over
36 metres in
• Insekti kao {to su
p~ele, komarci i cvr~ci
prave buku brzim pokretanjem svojih krila.
• Insects such
as bees,
and cicadas
make noise
by rapidly
moving their
• Umesto od kostiju, ajkule imaju skelet
sastavljen od hrskavice.
• Kolibri je
toliko pokretljiv i ima
tako dobru kontrolu da
mo`e leteti i unazad.
• Instead of
bones, sharks
have a skeleton made
from cartilage.
• Hummingbirds are so agile
and have such good control
that they can fly backwards.
ist ovat
ini no
to! al
• Zmija ~ak i
kada `muri vidi
kroz o~ne kapke.
• Za razliku od ljudi, ovce imaju ~etiri
stomaka i svaki im poma`e
da svare hranu koju jedu.
• Even
when a
has its
• Unlike humans, sheep have
four stomachs, each one helps
them digest the food
they eat.
28 for you
eyes closed,
it can still see
through its
• Uprkos
medvedi u
stvari imaju crnu
• Despite the
pearance of
Bears fur,
it actually has
• Skakavci imaju
miši}e nogu koji su 1000
puta sna`niji od ljudskog
mi{i}a iste te`ine.
• Locusts have leg muscles that
are about 1000 times more powerful than an equal weight of human
• Komarci mogu
biti dosadni insekti,
me|utim da li ste
znali da u stvari
samo `enka komarca
ujeda ljude.
• Mosquitoes can
be annoying insects but did you
know that it’s only
the female mosquito
that actually bites humans.
• Rog nosoroga je sastavljen od sabijene kose, vi{e
nego od kostiju ili drugih supstanci.
• The horn of a rhinoceros is made from compacted
hair rather than bone or another substance.
• Pored
toga što je
poznati lik iz crtanog
filma, tasmanijski
|avo je prava `ivotinja koje se mo`e na}
i samo u divljinama
u Australiji.
To je najve}
i torbar meso`der
na svetu.
• As well as being a famous Looney Tunes
character, the
Devil is a
real animal
that is only
found in the wild
in Tasmania, Australia. It is the largest
carnivorous marsupial in the world.
• Venecuelanski braon slepi miš
mo`e opaziti i izbe}i kišne
kapljice tokom leta, i tako se vratiti
u svoju pe}inu potpuno suv.
Unb ut tru
• The Venezuelan brown bat
can detect and dodge individual
raindrops in mid-flight, arriving
safely back at his cave completely dry.
• Prose~na ku}na muva `ivi samo
2 do 3 nedelje.
• The average housefly only lives for
2 or 3 weeks.
• Ajkule pola`u
najve}a jaja na
• Sharks lay the
biggest eggs in
the world.
• Ma~ke koriste svoje brkove da
odrede da li je prostor
premali da pro|u kroz njega
ili ne.
• Cats use their whiskers to
check whether a space
is too small
for them to fit
through or
for you 29
30 for you
Magazin vam je super,
obo`avam ga jer ima dosta
pou~nih stvari za ~itanje.
Ali meni je problem to {to
nemam kompjuter, i zato ne
mogu da pose}ujem i va{
veb-sajt. Omiljena peva~ica
mi je Anabela \ogani, glumac
Dragan Bjelogrli}, i sportista
Novak \okovi}. U slobodno
vreme vozim bicikl. Srda~an
pozdrav od Va{eg ~itaoca
Darko Stanojevi}
O[ „[arski odred“
Omiljeni peva~ mi je Halid
Muslimovi}, a glumac Bata @
ivojinovi}. [to se sportista ti~e
Novak \okovi} mi je najdra`i.
A po{to se bavim karateom
u Zve~anu, zamolio bih
ekipu magazina For You da
napi{ete ne{to o tom sportu,
kao i o na{em klubu. Nadam
se da }ete moj zahtev uzeti
u obzir.
Stefan Joki}
O[ „Vuk Karad`i}“
Film koji mi se najvi{e dopada
je „Poslednja ekskurzija“,
a glumac Steven Seagal.
Od peva~ica mi se dopada
Sandra Afrika. U slobodno
vreme sam uglavnom za
ra~unarom. Od sportova mi
se dopadaju: fudbal, stoni
tenis i ko{arka.
Nuri Nadijan
O[ „25. maj“
Vrani{te – Draga{
Draga redakcijo,
Svi|a mi se ovaj magazin,
rado bih ga ~itao u svako
doba. Moj hobi je igranje
fudbala i tenisa. Mnogo bih
voleo da objavite ~lanak i
poster Novaka \okovi}a.
Kada je muzika u pitanju
Seka Aleksi} i Bajaga i
instruktori u mi na prvom
mestu. U slobodno vreme
gledam TV.
Sanel Aslani
O[ „25. maj“
Vrani{te – Draga{
U slobodno vreme najvi{e
volim da igram fudbal, ina~e
cenim svaki sport i smatram
da je jako va`an. Reovno
u~im, jer znam da }e mi sve
{to sada nau~im valjati u
budu}nosti, a posebno me
zanima biologija. Red Hot
Chiyi Peppers mi je bend
koji najvi{e volim da slu{am.
Kristian Ronaldo.Voleo bih
da objavite poster Cristiano-a
Emil Kamberi
O[ „25. maj“
Vrani{te – Draga{
Kada je muzika u pitanju,
najvi{e volim da slu{am
Acu Pejovi}. Film „Pogre{no
Skretanje“ posebno odvajam,
a od glumaca volim Sergeja
Trifunovi}a. Zamoli}u Vas
da objavite poster fudbalera
Arjen-aa Robben-a. U
slobodno vreme se bavim se
Edin Skenderi
O[ „25. maj“
Vrani{te – Draga{
for you 31
Your magazine is great, I love
it because there is a lot of
educational things to read. But
my problem is that I don’t have
a computer, so I cannot visit
your website too. My favorite
singer is Anabela Đogani,
actor Dragan Bjelogrlić, and
athlete Novak Đoković. In my
free time I ride my bike. Best
regards from your reader
Darko Stanojević
Elementary school
„Šarski odred“
My favorite singer is Halid
Muslimović, and actor Bata
Živojinović. As far as athletes
go, I like Novak Đoković the
most. And since I train karate
in Zvečan, I would like to ask
the For You magazine team
to write something about that
sport, and about our club.
I hope that my wish will be
Stefan Jokić
Elementary school
„Vuk Karadžić“
The film I like the most is „The
Last Excursion“, and the actor
I prefer is Steven Seagal. As
for the singers I like Sandra
Afrika. I spend most of my
free time on my computer. As
for sports, I like football, table
tennis and basketball.
Nuri Nadijan
Elementary school „25. maj“
Vranište – Dragaš
Dear editor,
I like your magazine, I could
read it at any time. My
hobbies are playing football
and tennis. I would be very
happy if you could publish
an article on Novak
Đoković and a poster
of him. When it comes to
music, Seka Aleksić and
Bajaga i instruktori are my top
musicians. In my free time I
watch TV.
Sanel Aslani
Elementary school „25. maj“
Vranište – Dragaš
Dear all,
In my free time I prefer to play
football. Otherwise I appreciate
any sport and I think that sport
is very important. I study on
regular basis, because I know
that everything I learn now will
be of use in the future, and
I am especially interested in
biology. Red Hot Chili Peppers
is my favorite band. I would
like you to publish a poster of
Cristiano Ronaldo.
Emil Kamberi
Elementary school „25. maj“
Vranište – Dragaš
When it comes to music, I
like to listen to Aco Pejović
the most. I would mention
in particular the film „Wrong
Turn“, and as for actors go, I
like Sergej Trifunović. I would
ask you to publish a poster of
football player Arjen Robben.
In my free time I play sports.
Edin Skenderi
Elementary school
„25. maj“
– Dragaš