Decem. 2009 - Magazine For You


Decem. 2009 - Magazine For You
Zdravo, dragi na{i ~itaoci!
Na po~etku smo jo{ jedne
sezone praznika, mnogi stru~njaci
procenjuju da }e ova godina biti
ne{to druga~ija u odnosu na predhodne zbog globalne finansijske
krize. Me|utim, moram da
napomenem da nije va`no da li
}ete obu}i najskuplju haljinu, jedina
stvar koja je stvarno va`na u
ovakvim prilikama je da ste sa ljudima do kojih vam je najvi{e stalo i
da se ose}ate lepo. Iskreno se
nadam da se sla`ete sa mnom.
Verovatno }ete imati nekoliko slobodnih dana za vreme praznika, ali
to ne zna~i da treba da zaboravite
na knjige. Kad smo ve} kod toga,
imam jednu poruku za vas:
"Nastavite sa ~itanjem knjiga s vremena na vreme, jer }e raspust brzo
pro}i." Dok je druga poruka za sve
na{e drage ~itaoce: "Poku{ajte da
na|ete malo vremena i za "For
You" magazin, ~ak i za vreme
praznika, jer kao i uvek specijalno
za Vas smo pripremili mno{tvo
zanimljivih ~lanaka."
U rubrici "U~enik meseca" saznajte kako An|ela Vu~ini}, pored
odli~nog uspeha u {koli, ima i bogat
li~ni `ivot. U rubrici "Moviemania"
mo`ete da ~itate o najnovijim filmskim ostvarenja iz celog sveta, dok
}ete u rubrici "Muzi~ka kutija" na}i
zanimljiv ~lanak o mladoj i poznatoj
peva~ici Taylor Swift. U rubrici "Hol
slavnih" podsetimo se Desankine
~uvene pesmice "Strepnja". Tokom
hladnih decembarskih dana, sigurno je da }ete u`ivati ~itaju}i
~lanke o snoubordingu, koji je
istovremeno privla~an i rizi~an
sport, a uz to je i tema novog broja
magazina "For You" u rubrici
"Sporski ugao" . Uz sve ovo mo`ete
jo{ i da ~itate o najnovijim aktivnostima KFOR-a i trudu koji KFOR
ula`e u pobolj{anje uslova za bolji
`ivot za sve ljude na Kosovu. Uz
svo po{tovanje, `elela bih da Vas
pozovem da obratite posebnu
pa`nju na slede}e ~lanke: "Rolling
Film Festival", "Kulturno nasle|e
Mitrovice" i "Vetar promene duva i
na Kosovu", jer }ete sigurno u`ivati
dok ih budete ~itali.
Kao i obi~no, mo`ete ~itati o
neverovatnim, ali istinitim ~injenicama, vestima iz sveta o poznatim
li~nostima, najnovijim dostignu}ima iz sveta napredne tehnologije,
itd. Umalo da zaboravim da Vam
ka`em da smo pripremili poseban
poklon za sve Vas: kalendar za
narednu 2010. godinu.
Na kraju, `elela bih da Vam
po`elim sve najbolje i da Vam
~estitam iz sveg srca sre}ne
praznike i da Vam svaki minut
dolaze}e godine bude ispunjen
sa dosta sre}e i radosti! Nadam
se da }ete na}i mir u svojim
srcima i iskreno se nadam da
}ete biti tolerantni prema ljudima koje volite najvi{e i prema
svim ljudima oko Vas!
Dragi moji prijatelji, ostajte
mi dobro do slede}eg susreta u
januaru 2010. godine!
"For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo
koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša
mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj
formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti
objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik : Leonora Shabanaj
Novinari : Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanji`a
Ilustrator: Aleksandar Narand`i}
Fotograf: Naim Shala
Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri
Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani
Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603 lokal
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You”
magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina;
4-5: Matemati~arka u
6-7: Kulturno nasle|e
8-9: For you fashion
10-13: Music Box:
Taylor Swift - Kraljica
kanttri muzike
14-15: Hol slavnih:
Desanka Maksimovi}
16-17: Kamenica primer dobre saradnje
18-19: Svet poznatih
20-21: Kultura: Sre}ni
22-23: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: Tri najbolja
oca me|u `ivotinjamaë
24-25: Internet & kompjuterske igre: Epski
26-27: Kalendar 2010
28-31: Moviemania:
When in Rome; Dance
Flick; Did you here
about the Morgans?
32-33: Va{ kutak
34-35: Rolling film
festival - kotrljamo se!
36-39: Sportski ugao:
“pobunjenici” na
40-41: Hi-Tech
42-43: Vetar promene
duva i na Kosovu!ë
44-45: Upitnik;
46-47: Enigmatski
48-49: Verovali ili ne...
50: Misli poznatih o
51-52: Pisma ~italaca
4-5: Matemathician at
6-7: Cultural heritage of
8-9: For you fashion
10-13: Music Box: Taylor
Swift- Queen of country
14-15: Hall of Fame:
Desanka Maksimovic
16-17: Kamenica - an
example of good cooperation
18-19: Celebrity news
20-21: Culture: Happy
22-23: Animal kingdom:
Three of the best animal
24-25: Internet & computer games: Epic
26-27: Calendar 2010
28-31: Moviemania:
When in Rome; Dance
Flick; Did you here about
the Morgans!
32-33: Your corner
34-35: Rolling film festival - We’re rolling!
36-39: Sports corner:
Snowboarders - “Rebels”
of the snow
40-41: Hi-Tech
42-43: The wind of
change blows in Kosovo
44-45: Questionnaire;
46-47: Crossword puzzle
48-49: Did you know ...
50: Famous thoughts
on responsibillity
51-52: Reader’s letters
Hello our dear readers!
We are on the brink of another
holiday season and many experts
believe that this year, the holiday
season will be a bit more different
due to the global financial crisis.
However, I have to stress that it
does not really matter if you will be
wearing the most expensive dress
or not! The only thing that really matters, on these occasions, is to be
with the people you love the most
and to feel great and I sincerely
hope that you all agree with me. You
will probably have a few days off
during the holiday season, but it
does not mean that you should forget about the books altogether. As a
matter of fact, I have a message for
you: "Keep reading books from time
to time, because the second term
will begin before you know it".
Whereas, my second message for
all our dear readers is: "Try to find
some time for "For You" magazine
even during the holiday season,
because, as usual, we have prepared lots of interesting articles
especially for you".
In the "Student of the Month"
column, find out how Andjela
Vucinic besides having good successes in school, also has rich personal life. In the "Moviemania" column, you will be able to read about
the latest movies from all around the
world, whereas in the "Music Box"
column, you will find a very interesting article on a young and famous
singer - Taylor Swift. In the "Hall of
Fame" column, we are remembering Desanka's famous poem
"Apprehension". During these cold
December days, you will certainly
enjoy reading an article on snowboarding, which is both an attractive
and risky sport, as this is the topic of
this month's "Sports Corner" column. In addition, you will also have
the opportunity to read about the latest KFOR activities and efforts to
improve living conditions of all the
people of Kosovo. In this respect, I
would like to invite you to pay a special attention to the following articles:
"Roma Rolling Festival", "The
Cultural Heritage of Mitrovica" and
"The Wind of Change Blows in
Kosovo, too" because you will definitely enjoy reading them.
As usual, you will be able to
read about the unbelievable but
true facts, the latest news from the
celebrities' world, the latest
achievements in the world of
advanced technology, etc. By the
way, I almost forgot to tell you that
we have also prepared a special
present for you - a calendar for the
coming year 2010.
In the end, I would like to wish
you all the best and to congratulate
you from the bottom of my heart for
the coming holidays and may every
minute of the coming year be fulfilled
with lots of good luck and happiness! I hope that you will find peace
in your hearts and I sincerely hope
that you will be tolerant with the people that you love the most and all the
people around you!
My dear friends, stay well
until our next meeting in
January 2010!
'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and
financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view
of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR
accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of
these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name
of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or
malicious letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Vera Gerovac, Sanela Kanjizha
Illustrator: Aleksandar Narandzic
Photographer: Naim Shala
Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
psolutno je mogu}e biti super |ak, a istovremeno imati
bogat li~ni `ivot, baviti se raznim hobijima, u`ivati u
svojoj mladosti. Dokaz za na{u tvrdnju je An|ela
Vu~ini}, u~enica 8. razreda O.[. "Stana Ba~anin" iz Le{ka.
An|ela je "Vukovac" i jedan od ozbiljnih kandidata za U~enika
generacije svoje {kole.
Ro|ena je 01. juna 1995. godine u Mitrovici, a u Le{ku `ivi
od 1999. godine. An|ela `ivi sa mamom ("imamo ekstra odnose,
kao drugarice smo") i ima jedanaestogodi{nju sestru ("volim je
najvi{e na svetu") koja poha|a Specijalnu {kolu za slepe osobe
u Beogradu i koju vi|a svakog drugog vikenda. Za An|elin izuzetan uspeh u {koli zaslu`na je - mama. "Kada sam krenula u
{kolu, tokom prvog i drugog razreda, mama me je "ve~ito" terala
da u~im. Ako ne bih dobro uradila doma}i - ona bi mi pocepala
list i tako sve dok ne bih uradila kako treba (ha, ha, ha…). Tako
sam stekla radne navike i sada mi nije te{ko da u~im i da sve
obaveze zavr{im na vreme."
Od {kolskih predmeta najvi{e voli matematiku i fiziku. Po
njenom mi{ljenju, svaki drugi predmet mora da se u~i da bi se
znao, a ova dva predmeta se moraju su{tinski razumeti. Drugim
re~ima, An|ela ne voli da "buba". "Meni matematika nije nikada
bila problem, posedujem dar za logi~ko razmi{ljanje. Zato i
planiram da nakon osnovne {kole upi{em Matemati~ku gimnaziju u Leposavicu ili Pravno-ekonomsku srednju {kolu."
Za sve svoje nastavnike misli da su super, ali Veljko
Markovi}, nastavnik matematike - joj je definitivno omiljeni nastavnik. "On ima sve {to jedan nastavnik treba da ima: dobar je
pedagog, lepo obja{njava gradivo. Ako se desi da pred njim
"ogovaramo" nekog drugog nastavnika, mo`emo biti 100% sigurni da im on to ne}e preneti - pravi je drug! Nije ni prestrog, ni
popustljiv kada je u pitanju ocenjivanje, "dobar je za ocenu" i
pravedan, a zna i da se na{ali sa nama."
Odmah nakon povratka iz {kole, prva stvar koju An|ela uradi
jeste da zavr{i sve doma}e zadatke, pa se tek onda posve}uje
zabavi. Svakoga dana obavezno odgleda svoju omiljenu TV seriju "Napu{teni an|eo", a nakon toga iza|e sa dru{tvom, ode
negde sa mamom ili joj poma`e u ku}nim poslovima. "Jo{ uvek
ne izlazim po kafi}ima, obi~no se na|em sa drugovima u
{kolskom dvori{tu ili parku, sedimo, pri~amo, {alimo se.
Naj~e{}e teme su nam doga|aji iz {kole, zanimljivosti sa
~asova. Mama mi ne ograni~ava vreme izlaska, ali ja to ne
zloupotrebljavam. Kod ku}e sam ve} oko 21:00, ponekad se
desi da ostanem do 22:00."
"Brdo" narukvica na njenoj ruci otkrilo nam je da voli
modne detalje. An|ela ka`e da modu obo`ava, da prati sve
novitete na tom polju. Nije joj bitno da li je neki komad ode}e
"firmiran" ili ne, nema omiljeni modni stil i nosi sve: od
haljinica, pa do pank i hip-hop garderobe. Ipak, priznaje da
joj se vi{e svi|a `enstvena garderoba. "Mislim da ode}a ne
~ini ~oveka i ne cenim mnogo ljude koji samo brinu kako da se
lepo obuku, a kada progovore - nemaju {ta da ka`u! Tako|e,
nerviraju me mladi koji misle da su "face" ako piju i pu{e! Oni
nemaju svoj karakter, samo `ele da po{to-poto budu u centru
pa`nje, misle da }e biti interesantni u dru{tvu ako pri~aju koliko
su piva popili sino}. Ja to ne volim, ima drugih zanimljivih tema o
kojima mo`emo da raspravljamo, a ne o porocima!"
U {koli imaju razglasnu stanicu, a kako An|ela voli novinarstvo, jedna je od najaktivnijih u~enika na ovoj adaptiranoj
{kolskoj radio stanici. "Ideju za novinarsku sekciju dao nam je
direktor {kole. U po~etku smo tokom {kolskih odmora ~itali samo
obave{tenja, ali smo ja i moja drugarica Anica malo pro{irile te
aktivnosti i pravile intervjue sa nastavnicima, \acima ili smo
pravile emisije tipa "Dogodilo se na dana{nji dan", "Verovali ili
Kandidat za U~enika generacije: An|ela Vu~ini}
ne". Ove godine pridru`ili su nam se nastavnici muzi~kog
vaspitanja i srpskog jezika i jo{ 2 u~enika kako bismo napravili
bogatiji radio program. Voleli bismo da napravimo neku emisiju
za Novu godinu ili Dan Svetog Save u na{oj {koli, nadam se
da }emo se dobro organizovati."
Novinarstvo voli, jer kako ka`e - "izazov je umeti komunicirati sa razli~itim ljudima i "izgladiti" njihova suprotstavljena
mi{ljenja". Osim novinarstva, hobi joj je surfovanje po
Internetu, a naro~ito su joj zanimljive teme o de~ijim pravima.
Za sada, An|ela nema nijednu drugaricu albanske
nacionalnosti, ali bi volela da se to promeni. Veliki je problem
{to trenutno, u ovakvoj situaciji, nema prilike da upozna nekoga albanske nacionalnosti. "Da mi se pru`i prilika da
u~estvujem u nekom multietni~kom kampu, ne bi mi predstavljalo problem da moja nova drugarica bude druge
nacionalnosti. Na kraju
krajeva, mi mladi nismo
krivi za sve ono lo{e
{to se desilo u
[ta jo{ re}i o ovoj
"super" u~enici, koja
mo`e biti inspiracija
mnogim |acima? Ona se
za svoje bolje sutra bori
na najbolji mogu}i na~in:
vrednim i odgovornim
radom. Mo`emo joj
samo po`eleti da joj se
ispuni jedna velika `elja:
da odgleda pozori{nu
predstavu. Naime,
An|ela do sada nije
imala priliku da ode u
pozori{te, ali, kako nam
je rekla - ta mogu}nost
An|ela sa omiljenim nastavnikom,
joj se "sme{i" za vreme
Veljkom Markovi}em (levo) i direktorom
ovog zimskog raspusta.
{kole Vidojem Milojevi}em (desno)
Pa, "slomi nogu" ove
zime, An|ela!
t is entirely possible to be a great student and have a rich personal life at the same time, have hobbies and enjoy your youth.
The proof of our claim is Andjela Vucinic, a student of 8th grade
in the Primary School "Stana Bacanin" in Lesak. Andjela is
"Vukovac" (which means that she had all top grades during her
schooling) and one of the serious candidates for the Student of
Generation at her school.
She was born on 1 June 1995 in Mitrovica and lives in Lesak
since 1999. Andjela lives with her mom, about whom she says: "we
have an excellent relationship, we are just like girlfriends," and
eleven-year-old sister that attends Special School for Blind in
Belgrade and whom she sees every other weekend: "I love her the
most in the whole world". Success in school, Andjela owes to her
mom. "When I started going to school, during the first and second
grades, my mom would always push me to study. If I would not do
my homework correctly, she would rip that page and she would keep
doing it until I do it correctly (ha ha ha…). That is how I got a good
work habit and now it is not difficult for me to study and finish all my
obligations on time."
Out of school subjects, she likes the most mathematics and
physics. In her opinion, every other subject has to be studied but
these two need to be truly understood. In other words, Andjela does
not like to mug up. "Math was never a problem for me; I have the talent for logical thinking. That is why I am planning to enroll in the
Mathematic Gymnasium in Leposavic or High School of Law and
She thinks that all her teachers are great but Veljko Markovic,
math teacher, is definitely her favorite. "He has everything one
teacher should have: he is a good pedagogue, he explains the subjects in a very nice way. If it happens that we "gossip" on other teachers in his class, we can be sure 100% that he will not pass that on he is a real friend! He is not too harsh or too lenient on us when he is
grading us. He is righteous and he is even making jokes with us."
The first thing Andjela do when she comes back from the school
is to complete all homework and only after that, she can have fun.
She watches her favorite TV serial "Abandoned Angel" everyday and
after that, she goes out with her friends, goes somewhere with her
mom or helps her by doing some housework. "I still do not go to coffee bars. Usually I meet
my friends in the schoolyard or park where we sit,
talk and make jokes. Most
often, we talk about what
happened in school,
about interesting things
that happened in classes.
Mom does not limit my
time out but I do not take
advantage of that. I am
back home usually by
21h00 already; sometimes it happens that I
stay until 22h00.
Stack of bracelets on
her wrist showed us that
she likes fashion details.
Andjela says that she
loves fashion and follows
all novelties in that area.
To her, it is not important if
some piece of clothes is a
famous brand o not, she
doesn't have a favorite
Andjela in her working place: making up
the conflicted opinions of listeners
fashion style and wears everything: dresses, punk and hip-hop style.
Still, she admits that she prefers feminine clothes. "I think that clothes
do not make a man and I do not appreciate much people who only
think about how to dress and when they talk - they don't have much
to say! I am also very annoyed by young who think that they are hotshots if they drink and smoke! They do not have a strong character
and only want to be in the center of attention by any price; they think
they will be amusing if they talk about how much beers they had last
night. I do not like that; there are other interesting topics to discuss
instead of vices!"
There is a public-address system in the school, and since
Andjela loves journalism, she is one of the most active students in
this adapted school radio station. "The school director gave us an
idea to form journalist section. At the beginning, we were only reading school announcements during the breaks between classes but
my friend Ana and I expanded our activities and started making
interviews with teachers, students or radio shows with topics such
as "It happened on this day" and "Believe it or not". This year,
teachers of music education and Serbian language and two more
students joined us so we could make richer radio program. We
would like to make a show for New Year or Saint Sava Day in our
school and I hope we will organize well.
She likes journalism because, as she says - "it is a challenge to
know how to communicate with different people and make up their
conflicted opinions." Besides journalism, her hobby is surfing on internet and she is especially interested in subjects on children's rights.
For now, Andjela doesn't have any girlfriends of Albanian nationality but she would like to change that. Huge obstacle is that in this kind
of situation she doesn't have an opportunity to meet anyone of
Albanian nationality. "If I had an opportunity to participate in some
multiethnic camp, i wouldn't have a problem if my new friend is of
Albanian nationality. At the end, it is not the fault of us, youth, that all
bad things in past happened.
What more to say about this fantastic student that can be an
inspiration to many students? She is fighting for her better tomorrow
in the best possible way, with diligent and responsible work. We can
only hope that one of her great wishes fulfills, that is to go to theater
to watch a play. Namely, Andjela never had a chance to go to theater
until now and, as she told us, she will have a chance to go during
next winter break.
Well, Andjela 'break a leg' this winter!
a osnovu razli~itih
arheolo{kih tragova
koji su prona|eni u
Mitrovici i okolini, dokazano je
da je ovo jedno od najstarijih
naselja na celom Kosovu i da
poti~e sa po~etka era neolita
(3000 pne). Gra|anski `ivot u
Mitrovici po~inje sa otomanskom invazijom u 15. veku, u
vreme kada se pojam
Mitrovice, u stvari spominje po
prvi put u pisanim dokumentima, odnosno u arhivu Raguza
Gospodin Adem Zhitopotoku
(Dubrovnika), 1446. godine.
Od tada, njen povoljan
geografski polo`aj, gde je Mitrovica most koji povezuje Sand`ak,
Bosnu i Istanbul omogu}io je Mitrovici da se razvija i postane va`an
centar kroz koji su prolazili brojni trgova~ki karavani i zaustavljali se na
odmor. Ovo je tako|e razlog za{to je Mitrovica danas, grad sa veoma
velikim kulturnim nasle|em i blagom, koji datiraju iz razli~itih vremenskih perioda, me|u kojima su najzna~ajniji: Stari Grad Ra{an (tako|e
poznat kao Tvr|ava ]utet), Crkva Svetog Petra u Starom Trgu iz 8.
veka, D`amija Trep~a u selu Mazi}, sagra|ena u 15. veku, Dvorac
Zve~an, Gradsko Tursko kupatilo iz 18. veka, Kula Ise Boletini podignuta 1897. godine, ku}a porodice Korogli iz 19. veka, pravoslavna crkva Sveti Sava podignuta 1928. godine, [erif Ga{i kula, D`afer
Devi ku}a, zgrada hotela Jadran i Kristalni Muzej.
Prema re~ima gospodina Adem-a Zhitopotoku-a, direktora
Direkcije za kulturu u Skup{tini op{tine Mitrovica, najve}e kulturno
blago ovog grada su sami gra|ani, koji vekovima odr`avaju kulturu na
na~in koji ~uva i {titi objekte kulture. "Ima bezbroj slu~ajeva u kojima
su gra|ani pokazali posebnu spremnost da za{tite i o~uvaju kulturno
nasle|e. Oni pokazuju ovo donose}i razli~ite eksponate koje su
prona{li tokom svog rada u polju ili u {umi ali i poku{avaju da za{tite
od o{te}enja razli~ite kulturno istorijske objekate, bez obzira na njihovo poreklo i vreme u kojemu `ive". Investicije ne manjkaju, {to se ti~e
ulaganja od strane vladinih institucija, bilo da su to institucije na centralnom ili lokalnom nivou. Me|utim, na`alost
zbog brojnih
skih pote{ko}a ulaganja nisu na odgovaraju}em nivou, ali svakako se
mo`e primetiti da se ozbiljno radi u tom pravcu. Ovom prilikom,
pomenuta su ulaganja i popravke objekata kulture, odnosno zamena
olovnog pokriva~a na krovu Gradskog Turskog kupatila, kao i obnova
pravoslavne crkve "Sveti Sava" u gradu. Dok gospo|a Rrezarta Loxha
iz Kancelarije za kulturno nasle|e Mitrovice, obja{njava da ovaj grad
ima oko 95. objekata kulturne ba{tine, od kojih su ve}ina u vlasni{tvu
grada, tako da bi se obezbedila odgovaraju}a za{tite za njih potrebna
su ogromna sredstva, jer je potrebno da se one odkupe od njihovih
vlasnika. Iako se takva akcija nemo`e pokrenuti za sada, svakako svi
ovi objekti su popisani kao objekti od posebnog zna~aja a to mo`e da
se nazove kao prvi korak ka potpuoj institucionalnoj brizi o njima.
Jo{ jedna zna~ajna investicija u oblasti kulture Mitrovice je
po~etak radova na izgradnji nove zgrade Muzeja za minerale u
Starom Trgu kod samog rudnika, ali i stara zgrada u blizini ove je
veoma va`an muzej. Mo`da najzanimljivija ~injenica je da je
muzej u potpunosti posve}en izlo`bi bogatstva rudnika Trep~a,
kao takav je jedini svoje
vrste na Kosovu. Pored
toga, u pro{losti je ovaj
muzej bio jedini te vrste u
~itavoj biv{oj Jugoslaviji.
Stoga, izgradnja nove
zgrade ima poseban
zna~aj, jer posle svog tog
vremena podzemna blaga
Mitrovice }e kona~no
imati dostojanstveno
mesto gde }e biti izlo`eni.
Na kraju, gospodin
Zhitopotoku preneo je
poruku za sve mlade
ljude da se uklju~e u
za{titu i o~uvanje kulturne ba{tine, jer }e na
taj na~in, pre svega,
sa~uvati tradiciju svojih
predaka u `ivotu, jer je
ovo najve}e bogatstvo
koje oni poseduju.
ut of the different archeological traces that have been found in
Mitrovica and in its surroundings, it is proven that this is one of the
most ancient settlements in the entire Kosovo, which originates
from the beginning of the Neolithic Era (3000 BC). While the civil life in
Mitrovica begins with the Ottoman invasion in the 15th century, at a time
when the term Mitrovica in fact is also mentioned for the very first time in
the written documents, respectively in the archive of Ragusa (Dubrovnik),
in 1446. Since then, its favorable geographical position where Mitrovica
was a connecting bridge between
Sandzak, Bosnia and Istanbul
enabled the city of Mitrovica to
develop and become an important city throughout which numerous trading caravans passed
and stopped for a break. This
is also the reason why today it
can be said that Mitrovica is a city
with a rather vast cultural heritage and treasures, which
date from different periods
of time, among which the
most distinguished are:
Ancient Town of Rashan
(also known as Gjyteti i
Rashanit), the Saint Peter's
Church in Stari Trg of the 8th
century, the Trepca Mosque
in the village of Mazhiq that
dates from the 15th century,
the Castle of Zvecan, the city's
Turkish Bath from the 18th century, the Isa Boletini Tower - 1897, the House of
the Korogli Family of the 19th century, Saint
Sava's Orthodox Church of year 1928, Sherif
Gashi Tower, Xhafer Deva House, the Hotel
Jadran building and the Crystals Museum.
According to Mr. Adem Zhitopotoku, Director of the Directorate for
Culture within the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica, the biggest cultural treasures of this city are the citizens themselves, who for
centuries in a row have preserved the culture of protecting and
preserving all the cultural buildings. "There are countless
cases where the citizens have shown their
special willingness to protect and
preserve the cultural heritage. They demonstrate this by bringing
different artifacts
that they find during
their work in fields or in
woods, but also by trying to
protect the different cultural
and historical buildings
from being damaged,
regardless what background they
belong to or what era they derive
from". While, concerning the investments made by the governing institutions, whether those of central or
local level, he says that they are not
short of them. However, unfortunately due to the numerous economical
difficulties they are not at the adequate level, but it can certainly be
noticed that it is seriously being
worked at in this direction, too. On
this occasion, among the investments that were mentioned is the
Miss Rrezarta Loxha
repair, respectively and the replacement of the lead cover on the roof of
the city's Turkish Bath, as well as the restoration of the Orthodox Church
"Saint Sava", in the city. While Ms. Rrezarta Loxha from the Cultural Heritage
Office of Mitrovica explains that this city has around 95 cultural heritage buildings, the majority of which are under the city's ownership, therefore to ensure
their corresponding protection, huge funds are needed, since it is required to
buy them from their owners. Although, such an action cannot be taken for the
time being, certainly all these buildings have been inventoried as special significance buildings and this can be called the first step towards their entrance
under the institutional care.
Another significant investment in the field of Cultural Heritage of Mitrovica
is the beginning of the construction works of the new building of the Museum
for Minerals in Stari Trg, near the mine itself, but also near the old building of
this very important museum. Perhaps the most interesting fact about the
museum is that it is dedicated entirely to the exhibition of the wealth of Trepca
Mine, and as such is the only one of its kind in Kosovo. Furthermore, in the
past too, this museum was the only one of its kind in the entire area of former
Yugoslavia. Therefore, the construction of the new building holds a special
significance, since after all this time the subterranean treasures of Mitrovica
will finally have a dignified place to be exhibited at.
In the end, Mr. Zhitopotoku conveyed a message to all the young people to be involved in the preservation and protection of the cultural
heritage, because this way, first of all, they will keep the tradition of
their forefathers alive, since
this is the biggest wealth
that they posses.
aylor Swift je ro|ena 13. decembra 1989. godine u Vajomingu u Pensilvaniji (SAD). ]erka je Scott-a Swifta, brokera i njegove
supruge Andrea-e, doma}ice i ima mla|eg brata Austin-a. Kada je bila u ~etvrtom razredu, Swift je osvojila nacionalno
takmi~enje u poeziji pesmom "^udoviste u mom ormanu" koja je bila duga tri strane. Kada je imala deset godina po~ela je
da pi{e pesme i da peva na karaoka takmi~enjima, festivalima i va{arima koji su se odr`avali u okolini njenog rodnog grada.
Tokom jednog leta, Swift se posvetila pisanju romana na 350 strana (neobjavljen). Bila je ~lan komedijske de~ije grupe "Theatre
Kids Live!" Kirk-a Cramer-a, osnovana po ugledu na "SNL" ("Subotom uve~e u`ivo") i tu je pokazala prirodni talenat za komediju.
Po{to je videla njen nastup na karaokama na jednoj od `urki koje je organizovala gluma~ka ekipa, Cremer-ova majka je bila ta koja
je prva primetila da bi za Swift-ovu bilo prirodnije da poku{a da napravi karijeru u muzici, nego u pozori{tu. Cremer je uskoro iznajmio prostor u lokalnom tr`nom centru i po~eo da pokazuje svoju mladu {ti}enicu na nastupima vikendom uve~e kada bi pevala
kantri pesme sa prate}om muzikom u stilu karaoka. Ohrabren njenim nastupima i rastu}im brojem slu{alaca, po~ela je da nastupa
na drugim lokalnim mestima gde bi se odr`avala "karaoke no}". Njen prvi ve}i nastup je bio dobro primljen nastup na va{aru
Bloomsburg koji je organizovao lokalni izvo|a~ Pat Garrett. Swift-ova je prvi put po~ela da u~i kako da svira gitaru sa majstorom
koji joj je popravljao kompjuter i koji joj je pokazao kako da odsvira prva tri akorda. Po{to je nau~ila ta tri akorda, napisala je svoju
prvu pesmu "Lucky You" ("Blago tebi"). Po~ela je redovno da pi{e pesme i to joj je pomoglo da iza|e na kraj sa bolom {to se ne
uklapa u {koli. Druga deca su lo{e reagovala na nju, pa je pisala pesme o njima.
njeno izvo|enje nacionalne himne je bilo veoma zapa`eno. Swift-ova
je po~ela da pi{e pesme i svira na gitari kada je imala 12 godina.
Kada je napunila 14 godina, njena porodica je odlu~ila da se preseli u
predgra|e Nashville-a. Kada je Swift-ova imala 15 godina, odbila je
da potpi{e ugovor sa izdava~kom ku}om "RCA Records" zato {to je
kompanija htela da je zadr`i na ugovoru za razvoj (obi~no u prvom
ugovoru koji novi umetnik potpisuje sa nekom velikom izdava~kom
ku}om, izdava~ka ku}a obe}ava da }e razvijati ve{tinu i javni profil
umetnika, ali pritom izdava~ka ku}a ~esto preuzima kontrolu nad
menad`mentom i izdava~kim pravima umetnika i to zloupotrebljava).
Swift-ova je zatim nastupala na mestu okupljanja kantautora u
Nashville-u, u "Bluebird Cafe"-u i tada je privukla pa`nju Scott-a
Borchetta koji je sa njom potpisao ugovor u ime svoje novoosnovane
izdava~ke ku}e "Big Machine Records". Tako|e je postala najmla|i
kantautor (pisac pesama) koga je ikada zaposlila izdava~ka ku}a
"Sony/ATV Tree". Tada je imala 14 godina.
Najve}i muzi~ki uticaj na Taylor Swift je imala Shania Twain, a
pored nje i Taylor-ina baka, LeAnn Rimes, Tina Turner i Dolly Parton.
Iako je njena baka bila profesionalna operska peva~ica, Taylor je uvek
vi{e volela kantri muziku i kod nje se razvila ljubav prema Patsy Cline
i Dolly Parton jo{ kada je bila vrlo mala. Sa 11 godina Swift je prvi put
oti{la u Nashville sa primerkom njenog nastupa na karaokama nadaju}i se da }e potpisati ugovor za snimanje albuma. Dala je kopiju
trake svakoj izdava~koj ku}i u gradu. Swift je nai{la na odbijanje ne
samo od izdava~kih ku}a, ve} i od svojih vr{njaka. Po{to se vratila u
Pensilvaniju, tra`ili su od nje da peva na teniskom turniru U.S. Open;
Muzi~ka karijera od 2006. do 2008. godine
Swift-ova je objavila svoju prvu pesmu "Tim McGraw" sredinom
2006. godine i dospela na 6. mesto top liste magazina "Hot Country
Songs" i napisala ili u~estvovala u pisanju svojih pesama na svom
prvom albumu koji se na{ao na
19. mestu muzi~ke top liste
"Billboard 200". Album je prodat u
39.000 primeraka tokom prve
nedelje. Kasnije se na{ao na vrhu
muzi~ke top liste najboljih albuma
kantri muzike "Billboard Top
Country Albums" i na 5. mestu na
listi "Billboard 200". Od novembra
2008. godine, Taylor Swift je prodala preko tri miliona kopija i 7.5
miliona o~itavanja singlova sa
Od 2008. godine do sada
Najnoviji studijski album
Taylor Swift, "Fearless"
("Neustra{iva") objavljen je u SAD
11. novembra 2008. godine.
Album se odmah na{ao na prvom
nastavak na strani 12
aylor Swift was born on December 13th, 1989 Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, United States. She is the daughter of Scott Swift, a
stock broker, and his wife Andrea, a homemaker, and she has a younger brother, Austin. When she was in fourth grade,
Swift won a national poetry contest with a three page poem entitled "Monster In My Closet". At ten, Swift began writing
songs and singing at karaoke contests, festivals, and fairs around her hometown. During one summer, Swift devoted herself to
writing a 350 page (unpublished) novel. She was a member of Kirk Cremer's SNL-inspired kid's sketch comedy group, TheatreKids
Live!, where she was a natural comedic talent. After seeing her karaoke performance at one of the cast parties, it was Cremer's
mother who first suggested that Swift seemed more of a natural to pursue a career in country music, rather than theatrical performing. Cremer soon leased space at a local mall and began to showcase his young protégée in weeknight performances of
country songs with karaoke backing tracks. Emboldened by her performances and growing audiences, she began to perform in
other local open mike and karaoke nights. Her first major show was a well-received performance at the Bloomsburg Fair, arranged
by local performer Pat Garrett. Swift first learned to play guitar from a computer repairman who showed her how to play three
chords. After learning those three chords, she wrote her first song, "Lucky You". She began writing songs regularly and used it as
outlet to help her ease her pain from not fitting in at school. Other kids would react badly to her so she wrote songs about them.
Tree publishing house at 14 years of age.
Music career 2006-2008
Swift released her debut single, "Tim
McGraw", in mid-2006, reaching number 6 on
Billboard magazine's "Hot Country Songs" chart
and wrote or co-wrote all of the songs on the
album, which debuted at number 19 on the
Billboard 200 and sold 39,000 copies during its
first week. It later peaked at number one at
Billboard Top Country Albums and number five on
the Billboard 200. As of November 2008, Taylor
Swift has sold over three million copies and 7.5
million single downloads.
Early work
Swift's greatest musical influence is Shania Twain. Her other
influences include her grandmother, LeAnn Rimes, Tina Turner
and Dolly Parton. Although her grandmother was a professional
opera singer, Taylor's tastes always ran more toward country and
she developed a love for Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton at an early
age. At age 11, Swift made her first trip to Nashville hoping to
obtain a record deal by distributing a demo tape of her singing with
karaoke songs. She gave a copy to every label in town. Swift
faced rejection, not just from record labels, but also from her
peers. After Swift returned to Pennsylvania, she was asked to sing
at the U.S. Open tennis tournament; her rendition of the national
anthem received a lot of attention. Swift started writing songs and
playing 12-string guitar when she was 12. By the time she was 14,
her family decided to move to an outlying Nashville suburb. When
Swift was fifteen, she rejected RCA Records because the company wanted to keep her on a development deal. Swift then performed at Nashville's songwriters' venue, 'The Bluebird Café',
catching the attention of Scott Borchetta who signed her to his
newly-formed record label, 'Big Machine Records'. She also
became the youngest staff songwriter ever hired by the Sony/ATV
Swift's latest studio album, Fearless, was
released in the United States on November 11th,
2008. The album debuted at No1 on the Billboard
200 Album Chart. Its sales of 592,304 were the
highest debut of any country artist in 2008. This is
also the largest
opening U.S.
sales week in
2008 by a female artist in all
genres of music, and the fourth
biggest overall behind Lil Wayne,
AC/DC and Coldplay. Its lead
single "Love Story" became a hit
on both the country and pop
charts. During the first week of
release, more than 129,000 of
Swift's sales were sold digitally.
This gives Swift the best online
start for any country album in
history. Through its eighth week
of release, Fearless has sold
more than 338,467 paid downloads, making it the bestselling
country album in digital history.
She was the first artist in the history of Nielsen SoundScan to
have two different albums in the
Top 10 on the year end album
chart. It also was the first album
continued on page 13
na njihovom trodimenzionalnom filmu "Jonas Brothers: The 3D
Concert Experience". Film je objavljen 27. februara 2009. godine u
Severnoj Americi. Zaradio je 12.7000.000 tokom prvog vikenda
prikazivanja. Swift-ova je prvi put glumila na televiziji u jednoj epizodi CBS-ove serije "CSI:Crime Scene Investigation" pod nazivom
"Turn,Turn,Turn", 5. marta 2009. godine u SAD i Kanadi. Tu epizodu
je gledalo 20.8 milona gledalaca. Swift-ova se nakratko pojavila u
muzi~kom spotu Kellie Pickler "Best Days of Our Life". Tako|e se
pojavila u filmu "Hannah Montana: The Movie" kao "`ena koja peva
u {tali". Film je objavljen 10. aprila 2009. godine u Severnoj Americi.
U 2010. godini, Taylor }e se prvi put pojaviti u glavnoj ulozi i to u
filmu "Valentine's Day" u ulozi Samantha-e Kenny.
mestu muzi~ke top liste "Billboard 200". Prodaja 592.304 primeraka
albuma je najve}a prodaja po izdavanju albuma bilo kog kantri
peva~a u 2008. godini. Ovo je, tako|e, najve}a prodaja u prvoj nedelji
od izdavanja albuma u SAD, {to se ti~e `enskih izvo|a~a svih
muzi~kih `anrova, a ~etvrta najve}a prodaja uop{te posle Lil Wayne,
"AC/DC" i "Coldplay". Vode}a pesma "Love Story" je postala hit i na
muzi~kim top listama kantri muzike i na top listama pop muzike.
Tokom prve nedelje od izdavanja albuma, vi{e od 129.000 primeraka
albuma je prodato digitalnim putem. Ovo je Swift-ovoj dalo najbolji
"onlajn" po~etak od svih albuma kantri muzike u istoriji. Tokom osme
nedelje od izdavanja, album "Fearless" je prodat u vi{e od 338.467
primeraka putem pla}enih o~itavanja ("skidanja") sa Interneta, ~ime je
postao najbolje prodavani album kantri muzike u istoriji Interneta. Ona
je prvi izvo|a~ u istoriji "Nielsen Sound Scan"-a (informativni sistem
koji prati prodaju muzike i muzi~kih video spotova) koji je imao dva
razli~ita albuma na "Top 10" - listi najboljih albuma na kraju godine. To
je tako|e bio prvi album `enskog izvo|a~a u istoriji kantri muzike koji
je 8 nedelja bio na mestu broj 1 na listi "Billboard 200". Sredinom januara 2009. godine Taylor je postala prvi izvo|a~ kantri muzike koji je
zaradio 2 miliona maraka putem o~itavanja tri razli~ite pesme sa
Interneta. Taylor se prvi put pojavila kao muzi~ki gost u "Saturday
Night Live" ("Subotom uve~e u`ivo") 10. januara 2009. godine, ~ime
je postala najmla|i izvo|a~ kantri muzike koji se pojavio kao muzi~ki
gost u ovoj emisiji koja se emituje ve} 33 godine. Svoju pesmu
"Fifteen" sa Miley Cyrus, Swift-ova je izvela na 51. dodeli "Grammy"
nagrada - 8. februara 2009. godine. Od objavljivanja njenog drugog
albuma, objavila je jo{ jednu pesmu "Crazier" za muziku u filmu
"Hannah Montana: The Movie". Na 44. godi{njoj dodeli nagrada kantri
muzike, Taylor je dobila nagradu "Najbolji album godine" kao izvo|a~ i
producent albuma "Fearless". Odr`ala je i privatni koncert sa besplatnim ulazom za u~enike {kole "Bishop Ireton, High School" 28. aprila
2009. godine, male {kole u Aleksandiriji u Vird`iniji po{to je {kola
pobedila na nacionalnom takmi~enju "TXT 2 WIN" koje je organizovala kompanija za telekomunikacije "Verizon Wireless. Osvojila je i
~etiri nagrade na takmi~enju "Country Music Awards" 11. novembra
2009. godine: "Nagradu za album godine"; "Nagradu za muzi~ki spot
godine" za pesmu "Love Story"; "Nagradu za `enskog izvo|a~a
godine" i "Nagradu za zabavlja~a godine".
Gluma~ka karijera
U 2008. godini, Taylor Swift je prvi put glumila i to u muzi~kom
spotu "Online", Brad-a Paisley-a. Iste godine je snimila dokumentarac za MTV pod nazivom "MTV Once Upon a Prom" ("Bio jednom MTV posle mature" - igra re~i) i dokumentarac sa bendom "Def
Leppard" za televizijsku stanicu CMT (Country Music Television) pod
nazivom "CMT Crossroads" koji je premijerno prikazan 7. novembra
2008. godine i privukao vise od 4.5 miliona gledalaca tokom prva
~etiri prikazivanja. Taylor je sara|ivala sa grupom "Jonas Brothers"
Taylor je lansirala kampanju za za{titu dece od onlajn
(Internet) predatora 21. septembra 2007. godine. Kampanja koja je
trajala godinu dana pokrenuta je u saradnji sa Udru`enjem policijskih na~elnika u drzavi Tenesi (SAD) i podelila je informacije o
bezbednosti na Internetu i drugi materijal roditeljima i u~enicima
{irom dr`ave. Po~etkom 2008. godine, Taylor je de~ijem
dobrotvornom dru{tvu "Victory Junction Gang" poklonila roze
kamionet koji joj je poklonila njena izdava~ka ku}a; u junu 2008.
godine je svu zaradu koju je dobila od prodaje robe na festivalu
kantri muzike poklonila Crvenom krstu "Nashville Area Red Cross
Disaster Relief Fund" i "National American Red Cross Disaster
Relief Fund". Swift-ova je poklonila 100.000 ameri~kih dolara
Crvenom krstu u gradu Cedar Rapids (Ajova) kako bi pomogla
`rtvama poplava u Ajovi tokom 2008. godine. Podr`ala je
"Victorian Bushfire Appeal" tako {to se pridru`ila izvo|a~ima koncerta "Sydney's Sound Relief" u Sidneju u Australiji i time navodno doprinela vi{e nego bilo koji drugi u~esnik. Taylor je poklonila i
svoju matursku haljinu koja je na aukciji dobrotvornom dru{tvu
"" donela 1.200 dolara.
Javni imid` i druge aktivnosti
Taylor Swift se pojavila na naslovnim stranama mnogih
~asopisa. U 2008. godini na listi se nalaze ~asopisi "Blender",
"Seventeen", "Billboeard", "Girl's Life", "Women's Health" i "Corsmo
Girl". U 2009. godini, ukrasila je naslovnice ~asopisa "Teen Vogue",
"Self Magazine", "Rolling Stone", "Allure", "Glamour" i "Bliss". Jedna
je od dvoje izvo|a~a kantri muzike koji su se za 15 godina postojanja ~asopisa "Blender" na{li na naslovnoj strani ovog ~asopisa. U
~asopisu "Cosmo Girl" je 2008. godine izabrana za "Devojku
godine", a magazin "Rolling Stone" ju je proglasio jednom od "The
RS 100: Agents of Change" ("Zastupnika promena"). Nominovana je
za kandidata za listu "2009 The Time 100 Finalists" ~asopisa "Time"
koja se odre|uje putem glasanja preko Interneta.
On September 21st, 2007, Swift launched a campaign to protect children from online predators. The yearlong campaign, launched in partnership with the
Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police, will distribute
Internet safety information and materials to parents and
students across the state. In early 2008, Swift donated
the pink Chevy pick-up truck given to her by her record
label to children's charity, the Victory Junction Gang; in
June, 2008, Swift donated all the proceeds she got from
her merchandise sales at the 2008 Country Music
Festival to Red Cross, the 'Nashville Area Red Cross
Disaster Relief Fund' and the 'National American Red
Cross Disaster Relief Fund'. Swift donated $100,000 to
the Red Cross in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to help the victims
of the Iowa flood of 2008. Swift has lent her support to
the Victorian Bushfire Appeal by joining the lineup at Sydney's
Sound Relief concert, reportedly making the biggest contribution
of any artist playing at Sound Relief to the Australian Red Cross.
Swift donated her prom dress, which raised $1,200 for charity, to
by a female artist in country music history to last eight weeks at
#1 on The Billboard 200. In mid-January 2009, Swift became the
first country artist to top the 2 million mark in paid downloads
with three different songs. On January 10, 2009, Swift made her
first musical guest appearance on Saturday Night Live, making
her the youngest country singer to appear as a musical guest on
the show in its 33-year run. On February 8, 2009, Swift performed her song "Fifteen" with Miley Cyrus at the 51st Grammy
Awards. Since the release of Swift's second album, Fearless,
she has released one new song "Crazier" for the soundtrack of
the feature film Hannah Montana: The Movie. At the 44th
Annual Academy of Country Music Awards, Swift picked up
Album of the Year honors as a performer and producer for
"Fearless". On April 28th, 2009, Swift gave a free, private concert to students at "Bishop Ireton High School", a small school in
Alexandria, Virginia after the school won a national "TXT 2 WIN"
contest from Verizon Wireless. On November 11th, 2009 Swift
won four Country Music Awards: Album of the Year, Music
Video of the Year for "Love Story," Female Vocalist of the
Year, and Entertainer of the Year.
Acting career
In 2008, Taylor Swift made her acting debut in Brad Paisley's
music video "Online". In that same year Swift filmed a documentary for MTV entitled 'MTV's Once Upon a Prom' and a documentary with Def Leppard for CMT entitled 'CMT Crossroads',
which was premiered on November 7, 2008, it drew more than
4.5 million viewers for its four initial airings. Swift collaborated
with the Jonas Brothers in their 3D Concert Film, Jonas
Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience. The film was released
on February 27, 2009 in North America. The concert film brought
in $12,700,000 on its opening weekend. Swift made her primetime television acting debut on CBS's CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation Turn, Turn, Turn on March 5, 2009 in the U.S. and
Canada. The episode was watched by 20.8 million viewers. Swift
made a cameo appearance in Kellie Pickler's music video "Best
Days of Your Life". Swift also appeared in Hannah Montana:
The Movie as "woman singing in the barn". The film was
released on April 10th, 2009 in North America. In 2010, Swift will
make her feature film acting debut as Samantha Kenny in the
film Valentine's Day.
Public image and other work
Swift has been featured on the cover of a number of magazines. In 2008, the list includes Blender, Seventeen,
Billboard, Girls' Life, Women's Health and Cosmo Girl. In
2009, Swift graced the cover of Teen Vogue, Self Magazine,
Rolling Stone, Allure, Glamour, and Bliss. She has been a
cover girl for Blender, for which she was one of two country
artists during the magazine's fifteen year run to be a cover
subject. Cosmo Girl voted Swift as the "2008 Girl of the
Year". Swift was named by Rolling Stone magazine as one of
"The RS 100: Agents of Change". She was nominated as a
candidate for Time's "2009 The Time 100 Finalists" list, which
is determined by online voting.
"Kada su se stvarale ove pesme, izvirali su stihovi
kao voda; kao da sam neku ~esmu otvorila. I sama
sam se ~udila kako su tekli glatko, neprestano...
Dogodilo se ono najpo`eljnije, oblik i sadr`aj su
sliveni, jedno drugo isti~u i dopunjuju."
Desanka Maksimovi}
esanku Maksimovi} mnogi smatraju pesnikom
ljubavi, mladosti i vedrine, pesnikom zemaljskih lepota i plodova. U njoj, ~ini se, pre treba videti velikog
pesnika velikih strahova i velikih sumnji. Ona je mo`da
najautenti~niji pesnik Srbije. Ali, ona je jo{ autenti~nija kad opeva
neku zemlju koja i jeste i nije; koja i postoji i ne postoji.
Prve svoje pesme Desanka je objavila 1920. godine u
~asopisu "Misao" i od tada ona je neprekidno stvarala, tako da
spada u srpske najplodnije pesnike. Objavila je oko pedeset knjiga poezije, pesama i proze za decu i omladinu, pripoveda~ke,
romansijerske i putopisne proze.
Desanka Maksimovi} je ro|ena 16. maja 1898. godine u
Rabrovici kod Valjeva kao najstarije dete oca Mihaila, u~itelja i majke
Draginje, k}erke brankovinskog sve{tenika. Odmah posle njenog
ro|enja, Mihailo Maksimovi} je dobio preme{taj, te se porodica
odselila u Brankovinu.
U Brankovini je provela
detinjstvo, a Gimnaziju
je zavr{ila u Valjevu.
Ne, nemoj mi pri}i! Ho}u izdaleka
Po~etkom avgusta
da volim i `elim tvoja oka dva.
1933. godine udala se
Jer sre}a je lepa samo dok se ~eka,
za Sergeja Slastikova.
dok od sebe samo nagove{taj da.
Studirala je Filozofski
fakultet u Beogradu na
Ne, nemoj mi pri}i! Ima vi{e dra`i
Odseku za svetsku
ova slatka strepnja, ~ekanje i stra'.
knji`evnost, op{tu istoriSve je mnogo lep{e donde dok se tra`i,
ju i istoriju umetnosti.
o ~emu se samo tek po slutnji zna.
Nakon diplomiranja na
Filozofskom fakultetu,
Ne, nemoj mi pri}i! Na{ta to i ~emu?
Desanka je prvo radila
Iz daleka samo sve ko zvezda sja;
u Obrenova~koj gimiz daleka samo divimo se svemu.
naziji, a zatim u Tre}oj
Ne, nek mi ne pri|u oka tvoja dva!
`enskoj gimnaziji u
Beogradu. U Parizu je
provela godinu dana na
usavr{avanju kao stipendista francuske Vlade. Nakon {to je od 3.
septembra 1925. godine radila oko godinu dana u U~iteljskoj {koli u
Dubrovniku, pre{la je ponovo u Beograd gde je radila u Prvoj `enskoj
gimnaziji. Po~etkom Drugog svetskog rata oti{la je u penziju, ali se u
slu`bu u Prvu `ensku gimnaziju vratila 1944. godine i u istoj {koli
ostala do kona~nog penzionisanja, 1953. godine.
Putovala je {irom tada{nje Jugoslavije i imala veliki broj prijatelja me|u piscima i pesnicima; u njih su spadali i Milo{
Crnjanski, Ivo Andri}, Gustav Krklec, Isidora Sekuli}, Branko ]opi}
i mnogi drugi. Dana 17. decembra 1959. godine izabrana je za
dopisnog ~lana Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, a 16. decembra 1965. za redovnog ~lana.
Desanka Maksimovi} je bila pesnik, pripoveda~, romansijer,
pisac za decu, a povremeno se bavila i prevo|enjem, mahom poezije, sa ruskog, slovena~kog, bugarskog i francuskog jezika. Njena
poezija je ljubavna, poletna, mladala~ka, ozbiljna i ose}ajna.
Naj~e{}i motiv u njenoj poeziji je bila ljubav i njena re~, odnos prema
svetu i filozofija su i sami bili pesni~ke prirode. Njeno osnovno
pesni~ko geslo je bilo da poezija treba da bude razumljiva, jasna,
iskrena, otvorena prema ~oveku i `ivotu. Mnoge njene pesme predstavljaju poziv ljudima da budu dobri, plemeniti, ponositi, postojani,
da po{tuju ljude druga~ijih uverenja i na~ela, mi{ljenja, boja ko`e i
vera i da budu strogi prema svojim manama, kao i prema tu|im. Od
svih vrednosti u `ivotu ona je kroz svoje pesme posebno isticala slobodu, odanost, hrabrost, dobrotu i nekoristoljublje. U kasnijem periodu `ivota, njena lirika je dobila ne{to smireniji i ti{i duh.
Njena poezija, pripovetke, romani, knjige za decu prevo|eni
su na mnoge jezike, a pojedine pesme nalaze se u antologijama poezije. Dobila je i veliki broj knji`evnih nagrada, a
izabrana je i za po~asnog gra|anina Valjeva gde joj je jo{ za
`ivota podignut spomenik.
U svojoj 95. godini, 11. februara 1993. godine Desanka
Maksimovi} je preminula u Beogradu, u svom stanu, a sahranjena je
u svojoj voljenoj Brankovini kod Valjeva. @ivot najomiljenije srpske
pesnikinje druge polovine XX veka jednostavno se - ugasio.
Narodna biblioteka Srbije iz Beograda bila je osniva~ i nosilac
"Zadu`bine Desanke Maksimovi}" koja je osnovana 19. marta 1993.
godine. Dana 23. avgusta 2007. godine otkriven je spomenik
Desanki Maksimovi} u Beogradu u Ta{majdanskom parku.
^uj, re}i }u ti svoju tajnu:
ne ostavljaj me nikad samu
kad neko svira.
Mogu mi se u~initi
duboke i meke
o~i neke
sasvim obi~ne.
Mo`e mi se u~initi
da tonem u zvuke,
pa }u ruke
svakom pru`iti.
Mo`e mi se u~initi
lepo i lako
voleti kratko
za jedan dan.
Ili mogu kom re}i u tome
~asu ~udesno sjajnu
predragu mi tajnu
koliko te volim.
O, ne ostavljaj me nikad samu
kad neko svira.
U~ini}e mi se negde u {umi
ponovo sve moje suze teku
kroz samonikle neke ~esme.
U~ini}e mi se crn leptir jedan
po te{koj vodi krilom {ara
{to nekad neko re}i mi ne
U~ini}e mi se negde kroz
neko peva i gorkim cvetom
u neprebolnu ranu srca dira.
O, ne ostavljaj me nikad
nikad samu,
kad neko svira.
"When these poems were being created, verses were
flowing like water; like I have opened some faucet. I,
myself, was surprised by how smooth and how constantly they were flowing … The most desirable thing
happened, form and content melted together, emphasizing and completing each other."
Desanka Maksimovic
any consider Desanka Maksimovic for the poet of love,
youth and cheerfulness, the poet of earthly beauty and
fruits. However, it seems that in her, we should rather see a
great poet of great fears and great doubts. She might be the most
authentic Serbian poet and she is the most authentic when she
writes about a land that "is and that is not"; that exists and does not
Desanka published her first poems in 1920 in the magazine
"Misao" (Thought) and since then she was continuously creating
which is why she is one of the most fertile Serbian poets. She published over fifty books of poetry, poems and prose for kids and
youth, novels, narrative and travel prose.
Desanka Maksimovic was born on May 16, 1898 in Rebrovica
near Valjevo, the oldest child of father Mihailo, a teacher, and mother Draginja,
daughter of
Brankovina priest.
Right after her
No... don't come to me! I want to adore
birth, Mihailo
and love your two eyes from a far, far away.
Maksimovic was
For, happiness's beau just while waiting for
transferred and
when only a allusion comes out of its way.
whole family
moved to
No... don't come to me! There is more allure
Brankovina where
in waiting with sweet apprehension, fear.
she spent her
Just while seeking out everything is pure;
childhood. She
It's nicer when just foreboding is near.
graduated from the
Gymnasium in
No... don't come to me! Why that, and what
Valjevo. At the
beginning of 1933,
Only from afar all stars spark and glee;
she got married to
Only from afar we admire all.
Sergej Slastikov.
No... let not your eyes come closer to me.
She studied in
the Faculty of
Philosophy at the
Belgrade University, in the Department of World History, General
History and History of Art. After graduating in the Faculty of
Philosophy, Desanka first worked in Obrenovac gymnasium and
then she moved to the Third Female Gymnasium in Belgrade. She
spent one year in Paris in a specialization as a scholar of the
French Government. On 3 September 1925, she was transferred to
the teachers' school in Dubrovnik, and after that, she moved back to
Belgrade where she worked in the First Female Gymnasium. At the
beginning of the Second World War, she retired but she started
working again in the First Female Gymnasium in 1944 and stayed
there until her final retirement in 1953.
She travelled across Former Yugoslavia and had a great number of friends among writers and poets. Some of them were Milos
Crnjanski, Ivo Andric, Gustav Krklec, Isidora Sekulic, Branko Copic
and many others. On 17 December 1959, she was elected as an
associate member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
and on 16 December 1965, she became a permanent member.
Desanka Maksimovic was a poetess, narrator, novelist, writer of
books for children and occasionally she would engage in translation,
of mostly poetry, from Russian, Slovenian, Bulgarian and French
languages. Her poetry spoke about love; it was enthusiastic and
youthful, yet serious and sensitive. Most often motive in her poetry
was love and words of love, relation with world and philosophy were of poetic nature themselves. Her basic poetic
saying as that poetry needs to be comprehensible, clear,
honest, and open towards man and life. Many of hers
poems represent a call for people to be good, noble, proud,
stable, and to respect people of different convictions and
beliefs, opinions, color of skin and religion and to be harsh
to their own flaws as well as they are to other peoples
flaws. Among all values in life, through her poetry she
emphasized the most: freedom, devotion, courage, goodness and altruism. Later in life, her lyrics became more peaceful
and calm. Her poetry, short stories, novels, and books for children,
were translated into many languages and some of the poems are a
part of anthologies of
poetry. She won a number
of awards and she was
elected as honorary citizen of Valjevo where the
statue of her was erected
while she was still alive.
Desanka Maksimovic
died on 11 February 1993
in her apartment in
Belgrade, at the age of 95.
She was buried in
Brankovina near Valjevo.
The life of the most
favorite Serbian poetess
of the second half of the
20th Century simply extinguished.
Serbian National
Library in Belgrade founded "Desanka Maksimovic
Foundation" on 19 March
1993. On 23 August 2007,
the monument of Desanka
Maksimovic was erected in
Tasmajdan Park in
Listen, I'll tell you my secret:
Never leave me alone
when music plays.
It could seem to me
that some eyes gray
are so deep and soft the eyes that are actually
It could seem to me
that I dive into the sound
and I could give my hands
to anyone around.
It could seem to me
se easy, so gay
to love someone
for only one day.
Or, I could tell someone
my dearest,
magically growing secret
how much I love you.
Oh, never leave me alone
when music plays.
It could seem to me that
somewhere in a forest,
my tears flow through a new
It could seem to me that a
black butterfly
makes patterns on heavy
water those that no one feels free to
It could seem to me that,
somewhere in the dark zone,
someone sings and touches
my heart with a bitter flower right where the incurable
wound stays.
Oh, never leave me alone,
never alone
when music plays.
Gospodin Gradimir Miki}
p{tina Kamenica je oduveka bila multietni~ka, a
me{tani se nadaju da }e takva i ostati. Sve zajednice
koje `ive ovde suo~avaju se sa istim problemima, a
slobodno mo`emo re}i, da su trenutna ekonomska situacija i
nezaposlenost mladih, problem sa kojim se suo~avaju sve
zemlje u regionu, i {ire.
Obzirom da je mladima, {to je i logi~no, mnogo toga
potrebno, zaposleni u Op{tini se trude da kroz razne projekte
mladima pru`e ono najosnovnije. Kako nam je rekao zamenik
predsednika op{tine Gradimir Miki}, najva`nije je mladima
obezbediti {kole, ambulante, sportske stadione, mostove, kulturna i sportska de{avanja, i sve to, da bi omladina imala
egzistenciju na ovim prostorima.
Kosovske institucije, Me|unarodna zajednica i mnoge NVO,
itekako se trude da problem nezaposlenosti re{e na {to bolji
mogu}i na~in, i da pru`e mladima bolju
perspektivu. Samim tim, Kosovske institucije odobrile su u 2009. godini finansijska
sredstva u iznosu od dva i po miliona
evra za realizaciju nekoliko projekata u
Kamenici, ~ime }e se pobolj{ati kvalitet
`ivota me{tana. Ono {to je posebno
zna~ajno za njih jeste asfaltiranje puteva,
i povezivanje sela me|usobno, i sela sa
gradom. U sklopu projekata obuhva}ena
je ugradnja centralnog grejanja u {kolama, izgradnja mostova u nekim selima, i
izgradnja ambulante i jedne {kole.
Prema re~ima gospodina Miki}a projekti se realizuju u osam sela; sedam srpskih i u jednom albanskom selu. "Uradili
smo vodosistem u selima Ranilug,
Glogovce i Drenovce. Asfaltirali smo ulice
Glogovce-Donje Korminjane, jedna ulica
u Domorovcu, zatim ulica Donje-Gornje
Drenovce, i mahala Dubovci-Koretin. U
sklopu projekata imamo izgradnju ambu-
lante i {kole u Odevcu, a verujte mi, da ima jo{ dosta
projekata i ne bih mogao sve da ih nabrojim. Mnogo
toga je ve} zavr{eno, i jo{ mnogo toga je u fazi implementacije. Ono {to je najva`nije je da se ne{to pozitivno de{ava, i da se mnogo radi."
Gospodin Miki}, po struci ma{inski in`enjer, u
ovoj op{tini radi ve} sedam godina, i kako on ka`e
implementacija svih ovih projekata je znak da se
ovde mo`e lepo `iveti i raditi, i da ni{ta nije
nedosti`no. Samim tim, na ovaj na~in pobolj{avaju
se uslovi za `ivot svih ljudi, {to je i cilj Kosovskih
institucija. Tokom realizacije projekata, privremeno se
zapo{ljavaju mladi ljudi, {to im za neko vreme
obezbe|uje novac za egzistenicju, a isto tako udaljava ih od ulice i raznih poroka.
Op{tinski radnici zaista se trude da na najbolji
mogu}i na~in pru`e mladima {ansu da se zaposle, pa
makar to bio i privremeni rad. Naime, planiranjem
konkretnih projekata, do{li su na ideju da predlo`e
izvo|a~ima radova da uposle jedan brojih mladih iz
te op{tine. To zna~i da op{tina ne radi samo na
implementaciji konkretnih projekata, ve} ima za cilj i
da me{tanima pru`i zaposlenje na odre|eni rok.
Na kraju na{eg razgovora gospodin Miki}
preporu~io je svim mladima da rade svoj posao {to
bolje i da mu se vi{e posvete, i svima }e biti
mnogo bolje. Kako on ka`e, "mladi su na{ prioritet i moramo
da razmi{ljamo kako da ih otrgnemo od lo{ih navika.
Omladina treba vi{e da se posveti kulturi, obrazovanju i
sportu. Ono {to je specifi~no za na{ grad jeste me|usobno
razumevanje koje postoji ovde. Uvek smo znali da razumemo
jedni druge, i da izbegavamo konflikte."
I zaista smo se uverili u tvrdnje gospodina Miki}a. Upravo u
ovom gradu mo`ete ~uti ljude kako slobodno govore srpski, albanski, romski i engleski jezik. Na njihovoj pijaci Albanci i Srbi
sasvim normlano i slobodno razmenjuju svoje proizvode.
Komuniciraju, }askaju, i jednostavno pri~aju o problemima sa kojima se oni susre}u, a koji ih na neki na~in spajaju. Upravo nam
ovaj primer oslikava Kamenicu i `ivot u njoj, tj. oslikava su`ivot,
toleranciju i me|usobnu saradnju.
amenica Municipality has always been multiethnic and
inhabitants are hoping that it will stay that way. All
communities living in this area face the same problems, and we can say that the current economic situation and
unemployment of young people are the problems that all countries in the region are facing.
Considering the fact that youth need many things, which is
natural, employees of the municipality are trying to provide the
basics for the young people through different projects. As deputy
mayor, at the time of the interview, Gradimir Mikic told us, the
most important things that should be provided to young people are
schools, medical centres, and sport stadiums; all
this in order to ensure their future in this area.
Kosovo Institutions, International Community
and many NGOs, are working hard to solve the
problem of unemployment in the best possible way
and to give the youth a better outlook. For that reason, Kosovo Institutions approved the funds of
2.500.000 Euros for 2009 for implementation of
several projects in Kamenica, which will improve living conditions of its inhabitants. Especially significant for them is paving of the roads that will connect the villages with one another and with the town
as well. These projects also include installation of
central heating system in schools, construction of
bridges in certain villages and construction of the
medical centre and one school.
According to Mr.Mikic, the projects are being
implemented in eight villages: seven Serbian villages and one Albanian village. "We have
installed the water supply system in the villages
of Ranilug, Glogovce and Drenovce. We have
paved the road on the route Glogovce-Donje Korminjane, one
street in Domorovce, the road Donje Drenovce-Gornje
Drenovce and neighborhood Dubovci-Koretin. Within the projects is also the construction of the medical centre and the
school in Odevce, and believe me, there are a lot more projects and I cannot mention all of them. Many are already completed and many are in the phase of implementation. The most
important thing is that something positive is happening and
that there is a lot of work."
Mr. Mikic, a mechanical engineer who has been working in this
municipality for seven years already, says that implementations of
all these projects is a sign that people can have a good life here
and work, and that nothing is impossible. In this way, living conditions of all people are improved which is the goal of Kosovo
Institutions. During the realization of these projects, young people
are being employed for a period of time, which ensures the
income necessary for their survival, and keeps them off the streets
and away from different vices.
Municipal employees are really trying hard to give the opportunity to young people in a best possible way to get a job even if it
is only a temporary job. Namely, while planning concrete projects,
they have come to an idea to propose to contractors to employ a
certain number of youngsters from the municipality. This means
that the Municipality works not only on implementation of projects,
but on providing jobs for inhabitants for a certain period as well.
At the end of our conversation, Mr. Mikic recommended to
all young people to study the best they can, to be more committed, and it will be better for everyone. As he says, "Youth is our
priority and we must think of the ways to help them to get rid of
bad habits. Youth should be more interested in culture, education and sport. The special thing about our town is a mutual
understanding. We always had a way of understanding each
other and avoiding conflicts."
We are convinced that the claims of Mr. Mikic's are indeed
true. Right in this town, you can hear people freely speaking
Serbian, Albanian, Roma and English language. In their market,
Albanians and Serbs completely normally and freely exchange
products. They communicate, chat and simply talk about problems
they are facing, and is in some way bringing them together. And
as we can see from this article, Kamenica reflects coexistence,
tolerance and cooperation.
tro{e milione
dolara na obuku
svojih radnika kako bi razumeli raznolikosti
i postali osetljiviji na kulture drugih zaposlenih,
obi~aje i navike. [kolski odbori se sada ve} redovno
27. novembar: Eid al-Adha po~inje 27. novembore sa napeto{}u izme|u `elje za slavljem u sezoni
bra i traje ~etiri dana. Praznik je zasnovan na
ali i `eljom da se porodice u~enika ne na|u
lunarnoj godini, pa se datum po~etka menja
uvre|ene. Zajednice razgovaraju o tome {ta jeste, a {ta nije
svake godine. Ovaj praznik slave muslimani
prikaz religioznosti u op{tini grada ili u gradskoj zgradi. Kao
u se}anje na pri~u o Ibrahimu. Alah je
stavio na probu Ibrahima tako {to mu je
dru{tvo mi smo u tranziciji, a kao i u svakoj tranziciji postoje tenznaredio da `rtvuje ro|enog sina Ismaila.
ije u vezi razvoja istog.
Po{to je Ibrahim hteo da izvr{i zapoved,
@elimo da na{a deca po{tuju tradicije drugih. @elimo da ih pripremiAlah se ume{ao i nagradio ga za njegovu
mo da Kosovo bude me{avina velikog broja kultura i religija. @elimo da
poslu{nost i rekao mu da umesto sina
se ose}aju kao deo globalne zajednice. Mo`da ne}emo mo}i da
`rtvuje jagnje. U zavisnosti od zakona koji
prosvetlimo prodavca u na{oj najbli`oj prodavnici, ali mo`emo da budeva`e u zemlji, muslimani koji sebi to mogu
mo model po kome se uklju~uje i slavi raznovrsnost u na{im domovima
da priu{te, `rtvuju `ivotinju ili se dogovore
i porodici. Pokazuju}i im da drugi slave praznike na druga~iji na~in,
da se `ivotinja `rtvuje u klanici. Meso se
podiza}emo na{u decu tako da cene raznolikost, umesto da je se
zatim deli u porodici, prijateljima i
pla{e. Podr`avaju}i napore u na{oj zajednici da svi njeni ~lanovi
siroma{nima. Ljudi obla~e najbolje odelo i
budu vidljivi, poma`emo da Kosovo krene ka kulturi razumevanja.
pose}uju ro|ake i prijatelje. Deca mogu da
Ako poznajete neke ljude koji praznike slave na druga~iji na~in
dobiju i poklone, a praktikuju se i ku}ne
od onog kako Vi slavite, pozovite ih jedno poslepodne ili
molitve. Su{tina praznika je `rtvovanje. ^esto
predve~e razmenite me|usobno pri~e o prazni~nim
ljudi `rtvuju ili poklanjaju ne{to njima naro~ito
obi~ajima. Na svetu postoji mnogo religija i etni~kih
drago za vreme trajanja ovog praznika.
grupa, svaka ima svoja verovanja i tradiciju. Evo
decem25. decembar: Katoli~ki Bo`i} je katoli~ki praznik koji
icu i imanslavi ro|enje Isusa Hrista. Pravo zna~enje Bo`ica je
bra i januara meseca, za neke od
ljubav, jer je Bog toliko voleo svet da je za njega dao svog
ve}ih etni~kih grupa.
jedinog Sina - da du{a svakoga ko veruje u njega ne}e stradati, ve} }e zadobiti ve`ni `ivot. Jer, Bog nije poslao svog
Sina u ovaj svet da osudi svet, ve} da se svet kroz njega
spasi. Pravo zna~enje Bo`i}a je proslava ovog neverovatnog
~ina ljubavi. Jelka se unosi u dom, ukra{ava se, kiti se
lampicama, a imela se postavlja na ulazna vrata. Bo`i}ni patuljak, Deda Mraz, donosi deci poklone. Oni koji ga slave
obi~no pose}uju crkvu uve~e ili na dan Bo`i}a. Porodice i
prijatelji razmenjuju poklone i dele posebno prazni~no jelo,
koje obi~no uklju~uje bo`i}ne kola~e. Mogu se pevati religiozne pesme, poznatije kao Bo`i}ne pesme, ali i de~ije
pesme. Ljudi daju milostinju siroma{nima kroz obroke koje
obezbe|uje zajednica u kojoj `ive, ali i kroz prazni~ne akcije.
Zelena i crvena su boje koje naj~e{}e asociraju na Bo`i}.
Zimzeleno drve}e je podsetnik da `ivot nastavlja da buja i u
vreme zime. Za Bo`ic je to simbol ve~nog `ivota koji je
obe}ao Isus Hrist. Za crvenu boju se veruje da je podsetnik
na kapi krvi Isusove, jer se kod Hri{}ana veruje da je Isus
umro da bi iskupio grehe svih ljudi. U vreme drevnog Rima, a
u slavu na uspomenu na Isusa Hrista napravljena je podela u
kalendaru, koja je i danas u upotrebi.
7. januar: Pravoslavni Bo`i} se praznuje u spomen na dan
ro|enja Gospoda Isusa Hrista. ^injenica da je to ra|anje
novog `ivota, praznik dece i detinjstva, praznik roditeljstva o~instva i materinstva, ukrasila je kod pravoslavaca ovaj
praznik najlep{im verskim obi~ajima i obredima. Svi ti obi~aji
i obredi imaju jedan osnovni cilj: umoliti Boga da sa~uva i
Svi se na neki
na~in u tom periodu
ose}aju bolje, pozitivnije,
raspolo`enije. Dan uo~i Bo`i}a, 6. januar, zove se Badnji dan
(kada se jo{ uvek jede samo posna hrana, jer je taj dan
poslednji dan Bo`i}nog posta). Tog dana, doma}in sa svojim
naslednikom odlazi u {umu, se~e badnjak (hrastovo drvo) i
unosi ga u ku}u. Ve} ovim danom po~inje Bo`i}no slavlje.
^im svane, lo`i se vatra i pristavlja se uz nju pe~enica. @ene
u ku}i mese bo`i}ne kola~e, torte, pripremaju se razna jela i
Bo`i}na trpeza. Badnjak simboli~ki predstavlja drvo koje su
pastiri doneli i koje je pravedni Josif zalo`io u hladnoj pe}ini
one no}i kada se Isus Hristos rodio. Badnjak nagove{tava i
drvo Krsta Hristovog. Uve~e, kada padne mrak, domacin sa
sinovima unosi u ku}u pe~enicu, badnjak i slamu. Jedan od
najlep{ih bo`i}nih obi~aja je "mirbo`enje" - sa te`njom da se
odr`i mir, spre~i omraza i prekine zavada me|u ljudima, pa
se pri susretu ljudi pozdravljaju sa: "Mir Bo`ji, Hristos se
rodi!", a odgovara se pozdravom "Vaistinu se rodi!".
Nadamo se da }emo u narednoj deceniji imati
bogatu me{avinu etni~kih festivala na Kosovu.
Tako|e, nadamo se da }emo se ose}ati tako udobno
zajedno, da }emo mo}i istinski da cenimo ono {to
svaka religija ili etni~ka grupa doprinosi u stvaranju
tolerantnog dru{tva.
Sre}ni Vam praznici - svi praznici!
spend millions
of dollars on diversity training to help workers become more
sensitive to each other's cultures, traditions,
and practices. School boards now regularly struggle
Nov. 27: Eid al-Adha begins
since Christians believe
with the tension between wanting to celebrate the holion Nov. 27 and lasts for four
that Jesus died for the
day seasons and not wanting to offend any of their studays. It is based on the lunar
sins of all. Ancient
dents' families. As a culture, we're in transition. As with any
year and the date changes
Romans also comtransition, there is a tension between what was and what is.
from year to year. It is a
memorated Jesus'
We want our children to respect other traditions. We want to
festival celebrated by
birth by marking a
prepare them for a Kosovo that is a rich mix of cultures and reliMuslims to remember the
division of the calengions. We want them to feel a part of the global community. We
story of Ibrahim
dar still in use today.
may not be able to enlighten our local retailers but we can model
(Abraham). Allah tested
inclusiveness and celebrate diversity within our own families and
Ibrahim by commanding
Jan.6: Orthodox
homes. By showing them that others celebrate the season differhim to sacrifice his son
Christmas is celeently, we raise our children to appreciate differences instead of
Ismail (Ishmael). As he
brated as the
fearing them. By supporting efforts in our communities for all of
was about to carry out the
remembrance day of
its members to be visible, we help move our Kosovo towards a
command, Allah intervened
the birth of the Lord
culture of understanding. If you know someone who celeand rewarded him for his
Jesus Christ. The fact
brates a holiday different from your own, invite them over
obedience by telling him to
that the birth of new
for an afternoon or evening of sharing stories about holsacrifice a lamb instead.
life, celebration of chiliday memories. There are hundreds of religious and
Depending on the laws of a
dren and childhood, the
ethnic groups in our world, each with their own
country, Muslims who can afford
holiday of parenthood beliefs and traditions. Here's a summary of
to do so either sacrifice an animal
fatherhood and motherhood,
holidays that occur during December
or arrange for one to be sacrificed at
has decorated this holiday with
and January for some of the
a slaughterhouse. The meat is then
the most beautiful religious cuslarger groups.
divided among family, friends, and the poor.
toms and rites. All these customs and
People dress in their best attire and visit relarites have one main goal, to pray to the
tives and friends. Children may receive gifts and speGod to preserve and enhance the hosts family
cial prayers are said. The focus of the holiday is sacrifice. Often
and property. Everyone in some way in that period feels
people sacrifice or give up something that is important to them
better, more positive, and in a better mood. On the eve of
for the duration of the festival.
Christmas, 6 January, the host with his successor goes into the
forest, cuts Yule log and brings it into the house. With this day
Dec. 25: Christmas is the Christian holiday that is a celebration begins Christmas celebration. With the first dawn, the fire is lit
of the birth of Jesus. The true meaning of Christmas is love. For
and roast is placed by it. Women in the house bake Christmas
God he loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, and
cookies, cakes, preparing the table for Christmas. Yule log symwhoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
bolizes the tree, which the shepherds brought to the righteous,
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the
Joseph used to start a fire in the cold cave where Christ was
world, but to save the world through him." The true meaning of
born. Yule log indicates the wood of the Cross of Christ. In the
Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love. A tree
evening, after dark sets, the host with their sons enters the
is brought indoors and is lit up with lights. Mistletoe is hung
house and brings in the roast, Yule log and straw. One of the
from a doorway. The Christmas elf, and Santa Claus, brings
most beautiful Christmas customs is the mirboženje (peace and
children gifts. Those who celebrate it as a religious holiday often reconciliation) with the tendency to maintain the peace, prevent
attend church either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
hatred and end discord among people, so when people meet
Families and friends exchange gifts and share a special holiday
they greet each other with words: "Mir Bozji, Hristos se rodi!"
meal that often includes Christmas cookies. Religious songs,
(Peace of God, Christ is born!)
called Christmas carols, as well as children's songs may be
sung. People provide for the poor with community meals and
Hopefully in the next decade we'll find a rich mix of ethholiday charity drives. Green and red are the colors most often
nic festivals in Kosovo. Hopefully we'll become so comfortassociated with Christmas. Evergreen trees were a reminder to
able with each other that we'll be able to truly appreciate
ancient peoples that life thrives even in winter. To Christians it is what every religion and ethnicity contributes to who we are.
a symbol of the everlasting life promised by Christ. Red is
thought by some to be a reminder of drops of Jesus' blood
Happy Holidays - all of them.
Carski pingvin
arski pingvin je
Neki `ivotinjski
najve}i od svih
o~evi se pona{aju
pingvina druga~ije pod uticajem fakprose~na ptica je visoka
tora kao {to su te{ki `ivotni
oko 115 cm. Ove ptice
uslovi koji zahtevaju napor oba
koje ne mogu da lete
roditelja kako bi mladunci
`ive na antarkti~kom
pre`iveli. Bez obzira na razlog,
ledu i u ledenim
razne `ivotinjske tate rade bez
vodama. Posle parenja,
prekida i podi`u svoje
izle`e jedno
veliko jaje koje odmah
Evo nekoliko najboljih
otkotrlja do vrhova
o~eva u `ivotinjskom
stopala. Jaje se
zatim inkubira,
odnosno zagreva na stopalima mu`jaka tako {to je
pokriveno debelim slojem ko`e koja visi sa trbuha
mu`jaka. Tokom ovog dvomese~nog "~uvanja
dece" mu`jaci ne jedu ni{ta i nalaze se na milost i
nemilost antarkti~kim vremenskim prilikama. Kada
se `enke vrate na mesto parenja, one do|u sa
stomakom punim hrane koju povrate kako bi
nahranile novoizlegle pili}e. U me|uvremenu,
mu`jaci carskog pingvina koji su obavili svoj deo
posla, odlaze u more da se hrane.
D`inovska afri~ka
noge od ovih velikih
`aba te`e i vi{e od
2 kg. Afri~ka kreketu{a je meso`der i veoma
je pro`drljiva. Hrani se
insektima, sitnim
glodarima, reptilima, malim pticama i drugim
Mu`jak d`inovske
afri~ke kreketu{e
je tata sa veoma
specifi~nim talentom: mo`e da
pojede sve {to
mo`e da mu
stane u usta. Nismo sigurni
koliko to poma`e pri nezi
dece, ali s obzirom da se
stara o preko 6.000
jaja{aca, mora da je
ponekad korisno.
Ju`noameri~ka Darvinova
`aba je, tako|e, izuzetan
otac zahvaljuju}i jedinstvenom na~inu na koji {titi jaja:
on ih proguta i dr`i ih prikupljene u svojim glasnim
podbradnim kesama 6
nedelja. Kada su punoglavci spremni da se izlegu, to
izgleda kao da je jutarnja
mu~nina poprimila svoj najgori oblik.
Emperor Penguin
mperors are the largest of
animal fathers have
all penguins-an average
taken other paths-shaped
bird stands some 115
by such factors as severe livcentimeters tall. These flighting conditions that require effort
less animals live on the
from both parents for the young to
Antarctic ice and in the frigid
survive. No matter the reason, varisurrounding waters. After
ous animal dads are out there plugmating, the female lays one
ging away and raising their
large egg. The egg is then
young. Here are some of the
immediately rolled to the top of
top father's in the animal
the male's feet. The egg is then
incubated or kept warm on the
male's feet
by a thick fold of skin that hangs from
the belly of the male. During this twomonth bout of babysitting the males
eat nothing and are at the mercy of
the Antarctic elements. When female
penguins return to the breeding site,
they bring a belly full of food that
they regurgitate for the newly
hatched chicks. Meanwhile, their duty
done, male emperors take to the sea
in search of food for themselves.
Giant African Bullfrog
Jakana (afri~ka roda)
his is a large frog,
many weighing in over
2 kg. The African
Bullfrog is carnivorous and a
voracious eater, eating
insects, small rodents, reptiles,
is a dad
with a very special talent he can eat anything that he
can fit into his mouth. Not
sure how much that helps in
terms of child rearing, but
with over 6,000 little ones to
raise it's got to come in
handy sometimes. The
South American Darwin frog
is also a remarkable dad,
thanks to his unique method
for protecting his eggs: He
swallows them, keeping
them tucked inside his vocal
sacs for six weeks. When
they're ready to hatch, it's
like morning sickness gone
wrong - very wrong.
fri~ke jakane nisu poznate po monogamnosti
kada govorimo o parenju. Par koji se pari mo`e da
ima do 30 legla svake sezone
sa istim ili razli~itim partnerom.
@enka afri~ke jakane
je dominantna u
odnosu na mu`jaka.
@enke su dva puta
ve}e nego mu`jaci i
mogu da budu
veoma izbirljive kada
biraju partnera za
parenje. @enke afri~ke jakane
generalno ne biraju istog partnera za svako leglo. Ova vrsta
ptice je poznata kao "hoda~ po
ljiljanima" (lokvanj) zato {to im
vitke noge i stopala daju gracioznost i sposobnost hodanja
po ovoj biljci koja prekriva
povr{inu mo~vara. Zbog
manje veli~ine, mu`jaci su
graciozniji "hodaci po ljiljanima" od `enki. @enka pola`e
nekoliko legla od decembra do
aprila. Legla mogu biti sa istim
ili razli~itim partnerima, u zavisnosti od situacije. Mu`jak
afri~ke jakane je glavni
staralac za potomstvo, jer
inkubira jaja i nosi pili}e
ispod svojih krila kako bi se
zagrejali i osu{ili, za {ta je
potrebno oko 18 dana.
frican Jacanas are not
known to be monogamous in
their mating patterns. A mating pair can have up to 30 clutches
of eggs each season, resulting from
either the same partner or various
partners. The female
African Jacana is more
dominant than her male
counterpart. Females
are twice as large as
males and can be very
picky about who they
choose as a mate. The
female African Jacanas does not
generally choose the same male
partner for every clutch of eggs that
she lays. This species of birds are
known as 'lily walkers' because their
slender legs and toes give them the
gracefulness to walk on the lily pads
that blanket their wetlands. Due to
their smaller size, males are more
graceful 'lily walkers' than females.
The female African Jacana lays several clutches of eggs between
December and April, The clutches
may be from a variety of mates or
only one mate, depending on the
circumstances. The male African
Jacana is the main caretaker of
the offspring, incubating the eggs
and carrying the baby chicks
under his wings to keep them
warm and dry until the chicks are
approximately 18 days old.
grica je
na stvarnim doga|ajima
koji su se
dogodili u Dizniju,
zami{ljeno iz ugla
crtanog filma. Walt
Dinsey nije voleo
ni{ta da baca,
~ak iako mu to
nije donosilo
uspeh. Ovo
je dovelo do
velike arhive
likova, starih
skica, ~ak i tematskih parkova u Diznijevom
zabavnom parku. Svet u igrici se zasniva na ovim,
zaboravljenim likovima iz crtanih filmova i sadr`i likove,
nivoe i objekte iz te arhive. U virtuelnom svetu "Epskog Mikija",
arhiva je o{te}ena kombinacijom boje i razre|iva~a za boje, {to
stvara zlo bi}e po imenu Phantom Blot. Blot otima Mikija i odvodi ga
u o{te}eni svet u kom se odvijaju specifi~ne aktivnosti sa mra~nim i
usamljenim izgledom isprepleteno sa svetlim Disney-ivim stilom na
koji smo navikli, ono {to u kompaniji "Spector" zovu "kapriciozno
uvrnuto". Ovde Mikija predstavljaju drugom glavnom liku u igrici Osvaldu Sre}nom Zecu.
Osvalda Sre}nog Zeca je originalno
osmislio i nacrtao Disney, ali prava na ovaj
lik poseduje kompanija "Universal" od 1929.
godine. Zavide}i svom, sada ve} poznatom bratu Mikiju Mausu na postignutom
uspehu, on postaje ogor~en i ozloje|en i
pretvara se u Boltovu zlu lutku. Pored
Osvalda, Miki }e morati da se izbori i sa
Mrljama, ~udnim oblicima nalik na grudve, koji
su razbacani po celom svetu. Osvald ima i
decu, koja, na njegovu `alost, vole Mikija.
Re~eno nam je da se Osvaldova deca i Mrlje
nisu najbolje slagali i da su po~a{}ena
"slatkom" animacijom u kojoj jedno od Ze~eve
dece jede jednu Mrlju na ne tako ne`an
na~in. Jo{ jedan lik, Ludi Doktor je tako|e
stvorio neprijatelje koji se zovu beetleworx
i lice na automobile iz crtanih filmova sa
nogama i rukama, moglo bi se re}i izgledaju
onako kako Disney vidi transformerse.
Odgledali smo snimak igrice u akciji, gde su prikazani neki od
novih likova, misija i Mikijeva interakcija sa svetom. Igrica se igra
iz perspektive tre}eg lica, sli~no platformama i igricama kao {to
su Mario Galaxy i Ratchet i Clank. Miki vr{i interakciju sa svetom
kroz jedinstveni sistem poznat kao Farba i Razredjiva~ za boje.
Miki mo`e da izbri{e delove sveta sa Razredjiva~em za boje i na
taj na~in otvori skrivene staze i objekte. Farba se koristi da se
ispune delovi sveta i da se stvori platforma ili objekat koji se
mo`e iskoristiti da se re{e zagonetke. Jo{ jedan od predmeta
koji smo videli bila je skica ~asovnika. To je Mikiju davalo
mogu}nost da uspori vreme u igrici, a i mo`e se kombinovati
sa Farbom i Razre|iva~em za boju kako bi se otvorile
nove oblasti.
Upotreba ve{tina uti~e ne samo na svet u kome
se odvija igra, ve} i na likove u igrici i njihovom
na~inu opho|enja prema Mikiju, pa i na sam
Mikijev izgled. Igra~i koji izbegavaju da previ{e
koriste Razre|iva~ za boju i borbu, igra}e sa
sre}nim Mikijem. Likovi u igrici su vi{e skloni da takvom Mikiju daju
predmete i zadatke koje treba istra`iti. Suprotno tome, ako
odaberete da Razre|iva~em za boju uni{tavate sve oko sebe, lik sa
kojim igrate pretvori}e se u Borbenog Mikija. Njegov izgled se
menja, postaje tanji i okretniji, a njegove ru{ila~ke ve{tine dobijaju
Jedan od teku}ih zadataka u igrici je sastavljanje Patka
Da~e, koji je ovde prikazan kao kiborg - na jednoj strani njegovog tela nalaze se mehani~ka ruka i noga. Miki treba da
prona|e delove rasute po celom nivou, iako mu nije
obaveza da sklopi Patka Da~u. Ima mogu}nost da vr{i
razmene sa gremlinima, koji mu nude pobolj{anje
ve{tina kao isplatu, iako nam nije re~eno da ovakve
aktivnosti imaju posledica.
Mnogo toga je ura|eno na osnovu tamnijeg pode{avanja igrice, a umetni~ki stil je definitivno odstupanje od
uobi~ajenog Diznijevog stila. Okolina je napravljena u tri dimenzije, iako sve ima izrazit izgled kao u crtanim filmovima. Ima i
dvodimenzionalnih elemenata u igrici, kao {to su scene koje
se prikazuju u stilu skiciranih slika. Neki od platformnih delova su tako|e dvodimenzionalni, iako se u njima prikazuju
trodimenzionalni likovi. Oni ponovo donose neke od
Mikijevih najpoznatijih crtanih filmova, a obe}ano je da }e
puno crtanih filmova biti uba~eno u igricu.
Na osnovu kratkog pregleda igrice "Epski Miki", izgleda da je ova igrica na putu da od Mikija opet napravi
"kul" lik . Moramo da podsetimo Mikija da je on heroj.
Ako ni{ta drugo, igrica nas podse}a da najpoznatiji mi{ definitivno ima jo{ `ivota u sebi.
he game is based on real-life events at Disney, imagined from
the cartoon's perspective. Walt Disney did not like to throw
anything away, even if it was not a success for him. This led to
a huge archive of forgotten characters, old sketches, and even
theme park rides at Disney. It's these forgotten cartoon relics that the
game's world is based upon, containing characters, levels, and
objects from the archive. In the virtual world of Epic Mickey, that
archive has been damaged by a combination of paint and thinner,
which creates an evil being called the Phantom Blot. The Blot kidnaps Mickey and brings him into the damaged world, which sports a
dark and lonely look. It is intertwined with the bright Disney style
we're used to--what Spector calls "whimsically twisted." Here, Mickey
is introduced to the other main protagonist in the game, Oswald the
Lucky Rabbit.
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is a character that was originally drawn
by Disney but was lost to Universal in a contract dispute in 1929.
Envying his now famous brother Mickey Mouse's success, he
becomes bitter and resentful, which
transforms Oswald into the Blot's
evil puppet. In addition to
Oswald, Mickey will have to
fend off "spatters," strange
paint like blobs that are littered across the world.
Oswald also has children,
which, much to his chagrin,
love Mickey.
We were told that Oswald's children and spatters didn't mix well
and were treated to a cute animation of one of the rabbit children
eating a spatter in a less than delicate manner. Another character,
the Mad Doctor, has also created enemies called beetleworx, which
resemble cartoon-style cars with arms and legs--kind of like a Disney
take on transformers.
We watched a demo of the game in action, which showed off
some of the new characters, missions, and Mickey's interactions
with the world. The game is played from a third-person perspective, much like such plat formers as Mario Galaxy and
Ratchet & Clank. Mickey interacts with the world via a
unique system known as paint and thinner. Mickey can
erase parts of the world with the thinner, which opens up
previously hidden pathways and objects. Paint is used
to fill in parts of the world, creating platforms and objects,
which can be used to solve puzzles. Another item we saw
was a clock sketch. This enabled Mickey to slow down time in
the game and can be combined with the paint and thinner abilities
to open up new areas.
The use of abilities affects not just the
gameworld, but also how characters react to you
and the appearance of Mickey himself. Players
that avoid using too much thinner and combat will
get a happy and helpful Mickey. The game's characters are also more inclined to give him items and quests.
Conversely, if you choose to go around destroying everything in your path with thinner, your character will transform
into Scrappy Mickey. His appearance changes; he becomes thinner and more agile, with his destructive abilities getting a boost.
One of the ongoing tasks in the game is to assemble Donald
Duck, who is now a cyborg, with one-half of his body having robotic arms and legs. Mickey has to find parts scattered across the
level, though he does not necessarily have to assemble Donald.
He is able to trade them with the gremlins, who offer him
improved abilities as payment, though we weren't told of the
repercussions for doing so.
Much has been made of the game's darker setting, and
the art style is definitely a departure from the usual
Disney fare. The environments are rendered in 3D,
though everything has a distinct cartoony look. There
are also 2D elements to the game, such as the cut
scenes, which are rendered in a storyboard sketch
style. Some of the plat forming sections are also in
2D, though they still employ 3D character models.
They re-create some of Mickey's most famous cartoons, and it's promised that a whole host of these will
make it into the game.
From our brief look at Epic Mickey, it seems
the game is well on its way to making Mickey cool again.
"We need to remind Mickey, he is a hero". If anything,
this game is reminding us that the world's most famous
mouse definitely has some life left in him yet.
Mlada Njujor~anka,
razo~arana u ljubav,
kre}e na kratak put u
Rim, gde prkosno
razbacuje magi~ne
nov~i}e iz budalaste
ljubavne fontane, neobja{njivo zapaliv{i strast
~udne grupe prosilaca:
magnata u proizvodnji
kobasica, uli~nog
ma|ioni~ara, prelepog
slikara i narcisoidnog
manekena. Ali, kada je
{armantni novinar tra`i sa
jednakim zadovoljstvom, kako }e
ona znati da li je njegova ljubav
prava stvar?
U glavnim ulogama: Kristen Bell,
Jon Heder, Dax
Shepard, Will
Arnett, Danny
DeVito, Josh
Re`iser: Mark
Steven Johnson
Studio: Walt Disney
@anr: romansa / komedija
Starring: Kristen
Bell, Jon Heder,
Dax Shepard, Will
Arnett, Danny
DeVito, Josh
Director: Mark
Steven Johnson
Studio: Walt Disney
Genre: Romance /
n ambitious
New Yorker,
with romance,
takes a whirlwind trip to
Rome where
she defiantly
plucks magic
coins from a
foolish fountain of love,
inexplicably igniting the
passion of an
odd group of
suitors: a
sausage magnate, a street
magician, an
adoring painter
and a selfadmiring
model. But
when a charming reporter
pursues her
with equal
zest, how will she know if
his love is the real thing?
"Igra zvr~ki" je nova sme{na
komedija koja spaja talente dve
generacije porodice Wayans,
izuzetno sme{ne porodice. U filmu
"Igra zvr~ki", mladi uli~ni plesa~
Thomas Uncles, na pogre{noj
strani koloseka i lepa mlada
`ena Megan White su spoZVR^KI
jeni zajedno stra{}u ka
plesu i stavljeni su na test
U glavnim ulogama:
na najva`nijem plesu.
Keenen Ivory Wayans,
"Igra zvr~ki" podi`e nivo
Shawn Wayans, Marlon
muzi~kih filmova,
Wayans, Damon Wayans Jr.
uklju~uju}i i skora{nje
Re`iser: Damien Wayans
hitove kao {to su "Step
Studio: Paramount
up" i "You got served", ali
i klasika kao {to je
@anr: komedija
Starring: Keenen Ivory
Wayans, Shawn Wayans,
Marlon Wayans, Damon
Wayans Jr.
Director: Damien Wayans
Studio: Paramount
"Dance Flick" is a hilarious new
comedy that brings together the
talents of two generations of the
Wayans family, the explosively
funny clan. In "Dance Flick," a
young street dancer, Thomas
Uncles, from the wrong side of the
tracks and a beautiful young
woman, Megan White, are brought
together by their passion for dancing and put to the test in the mother
of all dance battles. "Dance Flick"
sends up the dance movie
genre, including such recent
hits as "Step Up" and
"You Got Served," as
well as the classic
U glavnim ulogama: Hugh Grant,
Sarah Jessica
Parker, Sam Elliott,
Mary Steenburgen,
Elisabeth Moss,
Michael Kelly,
Wilford Brimley
Re`iser: Marc
Studio: Columbia
@anr: komedija
Starring: Hugh
Grant, Sarah
Jessica Parker,
Sam Elliott, Mary
Elisabeth Moss,
Michael Kelly,
Wilford Brimley
Director: Marc
Studio: Columbia
Genre: Comedy
omedija "Jeste li ~uli o Morganima?"
prati izuzetno uspe{an par sa
Menhetna, Meryl i Paul Morgan, ~iji skoro
savr{eni `ivoti imaju samo jednu primetnu manu brak koji im se raspada. Ali, mete` njihovih romanti~nih `ivota nije ni{ta u pore|enju sa iskustvom
koje sledi: svedoci su ubistva i postaju mete
serijskog ubice. Federalci {tite svoje
svedoke, preme{taju Morganove iz
njihovog voljenog Njujorka u
gradi} u dr`avi Vajoming, a njihova poljuljana veza preti da
se u potpunosti raspadne u
stenovitim planinama... osim
ako se njihovim novim `ivotima bez "blekberi" telefona
ponovo ne potpali strast u
usporenom ritmu `ivota u
kome su se na{li.
he comedy 'Did You Hear About the
Morgans?' follows a highly successful
Manhattan couple, Meryl and Paul
Morgan, whose almost-perfect lives have only
one notable failure - their dissolving marriage.
But the turmoil of their romantic lives is nothing
compared to what they are about to experience:
they witness a murder and become targets of a
contract killer. The Feds, protecting their witnesses, whisk away the Morgans from their
beloved New York to a tiny town in Wyoming,
and a relationship that was on the rocks
threatens to end completely in the
Rockies... unless, in their new BlackBerryfree lives, the Morgans can slow down
the pace and rekindle the passion.
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Nikola Iv School "Sarsk
The Prim
aspekt festivala jeste to da su
tokom jutarnjih projekcija
u~estvovali i u~enici nekih
{kola iz Pri{tine. Posle projekcije filma, ovi mladi ljudi bi
u~estvovali u debatama vezanim za filmove i romsku kulturu.
Sa druge strane,
gospodin Sami Mustafa, koji je
ina~e i sam pripadnik romske
zajednice, obja{njava da je ovu
ideju imao godinama. [tavi{e,
njegova `elja da promovi{e kulturu svog naroda je razlog {to
je studirao re`iju. Me|utim,
prema njemu, prikazivanje
jednog ili dva filma, koliko
jedna osoba mo`e da realizuje
tokom jedne godine, previ{e je
malo da bi imalo uticaj na celo
dru{tvo. "Tokom priprema za
festival kontaktirali smo sa
direktorima i producentima iz
svih krajeva sveta koji u svojim
filmovima obra|uju `ivot i kulturu Roma. Od 60 filmova koliko
smo dobili, izabrali smo da projektujemo 25 filmova iz 12
razli~itih zemalja, koji pripadaju razli~itim `anrovima,
po~ev{i od umetni~kih, kratkih filmova, dokumentaraca
itd.", obja{njava izme|u ostalog gospodin Mustafa.
Kada smo ih pitali za{to su izabrali ime "Rolling
Festival" ("Kotrljaju}i festival"), gospo|a Cork i gospodin
Mustafa su rekli da za to postoje dva razloga: prvo, zato
sto se radi o filmu koji je smotan u rolnu, a u isto vreme je
to~ak veoma vazan nacionalni simbol Roma i kao takav
ima mesto na njihovoj nacionalnoj zastavi. [to se ti~e
budu}nosti, gospo|a Cork i gospodin Mustafa su obe}ali
da }e odmah po~eti sa radovima na organizaciji drugog po
redu festivala, dok }e uskoro, tj. odmah nakon prole}a,
pokretna i kra}a verzija festivala biti organizovana i
poseti}e nekoliko gradova na Kosovu. Tom prilikom }e,
pored projekcije filmova, biti organizovane i javne debate.
Na kraju su gospo|a Cork i gospodin Mustafa poru~ili
mladima da `ive `ivot slobodni od lanaca predrasuda i da
rade na izgradnji bolje budu}nosti - po{to oni sami jesu
esen je ove godine Pri{tini donela prili~no bogat
kulturni `ivot kroz organizovanje razli~itih kulturnih
manifestacija. Deo njih su manifestacije koje se
organizuju ve} du`i niz godina, ali je bilo i doga|aja koji
su se odr`ali po prvi put. Takav doga|aj je bio i "Rolling
Film Festival" odr`an u Pristini od 19. do 21. oktobra
ove godine. Organizacija ovog festivala je bila
omogu}ena zahvaljuju}i saradnji izme|u nevladine organizacije "Balkanski suncokreti" i "Romawood
Productions", ali i zahvaljuju}i pomo}i brojnih sponzora,
kao {to su: SOROS fondacija, Evropski Savet, institucije
za kulturu na Kosovu itd.
U `elji da saznamo ne{to vi{e o prvom izdanju ovog
festivala, kao i o njegovoj budu}nosti, razgovarili smo sa
dva glavna organizatora festivala - gospo|om Lara-om
Cork iz organizacije "Balkanski suncokreti" i gospodinom
Sami-jem Mustafa-om iz "Romawood Productions". Prema
njihovim re~ima, nagon i energija za organizovanje
ovakvog festivala proisti~e iz ~injenice da zajednica Roma
na Kosovu nema dovoljnu medijsku pa`nju, niti priliku da
predstavi svoj `ivot i kulturu. Zato se
mo`e re}i da ovaj festival ima dva
glavna cilja: prvi je promocija romske
kulture, a drugi borba protiv postoje}ih
stereotipa vezanih za romsku zajednicu koja je ~esto prikazivana u negativnom kontekstu u medijima. Prema
na{im sagovornicima, pripremni radovi
su po~eli skoro godinu dana ranije, ali
su sre}om, tokom celog tog perioda
uspevali da na|u pomo} za njihovo
"Ja sam se bavio pronala`enjem
sponzora koji su bili spremni da
pomognu, po{to je sama ideja bila
novina za njih, a to unosi novi duh u
razvoj kulturnog `ivota Kosova,"
obja{njava gospo|a Cork. Tako|e,
veliki broj posetilaca i u~esnika u
javnim debatama tokom festivala,
pokazuje da je ova ideja bila pravi
Gospodin Sami Mustafa i gospo|a Lara Cork
pogodak. Jo{ jedan veoma va`an
his year's autumn brought a rather vast treasure in the
cultural life of Pristina, through the organizing of different
cultural manifestations. A part of them were previously
consolidated manifestations that are being organized for years
in a row, but certainly there were activities that were held for the
first time. Such an event was a "Rolling Film Festival", which
was held in Pristina from 19th until 21st October, of this year.
This festival was made possible thanks to the cooperation
between the NGO "Balkan Sunflowers" and "Romawood
Productions", but also thanks to the help of the numerous sponsors, such as the SOROS Foundation, European Council, cultural institutions of Kosovo, etc.
In order to learn something more about the first edition of the
festival, as well as its future, we talked to the two main organizers
of this festival, Mrs. Lara Cork from the Balkan Sunflowers and
Mr. Sami Mustafa from "Romawood Productions." According to
them the main driving force for organizing such a festival, comes
from the fact that the Roma community in Kosovo does not have
the sufficient media coverage to present their life
and culture. In this context, it can be said that
this festival aims to achieve two major goals.
Firstly, the promotion of the Roma culture, and
secondly, the fight against existing stereotypes
for the Roma community, which very often are
presented in a negative context in the media.
According to our interviewees, the preparation
works have begun almost a year prior, but fortunately during the entire time they have found
support for their initiation. "I have been engaged
with finding the sponsors that were ready to help,
since the idea itself was a novelty to them, which
brings a new spirit in the development of cultural
life in Kosovo," explains Ms. Cork. At the same
time, the huge number of visitors, but also of the
participants in the public debates during the festival days shows that this idea is right on target.
Another very important aspect of the festival is
that during the mornings film presentations students from some of schools in Pristina took part.
After watching the movies, these youngsters par-
ticipated in debates relating to
the movies, as well as about
the Roma culture.
On the other hand, Mr.
Sami Mustafa, who otherwise
is also a member of the Roma
community, explains that this
is an idea, which he has had
for years. Furthermore, his
wish to promote the culture of
his people is the reason why
he has studied the film.
However, according to him the
presentation of one or two
films that a person can realize
in one-year period, have very
little impact on the entire society. "In preparation of the festival we have contacted with
directors and producers from
all over the world, who in their
movies treat the life and the
culture of Roma. Out of 60
movies that we have received,
in general, we have selected
25 different movies from 12
countries for presentation,
which belong to different genders and film genres, beginning
from the artistic ones, the short films, documentaries, etc,"
explains among other things Mr. Mustafa.
Asked why they chose the name rolling Festival, Ms. Cork and
Mr. Mustafa said that this is the result of two reasons: firstly,
because it deals with the movie that is folded in a roll, but at the
same time the wheel is a very important symbol of Roma, and as
such has also a place in their flag.
As far as the future is concerned, Ms. Cork and Mr. Mustafa
promised that they would immediately begin the work for organizing the second edition of this festival. Whereas, in a shorter period
of time, respectively right after the spring season a movable and
shorter version of the festival will be organized, which will visit
some other cities of Kosovo, on which occasion, along side the
projection of the movies, public debates will also be organized.
In the end, Ms. Cork and Mr. Mustafa advised all the young to
live their life free from the chains of judgments and work to build a
better future, because they are the future.
noge su verzije snouborda napravljene skoro sto godina
pre nego {to je iza{ao prvi komercijalni model, ali veruje se da je prvi model snouborda izmi{ljen i proizveden
u dr`avi Juta po~etkom sedamdesetih godina pro{log veka.
Tako|e ima tvrdnji koje ka`u da je snoubord bio snurfer (spoj
snega i surfera), orginalno ga je dizajnirao Sherman Poppen za
svoju }erku 1965. godine u Muskegon-u, dr`ava Michigan.
Poppen-ov Snurfer je po~eo da se proizvodi kao igra~ka
slede}e godine. Bio je to u osnovi skejtbord bez to~kova, a njim
su upravljali pomo}u kanapa koji se dr`ao u ruci, na sebi nije
imao poveze za noge, ali je imao primenjene mere koje su
omogu}ile da noge bolje prianjaju na njegovu povr{inu.
Tokom sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina pro{log veka
kako je snoubord postajao popularniji, pioniri poput Jake
Burton-a Carpenter-a (osniva~a "Burton snowboards" iz
Londonderry-ja, dr`ava Vermont), Toma Sims-a (osniva~a
"Sims snowboards"), Chuck-a Barfoot-a (osniva~a "Barfoot
snowboards") i Mike-a Olson-a (osniva~a "Gnu snowboards")
do{li su do novog dizajna za dasku i mehanizam koji se polako
razvijao u snoubordove i drugu opremu koja se vezivala za
ovaj sport, a koristi se i danas.
Prvi Svetski {ampionat u snurfingu odr`an 1979. godine u
Pando zimskom parku u blizini mesta Grand Rapids u dr`avi
Michigan. Ova trka se smatra za prvo takmi~enje snoubordera i
po~etak onoga {to se danas zove takmi~arski snoubord.
Rastu}a popularnost snouborda reflektovala se na zvani~no
priznavanje ovog sporta 1985. godine, a zvani~na Snoubord
asocijacija (ISA) je osnovana 1994. godine kako bi se obezbedila univerzalna pravila takmi~enja, dodatno Snoubording
Asocijaciji Sjedinjenih Ameri~kih Dr`ava (USASA). Snoubord je
1998. godine progla{en za zimski olimpijski sport.
Bezbednost i predostro`nost
Kao i ostali zimski sportovi, u snoubordu postoji odre|eni
nivo opasnosti. Ovo je prirodni napredak u svakom sportu koji se
odvija pri visokim brzinama, samim tim postoji mogu}nost
povrede. Preporu~ena za{titna bezbednosna oprema uklju~uje
za{titu za zglob, {lem, oklopljene pantalone za snoubord.
Postavka ili "oklop" su preporu~eni da se nose i na
drugim delovima tela, kao {to
su kolena, ki~meni stub i
ramena. A, kako bi se smanjile
povrede, naro~ito kolena, preporu~uje se upotreba pravilne
tehnike. Kako bi se nau~ila
upotreba pravilne tehnike,
snouborder mora da pro|e
obuku od strane kvalifikovanog instruktora. Na ovaj
na~in mo`ete nau~iti ne{to
o gre{kama koji su drugi
napravili i manje su
{anse da }ete
morati da u~ite
na svojim
Snoubord kao
na~in `ivota
pojavio se kao vrsta pobune
protiv sofisticiranog na~ina skijanja, a skija{i nisu na najbolji
na~in prihvatili ovu novu kulturu na njihovim skijali{tima. Dve
kulture su se razlikovale na
vi{e na~ina, uklju~uju}i i na~in
govora, pona{anja i kompletnog stila obla~enja. Ovo je
vodilo u dugogodi{nju zavadu
skija{a i snoubordera. Na
po~etku su snouborderi bili
prognani sa skijali{ta, a 1985.
godine samo sedam odsto skijali{ta u SAD je dozvoljavalo
snouborderima da koriste skijali{ta. Sli~no je bilo i u Evropi.
Kako su se oprema i ve{tine
pobolj{avale postepeno je
snoubord postajao prihva}eniji.
Ve}i deo skijali{ta je 1990.
godine imao odvojena staze
za snoubord i skijanje. Sada,
skoro 97 odsto svih skijali{ta u
Severnoj Americi i Evropi
dozvoljavaju snoubord, a vi{e
od polovine imaju skakaonice,
{ine i halfpajp.
Razli~ite discipline u snoubordu su: Slopestyle, Big Air,
Halfpipe, Quarterpipe,
Boardercross, Indycross, Rail
Jam, Racing i Slush cup - od
kojih su najpopularnije "The
Ticket to
Ride", "The
Air & Style"
i "The X
The Ticket to Ride
(Karta za vo`nju)
su je
i industrijski
inovatori 2002.
godine. "The Ticket
to Ride" (TTR - svetsku
snoubord turneju) pokre}u
snouborderi i ona ima za cilj
da predstavi napredak u
snoubordu. Danas je ovaj
doga|aj poznat kao "The
Swatch TTR World Snowboard
Tour" (Svetska snoubord turneja) i skup je nezavisnih slobodnih snoubord stilova koji se
odvijaju pod jednom zastavom
turneje. TTR ima desetomese~nu takmi~arsku
sezonu koja uklju~uje
snoubord doga|aje u ~etiri
geografske zone. Doga|aji se
ocenjuju po sistemu od jedne
do {est zvezdica, sa poenima
koji se dele u odnosu na
te`inu, gde je najte`i doga|aj
ocenjen sa {est zvezdica i nosi
najvi{e poena. Svaki takmi~ar
koji u~estvuje u ovim
doga|ajima zara|uje TTR
poene za rangiranje na svetskoj listi takmi~ara koju organizuje "Swatch". Najbolji mu{ki
snouborder i najbolja `enska
snouborderka se kruni{u za
{ampione "TTR Svetske
snoubord turneje".
The Air & Style
(Vazduh i stil)
"The Air & Style" je evropsko takmi~enje i prvi put je
odr`ano u Innsbruck-u u
Austriji 1994. godine i od tada
se odr`ava jednom godi{nje.
nastavak na strani 38
any crude versions of the snowboard were made up to
100 years before the first commercially manufactured
model, but it is believed that the first snowboard was
invented and manufactured in Utah beginning in the early
1970's. There are also claims that the first snowboard was the
Snurfer (a portmanteau of snow and surfer), originally designed
by Sherman Poppen for his daughter in 1965 in Muskegon,
Michigan. Poppen's Snurfer started to be manufactured as a
toy the following year. It was essentially a skateboard without
wheels, steered by a hand-held rope, and lacked bindings, but
had provisions to cause footwear to adhere.
During the 1970's and 1980's as snowboarding became
more popular, pioneers such as Jake Burton Carpenter (founder
of Burton Snowboards from Londonderry, Vermont), Tom Sims
(founder of Sims Snowboards), Chuck Barfoot (founder of
Barfoot Snowboards) and Mike Olson (founder of Gnu
Snowboards) came up with new designs for boards and mechanisms that slowly developed into the snowboards and other
related equipment that we know today.
In 1979 the first ever World Snurfing Championship was
held at Pando Winter Sports Park near Grand Rapids, Michigan.
That race was considered the first competition for snowboards
and is the start of what has now become competitive snowboarding. Snowboarding's growing popularity is reflected in its
recognition as an official sport: in 1985. The International
Snowboard Association (ISA) was founded in 1994 to provide
universal contest regulations, in addition to the United States of
America Snowboard Association (USASA). Finally in 1998 snowboarding was declared a Winter Olympic Sport.
Safety and precautions
Like other winter sports, snowboarding comes with a certain level of danger. This is a natural progression in any
high-velocity sport which has the possibility for injury. The
recommended protective safety gear includes wrist
guards, helmets, padded/protected snowboarding pants,
and a helmet. Padding or "armor" is recommended on other
body parts such as hips, knees, spine, and shoulders. To further
help avoid injury to body parts, especially knees, it is recommended
to use the right technique. To acquire the right technique, one should
be taught by a qualified instructor, this way you will hear about other
people's mistakes and are less likely to have to learn from your own.
The snowboarding way of life came about to rebel against the more
sophisticated way of skiing, and skiers did not easily accept this new
culture on their slopes. The two cultures contrasted each other in several ways including how they spoke, acted, and their entire style of
clothing. For many years this lead to an ongoing "Skier Vs
Snowboarder" feud. Early snowboards were banned from the slopes
by park officials. In 1985, only seven percent of U.S. ski areas allowed
snowboarding, with a similar proportion in Europe. As equipment and
skills improved, gradually snowboarding became more accepted. In
1990, most major ski areas had separate slopes for snowboarders.
Now, approximately 97% of all ski areas in North America and Europe
allow snowboarding, and more than half have jumps, rails and half
The different styles in snowboard competitions
include: Slopestyle, Big Air, Halfpipe, Quarterpipe,
Boardercross, Indycross, Rail Jam, Racing and Slush
Cup. Whereas the most famous events are The
Ticket to Ride, The Air & Style and The X Games,
The Ticket to Ride
Founded by Terje Håkonsen and industry innovators
in 2002, the Ticket To Ride (TTR) World Snowboard
Tour is a rider-driven organization that aims to represent the progression of snowboarding. Today this
event is known as "The Swatch TTR World
Snowboard Tour" and is a collection of independent
freestyle snowboarding events acting under one common Tour Flag. The TTR has a 10-month competition season including
snowboarding events over four geographical zones. Events are rated
via a 1-through to a 6Star system, with points allocated accordingly, a
6Star contest holding the highest. Any rider participating in these events
will earn TTR World Ranking Points and a position on the TTR World
Ranking List presented by Swatch. The top male snowboarder and top
female snowboarder are each crowned Ticket To Ride (TTR) World
Snowboard Tour Champions.
The Air & Style
The Air & Style is a European snowboard contest first held in
Innsbruck, Austria in 1994 and now held annually. Charly Weger
and his snowboard photographer friend Andrew Hourmont first
started the Air & Style Contest in Innsbruck. They only expected a few hundred spectators but more than a few thousand
showed up to see a single Straight Jump from each rider. From
there on it developed into one of the most influential snowboard
challenges today where over 45.000 visitors witnessed the last
continued on page 39
godine. [okirao je snoubord industiju tako {to je odbijao
vi{emilionske ugovore na vrhuncu svoje snoubord karijere
samo da bi mogao da nastavi sa svojom slobodnom
vo`njom. Zvali su ga majstorom stilova, a pojavljivao se u
velikom broju video snimaka i na mnogim forografijama. Bio
je poznat po tome {to je gledao direktno u kameru, ~ak i
kada je bio usred te{kih manevara koji se odvijaju visoko u
vazduhu. Jake Burton, osniva~ "Burton Snowboard" (jednog
od najve}ih proizvo|a~a snouborda na svetu i opreme za
snoubord) citiran je izjavom:
"Kada sam po~eo da slu{am ono {to mi Craig govori,
tada je moja kompanija po~ela da raste i da se razvija...
kada je ostatak industrije po~eo da slu{a Craig-a, tada je
sport stvarno po~eo da se razvija".
Craig Kelly poginuo je 20. januara 2003. godine u lavini
koja je zarobila osmoro ljudi i ubila {estoro drugih, dok je
vodio dve grupe avanturista u organizaciji "Selkirk Mountain
Experience", a sve to se dogodilo u blizini mesta Revelstoke,
u Britanskoj Kolumbiji (Kanada).
Charli Weger i njegov prijatelj, fotograf snouborda, Andrew
Hourmont su prvi pokrenuli "The Air & Style" takmi~enje u
Innsbruck-u. O~ekivali su samo par stotina gledalaca, ali se
na takmi~enju pojavilo vi{e hiljada gledalaca da vide jedan
linijski skok od svakog takmi~ara. Od tada, pa do danas, ovaj
doga|aj se razvio u jedan od najuticajnijih snoubord izazova
i danas privla~i vi{e od 45.000 posetilaca, koliko ih je bilo na
poslednjem takmi~enju u Innsbruck-u.
X Games (Iks-igre)
Ovo je komercijalni godi{nji sportski doga|aj, pod
upravom ameri~kog televizijskog sportskog kanala "ESPN"
koji je u vlasni{tvu "Disney Company", a koji forsira
ekstremne akcione sportove namenjene gledaocima generacije Iks (1961 - 1981) i generacije Ipsilon (1082 - 1995).
Istovremeno se odr`ava i "X festival", sportski i muzi~ki festival koji nudi muzi~ki program u`ivo, posebne {tandove na
kojima se mogu dobiti autogrami atleta, kao i delovi sa interaktivnim elementima.
Craig Kelly (1. april 1966. godine - 20. januar 2003.
godine) bio je prvi profesionalni snouborder. Poznat je pod
nadimkom "Kum slobodne vo`nje". Terje Hakonsen je Kellyju dao epitet najboljeg snoubordera svih vremena. Tokom
njegove petnaestogodi{nje profesionalne karijere osvojio je
~etiri svetska {ampionata i tri {ampionata SAD; osvojio je
"Baker Banked Slalom" snoubord takmi~enje
1988, 1991 i
Terje Hakonsen je snouborder iz Norve{ke koji je
dominirao u slobodnom snoubordu tokom devedesetih godina
pro{log veka. Osvojio je "ISF {ampionat" u halfpajpu tri puta
zaredom: 1993, 1995, 1997. godine. Osvojio je i pet
evropskih {ampionata u halfpajpu (1991, 1992, 1993,
1994, 1997. godine); US Open u halfpajpu tri puta
(1992, 1993, 1995. godine) i "Baker Banked
Slalom" {est puta (1995, 1996, 1998, 2000,
2003, 2004. godine). Tako|e je osvojio i
"Air&Style" takmi~enje u Innsbruck-u 1995.
godine. Hakonsen je postavio svetski rekord
u Oslu 2007. godine kada se vinuo 9,8
metara u vazduh, od vrha
kvarterpajpa sa okretom
otpozadi od 360 stepeni. On
je kreator vazdu{nog
manevra u snoubordu koji se
zove "The Haakon Flip".
Karleen Jeffery je odrasla u Kelown-u, malom gradu u
Britanskoj Kolumbiji (Kanada). Kao tre}a generacija skija{a,
bilo je prirodno da }e i ona krenuti u planine. Karleen je
po~ela da skija sa dve godine, a kada je imala osam godina
po~ela je da se takmi~i u disciplinama kao {to su: slalom,
veliki slalom, super G i smucanje. Iako nikada nije
razmi{ljala o tome, njeni prijatelji su je nagovorili da proba
snoubord, a samo par nedelja nakon njene prve vo`nje na
snoubordu takmi~ila se na Kanadskom nacionalnom {ampionatu 1990. godine i osvojila prvo mesto na halfpajpu i
slalom vo`nji. Nakon toga, vi{e nije bilo sumnji: ona ima
prirodan talenat za snoubord. Najve}i dokaz za to su, izme|u
ostalog, i njene pobede na "Baker Banked Slalom" {est puta
(1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 i 1999. godine) i do danas je
Karleen Jeffery jedna od najboljih `enskih slobodnih
snoubordera na svetu.
Air & Style in Innsbruck.
The X Games
This is a commercial annual sports
event, controlled and arranged by
Disney-owned US sports broadcaster ESPN, which focuses on
extreme action sports intended for
Generation X and Generation Y
viewers. Concurrent with competition is the "X Fest" sports and
music festival, which offers live
music, athlete autograph sessions
and interactive elements.
Craig Kelly (1 April 1966 - 20
January 2003) was a professional snowboarder. He is known as
the 'Godfather of Freeriding';
Terje Håkonsen called Kelly the
best snowboarder of all time.
Over his 15-year professional
career, he won 4 world championships and 3 U.S. championships; he won the Mt. Baker
Banked Slalom snowboarding competition in 1988, 1991, and
1993. He shocked the snowboard industry by walking away from
multi-million dollar deals at the height of the snowboard craze to
pursue his passion for "freeriding". He was called a "style master"
and also appeared in an enormous number of video and photo
shoots. He was known for looking straight at the camera, even in
the midst of a difficult aerial maneuver. Jake Burton, founder of
"Burton Snowboards", one of the world's largest snowboard and
snowboarding-equipment manufacturers, is quoted as saying:
"When I started listening to Craig that was when my company
became successful and really took off… when the rest of the industry listened to Craig that was when the sport really took off." Craig
Kelly died on 20 January 2003 near Revelstoke, British
Columbia, Canada in an avalanche which trapped 8 people and
killed 6 others. Kelly was studying to become a Certified
Canadian Mountain Guide with two groups of backcountry
adventurers organized by Selkirk Mountain Experience.
Terje Håkonsen is a Norwegian snowboarder that dominated
freestyle snowboarding in the 1990s winning the ISF World
Championships in half-pipe three times in a row, in 1993, 1995 and
1997. He has also won 5 European championships in half-pipe
(1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997), the U.S. Open in half-pipe 3 times
(1992, 1993, 1995), and the Mt. Baker Banked Slalom 6 times
(1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004). He also won the Innsbruck
Air & Style Contest in 1995. Håkonsen set the world record for highest 'air' during the qualifying round of the Arctic Challenge in Oslo
2007 when he reached 9.8 meters out of the top of the quarterpipe
with a backside 360. He is also the creator of an aerial snowboard
maneuver named The Haakon Flip.
Karleen Jeffery
Karleen grew up in Kelowna, a small town in British Columbia Canada. As a third-generation skier, it was only natural that she would take to the mountains. Karleen
started skiing at the age of two and already at the
age of eight she began racing in disciplines like:
Slalom, Giant Slalom, Super-G, and Downhill.
Although she never thought about it, it was her
friends that talked her to try snowboarding, and only
a few weeks after her first ride on a snowboard she
participated and won the halfpipe and Giant Slalom
at the 1990 Canadian National Championships.
After that there was no doubt she was a natural talent for snowboarding. The biggest proof to this,
among other triumphs, is her wining at the Mt. Baker
Banked Slalom 6 times (1992, 1993, 1996, 1997,
1998, and 1999). And to this day Karleen Jeffery is
one of the best female freeriders in the world.
ivimo u vremenu globalnog zagrevanja i klimatskih promena, a ono {to
proizlazi kao rezultat ovog procesa
su najspornija pitanja i neophodno je da
svako dru{tvo na svetu potra`i, istra`i,
razvije i poku{a da iskoristi alternativne
izvore energije. Najverovatniji na~ini
obezbe|ivanja alternativnih izvora energije
su sun~eva energija i snaga vetra, koje
izgleda nude vi{e nade za postizanje uspeha u borbi protiv globalnog zagrevanja, koje
dolazi kao rezultat efekta staklene ba{te u
atmosferi, a koju izaziva osloba|anje ugljen
dioksida u vazduh.
Kosovo se danas suo~ava sa brojnim
ekonomskim problemima, a u takvoj situaciji
skoro da je nemogu}e prona}i sredstva za
ovakve investicije. Ali, kao i uvek, sve velike
promene pokre}u ambiciozni ljudi sa jasnim
vizijama i velikom uporno{}u, koji uspevaju
da i druge ubede da krenu njihovim putem.
Slobodno mo`emo re}i da gopodin Esat
Sadria iz Pri{tine pripada upravo ovoj grupi
ljudi. Radio je i `iveo u Nema~koj poslednjih
dvadeset godina i uvek je imao jaku `elju
da u svoj zavi~aj prenese deo svog iskustva
koje je stekao u Nema~koj i da na Kosovu
investira u ne{to od ~ega }e svi ljudi koji
ovde `ive imati koristi. Ipak, sve njegove
ideje o investiranju su na samom po~etku
propale. Bilo kakvu investiciju ometala je
prili~no neprijatna ~injenica: bilo je
nemogu}e dopremiti bilo kakvu tehni~ku
opremu za proizvodnju, zbog ~estih prekida snabdevanja strujom, jer je tim
ma{inama potrebno neprekidno
snabdevanje elektri~nom energijom. U takvoj situaciji
Gospodin Esat Sadria
Sadria nije imao mnogo izbora i morao je
da prona|e najlogi~nije re{enje za ovaj
problem: do{ao je do zaklju~ka da je
najadekvatnije re{enje investicija u alternativne na~ine proizvodnje elektri~ne energije.
Stoga je po~eo da istra`uje sve
mogu}nosti sa ciljem ostvarivanja
ovakve vrste investicije na Kosovu.
Pro{le godine, stupio je u kontakt sa
nema~kom kompanijom "Deutsche Wind
Technik" koja je jedna od vode}ih nema~kih
kompanija za pretvaranje snage vetra u
elektri~nu energiju. Ova kompanija je uverila gospodina Sadria-u da }e mu pru`iti
tehni~ku podr{ku kako bi mogao da svoju
zamisao pretvori u delo. Tako|e pro{le
godine, gospodin Sadria je do{ao na
Kosovo i stupio u kontakt sa kosovskim
institucijama koje se bave pitanjima energetike. Ovde je gopodin Sadria saznao da
su neki drugi pojedinci ve} poku{ali da ovu
ideju sprovedu u delo, ali da nisu uspeli da
projekat pokrenu. Njega nije obeshrabrila
ova informacija, ve} je re{io da odlu~nije
krene u ostvarivanje cilja.
Slede}i korak je bilo dobijanje satelitskog snimka ru`e vetrova na Kosovu kako
bi se utvrdile lokacije na kojima je mogu}e
postaviti vetrenja~e za proizvodnju
elektri~ne energije i iznajmila zemlja na
kojoj bi vetrenja~e bile postavljene. Jednom
re~ju, sve {to je u po~etku izgledalo
nemogu}e, postajalo je stvarnost. Tri
vetrenja~e za proizvodnju elektri~ne energi-
je su ve} u funkciji na vrhu planine
Gole{, dok gospodin Sadria skromno
ka`e da je ovo tek prvi korak, tj. da je
ovo implementacija pilot projekta i da
predstoje jo{ mnoge stvari koje treba
uraditi u budu}nosti.
"Jedan od glavnih izazova je to {to se
susre}emo sa izuzetno starom distributivnom mre`om na Kosovu, pa nam je
izuzuetno te{ko da distribuiramo
elektri~nu energiju u tako star sistem.
Ipak, jedna stvar je sigurna, a to je da
}emo nastaviti da dajemo sve od sebe,
jer verujemo da Kosovo ima dovoljno
bogatstva, kako prirodnih, tako i u ljudstvu, kako bi se sproveli ovakvi projekti",
izjavio je gospodin Sadria.
Tehnologija za proizvodnju elektri~ne
energije iz snage vetra razvija se
"velikim koracima" {irom sveta, a sve to
zna~ajno poma`e implementaciju ovog
projekta na Kosovu. U ne tako dalekoj
pro{losti, generatori za proizvodnju elektri~ne energije na ovakav na~in bili su
snage do 1.5 megavata po vetrenja~i.
Danas postoje generatori snage 5 megavata, a uskoro se o~ekuje da }e njihova
snaga porasti na ~ak 10 megavata. Sve
ovo smanjuje cene instalacije ovakve
vrste opreme. Stoga, kako cene investicije budu bile sve ni`e, samim tim }e i
cene proizvodnje biti manje, a svi mi trebamo da imamo na umu da je najve}a
prednost ovog procesa - ~istija, tj. nezaga|ena okolina.
manage to persuade others to follow their way. We can freely say
that Mr. Esat Sadria from Pristina
belongs to this category of people. He has lived and worked in
Germany for the past 20 years
and he has always had a strong
wish to bring to his homeland a
part of his experience, which he
has gained in Germany and to
make some investments in
Kosovo for the benefit of all people who live here. However, all his
investing ideas failed because
there was a problem in the very
beginning. Every kind of investment was practically hindered by
a rather unpleasant fact: it was
impossible to bring here any technical production equipment, which
needs constant electric supply due to the frequent power cuts in
Kosovo. In such a situation, Mr. Sadria did not have much choice and
he had to find a logical solution to his problem and he came to a conclusion that the most appropriate solution was to invest in the alternative resources of energy production.
e live in a time of global
Therefore, he began to
warming and the climate
change, which comes as explore all the opportunia result of this process, which are ties in order to accomplish
the most arguable issues and it is an investment of this kind in
necessary for every society in the Kosovo. Very soon, he made contacts
with a German company "Deutsche Wind
world to seek, explore, develop
and try to make use of alternative Technik", which is one of the leading companies in
Germany for the conversion of wind power into electrical
resources of energy. The most
probable ways to provide alterna- energy. This company assured Mr. Sadria that it would provide
tive resources are the solar ener- technical assistance in order to carry out his initiative and shortly
afterwards, Mr. Sadria came to Kosovo and addressed the
gy and the wind energy, which
Kosovo institutions, which deal with energetic issues. At this
seem to provide more hope that
point, Mr. Sadria found out that some other people had already
we will be able to achieve suctried to carry out such an idea before him but they had not mancess in our battle against the
aged to move things forward. However, he was not discouraged
global warming, which comes as
by this fact at all and he decided to work even more decisively in
a result of the
order to achieve his goal.
The next steps were to provide satellite records of the wind
effect in the
channels in Kosovo, to determine the spots where the wind genatmosphere
and which caus- erators could be placed and to rent a piece of land. In other
words, all the things that seemed almost impossible to achieve
es the release of
were becoming a reality. Three wind powered generators have
carbon dioxide into
already started to function on the top of Goles, whereas Mr.
the air.
Sadria modestly says that this is only the first step i.e. the impleKosovo has numerous
economic problems today mentation of a pilot project and he adds that there are lots of
and in such a situation, it things to be done in the future.
"One of the major challenges for us is the fact that we have
seems almost impossible to accomplish any of to face an extremely old electrical distribution network in Kosovo
and as a result, it is extremely difficult to insert the energy that
the investments of this
we produce into that old system. However, one thing is certain:
kind. However, as it
we will continue to make our best efforts because we believe
usually happens, all
great changes are ini- that Kosovo has sufficient resources, both natural and human
ones to accomplish such projects" stressed Mr. Sadria. The
tiated by ambitious
technology for the production of wind power is developing with
people with clear
gigantic steps all around the world and it significantly
visions and strong
facilitates the implementation of this process in
determination, who
In the near
past, there
were generators of
this kind, which had a
maximum production
capacity of 1.5 megawatt
per unit, whereas today,
there are generators with
production power of 5
megawatt and very soon,
the generators' capacity is
due to increase to 10
megawatt. All this
progress has happened
due to the fact that the
alternative energy is
unquestionably becoming
more and more popular all
around the world, which
practically means that it
will definitely reduce the
costs for the installation of
this kind of equipment.
Consequently, as the
investing price gets lower,
the production price will
fall. We should all bear in
mind that the most prominent advantage of all this
process is a cleaner, i.e.
unpolluted environment.
Sabina Salijaj (15)
Postoji mnogo toga {to
`elim, ali znam da ne
mogu sve `elje da nam se
ispune. Pre svega,
`elim da u Osojanu
imamo internet klub.
Volela bih da se
upoznamo i da se
igramo sa decom iz
drugih gradova. Ove
godine posva|ala
sam se sa drugaricom, sada smo se pomirile, i u 2010. }emo u}i
kao najbolje drugarice.
Jedna od mojih `elja jeste
i da posetim zemlju koja
mi se najvi{e svi|a, a to
je [panija. Tako|e, volela
bih, posle {kole, da radim
u nekom domu za
nezbrinutu decu, iz razloga {to obo`avam decu. I
naravno, `elim da mi se u
2010. ispuni jo{ jedna
`elja, a to je da svi na
Kosovu `ivimo mirno, i da
se niko ni sa kim ne
sva|a, bez obzira koje je
vere ili nacije.
Sabina Salijaj (15)
There is so much I wish
for but I know that not all
of our wishes can come
true. First of all,
I wish we could
have a cybercafé in Osojane.
I would like if we
could meet and
play with children from other
towns. This year I had a
quarrel with my friend but
we have reconciled and
we will enter 2010 as best
friends. One of my wishes
is to visit the country I like
the most and that is
Spain. I would really like
to work in a shelter for
uncared children when I
finish high school,
because I adore children.
Another whish I would
like to see coming true in
2010 is that all of us live
peacefully in Kosovo and
that no one quarrels
regardless of our religion
or nationality.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
Nemanja Vu~kovi} (15)
Zovem se Nemanja, i
`ivim u selu Ko{,
nedaleko od Osojana.
Kao svako dete, pa
tako i ja, imam `elje
koje bih voleo da
mi se jednoga dana
obestine. Pre
svega, `elim da se
profesionalno bavim
fudbalom. Me|utim,
ovde u Osojanu,
nemamo uslova za to,
ali se nadam da }u
kad odrastem postati
vojnik ili policajac.
Zato bih voleo kada bi
KP organizovao neku
posetu njima, kako bih
mogao da vidim kako
oni rade svoj posao.
Volim mnogo da putujem, i nadam se da }u
nekada posetiti i
Moskvu. Ima jo{
mnogo toga {to bih
`eleo da mi se ispuni,
ali eto naveo sam
Vam samo neke od
mojih `elja.
Nemanja Vuckovic (15)
I live in the village of
Kos, not far from
Osojane. I, as every
other kid,
have wishes
that I would
like to see
coming true
one day. I
would like to
play soccer
some day but here in
Osojane we do not
have conditions for
this so maybe when I
grow up I will become
a soldier or a police
officer. That is why I
would like if KP would
organize a visit to
their station for us so I
can see the way they
operate. I like to travel
and I hope to visit
Moscow some day.
There is so much more
I would wish for and
these are just a few of
my wishes.
Popovi} Stojan (15)
Moja najve}a `elja jeste
da po~nem sa treningom
za golmana za Fudbalski
klub "Crvena zvezda".
Ono {to pri`eljkujem, a
mo`da mi se i ispuni u
2010. godini, je da posetim Atinu, glavni grad
Gr~ke. [to se ti~e
{kole, `elim da nastavim tradiciju da i
dalje budem odli~an
|ak. @eleo bih, da
ovde u Osojanu,
imamo neku igraonicu
ili internet klub, kako
bismo mogli da se
igramo i da nau~imo
rad na ra~unaru. Zaista
`elimo, i ja i moji drugari, da uvek imamo
vodu i struju, i da ne
bude vi{e restrikcija
istih. @elja mi je da {to
vi{e izlazim iz Ko{a, i
da putujem po celom
Kosovu. A isto tako,
voleo bih da posetim i
neke diskoteke, jer u
Osojanu nemamo
Popovic Stojan (15)
For 2010 I wish to
start training to be a
goalkeeper in the soccer club "Red Star". I
would like to visit
Athens in Greece and
of course, I wish to
continue to be an
excellent student. I
wish we
have a
playroom or
a cybercafé so
could learn to work on
computers. I wish we
could always have
electricity and water
and no more restrictions of these. I wish
to travel outside of
Kos as much as possible and to travel all
around Kosovo and I
would also like to visit
some discotheques.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
Dragana Dubi} (15)
Jedna od mojih `elja je da
imamo internet klub i dom
kulture u Osojanu, tako da
mogu sva deca da
koriste kompjutere i da
redovno prate kulturne
manifestacije. @elela
bih da posle {kole
idem na kurs za frizere,
jer planiram da jednog
dana imam svoj frizerski salon. Htela bih da
2010. godine do|e mnogo
dece na Kosovo, i da `ivi
zajedno sa nama. Moje
dru{tvo i ja ne izlazimo
mnogo iz na{eg sela, i zato
bih volela da nam se pru`i
neka prilika da obi|emo celo
Kosovo, i {ire. Ono {to
tako|e zelim, a nemamo
ovde, jeste da se otvori neki
kurs za manekenke, jer bih
volela da u~estvujem na
izboru za "Mis Kosova". U
2009. godini posva|ala sam
se sa jednim drugom, i `elja
mi je da se sada u 2010.
pomirimo. I ono {to mnogo
`elim jeste da samo mir
vlada na Kosovu!
Dragana Dubic (15)
One of my wishes is to have a
cybercafé and cultural center
here in Osojane so that all children can use computers and regularly watch cultural
manifestations. I
would like to start a
course as a hairstylist after I finish
school because I
plan to have my
own hairdressing saloon some
day. I wish that in 2010 a lot of
children come here to Osojane
to live with us. My friends and I
do not leave the village very
often and that is why I would
like for us to have a chance to
visit all places in Kosovo and
wider. What I also would wish
for, and we do not have that
here, is some course for models because I would like to
compete in a beauty pageant
for Miss Kosovo. In 2009 I had
a quarrel with a friend of mine
and I wish that we will reconcile in 2010. And what I wish
for the most is that there is
peace in Kosovo!
1.Poor man’s limo
4. Biting remark
8. Kid
12. Air hero
13. Jai ___
14. Pennsylvania
15. That female
16. Reasons for
17. Shortened
form, for short
18. Mother ___
(saintly nun)
20. Trash receptacle
22. ___ Plaines
23. ___ down
(topsy - turvy)
27. Traffic noisemakers
30. First - aid ___
31. Carpenter’s
32. ___ code
33. Wrestler’s surface
34. Wearisome
35. Dick ___ Dyke
36. Memorial Day
37. Prepares flour
38. Bride on the
40. Matched group
41. Hooter
42. Gratify
46. Headwear
49. Like a villain
51. Tofu ingredient
52. Sheriff Taylor’s
53. Musical sound
54. Sock end
55. Stockyards
56. Large pitcher
57. “___ My party”
1. “__ Away” (2000
2. Dull, steady pain
3. Malt beverage
4. They’re below
5. Fake name
6. Performed in
7. Canine cookie
8. Overalls
9. Sphere
10. Bro, e. G.
11. That girl
19. Writer Ferber
21. Suitable
24. Time __ the
essence (2 wds.)
25. Pub arrow
26. Flock mothers
27. Contain
28. Spoken
29. Divorce town
30. Singer Starr
33. Actress
34. Quick meal
36. Kitten sound
37. Dealer
39. Models
40. III will
43. ___ spumante
44. Chimney
45. Storm centers
46. Rabbit’s move
47. Zoo animal
48. Oz’s ___ Man
50. Pledge
Odgovornost, sposobnost i mo} idu ruku pod
Josiah Gilbert
Holland (1819-1881)
ameri~ki pisac
Responsibility walks hand in
hand with capacity and
Josiah Gilbert Holland
- (1819-1881),
American Author
Nadle`nost proizvodi
Stephen R. Covey
ameri~ki govornik, trener, pisac dela "7 navika
veoma efikasnih ljudi"
Accountability breeds
Stephen R. Covey (1932-), American
Speaker, Trainer,
Author of ''The 7
Habits of Highly
Effective People''
Verujem da svako pravo predstavlja odgovornost, svaka
prilika obavezu, a svako
posedovanje du`nost.
John D. Rockefeller
ameri~ki industrijalac,
filantrop, osniva~
I believe that every right
implies a responsibility;
every opportunity an
obligation; every possession, a duty.
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), American
Industrialist, Philanthropist,
Founder Exxon
Onog dana kada preuzmete
celokupnu odgovornost
prema samome sebi i
prestanete da nalazite
izgovore - tog dana
kre}ete prema vrhu.
O. J. Simpson (1947)
igra~ ameri~kog
The day you take complete
responsibility for yourself and you stop
making any excuses,
that's the day you
start to the top.
O. J. Simpson (1947-), American
Football Player
Odgovornost po~inje u
William Butler Yeats
(1865-1939), irski pesnik, pisac pozori{nih
In dreams begin responsibility.
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), Irish Poet,
Ne postoji alibi koji }e Vas
spasti od preuzimanja
Napoleon Hill
ameri~ki govornik,
pisac dela
"Razmi{ljajte i bogatite se"
No alibi will save you from
accepting the responsibility.
Napoleon Hill (1883-1970),
American Speaker,
Motivational Writer,
''Think and Grow Rich''
Staranje o drugima je
osnovna odgovornost ljudskog `ivota.
Woodrow T. Wilson
28. predsednik SAD
Provision for others is a fundamental responsibility
of human life.
Woodrow T. Wilson (1856-1924), Twentyeighth President of
the USA
^ovek mora da prestane da krivi
okolinu za svoje probleme i mora
ponovo da nau~i da sprovodi svoju volju - svoju li~nu
Albert Schweitzer
medicinski misonar
nema~kog porekla,
teolog, muzi~ar i filozof
Man must cease attributing
his problems to his environment, and learn again
to exercise his will -- his
personal responsibility.
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), German
Born Medical
Missionary, Theologian,
Musician, and Philosopher
Kao po~etnici smatramo da
smo mi sami u potpunosti
odgovorni za to kako se ljudi
prema nama pona{aju.
Odavno sam nau~io da smo
odgovorni samo za to kako
se mi pona{amo prema
drugim ljudima.
Rose Wilder Lane (1886-1968)
ameri~ka autorka i novinarka
As novices, we think we're
entirely responsible for
the way people treat
us. I have long since
learned that we are
responsible only for the
way we treat people.
Rose Wilder Lane - (18861968), American Author and
Svaki posao zavisi od
toga kako ljudi ispunjavaju svoje odgovornosti.
Mahatma Gandhi
indijski politi~ar,
duhovni vo|a
All business depends upon
men fulfilling their
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), Indian
Political, Spiritual
Svako od nas je odgovoran
za sva svoja iskustva.
Louise L. Hay (1926)
ameri~ki nastavnik
metafizike, predava~,
We are each responsible for
all of our experiences.
Louise L. Hay - (1926-),
American Metaphysical
Teacher, Lecturer,
Li~nost bez informacija ne
mo`e da preuzme odgovornost. Li~nost sa informacijama ne mo`e ni{ta drugo
do da preuzme odgovornost.
Jan Carlzon (1941)
poslovni rukovodilac,
izvr{ni direktorSAS (skandinavska aviokompanija)
An individual without information
can't take responsibility.
An individual with information can't help but
take responsibility.
Jan Carlzon (1941-), Business
Executive, CEO of SAS
Ne}u se odre}i odgovornosti za svoj `ivot i
svoja dela.
John Enoch Powell
britanski dr`avnik
Nijedna pahuljica u lavini
se nikada ne ose}a odgovornom.
Stanislaw J. Lec
poljski pisac
I will not surrender
responsibility for my life
and my actions.
John Enoch Powell (1912-), British statesman,
No snowflake in an
avalanche ever feels
Stanislaw J. Lec (1909-), Polish
Veliki pozdrav!
Septembarski broj magazina "For You" me je
odu{evio, zato {to sam bila
u prilici da proverim svoje
znanje engleskog jezika
kroz Va{e ~lanke, a kroz
teme koje me zanimaju.
Mislim da je magazin dobro
ura|en, sa dobrim izborom
tema, fotografija, zanimljivosti. U njemu ima
svega: od nauke, medicine,
sporta, do drugih zanimljivih stvari. Izdvojila bih
~lanak o svetski ~uvenom
nau~niku Milutinu
Milankovi}u. Pro~itala sam
njegovu knjigu "Kroz
vasionu i vekove" u kojoj
on veoma jednostavno, za
nas decu razumljivo, opisuje vasionu. To nam poma`e
da bolje razumemo
promene koje se de{avaju
u svemiru. Zanimljiv i
pou~an bio je i tekst o
~ove~ijoj ribici. U njemu
smo dobili op{irnija saznanja o njoj nego u ud`benicima, {to nam daje
mogu}nost da nau~imo vi{e
o ovoj `ivotinji. Jo{ vi{e mi
je bila zanimljiva rubrika
"Hi-Tech" i ~lanak
"Inovacije budu}nosti".
Ovaj ~lanak mo`e da podstakne nekog budu}eg inovatora da svoje sposobnosti i budu}e znanje korisno
upotrebi. Toliko puno raznih
i korisnih stvari ljudi u svetu
naprave i mi bismo trebali
da znamo za njih. Moram
da Vas pohvalim zbog teksta o virusu A/H1/N1. Ovakvi
tekstovi o raznim bolestima
su nam potrebni kako
bismo znali koji su simptomi bolesti i kako da se
~uvamo. Mi, deca, ~esto
zanemarimo osnovne higijenske mere, pa smo zato
prvi koji se zaraze. Ako
budemo vi{e znali,
pri~a}emo me|usobno o
tome i tako se podsetiti {ta treba da radimo. Na kraju - o sportu.
Svi volimo sport i sportska
nadmetanja. To {to Vi
pi{ete o sportu je veoma
lepo, jer se svi divimo
sportistima i njihovim
velikim uspesima.
Samo napred "For You"!!!
Ana Tripecki
O. [. "[arski Odred"Ja`ince
Ja obo`avam ovaj magazin,
jer je mnogo zabavan i
pou~an. Moj omiljeni peva~
je To{e Proeski - obo`avam
njegove pesme! Volela bih
da objavite njegov poster i
napi{ete neki ~lanak o
njemu. Omiljeni sport mi je
odbojka i volela bih da
treniram ovaj sport, ali kod
nas nema dovoljno uslova
za to. Moja omiljena
muzi~ka grupa je "High
Musical", mnogo ih volim i
volela bih da saznam ne{to
vi{e o njihovim `ivotima.
Od {kolskih predmeta
najvi{e volim biologiju, jer
govori o `ivotinjama, pa bih
volela da u slede}em broju
pi{ete vi{e o `ivotinjama.
Obo`avam Vas!!! Najbolji
Miljana Markagi}
O. [. "[arski Odred"Ja`ince
The September issue of
the magazine For You thrilled
me because it enabled me to
test my knowledge of English
language through your articles
and through the topics that I
am interested in. I think that
magazine is made very well,
with the good choice of topics,
photos, and interesting information. There is something
about everything in it: about
science, medicine, sport, and
other interesting things. I
would like to single out the
article about world famous
scientist Milutin Milankovic. I
have read his book "Through
Universe and Centuries"
where he in a very simple way
and for us, children, easy to
understand, describes universe. This helps us to understand better the changes in
the Universe. Interesting and
educative was also the article
about human fish (Proteus
Anguinus). In this article, we
learned more about the
human fish then from our textbooks, and this was an opportunity for us to learn more
about this animal. I thought
that the column Hi-Tech and
the article "Future Innovations"
were even more interesting.
This article can entice some
future innovator to use his
abilities and knowledge productively. People around the
world make so many different
useful things and we should
know about them. I have to
commend you for the article
about the virus A/H1/N1. We
need these kinds of articles on
different diseases so we can
learn what the symptoms of
the disease are and how to
protect ourselves. We, children, often neglect basic
hygiene and that is why we
get infected first. If we know
more, we will talk about that
and in that way remind each
other what are the
things we need to do. At
the end, something about
sport. We all like sport and
sports competition. The fact
that you are writing about
sport is very nice because we
all admire sportsmen and their
Just go for it For You
Ana Tripecki
The Primary School "Sarski
Odred"- Jazince
I adore this magazine
because it is a lot of fun and
educative as well. My favorite
singer is Tose Proeski - I love
his songs! I would like if you
could publish a poster of him
and write an article about him.
My favorite sport is volleyball
and I would like to play this
sport but we do not have conditions for that here. My
favorite band is "High School
Musical", I
love them so much
and I would like to know more
about their lives. When it
comes to school subjects - I
like the most Biology because it
studies animals so I would like
if you could write more about
animals in the next issue.
I adore you!!! You are the
Miljana Markagic
The Primary School
"Sarski Odred"
- Jazince