Februar 2014 - Magazine For You


Februar 2014 - Magazine For You
Pozdrav dragi ~itaoci,
I ovog meseca se sre}emo u nadi da }e vas najnovije
izdanje vašeg omiljenog magazina For You zate}
i u lepom raspolo`enju i dobrom zdravlju. Kao i uvek,
pripremili smo mnogo novih i zanimljivih stvari samo
za vas. Predstavi}u ih redom: ovog meseca posetili
smo Osnovnu školu „Milan Raki}” u Babinom Mostu;
gde smo imali priliku da se bolje upoznamo sa mnogim
u~enicima ove škole.
U rubrici o modi mo}i }ete da vidite neke od ideja šta
biste mogli da nosite, a šta ne bi trebalo da obla~ite
tokom hladnih dana. Za ljubitelje muzike pripremili smo
vam biografiju poznate Aleksandre Kova~. Ako `elite
da saznate neke od najinteresantnijih detalja iz njenog
privatnog `ivota, onda pro~itajte muzi~ku rubriku. U
rubrici @ivotinjsko carstvo nastavljamo sa nabrajanjem
`ivotinja heroja. Dok vam Moviemania donosi najnovije
filmove iz inostrane produkcije.
Ukoliko `elite da saznate nešto više o ko{arka{u
Marku Jari}u koji je osvojio naša srca i našu maštu
– pa`ljivo pro~itajte sportski kutak. U koje sve svrhe
mladi na Kosovu uglavnom koriste Internet, kao i
da li su zavisnici istoga, saznajte u našem upitniku.
Pozivamo vas da pa`ljivo pro~itate i društvene
teme ovog meseca, koje se bave profesijom
policajca i {tednjom vode. U ovom broju }e se na}
i i vaša pisma, poslednje tehnologije, kao i neke
neverovatne ali istinite pri~e.
Sve ovo donosimo samo za vas u najnovijem broju
~asopisa. ^itajte pa`ljivo, listajte polako stranice, i na}
i }ete se u svom svetu snova. Slede}i sastanak vam
zakazujem za mart.
Do tada srda~an pozdrav,
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Osnovna [kola „Milan
Raki}“ u Babinom Mostu
6-7: [tedeti vodu je lako i
ni{ta ne ko{ta
8-9: For you fashion:
Zimska moda - {ta nositi a
{ta ne
10-11: Music Box:
Aleksandra Kova~
12-13: Moj `ivot u
invalidskim kolicima
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: Top pet `ivotinja
16-17: Poster: Marko
Ride Along; Anchorman;
The Railway Man
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Marko Jari}
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Pet razloga za{to
bi trebali da postanete
26-27: Upitnik: Da li
ste Internet zavisnik?;
Kako poznate li~nosti
i Ujedinjene Nacije
zajedno rade za bolji
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
Greetings dear readers,
We meet again yet a new month with the hope that
you will find this latest edition of your favorite For You
magazine well. As always, we have prepared many new
and interesting things just for you. I will present them
by order: this month we visited the Elementary School
“Milan Rakic” in Babin Most. There we learned about the
novelties in this school, and we had the opportunity to
closely get familiar with many students from this school
In the Fashion column you will have the chance to see
some of the ideas of what you can wear or not during this
winter season. For the music lovers we have prepared
an interesting article about Aleksandra Kovac. To find out
about some of the most interesting details in her private
and professional life, flip through the music column.
In the Animal Kingdom we continue with the listing of
Animal Heroes. In the Moviemania, you can find the
newest movies from foreign production.
If you want to learn more about the basketball
player who has won over our hearts and imagination,
Marko Jaric – read the sports corner carefully. What
do the young people in Kosovo use the Internet mostly
for and are they addicted to it, learn more from our
Questionnaire. As always we invite you to carefully
read the social topic of this month, where we treat the
profession of policeman and the water issue. Your letters
will be present as well, as well as the latest technologies
and some unbelievable but true stories.
All these only for you in the newest edition of the
magazine. Read carefully, turn the pages slowly and
you will find yourselves in your dream world. I offer you
another meeting in March.
Until then,
Best regards,
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Primary school
“Milan Rakic” in Babin
6-7: Saving water is easy
and does not cost you a
8-9: For you fashion:
Dos and don’ts of winter
10-11: Music Box:
Aleksandra Kovac
12-13: My life in a wheel
14-15: Animal kingdom:
Top 5 animal heroes
16-17: Poster: Marko
18-19: Moviemania:
Ride Along; Anchorman;
The Railway Man
20-21: Sports corner:
Marko Jaric
24-25: Five reasons why
you should become a
26-27: Questionnaire: Are
you addicted to internet?;
How do celebrities and
United Nations work
together for a better
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
for you 3
škola meseca
v.d. direktor {kole Marko Ili}
„Milan Raki}“ u Babinom Mostu, na 13-tak
kilometara od Pri{tine, ima se ~ime pohvaliti.
Pre svega, ima veoma dobro vaspitane |ake,
{to je danas zaista uspeh, obzirom na toliko mladih koji su
prepu{teni ulicama i porocima. Ova malena {kola broji 92
u~enika i 18 nastavnika, u svega pet u~ionica.
V.d. direktor ove {kole, Marko Ili}, vi{e je nego
zadovoljan pona{anjem u~enika, tako|e i nastavnika
{kole. „Imamo zaista dobru decu, jer imaju osnovno ku}
no vaspitanje. Po{tuju starije, jako su poslu{ni, i meni je
zadovoljstvo raditi sa njima. ^esto ih vodimo u neke ve}
e gradove, kao {to je na primer Beograd, i verujte da na{a
deca uop{te ne zaostaju za njima,
obzirom da `ive u jednom seocetu. I
to me posebno ~ini ponosnim“.
Prema njegovim re~ima, odnos
izme|u nastavnika i u~enika je vi{e
nego dobar, mo`da zato {to se u
selu svi poznaju. Tako|e i roditelji
po{tuju sve obaveze prema {koli,
zato redovno dolaze na sastanke
i savetovanja. Svi se me|usobno
po{tuju, i imaju jedan doma}inski
odnos. Ova ustanova je za sve
njih kao jedna ku}a, stoga se tako
i pona{aju. Kada se obele`avaju
neki va`niji datumi, kao {to je to
Dan {kole, svi zajedno ulo`e mnogo
truda, kako bi se manifestacija
proslavila na najbolji mogu}i na~in.
Gospodin Ili} je naglasio va`nost
obrazovanja i poha|anje osnovne
{kole, koja je dobra “podloga“ za
4 for you
budu}nost. Zato je i dobro {to je ona obavezna, jer svima
pru`a jednaku mogu}nost opismenjavanja i edukacije.
„Meni je jako drago {to na{i u~enici vape za znanjem,
{to vole da ~itaju i {to su jako posve}eni {koli. Jednom
re~ju, ispunjavaju sve obaveze prema njoj. ^esto se desi
da i posle ~asova ostaju du`e u {koli, kako bi savladali
Obzirom da mladi nemaju mnogo razonoda u selu, {kola
i njeno dvori{te su im centar okupljanja i zbivanja. Stoga
i jedva ~ekaju sutra{nji dan da se svi ponovo vide u {koli.
Direktor je tako|e pomenuo da deca vole da se bave
sportom, i da nisu kao ve}ina gradske dece kojoj je najve}a razonoda Internet. „Ja ina~e `ivim i radim i u Zve~anu,
ali putujem svakoga dana. Zaista mogu osetiti razliku u
pona{anju izme|u dece iz urbane i ruralne sredine. Tako|e
bih se pohvalio i novim teniskim terenom koji smo dobili
donacijom nevladinih organizacija. Otvorenog je tipa, tako
da se mo`e korisiti kada je lepo vreme“.
„Zrno po zrno poga~a“, ka`e se u narodu. Tako i oni
malo po malo renoviraju {kolu: krov, grejanje... U budu}nosti se nadaju da }e od stranih investitora dobiti nove
prozore i fiskulturnu salu koja im posebno predstavlja
problem, jer se fizi~ko vaspitanje odvija u u~ionicama.
„Radimo jedno po jedno. Nadam se da }emo u skorijoj
budu}nosti kompletirati {kolu. Istina da imamo ono
osnovno za rad, ali ovim u~enicima treba vi{e i bolje,
radi kvalitetnije nastave. Dosta smo sku~eni s prostorom,
imamo samo jedan kabinet. [teta je da ova deca, koja
su zaista fantasti~na i svestrana, ne dobiju bolje uslove“,
dodao je direktor Ili}.
Za kraj je svim mladima na Kosovu po`eleo dobro
zdravlje i mnogo uspeha u ovoj godini. „Da biste bili
jednoga dana neko i ne{to, morate raditi na sebi, na
svom obrazovanju, jer je ono jedino korisno. Posvetite
se vi{e knjigama, nauci i {koli, kao {to to ~ine u~enici
ove {kole. Sigurno ne}ete pogre{iti ako izaberete samo
jedan put – a to je {kola“.
school of the month
rimary School “Milan Rakic” in Babin Most, 13
kilometres from Pristina, has something to boast about.
First of all, it has very well-mannered pupils, which is
nowadays a real success, given the many young people who
are left to the streets and vices. This small school has 92
students and 18 teachers in only five classrooms.
Acting director of the school, Marko Ilić, is more than
satisfied with the behaviour of students, and also teachers
of the school. “We have really good kids, because they have
a basic home education. They respect their elders, they are
very obedient, and it is my pleasure to work with them. We
often take them to some major cities, such as, for example,
Belgrade, and you can be sure that our children do not fall
behind them, although they live in a small village. And that
particularly makes me very proud.”
According to him, the relationship between teachers and
students is more than good, perhaps because in the village
everyone knows everyone. Also, the parents comply with all
obligations to the school,
so they come regularly to
meetings and counselling.
They all respect each other,
and have an outgiving
relationship. This facility is
for all of them as a home,
so they tend to behave in
that way. When an important
date is celebrated, such
as a day of school, all of
them put a lot of effort to
celebrate the event in the
best possible way.
Mr Ilic emphasized the
importance of education and
attending primary school,
which is a good “foundation”
for the future. That’s why it’s
good that it is mandatory,
because it provides everyone
with the equal opportunity for literacy and education. “I am
very pleased that our students are crying out for knowledge,
they love to read and they are very dedicated to school. In
a word, they fulfil all obligations towards the school. It often
happens that they stay in school after hours in order to
master the teaching material.”
Given that young people do not have a lot of
entertainment in the village, the school and its garden
are their meetings and events centre. Therefore they
cannot wait for tomorrow to see each other again back
at school. The director also mentioned that kids love to
play sports, and they are not like most urban children
whose major entertainment is Internet. “I normally live
and work in Zvecan, but I travel every day. I can really
feel the difference in behaviour between children in urban
and rural areas. I would also like to praise the new tennis
court that we received as a donation of non-governmental
organizations. It is an open court, so it can be used when
the weather is nice.”
“Inch by inch, anything is a cinch,” said the people. And so
they renovate the school little by little: roof, heating ... they
hope in the future they will get from foreign investors new
windows and a gym, which particularly presents a problem for
them, because the physical education currently takes place in
the classrooms. “We’re managing one at a time. I hope that in
the near future we will complete the school. It is true that we
have the basics to work, but these students need more and
better, in order to have a better quality teaching process. We’re
pretty cramped with space, we have only one cabinet. It’s a
shame these children, who are truly fantastic and versatile, not
to get something better,” Director Ilic added.
In the end, he wished all the young people in Kosovo good
health and much success this year. “To be successful one day,
you have to advance yourselves, your education, because only
education is useful. Dedicate yourself more to books, science
and school, as do the students of this school. You will not go
wrong if you choose only one way - and that is education.”
for you 5
everovatno je kako svi mi
obra}amo toliko pa`nje na
svetsku ekonomsku krizu
i na neprestani rast cena nafte,
dok istovremeno zaboravljamo
na probleme i izazove vezane za
nedostatak drugih prirodnih resursa,
koji su verovatno nama mnogo
bitniji od nafte. Šta je to što je
bitnije od nafte? VODA – ova
magi~na te~nost koja je izvor svake
vrste `ivota na ovoj planeti. „Nema
`ivota bez vode” predstavlja kliše
za mnoge, ali je izjava koju ~esto
zaboravljamo. Svim `ivim bi}ima je
potrebna voda, voda oblikuje budu}nost i voda stvara `ivot. Gledajte
na to ovako, u slede}ih nekoliko
sati, mo`da ~ak kada završite sa
~itanjem ovog ~lanka, šta }e vam
biti potrebnije ~aša vode ili ~aša
Mi svi imamo najmanje tri
na~ina na koja mo`emo do}i do
vode u našim domovima; ovo
izgleda stvara iluziju da postoji
nepresušni dovod vode do naših
domova. Mi svi smatramo da
imamo pravo da koristimo ovaj
resurs kada god `elimo. Me|utim
na Kosovu, i vi i ja se suo~avamo
6 for you
sa situacijom koja nam name}e
druga~iji pogled na na~in na koji
koristimo vodu. Suše tokom leta
nisu nezamislive tokom leta na
Kosovu. Ali suše tokom jeseni i
zime jesu zabrinjavaju}e. Kada
nemamo sne`nih i kišnih padavina
tokom zime i kada zalihe pija}e
vode padnu na kriti~an nivo, tokom
perioda kada bi trebali da imamo
dosta vode, onda rezerve pija}e
vode nikada ne}e biti dovoljne da
traju i tokom najsušnijih letnjih
meseci. Trenuto smo u lošoj
situaciji, u situaciji u kojoj svi
moramo da se zamislimo i da
pomislimo: „Moramo štedeti vodu!”
Na`alost tek kada smo u ovakvoj
situaciji, mi zaista shvatimo va`nost
vode. Tako da vam mi savetujemo
da pro~itate dole navedene na~ine
na koje mo`ete uštedeti na potrošnji
1. Zavrnite slavinu dok perete
zube, ne dozvolite da voda te~e
– ovako mo`ete uštedeti i do šest
litara po minutu.
2. Kada se tuširate, trošite od
šest do 45 litara vode po minutu.
Kra}e se tuširajte, smanjite dotok
vode i isklju~ite vodu dok se
3. Podsetite porodicu da uvek
napune veš-mašine i sudo-mašine
pre nego što ih uklju~e.
4. Podsetite vašu porodicu da
poprave slavine koje cure. ^esma
koja curi troši i do 15 litara vode
dnevno ili 5500 litara vode godišnje.
5. Napunite flašu sa vodom sa
~esme i stavite je u fri`ider. Tako
da kada `elite ~ašu hladne vode ne
morate da pustite ~esmu da te~e.
Ne zaboravite da štednjom
potrošnje vode, štedite i na
ra~unima za potrošnju vode; ovo }e
pomo}i ku}nom bud`etu. Direktno
}ete doprineti o~uvanju `ivotne
okoline. Što je još bitnije je to da
}ete smanjiti odliv kanalizacije u
naše reke i jezera. Ako još niste
ube|eni da trebate da štedite vodu,
razmislite na ovaj na~in. Zamislite
kako bi bilo kada biste morali da
nosite vodu u kofama ili flašama po
jedan kilometar ili više. Šta mislite?
Da li biste i onda dozvolili da voda
curi iz kofa ili flaša, i da li bi ste
i tada dozvolili da neko prospe
tu vodu u wc šolju nakon što ste
prepeša~ili ~itav kilometar?
t is amazing how we all manage to
pay so much attention to the global
economic crisis or the continuous
increase of the oil price and at the same
time forget the problems and challenges
we face with other resources more
important than oil. But what could be
more important than oil? I tell you what:
WATER - this magical drink which is
the source of every life form in the globe.
There is no life without water, is a cliché
statement for many but, it seems that
we forget that this saying does not apply
only for us people. All species living on
earth are water dependent, and not just,
because depending on how we treat
water today determines the future of those
who have not come to this life yet. Do not
misunderstand me, I am not saying that
oil is not important but, what do you think,
in the next three hours, from this moment
when you are reading these lines, what
will be more sought in the entire world, a
glass of water or a glass of oil.
The fact that we all have at least three
faucets at our homes seems to create our
illusion that this is unlimited resource. A
resource, over which mankind has some
kind of monopoly and inalienable right to
use as we please. However, in a situation
similar the one we are currently facing
in Kosovo certainly puts things in an
entirely different perspective. Drought
during summertime is not unheard of
here in Kosovo. But, drought during fall
and winter, that is really alarming. When
the entire winter passes without rain or
snow and the levels of our drinking water
reserves reach critical levels at the time
when we should have water in abundance
and even regenerate our reserves for the
driest summer months, is a situation that
really calls for saving water. Unfortunately
it seems that only in such circumstances
we truly manage to comprehend the
importance of water for us. Anyway it is
better late than never. Therefore, we invite
you to read below some simple advices
on how you can save water.
1. Turn off the faucet when you brush
your teeth – this can save 6 litres of water
per minute.
2. While showering you can use
anything between 6 and 45 litres per
minute. Therefore, take a shorter shower,
keep the water running to a low flow and
turn it off while soaping up.
3. Remind your parents to always use
full loads in your washing machine and
4. Remind your parents to fix
dripping faucets. A dripping faucet can
15 litres of
water a day, or
5,500 litres of water a year.
5. Fill a bottle with tap water and place
this in your fridge. This will mean you do
not have to leave the tap running for the
water to run cold before you fill your glass.
6. Do not use your toilet as garbage
can because, afterwards you will use tens
of litres of water to clean it.
Do not forget, by saving water
you also help in reducing the water
bills respectively reducing you family
expenses. On the other hand you will
also contribute directly in environment
protection. By saving water you
contribute to the longevity of your sewer
pipes. At the same time you facilitate the
entire sewerage system but, what is even
more important you reduce the amount
of wastewater we pour into our rivers
and lakes. If you are still not convinced
to save water, then imagine you have
to carry water in buckets or bottles for
about one kilometre. What do you think,
would you let your water drip from those
buckets or bottles and would you mind if
someone would pour them without any
control in the toilet?!
for you 7
„Osnovne skijaške kape, fedore, kaubojski šeširi, ka~keti
raznosa~a novina i polucilindri zadr`avaju
toplotu unutra, a glupost napolju“.
Dr`ite se klasi~nog
zimskog šešira
Nekada je gospoda lutala
zemljom, ali oni nisu nosili
grozne šešire. Negde usput,
nove kape koje su bile
funkcionalne za suo~avanje
sa ekstremnim vremenskim
prilikama su postali izgovor
za pretvaranje u šetaju}u
reklamu za bakino
udru`enje pletilja. Seoske
kreacije mogu biti tople, ali
su daleko od mode. Sre}om, postoje jednostavna
rešenja: osnovne skijaške
kape, fedora šeširi, ka~ket
raznosa~a novina, i
koji mogu
a ludost
Nosite i brinite se
o vašoj ko`i
Sinteti~ka vlakna nisu
jedini na~in da se
borite sa vremenskim
prilikama. Pre nego
što su vešta~ki najlon,
vešta~ka krzna i lako
zapaljive poli-plastike
postale robustne
tkanine postojala je
ko`a. A visokokvalitetne
ko`e, zajedno sa svojim
posebno tretiranim
prijateljima, odnosno
antilopom i lakovanom
ko`om, bile su (skoro) kao
stvorene za zimu. Uprkos
ozbiljnom oklevanju da
se komadi ode}e od ovog
skupog materjala izlo`e
kiši i snegu, oni ustvari
poseduju sposobnost da
izdr`e udarce. Potrebno je
samo pravilno odr`avanje,
Sloj sa prslukom
Prsluci su najbolji komadi
pri slojevitom obla~enju. U
svom beskrajno ~udnom,
ako ne i genijalnom dizajnu
gde su ruke odse~ene,
prsluk mo`e biti jedna više
barijera protiv hladno}
e ili delovati kao završni
komad kada su malo topliji
dani. Prebacite ga preko
obi~nog d`empera kako
bi udovi bili prekriveni a
trup još topliji. Klju~ je da
sve bude jednako. Uparite
deblje d`empere sa sli~nim
~vrstim prslucima, a finija
pletiva sa tanjim, laganijim.
Nau~ite da ve`ete svoj
Šalovi treba da budu
obmotani oko vrata,
koje jedno od primarnih
mesta gde telo osloba|a
toplotu. Postoje tri
jednostavna na~ina
da ih nose. Pariski –
8 for you
najnervozniji na~in - nastaje
savijanjem šala po du`ini
i provla~enjem dva kraja
kroz petlju napravljenu
na suprotnoj strani. To je
najtešnji metod vezivanja
za maksimalnu toplinu. Kod
malo le`ernijeg na~ina,
kada obmotate šal jednom,
šal se postavlja oko vrata
tako da jedan kraj bude
malo du`i od drugog, a
zatim ga obmotate jedanput
i provu~ete kroz petlju. Ako
nije mnogo hladno, neka
bude labav i savitljiv. Oprez:
ovaj na~in je izvodljiv samo
sa du`im šalovima.
Nositi veliku pufnastu/
naduvenu jaknu
Velike, jake jakne bile su
na svom vrhuncu pre više
godina – a tada nije bilo
druge opcije. Intuitivno,
logi~no je da deblje zna~i
toplije. Me|utim, šetanje
po gradu sa više rolni nego
što ima pakovanje viršli nije
na~in za to. Bolje da imate
više slojeva komada koji
su vam taman nego jedan
komad velike jakne. A za
one koji jednostavno ne
mogu da odole naduvanju,
ovih dana postoje razumnije
i tanje opcije.
Šetajte u ~izmama marke
UGG (izgovor – Ag)
Fenomen se dogodio u
svetu obu}e 2004. godine, i
nije bio lep. UGG ~izme su
putovale preko pola sveta
od njihove rodne Australije i
sletele u Ameriku na ~uvena
stopala Kejt Hadson, Sare
D`esike Parker i D`esike
Simpson. Linija uniseks
~izama iz zemlje sa juga
i dalje pokušava da
dobije prostor i me|u
muškarcima. Ali, koliko
god da su probirljiviji
kupci izbacili iz svojih
garderobera nezgrapnu pa
ipak ~udnovato `enstvenu
obu}u, ta vrsta obu}e još
uvek predstavlja pretnju za
muška stopala po hladnom
vremenu. Mo`da Sidnej
treba da se
dr`i onoga što najbolje zna:
pla`e sa bikinijima.
Previše ode}e
Dobijanje viška kilograma
je poslednje što nekom
treba u ovo doba godine.
I dok je dodavanje
oklopa da bi se izborili
sa hladno}om od klju~ne
va`nosti, nije potrebno da
se pretvorite u bezobli~nu
masu teških slojeva.
Glavni problem je u tome
što masa mo`e postepeno
da raste kao grudva snega
koja se kotrlja i raste bez
kontrole. Sve po~inje
sa prevelikim štrikanim
komadom ispod debelog
d`empera. A zatim,
masivni vuneni kaput do
~lanaka pronalazi svoj
put do ove kombinacije
i pretvara ina~e idili~nu
zimsku zemlju ~uda u
katastrofalnom lavinu
“Basic ski caps, fedoras, newsboy hats, and bowlers
keep heat IN and foolishness OUT.”
Stick with a classic
winter hat
There once was a
time when gentlemen
roamed the land and,
no, they didn’t don
heinous headwear.
Somewhere along the way,
novelty hats that supplied
functionality for facing
the extreme weather
became an excuse
for turning into
a walking
for grandma’s
knitting circle.
The cottage
creations may
be warm, but
they are far
from fashionfriendly.
simple solutions
exist: Basic ski
caps, fedoras,
newsboy hats,
and bowlers
keep heat in and
foolishness out.
Wear - and take care of your
- leather
Synthetic fibers aren’t the only
way to battle the elements.
Long before man-made
nylons, faux furs and polyplastic fire hazards were
rugged fabrics there was
leather. And high-quality skins
along with their specially
treated friends, namely suede
and patent leather, were
(almost) made winter-ready.
Despite serious hesitation
to expose garments
constructed of these
pricey materials to
rain and snow,
they were
actually given
the ability
to take a
beating. It just
takes proper
of course.
Layer with a
Gilets are
the ultimate
layering piece.
In its infinitely
strange, if
not genius,
design, the vest can be one
extra barrier against the cold
or act as a final finishing
piece on slightly warmer days.
Throw it over the typically
sweater to keep your limbs
covered and core toasty.
The key here is to keep
everything equal. Pair
chunkier sweaters with
similarly sturdy vests
and finer gauge knits
with leaner, lightweight
Learn to tie your scarf
Scarves were meant
to be wrapped around
the neck, one of the
primary places the body
releases heat. And
there are three
simple ways
to wear them.
The Parisian
- the most
fussy of the family - is
created by folding the
scarf lengthwise
and pulling the
two ends
through the
loop created on
the opposite side.
It’s the snuggest
fitting method
for maximum
warmth. The
more casual
once-around knot
works by placing
the scarf on
the neck with
one side slightly
longer than the other
and then wrapping it
around and through the
loop. And if it’s not quite
that cold yet, keep the oncearound loose and limber.
Caution: this route only works
with longer scarves.
Wear an oversize puffer
Big, beefy jackets had their
heyday years ago - and they
didn’t get any second looks
back then either. Intuitively,
it makes sense that thicker
means warmer. However,
toting yourself around town
with more rolls than a pack of
hot dogs isn’t the way to do it.
You’re better off layering with
several well-fitted pieces than
a single jacked-up jacket. And
for those who just can’t resist
puffing up, there are more
sensible and slimmer options
these days.
Trek around in UGG boots
A phenomenon occurred in
the footwear world circa 2004,
and it wasn’t pretty. UGG
boots traveled half way around
the world from their native
Australia and landed Stateside
on the famous feet of Kate
Hudson, Sarah Jessica Parker
and Jessica Simpson. The
line of unisex booties from
the land down under is still
trying to
among men. But, as much as
the clunky yet oddly feminine
footwear has been kicked
curbside by most discerning
dressers, they still present a
threat to the male foot come
cold weather time. Perhaps
Sydney should stick to what
it knows best: beaches with
Bulk up
Packing on extra pounds is
the last thing anyone needs
this time of year. And while
adding armor to battle the cold
is critical, it’s unnecessary to
turn yourself into a shapeless
heap of heavy layers. The
main problem is that bulk can
gradually snowball beyond
control. It all starts with an
oversize knit under a thick
sweater. Then, a massive
ankle-length wool coat finds its
way into the ensemble turning
an otherwise idyllic winter
wonderland into a catastrophic
clothing avalanche.
for you 9
music box
eva~ica, kompozitor,
aran`er, tekstopisac i
producent, ro|ena je
1972. godine u Beogradu.
Zajedno sa mla|om sestrom
Kristinom, Aleksandra je
pevala prate}e vokale Bebi
Dol koja je predstavljala SFR
Jugoslaviju na “Pesmi Evrovizije” 1991. godine u Rimu.
Aleksandra je }erka kompozitora Kornelija i tekstopisca
Spomenke Kova~.
Po~ela je da komponuje,
svira klavijature i izvodi svoju
muziku kada joj je bilo 15 godina. U to vreme, ona i njena
mla|a sestra Kristina, osnivaju
duo pod nazivom “K2” i
potpisuju svoj prvi ugovor sa
menad`ment kompanijom iz
Londona, gde u slede}ih pet
godina rade sa mnogim velikim imenima svetske muzi~ke
industrije kao što su - Derek
Bramble (kompozitor i producent, iz SAD, radio za Vitni
Hjuston, Anastasija, Nona
Gaje), kompozitorski duo Rod
Ard`ent - Piter Van Huk iz
Velike Britanije (kompozitori
i producenti za D`enesis, Fil
10 for you
Kolins, Tanita Tikaram) i sviraju englesku turneju sa Erol
Braunom (grupa Hot Šokolejt).
Godine 1995. sestre
Kova~ se vra}aju u Beograd i
ispunjene pozitivnom energijom i kreativnoš}u komponuju,
aran`iraju, produciraju i izvode
svoje muzi~ke albume “K2” i
“Malo Soula” koji se prodaju
u rekordnim tira`ima i dolaze
na mesto broj 1 svih doma}ih
top lista. Uspešno promovišu
oba albuma širom zemlje i
1997. na poziv svetske kompanije EMI, odlaze u Madrid
(Španiju) gde za istu ku}
u potpisuju ugovor za plo~u
za špansko tr`ište. Posle
uspešne promocije albuma
i mini-turneje, 1998. godine,
“K2” se vra}a u Beograd i
grupa prekida rad.
Aleksandra odlu~uje da
nastavi sa svojom karijerom,
ali ovoga puta ne samo kao
izvo|a~ i kompozitor, ve} i kao
aran`er i producent. Krajem
1999. upoznaje producenta i
muzi~ara Romana Goršeka
(~lan rok sastava “Plejboj”)
i sa njim osniva muzi~ku
produkciju pod imenom “RA
produkcija” koja uspešno
stvara sve do danas.
U to vreme Aleksandra dobija poziv da radi sa
mnogobrojnim izvo|a~ima
hrvatske i bosanske muzi~ke
scene. Neki od izvo|a~a
kojima je Aleksandra pisala
pesme su Nina Badri},
Ivana Kindl , @ak Hudek, Din,
Severina, Goran Karan, Boris
Novkovi}, Vesna Pisarovi},
Sandi Cenov, i drugi.
Posle par godina pauze,
koje koristi za rad sa drugim
peva~ima, za komponovanje
primenjene muzike i boravak
u SAD 2006. godine, Aleksandri izlazi prvi solo album, pod
nazivom “Med i mleko”. Ovaj
album je proglašen najprodavanijim albumom 2006. i 2007.
godine i Aleksandra Kova~
ulazi u istoriju svoje zemlje
kao prva osoba sa teritorije
Srbije koja dobija regionalnu
“MTV” nagradu, na dodeli
EMA u Kopenhagenu 2006.
godine. Nakon velikog uspeha
albuma, Aleksandra kre}e
na veliku turneju po Srbiji, sa
svojim 12-~lanim bendom.
Britanski Savet u Srbiji,
poziva Romana i Aleksandru
2007.godine da odr`e radionicu za mlade ljude koje interesuje muzi~ki biznis u Srbiji
i napišu esej za knjigu “Srbija:
Nova evropska generacija”.
Sa svojim novim albumom
“U mojoj sobi”, koji su Roman i Aleksandra komponovali, aran`irali, producirali i
izdali za “RAprodukciju” 2009.
godine, Aleksandra posti`e
veliki uspeh na prostorima
U 2009. godini otvara i
školu pevanja “Beogradski
Glas” i time daje šansu deci
i ljudima da u~e o pevanju i
muzici od vrhunskih pedagoga
i solista.
Ime i prezime:
Aleksandra Kova~
Datum ro|enja:
30. septembar 1972.
Mesto ro|enja: Beograd
Aktivni period:
Instrument: vokal, klavir,
@anr: pop, RnB, soul, fank
Zvani~an sajt:
Nagra|ivani je autor
muzike za pozorište, TV i
Pored muzi~ke karijere, Aleksandra se bavi i
društveno korisnim radom
- kao podrška u mnogim
kampanjama anga`ovana je
od strane dr`avnih institucija i
nevladinih organizacija. Aleksandra je veliki zaštitnik `ivotinja i vodi azil na Veterinarskom fakultetu tri godine (za
to vreme uspela je da udomi
više od 50 `ivotinja). Vegetarijanac je, bavi se jogom i
propagira zdrav na~in `ivota
i razmišljanja. Tako|e, ~lan je
Hrvatskog društva skladatelja,
HUZIP-a u Hrvatskoj i STIM-a
u Švedskoj.
Izvor: www.rts.rs; http://
singer, composer, arranger, songwriter and
producer, Aleksandra
Kovac was born in 1972 in
Belgrade. Together with her
younger sister Kristina, Aleksandra sang background vocals for
Bebi Dol who represented SFR
Yugoslavia at the “Eurovision
Song Contest” in 1991 in Rome.
Aleksandra is the daughter of
composer Kornelije and songwriter Spomenka Kovac.
She began to compose,
play keyboards and perform
her own music when she was
15 years old. At that time, she
and her younger sister, Kristina,
formed a duo named K2 and
signed their first contract with
a management company in
London, where, over the next
five years, they worked with
many big names in the music industry such as - Derek Bramble
(composer and producer from
the United States, worked for
Whitney Houston, Anastasia,
Nona Gaius), composer duo
Rod Argento and Peter Van
Hook from the UK (composers
and producers of Genesis, Phil
Collins, Tanita Tikaram) and
supported Errol Brown (band
Hot Chocolate) on a England
In 1995 Kovač sisters
returned to Belgrade filled with
positive energy and creativity
to compose, arrange, produce
and perform their own music
albums “K2” and “A Little Bit Of
Soul”, which were sold in record
numbers and became No. 1 in
all domestic charts. They successfully promoted both albums
across the country and in 1997,
on invitation by international
company EMI, they went to Madrid (Spain), where they signed
a recording contract with the
same company to release an
album for the Spanish market.
After the successful promotion
of the album and a mini-tour
in 1998, the group returned to
Belgrade and stopped working.
Aleksandra decided to
continue her career, but this
time not only as a performer
and composer, but also as
an arranger and producer. In
music box
late 1999 she met a producer
and musician, Roman Gorsek
(member of the rock band
Playboy), and with him founded
the production company “RAProduction”, which successfully
creates music even today.
At the time, Aleksandra was
invited to work with many artists
from the Croatian and Bosnian
music scene. Some of the artists for whom Aleksandra wrote
the songs are Nina Badric,
Ivana Kindl, Zak Hudek, Din,
Severina, Goran Karan, Boris
Novkovic, Vesna Pisarovic,
Sandi Cenov, and others.
After a few years break,
which she used to work with
other singers, to compose applied music and stay in the U.S.
in 2006, Aleksandra publishes
her first solo album, called
“Honey and milk”. This album
was voted the Best-selling
Album in 2006 and 2007, and
Aleksandra Kovac enters her
country’s history as the first person in the territory of Serbia who
won a regional “MTV” award
at the EMAs in Copenhagen in
2006. After a huge success of
the album, Aleksandra embarks
on a great tour of Serbia, with
her 12-member band.
The British Council in Serbia
invites Roman and Aleksandra
in 2007 to hold a workshop for
young people interested in the
music business in Serbia and
write an essay for the book
“Serbia: New European Gen-
Name and surname:
Aleksandra Kovac
DOB: 30 September, 1972
POB: Beograd
Years active: 1990 - present
Instrument: vocal, piano,
Genre: Pop, RnB, Soul, Funk
Official website:
eration”. With their new album
“In My Room”, which Roman
and Aleksandra composed, arranged, produced and released
for “RAProduction” in 2009,
Aleksandra achieved great
success in the region of former
In 2009 she also established
a school of singing “Belgrade’s
Voice”, thus giving a chance
to children and people to learn
about singing and music by top
educators and soloists.
She is an award-winning
author of music for theatre, TV
and commercials.
Besides music career, Aleksandra is engaged in socially
useful work – she is employed
by the state institutions and nongovernmental organizations as
a support in many campaigns.
Aleksandra is a great protector
of animals and headed the asylum in the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine for three years (during
which she managed to house
more than 50 animals). She is
a vegetarian; she is engaged in
yoga and promotes a healthy
way of living and thinking. She
is also a member of the Croatian Composers’ Society, HUZIP
in Croatia and STIM in Sweden.
Source: www.rts.rs; http://
for you 11
menad`erka Handikos-a u severnoj Mitrovici, Mira Spiri}
edavno pomislih:
svi mi imamo neke
posebne potrebe ili
ograni~ene mogu}nosti. I
kada sam bolje razmislila,
shvatila sam da je to istina.
Nismo svemogu}i, ne
mo`emo sti}i svuda i uraditi
sve što `elimo. Mi uvek
moramo da se uhvatimo u
koštac sa izazovima pred
nama, svi mi smo naišli
na neku vrstu ili neki tip
prepreke tokom `ivota.
^esto se zapitam,
kakav je `ivot ljudi koji su
u invalidskim kolicima,
koji nemaju pristup svim
radnjama ili raznim
institucijama. Kako li
oni funkcionišu, kako se
snalaze, kako li uspevaju
da stignu do nekih lokacija.
Ve}ina nas mo`e da hoda
na svojim nogama, i ~esto
prihvatamo zdravo za
gotovo to što mo`emo
jednostavno da ustanemo,
hodamo ili tr~imo. Odgovore
na sva moja pitanja dala je
jedna veoma lepa brineta,
u invalidskim kolicima, Mira
Kada je imala svega
14 godina njen `ivot se
odjednom promenio - bez
ikakvog upozorenja osetila
je bolove u stomaku i
trnjenje leve noge. Kroz
dva sata donji ekstremiteti
su joj bili paralizovani.
„Zahvaljuju}i lekarima u
Beogradu oduzetost je
12 for you
zahvatila samo torakalni
deo ki~me“, objašnjava ova
Mira, koja je volela
svakoga dana da tr~i,
do`ivela je da joj se
odjednom ceo njen
svet okrene naopa~ke.
Godinama nije izlazila iz ku}e, od straha kako }e
drugi reagovati kada je
vide u invalidskim kolicima.
Vremenom, uz pomo} svojih
najmilijih, uspela je da
prevazi|e ovaj strah. Danas
je ona uspešna upravnica
Handikosa (Centar za
osnovnu rehabilitaciju) u
Severnoj Mitrovici. „Mislila
sam da ne mogu da radim,
da sam nesposobna, videla
sam sebe kao osobu sa
invaliditetom koja ne mo`e
da izvršava zadatke. Ali kao
što sada vidite, uspela sam,
i ponosna sam na svoju
odlu~nost i na sav svoj rad“.
Iako je u invalidskim
kolicima, putuje širom sveta,
poslovno a i privatno. Za
nju barijere ne postoje, ~ak
i kada pliva. „Plivam samo
rukama, plutam na vodi,
odr`avam ravnote`u. Sve
to mogu sama, jedino mi je
potrebna pomo} dok ulazim
u vodu, ali uvek se na|u
i dobri ljudi koji ho}e da
Ova heroina pronalazila
je vreme i da pomogne
svojoj sestri u odgajanju
njene dece, koja su joj
obogatila `ivot. Danas,
oni uzvra}aju svojoj tetki
tako što joj poma`u da
prevazi|e fizi~ke prepreke
kako bi stigla do odre|enih
mesta. „Ja sam bogata
tetka, imam petoro dece,
oni su navikli na ovakvu
kakva jesam, i zaista
u`ivam u njihovoj ljubavi“.
Posmatraju}i je dok
hrabro govori o svom
`ivotu, po~ela sam joj se
diviti. Nisam `elela da
naš razgovor prestane,
ne samo radi mene, ve} i
zbog svih mladih ljudi koji
se suo~avaju sa sli~nom
`ivotnom situacijom, a
koji ne znaju kako da se
„izvuku“ iz nje. „Bilo je
teških trenutaka, ali imala
sam tu sre}u da je moja
porodica uvek uz mene,
te sam sve prebrodila.
Svima nama je podjednako
va`na podrška porodice
i prijatelja, ne samo
osobama sa invaliditetom.
^ovek uvek mo`e da na|e
neku zanimaciju koja ga
ispunjava. Moja poruka
mladima jeste da postave
sebi cilj, da se bore, i da ne
klonu duhom“.
Za kraj je dodala da ~esto
ne mo`e oti}i na skupove
u nekim institucijama koje
nemaju prilaz za osobe u
invalidskim kolicima. Ona
kao individua ne mo`e da
reši ovaj problem, bilo da se
radi o gradu ili institucijama,
stoga, potrebna joj je
podrška svih ljudi. „Imala
sam nekoliko projekata što
se ti~e barijera i uklanjanja
tih arhitektonskih prepreka
u gradu. Ja kao jedinka ne
mogu srediti sve, ali obzirom
da se mnogo toga menja na
bolje, nadam se da }e se
na}i oni koji }e biti voljni da
ispravimo ovo“.
had a thought: We all
have some special needs
or limited capabilities.
When I thought about this,
I realize it’s true. We are
not omnipotent, we cannot
be everywhere nor can we
do everything we want. We
always have to face up to
our challenges, we each
have encountered some
form or type of obstacle in
our life.
I often ask myself,
what life is like for people
in wheelchairs. When
people who do not have
any access to shops, or
various institutions. How do
they function, how do they
manage, how do they get
to different locations. Most
of us are able to walk using
our legs and we take so
much for granted by being
able to just stand up, walk or
run. All my questions were
answered by a very beautiful
woman with brunette hair
in a wheelchair called Mira
At the young age of 14
her life suddenly changed;
without warning she
developed stomach pains
and tingling in her left leg.
Within two hours, her lower
extremities were paralysed.
“Thanks to treatment
received from doctors in
Belgrade, the paralysis was
contained to the thorax
segment of my spine”, the
now 40 year old explained.
Mira liked to run every
day, suddenly this life
changing event turned her
whole world upside down.
She did not leave her house
for years, more out of the
fear of how others would
react when they would see
her in a wheelchair. In time
and with the support of those
dearest to her, she overcame
this fear. Today she is the
successful manager of
Handikos (Centre for Basic
Rehabilitation) in Northern
Mitrovica. “I used to think
that I was unable to work and
that I was incapable, I would
view myself as a disabled
person who would not be
able to follow through with
tasks. But, as you can see
now, I succeeded and I am
proud of the determination
and work I have succeeded
in doing”.
Mira Spirić, although she
is in a wheelchair, travels
throughout the World,
on business and also for
pleasure. For her, obstacles
do not exist, even when
she swims. “I swim using
my arms only, I float on
the water by keeping my
balance, and I can do all
that on my own, I only need
assistance when getting
into or out of the water, but
there are always kind people
willing to help me”.
This heroic person stills
finds the time to assist her
sister in raising her children,
whom have enriched her
life. Today, the children help
their aunt by helping her
to overcome the physical
barriers in order to gain
access to certain places. “I
am their rich aunt, there are
five children, they are used
to me the way I am, in return
I bask in their love.”
Whilst she was
courageously talking about
her life, I was observing
her and I started admiring
her. I did not want our
conversation to end, not
for my own sake but for the
sake of all the young people
who face a similar situation,
but who do not know how “to
get through it”. “There were
difficult moments, however
I was lucky that my family
was always there for me and
I managed to overcome all
the difficulties. The support
of family and friends is of
equal importance to all of us,
not just to disabled people.
A person can always find
pastimes that will be fulfilling.
My message to the young
people is that they should set
a goal for themselves, they
should fight on, their spirit
should not waver”.
As a conclusion, she
added that she is often
unable to attend gatherings
at various institutions
because they do not possess
wheel chair ramps. She
as an individual cannot fix
this issue, whether in the
city or in institutions, thus
she needs the support of
everyone for this. “I have
a number of projects in
mind with regards to these
obstacles and the removal of
physical barriers in the city.
I as an individual cannot fix
everything, but given that
many things are moving on
for the better, I hope that
there will be people willing to
help right these issues”.
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
Top pet životinja
Neki ka`u da su delfini najpametnije `ivotinje
na planeti. Oni su poznati po tome da su
spasavali ljude od napada ajkula. Postoje
mnoge pri~e o tome da su delfini naprasno
stvarali krug oko pliva~a u moru, kako bi
ih zaštitili od gladnih ajkula. Evo nekoliko
•30. oktobra 2004. godine: delfini su spasili
spasioce koji su bili na obuci na moru u blizini
mesta Vangarei na Novom Zelandu.
•2. avgusta 1996. godine: Britanskog turistu
po imenu Martin Ri~ardson spasili su delfini u
Akabijskom zalivu.
•28. avgusta 2007. godine: Delfini
su spasili surfera
u Montereju u
U Italiji postoji poznati
delfin poi menu Filipo. Filipo
se proslavio kada je spasio
~etrnaestogodišnjaka Davidea
Cecija 2000. godine. Davide je
pao sa ~amca njegovog oca, a Filipo
ga je gurao ka površini da se ne bi
Some people say that dolphins are the
smartest animals on the planet. They are
well-known for saving humans from
shark attacks. There are many stories
about people who are swimming in
the ocean suddenly finding themselves
being circled by a pod of dolphins, preventing
a hungry shark from getting close. Here are
some examples:
•October 30, 2004: in New Zealand dolphins
saved lifeguards training of the coast of
•August 2, 1996: A British tourist named
Martin Richardson was saved by dolphins in
the Gulf of Akaba
•August 28, 2007: A surfer was saved by
dolphins in Monterey, California
There is a famous dolphin named Filippo in
Italy. Filippo became famous for saving the
life of a 14-year-old boy named Davide Ceci
in 2000. Davide had fallen from his father’s
boat and Filippo pushed him back up to the
surface before he drowned.
2003. u Empangeni u Zululandu, 11 slonova je spasilo
krdo antilopa od lovaca. Slonovi su prišli velikom kavezu
gde su antilope bile zatvorene. Jedna od
slonica je prišla bravi. Ona je pa`ljivo
surlom otklju~ala sve brave, otvorila kavez
i pomerila se sa ulaza. Krdo slonova je
posmatralo antilope dok su izlazile iz
kaveza, nakon toga je krdo slonova
mirno odšetalo u no}.
In 2003 in Empangeni,
Zululand, 11 elephants rescued
a herd of antelope who were about
to be killed by humans hunters. The
elephants approached the large cage
that the antelope had been captured in
and one of the elephants went up to the
locks. She carefully undid all the latches
with her trunk, swung the gate open
and stood back with her herd. The herd
14 for you
reme je da vam predstavimo
nekoliko toplih pri~a o
`ivotinjama herojima. Da li ste
ikada bili negde u prirodi i odjednom
je nešto ugrozilo vaš `ivot. Mo`da
ste pre`iveli uz pomo} `ivotinje
heroja! @ivotinje heroji su `ivotinje
koje su spasile `ivot ljudi ili drugih
`ivotinja. Predstavljavamo vam pet
najhrabrijih `ivotinja heroja.
Binti Jua je bila poznata
gorilla u zoološkom vrtu
u Brukfildu, Ilinoj, koja
je spasila de~aka kada
je pao sa zida visokog 20
stopa. De~ak je prilikom pada
udario u
glavu i bio je
u besvesnom
stanju. Pre
nego što
je jedna
gorila prišla
Binti Jua je
oterala tu
gorilu i odnela
de~aka na
mesto. Ista situacija se
dogodila 1986. godine u
zoološkom vrtu u Nju D`ersiju,
kada je gorila D`ambo spasila
petogodišnjaka koji je pao sa
visokog zida u opasni kavez
sa gorilama
watched the antelope leave the cage and
dart off before they
walked off into the
(Izvor: www.kidzworld.com)
animal kingdom
Top 5 animal
t’s time for some heart-warming
stories about animal heroes.
Have you ever been somewhere
in the wilderness when something
dangerous threatened your life?
Maybe you survived because of
the help of an animal hero! Animal
heroes are animals that have
saved humans or other animals
from danger. Here are Top 5
Animal Heroes.
Binti Jua was a famous
zoo gorilla in Brookfield, Illinois who
saved the life of a little boy who fell
from the top of a 20-foot wall. The boy
hit his head and landed unconscious.
Just before another aggressive gorilla
approached the boy, Binti Jua scared
him away and cradled the little boy
to safety. This exact same situation
also happened in a New Jersey
zoo in 1986, where
a gorilla named
Jambo rescued a
little 5-year-old
boy who fell of
a high wall into
the dangerous
gorilla pit.
Postoji polarni medved po
imenu Tuk, koji je `iveo
u Stenli Zoološkom vrtu
u Vankuveru u Kanadi.
1983. jedan mladi} je
bacio ma~e u bazen u
kavezu belog medveda.
Tuk je ustao, protegao se,
ušao u bazen i izronio sa
ma~etom me|u zubima.
Onda je legao pored
bazena, obavio ma~e
svojim šapama i ne`no
ga lizao dok se nije
There is a polar
to live in
Canada’s Stanley Park
zoo. In 1983 a young
man threw a kitten into
the polar bear ’s pool.
Tuk rose, stretched,
and then slid into the
pool, surfacing moments
later with the kitten held
gently between his teeth.
He then lay by the pool
with the tiny kitten held
protectively between his
paws and licked it dry.
prijatelj… pas!
Ima na hiljade
pri~a o tome
kako su psi
spasili `ivot ljudi i drugih
`ivotinja. Psi ne samo da
spasavaju ljude i `ivotinje
u opasnosti ve} poma`u
vatrogascima i policajcima
u njihovom radu – oni su
zaposleni kao vatrogasni ili
policijski psi.
of stories about rescuing and
saving the lives of people and
other animals. Dogs not only
save people and animals from
danger, but some dogs have
jobs as firedogs and police
dogs - these
dogs help
Man’s best friend... dogs! They
have been in thousands
firefighters and the police do
their work.
(Source: www.kidzworld.com)
for you 15
Cast: Nicole Kidman,
Colin Firth, Stellan
Skarsgård, Jeremy
Irvine, Hiroyuki Sanada
Director: Jonathan
Genre: Drama
Studio: Lionsgate
asnovan na bestseleru, @elezni~ar je
ekranizacija epske
i izvanredne istinite pri~e
o Eriku Lomaksu. Lomaks
je bio britanski oficir koga
su, kao ratnog zarobljenika, mu~ili u japanskom
radnom logoru tokom
man, Colin Firth,
Stellan Skarsgård,
Jeremy Irvine, Hiroyuki
Re`ija: Jonathan
@anr: Drama
Studio: Lionsgate
Drugog svetskog rata.
Nekoliko decenija kasnije, Lomaks saznaje da
je japanski prevodilac,
koga smatra krivim za
ve}inu svojih patnji, još
uvek `iv i kre}e da se
suo~i sa njim i svojom
teškom prošloš}u.
U ovoj potresnoj pri~i o
pre`ivljavanju, ljubavi i
iskupljenju glume oskarovci Kolin Firt, D`eremi
Irvin i Nikol Kidman.
ased on the bestselling novel, The Railway
Man tells the extraor-
II. Decades later, Lomax
discovers that the Japanese interpreter he holds
responsible for much of
his treatment is still alive
and sets out to confront him,
and his haunting past. Starring Academy Award–winner
dinary and epic true story of
Eric Lomax, a British Army
officer who is tormented as a
prisoner of war at a Japanese
labor camp during World War
Colin Firth, Jeremy Irvine,
and Academy Award–winner
Nicole Kidman, the film is a
powerful tale of survival, love
and redemption.
Uloge: Will Ferrell,
Steve Carell, David
Koechner, David
Krumholtz, Paul Rudd
Christina Applegate,
Kristen Wiig, James
Marsden, Meagan
Good, Dylan Baker
Harrison Ford, Greg
Kinnear, Josh Lawson
Re`ija: Adam McKay
@anr: Komedija
Studio: Paramount
ošto su sedamdesete za
njim, najuspešniji spiker
San Dijega, Ron Burgundi,
vra}a se za info desk u „Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues“.
Pa još su se vratili i Ronova
koleginica i supruga, Veronika
18 for you
Fantana (Pol
Rad) i sportski
novinar ^emp
Kajnd. Bi}e im teško da ostanu
pristojni... dok }e paliti i `ariti
prvim 24-~asovnim informativnim
kanalom u zemlji.
ada se jedan brbljivac upari sa bratom
svoje devojke, koji je `iv~ani pandur, kako
Uloge: Ice Cube,
bi patrolirali ulice Atlante; on biva umešan
Kevin Hart, John Le- u najnoviji slu~aj na kome policajac radi. Kako
guizamo, Bryan Calbi dokazao da je dostojan svoje budu}e mlade,
len, Bruce McGill,
mora da pro`ivi najlu|ih 24 sata u svom `ivotu.
Laurence Fishburne
U protekle dve godine, ~uvar pri jednoj sredRe`ija: Tim Story
njoj školi Ben (Hart) je pokušavao da doka`e
@anr: Akcija/Konagra|ivanom detektivu Policijske direkcije
Atlante D`ejmsu (Kjub) da nije samo zavisnik o
Studio: Universal
video igrice i da je dostojan D`ejmsove sestre
An|ele (Tika Sumpter). Kada Ben kona~no
upiše policijsku akademiju, smatra da je zaslu`io
poštovanje iskusnog policajca i tra`i njegov
blagoslov kako bi se ven~ao sa An|elom. D`ejms
zna da }e jedna vo`nja sa Benom pokazati da li
ovaj ima ono što
je potrebno za
brigu o njegovoj
sestri. D`ejms
zato poziva
kadeta da
provede jednu
smenu sa njim, za koju
zna da }e preplašiti Bena.
Tokom te lude no}i, put }e ih
navesti ka najozoglašenijem
Cast: Ice Cube, Kevin
kriminalcu u gradu, tada }
Hart, John Leguizamo,
e D`ejms uvideti da Benova usta koja rafalno bljuju re~i su isto
Bryan Callen, Bruce Mctako opasna kao i meci koji }e leteti ka njima.
Gill, Laurence Fishburne
Director: Tim Story
Genre: Action/Comedy
he’s more than just a video-game junkie who’s unworthy of James’
Studio: Universal Pictures
hen a fast-talking guy
sister, Angela (Tika Sumpter). When Ben finally gets accepted into
joins his girlfriend’s
the academy, he thinks he’s earned the seasoned policeman’s
brother--a hot-tempered
respect and asks for his blessing to marry Angela. Knowing that a
cop--to patrol the streets of Atlanta, he gets entangled in the ofride along will demonstrate if Ben has what it takes to take care of
ficer’s latest case. Now, in order to prove that he deserves his
his sister, James invites him on a shift designed to scare the hell
future bride, he must survive the most insane 24 hours of his life.
out of the trainee. But when the wild night leads them to the most
For the past two years, high-school security guard Ben (Hart) has
notorious criminal in the city, James will find that his new partner’s
been trying to show decorated APD detective James (Cube) that
rapid-fire mouth is just as dangerous as the bullets speeding at it.
ith the 70’s behind
him, San Diego’s
top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy, returns
Cast: Will Ferrell, Steve
Carell, David Koechner,
David Krumholtz, Paul
Christina Applegate,
Kristen Wiig, James
Marsden, Meagan Good,
Dylan Baker
Harrison Ford, Greg Kinnear, Josh Lawson
Director: Adam McKay
Genre: Comedy
Studio: Paramount
to the news desk in Anchorman: The Legend Continues.
Also back for more are Ron’s
co-anchor and wife, Veronica
Corningstone, weather man
Brick Tamland, man on the
street Brian Fantana and
sports guy Champ Kind - All
of whom won’t make it easy
to stay classy... while taking
New York’s first 24-hour news
channel by storm.
for you 19
sportski ugao
ajatraktivniji srpski plejmejker
Marko Jari} stekao je zavidnu
reputaciju u NBA ligi. Vo|en
ambicijom da postane vrhunski sportista od najranijeg detinjstva, ostvario
je gotovo sve svoje snove. Karijeru je
uspe{no gradio u Gr~koj i Italiji, a sa
reprezentacijom Jugoslavije dva puta se
okitio zlatom. @elju da zaigra u najja~oj
ligi sveta, ostvario je odlaskom u Los
An|eles Kliperse 2002. godine.
Nestašni de~ko srpskog basketa od
samog po~etka na{ao se na meti `ute
štampe, zbog ljubavnih afera sa brojnim
lepoticama. Me|utim, njegovo srce
ukrotila je brazilska manekenka, Adriana
Lima, sa kojom ima dve }erke.
U septembru potpisuje ugovor sa Brooklyn Nets, a 15. oktobra ugovor je prekinut.
U oktobru potpisuje ugovor sa Chicago
Bulls koji je nakon nepunih mesec dana
Sredinom januara Jari} potpisuje ugovor
sa italijanskim klubom Montepaski Sijena.
Eserte Mesina, trener kluba Real, za koji
je igrao naš košarkaš tokom jedne sezone,
odlu~io je da ne produ`i saradnju sa Jari}
em. Proslavljeni sportista u narednom
periodu pregovara sa brojnim klubovima
oko transfera.
Ameri~ki magazin People objavljuje da
su se brazilski top model i zvezda NBA
tajno ven~ali na Dan zaljubljenih, u D`ekson
20 for you
Holu, u Vajomingu.
Ekskluzivno za Story
košarkaški superstar otkriva
da je ven~anje obavljeno u
tajnosti zbog velikog medijskog pritiska, ali da i dalje
planiraju da naprave veliku svadbu
u junu.
Krajem godine košarkaški as
prelazi u košarkaški klub Real Madrid
a celokupna porodica Jari} seli se u
povratka u Crvenu zvezdu, otišao u Italiju.
Opijen emocijama, nakon devet meseMladi Jari} prve korake pravi u klubu
ci veze, košarkaš Minesote zaprosio je
Crvena Zvezda, gde igra u juniorskom timu.
prelepu manekenku 12. juna, na njen 27.
Kao ~lan kadeta Radni~kog iz Beograda, u
vreme inflacije dobija prvu stipendiju od 100
maraka, koju tr~e}i odnosi majci. Iako otac
Na kraju sezone Marka anga`uju Memfis
Sre}ko nije `iveo sa njima, Marko je uvek
imao njegovu punu podršku.
Nakon jedne uspešne sezone u dresu
Marko je ro|en kao najstarije dete
Minesote Vulvsa, usledila je du`a stanka, jer Leposave i Sre}ka Jari}a. Ima sestru
se košarkaški superstar retko pojavljuje na
Tamaru i polubrata Nikolu, po ocu. Odrastao
terenu. Zbog nesporazuma u reprezentaciji
je sa majkom i sestrom u beogradskom
nije u~estvovao ni na Svetskom prvenstvu
naselju Medakovi}. Po uzoru na tatu, koji
u Japanu.
je šezdesetih godina XX veka bio ~uveni
plejmejker, Marko je od malih
Plejmejker košarkaške reprezentacije
nogu `eleo da postane
SCG postaje ~lan Minesota Timbervulvsa
košarkaš. Iako u po~etku
i potpisuje šestogodišnji ugovor vredan 40
nije briljirao na terenu,
miliona dolara.
doneo je ~vrstu odluku
da stigne do zvezda.
Sa reprezentacijom Jugoslavije osvaja
zlato na Svetskom prvenstvu u IndijaIzvor: http://www.
napolisu. Cela zemlja do~ekuje ih kao
story.rs/profili/markoheroje, a Jari}a proglašavaju najpo`eljnijim
muškarcem u Srbiji.
Tokom leta, Jari} ispunjava svoj san
da postane deo NBA lige i prelazi u Los
An|eles Kliperse.
Sa PAF-om osvaja prvenstvo Italije, a
naredne sezone ponavlja isti uspeh sa
Kinderom. Usledio je trijumf i na ULEB
kupu. Na Evropskom prvenstvu
2001. u Istanbulu, košarkaška
reprezentacija Jugoslavije
okitila se zlatom, a Jari} je
zablistao kao plejmerker.
košarkaš karijeru nastavlja u
Bolonji u Timsistemu. Sa mladom
reprezentacijom Jugoslavije na Evropskom prvenstvu osvaja zlatnu medalju.
Ve} tada nosi epitet zvezde i pojavljuje
se na naslovnim stranama.
Sa 18 godina Jari} odlazi u gr~ki
Datum ro|enja: 12. oktoklub Peristeri iz Atine i tek tada se
bar 1978.
osloba|a tereta koji je nosio zbog
Mesto ro|enja: Beograd
o~eve slave. Potpisuje prvi ugovor,
Visina: 2.01 m
dobija stan i kupuje prvi automoTe`ina: 102 kg
bil, novi Audi A3. Uzima gr~ko
Supruga: Adriana Lima
dr`avljanstvo i novo prezime LatDeca: Sienna Lima Jari},
sis. U ovom klubu provodi jednu
Valentina Lima Jari}
sezonu, da bi nakon kratkotrajnog
sports corner
he most attractive Serbian playmaker Marko Jaric has earned an
enviable reputation in the NBA
League. Led by the ambition of becoming a top sportsman from early childhood, he has fulfilled almost all of his
dreams. He successfully built his career
in Greece and Italy. He won gold twice
with the Yugoslavian national team. He
fulfilled his dream of playing for the
strongest league in the world buy joining the Los Angeles Clippers in 2002.
The bad boy of Serbian basketball
was a target for the tabloid press
since the beginning, because of his
many love affairs with beauties. However, the Brazilian model Adriana Lima
won his heart over and they have two
In September he signs a contract with
the Nrooklyn Nets, by October the 15th,
the contract is terminated.
In October he signs a contract with the
Chicago Bulls, which
was terminated
within a month.
In mid-January, Jaric signs a
contract with the
Italian club
Eserte Mesina, the
coach of Real, the club
for which our player
played for one season,
decided to terminate
Jaric’s contract. The well
known player started negotiations with numerous
clubs in this period.
The American People
Magazine writes that the
Brazilian top model and
the NBA star got married
secretly on Valentine’s
Day in Jackson Hall in
Wyoming. The basketball star told the Story, in an exclusive interview, that the wedding was conducted in
secret because of media pressure, but the
couple plans on throwing a big wedding in
June. At the end of the year, the basketball
ace joins the Real Madrid basketball team.
The whole Jaric family moves to Madrid.
Led by emotions and after nine month
relationship, the Minnesota basketball
player proposed to the beautiful model on
June the 12th, which coincided with her
27th birthday.
The Memphis Grizzlies take on Marko
at the end of the season.
After one successful season with the
Minnesota Wolves, things go slow, as the
basketball superstar is rarely seen on the
court. He did not take part in the World
Championship in Japan because of disagreements ith the national team.
The Serbia-Montenegro
national basketball team playmaker becomes a member of
the Minnesota Timberwolves
by signing a six year contract
worth 40 million Dollars.
He wins gold with the Yugoslavian national team at the World Championship in
Indianapolis. The whole country welcomes
them as heroes. Jaric is declared the most
eligible bachelor in Serbia. In the summer,
Jaric fulfils his dream of becoming a NBA
league player and joins the Los Angeles
He wins the Italian Championship with
PAF. In the next season, he does the same
with Kinder. At the 2001European Championship in Istanbul, the Yugoslavian national
Date of birth: 12 October 1978
Place of birth: Belgrade
Height: 2.01 m
Weight: 102 kg
Spouse: Adriana
Children: Sienna Lima Ja
ric, Valentina Lima
team is crowned ith the gold medal and
Jaric excelled as a playmaker.
The twenty year old basketball player
continues his career with Teamsystem in
Bologna. He earns a gold medal with the
Yugoslav junior national team at the European Championship. Even then he is seen
as a star and is on the cover pages.
Eighteen year old Jaric goes to play
for the Greek Peristeri club from Athens.
Only then does he shed the burden of his
father’s glory. He signs his first contract, is
granted his first flat and buys his first car, a
brand new Audi A3. He becomes a Greek
citizen and takes upon a new surname
Latsis. He plays with this team for one season. After a brief return to Crvena Zvezda,
he goes to Italy.
The young Jaric makes his first steps
in Crvena Zvezda, where he plays for the
juniors’ team. As a player for the Radnicki
cadets’ team from Belgrade, he receives
his first scholarship of 100 Deutsche Marks
during the period of inflation. Although
his father Srecko never lived ith them, he
always had his father’s support.
Marko is born as the eldest child of
Leposava and Srecko Jaric. He has a
sister named Tamara and a paternal halfbrother Nikola. He grew up with his mother
and sister in the Belgrade suburb of Medakovic. Marko wished to become a basketball player from the getho, as his dad was
a celebrity playmaker in the 60ties of the
20th Century. Although he did not fare well
on the court in the beginning, he made a
firm decision of reaching the stars.
Source: http://www.story.rs/profili/
for you 21
Hi - Tech
amsung ne prestaje sa proizvodnjom novih smart
telefona, što je i pokazao lansiranjem Galaxy
Grand Neo smart telefona, ure|aja izme|u
Galaxy Grand i Galaxy Grand 2. Galaxy Grand Neo
dolazi sa 8-in~nim TFT ekranom rezolucije 800 x 480
piksela, a pokre}e ga ~etvorojezgreni procesorom A7 na
1.2 GHz, uz 1 GB RAM memorije. Ure|aj je opremljen
zadnjom kamerom od 5 megapiksela, dok se sa prednje
strane nalazi VGA kamera (od 0.3 megapiksela). Interna
memorija, koja se koristi i za preuzimanje i skladištenje
razli~itih aplikacija ima 8 GB, ali mo`e se proširiti putem
micro SD kartice. Pored toga, Grand Neo podr`ava
Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi, GPS, a ima instaliran android
4.2 Jelly Bean operativni sistem i integrisanu bateriju
kapaciteta 2,100 mAh. Grand Neo ne podr`ava 4G LTE
tehnologije i nema ugra|en radio.
amsung has not seized to produce new smartphones. This proves that the presentation of the Galaxy Grand Neo smartphone, an equipment between the Galaxy Grand and the Galaxy Grand 2.
Galaxy Grand Neo comes with an 8-inch TFT display with a resolution of 800
x 480 pixels, supported by a 1.2 GHz quad-core A7 chipset for powering,
and 1 GB of RAM. It also contains a 5 megapixel rear camera, and in
the front it is placed a VGA shooter (camera 0.3 MP). The internal
memory storage, also used for downloading different apps is
comprised of 8 GB, but can be increased also with a microSD
card slot. In addition, Grand Neo supports Bluetooth 4.0,
WiFi, GPS, and has installed the android 4.2 Jelly Bean
system and has an integrated power battery of 2, 100 mAh.
Grand Neo does not support the 4G LTE technologies and
there is no built-in radio.
sus je na Me|unarodnom sajmu potroša~ke elektronike (CES) u Las Vegasu najavio novi laptop sa
dva OS-a (operativna sistema), Asus Transformer
Book Duo, koji dolazi sa Windows 8.1 i Android 4.2.2 Jelly
Bean operativnim sistemima. Asus Transformer Book Duo
poseduje 13.3-in~ni full HD SPI ekran, Intelov Core i7
procesor uz 4GB DDR3 RAM-a. Za skladištenje podataka,
Asus Transformer Book Duo donosi 128GB SSD
u tabletnom delu, i do 1TB prostora za ~uvanje
podataka u delu s tastaturom. Ure|aj
podr`ava i 802.11 ac WiFi i Bluetooth
4.0, a ima i ~ita~ microSD kartice.
sus in the Consumer Electronics Show 2014, held in
Las Vegas has announced
the new dual-OS (Operating
System) laptop, Asus Transformer
Book Duo, which is equipped with
Windows 8.1 and Android 4.2.2 Jelly
Bean. Asus Transformer Book Duo features a 13.3-inch full HD SPI display, Intel Core i7 processor, plus 4GB of DDR3
RAM. For storage, the
Asus Transformer Book
Duo comes with a 128GB
SSD in the tablet part, and
up to 1TB of storage in the
dock part of the device. It is also
equipped with 802.11 ac WiFi
and Bluetooth 4.0, plus a
microSD card slot.
(Izvor: www.ameble.com)
22 for you
Hi - Tech
ošiba je na sajmu CES 2014 u
Las Vegasu
predstavila svoj
prvi 13.3-in~ni
laptop. Ure|aj
bi trebalo da
bude lansiran
na tr`ište tokom
ovog meseca po
pristupa~noj ceni
od 279 dolara.
Toshiba Chromebook poseduje
novi Intelov
koji obe}
ava super
brzinu i
bateriju koja traje 9
sati. Osim toga, Tošiba
Chromebook dolazi sa
13.3-in~nim TruBrite HD
ekranom rezolucije 1366
x 768 piksela i srednjom
tastaturom pune veli~ine
optimizovanom za Chrome OS.
Ure|aj raspola`e sa 2GB RAM
memorije i 16GB
prostora, uz
uawei Ascend Mate 2 je novi
ure|aj proizveden i dizajniran
od strane kompanije Huawei,
koga karakteriše 6.1-in~ni full ekran
sa rezolucijom 1280 x 720 piksela.
Ure|aj podr`ava 4G LTE tehnologiju,
a dolazi sa dva modela procesora,
~etvorojezgreni Qualcomm MSM8928
processor radnog takta 1.6 GHZ i
~etvorojezgreni HiSilicon Cortex-A9
procesor radnog takta 1.6 GHZ koji
proizvodi Huawei. Ascend Mate 2 ima
2 GB RAM memorije i 16 GB interne
memorije, koja se putem SD kartice
mo`e proširiti do 32 GB. Kao i kod
ve}ine smart telefona, i ovaj ure|aj
poseduje dve kamere, prednju
kameru od 5 megapiksela, i zadnju kameru od 13 megapiksela.
Huawei Ascend Mate 2 radi na
Android 4.3 Jelly Bean platformi, uz podršku jake baterije
od 4,050 mAh.
dodatnih 100GB prostora na Google
disku. Ostale karakteristike obuhvataju 2 USB 3.0 porta, jedan HDMI
izlaz, podrška za 4.0 Bluetooth i WiFi
802.11 a/b/g/n.
oshiba during the CES 2014 in
Las Vegas has introduced their
first 13.3 inch Chromebook
laptop. This device is expected to be
launched in the market during this
month with
an affordable price
of 279 $.
features a
new Intel’s
that promises super
speed and
a 9-hour
battery life.
the Toshiba
is equipped with a
13.3-inch TruBrite HD display with
a 1366 x 768 pixels resolution, a
full-size middle Chrome-optimized
keyboard. It is also equipped with
a 2GB of RAM and internal storage
of 16GB SSD, along with 100GB
Google Drive storage. Other specs
include two USB 3.0 ports, one
HDMI port, 4.0 Bluetooth and 802.11
a/b/g/n WiFi.
uawei Ascend Mate 2 is the
new device produced and
designed by Huawei with a
6.1-inch full display and a 1280 x
720 pixels resolution. The Device
supports the 4G LTE technology and
comes with two processor models, a
quad-core 1.6 GHZ processor from
Qualcomm MSM8928 and a quadcore 1.6 GHz HiSilicon Cortex-A9
processor made by Huawei. Ascend
Mate 2 features a 2 GB of RAM
memory and 16 GB internal storage, and can be increased with
an SD card up to 32 GB. Similar
to most of the smartphones, this
device has two cameras, the 5 MP
front cameras, and the 13 MP rear
cameras. Huawei Ascend Mate 2
comes with an Android 4.3 Jelly
Bean platform, supported by a
strong battery of 4,050 mAh.
(Source: www.ameble.com)
for you 23
nogi ka`u da su deca najpošteniji ljudi na svetu
jer oni oponašaju stvari onako kako ih vide, bez
svog onog laskanja kojim se odrasli ponekad
slu`e. Kada ih upitate šta `ele da postanu kada porastu,
mnoga deca }e re}i da `ele da postanu pripadnici
policijskih snaga. Psihološka istra`ivanja ukazuju da deca
ovako odgovaraju jer do`ivljavaju policajce kao heroje
i ljude koji nas štite od loših stvari. Što je još bitnije
jeste da su policajci prva linija odgovora u slu~aju da ih
pozovemo kad nam je potrebna pomo}. Ako vam se ovo
~ini neuverljivim, pokušajte da zamislite situaciju kada
ste sami, potrebna vam je pomo}, uplašeni ste i nemate
nikoga ko je blizu vas i ko mo`e brzo sti}i do vas!
Odlu~ili smo da sprovedemo anketu me|u grupom
mladih, ve}ina njih ima manje od 19 godina. Anketa je
sprovedena u Pri{tini i Severnoj Mitrovici. Upitali smo
anketirane da navedu pet razloga zašto neko `eli da
postane policajac. Rezultati su pokazali da u~esnici
ankete, iako poti~u iz dve razli~ite sredine, do`ivljavaju
policiju na manje više isti na~in.
Naj~eš}e naveden razlog zašto bi neko postao
policajac jeste `elja da se slu`i i štiti zajednica u kojoj
`ive. Problemi zajednice nisu bili isti za sve jer neki
veruju da je najbitnija borba protiv narkotika, dok
drugi smatraju da je najbitnija borba protiv nezakonitih
aktivnosti i nasilja u porodici. Mnogi veruju da je
najva`nija zaštita drugih i pru`anje pomo}i u donošenju
24 for you
ispravnih odluka ili prosto sprovo|enje zakona. Još
jedan od razloga je bio i to što rad u policiji nosi sa
sobom li~ni i duhovni ponos koji proisti~e iz toga
što je osoba od koristi zajednici i društvu. Tre}i
i naj~eš}i razlog zašto bi neko postao policajac
jeste priroda posla i to što se taj posao ne ponavlja
i ne}e postati rutinski kao mnogi drugi poslovi. Biti
pripadnik policijskih snaga jeste velika prilika za
razvoj karijere i šansa za rad na mnogim razli~itim
poslovima unutar policije.
Devetnaestogodišnjak iz Pri{tine je izjavio da
veruje da policija postoji kako bi slu`ila pravdi. On
je naveo da su policajci pravo desno krilo pravde,
koje štiti ljude jer to je jedna od najva`nijih uloga
u sprovo|enju zakona. Kao policajac zadovoljni
ste svojim poslom i nikada vam nije dosadno na
poslu, danas sla`ete dokumentaciju dok ve} sutra
ste mo`da na ulici i istra`ujete neki slu~aj. Uvek ste
ponosni. Policija `eli ljude koji mogu da rade svoj posao
svakodnevno u svojstvu heroja. Nositi se sa neda}ama
mo`e biti teško ali doprinos policajaca kada poma`u
ljudima stvara bolje društvo.
Jedan sedamneastogodišnjak iz Severne Mitrovice
izrazio je `elju da stvori bolji i sigurniji svet, `elju da
radi na tome da mir i sigurnost preovladaju u njegovom
okru`enju, `elju da pomogne onima kojima je pomo}
potrebna, da spre~i nasilje i nezakonite aktivnosti, da
spre~i javna sramo}enja i uvrede. Drugim
re~ima `eli da se suprostavi lošim ljudima i
`eli da spre~i nasilje me|u polovima.
Mo`da ova mini-anketa ne mo`e da
poslu`i kao osnova za nau~no zaklju~ivanje,
ali ovi odgovori jasno ukazuju da svi oni koje
se odlu~e da postanu policajci imaju visoko
izra`en ose}aj gra|anske odgovornosti. Još
bitnije je to što poseduju hrabrost i odlu~nost
da deluju i pru`e svima nama sigurnije
mesto za `ivot. Policajci nose plavu uniformu
sa ponosom; i upravo to što se ponose
ovom uniformom jeste simbol sigurnosti i
bezbednosti za sve nas. Posao koji obavljaju
ovi muškarci i `ene danas obezbedi}e bolju
budu}nost za sutrašnje generacije.
hey say children are the most honest people in the world
because they reflect things the way they see them,
without any of the flattery that an adult will sometimes
use. Many children, when asked, what they want to be when
they grow up, will say they want to become members of the
police force. Psychological studies report that a reason for this
choice, is because policemen are seen as heroes in the eyes
of children, and that policemen protect us from bad things.
What is more important is that any time they are needed.
The police are the first to respond to our call. If this is not
convincing enough, then try to imagine a situation where you
are alone, you are in need, you are afraid and you do not have
anyone close to you that you can call on who can be there
We decided to conduct a survey with a group of young
people, most of whom were under the age of 19. The survey
was conducted in PRISHTINA and Northern MITROVICA and
we asked all those who participated to provide five reasons
why you want to become a police officer. The results from this
survey show that, although those who took part come from two
different areas they see the police more or less the same.
Among the most common reasons for becoming a police
officer was to protect and serve the community where they live.
The problems were not the same for everyone because some
believe that combating narcotics is the most important
problem, for others, it’s fighting illegal activities and
domestic violence. Many believed it is the protection
of others and helping them make the right decisions,
or simply enforcing the law. Another reason people
want to serve is because such work provides personal
and spiritual pride that comes from being useful to the
community and to the society. The third and the most
common reason to become a police officer, is the nature
of the work they carry out, and that the work is never the
same, and it will not become a routine like many jobs.
Being a member of the police force, is a huge opportunity
for career development and a chance to engage in
various roles within the police force.
A 19-year-old from PRISHTINA stated that he
believes the police exist to serve justice. He referred
to police officers as the true right wing of justice, there
to protect people as this is one of the main roles within
law enforcement. You have job satisfaction as a police
officer and you are never bored with it, one day you are
dealing with documentation, the next day you could be out
on the street investigating an incident. You will always have a
sense of pride. The police want people who can conduct their
job on a daily basis as heroes, even though facing adversity
can be difficult; the benefit of their contribution by helping
people changes society for better.
One 17-year-old from Northern MITROVICA voiced
his wish to make this world better and safer place, the
wish to work so that peace and security prevail in the
environment he lives in, the wish to help others who are in
need, the prevention of violence and illegal activities, public
embarrassment and insults, in other words, standing up to bad
people and the wish to prevent gender based violence.
Perhaps this mini-survey cannot serve as the basis of
scientific conclusions, but these responses clearly demonstrate
that all those people who choose to become a police officer
stand for a high civic awareness within our community. More
importantly they have the courage and determination to act
on and provide a more secure place for us to live in. Police
officers wear the blue uniform with pride; and it’s this pride
in the uniform that symbolises safety and security for us all.
The work carried out by these men and women today is what
ensures a better future for tomorrow’s generations.
for you 25
Mi}alovi} (11)
Ja nisam
od Interneta.
i tokom godi{njeg odmora i nekog
praznika. Internet koristim malo,
i to {to koristim je iz nekog
razloga, na primer, da na|em
neku re~, temu, video snimak i
sli~no. Preporu~ujem da svi koriste Internet, ali kao ja, iz nekih
neophodnih razloga.
Milica Micalovic (11)
I am not addicted to the internet.
I can go without it during vacations or holidays. I use internet
little, and only for a specific
purpose, for instance to find
a word, a topic, a video etc. I
recommend using internet to
everybody, but like me, only if
jedinjene nacije ~esto imenuju
poznate li~nosti iz oblasti
umetnosti, muzike, filma, sporta
i knji`evnosti, od kojih dobijaju volonterske usluge i podršku sa ciljem da skrenu
pa`nju na klju~na pitanja i na aktivnosti
UN-a. Ove pojedince nazivaju ambasadorima dobre volje, šampionima ili portparolima za odre|ene teme ili ciljeve, i oni
promovišu sveukupne vrednosti UN-a,
kroz aktivnosti javnog zalaganja.
Me|u mnogobrojnim ambasadorima
dobre volje, neki od aktuelnih i najistaknutijih su An|elina D`oli za Visoki
komesarijat Ujedinjenih nacija za izbeglice, Dejvid Bekam za Fond Ujedinjenih nacija za decu; Kristina Agilera za
Svetski program za hranu Ujedinjenih
nacija, D`ulija Ormond za Kancelariju
26 for you
Da li ste Internet
Igi} (10)
mogu da
ali mi
je jako
od Interneta, ali ga koristim vi{e nego
{to bi trebalo. Internet mi koristi
za dopisivanje sa mojim prijateljima. Koristim ga i za ne{to
{to mi u {koli nije jasno. Mislim
da je Internet korisna stvar, i definitivno treba svi da ga koriste.
Mili} (14)
~esto, i
praznika i
ne mogu da zamislim sebe bez
Interneta, prvenstveno bez
Facebook-a. Internet koristim
dva sata dnevno, jer na njemu
mogu na}i mnogo raznih informacija, recimo o doga|ajima
koji me zanimaju.
Vasilije Igic (10)
I can live without internet, although I need it very much. I’m
not addicted to internet, but I
use it more than I should. I use
internet for correspondence with
my friends. I also use it when I
don’t understand something in
school. I think that internet is
useful, everyone should definitely use it.
Milena Milic (14)
I use internet often, and I am
an addict to some extent. I can’t
imagine myself without internet,
especially without Facebook,
during holidays and vacations.
I use internet two hours a day,
because I can find plenty of
different information there, for
example about the events that
I’m interested in.
Ujedinjenih nacija za drogu i kriminal;
Nikol Kidman za UN @ene , Don ^idl
za Program Ujedinjenih nacija za
`ivotnu sredinu; Šakira za Fond Ujedinjenih nacija za decu; Eni Lenoks za
Zajedni~ki program Ujedinjenih Nacija
o HIV/AIDS-u; D`et Li za Svetsku
zdravstvenu organizaciju, Nikolas
Kejd` za Kancelariju Ujedinjenih nacija
za drogu i kriminal, i mnogi drugi.
UN na Kosovu se pridru`io ovakvim
imenovanjima pre mnogo godina,
mobolišu}i nekoliko veoma zapa`enih
šampiona dobre volje i šampiona
socijalne inkluzije kao što su:
Lorik Cana – šampion “Milenijumskih razvojnih ciljeva”; Zoran Risti}
- šampion “Milenijumskih razvojnih
ciljeva”; Arta Dobroshi - šampion
“Milenijumskih razvojnih ciljeva”. Oni
zajedno sa UNKT-om razgovaraju o
va`nim aspektima ljudskog razvoja
na Kosovu.
Tokom proteklih godina Kosovo su
posetili neki od ambasadora dobre
volje UN-a, kao što su: glumica
An|elina D`oli kao ambasadorka
dobre volje UNHCR-a, glumica Nikol
Kidman kao ambasadorka dobre
volje za UN @ene, bivši fudbaler iz
Brazila - Ronaldo kao ambasador
dobre volje za UNICEF, itd.
Koga biste vi `eleli da vidite kao
ambasadora dobre volje ili šampiona
za odre|enu stvar? Budimo u kontaktu:
www.unkt.org; Facebook: UNKT;
Twitter: @UNKosovoTeam.
zato {to
smatram da
sa prijateljima
ne mo`e zameniti ~etovanje preko
Facebook-a. Vi{e volim da praznike
i godi{nji odmor provodim sa
porodicom i prijateljima. Internet
uglavnom koristim za u~enje novih i
zanimljivih stvari. Facebook obi~no
koristim preko vikenda kada ~etujem sa ljudima koje ne vi|am ~esto.
Milica Cerovina (13)
I’m not an internet addict because
I believe that chatting in Facebook
cannot substitute socializing with
friends. I prefer spending vacations
and holidays with family and friends.
I use internet mainly to learn new
and interesting things. I usually use
Facebook over the weekend when
I chat with people who I don’t get to
see often.
he UN often acquires volunteer
services and support of noticeable individuals from the domains
of art, music, film, sport and literature
to highlight key issues and to draw
attention to its activities. These individu-
Are you an internet
bez Interneta
praznika, ali za vreme godi{njeg
odmora ga uvek kortistim.
Naj~e{}e ga koristim vikendom, oko 2 sata dnevno. Naravno da mogu bez Facebook-a,
ali on mi zaista poma`e u
komunikaciji, posebno da bih
se ~ula sa drugovima i drugaricama.
Svetlana Simic (13)
Yes, I can go without internet
during holidays, but I always
use it when I’m on vacation.
I mostly use it on weekends,
about 2 hours a day. Of course
I can go without Facebook,
but it really helps me communicate, especially to keep in
touch with friends.
als are named as Ambassadors of
Good Will, Champions or Spokespersons on a certain topic or an
objective, promoting overall UN
values through advocacy activities.
Among many Ambassadors of
Good Will some of the current and
most prominent are: Angelina Jolie
for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; David Beckham for United Nations Children’s
Fund; Christina Aguilera for United
Nations World Food Programme;
Julia Ormond for United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime; Nicole
Kidman for UNWomen; Don Cheadle
for United Nations Environmental
Programme; Shakira for United Nations Children’s Fund; Annie Lennox
for Joint United Nations Programmes
on HIV/AIDS; Jet Li for World Health
Organization; Nicolas Cage for United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime;
and many more.
UN in Kosovo has joined this nomina-
Ilija Slavi} (12)
da danas
svi koriste
kao {to
je Facebook, ja ipak nisam jedan od tih.
Vi{e volim da provodim vreme
sa drugovima igraju}i fudbal, a
to je mnogo bolje i zdravije od
kompjutera, igrica i Interneta.
Bolje je dru`iti se u`ivo sa ljudima, nego preko nekog monitora.
Ilija Slavic (12)
I use internet little. Considering that nowadays everybody
uses social networks, such as
Facebook, I am not one of them.
I prefer to spend time playing
soccer with my friends, and it’s
much better and healthier than
computers, games and the Internet. It’s better to socialize with
people in real life than through a
tion many years ago with mobilising a
few very prominent Goodwill Champions and Social Inclusion Champions like: Lorik Cana – Champion of
the Millennium Development Goals;
Zoran Ristić - Champion of the Millennium Development Goals; Arta
Dobroshi - Champion of the Millennium Development Goals. They come
together with the UNKT to discuss important human development aspects
in Kosovo.
Some UN Goodwill Ambassadors
have visited Kosovo over the years,
including: actress Angelina Jolie the
Good Will Ambassador for UNHCR,
actress Nicole Kidman UNWOMEN
Goodwill Ambassador, ex-football
player from Brazil -Ronaldo Goodwill
ambassador for the UNCIFCEF, etc
Who would you like to see as Good
Will Ambassador or Champion of a
certain cause? Lets’ keep in touch:
www.unkt.org; Facebook: UNKT;
Twitter: @UNKosovoTeam
for you 27
• Filmovi sa najviše
nominacija su “Titanik”
i “Sve o Evi”, svaki sa
po 14.
• Najuspešniji filmovi u istoriji Oskara su “Ben Hur”,
“Titanik” i “Gospodar prstenova :Povratak Kralja“.
Svaki je osvojio 11 nagrada
- mada je samo “Povratak
Kralja” jedan od onih koji je
poneo ku}i svaku nagradu
za koju je nominovan.
• The most
films are ‘Titanic’ and ‘All
About Eve’
with 14 each.
• The most successful
films in Oscar history are
‘Ben-Hur’, ‘Titanic’ and
‘Lord of the Rings: The
Return Of The King’. Each
took home 11 gongs –
although ‘Return Of The
King’ was the only one of
those to take home every
award for which it was nominated.
• “Prohujalo sa vihorom”
je najdu`i pobednik u
kategoriji najbolji film,
sa trajanjem od ~itavih
234 minuta. Mogli biste
da vidite i najkra}eg pobednika, Martija, dva i po
puta pre nego Skarlet
prekine vezicu svoje
balske haljine.
• Meril Strip je ostvarila
najviše nominacija za
najbolju glumicu, 14 do
sada, ali Ketrin Hepbern dr`i
rekord za najviše osvojenih
~etiri Oskara.
• Famously, Meryl Streep has accrued
the most Best Actress nominations
with 14 to date, but Katharine Hepburn holds the record for the most
wins with four.
• ‘Gone With The
Wind’ is the longest
Best Picture winner,
clocking in at languorous 234 minutes.
You could watch the
shortest winner, Marty,
two and a half times before Scarlett hangs up her ball gown.
• D`ejms Din, Spenser Trejsi i Masimo
Troisi su tako|e posthumno bili nominovani za najboljeg glumca, ali nisu pobedili.
• James Dean,
Spencer Tracy
and Massimo
Troisi had also
received posthumous Best
Actor nominations
but didn’t
•Jedini nastavak koji je osvojio nagradu za najbolji film je “Kum: Drugi deo”.
• The only sequel to have won Best
Picture is The Godfather: Part II.
28 for you
• Najmla|i
pobednik u
glumac je
Adrien Brodi (29), za
film “Pijanista”.
Najstariji je 76 -godišnji Henri
Fonda za film “Na
zlatnom jezeru”.
• Najmla|i dobitnik Oskara je Tatum O’Neal,
imala je samo deset kada je osvojila nagradu
za najbolju sporednu ulogu za film “Mesec
od papira” u 1973.
• The youngest Oscar
winner was
Tatum O’Neal,
only ten when
she won Best
Actress for
‘Paper Moon’
in 1973.
• The youngest Best
Actor winner is Adrien
Brody, 29, for ‘The
Pianist’. The oldest is 76
year-old Henry Fonda for
‘On Golden Pond’.
• Najviše nominovani pisci
scenarija su Vudi Alen sa
14 nominovanih scenarija
i dve pobede i Billi Vajlder,
sa 12 nominacija i tri pobede.
• The most nominated
writers are Woody
Allen, with 14 screenplay nods
and two
wins, and
Billy Wilder, with 12
nods and three wins.
• John Cazale se pojavio
u samo pet filmova tokom
svoje kratke karijere “Kum”, “Razgovor”, “Kum II”,
“Pasje popodne” i “Lovac na
jelene” - i svih pet su nominovani
za Oskara.
• John Cazale has appeared in only five films
during his brief career
and all five – ‘The Godfather’, ‘The Conversation’, ‘The Godfather: Part II’, ‘Dog Day
and ‘The
Deer Hunter’ – were
Oscar nominated.
• Samo dva glumca su osvojila Oskara za tuma~enje
istog lika: Marlon Brando
i Robert De Niro za ulogu
Vito Korleone u filmovima
“Kum” i “Kum II”.
• Tri animirana filma su dobili nominacije za najbolji film: “Lepotica i
zver” (1991), “Up” ( 2010 ) i “Toy
Story 3” (2011) . Imajte na umu da
su se dva
od ovih
nakon što
je broj
nominovanih za
• Only two actors have won
an Oscar for playing the same
character: Marlon Brando and
Robert De Niro for playing Vito
Corleone in ‘The Godfather’ and
‘The Godfather II’ respectively.
najbolji film pove}an na deset.
• Three animated films have received
Best Picture nominations: ‘Beauty And
The Beast’ (1991), ‘Up’ (2010) and
‘Toy Story 3’ (2011). Note that two
of those squeaked in after the nominees for Best Picture increased to
for you 29
30 for you
Slobodno vreme provodim
igraju}i fudbal sa drugarima.
tako|e, volim da slu{am
muziku, a najomiljeniji mi je
Kerber. Kada su filmovi u
pitanju, Titanik je po meni
najbolji film na svetu. Od
glumaca mi se posebno
dopada Brad Pitt. Voleo bih
da objavite poster Crvene
Zvezde. Toliko od mene!
Aleksandar Petrovi}
O[ „Milan Raki}“
Babin Most
Magazin mi se mnogo
svi|a, zanimljiv je, volim ga
mnogo zato {to ima sva{ta
o `ivotinjama i ima postera
koji mi se mnogo svi|aju.
Zamolio bih Vas da objavite
poster Christian-a Ronaldo-a,
ina~e mi je fudbal najdra`i
sport. Silvester Stalone je
jedan od najboljih glumaca,
posebno u filmu Rambo.
\or|e A|an~i}
O[ „Milan Raki}“
Babin Most
Amadeus bend je meni
najdra`i bend, momci zaista
imaju dobre pesme. Titanik
mi je najomiljeniji film, a
glumac Jackie Chan. Voleo
bih da objavite poster na{eg
najboljeg tenisera Novaka
\okovi}a. @elim da se bavim
tenisom, ali ovde nemamo.
Slobodno vreme provodim na
Miljan Petkovi}
O[ „Milan Raki}“
Babin Most
Draga redakcijo,
Milica Pavlovi} je jedna
od novih peva~ica koja se
za kratko vreme proslavila
plesom i pesmom. Posebno
mi se dopada njena pesma
Pakleni plan. Sloboda
Mi}alovi} je glumica koju
posebno volim. A od filmova
najvi{e volim da gledam
Terminator 3. Voleo bih da
objavite poster Seke Aleksi}.
Nenad Mili}
O[ „Milan Raki}“
Babin Most
Ovaj magazin je zaista
super. Mene posebno
zanimaju automobili, motori,
kompjuteri, {kola i sport.
Voleo bih da o tim temama
pi{ete vi{e. Omiljeni
sportovi su mi fudbal, tenis
i ko{arka. Od glumica mi
se dopada Angelina Jolie,
a od peva~ica Ceca. Voleo
bih da dobijem poster Ane
Aner Sulejmani
Mlike, Draga{
najvi{e volim da slu{am
muziku na engleskom jeziku,
to mi je najomiljeniji hobi.
Posebno bih pomenuo
Rihanna-u, Lady Gaga-u i
Black Eyed Peas. Zaista bih
Vam bila zahvalna kada biste
pisali o njima. A od glumica
posebno odvajam Penelope
Cruz. Od sportova volim
odbojku, tenis i plivanje.
Naila Bajrami
Ekonomsko-turisti~ka {kola
Mlike, Draga{
for you 31
I spend my free time playing
soccer with my friends. I also
like to listen to music, my
favorite band is Kerber. When it
comes to movies, in my opinion
Titanic is the best movie in
the world. As for actors, I
particularly like Brad Pitt. I
would like you to publish a Red
Star poster. That’s all from me!
Aleksandar Petrovic
PS „Milan Rakic“
Babin Most
I like the magazine very
much, it is very interesting,
I like it a lot because there
are plenty of things about
animals, and posters which
I like very much too. I
would ask you to publish
a poster of Cristiano
Ronaldo. By the way,
football is my favorite sport.
Sylvester Stallone is one of
the best actors, especially
in the movie Rambo.
Djordje Adjancic
PS „Milan Rakic“
Babin Most
Dear all,
Amadeus Bend is my favorite
band, the guys have really
great songs. Titanic is my
favorite movie and Jackie
Chan my favorite actor. I would
like you to publish a poster of
our best tennis player Novak
Djokovic. I want to play tennis
but there are no opportunities
for that here. I spend my free
time on my computer.
Miljan Petkovic
PS „Milan Rakic“
Babin Most
Dear editors,
Milica Pavlovic is one of the
new singers who in a short time
become famous by singing
and dancing. I especially like
her song Pakleni plan (devilish
plan). Sloboda Micalovic is an
actress I like in particular.
As for movies, I love to
watch Terminator 3. I would
like you to publish a poster
of Seka Aleksic.
Nenad Milic
PS „Milan Rakic“
Babin Most
This magazine is really great.
I am particularly interested in
cars, motorcycles, computers,
school and sports. I would like
you to write more about these
topics. My favorite sports are
football, tennis and basketball.
Angelina Jolie is my favorite
actress, and Ceca is my
favorite singer. I’d love to get a
poster of Ana Ivanovic.
Aner Sulejmani
School of Economics and
Mlike, Dragas
I like best listening to English-
music, it’s my favorite hobby.
I would like to mention in
particular Rihanna, Lady
Gaga and Black Eyed Peas.
I would really be grateful
if you would write about
them. When it comes to
actresses, I especially like
Penelope Cruz. As for sports,
I like volleyball, tennis and
Naila Bajrami
School of Economics and
Mlike, Dragas